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Losing passion for MMO'sFollow

#102 Jan 30 2014 at 10:39 AM Rating: Excellent
If the matter of the fact is players were to be divided between those with plenty of time and those with limited time, I'd rather have this divide be related to optional side-content than the driving force behind playing the game (becoming stronger). Lots of time on your hands = be stronger than everyone else? Nope, not cool.

Agreed. To this end, housing is a step in the right direction.

I think the time-sink goals in this game could be for non-essential things that still allow people to feel set apart from others. I have a feeling that building airships (which stems from housing) will ultimately be among these goals. Access to vanity weapon and armor skins could be, too. So could treasure maps, if you need to grind through multiple maps just to get one shot at the more advanced maps.

None of these things would block people from progressing their characters through the main story and development arc of the game, but they'd still give us plenty of goals to shoot for.
Thayos Redblade
#103 Jan 30 2014 at 10:43 AM Rating: Default
Nashred wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
Nashred wrote:

People can hate grind all they want but it is the filler in the game to keep those with more time to play something to do...

While quite effectively making sure that nobody without a lot of time on their hands will never be on-par.

Which raises the question on whether to throw these kind of people a bone in the first place.

ARR's bone is the Housing feature, which is completely optional side-content and to top it off pretty much for vanity purposes with few additional perks.

If the matter of the fact is players were to be divided between those with plenty of time and those with limited time, I'd rather have this divide be related to optional side-content than the driving force behind playing the game (becoming stronger). Lots of time on your hands = be stronger than everyone else? Nope, not cool.

Edited, Jan 30th 2014 7:33pm by Hyanmen

That is already happening.. People with time on their hands got to end game way faster and have nothing to do but hate on noobs and boot you from doing end game content because they are bored.

I mean, the game has thrown these people the bone which I personally find still more meaningful than grinding on imaginary achievements as with other games. If the only way to make them act like adults is to get them to do something that involves in them getting stronger than everyone else, that's a steep price to pay I'd say.
#104 Jan 30 2014 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
863 posts
Thayos wrote:

Again, if we all went back in time with the knowledge we know now, nobody would probably spend days in Saruta camping a NM with a measly level 10 drop (with no endgame use). Part of the reason we explored so much in XI is we simply didn't know where to go. Now, we know what's logical and what's not, and the overall experience isn't new.

And again, I really doubt that because like I said in my previous post about this, leveling took a very long time. Having an item that might take some time to get but that will increase your performance in leveling was worth it. Leaping Boots were great for very many levels, meaning a long time and that that made the trouble worth it. Not to mention a lot of people had fun with it and saw it as a small side goal so they could do better when fighting CoP etc. In a game like that for many people it isn't a rush towards endgame in the sense we see in newer games. It doesn't work in the same way because the dash is too long basically.

Agree with the rest though.

Edited, Jan 30th 2014 11:57am by Belcrono
#105 Jan 30 2014 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Nashred wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
Nashred wrote:

People can hate grind all they want but it is the filler in the game to keep those with more time to play something to do...

While quite effectively making sure that nobody without a lot of time on their hands will never be on-par.

Which raises the question on whether to throw these kind of people a bone in the first place.

ARR's bone is the Housing feature, which is completely optional side-content and to top it off pretty much for vanity purposes with few additional perks.

If the matter of the fact is players were to be divided between those with plenty of time and those with limited time, I'd rather have this divide be related to optional side-content than the driving force behind playing the game (becoming stronger). Lots of time on your hands = be stronger than everyone else? Nope, not cool.

Edited, Jan 30th 2014 7:33pm by Hyanmen

That is already happening.. People with time on their hands got to end game way faster and have nothing to do but hate on noobs and boot you from doing end game content because they are bored.

I mean, the game has thrown these people the bone which I personally find still more meaningful than grinding on imaginary achievements as with other games. If the only way to make them act like adults is to get them to do something that involves in them getting stronger than everyone else, that's a steep price to pay I'd say.

You are not reading or understanding what I what I am saying, one or the other. they are already ahead and is a split.

