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Pros/Cons of leveling all classes on one char ...Follow

#1 Jan 17 2014 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent

What would be pros/cons of leveling all 8 classes on one char, instead of creating 8 chars for each class.

Would you still have enough quests or other ways to get all the exp to level all 8 classes on one char, or grinding will be required to gain exp.

If you have different classes on different chars instead of one, is it easier to transfer things between different chars, weapons, gear, mats, gil etc
#2 Jan 17 2014 at 2:41 PM Rating: Good
589 posts
3) is the reason to never make an alt. You can not transfer stuff to yourself easily. It can be done but why?

2) exp is easy to get in the game. Questing is just another form of grinding.

1) I made an alt before and took it to 50 in FFXI. I wish I had spent that time taking the same class on my main. I don't know of any cons. Pros is you don't have to get gear over again on each alt. Also cross class abilities.
#3 Jan 17 2014 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
1. Pros: Cross class abilities are crucial to this game. You've pretty much got to get all the Disciple of War or Disciple of Magic classes to at least 15 anyway, and some nice skills come from higher levels. So for every alt you take to 50, you have to take all those classes up again and again. Might as well just take it up on the same class and save yourself some trouble.

Cons: Armor looks different on different classes, and by locking yourself into one class you may not like the way some armor fits. #1 reason I'm not a Lalafell is because of the way my armor looked on my Tarutaru in FFXI. But some outfits in XIV are cute on them. Some outfits look kind of... uh... raunchy on my Mi'Quote. People also get bored.

If you could have two classes logged in on the same account at the same time, we'd be having a different discussion. Also, if you're willing to fork over the cash for a second account, there could be a benefit to having an alt that can be played at the same time as your main.

Gear/items cannot be sent to alts on the same account. In FFXI, we had "mule storage" - in XIV you have your retainers instead.
#4 Jan 17 2014 at 3:23 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
The Con is that you are limited to run through all 5 turns of Coil per week and 450 myth per week for all 9 jobs (yep, 9 jobs, since Arcanist leads to both Scholar and Summoner, and they don't share relic). And I suppose you could add the limit of 1 Crystal Tower loot per week.

If you had those 9 jobs spread between 2 chars, you could do gear them up twice as quickly at end game since you can do Coil twice, farm 450x2 myths per week, etc.

That's pretty hardcore though. I know at least a couple of people in my FC who have multiple chars. And one of them did it at least partially so that they could run Coil every week with two different groups of people.
#5 Jan 17 2014 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
I miss having that kind of free time. Smiley: lol
#6 Jan 17 2014 at 3:32 PM Rating: Good
589 posts
Just had a though. What if in the future they remove the lockout and caps? would that be an appropriate time for /facepalm? I mean, they raised the cap on ToM who knows what else they may do.
#7 Jan 17 2014 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
197 posts
I debated for along time if I wanted to make another character or not. I understand the whole level every job on one character thing, but the WoW addict in me is drawn to having multiple characters lol.

I've decided to level a warrior just to have a tanking class and ultimately I just decided to make a new character for it. Mostly for the whole myth cap lockout thing, but also cause I wanted to make a sexy cat *****, and for me I just feel like I will have an easier time leveling another class with all the story mode quests then trying to grind out dungeons and such. Mostly cause I have limited play time.

I don't see myself ever making another character tho, there are just too many benefits to having multiple jobs on the same character.
#8 Jan 17 2014 at 4:15 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
I'm currently using a 4 character "strategy" myself. One has all the DoM classes, one has both melee classes, one is a Bard (and will take any future range classes), and the last has both tank classes. There are distinct advantages to using alts, but it does take some extra work in places.

Main Story
This is a double-edged sword. The con is you'll have to redo the main story on each character. The pro is, you get to collect all the generous rewards from the main story on each character, something you couldn't do if you stuck to just one.

I'm not sure if this is a pro or con, but for unlocking achievements that require a great deal of effort, you may reach them faster (if it all) by sticking to one character. On the other hand, it might be more efficient points-wise to tag all the easy achievements on multiple characters. Since we don't know yet what the points can be used for, it's tough to say which is better.

