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#27 Feb 06 2014 at 4:19 PM Rating: Excellent
Thayos if I ever run for office, I think I've found my PR man Smiley: sly

We'd be a dangerous team! We'd have a "good cop, bad cop" thing going for us, too. You could totally spout off and put your political opponents to shame... then I gather the media and say, "Filth didn't literally mean his opponent is a 'thieving, two-faced *******.' It's just that he cares so much about his constituents. FilthMcNasty believes whoever is elected to this position should have nothing but the public good at heart."
Thayos Redblade
#28 Feb 06 2014 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
Thayos if I ever run for office, I think I've found my PR man Smiley: sly

We'd be a dangerous team! We'd have a "good cop, bad cop" thing going for us, too. You could totally spout off and put your political opponents to shame... then I gather the media and say, "Filth didn't literally mean his opponent is a 'thieving, two-faced *******.' It's just that he cares so much about his constituents. FilthMcNasty believes whoever is elected to this position should have nothing but the public good at heart."

Excellent. What have you got lined up for when I decide to hold the winter olympics at a beach resort? Smiley: lol
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#29 Feb 06 2014 at 4:56 PM Rating: Excellent
You want to make the Winter Olympics more accessible to a new audience of people from around the world. A vote for Filth is a vote for inclusion!
Thayos Redblade
#30 Feb 06 2014 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
You want to make the Winter Olympics more accessible to a new audience of people from around the world. A vote for Filth is a vote for inclusion!

Ok, it's creeping me out now Smiley: blush
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#31 Feb 06 2014 at 5:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Filth, this would be you if you ran for office: and

Edited, Feb 6th 2014 3:14pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#32 Feb 06 2014 at 7:25 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Of course they'd say ARR as it's not only their NEWEST product, it's an MMORPG, a P2P MMO which is a constant money stream compared to single sales on box/digital download offline titles.

Much like they always pointed out how XI was pretty much their main income for numerous years.

#33 Feb 06 2014 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
The end of FFXIV...

will be in approximately 4 1/2 billion years.

You scared? Smiley: tongue

Theonehio wrote:
Of course they'd say ARR as it's not only their NEWEST product, it's an MMORPG, a P2P MMO which is a constant money stream compared to single sales on box/digital download offline titles.

MMOs require updating and development so they're also a constant money drain. The difference between XI and most modern MMOs was that it's player base increased steadily over several years. It remains to be seen whether or not XIV can follow suit, but odds are against that. The market is probably far too saturated at this point with many more MMOs incoming in the near future. TESO, Wildstar, EQL/EQN, the SWG based MMO(maybe Repopulation), Blade and Soul, Camelot Unchained, ect. ect. ect.

I know XIV will survive, but will it thrive?

Edited, Feb 6th 2014 8:44pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#34 Feb 06 2014 at 8:05 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Ruisu wrote:
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
Or, you know, ANY leading ladies.
Terra, Celes, Garnet, Ashe, FFXI's underage trio (Prishe, Lilisette, Aphmau). We've had our share.
So then we get an all-male main cast. That makes sense.
Assuming this was truly written and done with when the game was called Versus XIII, this was planned all along for some reason. Assuming they were just playing tetris for almost 8 years before realizing they had to get any work done on versus/FFXV, they probably wanted something different from what FFXIII brought to the table.

Edited, Feb 6th 2014 4:35pm by Ruisu

I meant the fact that the current main cast of FFXV is all male, with the exception of one non-playable female (and seemingly love interest) character. I'm very, very dissatisfied about that.

FF has had a lot of really great female characters. Seeing an all-male party line-up was just jarring. Particularly since it seems like it's not just a boys club, it's a bros club. I REALLY don't need a cast that's Squall and a bunch of Snow goons.