So you would rather have everyone wearing the same gear and no one has to work for it. Why play?

Edited, Jan 30th 2014 11:58am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#106 Jan 30 2014 at 11:15 AM Rating: Default
Nashred wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
Nashred wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
Nashred wrote:

People can hate grind all they want but it is the filler in the game to keep those with more time to play something to do...

While quite effectively making sure that nobody without a lot of time on their hands will never be on-par.

Which raises the question on whether to throw these kind of people a bone in the first place.

ARR's bone is the Housing feature, which is completely optional side-content and to top it off pretty much for vanity purposes with few additional perks.

If the matter of the fact is players were to be divided between those with plenty of time and those with limited time, I'd rather have this divide be related to optional side-content than the driving force behind playing the game (becoming stronger). Lots of time on your hands = be stronger than everyone else? Nope, not cool.

Edited, Jan 30th 2014 7:33pm by Hyanmen

That is already happening.. People with time on their hands got to end game way faster and have nothing to do but hate on noobs and boot you from doing end game content because they are bored.

I mean, the game has thrown these people the bone which I personally find still more meaningful than grinding on imaginary achievements as with other games. If the only way to make them act like adults is to get them to do something that involves in them getting stronger than everyone else, that's a steep price to pay I'd say.

You are not reading or understanding what I what I am saying, one or the other. they are already ahead and is a split.

So you would rather have everyone wearing the same gear and no one has to work for it. Why play?

Edited, Jan 30th 2014 11:58am by Nashred

They cannot be "ahead" because there are lockouts in place preventing that. They are simply doing what everyone else is doing and then being bored the rest of the time.

The game doesn't ask much of a time investment, but it does ask for some. Those who are able to meet the game's demands are not solely people with lots of time on their hands, as the quota is set quite low.

Fortunately vanity system is coming so nobody has to wear the same gear. Everyone has to work for the gear as much as there is challenge in the encounters and as much as meeting the lockout quotas. That doesn't equal "no work", and for many that is more than enough of an investment to keep playing.

If the only way to make people wear different gear is to make gearing up require much more time investment, yeah, I'd rather have it set this way for sure.

Edited, Jan 30th 2014 8:17pm by Hyanmen
#107 Jan 30 2014 at 11:19 AM Rating: Excellent
And again, I really doubt that because like I said in my previous post about this, leveling took a very long time.

After awhile though, people realized they could solo to level 15 in less time than they could solo to 10 and then head to the Maze/Dunes for a party... and eventually, they learned they could just head to Korroloka Tunnel and skip the dunes, and get much faster XP on squishy worms, getting to level 20 in very little time... suddenly you're level 25 before hitting that first real roadblock (Kazham airship pass), and now you no longer need that Spiny drop. I don't see why someone would prolong that easy leveling process for days, just to get an item at level 10 that they'd outgrow at level 25.

Leaping boots were another story, but only because some people used those until they hit endgame... so I hesitate to call that "mid-level" content. At the time, camping LL was more of an early endgame investment.

Back in the day, though, I camped Spiny Spipi right along with everyone else! But if I went back and played it again, no way would I camp it... at least, not for the same reasons. I might do it now if I were leveling an alt job, and I wasn't in a hurry to get to endgame.

and I wasn't in a hurry to get to endgame.

Quoting myself, because this is ultimately the big issue. We're all smarter MMO players now, and we all understand the value in getting to endgame as soon as we can. It's easier to get parties if you get to endgame sooner... easier to get drops sooner... people haven't grown bored and crotchety yet... overall, it's just better to not dawdle around and get there months late.

That's why I believe SE would be very smart to keep basic gameplay as-is, and add in more time sinks like housing that exist outside of the story/progression arc.

Edited, Jan 30th 2014 9:22am by Thayos

Edited, Jan 30th 2014 9:23am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#108 Jan 30 2014 at 11:42 AM Rating: Excellent
863 posts
Thayos wrote:
And again, I really doubt that because like I said in my previous post about this, leveling took a very long time.

