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How many jobs will we see in the expansion?Follow

#1 Feb 21 2014 at 4:31 AM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
With work already being started on the expansion, I'm expecting at least 2 new jobs (maybe more!) Share your top 3 jobs you'd like implemented for discussion and fun. Smiley: blush
#2 Feb 21 2014 at 4:38 AM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
I would ideally like 3 as they did in a few 11 expansions. Since the RNG equivalent was already confirmed, it would be nice to see a pure dagger-related job outside of GLD (THF) which leaves a slot for a magic job. Honestly, though, we could benefit from another tank job. We have a tank that is really good at holding aggro on multiple targets with self healing (reminds me of death knight from WoW), the classic sword and board with lots of mitigation...I would like one based on evasion (similar to NIN and, to a lesser extent, durid bear tank).
#3 Feb 21 2014 at 5:04 AM Rating: Good
The more jobs to juggle with the harder it is to keep the overall balance... that said too many jobs at once might disrupt the balance too much.

I wish they would introduce more jobs gradually instead of all at once for this reason. I think that was their initial plan... now it looks like the jobs are saved for the expansions. I'm not sure if I'd want more classes or more builds on a single class like SCH/SMN is now or completely new classes.
#4 Feb 21 2014 at 7:19 AM Rating: Good
Conjurer could get Cleric, as an all out DPS job. And Thaum could go for Red Mage, bringing us a buff/debuff based hybrid healer/support role. Might be fun to mix it up.
#5 Feb 21 2014 at 7:25 AM Rating: Good
4,511 posts
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
I would ideally like 3 as they did in a few 11 expansions. Since the RNG equivalent was already confirmed, it would be nice to see a pure dagger-related job outside of GLD (THF) which leaves a slot for a magic job. Honestly, though, we could benefit from another tank job. We have a tank that is really good at holding aggro on multiple targets with self healing (reminds me of death knight from WoW), the classic sword and board with lots of mitigation...I would like one based on evasion (similar to NIN and, to a lesser extent, durid bear tank).

Well the thing with that is that it would be super unbalanced (just as bad as it was in FFXI).

If you had the choice between:

1) Warrior. A tank that needs a reasonable amount of healing, but deals a TON of damage and keeps hate on AoE things with self heals too.

2) Paladin. A tank that needs a reasonable amount of healing, has a few more points of mitigation but deals far less damage and has no real AoE capability.

3) Ninja. A tank that you barely had to cure because it dodges a lot of attacks and can be ignored for a bit without dying, while doing everything the other two do.

Why would anyone pick the tanks they would literally have to keep cure bombing or they wouldnt be standing anymore? :/ It's not logical.

So no, please DONT give us ninja again >< The tanks we have right now are great thank you very much.
#6 Feb 21 2014 at 7:35 AM Rating: Good
377 posts
If I remember correctly, they said that they would be adding jobs in the content patches not the expansions but that new classes (if any) will come from the expansions.
#7 Feb 21 2014 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
2 or 3, and I suspect they'll be going with the fan favorites first.

DRK and NIN pl0x
#8 Feb 21 2014 at 8:58 AM Rating: Good
The level 50 Ixali already use Enaero. I think this means some of the mobs are already RDM's. So, RDM is coming next is a pretty good guess.

They already have a Musketeers Guild, so I'm thinking that is coming.

So that's one mage class, possibly in the Healer role, and one ranged DD. That leaves a melee DD and Tank to be added. Since Tanks are scarce, adding a new Tank job first would make the most sense. I think by popular demand NIN is the obvious choice.

Let's just say they have the abilities already set for NIN, RDM, MSK and THF. (See what I did there?) The most obvious path is to add NIN and RDM to help fill the roles that are currently most in demand. Somehow I doubt the expansions will include more than 2 new jobs, but 4 would be awesome!

With all that said, I just want SAM!
#9 Feb 21 2014 at 9:33 AM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
KojiroSoma wrote:
Well the thing with that is that it would be super unbalanced (just as bad as it was in FFXI).

If you had the choice between:

1) Warrior. A tank that needs a reasonable amount of healing, but deals a TON of damage and keeps hate on AoE things with self heals too.

2) Paladin. A tank that needs a reasonable amount of healing, has a few more points of mitigation but deals far less damage and has no real AoE capability.