I'm trying to stay optimistic about it, because the story sounds interesting and the combat looks good, but characters are a really, really big factor in whether or not I like a game.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#35 Feb 06 2014 at 8:36 PM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Quite frankly all character in ARR are pretty flat, I chalk it up to being the atmosphere of the game being meh honestly. Maybe once they start doing throwbacks to FF in the story character wise it'll get up there in interest levels, otherwise it just felt like they tried too hard to give certain characters new personalities from 1.x.

#36 Feb 06 2014 at 10:46 PM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
Ruisu wrote:
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
Or, you know, ANY leading ladies.
Terra, Celes, Garnet, Ashe, FFXI's underage trio (Prishe, Lilisette, Aphmau). We've had our share.
So then we get an all-male main cast. That makes sense.
Assuming this was truly written and done with when the game was called Versus XIII, this was planned all along for some reason. Assuming they were just playing tetris for almost 8 years before realizing they had to get any work done on versus/FFXV, they probably wanted something different from what FFXIII brought to the table.

Edited, Feb 6th 2014 4:35pm by Ruisu

I meant the fact that the current main cast of FFXV is all male, with the exception of one non-playable female (and seemingly love interest) character. I'm very, very dissatisfied about that.

FF has had a lot of really great female characters. Seeing an all-male party line-up was just jarring. Particularly since it seems like it's not just a boys club, it's a bros club. I REALLY don't need a cast that's Squall and a bunch of Snow goons.

I'm trying to stay optimistic about it, because the story sounds interesting and the combat looks good, but characters are a really, really big factor in whether or not I like a game.

I like it. It's different. I didn't have a problem with X-2 being an all girl crew, the game was just bad.
#37 Feb 06 2014 at 11:53 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:

Commence arguments with Duo and Killua...can get Preludes in there as well.

what is there to argue about? no one would deny that XIV is financial success.... i mean what game that charges you monthly WOULDNT be (they said the same about XI.... despite that most could say that FFIV or FFVII are the best FF games ever made), call of duty only sells millions on day one.... gta5 is probably he best selling game in history, all those are unarguable facts.. despite all that.... just because a game sells well doesnt mean EVERYONE has to like it or think its the best game(s) on the planet.

the Twilight movies made plenty of money..... so all of us on this board thing those movies were the greatest thing to ever grace the silver screen? doubtful, Im sure each and every one of you (he males at least) would say those movies are garbage. Yet does that change the fact that they were financial successes? no
#38 Feb 07 2014 at 2:14 AM Rating: Good
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:

what is there to argue about? no one would deny that XIV is financial success.... i mean what game that charges you monthly WOULDNT be

All of them?

SE is the only company that has stated that their post-2008 P2P MMO is a financial success.

There might be an exception somewhere, but at least I do not remember such thing.
#39 Feb 07 2014 at 8:01 AM Rating: Excellent
Hyanmen wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:

what is there to argue about? no one would deny that XIV is financial success.... i mean what game that charges you monthly WOULDNT be

All of them?

SE is the only company that has stated that their post-2008 P2P MMO is a financial success.

There might be an exception somewhere, but at least I do not remember such thing.

Running through my mental list of all the MMO's in the universe, EVE Online is the only other successful pure P2P MMO that I can think of off the top of my head that's currently a financial success.
#40 Feb 07 2014 at 8:03 AM Rating: Excellent
EVE is older than 2008, no?

Edited, Feb 7th 2014 9:03am by Catwho
#41 Feb 07 2014 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Yeah, EVE has been around for a while - 2003.

And if we aren't limiting it to post-08 games, we obviously have FFXI and WoW. I don't remember what other games are still on a pure subscription model, though. EQ2 has an optional sub model now, right?
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#42 Feb 07 2014 at 10:13 AM Rating: Excellent
I've come to the conclusion that anyone who complains about the P2P model is either in high school or has never actually worked in a job that involves IT related things or any kind of creativity beyond fast food. (I could see a 30+ year old insurance agent with kids whining about it, at the same time he drops $500 on new armor in League of Legends.)