After awhile though, people realized they could solo to level 15 in less time than they could solo to 10 and then head to the Maze/Dunes for a party... and eventually, they learned they could just head to Korroloka Tunnel and skip the dunes, and get much faster XP on squishy worms, getting to level 20 in very little time... suddenly you're level 25 before hitting that first real roadblock (Kazham airship pass), and now you no longer need that Spiny drop. I don't see why someone would prolong that easy leveling process for days, just to get an item at level 10 that they'd outgrow at level 25.

Leaping boots were another story, but only because some people used those until they hit endgame... so I hesitate to call that "mid-level" content. At the time, camping LL was more of an early endgame investment.

Back in the day, though, I camped Spiny Spipi right along with everyone else! But if I went back and played it again, no way would I camp it... at least, not for the same reasons. I might do it now if I were leveling an alt job, and I wasn't in a hurry to get to endgame.

and I wasn't in a hurry to get to endgame.

Quoting myself, because this is ultimately the big issue. We're all smarter MMO players now, and we all understand the value in getting to endgame as soon as we can. It's easier to get parties if you get to endgame sooner... easier to get drops sooner... people haven't grown bored and crotchety yet... overall, it's just better to not dawdle around and get there months late.

That's why I believe SE would be very smart to keep basic gameplay as-is, and add in more time sinks like housing that exist outside of the story/progression arc.

Edited, Jan 30th 2014 9:22am by Thayos

Edited, Jan 30th 2014 9:23am by Thayos

I am not saying particularly the healing cape from Spiny was worth it after people starting leveling in other areas than Valk, but I could still sell that item for a nice chunk of change quite a while down the line, so there is another reason. I mean, not every item was worth it of course, I agree, but some still were and honestly we are still talking about a time after the first expansion I believe, Korrolloka was Zilart if I am not mistaken. Before that it wasn't even possible.

Also the soloing to 15 yeah it was possible, but that doesn't make the rest of the game the same way and it wasn't. The reason people rush to endgame nowadays is because the games are all made that way. Games have gone from long leveling times where the journey to the endgame is a big part of the experience so you don't have to rush and mostly it is hard to because it takes too much time, and you have things to do in the meantime. To games where more or less everything is endgame. It is different styles and I agree with you ARR should stay as what it is absolutely. I was just saying I don't think people who would play a game like XI, would play it very differently from how we used to play it because the game dictates our playstyles a lot, even if we are "smarter" players now.

But like I said I was not trying to say ARR should work like XI, your solution sounds better for ARR.

Edited, Jan 30th 2014 12:45pm by Belcrono
#109 Jan 30 2014 at 1:26 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
I think the time-sink goals in this game could be for non-essential things that still allow people to feel set apart from others. I have a feeling that building airships (which stems from housing) will ultimately be among these goals.

I've said before that I don't personally care for housing(FC or personal), but I do understand why other people want it. It looks cool, you can personalize it by furnishing it and it's a place for you and your fellow adventurers to unwind after a grueling coil run. I think it was a good idea overall that just fell short in it's implementation. At the least, it shed some light on where SE thought player's personal economy should be at this point in the game.

I agree that XIV could benefit from time-sink type of content, but it needs to actually be content. Housing is more like a gil hurdle than a time-sink. Yes it takes time, but it was time spent doing the same thing you were already doing to earn gil. I think people expected it to be more of a journey rather than just a toll fee.

Edited, Jan 30th 2014 2:28pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#110 Jan 30 2014 at 1:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Housing could eventually offer a completely different path of progression. Only the basic shell of housing has been implemented so far.

No idea what is coming later, though.
Thayos Redblade
#111 Jan 30 2014 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
Housing could eventually offer a completely different path of progression. Only the basic shell of housing has been implemented so far.

Too late for those who already have it. They'd have to allow you to sell and re-obtain it which doesn't really make sense.

Edited, Jan 30th 2014 2:45pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#112 Jan 30 2014 at 1:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Early on in FFXI's life, many NM's were worth wasting the time on. The gear they dropped was good until 75 and sometimes into 75. Emperor's Hairpin, Leaping Boots, O Kote's, Fuma's, etc. Some thiefs, mnk, nin's wore those until endgame. Not to mention, some of those items were top notch for several jobs across the board. Were there upgrades to some of these items at 75, of course, but many were unobtainable for a very long time for most of the players.

