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#377 Mar 04 2014 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
I don't know if I agree. In fact, I think a lot of the changes in 2.0 made the game much more accessible to young players who might not having as much patience to stay focused on one thing for too long.

The game was even advertised on Cartoon Network using pretty young actors if that gives you any idea of their target audience.

If the game was made for older players, why would they choose to advertise it on Cartoon Network?

If you're older, and don't have much time on your hands... you may not be facing the same issues that other subscribers are facing. That is a side effect or coincidence. It doesn't mean that the game was created for your specific group.
#378 Mar 04 2014 at 11:49 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Thayos wrote:
My point stands as well. The majority of casuals are satisfied and actively playing, and the game has already had big content updates with more coming within the month.

Chef Yoshi just needs to keep it coming!

I'm going to go ahead and point out that statements like this are fundamentally useless. "The people still playing still enjoy it!"

Well, I'd hope so. But that doesn't give us any context on... anything. I mean, people who don't enjoy the game quit. The fact that there are people playing doesn't tell us much about the quality of a game or how healthy it is for further growth.

Also, just because people are playing, doesn't mean they're particularly enjoying it. For instance, my subscription is still active until sometime this month. I'm not really playing anymore, because I'm bored. I'm bored leveling more jobs through the same dungeons 600 times, and sitting in queues clearing the same fates/escort leves, etc.

But the quitting process takes time for most players in MMOs. You don't just hit the point where you think "Oh, this isn't fun anymore" and quit right away. First, you log in less and less, and you find you aren't enjoying your time in game as much (but you also feel a little guilty over that because of time invested and the social aspect).

It's not really uncommon, at all, for it to take 2-3+ months for a bored player to quit.

I'm inclined to say that's overwhelmingly how people leave MMOs.

And just because you're satisfied enough to sub doesn't mean you're loving the game, or that you're happy with the quality/quantity of updates.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#379 Mar 04 2014 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
4,780 posts
And just because you're satisfied enough to sub doesn't mean you're loving the game, or that you're happy with the quality/quantity of updates.

Yes, but because you are subbed with the game, those other two factors are rendered irrelevant from a business standpoint. If you don't have the decisiveness to remove your subscription, why sould a business company, who's ultimate goal is to gain capital, respect the standards you'll claim, but not defend?

Speaking dead cold-hearted, all SE has to do is keep you interested enough to keep you subscribed. And for all the people claiming that they're bored and leaving, the subscription numbers have actually climbed in the period people said it dropped drastically.

In the end I suspect SE has found the niche they want to appeal to and they don't include a lot of the more verbose base. I can't speak with others about their satisfaction because I often don't encounter the issues they present. I'm not bored, I'm not finding a lack of things to do or people to communicate with. I enjoy my raid nights and RP night.

As far as targeting younger players. There's a small window of Television market to appeal to, as gamers nowadays do not often watch too much Television and the Prime Time slots and channels are often taken by larger companies with more neutral focused products. So, while yes, the shows are based for children, there is a likelyhood that the parents that also used to watch Cartoon Network and show it to their kids, may also be watching those advertisment: IE, Parents who have a steady enough income to afford a child and may likely, by that demographic, be able to pay a subscription, however, because they do have a child, cannot have much time on their hands.
#380 Mar 04 2014 at 12:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Also, there was more than one television ad made for FFXIV.

Everything about this game SCREAMS that it's made primarily for the 30-something casual demographic.

The live-action TV commercial we saw on Cartoon Network was less a reflection of the game's target audience and more of a reflection on SE's lack of understanding of how to market its products in NA.

Edited, Mar 4th 2014 10:15am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#381 Mar 04 2014 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not 30+ and I was really enjoying the game until I ran out of things to do.

They should have put a 30+ ESRB label on the box so I wouldn't waste my time...

Edited, Mar 4th 2014 1:25pm by LucasNox
#382 Mar 04 2014 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
Most products have buyers outside their target ages, genders, etc. Let's say FFXIV is mainly focused on a market of older people, say 30-45. That doesn't mean there aren't people between the ages of, let say, 16(So, part-time jobs and school) to 25(Possibly done with college, normally holding a fairly steady job). That doesn't mean there isn't a FC full of people between the ages 50-80 who are having great fun(And have declared it "Better than Bridge Night!", because why not?).

This is a known trend in any market. You advertise for your base targeted consumer, and you may sweep in more with it. You should HOPE to sweep in more with it, but you still need to focus on your target, because they're normally going to be your main, fairly static income.