Dailies / Weeklies
A solid pro in favor of multiple characters is the extra helpings of dailies and weeklies you'll get, especially the Crystal Tower and collecting Myth Tomes. A single character will have a hard time gearing all 8 classes with CT and Myth Tome gear. For example, you're limited to 450 Myth per week on a single character and one drop from CT. But if you had 4 level 50 characters, you could collect up to 1800 Myth and 4 CT drops per week.

Because of cross-class abilities, you do end up covering the same ground leveling up extra classes on each character, so that's one annoyance against multiple characters. However, if you know which class or classes your character will specialize in, it often isn't too much of a bother since most abilities are obtained at low levels and you can stick with leveling only what's necessary, and once finished, you never have to worry about it again (at least until they raise the level cap).

Suitable Racial Bonus
Racial bonuses are minor, but if you level multiple characters, it's practical to tailor this bonus to that character's specialized classes. Every bit helps! Smiley: nod
#9 Jan 17 2014 at 4:42 PM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
Pros to having more than 1 character:
-You can experience the 1-15 storyline for all 3 cities
-You can get a CT loot and run Coil weekly on each character
#10 Jan 17 2014 at 6:09 PM Rating: Good
728 posts
I'd stay stick with one character to start out with and then branch out to another alt if you feel like the time to put into it is worth it to you. EXP was super easy to get back in the day with fate grinding and apparently dungeons are even better now. Having all of your cross class abilities for a given job is essential and you are really gimping yourself and your group if you don't have them all. If you have enough time to put into grinding the same sub jobs up to 34 for cross class abilities twice then you have more than enough time to just spam dungeons and get multiple sets of darklight gear. To be honest there isn't really much content int his game that requires more than the ilvl 70 darklight gear. Play around with different jobs and gear them up in darklight. Figure out what job or two you would like to main and then start getting CT gear for them each week. Keep saving your mythology tomestones until you get a few pieces of CT/BC gear and then use them to supplement those pieces. Or you could also use CT/BC to gear out one job while saving your myth tomes for another. Some sets of myth armor are better for the job than boss drops (Scholar for instance).

The achievement system really rewards you for sticking to one character, if you are into that sort of thing. There are rewards for leveling up all of the jobs in a certain group on one character. However if you like crafting you might want to make an alt or two for storage. while it would be a pain in the *** to transfer items to the alt there are workarounds (such as having your own FC).
#11 Jan 17 2014 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Pros: Convenience. Massive convenience in the case of FFXIV and XI. These games aren't as alt friendly as other MMOs.

Cons: It can get boring playing the same character after a while. Part of the fun of rolling a new class is getting to look at a new race and animations.
#12 Jan 17 2014 at 7:26 PM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
XVP wrote:
1) What would be pros/cons of leveling all 8 classes on one char, instead of creating 8 chars for each class.

You don't want to go to the extremes on either, TBQH. If you do them all on one character and seriously plan to play them all at high level, it will take forever for you to gear. If you have one character per one job, it will also take you forever to level.

Ideally level a couple of jobs on 2-3 characters (I'd just do two). Make classes that have cross class skills for all your others. So, if it were me, I'd level BLM, SMN/SCH, WHM, and possibly PLD while having to level BRD for quelling/raging/etc. The other would be WAR, MNK, DRG, and maybe BRD again.

I would have actually done this if I had known, beforehand, what awaited me at the end.

XVP wrote:
2) Would you still have enough quests or other ways to get all the exp to level all 8 classes on one char, or grinding will be required to gain exp.

You only have enough quests to maybe get 3 characters to 50. The rest is FATEs/leves/duty roulette/dungeon grinding.

XVP wrote:
3) If you have different classes on different chars instead of one, is it easier to transfer things between different chars, weapons, gear, mats, gil etc

You cannot transfer between characters. To be more accurate: you could do this with a bug prior to a recent patch but can no longer.
#13 Jan 18 2014 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
405 posts
I absolutely love the idea of only having 1 character for everything, much like in XI. With Fantasia and the aesthetician, you're really not stuck with the same race/look, and I've already changed. SE has made it difficult to transfer items and money between characters, and you can't trade bound gear, so having several characters would be a big turn off for me. I just can't imagine doing everything over again, leveling cross class skills, gearing up, etc.

