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#302 Mar 03 2014 at 6:08 AM Rating: Decent
Catwho wrote:
I think Yoshi expected more people would chase after the really crazy DoL and DoH achievements, honestly. Now there's a grind. I think Wint caught something like 20,000 fish? I'm well on my way to getting an insane prize on my weaver from all the HQ felt sashes I make...

None of that stuff feels meaningful though. That thread that Hitome linked sort of annoys me. Someone said, "If you don't have max gil, then stop complaining that you have nothing to do!"

For that example, right now Gil is like... uh... I'm not sure what to compare it to. But I have no idea what to do with it. It's like if someone told me to go collect max dog crap.

Also, I'm starting to think maybe Midgard is just the server of quitters or something. Everyone I used to play with has officially dropped off the map. Actually, as I'm typing this post, I feel like I should quit as well. Bye people.

Edited, Mar 3rd 2014 7:09am by LucasNox
#303 Mar 03 2014 at 6:09 AM Rating: Decent
And then due to a magical leap of logic you can apply your LS to represent the whole playerbase.

I especially like how you say you don't cling to the game but then go on to say "you can't quit playing" because X and Y.

A hint: not all people progress in the game at the pace your LS does. I am trying to clear Titan HM as we speak - I do beastmen dailies too but do you seriously think that's all I'm doing? There's plenty for me to accomplish even today and I have played since the release.
#304 Mar 03 2014 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
Hyanmen wrote:
A hint: not all people progress in the game at the pace your LS does. I am trying to clear Titan HM as we speak

Probably not, but come on, you have to admit that you are an extreme case. I mean that is just like progressing at the speed of a slug. You're like my 85-year-old nana who takes 3 hours to finish eating a plate of her dinner.
#305 Mar 03 2014 at 7:17 AM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
And then due to a magical leap of logic you can apply your LS to represent the whole playerbase.

I especially like how you say you don't cling to the game but then go on to say "you can't quit playing" because X and Y.

A hint: not all people progress in the game at the pace your LS does. I am trying to clear Titan HM as we speak - I do beastmen dailies too but do you seriously think that's all I'm doing? There's plenty for me to accomplish even today and I have played since the release.

Would you like me to poll ~1200 players and make this a statistical study? :)

You have several threads on the OF. You have my experiences with my own friends. And you have these forums. Quite a lot of people seem to be bored no matter where you go. Is the truth that hard to accept?

I especially like how your reading comprehension has gotten progressively worse as this thread has progressed.

Hitome wrote:
we just seek to maximize the value of all possible venues of what we consider endgame content

Is it that hard to understand? Many of us have found artificial inflation of the game's life through alt characters. In a game designed around just one character, this may hint to a bigger problem.

Many of us stick around because an MMO is about community. This FC has spent 6 months building our own. Why would we just throw it away due to lack of content when there is more possible content so very close? So some do just log in only when necessary but some of us still find things to do while biding the time till 2.2 That doesn't mean that we necessarily enjoy what we're doing to the maximum extent: it's just the only option left.

The LS I'm apart of is not equivalent to my FC. It has players who range from extremely casual (with maybe one level 50 and logging in twice a week) to extremely hardcore (a couple 50s, lots of endgame experience, and logging in daily). In fact, one of the members in that shell pretty much just crafts while only having slight interest in DoW/DoM jobs. Guess who I rarely see anymore due to the economy making crafting less viable?

You know: this is kind of what I already explained to you. Two of the more casual members who are friends outside of the game quit this week after logging in and discussing why they were leaving.

Just because I can find something to do doesn't mean it will appeal to the vast majority of people at level 50 doing nothing but logging in on Monday/Tuesday for coil and CT/myth capping.

A good indication of the general populace has always been in DF. In September, no one was able to do Garuda or Titan HM in DF. Towards November/December, most people could easily deal with Garuda but had trouble with Titan. In January, Titan HM became less of an issue. In February, Garuda Ex showed signs of becoming less of an issue. As of this weekend, I am seeing more and more DF parties get Titan Ex down to 15-20%.

PF has accelerated the rate at which people are able to clear content by removing a large portion of the variability that DF brings.

There are many clues in front of your face and I was generous enough to link you to some of them. If you wish to be willfully obtuse about it, that is your problem. After running DF Titan HM this morning and succeeding 6 times out of 8, I'd say you are the outlier.