#113 Jan 30 2014 at 1:59 PM Rating: Excellent
and we all understand the value in getting to endgame as soon as we can

I emphatically disagree with this statement. Endgame is possibly the one thing from FFXI I miss the least. I cared not a whit about it in XIV, either - I only run it because it almost literally fell in my lap, the levelling went by so fast. I played XI for nine years. I didn't set foot even in Dynamis until after 6 years. My first 75 took almost 2 years. I experienced the world - "endgame" was just one small part of that, and of no more significance than any other.

Its the difference between a long journey to a distant, unknown destination, and a short easy road trip by car to an amusement park. Only the first one can you really call an adventure.
#114 Jan 30 2014 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
DarkswordDX wrote:
and we all understand the value in getting to endgame as soon as we can

I emphatically disagree with this statement. Endgame is possibly the one thing from FFXI I miss the least.

Pretty sure they were talking generally and it applies. Most MMOs these days have most of their content on the back end of the game. That's why people find value it it. More content.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#115 Jan 30 2014 at 4:34 PM Rating: Excellent
Pretty sure they were talking generally and it applies. Most MMOs these days have most of their content on the back end of the game. That's why people find value it it. More content.


There's still plenty of time though for Yoshi-P to make more mid-level content, seeing as how Level 50 might be regarded as mid-level once the level cap is raised at the first expansion. We'll see what happens. Who knows? I definitely like the game's direction, but obviously, I'd love to see certain things get better... we all would.
Thayos Redblade
#116 Jan 30 2014 at 5:23 PM Rating: Good
863 posts
Thayos wrote:
Pretty sure they were talking generally and it applies. Most MMOs these days have most of their content on the back end of the game. That's why people find value it it. More content.


There's still plenty of time though for Yoshi-P to make more mid-level content, seeing as how Level 50 might be regarded as mid-level once the level cap is raised at the first expansion. We'll see what happens. Who knows? I definitely like the game's direction, but obviously, I'd love to see certain things get better... we all would.

Considering how fast leveling is though, I am not sure mid level content is really needed. I mean Yoshi decided to make ARR a game where endgame is the meat of it and while it doesn't hurt to have some mid level content in a game like that, focus should be at endgame (with content like housing and stuff of course). For games where leveling takes time it makes sense to have content at "all" levels, but I think it is fine to have mostly endgame focus in a game like what ARR seems to be aiming to be.
#117 Jan 30 2014 at 5:37 PM Rating: Good
972 posts
Jeskradha wrote:
I haven't really lost the passion to play MMO's, its more like I've lost the passion to spend all my time playing MMO's. Its to the point now for me where its just fun to log in for a few hours, do some quests/dungeons, have fun with my friends/FC, and blow some stuff up on my BLM.

I'm in the same boat here. It's not so much the quality of mmos either. The people who play a lot more are feeling the burn though.
#118 Jan 30 2014 at 6:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Who knows, Belcrono... maybe once the level cap is raised, the upper-level monsters of new areas will be more formidable than the "trash mobs" we have now, or maybe there will be new events, or new ways of leveling? There's still plenty of time and opportunity for Yoshi-P to refine the flow of the game.

In the grand scheme of things, FFXIV is still very, very young. Just think about how much of the enjoyable content from XI wasn't even introduced until the RoZ expansion.
Thayos Redblade
#119 Jan 30 2014 at 6:44 PM Rating: Good
Thayos wrote:
Who knows, Belcrono... maybe once the level cap is raised, the upper-level monsters of new areas will be more formidable than the "trash mobs" we have now, or maybe there will be new events, or new ways of leveling? There's still plenty of time and opportunity for Yoshi-P to refine the flow of the game.

In the grand scheme of things, FFXIV is still very, very young. Just think about how much of the enjoyable content from XI wasn't even introduced until the RoZ expansion.

