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Wake me when it's 2.2Follow

#1 Jan 06 2014 at 2:52 AM Rating: Good
728 posts
It was fun for the first few months but I let my sub expire this past weekend. 2.1 brought many new wonders and fixes to FFXIV, but not the correct ones to earn my money. I enjoyed the Crystal Tower mechanics and style greatly, in spite of SE's inability to program proper same server alliance capabilities and confounding and backwards looting system. Several of the fights were unique and showed great promise for the future of the game's combat. However with the limited and lower item level loot the instance only really serves as a means to gear up alternate jobs or min/max a certain stat. This being the only content released in 2.1 resembling anything close to end game, is ultimately useless to players that already have sets of alagan/AF2. I personally didn't have a full set but with the pieces of AF2/CT gear i obtained after spending my saved up myth tomes i never felt like i was able to do anything that I couldn't do before in full DL.

I am by no means a hardcore player, however i did devote a good deal of time to this game. I had the 5 jobs I liked at 50 along with all cross class abilities unlocked and 4 full DL sets. 2.1 provided a lot of improvements to leveling and dungeons, however these are all pretty much useless to me now. I also put a great deal of time into leveling crafts right after launch which provided very little return beyond useless gil. Now they have added nigh unobtainable housing to finally make all of that useless gil feel like it's worth something and expect it to be the current "end game". For players that play a lot and do coil productively every week i can't imagine that there is much reason to engage in all of the new content beyond simply doing it. I know I can't be the only person that feels like it is all overly pointless to do more than a couple times/to help someone else.

These issues aren't a problem for new/more casual gamers that are just hitting 50. They will be able to fully appreciate SE's effort aimed toward them. For someone like myself, there just isn't enough meaningful or advancing content to warrant my subscription. After having played WoW's endgame for so long and growing tired of it, I simply can't bring myself to continue that path with a single instance for the next 3-4+ months. This game has a great foundation, however it lacks meaningful content to satisfy my discerning tastes. I expect this game to be quite solid once SE stops playing catchup, however until then I will simply have to sit out and wait for content to catch up with me.

I post this not to get the inevitable rise from the fanboys that say varying forms of "good riddance", but to see how others that have progressed as much/more than i have in the game feel about all of the horizontal progression instead of vertical progression. Do you think that the game will continue to hold your unwavering interest for several more months?
#2 Jan 06 2014 at 3:38 AM Rating: Excellent
115 posts
I do agree that there was not enough vertical progression brought to the table with this patch, and fully understand the frustrations of the end game community.


It really comes down to what you want from the game. Last night (as an example), one of my FC buddies asked me for advice tanking. I then proceeded to spend my entire playtime for that evening stood at the Western Thanalan training dummies, teaching this guy macros/proper use of combos and cooldowns for both warrior and paladin. This to me was infinitely more rewarding than getting the next piece of gear I need (sitting at a mix of i70-90).

If the sole focus is for gear progression, then yes, I totally understand the frustration at end game at the moment. If you are interested in playing with people you know (RL and in game friends) then no, I cant justify the boredom because there will always be someone who needs something, just put your requirements to one side for an hour/day and help a brother out!
#3 Jan 06 2014 at 4:32 AM Rating: Default
I let my sub expire too, the day 2.1 hit the servers. It was mostly done out of wanting to save some money as my three-month sub had run out and I was going to go on a two-week holiday followed by a lot of school work to catch up on.

I will resub at the end of the month as I am only level 39 on my highest class. I have to say the most discouraging thing for me was to see my few friends quit the game back in November. I have made several new buddies but the friends I lost I have known for more than a decade now. I suspect they will be back when PS4 version is available at the latest. It doesn't help that I have had to let go of many interesting personas in my forays into duty finder as I would never meet them again.

Other than that I am still enjoying the game and to be honest my appreciation for it has only grown since I started playing back in August. There's so much for me to enjoy here especially since I am also playing the Japanese version to practice my reading comprehension and output. The quests are interesting and I really try to let them "sink in" and I appreciate the work the translation and script team has poured into the product. Their objectives are nothing amazing but the lore is appreciated and manages to make me quite immersed. I also run dungeons many times on my three classes (monk, scholar, warrior) to enjoy them with all playstyles.

