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Do players still have a voice in the direction of FFIXV?Follow

#1 Jan 10 2014 at 9:58 AM Rating: Excellent
Do players still have a voice in the direction of development for FFXIV?

There was a point in the history of FFXIV where the game developers were actively seeking feedback from players. Public opinion polls were created to determine what content players wanted prioritized. By using this information, they were able to successfully create a game that players wanted to play. At this point the development resources are being used to create content that may or may not be what the players want. I think it is reasonable at this time to request that a re-evaluation of players' priorities be done to verify that the direction of content development matches the activities that make players want to play FFXIV. I think that the resources devoted to each type of content should be proportional to the amount of interest that players have for engaging in that type of content.

From what I have seen, it seems that players spend a majority of their time playing the available PvE content. It does not seem that the priority currently given to future PvE content development is consistent with the level of demand for new PvE content.

Looking around Eorzea, I see a great amount of interest in Crafting. Players seem to enjoy this activity, and it appears the time spent crafting is a close second to PvE. Therefore, it stands to reason that the development resources for future Crafting content would match this level of interest by the players. However, players are currently expressing a great deal of frustration at the direction crafting is taking. The development team has stated that crafting gear will NOT be important to end-game activities moving forward, and no future content is being developed to serve as end-game activities for Crafters. This does not seem to match the original direction of FFXIV, which was to have Crafting classes have an equal level of importance as the Battle classes do. The resources devoted to development of crafting content should match the level of interest in Crafting.

I appears that the level of interest in PvP content is limited. Looking around Eorzea, I personally see a limited amount of players engaging in PvP. Those players are only engaging in PvP for a limited amount of their play time. I think that the resources devoted to the development of PvP content are disproportional to the level of interest shown by the general community. This may be because the level of interest the development team has for PvP is not consistent with players. It is not clear that PvP content has, or will, draw additional players to play and subscribe to FFXIV. That siad, I do not think that PvP is unimportant to FFXIV. I do think that the amount of resource development resources that will be allocated for expanding PvP content should match the overall level of interest shown by players.

It appears that the development of Housing has required more resources than was originally intended. While players did show interest in Housing at one time, it is unclear if the amount of time and capitol that has been spent on the Housing system corresponds to the actual amount of player interest. I can sympathize with having a great idea that turns out to be more difficult to implement than was expected. It seem at this point that the resources devoted to housing have not had an overall positive impact on player enjoyment of FFXIV. The housing system should eventually be made fully operational, and this goal should be balanced with the timeline for development of content that has a greater level of overall player interest.

Moving forward, it seems a reasonable request that the development team review the available data on what activities players are engaging in most. Sharing that data may help players understand the priorities that are being given to content development.

Is it possible that, with the release of the varying types of content, it is time to once again Poll the Player Community to better understand what priorities players currently have for the direction of content development?

Edited, Jan 10th 2014 10:59am by Gnu
#2 Jan 10 2014 at 10:25 AM Rating: Excellent
I wouldn't worry unless Yoshi-P implements Moblin Maze Mongers.
Thayos Redblade
#3 Jan 10 2014 at 10:50 AM Rating: Good
660 posts
I have to say they had a lot of coverage in their polls prior to the official launch of FFXIV. By now they should have a good idea of what the players want. It's like any project schedule, you want the best requirements you can get before you really get into development because it costs more and requires more effort to change something thats already been coded and tested because of a bad requirement.

That said, now I think what we're seeing is the ability of Yoshi's team to meet those requirements. Bugs and infrastructure problems have been plauging the game since beta. They are still having to devote a lot of resources on simply keeping the game servers from crashing. That undoubtably set content development behind. I'm not saying thats ok, just that seems to be how it is.