Edited, Mar 3rd 2014 8:24am by HitomeOfBismarck
#306 Mar 03 2014 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:

Would you like me to poll ~1200 players and make this a statistical study? :)

What I would like you to do is accept the fact that unless you conduct said statistical study you have absolutely no basis at all to say whether "casuals are bored" to any meaningful degree. Your LS is a drop in the ocean, the OF is full of trolls and the great majority of casuals do not step on a soapbox to announce they are thinking of quitting/have quit. They just stop logging in.

You really like to step around the fact you are finding excuses to cling to the game as long as possible. "Artificial inflation of the game's life"? "Community"? Call it whatever makes you feel better about it I guess. If you're not enjoying yourself all these things are meaningless. If you were enjoying yourself you wouldn't be here touting how bored "we all" are.

Of course you are looking at the game through the viewpoint of someone clearing EX primals six times out of eight. Meanwhile I am practicing Titan HM with, on average, four out of eight people new to the encounter altogether. You don't look at the rest of the game from your ivory EX tower and come to any kind of accurate conclusions. I play at a stage you thought everyone else had long passed. Everything you say is contradicted there on a daily basis.

Either way, I'm not going to make any wild assumptions on the playerbase just because my experiences are completely different to yours. You can try to force your eyeballing down our throats but that doesn't make it any more true.
#307 Mar 03 2014 at 8:56 AM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
I love people like you: ignore any evidence contrary to your position because it is convenient for you. Unwilling to even look at the thread on the OF linked...dismissing it as a bunch of trolls when the OF probably has the most diverse group of player ranges of any forum there is for FF14 of credible size. You know: the size you wish for me to use in order to make my claims.

Here is what I do know: I play this game a lot more than you. I interact with the general populace a lot more than you as a result. I am more willing to believe that my experiences are just a tad more accurate than yours based on this alone.

I don't think you understand how DF Titan HM works. Usually there are only two people, not including myself, who have done the encounter before in any given DF I join. PF usually contains 4 or so people who have done the fight before. Why you are not PFing this is another issue....

It's wonderful that you think I should make claims based on sample sizes like in statistics. How many times have you done DF Titan HM I wonder? I've done it 114 times as of this morning. How about Garuda HM? Garuda Ex? Titan Ex? Ifrit Ex? Storyline Garuda and Titan?

Let's just say my sample size for each of these encounters is fairly large enough to make such claims about the population distribution while being off a tad. Your evidence...wait: you don't have any.

What really makes me laugh is the following: people, like you, seem to advocate that there is a lot to do in this game and everything is fine. What people like you fail to realize is that you would also benefit from the developer adding more content onto the game: giving you even more bang for your buck.

But no: let's build a game based on the LCD and that will just have to be good enough.

BTW, all of this was unnecessary argumentation. I had everything I needed to know about you with this quote:

Hyanmen wrote:
They better not make anyone with too much time on their hands stronger than someone without excess time to spare.

You actually seek the LCD game design. God forbid someone with more time to devote to their hobby becomes better at their hobby than someone who doesn't devote as much time. I guess you should be as good at the piano as I am, devoting 19 years of my life to my hobby, after you take up the hobby for a mere year's worth of time.

It's almost as if you think that the pace at which you play this game should be the pace at which all players play this game.

Someone once said:

There are more players than just YOU in this game, with their own pacing and progression speed.

A hint: not all people progress in the game at the same pace

Edited, Mar 3rd 2014 10:37am by HitomeOfBismarck
#308 Mar 03 2014 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
LucasNox wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
A hint: not all people progress in the game at the pace your LS does. I am trying to clear Titan HM as we speak

Probably not, but come on, you have to admit that you are an extreme case. I mean that is just like progressing at the speed of a slug. You're like my 85-year-old nana who takes 3 hours to finish eating a plate of her dinner.

I just cleared Titan HM last week.

There are a great many of us who are just now approaching endgame, because we didn't zero in on getting to a DoM/DoW class to 50 in the first week and burning through all the content within the first month.

Slug pace? Absolutely.

Guess what, I'm not bored with the game yet and I'm still paying SE money.

SE is releasing content at a pace to attract people like me, since we'll be the ones who continue to subscribe over the long term.

Maybe I'm an ultra casual. I just know that I really can't commit to playing more than 2-3 hours a few times during the week.
#309 Mar 03 2014 at 10:19 AM Rating: Excellent
In our FC of 20 regularly active players, maybe five don't log in anymore out of boredom, but they haven't quit. A few may return soon to start doing Coil, which they haven't done yet.