As you said casuals should enjoy the latest patch the most and I must say I don't think I will find myself not enjoying the content and fixes once I start playing again. They added many things to help me enjoy the game the way I prefer to play it (by running dungeons instead of spamming FATEs) and to get past that quest drought of the late-40's. There are also more options in endgame to make it more interesting once I end up getting there. I must disagree with you regarding the utility of gil as I can probably buy myself some hot crafted ilvl70 equipment as the prices were already low enough for me to do so back in December, giving me the opportunity to use the time I've spent enjoying the low-midgame to cut down on some of the grind of the endgame. I've already managed to save 800k which should be a nice start towards affording personal housing in the Summer too.

I've played WoW to level 50 before quitting so I can't truly relate to your situation either way. In the long term though I do not see myself being absorbed into the gear grind more than is necessary but I really see no downside to subbing for one or two months at time either. If 2.1 sets the volume of content in patches going forward I'll be sure to stick around for years to come, if only for ~6 months per year.
#4 Jan 06 2014 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
DamienSScott wrote:
I enjoyed the Crystal Tower mechanics and style greatly, in spite of SE's inability to program proper same server alliance capabilities and confounding and backwards looting system.

This is pretty key for me. I've done Crystal Tower 3 times (haven't gotten loot yet since I was hoping for MNK's for the look, but no go), and really don't want to ever do it again. Considering most everyone in the group has what pieces they want from coil (minus any Twin drops), there's not any purpose for my main job to go in. I'd rather go in on another job I've been trying to gear up, but even checking "In Progress" I've still been looking at 2+ hours in a queue and I don't have the patience after I've done dailies and get bored working on a fairly useless craft.

There's also the fact that despite the new endgame having the "new latency checks" there's the massive problems with FIOS (and non-FIOS) with patch 2.1 due to whatever they did to the server clusters during that maintence and it hasn't let up for our group. The majority of our static is pretty close to falling apart because whenever we enter any endgame instance it's nigh-unplayable and it has been since 2.1 for 6 of the 8 members. As in we've had to literally give up on even bothering to go to Turn 5 because the stuttering and lag is so horrendous that 9/10 when Fireballs and Conflags hit the indicators don't even show up anymore, or it stutters and the Conflag is just *there* and according to the 2 non-lagging people it has been for 5+ seconds. Garuda EX is manageable but annoying, Ultima was fun, but Titan's just as bad as Twintania in her own way. Our casters pretty much macro Sprint into most abilities and I can't count the number of time they're literally on the other side of the platform from the plume cluster and are still dead -- and the entire group can see they're out and would have been fine pre-2.1.

I love the game, but as far as endgame and latency goes this will be what kills me. They keep wanting to put in "DODGE OR DIE" mechanics in but their dataserver and net code clearly isn't up to par with what they're attempting. It wasn't so bad before the patch but now I just don't even want to log in anymore half the time and actually dread our raid times.

I'm really, REALLY envious of the groups that aren't plagued with the 2.1 lag. We don't really get but two nights a week for an hour and a half of raiding and it's wasted (and we're seriously talking about just moving on to another game until this is fixed because it's not fun), and that makes me sad because this game is wonderful outside of the damned lag issues that constantly creep up. I know ever game has them, but all I see are 1.0 issues crawling back to the foreground :\

Edited, Jan 6th 2014 8:16am by Viertel
#5 Jan 06 2014 at 7:45 AM Rating: Decent
4,511 posts
It's pretty understandable really. I clicked the topic expecting nothing short of a full-on rant, but it's all reasonable points brought up. I paid for the game up to march, so there's really no reason for me to leave just yet, but i can see why other people would. Once you finish coil, there's basicly nothing left to do in the game. No points to grind, no gear to obtain, no items left to make (since crafting stopped at level ilvl50 basicly with trivial amounts of ilvl70), all you can do is put together gil in a ruined economy beyond help only to be betrayed by SE with their housing. 2.1 brought completely underwhelming (amounts of) additions, along with rediculous and unjustified changes.