I have noticed a slow widening gap between development and players. The outcry concerning housing prices and the reply really irked me. You're right, it's not how it used to be. Maybe they dont need to poll concerning new content, but it cant hurt to actively seek feedback. After all feedback should be a part of any major project.
#4 Jan 10 2014 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
1,675 posts
In short, I think SE is already doing this. I think the weight should be and is on what the players are actually doing. Of course SE should then focus on what major concerns people are voicing and if the two overlap then those issues should be a priority.

Ex. People arent participating in the housing system; people are complaining on the forums. OK, so there should be some adjustment here.

It's a balancing act for sure, especially when perception and anger outweighs evidence even though SEs evidence might show otherwise; maybe housing was going according to their plan, but going too slowly for most players.

Same with crafting. Sure on our end it looks as though a lot of people are into crafting, but what it that total number is only 2% of people have crafting as their main?
Should SE cater to that 2% when the other 98% is doing other things, namley end game PvE?

Sure my numbers are off but the point is SE should primarily focus on hard data and play nice PR with community issues like housing and a crafting endgame. SE should and is going to focus on the content that can keep the most players and I just think that happens to lean casual and battle oriented.
#5 Jan 10 2014 at 10:59 AM Rating: Excellent
I can understand their reluctance to rush in and change their plans for housing right away. However, if the prices deflate down to their minimum and people still aren't buying houses, then it really does mean their original plan was flawed and they're going to need to change something fast.

My crafting linkshell on Lamia is consistently capped out - we cannot accept any new members. Part of us wants to make ourselves a full fledged Free Company dedicated to crafting, but there's no point in us doing so right now.

Edited, Jan 10th 2014 12:00pm by Catwho
#6 Jan 10 2014 at 11:30 AM Rating: Excellent
197 posts
I love PvP, It was one of my favorite things to do while playing WoW, I'd venture to say that 60-70% of my overall game time in WoW was spent playing PvP.

That being said, I really think SE should just give up on PvP, its just too much of a headache to try to balance and make everyone happy. I played a few matches, probably around 10-20, I was not impressed. And from what I've heard a lot of people feel the same way.

Honestly, I have yet to play a game other then WoW where the PvP is not some kind of unbalanced cluster ****. I know WoW isn't perfect in this regard, but I just don't think anyone else will ever get it right.

On the flip side of that, I love the PvE aspects of ARR, more so then I did WoW. For lack of a better word, its just fun, and seeing as they seem to be doing a fantastic job, I wish they would just focus more on PvE content.
#7 Jan 10 2014 at 11:42 AM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Gnu wrote:
Do players still have a voice in the direction of development for FFXIV?

I think they do. I believe Yoshi altered the worst aspect of his housing plan based on the outcry of players. During FFXIV's "time in the wilderness" before 2.0, Yoshi also ran several questionnaires for the players to participate in.

However, I do think there is a limit on how far that can be useful. "Game design by focus group" can produce utter disasters such as Dragon Age 2 which try to please everyone at once and end up pleasing no one. As the director, Yoshida has to lead with a certain amount of vision and not be afraid to make a few mistakes along the way. Part of FFXIV's flaws is that it's a little too derivative of other MMOs. It really has to start finding its own direction as a game and introduce elements we haven't seen before.

The players aren't going to be the source of this innovation, and in fact, they may even resist it. Do you know anyone who actually quit FFXIV because jumping was added to the game? Because if the official forums were to believed back in the day, it was going to destroy the game's immersion forever, and no one would play FFXIV ever again!

#8 Jan 10 2014 at 12:11 PM Rating: Excellent
191 posts
Unfortunately, the problem with asking the customer what they want is that they will tell you.
Pikko wrote:
I'm here with the Sticky Wand of Doom!!

Osanshouo wrote:
What makes an unbeatable game fun?
Your friends.

Crysania Majere 50WHM, 50SCH, 50SMN
Kraken Club - Ultros
#9 Jan 10 2014 at 12:22 PM Rating: Excellent
I think the development team still has our interests at heart... but as another poster indicated, the days of pouring over polls are long over. For the most part, the development team knows what we want, and now the big issues focus on how to implement fun and innovative content with the players' desires in mind.