I'm not sure if I can agree with your statement.

Look, when you said: "and we all understand the value in getting to endgame as soon as we can". Yes, we all understand the value in getting to endgame as soon as we can... IF... we are playing WoW. But I can assure you that a good portion of the FFXI players did not like the rush to end game type of mentality, hence they didn't subscribe to WoW. And quite honestly, FFXI catered to the dedicated players crowd where the folks did not enjoy zerging to 75 to do end game content. I think people are just asking for FFXIV to do the same.

However, with what you guys have settled upon in the end, is that FFXIV is not FFXI, that part I do agree. So what is FFXIV like then? It's like WoW, plain and simple. So what does the game being young or old have anything to do with it?

I mean, if clearly FFXIV is already going with the WoW direction, ZERG to CAP then hurry your *** up to none stop repetition of end game runs.... I mean... so what's gonna be changing when the game gets older? If the direction is set, nothing is going to change, well at least the friggin' game is not going to turn into FFXI, which is probably what a lot of people were looking for. An HD version of FFXI: Chains of Promathia. I really didn't like Treasures of Aht Urghan and the game pretty much went to **** with Wings of the Goddess and Abyssea or anything after, so I think most people were looking for something that's along the lines of a graphic overhaul version of CoP.

So in my opinion, if you really enjoy FFXIV now as is, you're most likely going to continue to enjoy it, have a blast at it. If you, are like me, who can't get over FFXI and basically were looking forward to a HD version of the old game, well, I guess we're **** out of luck.

#120 Jan 30 2014 at 7:15 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Belcrono wrote:
Thayos wrote:
Pretty sure they were talking generally and it applies. Most MMOs these days have most of their content on the back end of the game. That's why people find value it it. More content.


There's still plenty of time though for Yoshi-P to make more mid-level content, seeing as how Level 50 might be regarded as mid-level once the level cap is raised at the first expansion. We'll see what happens. Who knows? I definitely like the game's direction, but obviously, I'd love to see certain things get better... we all would.

Considering how fast leveling is though, I am not sure mid level content is really needed. I mean Yoshi decided to make ARR a game where endgame is the meat of it and while it doesn't hurt to have some mid level content in a game like that, focus should be at endgame (with content like housing and stuff of course). For games where leveling takes time it makes sense to have content at "all" levels, but I think it is fine to have mostly endgame focus in a game like what ARR seems to be aiming to be.

They make leveling easy to facilitate people getting to cap quickly. With the way the class system is in XIV, it shouldn't be like that. There are many other games that restrict you to a single class, but have enough content that you could level the same class 4 of 5 times and have a unique experience every time. XIV allows you to level every class if you want, but the content dries up before you're finished with the second class. I wasn't interested in the mechanics of other jobs, but if there was other content to be had through questing and shedding more light on the lore, I'd probably still have a subscription.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#121 Jan 31 2014 at 5:49 AM Rating: Decent
In the grand scheme of things the current endgame will be the midlevel content at some point. Other than that, it seems the midlevel content we're getting right now are the beast tribe quests for the gap between 40-50 where the normal quests won't be enough to take you to the finish line, and the treasure hunts for the same level range.

Now that guildleves are finally worthwhile I don't see any reason to exclude them from being relevant to the game as a whole. Each leve has its own lore piece so I think they are substantial enough to do once at least. They can also be pretty much saved to your 2nd class and beyond. There's around 13 to 25 of them every 5 levels.

Now, I wouldn't be opposed to the devs fleshing out the game so that we get new questlines for 2+ classes over-time. On the other hand, playing each of the dungeons with a new role gives me three distinct experiences so I can't say I'm not enjoying them. They're all well done.
#122 Jan 31 2014 at 7:56 AM Rating: Good
Just this week we got over the Garuda EX hump and turned it into a farming run rather than something that we were lacking the gear to complete. Those 90 rings are pretty pimp and certainly worth farming for each of my 50 jobs. Having a great time here with our established group.