I like the game, but i think i'm just going to take up fishing to spend my time in a relaxing fashion really.

For me, i dont feel 2.2 will make much of a diffirence. Right now people are the most unfriendly i've ever encountered in any MMO, rarely do i find myself enjoying a dungeon without someone burning someone into the ground for a trivial mistake anyone could have made.

I dont feel that 2.2 will be able to:
- Fix a ruined economy
- Make people coöperate and be more friendly and understanding.
- Have more stuff to do, Casual things, Hardcore Dungeons or otherwise, that are fun and worth the time even for endgamers.
- Fix rediculously overpowered jobs such as Warrior now, there's simply no reason to have Paladins anymore when a warrior has all their abilities on top of their own unique (and really strong) stuff along with 25% more HP on top of that all. Why settle for a Tank that does less damage, has less HP, gets cured for less and now takes the same amount of damage?
- Give Crafting a reason to be in the game.
- Finally put a stop to 5 RMT tell spams in an hour and endless botting where ever you look.

Those are pretty much the things killing it for me now. And i dont see any way how 2.2 can make those better.

Edited, Jan 6th 2014 2:48pm by KojiroSoma

Edited, Jan 6th 2014 2:54pm by KojiroSoma
#6 Jan 06 2014 at 7:55 AM Rating: Default
I haven't had a bad dungeon run since they implemented the party recommendation feature. People have been more polite, more talkative. Heck, in a Halitali Duty Roulette run over the weekend, we were joking around and having as much fun as I had in some of my best old FFXI parties.

Maybe it's different in the 50 dungeons.
#7 Jan 06 2014 at 8:34 AM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
I expected this to just be a whine-fest but I actually thought your post was very well thought out and I can't say you're wrong. I've thought for the past several months that there isn't enough content for the more hardcore players, and 2.1 did nothing to really alleviate that except by adding more varieties of obtaining the same level of gear. Thankfully for myself, I'm just getting into BC, still haven't even attempted Mog, Ultima, or Extremes yet, and still only have a couple myth tome pieces, so I've got a long ways to go. I also really enjoy my Free Company and although I hate the housing prices with the fiery passion of 10,000 suns, I do feel like the group event nights to raise money have really helped to unite our FC and make us closer, so it's not ALL bad. Plus, the content that is here, I really enjoy.

I agree the game has a very solid foundation, and I also agree that they have just been playing catch up, and because of that the content has suffered. Housing, Crystal Tower, and PvP are the perfect examples of this. CT should have been in at launch, since it comes BEFORE BC. Housing should have been able to handle everyone buying houses from the beginning with their server load. PvP should have had some objective based games, much better balance, and frankly, just been fleshed out much, much more than it was. All of these things got kinda swept to the side because of all the server load issues in the beginning and then trying to play catchup.

I'd recommend coming back in 6 months or so if you're still interested, as I think by then they will be starting to get content out at a faster pace. Or even just 2.2 with new Coil turns.
#8 Jan 06 2014 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Viertel wrote:
DamienSScott wrote:
I enjoyed the Crystal Tower mechanics and style greatly, in spite of SE's inability to program proper same server alliance capabilities and confounding and backwards looting system.

This is pretty key for me. I've done Crystal Tower 3 times (haven't gotten loot yet since I was hoping for MNK's for the look, but no go), and really don't want to ever do it again. Considering most everyone in the group has what pieces they want from coil (minus any Twin drops), there's not any purpose for my main job to go in. I'd rather go in on another job I've been trying to gear up, but even checking "In Progress" I've still been looking at 2+ hours in a queue and I don't have the patience after I've done dailies and get bored working on a fairly useless craft.

