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2014 and what I do in FFXIV now. How about you?Follow

#1 Jan 18 2014 at 5:49 PM Rating: Default
Hi everyone, I'm curious what everyone who is near level i90 does now. Here is what I do every week: On Monday, I farm tomes until they're capped for a few hours than do Coil complete up to T5. Sometimes I might do a extreme primal if coil goes fast. Then I log for the rest of the week. I have 5 crafts at level 50 and really don't want to level anymore because I don't see any point in it. Except for converting gear into material, I find the economy stagnant and not worth the time in making items or farming. Every FC I've been in is pretty quiet even though many had over 100 members, so I haven't been successful at finding a talkative group that might be entertaining. I find the taxation and payment for travelling ridiculously expensive when you consider the low amount of gil you get for doing quests and such. And I think it's absolutely retarded that your gear deteriorates so quickly when you're crafting or fighting and you need to constantly repair it. If my clothes fell apart this quickly at my real world job, I would have to buy a pair of Levis every day. and as far as selling to NPCS? LOL! Too many items sell for only one gil. No wonder people don't want to help on Titan HM. If I could help crappy PUGS attempting it without having to pay 1500 gil after every multiple failed attempt, I would do it just for the fun of it. But knowing I have to farm afterwards to pay to repair my gown which deteriorated by 50% just doesn't sound like fun to me. So I log off on Monday evening usually and log back on next Monday, grind tomes for a couple of hours to get my 450, then have a couple of hours of fun doing Coil, do Primal or two, then log back off for a week. What do you guys do all week?

Edited, Jan 18th 2014 6:50pm by deniswriter
#2 Jan 18 2014 at 6:47 PM Rating: Good
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
Go outside.
#3 Jan 18 2014 at 7:10 PM Rating: Good
8,187 posts
Turin wrote:
Go outside.

Lawl, So much this right here. Unless you live in a blizzard area like me.

deniswriter wrote:
Hi everyone, I'm curious what everyone who is near level i90 does now. Here is what I do every week: On Monday, I farm tomes until they're capped for a few hours than do Coil complete up to T5. Sometimes I might do a extreme primal if coil goes fast. Then I log for the rest of the week.

I'm only i76, but even if I cap my myth tomes on Mondays. Then, I sit around..I run dungeons for pleasure, to help my FC, or because I enjoy it.

I have 5 crafts at level 50 and really don't want to level anymore because I don't see any point in it. Except for converting gear into material, I find the economy stagnant and not worth the time in making items or farming.

Yes, the economy is broken, but its still new, they've stated they are working on it.


Every FC I've een in is pretty quiet even though many had over 100 members, so I haven't been successful at finding a talkative group that might be entertaining.

Every FC? How many are we talking? Did you take time to get to know anyone? Or just leave after 30 minutes?

I find the taxation and payment for travelling ridiculously expensive when you consider the low amount of gil you get for doing quests and such. And I think it's absolutely retarded that your gear deteriorates so quickly when you're crafting or fighting and you need to constantly repair it. If my clothes fell apart this quickly at my real world job, I would have to buy a pair of Levis every day.

As far as selling to NPCS? LOL! Too many items sell for only one gil. No wonder people don't want to help on Titan HM. If I could help crappy PUGS attempting it without having to pay 1500 gil after every multiple failed attempt, I would do it just for the fun of it. But knowing I have to farm afterwards to pay to repair my gown which deteriorated by 50% just doesn't sound like fun to me.

Really, travel expenses are stupidly low for how much money you can make in one day now, just simply by doing all 4 duty roulettes. Same with repair bills, Run through HM HM once or WP and you will easily make a few thousand gil.

ps. You will stop failing Titan if you stop pugging it. Join and Fc and be friendly. Smiley: schooled

Edited, Jan 18th 2014 7:12pm by Dyadem

Edited, Jan 18th 2014 9:51pm by Dyadem
Things I sometimes play...