I think the housing debacle is the first time we've seen the development team appear to really deviate from what players want. We want accessible housing that we can get into without having to treat the game like a second job... and other players would rather just have individual housing. I'm sure developers want everyone to have access to housing, but they've got to override that with the need to have infrastructure.

I'm eager to see what the next big content patch brings. I'm also curious to see how the dev team addresses housing and the flailing economy over the next month or two.
Thayos Redblade
#10 Jan 10 2014 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
Where is the group crafting we were promised? Smiley: laugh
#11 Jan 10 2014 at 12:40 PM Rating: Excellent
Where is the group crafting we were promised?

It's probably planned as part of housing! Lulz!!!
Thayos Redblade
#12 Jan 10 2014 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
1,004 posts
For PvP I believe a lot of people aren't playing it because its extremely broken right now. I wouldn't mind doing PvP for fun, but right now I find nothing fun about getting slept for a minute straight. or stun locked. they could make PvP work better so more people would enjoy it if they fleshed it out more.

For crafting I agree with you. Although crafting does allow people to get gear better than darklight, it only serves as a bridge to ilvl 90 gear. As much as I absolutely despised crafting in FF11 because of it's ridiculous requirement to level a craft to 100, they had an economy. a good one. The problem in 14 is you can go through the entire game without buying a single piece of gear. That right there is what sank the economy. In 11 everything was crafted so you had to find a way to gather some money to buy the gear you wanted. The alternative to this was NM drops which were not guaranteed. This created a need to use money and keep the economy alive. (yes I'm also aware of the implications of RMT because of this but player enjoyment should not be driven by this).

The second problem with crafting is the itemization. FF11 had a very good item system in the sense that you had a ton of choices for gear with cool stats to look forward to. Even vertain lower level gear had their place at level 75. in ff14 I'm very disappointed they dumbed the gear down the way they did. This makes for zero planning on the part of the player. There isn't even any gear that's "situational" it's either better or it isn't.

As for housing, that was a huge fail on their part. Although I can see why higher prices need to be in place (because we are just sitting on gil and not using it), the price they are charging is beyond comprehension. My FC wants one but were not willing to blow an entire FC's life savings for a useless asset. It's cool to have but that's about it. Instead of having dedicated zones I would have rather had a "mog house" thing where you enter a zone and your in your house. that way, everyone FC could have a house instead of taking up space and wasting server resources.

As for asking what the community wants...that has been and always will be a double edged sword. you can't simply make a poll and have it represent the entire population of players. square knows this, and this is why they won't do it. the best they would do with that is get an answer based on the people who goes to their forums. that's not representative at all.

Finally, they know that people do a majority of PvE content. That wasn't the focus of this patch because they wanted to give a variety of options to the player at what to do in the game. It's unrealistic to expect them to have created a full patch for PvE and also have gotten out housing and PvP as well. Their development team doesn't have infinite resources, and creating content takes time. With that said, the next patch as far as we know won't have any brand new systems so I expect the next patch to be mainly PvE and story focused (which is what I think they said if I remember right).
#13 Jan 10 2014 at 2:07 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Keysofgaruda wrote:
That wasn't the focus of this patch because they wanted to give a variety of options to the player at what to do in the game. It's unrealistic to expect them to have created a full patch for PvE and also have gotten out housing and PvP as well. Their development team doesn't have infinite resources, and creating content takes time. With that said, the next patch as far as we know won't have any brand new systems so I expect the next patch to be mainly PvE and story focused (which is what I think they said if I remember right).

Not focused on PvE? Smiley: eek

Pharos Sirius?
3 Extreme Mode Primals?
The Crystal Tower?
2 Hard mode dungeons?
Hard mode Ultima Weapon?
Several Main Story Line quests?
Good King Moogle Mog?
Treasure Map fights?
Duty Roulette?
The Beastmen Missions?

And that's not counting things like the barber shop or seasonal events or the new minions...