There's also the fact that despite the new endgame having the "new latency checks" there's the massive problems with FIOS (and non-FIOS) with patch 2.1 due to whatever they did to the server clusters during that maintence and it hasn't let up for our group. The majority of our static is pretty close to falling apart because whenever we enter any endgame instance it's nigh-unplayable and it has been since 2.1 for 6 of the 8 members. As in we've had to literally give up on even bothering to go to Turn 5 because the stuttering and lag is so horrendous that 9/10 when Fireballs and Conflags hit the indicators don't even show up anymore, or it stutters and the Conflag is just *there* and according to the 2 non-lagging people it has been for 5+ seconds. Garuda EX is manageable but annoying, Ultima was fun, but Titan's just as bad as Twintania in her own way. Our casters pretty much macro Sprint into most abilities and I can't count the number of time they're literally on the other side of the platform from the plume cluster and are still dead -- and the entire group can see they're out and would have been fine pre-2.1.

I love the game, but as far as endgame and latency goes this will be what kills me. They keep wanting to put in "DODGE OR DIE" mechanics in but their dataserver and net code clearly isn't up to par with what they're attempting. It wasn't so bad before the patch but now I just don't even want to log in anymore half the time and actually dread our raid times.

I'm really, REALLY envious of the groups that aren't plagued with the 2.1 lag. We don't really get but two nights a week for an hour and a half of raiding and it's wasted (and we're seriously talking about just moving on to another game until this is fixed because it's not fun), and that makes me sad because this game is wonderful outside of the damned lag issues that constantly creep up. I know ever game has them, but all I see are 1.0 issues crawling back to the foreground :\

Edited, Jan 6th 2014 8:16am by Viertel

The lag has become a major issue for me all of a sudden but only on titan and I am a healer. The plumes/pools no matter what if I am right in the middle I can not get out sometimes. For some reason this instance cant adjust for any lag and I have a good internet connection. Why have a fight where lag can play such a big part of the fight. It is not like that with any other fight I have been in but maybe occasionally here and there. I am struggling with this fight but not only because of this I cant get a group good enough to beat the heart yet. The titan HM fight has got me so down on the game right now, I had no issues beating the other two primal HM,s

I do really like the crystal tower.. I also like the king moggle fight..

I hate the boot system though because it is being abused. I got kicked out of a fight the other day and it was because the tanks could not get all the mobs under control and the other healer was doing nothing so I kept dieing, I kept healing and the loose mobs would pummel me...The tank should have been kicked or the other whm, the whole time I was dieing the other whm never even tried to cure me and I was curing him more than the tank and it is the only reason he survived. But since I died first I got the boot.. That was the second time I was kicked for something that wasn't my fault. It is being abused to the max. The other thing is it only takes a small part of the party to kick you... I know for a fact some voted to keep me.

Edited, Jan 6th 2014 10:47am by Nashred

Edited, Jan 6th 2014 10:47am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#9 Jan 06 2014 at 9:34 AM Rating: Excellent
Why come back for a patch at all? Wait til a full expansion release so that way there is a ton of content from previous patches along with the expansion goodies.

I agree with Catwho, I've had less issues with attitude from players since roulette was introduced, including farming the 50 dungeons for tomes. I love running the HM versions of Copperbell and the Manor. Pharos Sirius was awesome, and still can be when you get a group not understanding how to work the bosses. CT is fun and I look forward to Monday to grab a piece of gear, and I agree the promise is there with the mechanics even though challenge wise its lacking.

The FC is snatching up the players shouting for HM and EX primal runs for gil, getting us the funds for a house one day. The new quests were great and very entertaining. The dailies are, well daily. But combined with the roulette tomes, I'm getting jobs geared I don't have 50 yet. Oh, and sorting my inventory is a welcome addition. Though I had heard you could customize the sort parameters, yet all I see is just to sort... over looking something there, or it wasn't added.

Well, this is how WoW works, isn't it? Content patches release, and people blast though that new content finishing it or getting burned out on it. Cancel sub then resub when the new patch hits. I can't say I am surprised players are doing this. To each their own!

Only thing I want desperately, a freaking tackle box offhand for my fishing bait. Dear Lord, I have two inventory pages of bait and tackle... and yes, I need it all!
#10 Jan 06 2014 at 9:40 AM Rating: Default
1,732 posts
Catwho wrote:
I haven't had a bad dungeon run since they implemented the party recommendation feature. People have been more polite, more talkative. Heck, in a Halitali Duty Roulette run over the weekend, we were joking around and having as much fun as I had in some of my best old FFXI parties.