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"I want to be a unicorn!"
"Awww, why's that?"........
"So I can stab people with my face."
#4 Jan 18 2014 at 7:49 PM Rating: Excellent
Monday: XI raid night, probably a good thing with all the lag/crashes from everyone trying to cap their myth tomes
Tuesday: Whatever I feel like in XIV, writing
Wednesday: Watch anime
Thursday: Whatever I feel like in XIV, writing
Friday: Get drunk, watch anime
Saturday: FFXI raid night
Sunday: Whatever I feel like in XIV, writing

That, along with a full time job, is why I only dinged 50 in XIV last week. I made a conscious decision when the game started that I was going to take it easy.

I'm kind of glad I did since everyone else has run out of content.
#5DuoMaxwellxx, Posted: Jan 19 2014 at 12:42 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) lol yup dont yo just love a game where you can get to a point where you only play it one day a week then theres nothing else to do until the following week? I bet ppl in FFXI NEVER had that problem. Sure DCUO is the sane way but its free to play so in its case i dont care. however a game thts charging you 15 bucks a month should give you reason to play 24 hours a day 7 days a week IF thats what you choose to do, you are giving them your money after all and like they say "you get what you pay for" I mean would ppl keep paying an escort or prostitute thats not putting out? Of course not hence they do whatever they have to do to make sure you keep lining their pickets, even if that means keeping you entertained EVERY day
#6 Jan 19 2014 at 3:10 AM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
This is basically the same reason there is a mass exodus from games a few months into their lifespan. Not sure if the phenomenon has been given a name yet, but it happens like clockwork after the first few months.

What I don't understand is why FFXI was an exception to the rule and XIV seems to be losing gas. Despite being an incredibly steep investment(especially at endgame), FFXI was able to steadily grow it's population over the first several years. I'm not sure if the MMO community has changed or if the design philosophy just isn't keeping it's audience's attention...
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#7 Jan 19 2014 at 7:11 AM Rating: Default
Thanks for your comments. I must not have made it clear...I already finished Titan...I'm basically 2 pieces away from i90. I actually like doing Titan especially the challenge of PUGS. My issue is having to repair my gear after every failed attempt because as we all know, PUGS normally don't succeed at Titan.
#10 Jan 19 2014 at 7:29 AM Rating: Decent
829 posts
I keep FFXIV up in the background and monitor what's up in the FC. If FC mates are doing something I'll ask to join in. Since day one I've been taking it easy, planning out for the long term and pacing myself as to not go through the content too quickly. Crafting is a great way to keep busy. If you can learn to make a lot of gil that way then saving up is a good way to prepare for the future of the game.
#11 Jan 19 2014 at 7:50 AM Rating: Decent
In response to comparing FFXI to FFXIV...I always had something to do in FFXI. First of all there was a linkshell with friends in it. You didn't bounce fron LS to LS because if you did , you never accomplished anything. It took teamwork and friends to get anything done unless you liked spending three hours shouting for a PUG. In FFXIV we don't have that problem, you can use DF and do anything, usually pretty quickly, although I've noticed the wait time has increased dramatically with people leaving the game now. The big difference is I'm doing it with strangers. As for FC's I've been in three since launch and all three were pretty quiet. The LS's I joined were cliquish and already had Coil statics in place, which wasn't a big issue because Coil isn't that hard until T4, but it sucked for nurturing relationships. And when you say raiding...what raid are you talking about...CT? If you're i70, CT is a wonderful thing, but I'm i86, so there's not much sense in doing it unless I want to help the FC members who need it....oh wait...they never talk...they don't need to...getting from 1-50 is soloable, all content can be done without saying a word, except for "I'll heal the main tank" or "I'll be the off tank." Do I sound disillusioned"? Maybe have to love a community that encourages you to team up with total strangers in Duty finder as you read their welcoming comments like, "Don't suck!", "Don't come unless you beat it before or you'll be kicked.", "If you get caught by Aoe more than once, I'll boot you."0"No retards!". I never saw such elitism of rudeness like that in FFXIV or in any of the MMOs I played and I've been doing this since Ultima Online....if someone failed, everyone helped him to get better...even total strangers...and you usually became good friends afterwards. As for what I did in FFXIV....tons of stuff! I farmed because some stuff could be sold to NPC's for decent gil. I went to SEA, SKY, Diabolos, and helped people with COP which was challenging and fun and so rewarding to help people get through because they were so appreciative. I soloed with my Beastmaster attempting to take down NM's because it was possible if you did it just right. I would watch the auction house and see an expensive piece of gear I really wanted, then go craft and farm until I had enough to get it, never feeling as if I was wasting my time, the price of items was pretty fair in consideration to how long it took to farm the gil. I was excited at every new update because I knew there would be new equipment to go after that was better than what I already had, not 10 levels below me as FFXIV has done with CT. I'm frustrated because I'm a long time FF fan and I really wanted to like this game. I did for about 2 months, but now I'm bored as heck. Oh last *****...I took up cooking because eating food in MMO's is your basic tool to make raids easier. So I took it to 50 only to find that to make the best food, I need 4 crystals, 2 clusters which only spawn in a couple of locations a few times a day, another rare item that only spawns in one location once or twice a day and several more items or I can just buy the food for around 6000 gil which lasts 30 minutes. Oh but wait somebody posted that I can make several thousand gil pretty quickly doing duty! I'll spend an hour and a half farming 6000 gil there to but a thirty minute food item....LOL! No wonder no one eats food in any group I'm in except for myself. Food shouldn't be expensive in a game and you should be able to farm the items up if you took your gathering crafts up to the max...not have to wait around for some node to pop, and to top it off hope you get lucky enough to pick the right slot on that node, because it's no guarantee you'll get anything even though you just spent time and money to get there. We need fixes bad or people are going to start bailing very quickly, and unlike me they aren;t going to be coming back every Monday.
#12 Jan 19 2014 at 8:14 AM Rating: Excellent
777 posts
I spent entirely too long trying to figure out if there was a hidden message in that wall 'o text. You might want to break things up a little more in the future to make it easier for people to read =D