Interestingly enough, a couple of others stopped logging in because they couldn't get past Titan HM.

There has definitely been a dip in population, but mostly among the people who we all knew would devour the content, get bored and leave temporarily. As for the rest of us, most of us are still being kept plenty busy with the content in the game now.

Edited, Mar 3rd 2014 8:38am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#310 Mar 03 2014 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
Catwho wrote:
SE is releasing content at a pace to attract people like me, since we'll be the ones who continue to subscribe over the long term.

Maybe I'm an ultra casual. I just know that I really can't commit to playing more than 2-3 hours a few times during the week.

SE isn't "releasing content at a pace to attract" people like you. They're... not... releasing content, which attracts you (I guess?). What am I even reading?

People who play 2-3 hours a week are basically they're lowest, most easily reached group. Just because you're incredibly easily pleased and are pretty much gonna stay subscribed no matter what they do doesn't mean you're somehow the glue holding this game together. Every subscription game has a few people like you until the bitter end. I'm not even hardcore like Hitome but they need people like him and people who play more than him to make the servers actually alive, contribute more to the economy (if there was one), contribute to wiki data, etc.

(sorry but something about your post upset me/rubbed me the wrong way...)

Sorry lady but the "I'm not a no lifer who capped DoW/DoM no-life in the first week" excuse doesn't really cut it... The game was released in August 2013 (8/13) and it is March 2014 (3/14) and most of what we have to look forward to is repackaged Hard Modes of the old dungeons and - probably soon - Supah Dupah Extreme Turbo Ifrit/Garuda/Titan.

I feel like we're going to be hitting the one year mark and I'm still going to have to read SOMEONE say that because they're still casually working through the content and still just barely hitting level 50, that everyone else needs to slow down/they don't matter as much/they're going too fast!/SE cares more about us. <- This is basically what your post is saying to me.

Edited, Mar 3rd 2014 11:59am by LucasNox
#311 Mar 03 2014 at 10:58 AM Rating: Excellent
LucasNox, are you trying to say nothing has been added to ARR since launch?

Sure looks like that's what you're saying!
Thayos Redblade
#312 Mar 03 2014 at 11:19 AM Rating: Excellent
I work in software development so I guess I am just considerably more patient and respectful of the enormous amount of work that goes into producing content.

A software updates has three primary components:
- Bug fixes are the first priority, for when something is not working as intended and it impedes the flow of the software program and the users
- Improvements are the second priority, for when something is working as intended but it turns out to be inefficient, and a few changes can make life easier
- New stuff is the third priority, because it usually involves adding onto and rejiggering the system, a process which inevitably triggers another round of bug fixes and needed improvements in the next release.

If you spend all your time chasing bug fixes and trying to streamline the software, you don't have as much time for new content as you wanted. That's why the game patch schedule was two months behind at first, because they lost those first two months trying to stabilize the servers.

And no, you can't just hire more people. That makes it worse.
#313 Mar 03 2014 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
Not only was the content update schedule delayed by two months, but we've actually had a fair amount of content added to the game already.

It's just that the most hardcore players are able to blow through it quickly, and then they complain loudly about it.

Most of ARR's players are still in game, chugging away, too busy and satisfied to rant on the official forums.
Thayos Redblade
#314 Mar 03 2014 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
Thayos wrote:
LucasNox, are you trying to say nothing has been added to ARR since launch?

Sure looks like that's what you're saying!

No, that is not what I'm saying.

I just nerdraged for a minute. You have to understand that I beat Titan HM 6 months ago. Someone saying that they just beat it 1 week ago and that they are Square Enix's proper audience/who they're developing for crushed my soul, basically.

Edited, Mar 3rd 2014 12:22pm by LucasNox
#315 Mar 03 2014 at 11:28 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
The real question is it good content? Adding content to add content is one thing but is it good content and good enough to keep people playing?
Got to keep people playing or they will leave for the next thing and once they leave it is harder to get them back. This is not the only game out there.

I really like CT but it is now getting really really old now, Sunday I almost fell asleep in it... Coil I still enjoy but not as much as when I started it. I dont want to start to feel like i am just going through the motions.. But I am starting to feel that way.. I need to feel like I am accomplishing things.
Last week was good though. With my FC we beat ultimate bane with no one down and then went and did Titan hm and completed with no one down.. Felt pretty good for me.. I had normally had such bad lag in Titan hm but the upgrade I did on my laptop seemed to have helped some...