3) Ninja. A tank that you barely had to cure because it dodges a lot of attacks and can be ignored for a bit without dying, while doing everything the other two do.

Why would anyone pick the tanks they would literally have to keep cure bombing or they wouldnt be standing anymore? :/ It's not logical.

So no, please DONT give us ninja again >< The tanks we have right now are great thank you very much.

It was an issue because MP didn't regenerate as fast as it does in 14. I don't want ninja: just a job that focuses on dodging as a primary way to mitigate damage. WAR uses parry, PLD uses shield block, and ideally the third tank uses evasion + has a massive HP pool (like bear tanking in WoW). I feel, though, that this is covered by WAR already except replace parry with evasion. I wouldn't mind a shadow system, though. It was kinda fun.

Edited, Feb 21st 2014 10:33am by HitomeOfBismarck
#10 Feb 21 2014 at 9:41 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
1. Blue Mage. FTW.
2. Corsair. Because it is long overdue.
3. Ranger. Because not all bow users want to play the harp.
4. Thief. Sneak attack / trick attack FTW.
#11 Feb 21 2014 at 10:01 AM Rating: Good
595 posts
I like the way they made Arcanist split off into two jobs, Summoner and Scholar. One being a dps and the other a healer. I'd like to see them continue in a similar pattern with each class eventually splitting into two different types of job.

I could see Gladiator splitting off into Red Mage as a possibility, with Red Mage being a dps job. If the support abilities were from Thaumaturge and Conjuror, they'd get access to the base tiers of each element. Then their first class ability could be some type of En-Elemental ability that makes their sword combos do magic damage based on the spells the cast, similar to the way Arcanist/Summoner's Summon abilities are changed when they do their job quest. Other job abilities could be Convert, Refresh, and Phalanx.

It seems obvious to me that they could split Marauder into Warrior the tank, and Dark Knight the dps. Perhaps Dark Knight could get their support abilities from Arcanist, giving them access to additional DoT spells.

I would like to see a new class introduced, maybe called Rogue, that uses Double Daggers as a weapon. This class would split into the dps job Thief or the tank job Ninja.

Just my 2 cents.
#12 Feb 21 2014 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
Since there are only two melee DD, I could see them adding at least one more of those. My vote goes to DRK.
#13 Feb 21 2014 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
79 posts
my vote would also be for drk but from a new class not WAR.

I do not want a drk wielding Great Axe. give me a Great sword or Great Scythe
#14 Feb 21 2014 at 11:22 AM Rating: Excellent
641 posts
It would probably follow the same scheme as ACN, SMN and SCH. You can equip weapons for all the jobs up to the level cap and end up with weapons for different jobs.
#15 Feb 21 2014 at 11:49 AM Rating: Excellent
595 posts
BlackstarrStrife wrote:
I do not want a drk wielding Great Axe. give me a Great sword or Great Scythe

They could easily add either of these as a secondary weapon for marauders, like gladiators have daggers in addition to swords, or how conjurers and thaumaturges can use clubs and staves.
#16 Feb 21 2014 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
1. thief
2. thief
3. thief

imho they should work on getting ALL the classic FF jobs in the game before branching out into new jobs/categories (i.e dancer, corsair, musketeer etc etc)
#17 Feb 21 2014 at 12:36 PM Rating: Good
I don't see how Ninja would work in an instance style game fighting multiple mobs at once, but that doesn't negate the fact that I would love to see it in XIV.
1. Ninja
2. Blue Mage
3. Thief/Assassin class
#18 Feb 21 2014 at 2:20 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
I've got 3 words, just 3 words:

Disciples of Stealth

Smiley: grin
#19 Feb 21 2014 at 3:47 PM Rating: Good
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
I would ideally like 3 as they did in a few 11 expansions. Since the RNG equivalent was already confirmed, it would be nice to see a pure dagger-related job outside of GLD (THF) which leaves a slot for a magic job. Honestly, though, we could benefit from another tank job. We have a tank that is really good at holding aggro on multiple targets with self healing (reminds me of death knight from WoW), the classic sword and board with lots of mitigation...I would like one based on evasion (similar to NIN and, to a lesser extent, durid bear tank).