Edited, Mar 4th 2014 1:33pm by Asamai

Edited, Mar 4th 2014 1:34pm by Asamai
#383 Mar 04 2014 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
4,780 posts
LucasNox wrote:
I'm not 30+ and I was really enjoying the game until I ran out of things to do.

They should have put a 30+ ESRB label on the box so I wouldn't waste my time...

Edited, Mar 4th 2014 1:25pm by LucasNox

It's statements like this that make me fantasize violent imagery. Fortunately the Administration are better people than I am and disagree as to how to handle matters like this.

If you're running out of things to do, find more things to do, within or without of the game. That's a non-issue. Honestly I, again, find myself admonished by the fact that nobody seems to consider this game a service center rather than a venue for their pastime.
#384 Mar 04 2014 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
Thayos, what content would you have me focused on if I appear to be bored? :P

About 2 months ago, someone told me to try crafting after I claimed I had nothing to do. So I took their advice and tried it. It was fun. It was really fun. Within a couple of weeks, I got almost every craft to 50, dumped a huge portion of my income into crafting gear, and melded everything perfectly. Then, housing prices were announced and the economy went poof. So did my interest in crafting, which is why ARM is still sitting there not at level cap.

Like I linked in the post, the guy who complained about content locusts (I guess it was a complaint?) would often offer up suggestions for players when they asked him what they could do if they were bored.

I'd be interested in your list. I'm sure you will not tell me to go sort my inventory, level my chocobo, or go gather something. :) Like he found out, not everyone finds enjoyment in all these tasks. While you think there is a lot of content out there, you neglect the fact that it isn't necessarily appealing content with a reward or motivation attached to it. I believe Nash echoed these sentiments earlier on:

Nashred wrote:
The real question is it good content? Adding content to add content is one thing but is it good content and good enough to keep people playing?

Got to keep people playing or they will leave for the next thing and once they leave it is harder to get them back. This is not the only game out there.

What is good content? Well, that's defined by the player. Many of us like our DoW and DoM jobs but do not feel that there is enough content to really enjoy them to the full extent: especially at max level.

Heck, you know how I get enjoyment out of them now days? I queue for CT or DF primals. I don't need these things but they are the only thing, outside of coil, that really pushes me to my limits. I want to experience this a lot. Currently, I only get that experience once or twice a week and that's only because of two characters!

I was thinking about my hatred for dungeons in this game. Usually, I really enjoy grinding through dungeons. I did that almost exclusively when I went back to WoW for leveling: rarely stepping foot outside the cities. Then it dawned on me: dungeons are not appealing in this game because they are so god damn boring. There is no threat at all: even in the hardmode dungeons. The closest thing would be Pharos and even that is mind numbingly boring after the 5th time through.

So there sits my WAR/MRD on two characters collecting dust. Same with the MNK on Hitome (which I really, really enjoy). It's not only the feeling of lack of content but also the fact that ways I used to enjoy myself becoming less viable (like FATE grinding).

It's not really that I don't want to find facets of the game that interest me. I certainly didn't think crafting would interest me but I took up someone's suggestion and it did. If you have something that you think would be interesting, I'm all ears.

BTW, was a very funny (to me) conversation today in LS chat during raid:

TY and CA are, what I would consider, casual players. TY used to play 11, actually. He no longer has the time to play games in a hardcore manner like he did with 11 so his time is often limited. However, he still gets things done. CA is more casual than TY and belongs to a family-size FC that is much like yours, Thayos, from your description.

Edited, Mar 4th 2014 3:29am by HitomeOfBismarck
Thayos wrote:
It supports the gripe from players that there isn't enough content, especially when they aren't even playing as long as the 75ers.

I wouldn't go that far.

That study supports the notion that most players play for at least 2 hours per day.

However, the fact that the majority of FFXIV players still log in and play each day tells me the game isn't lacking in content for most players.

I am not at the point where most people are and I still have pretty much to do yet but I do understand where people are coming from.. I feel like I am nearing the end myself.

The fact there is content does not necessarily mean its good content or even content everyone want too do.. Sure you can level all jobs too 50 or all crafting jobs too 50 or gathering jobs it does not mean everyone wants too. You could spend allot of time gearing those jobs again it doesn't mean everyone wants too..

I personally would like some new different content. I dont want more primals or recycled dungeons or more fates. That is the point I am at. I have not finished all the content its just that allot of it doesn't thrill me anymore. My guess is this aint going too happen till the next expansion either....

I did like CT, I also like the the Hildibrand it was funny and different but way too short. I like new story but the last update they were to short and felt like they just added more recycled fates to it. I just want something that doesn't feel like I just did the samething last week but it dont look like it is coming for a while.