Maybe it's different in the 50 dungeons.

It is different but it is not as bad as it was. Yea the easier dungeons people really seem cool.. I think end game aint very good and it is more of a grind so people have no patients.. Also seems like more people are dropping out if things dont go perfect than before. Some wont even start a dungeon if there aint a perfect party like in ifrit for a limit break restrictions. I did wp the other day and tank dropped before we even started because we had a monk with no blm or brd.

Run through CT once and you will see how many mouthy people there are in this game. I dont know why this game is like this either. does it attract more young kids who seem like allot of them (not all) dont know how to act appropriately..I see this all the time playing a game like halo or COD where more kids play... If it is more egos or immature people... Is this the WOW mentality or something, I never played it, You rarely saw that in FFXI even thought there were a few.

Edited, Jan 6th 2014 12:30pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#11 Jan 06 2014 at 9:49 AM Rating: Good
181 posts
i think the patch is perfect. now i will explain. SE said that they will be releasing coil and ct patchs every other update. why people that thought this patch was for the main job is beyond me. you had the first 4 months to gear up your main job. now with this patch you have the perfect opportunity to gear up your second and 3rd job to ivl 80+ at the same time so by the time patch 2.2 hts you will have 3-5 jobs at high ilvl to start off the next few coil turns.

i think i just goes to show you can really please everybody. before this patch people were complaining that they could only gear one job and if they wanted to gear two jobs they had to make alt characters. now that you have a great way to gear several jobs at the same time some people still arent happy.
#12 Jan 06 2014 at 9:51 AM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
Magilicotti wrote:
Why come back for a patch at all?

Because that's what people do with MMOs that bore them. They come back hoping to be entertained or reignite the spark.

domice wrote:
i think the patch is perfect. now i will explain. SE said that they will be releasing coil and ct patchs every other update. why people that thought this patch was for the main job is beyond me.

Yoshi says a lot of **** though. Initially, he stated CRYSTAL TOWER would be released and it was pushed back, however we would be doing a 4 MAN DUNGEON dungeon prior to entering it akin to Labyrinth of the Ancients in FFIII. Fast forward, LoTA ends up being the main dungeon and CT no where to be seen for another 6 months. So basically, things changed. I don't think anyone expected this to be i90 ir i100 content, but people did expect a bit more since it was delayed...

Edited, Jan 6th 2014 7:54am by Theonehio

#13 Jan 06 2014 at 10:14 AM Rating: Good
197 posts
Magilicotti wrote:

Well, this is how WoW works, isn't it? Content patches release, and people blast though that new content finishing it or getting burned out on it. Cancel sub then resub when the new patch hits. I can't say I am surprised players are doing this. To each their own!

Sort of, except in WoW they don't release new content with gear that is below the current ilvl, Typically they open a new raid, and raise the ilvl giving people something new to grind for.

I felt the same way when this patch hit, and honestly for the past few weeks I've hardly logged on at all, I haven't even capped my myth for 3-4 weeks. But I won't quit playing. In the end its still fun to play, and for me that's all that matters.

domice wrote:
i think the patch is perfect. now i will explain. SE said that they will be releasing coil and ct patchs every other update. why people that thought this patch was for the main job is beyond me. you had the first 4 months to gear up your main job. now with this patch you have the perfect opportunity to gear up your second and 3rd job to ivl 80+ at the same time so by the time patch 2.2 hts you will have 3-5 jobs at high ilvl to start off the next few coil turns.

That's all fine and dandy, except, I don't really want 3-5 high level jobs as I really don't have the time for that. And I think peoples major complaint as far as gearing multiple classes was the myth cap which IMO should still just be tied to each class but w/e. Also, I'm pretty sure a lot of people already had multiple jobs at 50 before 2.1, with most of those already being in full DL, I know of a few people personally at least, so super they can get one piece of ilvl 80 now a week?

Edited, Jan 6th 2014 11:21am by Jeskradha
#14 Jan 06 2014 at 10:47 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
I'll wake you in about two years.