$15 a month is a friggin bargain for the amount of hours an MMO can give you. It's the same cost as a movie ticket, which is at most 2-3 hours of entertainment, and a fraction of the cost of cable TV which provides the same technical access to 24/7 entertainment.
#43 Feb 07 2014 at 10:40 AM Rating: Excellent
I've come to the conclusion that anyone who complains about the P2P model is either in high school or has never actually worked in a job that involves IT related things or any kind of creativity beyond fast food.

They have probably never played P2P games, either... so far, the patches for FFXIV have blown early patches for GW2 so far out of the water, it's not even funny. The expansion is going to be nuts... and that wouldn't be possible without the P2P model.

$15/month for all this content is winning!
Thayos Redblade
#44 Feb 07 2014 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
P2P is a solid model if you intend to play consistently, and for a decent amount of time.

But they're FAR less appealing to someone who doesn't intend to do one of those (or either).

Only going to log on one day a week? The sub becomes less attractive. Only going to play for 10 hours a month? The sub becomes less attractive.

Both those types of gamers exist, and exist in decent numbers, and play MMOs. Your average MMO player, despite the trope, does NOT play every day or for 4-5 hours at a time. That's why Blizzard had such success creating more casual content.

A subscription model forces players to make a commitment that doesn't exist with the F2P model. I can't just log in and have fun when I decide, down the line, it might be cool to check out how the game has changed.

I have a TOR sub. I haven't played TOR in probably 2 months. I didn't intend to not play TOR. I just... didn't. That's $30 wasted, because the fact that I thought I would log in didn't actualize in reality. That is partly on me for not checking my sub when it was clear I hadn't played it... but I still thought I WOULD play, and I didn't really think about the game when I wasn't playing.

That really crashes the value of the subscription. A subscription is only valuable if you USE IT, and having a sub means you need to use it or waste it. That's not a particularly good feeling; I find it does sort of bring down the experience. It's like you are sort of begrudgingly playing, at times.

I think subs have a time and a place. And I think the F2P model has a time and a place. And they both have pros and cons. The F2P model is pretty obviously the one that's better for the consumer, if it's not a P2W game.

As for the expansion comment, TOR had an expansion that was available for purchase. And after a long while, they gave it away for free. I don't see why expansions wouldn't be possible without subs? They still have a purchase price, to help cover the cost of development. Subscription funds are generally used to cover development costs and maintenance fees for the current game. The development of an expansion is a gamble that enough people will purchase it to make it worthwhile.

WoW didn't take a profit hit with the release of expansions, its profit skyrocketed. Because they got all the profit from the subs, plus all the profit from software purchases.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#45 Feb 07 2014 at 11:07 AM Rating: Excellent
I think subs have a time and a place. And I think the F2P model has a time and a place. And they both have pros and cons. The F2P model is pretty obviously the one that's better for the consumer, if it's not a P2W game.

You make some good points, but you also leave a few out. The P2P model honestly does trump F2P for encouraging/allowing quality content from developers... and there's simply no refuting that.

A F2P model only succeeds when certain content is put behind a pay wall, or when natural in-game progression to obtain those items is made so painfully slow, that eventually, you'll just want to pay for it. Therefore, I argue that P2P games are actually BETTER for people who have limited playtime, but only for those gamers who would rather reach their goals through natural progression than take shortcuts.

I'm like you... some nights I can play a lot, but some nights, I can't play at all. I work all day, and sometimes at night. I'm married, and I also work out literally every day. My marriage, my job and my fitness (and friends, when there's time) all take priority over gaming. That said, I really tried getting into GW2 (one of the better, more content-intensive F2P games recently released) and just couldn't do it. The game was fun, but what drove me nuts was how there was no realistic way for me to get the game's coolest items without buying gems for the cash shop. A P2P Final Fantasy game with the doors flung open is a breath of fresh air for me.

The thing is, I'm an old-school gamer, and always will be... and the thought of buying upgrades or rewards for my character through a cash shop is absurd. If I'm not able to get these things in the game with reasonable effort, then what's the point? On the flipside, I know people who would gladly just buy things in a cash shop, and then putter around doing whatever else they want during their available gaming time. There's nothing wrong with either approach...

