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New and full of questions!Follow

#1 Dec 27 2013 at 10:07 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Hi all

Im downloading the game atm and cant wait. But before i start i got some questions i want answered, would be very appreciated if anyone could answer them.

1. Newest Server?
2. Max level?
3. Are you able to see all available quests to pick up for your current level? (so you dont miss any, incase you wanna complete them all 100% eventually)
4. Will quests eventually disappears if you skip to pick them up and continue leveling? or you can always go back and get them, no matter what level you are?
5. If this is a beta, will there be a character-wipe when release comes out?
6. Are there any sites for builds?
7. Can you reset stats/skills? (incase you build wrong)
8. Which class is the typical DPS magic caster in this game?
9. Can i play with NA players? If i registered as Swedish/EU? (how will the ping turn out? (using 100mbit DSL)

Appreciate an answer as soon as possible, thanks!

Edited, Dec 27th 2013 11:11pm by Arccai
#2 Dec 27 2013 at 10:26 PM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
Arccai wrote:
Hi all

Im downloading the game atm and cant wait. But before i start i got some questions i want answered, would be very appreciated if anyone could answer them.

1. Newest Server?
2. Max level?
3. Are you able to see all available quests to pick up for your current level? (so you dont miss any, incase you wanna complete them all 100% eventually)
4. Will quests eventually disappears if you skip to pick them up and continue leveling? or you can always go back and get them, no matter what level you are?
5. If this is a beta, will there be a character-wipe when release comes out?
6. Are there any sites for builds?
7. Can you reset stats/skills? (incase you build wrong)
8. Which class is the typical DPS magic caster in this game?
9. Can i play with NA players? If i registered as Swedish/EU? (how will the ping turn out? (using 100mbit DSL)

Appreciate an answer as soon as possible, thanks!

Edited, Dec 27th 2013 11:11pm by Arccai

1. No idea. Anything but Legacy are all about the same age.
2. 50.
3. Unless the quest has some sort of other quest as a pre-req, then yes.
4. No. They always stay until taken and used.
5. It's not a beta. It's been out officially since early September, so no worry about wipes.
6. There aren't really any "builds" per se. There are cross class skills you can use. Many sites have info regarding this.
7. Yes, via an item from your Grand Company (explained more in game).
8. Thaumaturge (THM) is the class, Black Mage (BLM) is the job. They're very similar, with a Thaumaturge being more generalist, and the BLM branching off of the THM, trading generalist ability for a more defined role. Summoner (SMN) also fits the bill, but BLM is more the traditional "blow things up with magic" while SMN is closer to a WoW Warlock.
9. Yes, but there are server clusters based upon geographic location, so while you can feasibly connect to an NA or JP server, you'll have significantly longer ping times than if you connect to an EU one.
#3 Dec 27 2013 at 10:51 PM Rating: Good
3,825 posts
The majority of folks on here are on Ultros, though there are quite a few on other servers. We have quite a few folks from all over the globe in our LS and honestly I lag more than they do and I'm not that far from the server cluster ^^.

Honestly, the best advice I can give is to take your time and make sure you actually read the tool tips. You'll be at max level in no time with one class/job, enjoy the ride and don't rush yourself.
#4 Dec 27 2013 at 11:23 PM Rating: Decent
I'm going to piggy back off of the OP rather than create an identical topic of my own. I just took advantage of SE's 50% off sale and ordered the PS3 version which should be arriving soon. I have some different questions I came to ask:

1. How is the community? I want to play WITH people and make friends that will make signing on more fun. MMOs with no chatter and companionship are no fun.

2. Any server recommendation for a new guy? Mostly an EST evening and late night guy with sporadic playtime throughout the day.

3. I'm torn between plugging a USB keyboard into the PS3 and getting the the little PS3 keyboard. Any opinions?

4. This kind of ties into the first one but do people party for EXP much and is there group activities you can get into fairly early on? Is it easy to find a guild and are there a good amount of friendly folks willing to tutor new players who are willing to learn?

All in all I'm pretty excited. Mostly a little nervous about the quality of the social element and finding folks to make the experience worthwhile. Also any tips on servers or the controller/keyboard dilemma are appreciated. Thanks!
#5 Dec 28 2013 at 12:38 AM Rating: Good
832 posts
USAF24 wrote:
I'm going to piggy back off of the OP rather than create an identical topic of my own. I just took advantage of SE's 50% off sale and ordered the PS3 version which should be arriving soon. I have some different questions I came to ask:

1. How is the community? I want to play WITH people and make friends that will make signing on more fun. MMOs with no chatter and companionship are no fun.

2. Any server recommendation for a new guy? Mostly an EST evening and late night guy with sporadic playtime throughout the day.

3. I'm torn between plugging a USB keyboard into the PS3 and getting the the little PS3 keyboard. Any opinions?

4. This kind of ties into the first one but do people party for EXP much and is there group activities you can get into fairly early on? Is it easy to find a guild and are there a good amount of friendly folks willing to tutor new players who are willing to learn?

All in all I'm pretty excited. Mostly a little nervous about the quality of the social element and finding folks to make the experience worthwhile. Also any tips on servers or the controller/keyboard dilemma are appreciated. Thanks!