This is pre-expansion, pre level upgrade content. To be very frank, there's been more content realeased than FFXI ever did at this stage of development, including Zilart.

The problem is speed of completion, and the fact that their first patch was heavily delayed. This means a lot of players who rushed content, and even some of those who progressed steadily, are pushing past the ilvl70 focus this patch had. That said, for someone like me who had 2 characters sub ilvl 60, this content was huge, and greatly changed the way I played the game going up. To those already pushing ilvl80+ average ilevel, this content seems sub par to them.

That said, even then it expanded the methods of which to acquire philo and myth tomes and did a LOT to encourage party and community building.

I have to question the gaming habits of those who are bored or simply have no interest in playing content below their ilevel. A fair chunk of my day is going and helping lower levels of my community through content they're catching up on, in addition to steadily working on my own advancement. And I've found that the lockouts really assist in allowing me to do my task for my own vertical progression and assist others without harming myself in the process. I improve, then I go and help others improve, and the sense of community building becomes far more gratifying to me than the next tier of loot that comes about.

In fact, I'm rather cautious as to the concept of providing more vertical progression content so early in the game. Power Creep is a major issue with MMOs and can very often get out of hand and split up the player base too much. Then we end up having severe community issues and a top-down mentality when it comes to player-base assistance.

That's not the type of community FFXIV is trying to encourage. Instead they're playing it off that helping others helps yourself, and that community building is the endgame as much as the challenging encounters.

Those who seek to just consume the content available to them and move on probably won't find a lot of fun in this game, because, honestly, this isn't a 10 year old game. This is a vanilla game with all of one patch under its belt.

It's been well anticipated that there are players who just sub, consume a patch, and unsub. Yoshida has mentioned them frequently and is ok with that pattern of play. The only thing he can do to accommodate them is keep the patches coming, which he plans on doing. However, there's a wider berth of players he needs to appeal to and that means providing content that does not equate to gear progression.

Honestly, I don't expect much from 2.2 in terms of upward mobility. Likely another 5 floors on Coil, at best. The rest of the game will likely apply to flush out more parts of the sub ilvl90 endgame, probably to provide alternatives to floors 1-5 of Coil gear wise seeming there will be a tier higher with the new floors.

But I'm ok with that. There's plenty to do on my end. I'm busier than I can manage sometimes, and having the time of my life doing it. There's much more depth to the game when you play for its community.
#15 Jan 06 2014 at 10:48 AM Rating: Excellent
i think the patch is perfect. now i will explain. SE said that they will be releasing coil and ct patchs every other update. why people that thought this patch was for the main job is beyond me. you had the first 4 months to gear up your main job. now with this patch you have the perfect opportunity to gear up your second and 3rd job to ivl 80+ at the same time so by the time patch 2.2 hts you will have 3-5 jobs at high ilvl to start off the next few coil turns.

Yep, I think it's a combination of this and SE playing catchup. I'd expect new iLevel gear as the new BC turns are added next patch. If you think about Yoshi's projected method, there could be new iLevel gear every six months... that seems like a good enough pace without making the game a hyperspeed gear grind.

Patch 2.1 was pretty good, imo, but I'm not a hardcore endgame raider. I definitely play more than a "casual" gamer (I usually play at least an hour or two on weekdays, and several more hours per day on weekends), but I haven't even touched BC, extreme primals, etc. The biggest benefit of 2.1 was it took the grind out of leveling jobs to the current level and ilevel caps -- not just your main job, but alternate jobs, too.

It's worth remembering that people who are passionate enough to hang out on fan forums are generally more hardcore than most players. In my FC, several of our members are just now trying the HM dungeons for the first time, and several have yet to get relics or do Crystal Tower. The majority of the playerbase has been addressed by this patch. That said, I can see why hardcore players who rushed through everything are a bit bored.
Thayos Redblade
#16 Jan 06 2014 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
I've been a big supporter of the vision, but have been having serious doubts lately.

I've been killed trying to beat titan 40+ times in the last 2 days. I didn't start counting until day 4. I have the same issues as Nashred... I'm WHM... if you're not moving ahead of the plumes, you're dead.