And running coil/grinding myth/grinding future endgame to be added with 2-3 or more characters? Dude, you have way too much free time. In my opinion, its also lootwhorish and I wouldn't really want to run with you, when you're going to want basically all the drops because you have all the jobs. And what happens when you run coil on your tank and nothing but healer gear drops, or you run on your healer and nothing but DPS gear drops? That doesn't sound fun.
#14 Jan 18 2014 at 6:53 PM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
Loris wrote:
And running coil/grinding myth/grinding future endgame to be added with 2-3 or more characters? Dude, you have way too much free time. In my opinion, its also lootwhorish and I wouldn't really want to run with you, when you're going to want basically all the drops because you have all the jobs.

How is that any worse than someone with one character with all 9 jobs leveled? We're not talking about dual/triple boxing just to drag along your alts to lot on stuff. We're talking about people doing twice the work for potentially twice the loot, or three times the work to get potentially three times the loot.

In fact, you're less likely to run into loot conflict with someone who spreads 9 jobs across 2 to 3 characters than you would with someone that has them all on one character. The guy who uses one char for only mage jobs isn't going to want tank gear on that char, etc.
#15 Jan 18 2014 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
327 posts
The pros seem nice but Ive yet to see the Major Con - Party Finder Groups for CT and Coil still want an overgearing ilvl. Using a new character means you start on the bottom rung every time you get to 50. Just today I was astonished to see the following /sh on Leviathan...

"LF Bard Coil 1-5. Ilvl80+ Only"
Oxide Vanwen

Server: Ultros

Free Company: Terra Sails

The Paragon of White Mage Excellence From Final Fantasies XI - XIV
#16 Jan 18 2014 at 11:18 PM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
Loris wrote:
And running coil/grinding myth/grinding future endgame to be added with 2-3 or more characters? Dude, you have way too much free time. In my opinion, its also lootwhorish and I wouldn't really want to run with you, when you're going to want basically all the drops because you have all the jobs.

I...don't even understand this. A person who has leveled all jobs on one character will want all the gear: not one that has them spread across multiple characters.

And what happens when you run coil on your tank and nothing but healer gear drops, or you run on your healer and nothing but DPS gear drops? That doesn't sound fun.

How is this different from the way people normally play? lol You ever hunt for a drop for a long time and never see it on your main?

You also make the assumption that a person would use their main character and alt character to run with you. You can only take one of those per week due to lockouts.

Instead, try thinking about it like this:

Once upon a time, you were in a social FC leveling your main character. You made a bunch of friends but when you all reached level cap, you decided to leave the social FC and go join a raiding FC. However, your friends decided to go join another raiding FC.

Now, the only content you can do with your friends in another FC is things like primals. You can't raid or help them with coil due to lockouts and possible rules in your FC forbidding raiding with another FC. With an alt character, you can join them if they are looking for your specific job or you can choose to level a job they need. Also, if you have a FC that has groups that aren't completely solidified, you can use your alt character to fill in gaps. My FC took it a step further and now has an alt group. They leveled a class they normally don't play on their main. I think it looks quite fun but definitely isn't for everyone.
#17 Jan 19 2014 at 4:15 PM Rating: Good
435 posts
I have 8 characters on Faerie. I lvl them all at various rates. I have to characters at Endgame now, and I find that I can run more roulettes and those bonuses add up. I did the math, and assuming I roulette on each character (assuming they were all 50), I could amass 16k phil tomes in a week... or go on a murderous rampage of insanity and cocaine.

The main reason I have so many characters is that A) I love variety, I have a Roe and a couple of Hyur along with my various incarnations of Mi'qote self. B) Sometimes I want to get away from my crazy FC. I love 'em all to death, but I needs my Me time. C) Crafting. Between all my alts, I have 800 leves. I NEVER run out of crafting leaves to do. The lowest any character has ever been down to is 24. Nice way to earn le shinies. D) Questing, I have can run quests for gil which is a nice and easy way to earn some gil on the side and stack Allagan coins.

All of that is assuming you can survive the repetition. Its not all awesome rainbows and ponies.
#18 Jan 19 2014 at 7:38 PM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
One con with having multiple characters that i forgot about: each character has its own friends list. So if you have a friend's list of a decent size, I can imagine it would be a nightmare to try and keep them all the same on multiple characters.
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