After buying GW2, though, I spent zero dollars on the game's cash shop. After buying FFXIV:ARR, I've already spent $60 in subscription fees... AND I feel much better about playing, because I know my in-game accomplishments will be the result of what I put into the game, and not what I buy from a cash shop.

Neither approach to gaming is wrong... it's all personal preference... but there are more than enough people like me to make solid P2P titles successful and sustainable.

EDIT: Also, if your schedule is so sporadic that you may go a month between play cycles, then ARR probably isn't the best game for you to be playing. I honestly couldn't imagine being able to play an MMO effectively with that kind of limitation. I'm not trying to stand in that "GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE!!!" crowd... but MMOs shouldn't be designed around people who can't play on a somewhat reliable schedule.

Edited, Feb 7th 2014 9:23am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#46 Feb 07 2014 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:

what is there to argue about? no one would deny that XIV is financial success.... i mean what game that charges you monthly WOULDNT be

All of them?

SE is the only company that has stated that their post-2008 P2P MMO is a financial success.

There might be an exception somewhere, but at least I do not remember such thing.

TERA and SWTOR were a success for awhile as well. Pretty much every MMO was a successful for a short time then it blows up and we see the outcome.

#47 Feb 07 2014 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Everything I've heard about GW2's content updates makes me just not believe your stance about whether or not content development is a firm difference between P2P and F2P.

In the end, everything is going to come down to the kind of revenue you're sustainably producing. That's the one and only factor.

If a subscription game isn't maintaining a high-enough population, then its content production is going to be slashed drastically, which is what happened with TOR. Once TOR switched to F2P, their revenue shot up, and their content production has been much higher than it was during the sub period.

As for the rest of your post, you need to stop conflating F2P with P2W if we're going to have any kind of realistic conversation here. P2W is a subset of the F2P model, and the entire experience and development approach is very, very different.

GW2 is NOT a P2W game. You can use real money for boosts and cosmetic items that are quality of life and aesthetic improvements, only. You can't purchase weapons, armor, or even content.

LotRO is somewhere between F2P and P2W. It gates actual content blocks behind price tags, so it's not QUITE F2P (since you can't really progress past a fairly early level playing free). But it's not quite P2W, since (to the best of my knowledge), you can't purchase competitive endgame gearsets. It's in a limbo. And to be clear, it's a limbo I don't like (nor do I like any P2W models).

An example of P2W isn't coming to mind right now, but MANY Asian F2P mmos fit this bill.

P2W sucks. F2P != P2W.

Another example is TOR.

TOR is, in ways, over-monetized. Most notably, imo, are the medical probes. These are what you rez in the field when you die, as opposed to having to fight your way back in from a medical droid. They are unlimited for subscribers, but F2P players have to purchase them (or just rez back at the droid, which isn't the end of the world, but it's annoying for hard missions).

But TOR also delivers access to all of its content without the requirement that you pay, and you can't buy endgame gear with money. Actually, if you want to raid, you HAVE to be a subscriber - they don't make that a F2P option. So subscribers pay for content updates of the raiding variety. Everything else is paid for entirely through cosmetic, quality-of-life, exp booster, and medical probe purchases.

I disagree with some of those quality-of-life purchases being gated, because they really should be standard. But the content itself isn't gated.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#48 Feb 07 2014 at 1:02 PM Rating: Excellent
As for the rest of your post, you need to stop conflating F2P with P2W if we're going to have any kind of realistic conversation here. P2W is a subset of the F2P model, and the entire experience and development approach is very, very different.

GW2 is NOT a P2W game. You can use real money for boosts and cosmetic items that are quality of life and aesthetic improvements, only. You can't purchase weapons, armor, or even content.

GW2 isn't a P2W game... but I'll call it a P2E game... "Pay to Enjoy."

Want that flaming sword? Tough, you've got to buy it.