I just hit 50 a week or so ago, and have honestly been taking things super slow. I don't feel the need to rush, and have been spending a lot of time crafting rather than endgame stuff. I play a little bit every day. Some days I just have time to do my beastmen dailies and get a treasure map. Other days I have time to do roulette and pick at my story missions. It honestly depends. I don't feel the need to go full steam and blow through things that'll still be there later on down the road.
#13 Jan 19 2014 at 9:21 AM Rating: Excellent
I recommend finding a better FC.

Yes, they are out there. My FC only ha like 25 total members, but it's common to have 10 people online at a time. Feels way more tight than a FC with 10 of 100 members online.

And yeah, pace yourself!
Thayos Redblade
#14 Jan 19 2014 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
1,842 posts
First I have to get this off my chest:

Honestly you need to find a more active FC that does end game content. There are a ton of shout's now and you can just keep moving till you find one that works. Also might want to join a social LS.
#15 Jan 19 2014 at 12:43 PM Rating: Good
I find helping my FC mates to be rather entertaining. Granted there's always the cost to repair gear when runs go bad, but then again I don't go running around wearing i90 stuff for every single little thing I do, either.

Between cooking for my FC, gathering for the things I'm cooking, traveling places without teleporting, dailies, DR, etc, there's plenty to do, especially considering I didn't rush to 50 for the hell of being 50 and being 'elite'.

FFXI had a bit of content at NA launch, and a lot of the time was spent shouting and traveling and pulling mobs one at a time. Try running a dungeon and only pulling one mob at a time instead of 3-5. Takes a bit longer. Length of time spend on something isn't proportional to the amount of something getting done. You can't do a direct comparison that way.
#16 Jan 19 2014 at 1:03 PM Rating: Excellent
79 posts
Maybe stop doing speed runs and just do normal runs of dungeons. Don't cap myths in one day. Spread them out. Also like it has been said. Find a better FC. I've noticed the smaller ones are always better than the bigger ones(thats what she never says lol) People need to stop rushing through things. Lvl another job so doing CT isn't a waste of time. This is why I didn't speed through the game. Especially a newer MMO. You're going to be bored after every patch or expansion that comes out. Also people need to stop comparing 11 to 14. It took longer to do certain things, which is why it felt like you had more to do. Stop thinking this is 11 and you need to rush to everything.