You might not even have noticed the housing or PvP with all those things.
#14 Jan 10 2014 at 2:10 PM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Xoie wrote:
Keysofgaruda wrote:
That wasn't the focus of this patch because they wanted to give a variety of options to the player at what to do in the game. It's unrealistic to expect them to have created a full patch for PvE and also have gotten out housing and PvP as well. Their development team doesn't have infinite resources, and creating content takes time. With that said, the next patch as far as we know won't have any brand new systems so I expect the next patch to be mainly PvE and story focused (which is what I think they said if I remember right).

Not focused on PvE? Smiley: eek

Pharos Sirius?
3 Extreme Mode Primals?
The Crystal Tower?
2 Hard mode dungeons?
Hard mode Ultima Weapon?
Several Main Story Line quests?
Good King Moogle Mog?
Treasure Map fights?
Duty Roulette?
The Beastmen Missions?

And that's not counting things like the barber shop or seasonal events or the new minions...

You might not even have noticed the housing or PvP with all those things.

But none of that stuff is better than gear already in the game, so everyone got mad lol.

Well, I didn't get made because I don't have 3 jobs at 50 in i90 gear... but there ya go.
#15REDACTED, Posted: Jan 10 2014 at 2:44 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Do you know what PvE means? do you know what the word focus means?
#16 Jan 10 2014 at 3:07 PM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Thayos wrote:
I wouldn't worry unless Yoshi-P implements Moblin Maze Mongers.

Xoie wrote:
Keysofgaruda wrote:
That wasn't the focus of this patch because they wanted to give a variety of options to the player at what to do in the game. It's unrealistic to expect them to have created a full patch for PvE and also have gotten out housing and PvP as well. Their development team doesn't have infinite resources, and creating content takes time. With that said, the next patch as far as we know won't have any brand new systems so I expect the next patch to be mainly PvE and story focused (which is what I think they said if I remember right).

Not focused on PvE? Smiley: eek

Pharos Sirius?
3 Extreme Mode Primals?
The Crystal Tower?
2 Hard mode dungeons?
Hard mode Ultima Weapon?
Several Main Story Line quests?
Good King Moogle Mog?
Treasure Map fights?
Duty Roulette?
The Beastmen Missions?

And that's not counting things like the barber shop or seasonal events or the new minions...

You might not even have noticed the housing or PvP with all those things.

Couple things here...

MMM was an amazing idea, it just wasn't implemented well.

Housing and PvP should have been completely omitted from this patch. PvP could have been fun, but it's missing all of the mechanics that could have made it competitive. Still plenty of time to fix it, but there's no point to it being there now. Housing.... why add something to the game that most players won't see until the next patch is due anyway?

Extremes and hard modes aren't really new content. It's different yes, but how different would it be if they just keep increasing the difficulty? I mean, are you hype for Titan Maximum in patch 2.2? Yeah, me neither.

This patch kinda cemented how far behind they are in developing content. Housing is there, but it's inaccessible to the majority. PvP is there but lacks the mechanics for it to even be functional, much less competitive. CT is there, but many players progressed past it being useful. It probably should have been put in the game before BC. There's just a lot of stuff that seems it's being implemented or developed as an afterthought instead of being progressive.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#17 Jan 10 2014 at 3:26 PM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Here's what I keep coming back to:

Putting in Housing, PvP, CT, Pharos, Beastmen quests, and Treasure Hunts had no real impact on the progression of players currently in-game.

But now look at it from a new player's point of view in 3 months when PS4/2.2 comes out. All that content I just mentioned fills several holes that have been there since 2.0. I think they're still rapidly expanding the foundation of the game to be where it really should have been when release was here. I think if you were to roll a new character when the PS4 version starts, you'd see a much more complete vision of what the 'ideal' vanilla release of the game would look like.