Want that cool electric armor? Tough, gotta buy that too.

Want to unlock all those treasure chests you've found? Sure, you may be able to find occasional keys to unlock a few... but meanwhile, you'll have a big stack of treasure chests that you can't unlock, unless.... yep, you guessed it... you're willing to buy keys in the cash shop.

That's just not fun for me. Do you need all that fun stuff to "win" the game? No... but, I want access to that stuff to have fun.

For me (and many others), continually having to unlock fun stuff through a cash shop isn't fun.

THAT, to me, is the key divide between P2P and F2P. People who are honestly fans of each model end up spending money in the long run, regardless of whether they do it through monthly fees or cash shops. I simply prefer to pay a fee up-front and then forget about cash while I'm doing my gaming.

EDIT: And, as I said before, the content "updates" for the first six-12 months of GW2 were pretty forgettable. Most development resources were put into seasonal events that were built around monetizing seasonal cash shop items. The actual in-game updates were on par with the mini FATE events that people complain about in FFXIV.

Edited, Feb 7th 2014 11:05am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#49 Feb 07 2014 at 1:04 PM Rating: Excellent
Theonehio wrote:
Quite frankly all character in ARR are pretty flat, I chalk it up to being the atmosphere of the game being meh honestly. Maybe once they start doing throwbacks to FF in the story character wise it'll get up there in interest levels, otherwise it just felt like they tried too hard to give certain characters new personalities from 1.x.

The entirety of Crystal Tower is a throwback to FFIII. About the only thing that was missing was Luneth and Refia.
#50 Feb 07 2014 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
As for the rest of your post, you need to stop conflating F2P with P2W if we're going to have any kind of realistic conversation here. P2W is a subset of the F2P model, and the entire experience and development approach is very, very different.

This is an unfortunately too common trap I see sprung any time someone dares to mutter a certain 3 character acronym around people who have perhaps been brainwashed into believing that P2P is unquestionably superior. Be it XI, XIV, Rift, or GW2, all have issues with their development and content I wish would change in some form or another.

I'd probably put GW2 and XIV's problems together in that there's little to no meaningful solo endgame content. I would've put XI here, but the RoE system/gear gave Adoulin a decent, even if temporary nudge. Rift is generally in a similar position, but my big problem there is the effort:reward ratio is all kinds of terrible. All of these games suffer from crafting being a questionable activity, be it gear, consumables, or even furniture production. All 4 games have "dynamic" events to some degree, with me feeling Rift's the best of the lot with GW2 and XIV being interchangeable and XI bringing up the rear.

I feel like GW2 would be a lot better off if it didn't focus so much on temporary content, either. Falling behind in an MMO is one thing. Never being able to SEE content is another. Imagine if SE just revoked CoP missions for XI because ToAU came out. It's kinda like that, even if the content itself might not be terribly deep. Unfortunately, I do think GW2 has also been penetrated by the RMT when it comes to dictating gold:gem trades. Anet getting a handle on that with a minimum gold cost of their own could theoretically circumvent Thayos' concern about never getting a certain piece of vanity gear (I think bag/storage space is a bigger must, myself), but instead to "earn" such for "free" you basically have to sink a metric **** ton of time in, and most likely in dungeons or RvRvR to acquire your gold. I know Rift actually lets players buy REX from others for plat and the cost hasn't spiraled out of control due to a similar minimum value.

In the end, I feel it isn't so much about how a company gets their money, but what they do with it. If they do it right, people will want to give them more regardless of model. And in the perfect scenario, F2P buys should probably rival P2P if "must haves" are a factor. And this is without stepping into the ugly territory of P2W.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#51 Feb 07 2014 at 1:29 PM Rating: Excellent
I still think the biggest issue with previous MMOs were the investors. SE and Blizzard are a couple of the few comanies completely funding their project. When you have investors involved, they want their money back, and fast. Company starts looking into F2P, predicts better returns, and boom. XIV can take 3-4 years to start being 100% profitable and SE will just wait it out.

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