Edited, Mar 3rd 2014 12:34pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#316 Mar 03 2014 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
LucasNox wrote:
Thayos wrote:
LucasNox, are you trying to say nothing has been added to ARR since launch?

Sure looks like that's what you're saying!

No, that is not what I'm saying.

I just nerdraged for a minute. You have to understand that I beat Titan HM 6 months ago. Someone saying that they just beat it 1 week ago and that they are Square Enix's proper audience/who they're developing for crushed my soul, basically.

I'm sorry if the truth crushes your soul.
#317 Mar 03 2014 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
HitomeOfBismarck wrote:
I love people like you: ignore any evidence contrary to your position because it is convenient for you. Unwilling to even look at the thread on the OF linked...dismissing it as a bunch of trolls when the OF probably has the most diverse group of player ranges of any forum there is for FF14 of credible size. You know: the size you wish for me to use in order to make my claims.

I don't dismiss these people's feelings regarding this game. What I do dismiss is taking this incredibly tiny sample size and generalizing it to encompass the whole population. E.g. what you have been doing for the past 10 posts.

I don't think you understand how DF Titan HM works. Usually there are only two people, not including myself, who have done the encounter before in any given DF I join. PF usually contains 4 or so people who have done the fight before. Why you are not PFing this is another issue....

PF groups usually demand me to have experience when doing the encounters. Which is fine. However, I do not have the experience yet, thus I DF until I feel like I have the encounter down for myself. Maybe I end up winning in the meantime, though its unlikely.

The fact you didn't even realize this much tells me enough to know not to trust your judgment.

Your evidence...wait: you don't have any.

Fortunately I am not the one claiming anything except that your sample size is laughable to determine the general playerbase's feelings. And for that claim I don't need to do Titan HM 100 times.

Even the very fact you are using your own experiences to argue is a laughable thing to do if you want to be taken seriously.

God forbid someone with more time to devote to their hobby becomes better at their hobby than someone who doesn't devote as much time. I guess you should be as good at the piano as I am, devoting 19 years of my life to my hobby, after you take up the hobby for a mere year's worth of time.

This is funny as hell. You become better at your hobby by becoming more skilled at it than I. Devoting more time equals you becoming more skilled only if there is an encounter that demands more time to be learned. Simply being able to grind more than I can does not equal you becoming more skilled than me. It is an utterly selfish and nonsensical way of justifying why you should be "better" than I am. Just because you have more hours to put into the game?

If it doesn't result in you clearing encounters that I cannot clear due to a skill gap, that's fine. Requiring more time investment DOES NOT equal becoming more skilled than I.

Edited, Mar 3rd 2014 8:48pm by Hyanmen
#318 Mar 03 2014 at 11:44 AM Rating: Excellent
6 months ago.

So, you totally rushed through the progression content, and now you're bored.


I honestly fail to see the problem here, other than that you may be regretting your playstyle choices.

If it doesn't result in you clearing encounters that I cannot clear due to a skill gap, that's fine. Requiring more time investment DOES NOT equal becoming more skilled than I.

Bingo. And that's why the hardcore players are bored, because they were able to get in more reps and clear the content faster.

I have no clue why some gamers feel the need to rush through everything (and then complain of being bored).

Edited, Mar 3rd 2014 9:47am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#319 Mar 03 2014 at 11:46 AM Rating: Default
Meh. If you say so. You completed Titan HM after 6 months and that's fine but you're going seriously out of the box to say that that's normal.

You do have to pay for this game and even if you consider it hardcore/no-life'ing -- whatever you want to call it, some people just try to play enough to justify the monthly fees and get their money's worth. I'm not actually a hardcore player (on FFXIV) and I don't feel like I have any real reason to log in atm or anything to do. I don't feel like I "blow through" content at some ridiculous speed.
#320 Mar 03 2014 at 11:49 AM Rating: Excellent
Meh. If you say so. You completed Titan HM after 6 months and that's fine but you're going seriously out of the box to say that that's normal.

I completed Titan HM a couple months ago, but most of my FC only completed it within the past month.

We're just now getting ready for our first BC runs.

We're probably slightly slower than the majority, but we're much closer to the majority than people who blew through all the content in a month.
Thayos Redblade
#321 Mar 03 2014 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
Thayos wrote:
6 months ago.

So, you totally rushed through the progression content, and now you're bored.


I honestly fail to see the problem here, other than that you may be regretting your playstyle choices.

If you want to try to set up the narrative that I am playing the game wrong and the fault lies with me, go ahead.