I ran CT, got a belt, no 'need' to run it again for a week. I can't do BC because of Titan.

I have all my doh/dol @ 50. Other than making myself anything I want, crafting is now pointless thanks to better gear in CT and significantly faster phil tome acquisition. I can make 12k or so from selling a map a day I guess.

So, as I see it, I have 4 options:

Grind a bunch of jobs I don't really want to play up to level 50. I will admit I've been thinking of trying MRD/WAR but after my Titan debaucle I don't know if my heart's really in it. And without my WHM relic completed, it's pointless to level another job up that high, especially one where the weapon makes a difference.

Grind a bunch of dungeons for myth tomes for i90 gear. If you run Duty Roulette low and high once per day, that's 90-100 myth tomes. 10 for low bonus, 40 for high bonus, 40 or 50 for completing high dungeon. Cap is 450/week, so I'm myth capped by the weekend after spending maybe 2 hours online each weekday.

Take a break until 2.2. Which I don't really want to do because my sub is for 6 months, and i hate to feel like I'm completely wasting money.

For sheer lack of anything else to do, make the rest of my crafter AF and then make materia to go in it. I don't really consider this an option, as I could be done with it soon.

So yeah, I get the feeling of being a bit underwhelmed right now.
#17 Jan 06 2014 at 11:04 AM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
That feels more like burn out on the bottle neck that is Titan, than really a lack of anything to do.

Titan is a major aggravation, especially for those with latency issues in their game, and those who haven't quite gotten the stacking method down to make his fight easier than it seems when the party is spread out.

Hitting that frustration goes a long way of draining enjoyment out of the game. For me, I'm not even burnt out of doing CT runs even though I typically get my week's loot on the first run. I do it to help my other friends (In and out of FC) Get their pieces as well, seeming only 3 pieces drop a run and sometimes it winds up hitting the floor. Otherwise, I find it to be a blast to play with others, and really haven't had all that much as far as bad experiences go.

Titan, however, is a quick way to burn out. I avoid Titan unless someone needs help for Relic.
#18 Jan 06 2014 at 11:34 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Hyrist wrote:
That feels more like burn out on the bottle neck that is Titan, than really a lack of anything to do.

Titan is a major aggravation, especially for those with latency issues in their game, and those who haven't quite gotten the stacking method down to make his fight easier than it seems when the party is spread out.

Hitting that frustration goes a long way of draining enjoyment out of the game. For me, I'm not even burnt out of doing CT runs even though I typically get my week's loot on the first run. I do it to help my other friends (In and out of FC) Get their pieces as well, seeming only 3 pieces drop a run and sometimes it winds up hitting the floor. Otherwise, I find it to be a blast to play with others, and really haven't had all that much as far as bad experiences go.

Titan, however, is a quick way to burn out. I avoid Titan unless someone needs help for Relic

I agree with this 100 percent on titan.... It is a major bottle neck and no matter how good of a player you are it is hard or impossible to get by unless you are with the right players. Also hard to get a whole party that at least one or two are not having latency issues. it is also hard on certain classes like healers.

Putting good content after this fight to me is very frustrating too.

Edited, Jan 6th 2014 1:05pm by Nashred

Edited, Jan 6th 2014 1:06pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#19 Jan 06 2014 at 11:43 AM Rating: Default
The game is clearly designed to be a casual heaven. Play an hour to two hours a day and make good progress. Every three months you get major content unlocks (2.1 CT > 2.2 CoB nerf > 2.3 CT > 2.4 CoB nerf) so there's nothing but win all around. Aside from 2.0 > 2.1 transition since there was no CT but the casuals used that time to get to level 50 anyway.

Unless you want to participate in vanity content right out of the gate. Then you're out of luck for a while.
#20 Jan 06 2014 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
3,599 posts
Unfortunately.. I agree.

I'm fairly demotivated by the weekly lockouts, honestly. I rotate what games I play regularly, playing one game frequently for a week or two and then switching it up. With the systems in place, I have to play often every week or fall behind (and I have fallen behind...)

I won't be unsubbing, but I've just decided to fall behind and play even more casually than before.