My 2g any how. :)

#18 Jan 10 2014 at 3:35 PM Rating: Excellent
the only really new things in the patch that are PvE are:
1) pharos Sirius
2) crystal tower
3) treasure maps
4) story
5) beastmen missions

I disagree... you've got to put Copperbell HM and Haukke Manor HM in the list of new content, too. These dungeons borrow the visual style and music of the storyline dungeons, but otherwise they're completely different experiences.

The same argument could possibly be made about the primals, but I agree with Filth about those... fighting Titan once is cool... fighting a hard-mode Titan is cool... but beyond that, I really don't have any desire to fight a different variation of Titan again (especially when Titan HM is already such a pain).

Edited, Jan 10th 2014 1:36pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#19 Jan 10 2014 at 3:42 PM Rating: Excellent
They botched up MMM but they turned around got things right with Meeble Burrows. And they put some great gear in there to make it worth doing, and allowed us to be flexible to do it daily or store up to 10 attempts to spam at once.

#20 Jan 10 2014 at 3:44 PM Rating: Good
829 posts
What's the point of the materia system if it can only be used on low level gear?
#21 Jan 10 2014 at 3:48 PM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
TauuOfSiren wrote:
What's the point of the materia system if it can only be used on low level gear?

It can be used on any level of crafted gear, which tops out at i70. In many cases, this gear, when slotted appropriately, is BiS until you get Myth/AF2.
#22 Jan 10 2014 at 3:50 PM Rating: Excellent
It can be used on any level of crafted gear, which tops out at i70. In many cases, this gear, when slotted appropriately, is BiS until you get Myth/AF2.

To add to this, crafted lvl 49 gear with the right materia provides a great bridge into WP, AK, Copperbell HM, etc., for players who don't yet have any DL pieces.

I do wish, though, that they'd make materia more useful somehow...

Maybe the next round of coil gear can be iLevel 90 with materia slots... imagine what THAT would do to revitalize the materia market?
Thayos Redblade
#23 Jan 10 2014 at 4:04 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
When you add a new tier of difficulty to something, you are adding contnet, I'm getting really upset at people thinking reused assets is not content. If that were the case Castlevania's 2D market would have been out of business with STON and Harmony of Dispair wouldn't have sold NEARLY as well as it did.

And especially in the case of Moogle Mog, model assets mean absolutely diddly when you have to reprogram the skeleton frames, the animations, the particle/lighting effects and make them ALL Fit in timing.

Then you have to reprogram all of the damage scaling and combat mathematics, including design changes, character behaviors, etc - likely from scratch to fit into the new server and game clients.

That's a monumental amount of work for something you claim not to be new content. The only things that really remain the same is the base fight concept, some of the model assets, and the rewards.

The level of broad strokes people regard content with these days honestly feels repulsive. There's almost no excuse in today's access to information that people cannot simply look up the actual work that gets put into projects like this. Even if it is things like additional difficulties on Primals, it takes a lot of effort to sift back through code and alter it to add new flair and mechanics to already finished content. And I'm beside myself at the level of entitlement people have regarding a patch, and a patch who's description is 87 printed pages in description to boot.

There's a LOT wrong, with 2.1, but to flat out not call content content because of the method of generation or your disinterest in it is just plain rude.

As for the rest. We're griping over the first patch of a game that had to be rebuilt. There's quite a bit of content in this patch to begin with. Sure, there's a whole lot that still needs to come down the pipeline, group crafting, Frontlines, Field-based Primals that are capable of being summoned, New Classes/Jobs - the list goes on and on.

It may have been a wonder that they managed to resuscitate this game, but I don't think it's right to start expecting repeat performances. They're not miracle workers, they're just hard workers.
-------------------------------------------------- / vent

As far as the matter of the communication between players and developers. Players will always state what they want, but their wants and the game's needs do not always align - not when faced with the cold hard facts of reality.

That said, some instances, Housing in particular, I think they error-ed too far on the side of caution. But that does not mean players have any less say then they had before - more along the lines of they've already said it before, and, as before, SE ultimately has to make the final decision based off balancing the wants of the player and the realities of the business.