Maybe in a few months this game will not be my game and I go back too FFXI or just go back for a bit till more content comes out for this game.. I really dont know. I still enjoy FFXIV but I do feel like I am running out of things I want to do. We will see after I do 2.2 content but I am afraid 2.2 is more of the same.

HitomeOfBismarck I do agree everyone has there own idea what is fun. I myself dont like primal fights much at all and I know others who love them, so good content is different from one person too another. I respect that each person likes something different in the game...

I just dont like the fact because some still enjoy 100 percent of this game they think everyone should be the same. Like you said, everyone has a different idea of what good content is. This game is going to turn out it aint for everyone and that should be fine.

Maybe this game has gone too casual for allot of the people especially since allot of people have played FFXI and are looking for something similar... FFXI may be the real problem with this game..

For me I was looking for something a little more casual than FFXI... Something in between real casual and ffxi and maybe this game is just way too casual for me. Maybe once summer hits I change my mind because I have less time to play.

Edited, Mar 4th 2014 3:00pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#385 Mar 04 2014 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Xoie wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
A study is just a study. Like I said in the post I used it in, it doesn't really prove anything. All it does is display data for the purpose of showing habits. The study you quoted was conducted in the UK and only has a sample size of 2000. They're not all MMO players either which I would think is important. While we might not have as much time to spend the further we go on it years, there are still new players entering the market who do.

What I'm objecting to is that you've taken that information to mean something other than what it did. A casual FFXIV player isn't playing an average of 5 hours a day since launch day.

I never represented that XIV casuals played 5 hours a day. Are you even reading the posts? I'm starting to lose count of how many times I'm having to repeat myself...

75% [of] gamers play longer than 1.9 hours per day on average

FilthMcNasty wrote:
It supports the gripe from players that there isn't enough content, especially when they aren't even playing as long as the 75ers.

Not playing as much as the 75ers. Playing less than the 75ers. The 75ers are only playing 14 hours a week. Since when is 14 == 35?

Strike one.

Xoie wrote:
There also weren't such things as F2P MMOs in 2005 either so there's no doubt if you did the same study of WoW today, the time spent playing would be a lot lower, because most younger players with lots of time on their hands (because they aren't working a job, and therefore don't have much money, either) aren't paying for a WoW subscription at all when there are so many free options out there.

So many commas. Perhaps to try and mask the fact that you don't know what you're talking about. No F2P MMOs in 2005? Never heard of MUD or MOO? Not mainstream enough huh? How 'bout Runescape?

Strike two.

You don't read or comprehend the posts, but you still try to counter them with even less relevant information and flat out false comments.

Beanball. Take your base Smiley: glare

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#386 Mar 04 2014 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
Also, there was more than one television ad made for FFXIV.

Everything about this game SCREAMS that it's made primarily for the 30-something casual demographic.

Yet nothing in that ad or any of the others seems to be appealing to the crowd you say it does.

How about another one.

If the game is meant to appeal to 30-somethings, why don't I see any in the 'you are Eorzea' campaign?
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#387 Mar 04 2014 at 1:41 PM Rating: Excellent
Just want you all to know, I'm absolutely loving this thread.

Yet nothing in that ad or any of the others seems to be appealing to the crowd you say it does.


Edited, Mar 4th 2014 11:42am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#388 Mar 04 2014 at 1:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Hyrist wrote:
LucasNox wrote:
I'm not 30+ and I was really enjoying the game until I ran out of things to do.

They should have put a 30+ ESRB label on the box so I wouldn't waste my time...

Edited, Mar 4th 2014 1:25pm by LucasNox

It's statements like this that make me fantasize violent imagery. Fortunately the Administration are better people than I am and disagree as to how to handle matters like this.

It was just a joke.

I just felt like saying, "Hey... wait a minute!" about the repeated "for mid 30's with less time on their hands" stuff.

I'm in college, but I still played and pored over Final Fantasy VII through IX on our PS1, and was able to get all the games from Final Fantasy X on as they released. I even bought Lightning Returns! It's somewhat odd to hear that after buying each new Final Fantasy that the franchise suddenly and violently lurched out of my age group and was developed for 30-somethings exclusively to fully enjoy.

That is just a ridiculous notion. Final Fantasy has always been a franchise which at least tried to include something for everyone. As long as you can read reasonably well, you can enjoy all of them to some extent. I find it hard to believe that suddenly Square Enix wants to exclusively serve the older gents. They've always wanted my money before now - every other MMORPG publisher seems to be at least mindful of early-20-somethings with addictive personalities. Why wouldn't Square Enix?

I'm going to stand by my opinion that the 30-somethings being more satisfied is just coincidence. It's not a result of Square Enix developing specifically for anyone.