T4 is scheduled for later tonight. Half our LS group got the win on Tuesday for the first time! The rest of us are stoked to use our newly upgraded gear to get the win tonight, seeing as we have practiced our butts off in the run on previous weeks.

It's go time!

Personally I'm as excited as ever to finish off the current Coil content and farm all the available gear upgrades before Patch 2.2. Titan EX is next!
#123 Jan 31 2014 at 8:06 AM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Gnu wrote:
Just this week we got over the Garuda EX hump and turned it into a farming run rather than something that we were lacking the gear to complete. Those 90 rings are pretty pimp and certainly worth farming for each of my 50 jobs. Having a great time here with our established group.

T4 is scheduled for later tonight. Half our LS group got the win on Tuesday for the first time! The rest of us are stoked to use our newly upgraded gear to get the win tonight, seeing as we have practiced our butts off in the run on previous weeks.

It's go time!

Personally I'm as excited as ever to finish off the current Coil content and farm all the available gear upgrades before Patch 2.2. Titan EX is next!

Grats on the good news! Sounds like you guys are about a week ahead of us lol.
#124 Jan 31 2014 at 9:08 AM Rating: Excellent
863 posts
Thayos wrote:
Who knows, Belcrono... maybe once the level cap is raised, the upper-level monsters of new areas will be more formidable than the "trash mobs" we have now, or maybe there will be new events, or new ways of leveling? There's still plenty of time and opportunity for Yoshi-P to refine the flow of the game.

In the grand scheme of things, FFXIV is still very, very young. Just think about how much of the enjoyable content from XI wasn't even introduced until the RoZ expansion.

Yeah I suppose that is true, I just sort of mean that as long as leveling is as fast as it is it does not make much sense in adding mid level content because the whole games systems and concepts are centered around endgame. In XI, things that used to be endgame content at 50 could stay relevant because leveling was so slow it made sense to try and get a specific item that was beast for that level (and sometimes several jobs). I can't see the current endgame content being made midlevel content with any real purpose and use except if you really like the look of the items and will hunt for it to have as vanity gear. XI was deliberately slow which forced them to make the journey something that kept people. ARR is fast and focus on endgame because that is where most people will be, in relative terms, rather fast.

ARR really is young, but in general if you look at what Yoshi has said about how he wants the game to work, there won't be much world content that is difficult, leveling will be fast etc. Basically, the concepts they are working with are just very different compared to what I myself value. You are right though we can never know what the future will bring, Yoshi might make a complete 180 and go against what he said during development pre-launch and if that is what you guys want I am all for it, if not I hope he stays his course.

As for what Filthy said I don't really consider different ways of leveling to be content. I mean I know it is, but it was not what I meant when I said midlevel content is not needed in games where the levels fly past. I agree that allowing for many different experiences when leveling different classes is always a great idea, especially in a game like this where you "should" level several classes on one character, even if you don't like those classes. Hopefully, like Thayos said you will get something like that in the future so you can come back, I have no doubt the game will just get better and better no matter what direction it takes.

Edited, Jan 31st 2014 10:12am by Belcrono
#125 Jan 31 2014 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
1,080 posts
GiftedChild wrote:
Thayos wrote:
Who knows, Belcrono... maybe once the level cap is raised, the upper-level monsters of new areas will be more formidable than the "trash mobs" we have now, or maybe there will be new events, or new ways of leveling? There's still plenty of time and opportunity for Yoshi-P to refine the flow of the game.

In the grand scheme of things, FFXIV is still very, very young. Just think about how much of the enjoyable content from XI wasn't even introduced until the RoZ expansion.

I'm not sure if I can agree with your statement.

Look, when you said: "and we all understand the value in getting to endgame as soon as we can". Yes, we all understand the value in getting to endgame as soon as we can... IF... we are playing WoW. But I can assure you that a good portion of the FFXI players did not like the rush to end game type of mentality, hence they didn't subscribe to WoW. And quite honestly, FFXI catered to the dedicated players crowd where the folks did not enjoy zerging to 75 to do end game content. I think people are just asking for FFXIV to do the same.