I often don't like it either, but arguments and feedback really do need to be kept in the realm of reality here. A game like this is a LOT to handle, and I expect many, many more blunders to occur in its lifespan. It's just human nature.
#24 Jan 10 2014 at 4:10 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Housing and PvP should have been completely omitted from this patch. PvP could have been fun, but it's missing all of the mechanics that could have made it competitive. Still plenty of time to fix it, but there's no point to it being there now. Housing.... why add something to the game that most players won't see until the next patch is due anyway?

Extremes and hard modes aren't really new content. It's different yes, but how different would it be if they just keep increasing the difficulty? I mean, are you hype for Titan Maximum in patch 2.2? Yeah, me neither.

This patch kinda cemented how far behind they are in developing content. Housing is there, but it's inaccessible to the majority. PvP is there but lacks the mechanics for it to even be functional, much less competitive. CT is there, but many players progressed past it being useful. It probably should have been put in the game before BC. There's just a lot of stuff that seems it's being implemented or developed as an afterthought instead of being progressive.

I can agree with you on housing. It looks great but the delivery was terrible. It's almost a month after the patch and my server has less than 10 houses up if you combine all three residential areas. And that seems senseless given that there are literally thousands of plots to choose from. I'm sure this will fix itself over time, but it was probably the most anti-climatic feature released for FFXIV since the launch of 1.0 (although, the 2011 Valentine's event that used the same bells as the Christmas and New Years events might have been worse). I understand there are concerns the system would be overloaded, but they've definitely played it too cautiously.

As for PvP, I think it's fine that they launched it now. I just think of it as a beta feature at this stage, and it has revealed a few major flaws before they've taken it to the next level so they can be fixed without too much disruption. I don't expect everyone will enjoy it, but it's great for the people who do, and it's nice that there's more to look forward to down the road, because there's plenty of room for improvement.

And as far the endgame content, I'm not convinced it's as bad as you claim. There have always been plenty of participants for CT; despite it requiring 24 persons and offering 1 reward a week, my wait time has never been long to enter. Even if you somehow have a full set of iLvl90 gear for one job, you certainly wouldn't on any others. There's always something else to level up and improve if you're looking for something to do. And, of course, you can take the time to help your friends who haven't made it as far as you have so you can be ready for the next installment.
#25 Jan 10 2014 at 4:35 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
I know it's not thousands, Hundreds, maybe.

There's only 5 wards per the three locations, so 15 wards total. Whatever the limit of housing number in that particular ward becomes the deciding factor, and I'm fairly sure it's sub thousands, especially when you factor in the likely competition for the medium and large land plots, which, really, are the only feasible ones for a Free Company of any decent size.

And the fact that the server expansions on these is likely to come slow to begin with as it will compete with expanding personal housing, which they have to focus on creating initial servers for to begin with.

I can see why they panicked. But, honestly, I think they inflated the numbers too high for the trickle-down to be worthwhile.
#26 Jan 10 2014 at 4:51 PM Rating: Good
829 posts
LebargeX wrote:
TauuOfSiren wrote:
What's the point of the materia system if it can only be used on low level gear?

It can be used on any level of crafted gear, which tops out at i70. In many cases, this gear, when slotted appropriately, is BiS until you get Myth/AF2.

Gnu wrote:
The development team has stated that crafting gear will NOT be important to end-game activities moving forward, and no future content is being developed to serve as end-game activities for Crafters.

It looks like as we move forward the i70 gear will become low level. As someone who is moving beyond i70 gear, I'm disappointed by the lack of gear options at i90. I've been hoping for i90 crafted gear but if that's not going to happen, I'm wondering what the future of materia is and how it's going to remain relevant. I hope later dungeon and tome gear will have materia capability because customization is a good thing. Power to the players!

Edited, Jan 10th 2014 5:51pm by TauuOfSiren
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