Thayos wrote:
Just want you all to know, I'm absolutely loving this thread.

Yet nothing in that ad or any of the others seems to be appealing to the crowd you say it does.


It's a pretty commercial, but I think people of any age could enjoy it. Are you saying that it has sophisticated themes that wouldn't be understood by, for example, a 15-year-old? I disagree.

I also definitely think the live-action commercial was marketed towards... maybe the 12-17 range. It's pretty silly and very heavy-handed.

Edited, Mar 4th 2014 2:59pm by LucasNox
#389 Mar 04 2014 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
FilthMcNasty wrote:

If the game is meant to appeal to 30-somethings

It's funny how people don't see this (or refuse to).

The script alone is miles ahead of the usual "for teenagers" mainline FF-quality. Not to mention tons of mature innuendos and references to old FF games.

This game knows where its demographic is. Then again, SE's marketing department has always sucked hard. It'd be a small wonder if they didn't ruin this game's marketing too.
#390 Mar 04 2014 at 1:59 PM Rating: Good
LucasNox wrote:
If the game was made for older players, why would they choose to advertise it on Cartoon Network?

As a 34 year old fan of Adventure Time, I have to raise an eyebrow at this.
#391 Mar 04 2014 at 2:05 PM Rating: Excellent
I'm still chuckling over the notion that a commercial showing young professionals drawing a chocobo in the windows of a rainy city bus isn't meant for 30-somethings.
Thayos Redblade
#392 Mar 04 2014 at 2:06 PM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
Just want you all to know, I'm absolutely loving this thread.

Yet nothing in that ad or any of the others seems to be appealing to the crowd you say it does.


Step 1: Watch the video

Step 2: Try to count any of the actors that represent us 30-somethings

Step 3: Realize that you're not holding up any fingers and keep it moving

Smiley: lol

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#393 Mar 04 2014 at 2:12 PM Rating: Excellent
Hyanmen wrote:
The script alone is miles ahead of the usual "for teenagers" mainline FF-quality.

You mean the part where the good guys get mind controlled by the darkness? That's weekend cartoon material that even some kindergarteners might argue is 'overused'.

If you're implying that there's some political/war-drama, it's certainly no 'Game of Thrones'. It's not even 'XII-Lite'.

Hyanmen wrote:
Not to mention tons of mature innuendos

I'll give you this one. There is definitely some sexual references sprinkled in here and there.

Hyanmen wrote:
references to old FF games.

You mean Lightning?

Just joking. But seriously, you're gonna have to remind me about the references. When you say "references", I think of Cloud's big dumb sword description coming up when you clicked on the wall of one of the weapon shops in Final Fantasy IX.

The reuse of names like Materia & Limit Break, the judge & Magitek designs... everyone gets these references. Not just 30-somethings.

Besides, you do realize that the older Final Fantasy titles get re-released basically every year on some device, right?

Final Fantasy VII and VIII both got Steam PC re-releases in 2013 and tons of younger kids got to enjoy them. VII even went on sale on Steam for really cheap when kids had their Christmas money. IX will probably be out on Steam soon. IV through VI are available on PSN (I think they go on sale there occasionally). Most are available on newer handheld gaming devices and phones.

If there are references that people are missing they would probably be references to Final Fantasy X (and I can't think of any references to Final Fantasy X)... and even if there was, that's also getting an HD re-release on the PS3 in around 2 weeks. They should really add some Final Fantasy X clothes and hairstyles, or Lightning will get accused of special treatment.

Edited, Mar 4th 2014 3:21pm by LucasNox
#394 Mar 04 2014 at 2:22 PM Rating: Excellent
Step 2: Try to count any of the actors that represent us 30-somethings

They're all young adults... so thanks for agreeing with me. Smiley: smile

A common marketing tactic is to use the best versions of our possible selves to draw us in... kind of like how in skin care commercials, they don't use models who are covered in pimples.

Also, to further poke holes in your logic... not all of us who are in our mid-30s look our age! I'm often mistaken for being in my mid 20s.

Edited, Mar 4th 2014 12:24pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#395 Mar 04 2014 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
Thayos wrote:
Step 2: Try to count any of the actors that represent us 30-somethings

They're all young adults... so thanks for agreeing with me. Smiley: smile

A common marketing tactic is to use the best versions of our possible selves to draw us in... kind of like how in skin care commercials, they don't use models who are covered in pimples.

Also, to further poke holes in your logic... not all of us who are in our mid-30s look our age! I'm often mistaken for being in my mid 20s.