Edited, Jan 19th 2014 2:36pm by EvilMadMike1982
#17 Jan 19 2014 at 4:11 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
EvilMadMike1982 wrote:
This is why I didn't speed through the game. Especially a newer MMO. You're going to be bored after every patch or expansion that comes out. Also people need to stop comparing 11 to 14. It took longer to do certain things, which is why it felt like you had more to do. Stop thinking this is 11 and you need to rush to everything.

Speeding through content always depends on the player. 2 of the 3 classes I have capped now were 40+ prior to when SE started charging for the 1.0 version. I finished them and capped another in the 1 month of subscription and geared 2 of them out playing a few times a week.

People will always compare XIV to XI. If you walk around Eorzea you see a lot(most) of the same mobs you see in XI. The races are pretty much carbon copy. Go look at the front page of ZAM and there's a gigantic Shantotto. There are more differences than similarities, but that only makes it easier to compare the two. The thing about XI was that SE managed to keep a lot of older content relevant. XIV on the other hand has adapted and adopted the progression path. Content is developed to be progressed through and subsequent updates render the previous update obsolete.

Yoshi P stated that he would earn the subscription fee by presenting players with a mountain of content. Instead they release housing which is a popular idea with a lot of players, but they implement it with the idea that players won't actually use it until 3 months down the road. Why not just wait 3 months to release it at a reasonable price? They release PvP, but it's broken and they never set to balance it or adjust abilities being cast on other players rather than mobs. Many of the changes are great, but a lot of those are things that you've been waiting on for a long time already.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#18 Jan 19 2014 at 6:13 PM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
For once, I'm going to have to side with Filth.

I am in the OP's boat. Many of my friends are as well. Once you get your main job to i90 or so and your alt job to i85+, there really isn't much of a point in logging on other than to help with extreme primals and raid coil every Monday. I do CT DF and really am only considering CT gear for alt alt alt alt alt jobs that I probably will never get to play.

OP: I highly recommend leveling an alt. This has kept the feeling of having no content to a minimum since I can raid on two characters.

As I've said before: 2.2 is the next 'hardcore' update with the addition to coil and new primal(s). I will see what we are given and determine whether I stay in Eorzea based on it.
#19 Jan 19 2014 at 7:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Yeah, XI had already had its first expansion released when the game came out in NA, adding a dozen new zones an an entirely new endgame playground for people to grind in. I think the cap was already 75 by that point too.
#20 Jan 19 2014 at 10:08 PM Rating: Good
530 posts
Turin wrote:
Go outside.

Go where?
Can you send me a link for that?
#21 Jan 20 2014 at 2:36 AM Rating: Decent
3,653 posts
ACLinjury wrote:
Turin wrote:
Go outside.

Go where?
Can you send me a link for that?

What I don't understand is why FFXI was an exception to the rule and XIV seems to be losing gas. Despite being an incredibly steep investment(especially at endgame), FFXI was able to steadily grow it's population over the first several years. I'm not sure if the MMO community has changed or if the design philosophy just isn't keeping it's audience's attention...

It's been mentioned but XI got released to the US and the rest of the world with an expansion already published, after the game had been in release in Japan for a couple of years. It will be interesting to see how XIV is travelling after the first expansion. Heck we didn't even get an EU/AU release until CoP was out.

I've seen the same phenomenon noted by the OP. A lot of the "hardcore" players who had multiple 50's in the first few weeks have long since left the game. In a way, a lot of those people weren't the type of players who are interested in long-term community, so it's almost a good thing that some of them are gone. Having said that it's become a lot harder to find competent players at end game at the moment. It's an interesting phase in an MMO's life, where the community really needs to band together and form cohesive, solid groups to fill the void left by everyone who's gone.

As mentioned too, the best thing to alleviate the boredom is to level (and gear) another job. I've taken it pretty slowly with only 50 BRD and WAR (and CRP), even still, i'm hitting the point where there's little to do on my main job apart from Coil and cap tomes every week.

Edited, Jan 20th 2014 8:39am by blowfin
#22 Jan 20 2014 at 2:56 AM Rating: Decent
You want content to last you all week? PF/DF all of the Extremes and Coil, heck even HM Titan!