The game is clearly designed to be a casual heaven.

Exactly the opposite. Daily scheduled playtime in a game is not casual at all. Giving absolutely no way to catch up when you fall behind is not casual either. If they provided some sort of resting system, similar to EXP, then yes. I would be ok with it.

Like, every week I don't lot on a CT item, I get 1/2 of a lot credit, that would be amazing. come back in 3 weeks, lot 2 items. Same thing with some ToM resting gain.

Edited, Jan 6th 2014 1:17pm by Louiscool
#21 Jan 06 2014 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
Think about it this way, though. The hardcores burn up the content in a month and unsub for two. The casuals continue to pay for all three months.

Who is making SE more money?

When SE adds new hardcore content, they'll have to develop it in such a way that it will be achievable for the casuals, with the exception of the inevitable uber super hardcore ultimate weapons they'll eventually add in to give the hardcores something to chase down. (Mythics in FFXI... oh god. Relics and Empyreans are at least doable in a few months now.)

The only reason I don't think they've added those super uber hardcore weapons just yet is because, as it's been said, they are still playing catch up.

Brooks' Law: Adding extra staff to a late software project makes it later.
#22 Jan 06 2014 at 12:27 PM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Yeah, maybe I'll feel better about it when I get past Titan.

But wtf am I supposed to do until then? It's like this giant road block for ANYTHING I want to do.

I think what irritates me about it the most is that the game changes drastically from one where it's about skill to luck. I have never been a fan of games of chance, and it's irritating that a game I want to love is turning into one.

My FC runs the HM's once a week. At that time of day I have maybe one or two hours available. So, let's say I'm not able to make that run one week? How many times am I supposed to roll the dice in DF before I finally call it a day? If there were something else for me to do, some other content I could enjoy, then I would.

ETA: I guess I could lolPVP ...

Edited, Jan 6th 2014 10:28am by LebargeX
#23 Jan 06 2014 at 1:09 PM Rating: Default
But wtf am I supposed to do until then?

Level up a new job. Go do some Duty Roulette. Take up fishing. Enter SE's silly screenshot contest.
#24 Jan 06 2014 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
Louiscool wrote:

The game is clearly designed to be a casual heaven.

Exactly the opposite. Daily scheduled playtime in a game is not casual at all. Giving absolutely no way to catch up when you fall behind is not casual either.

I would agree on this if the system wasn't so relaxed already. A casual player can fall weeks behind and still complete a set with ease. It's quite easy to fill a week's quota without having to play every day too.

Plus you can always buy ilvl70~ things to catch up. As a casual player anyway.
#25 Jan 06 2014 at 1:37 PM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Catwho wrote:
But wtf am I supposed to do until then?

Level up a new job. Go do some Duty Roulette. Take up fishing. Enter SE's silly screenshot contest.

I am one of those in between people it seems like him, not exactly casual but dont play allot either. Titan is a huge roadblock for me.
Seems for me lately my latency must be just enough that when the titan server gets a little laggy it really gets laggy for me.. I really think there are so many people stuck on titan the off server is not being able to handle it. Those with less latency are ok.. Sometime I am fine sometime I am not usually evenings. But still DF are pure luck, almost all the time you get someone with lag or new to the fight, honestly I am not sure on our server if you can even get through it with df now... Most of the hardcore are thorough it and unless you want to pay they are not coming back to help.

I have all my darklight set... I run ct to get my piece of gear and so far the drop has been easy,. But I am dropping both sets of tomes by the end of the week even with the 350 cap..

I dont want to level another job, I didn't in ffxi till the very end.. I only started to level bst to try and solo stuff especially in dynamis. I rpefer to be the best at my job first... honestly I have thought about another job to get through titan because healing titan is not easy...

I am also finding it hard to want to craft because of the economy my question is what for.. Honestly I had allot of fun till end game but now I find myself extremely frustrated.

Edited, Jan 6th 2014 3:30pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#26 Jan 06 2014 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
For me, crafting isn't even about making money (although I finally hit the point where I can.) It's an enjoyable little mini game in itself. Pushing myself to make HQ things on the first try is just fun.
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