Pretty much this.

Thief (dual knives), evasion tank (but not Utsusemi), and a Ranger equivalent is what I would hope for.
#20 Feb 21 2014 at 4:32 PM Rating: Good
56 posts
I have to say blue mage
#21 Feb 21 2014 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
719 posts
I think the game is already kind of set up for certain things to be implemented sooner rather than later:

Musketeer class, considering there's a guild already in place for it. It would probably start as another ranged, non-magic DPS class. Perhaps once they roll out hybrid Roles, one of the Jobs for it could be a Gun Mage that can have a variety of effects. Perhaps even a Chemist healer job.

Geomancer seems to perfectly, exactly fit as the second Conjurer Job. It continues with the nature theme of the class, but focuses on the damage aspects as opposed to the healing ones from White Mage.

I think Dark Knight is going to go to Gladiator. Again, having a very different focus from Paladin. People seem to keep assuming DRK will wield a 2H weapon just because they did in XI. I think XIV is going to try and change it up, perhaps even going back to IV's roots and go with classic 1H sword.

Also, Ranger, or something similar to be the opposing Job for Archer. When they release it, I'm sure they'll adjust Bard so that it's more of a Hybrid role than DPS.

The rest are more wishlist type things:

A Duelist class that uses Rapiers, splitting off into Red Mage (Hybrid) and a Rune Fencer-esque (Tank or even DPS) job.

A Rouge class that uses Daggers/Knives and splits off into Thief (DPS) and Dancer (Hybrid)

A Far-East class that uses both 1H and 2H katanas, splitting into Ninja(could see it being developed as Tank, Hybid) and Samurai (DPS)

Time Mage as a Hybrid job option for Thaumaturge

And finally, not sure what other jobs could fit with Lancer or Marauder, but they're probably going to have to come up with new Jobs, or reinvent some classic ones so they fit. Some sort of Tank Job might fit Lancer because it'd be a shame for that heavy armor to go to waste ;) As for Marauder, a lot of people say Dark Knight, and to a certain extent that makes sense considering the HP drain features of the class, but I just can't see a "Knight" Job wielding a big Axe. Maybe that's just me?

#22 Feb 21 2014 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
CireXF wrote:
Musketeer class, considering there's a guild already in place for it.

That guild has been there for 4 years...
#23 Feb 21 2014 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
65 posts
1) Ninja DD-Job ( With a variety of different martial art weapons. )
2) Musketeer ( including Gunblades. )
3) Necromancer
#24 Feb 23 2014 at 11:05 PM Rating: Good
342 posts
The problem with adding new jobs to existing classes as opposed to adding new classes entirely is that you'd have tons of level 50s running around in the new job on day 1. I mean if they add a new job to the gladiator class, for example, all I'd have to do is bust out the 5 job level quests and I've done everything there is to do. That doesn't seem right to me. Bring on new classes.

That being said, I'm not against having the current classes have multiple options as to where they go, I just don't see it going that path. Maybe... what if they boost the actual level cap in the expansion, and that opens prestige classes? Maybe as a level 50 paladin, I could choose to take one of two different paths. Maybe you could stick with paladin and gain new abilities as you go, or choose to take a different path (magic knight?) with different abilities, strengths, and weaknesses as you continue to level up. Both paths would hopefully be balanced, and it's personal choice which way you go. You can always switch to the other if you so desire... but you have to level the two independently. I think that would be fun and give us tons to do, and there are lots of possibilities that would make sense (WHM > Geomancer? Bard > Ranger? Warrior > Dark Knight? Scholar > Blue Mage? Just some thoughts). It would be great for end game congestion as even those who have several classes at 50 will now have lots more jobs to level, especially if they choose to level off both paths.
#25 Feb 24 2014 at 4:34 AM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
Cool idea Ray. I've been thinking about something similar myself.
#26 Feb 24 2014 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
I see allot of people say thief. I dont know why they would go that route since it really can not affect drop rates in dungeons in this game. Most mobs that drop crafting materials already is too high. Almost seems like worthless class for this game..Something with knives would be cool though just not thief.

Musketeer doesn't sound good for this type of game.. Guns against swords... Naa

Ranger sounds good...

Edited, Feb 24th 2014 9:34am by Nashred
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