#23 Jan 20 2014 at 3:04 AM Rating: Good
53 posts
That's the problem with vertical progression games. If the developers can't pump out relevant content quickly enough, the majority of your player base hits a wall and runs out of stuff to do. And with most MMOs striving to be as accessible as possible to everyone, it's only getting easier to burn through the content entirely too quickly, resulting in a mass exodus a couple months after launch. That's one of the prices of accessibility, and one of the major issues that developers will have to overcome in the future if they want their games to be successful in the long run. Sadly SE has been notoriously slow at putting out content, so we can only hope the past isn't any indication of the future.

Horizontal progression games, like FFXI used to be, never had that issue because almost every piece of content they created stayed relevant for years (till Abyssea). Problem with that is if you come in late to the party, you're left struggling to catch up for a very long time. What I miss most about FFXI is how even after 6 years, I still had a good reason to go out and camp something like Simurgh once I decided to pick up Ranger. The items were fun, many of them had a personality of their own. This is a lot harder to achieve in vertical progression, when you blaze through levels and where new updates makes the old gear obsolete.

#24 Jan 20 2014 at 3:59 AM Rating: Default
Bruknarr wrote:
Sadly SE has been notoriously slow at putting out content, so we can only hope the past isn't any indication of the future.

One could go as far as to say that this is based on growth prospects (or stagnation/shrinking trends) and has nothing to do with a particular company but rather a single product of said company whose playerbase is either growing, stagnating or shrinking.

Then again, the comparison being made here is without any basis. Notoriously slow compared to what ~2003 MMO?
#25 Jan 20 2014 at 8:31 AM Rating: Excellent
1,208 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
lol yup dont yo just love a game where you can get to a point where you only play it one day a week then theres nothing else to do until the following week? I bet ppl in FFXI NEVER had that problem. Sure DCUO is the sane way but its free to play so in its case i dont care. however a game thts charging you 15 bucks a month should give you reason to play 24 hours a day 7 days a week IF thats what you choose to do, you are giving them your money after all and like they say "you get what you pay for" I mean would ppl keep paying an escort or prostitute thats not putting out? Of course not hence they do whatever they have to do to make sure you keep lining their pickets, even if that means keeping you entertained EVERY day

Actually DCUO didn't start as F2P, they had a $15 monthly charge at first too... then they went F2P within a year.

They had weekly content locks too, but once they were F2P it didn't take long before you could buy "Replay Badges" with real money in the cash shop to be able to play content over again... if FFXIV does this I'll quit in a heartbeat.
#26 Jan 20 2014 at 10:00 AM Rating: Excellent
Bruknarr wrote:
That's the problem with vertical progression games. If the developers can't pump out relevant content quickly enough, the majority of your player base hits a wall and runs out of stuff to do. And with most MMOs striving to be as accessible as possible to everyone, it's only getting easier to burn through the content entirely too quickly, resulting in a mass exodus a couple months after launch. That's one of the prices of accessibility, and one of the major issues that developers will have to overcome in the future if they want their games to be successful in the long run. Sadly SE has been notoriously slow at putting out content, so we can only hope the past isn't any indication of the future.

Horizontal progression games, like FFXI used to be, never had that issue because almost every piece of content they created stayed relevant for years (till Abyssea). Problem with that is if you come in late to the party, you're left struggling to catch up for a very long time. What I miss most about FFXI is how even after 6 years, I still had a good reason to go out and camp something like Simurgh once I decided to pick up Ranger. The items were fun, many of them had a personality of their own. This is a lot harder to achieve in vertical progression, when you blaze through levels and where new updates makes the old gear obsolete.

Each player feels as if the players they actually play with represent "the majority of players". I'm questioning if the group described is actually the majority.

To me, the majority of players are calmly working thru the available content, gradually leveling up second or third jobs, and just now progressing to where T4 is an obtainable goal. This is what my FC, LS and friends are doing. As a group, we have a couple more weeks of gaining Allegan and/or Myth AF2 gear before we have the firepower to bust thru the T4 wall.

One thing we all agree on, everyone wants more PvE content. Specifically we want new vertical progression options 90+. Patch 2.2 hopefully has the goods.
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