However, with what you guys have settled upon in the end, is that FFXIV is not FFXI, that part I do agree. So what is FFXIV like then? It's like WoW, plain and simple. So what does the game being young or old have anything to do with it?

I mean, if clearly FFXIV is already going with the WoW direction, ZERG to CAP then hurry your *** up to none stop repetition of end game runs.... I mean... so what's gonna be changing when the game gets older? If the direction is set, nothing is going to change, well at least the friggin' game is not going to turn into FFXI, which is probably what a lot of people were looking for. An HD version of FFXI: Chains of Promathia. I really didn't like Treasures of Aht Urghan and the game pretty much went to sh*t with Wings of the Goddess and Abyssea or anything after, so I think most people were looking for something that's along the lines of a graphic overhaul version of CoP.

So in my opinion, if you really enjoy FFXIV now as is, you're most likely going to continue to enjoy it, have a blast at it. If you, are like me, who can't get over FFXI and basically were looking forward to a HD version of the old game, well, I guess we're sh*t out of luck.

I played FFXI for almost 5 yrs, left just after Wings of the Goddess started. I played Rift for about a year from their release. I played WoW for 7+ years which I left sporadically but went back after FFXIV 1.0 tanked, then again after Rift. Tried a few others along the way, but never stuck.

Waiting...waiting for ARR, I guess. The ARR I found is a combination of the 3 main games I had left in the past. It's Final Fantasy...awesome and so filled with nostalgia, but... There's that big but. I've enjoyed it for about 4 months, and then friends started leaving, friend list is emptier and emptier as each week goes past. Only 3 people logged on in the FC this week so far. I can progress thru DF and on a limited basis with the few linkshells I've got, but the community is just not there. Killing a boss with total strangers I'll never see again and were just looking for drops or myths...and just leave afterward without a word is a big minus for me. I remember doing O-hat runs with my shell, just for the 5-6 people who needed it, and 25-30 people celebrating with them after each win. ARR seems very empty.

I wasn't looking for a re-make of FFXI. But, I for damned sure didn't want to feel like I was playing WoW or Rift again. I wanted something different. My sub runs out in early April. If they ever pull it off in the future, I may play again. I try to never say never.

Edit: words

Edited, Jan 31st 2014 4:22pm by Vorkosigan
#126 Jan 31 2014 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good
1,310 posts
Vorkosigan wrote:
I played FFXI for almost 5 yrs, left just after Wings of the Goddess started. I played Rift for about a year from their release. I played WoW for 7+ years which I left sporadically but went back after FFXIV 1.0 tanked, then again after Rift. Tried a few others along the way, but never stuck.

Waiting...waiting for ARR, I guess. The ARR I found is a combination of the 3 main games I had left in the past. It's Final Fantasy...awesome and so filled with nostalgia, but... There's that big but. I've enjoyed it for about 4 months, and then friends started leaving, friend list is emptier and emptier as each week goes past. Only 3 people logged on in the FC this week so far. I can progress thru DF and on a limited basis with the few linkshells I've got, but the community is just not there. Killing a boss with total strangers I'll never see again and were just looking for drops or myths...and just leave afterward without a word is a big minus for me. I remember doing O-hat runs with my shell, just for the 5-6 people who needed it, and 25-30 people celebrating with them after each win. ARR seems very empty.

I wasn't looking for a re-make of FFXI. But, I for damned sure didn't want to feel like I was playing WoW or Rift again. I wanted something different. My sub runs out in early April. If they ever pull it off in the future, I may play again. I try to never say never.

I agree that perhaps more can be done for community building, but I think what is there is pretty decent. It's just a matter of finding an active FC and forming linkshells with inter-FC friends and taking the time to join events with them. There's no better way to get help than being helpful to others yourself. I know I had to change FFXI linkshells a few times over the years as people came and went. It always sad when one died out, but also fun when you found a new home for yourself.

Having the ability to group up with strangers across servers is more good than bad, in my opinion. It seemed infuriating to have to beg for help by shouting for hours and hoping you could scrape up a decent team in FFXI for an obscure quest you couldn't do alone.
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