I have a busy schedule outside of gaming. I was still able to get to level 50 and steadily defeat the bosses with my group of friends. Keep in mind that you, one person, are telling an entire group of people (me, and everyone who I played with) that we are playing the game wrong.
#322 Mar 03 2014 at 11:53 AM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
LucasNox wrote:
Meh. If you say so. You completed Titan HM after 6 months and that's fine but you're going seriously out of the box to say that that's normal.

You do have to pay for this game and even if you consider it hardcore/no-life'ing -- whatever you want to call it, some people just try to play enough to justify the monthly fees and get their money's worth. I'm not actually a hardcore player (on FFXIV) and I don't feel like I have any real reason to log in atm or anything to do. I don't feel like I "blow through" content at some ridiculous speed.

I consider myself a 'middle of the road' kind of guy. I didn't rush, didn't go slow. I'm now at the point where there's really only a few things for me to do of a week in regards to progression. Basically: Cap myth, do coil with FC (we got VERY close to clearing T4 this week), run CT for MNK loots, run EX primal (still no closer to WHM ring). That's it. I know I could level more stuff, but I don't really want to. I've got my WHM, which I like, I've got my MNK which I like. I can fill a couple roles so I'm happy with what I've got.

I'm definitely itching for the next update. I wouldn't say I'm bored, but I can definitely say that the burning desire to log in when I have a free moment has waned a bit.

The one big thing keeping me invested right now.... my FC bought our house last night and I have so many tacky furnshings to craft I'm itching to get going lol :)
#323 Mar 03 2014 at 12:02 PM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
6 months ago.

I have no clue why some gamers feel the need to rush through everything (and then complain of being bored).

Edited, Mar 3rd 2014 9:47am by Thayos

Because they pay for the game and have every right too just like anyone else. They also have every right to play the game how they feel fit as long as it doesn't go against the terms of agreement.

This is a pay game and you say people should not feel entitled. Yes they are because they pay for the game. They are entitled to quit the game if it aint to their liking as well as anyone else. Just like anything, satellite radio , a magazine subscription etc. Anything with a monthly or year fee you have everY right to complain about it if it is not up to your standard and you also have the right to not subscribe if they fail to change or live up too it..

When a company that has a product that they need to keep subscribers starts to think "hey just be happy with what we give you" They are doomed.

This is not a free game. If it were than people should not feel entitled to anything well because it is free..

Basically it comes down to people have to feel there is enough to justify the monthly fee to keep them busy and is good content..

Edited, Mar 3rd 2014 1:28pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#324 Mar 03 2014 at 12:13 PM Rating: Excellent
Because they pay for the game and have every right too just like anyone else.

Of course, no debating that!

But to rush through all the content and then complain of being bored is about as sensible as me buying a sports car and then redlining it off the lot until the engine blows.

My right? Yup. Smart? Nope.

The auto manufacturer's fault? Nope.

Edited, Mar 3rd 2014 10:14am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#325 Mar 03 2014 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
That's not really a good example. What you're saying is more like:

If you're paying monthly for a magazine subscription and the publisher is taking a long time to release new issues, then it's your fault and you should have read more slowly.

It's kinda hard for me to be compare my ARR situation with the sports car one (even if I get imaginative).

Edited, Mar 3rd 2014 1:26pm by LucasNox
#326 Mar 03 2014 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
LucasNox wrote:
That's not really a good example. What you're saying is more like:

If you're paying monthly for a magazine subscription and the publisher is taking a long time to release new issues, then it's your fault and you should have read more slowly.

It's kinda hard for me to be compare my ARR situation with the sports car one (even if I get imaginative).

That's actually not that unusual in Japan. Manga releases come out pretty regularly, but entire series have gone on hiatus for long stretches of time, and if you purchased the manga phonebook for that one series and now have to wait six months for a new chapter, then you might be angry but that's just the way life goes. Also, there are a few times where you simply won't get a magazine that week - Golden Week, for example, gives everyone a holiday, including the manga publishers.

What gets me is that if people were truly unhappy with SE's release schedule, they'd quit and go do other things. My old FC did that pretty much wholesale - they all quit to go play TESO beta and they plan to jump ship to TESO. They're not posting on our old Facebook group page ragging on XIV, because they're excited for TESO instead.

Anyone who is on this forum, or the SE forums, complaining about the release schedule are doing so because they still like the game and they're itching for more things to do. The truly bored and burnt out have already moved on. (I predicted that much would happen just before the game released, for that matter.)
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