Edited, Mar 4th 2014 12:24pm by Thayos

The first young male seen in your video is clearly around 18. Even if everyone in the ad was 30+, your point would kind of get canceled out by the other commercial wherein everyone looks 21 and below.
#396 Mar 04 2014 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
LucasNox wrote:

Hyanmen wrote:
references to old FF games.

You mean Lightning?

Just joking. But seriously, you're gonna have to remind me about the references. When you say "references", I think of Cloud's big dumb sword description coming up when you clicked on the wall of one of the weapon shops in Final Fantasy IX.

The reuse of names like Materia & Limit Break, the judge & Magitek designs... everyone gets these references. Not just 30-somethings.

Besides, you do realize that the older Final Fantasy titles get re-released basically every year on some device, right?

Final Fantasy VII and VIII both got Steam PC re-releases in 2013 and tons of younger kids got to enjoy them. VII even went on sale on Steam for really cheap when kids had their Christmas money. IX will probably be out on Steam soon. IV through VI are available on PSN (I think they go on sale there occasionally). Most are available on newer handheld gaming devices and phones.

If there are references that people are missing they would probably be references to Final Fantasy X (and I can't think of any references to Final Fantasy X)... and even if there was, that's also getting an HD re-release on the PS3 in around 2 weeks. They should really add some Final Fantasy X clothes and hairstyles, or Lightning will get accused of special treatment.

I need to remind you of Crystal Tower?
#397 Mar 04 2014 at 2:51 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
Step 2: Try to count any of the actors that represent us 30-somethings

They're all young adults... so thanks for agreeing with me. Smiley: smile

I'm not agreeing with you. They all look like kids to me. Everyone in t-shirts, jeans and sneakers. Where is the guy to turns into an Eorzean from a business suit? Can I at least get a button-down shirt and some khakis? Perhaps some shoes that don't lace up or velcro? Those kids don't represent for me or anyone I know in their 30s. Hell, most of the people I know in their late 20s have outgrown the look they're trying to bring across in that ad. Not a grey hair in sight for at least a few decades.

I admire your commitment Thayos. So dedicated to immersion that you've completely forsaken reality Smiley: sly

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#398 Mar 04 2014 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
Hyanmen wrote:
LucasNox wrote:

Hyanmen wrote:
references to old FF games.

You mean Lightning?

Just joking. But seriously, you're gonna have to remind me about the references. When you say "references", I think of Cloud's big dumb sword description coming up when you clicked on the wall of one of the weapon shops in Final Fantasy IX.

The reuse of names like Materia & Limit Break, the judge & Magitek designs... everyone gets these references. Not just 30-somethings.

Besides, you do realize that the older Final Fantasy titles get re-released basically every year on some device, right?

Final Fantasy VII and VIII both got Steam PC re-releases in 2013 and tons of younger kids got to enjoy them. VII even went on sale on Steam for really cheap when kids had their Christmas money. IX will probably be out on Steam soon. IV through VI are available on PSN (I think they go on sale there occasionally). Most are available on newer handheld gaming devices and phones.

If there are references that people are missing they would probably be references to Final Fantasy X (and I can't think of any references to Final Fantasy X)... and even if there was, that's also getting an HD re-release on the PS3 in around 2 weeks. They should really add some Final Fantasy X clothes and hairstyles, or Lightning will get accused of special treatment.

I need to remind you of Crystal Tower?

Tons of young people have played Final Fantasy III. The entire game and its Crystal Tower was even remade in 3D. It's available right now for iPhones and iPads. You can play the 3D version on your Nintendo DS or 3DS. You can buy the original Famicom version digitally through Nintendo. How would a Final Fantasy III reference be aimed at people in their mid-30's if the game only came to North America 7 or 8 years ago?

Edited, Mar 4th 2014 4:08pm by LucasNox
#399 Mar 04 2014 at 3:10 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
Most thirty-somethings downloaded it with a translation patch.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#400 Mar 04 2014 at 3:23 PM Rating: Good
I'm saying if it was only re-released on shelves 7 or 8 years ago, you can probably still find used Final Fantasy III remake cartridges at Gamestop and the Crystal Tower isn't exactly lost in time.

Edited, Mar 4th 2014 4:24pm by LucasNox
#401 Mar 04 2014 at 3:33 PM Rating: Excellent
They look like young adults to me. Since when are young adults required to always wear shirts and ties?

By the way, have you SEEN Japanese advertisements that are actually aimed at teens?

While we're at it, show of hands of all the high school kids reading this thread! Gotta love it, a bunch of adults arguing that the game they're all playing (or, if not playing, at least mildly obsessed with) was made for a teenage audience. Smiley: lol

And a P2P game, at that.

Edited, Mar 4th 2014 1:51pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
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