1) It's gonna be mixed, some people like to chat while most don't. I haven't seen anyone telling me to be quiet yet in chat though. If you want an active and friendly social LS(and are 25 years of age or older) then come check out (more specifically )
2) Any of the NA servers should have a healthy amount of people playing at your times. (Come to Excalibur we has cookies)
3) I'd go with a wireless USB Keyboard/Mouse setup. If you plan on playing a caster the mouse will come in handy for Limit Breaks as THM(BLM) and SMN both have a Target Ground LB.
4) Fates are best done in parties, dungeons are done in parties only(no exceptions). As for guild, see Answer 1. =)

Edited, Dec 28th 2013 12:40am by Niknar
#6 Dec 28 2013 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Well as any player id like the ping to be decent for me. So if i create a character on the EU side. Then id i have to remake a new for US? or are they all connected? (Shareable if you will)

The reason is that i really wanna understand the community and not see different languages all over the general chat.
Btw, is there a english server on the EU? Where all english players are gathered? In that case id gladly join EU.

Many thanks!

Edited, Dec 28th 2013 2:51am by Arccai
#7 Dec 28 2013 at 3:22 AM Rating: Good
1,556 posts
So do you live in Europe? You will still be able to interact with NA players (and JP, Dutch, and French players) through party finder.

Many of the European players I've come across speak English well but I don't know how their shouts look. Again, if you're in North America, just pick a server in North America. If in Europe, pick one in Europe.

I'm not aware of any EU server that is known for its large English speaking population.
#8 Dec 28 2013 at 4:58 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Yea im from sweden in eu. But only talking english so, but if im able to interact with any player, then it dosent really matter anyway.

Thanks for info!
#9 Dec 28 2013 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Hmm i see now that you need to reach lv30 with THM and also lv15 with an archer class aswell. To obtain BLM.
Can i delete the archer after once this is done?

Cross skills? Is that when you pick any skill from any other class?
#10 Dec 28 2013 at 6:51 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Arccai wrote:
Hmm i see now that you need to reach lv30 with THM and also lv15 with an archer class aswell. To obtain BLM.
Can i delete the archer after once this is done?

Cross skills? Is that when you pick any skill from any other class?

Leveling dosen't work that way in FFXIV. You can unlock, and change classes on the same character no need to re-roll, no need to delete.

What the game is asking you to do, in order to unlock THM, is to level the same character to level 15 Archer after taking your THM to level 30. The skills and levels you earned are permanantly a part of your character, and are often used to boost the skills of your Job or Class. (For example, the Raging Strikes skill that boosts your damage as an Archer, is actually used to boost your spells as a THM or Black Mage.)

Also keep in mind that levels are tied to classes, not the jobs they are associated with.

A level 40 Arcanist will also be a Level 40 Scholar and a Level 40 Summoner, regardless of whether or not they played either job from 30 to 40. Jobs are more augments to the base class, giving them a more specified role within a party. (Note, currently, only Arcanist has 2 Jobs in addition to its base class. It is speculated that eventually all classes will have 2 jobs to branch off of.)
#11 Dec 28 2013 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
So all characters in this game are hybrids? THM can swap between archer and black mage at any time?
But dont tell me you can swap to all classes right? Its just the jobs within that class, correct?
#12 Dec 28 2013 at 8:06 AM Rating: Good
832 posts
Arccai wrote:
So all characters in this game are hybrids? THM can swap between archer and black mage at any time?
But dont tell me you can swap to all classes right? Its just the jobs within that class, correct?

1 character can switch to any class by switching weapons, your main weapon determines what class you currently are. There are limitations though as you can not switch in battle or after starting a dungeon.
#13 Dec 28 2013 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Ok thanks.....
#14 Dec 28 2013 at 8:20 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
It's quite possible in this game to have every class leveled to 50 on a single character, experience the storylines for the classes, and jobs on every character.

The only experience you get that you cannot truly experience is the starting story-line quests up to level 15, which are unique to what nation you started in. Beyond that, most everything you do not need to re-roll to experience.

This enables you to become an identity to yourself, rather than let the class define you. Some games try to achieve this by having skilltrees that allow you to spec your individual class in differing ways. This allows you to define your own limits by allowing you to choose which classes you wish to be available as - the classes themselves being fairly uniform and easy to grasp.
#15 Dec 28 2013 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Im just not a fan of the whole idea that anyone can turn into any class at any time. How needed do you feel in a group if anyone could just replace you etc.

I like to know that im needed for the class.
Like how one person is skilled as a healer and therefore the guilds main healer when running guild runs.. Just an example.

Here it kinda gets opposite. I might try it in future tho.
#16 Dec 28 2013 at 9:35 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Arccai wrote:
Im just not a fan of the whole idea that anyone can turn into any class at any time. How needed do you feel in a group if anyone could just replace you etc.

I like to know that im needed for the class.
Like how one person is skilled as a healer and therefore the guilds main healer when running guild runs.. Just an example.

Here it kinda gets opposite. I might try it in future tho.

The problem with that situation is that you wind up with players who have a choke-hold on runs and mechanics due to being in the more desired roles. In this situation, it's someone's personal conduct that defines them and makes them desirable, and being more flexible as to what roles you want to play makes you more accessible to content.

The flexibility also allows players to not be pigeon-holed into roles if they want to say, not ALWAYS be a healer for every run. This allows people to work together and co-operate so that everyone can enjoy their game.

However you will still have people who specialize, refuse to level classes of different roles than desired, or choose to prioritize gear to a specific class/job first above others. Some people are just more comfortable in certain roles. In the end it's the connections you make with people that assure you're wanted or needed for content.

Although, right now, playing a Tank does sort of make you popular, due to how few of them there are.

Edited, Dec 28th 2013 10:36am by Hyrist
#17 Dec 28 2013 at 9:46 AM Rating: Good
1,079 posts
The other great thing about the class changing thing is that you can gear one class when playing the other class. (Ex. collecting tomes as my PLD for my WHM.)
Articus Vladmir
#18 Dec 28 2013 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Im just wrong person for this. I like to focus on my own and only class. I rarely even create alts on other mmorpgs.
#19 Dec 28 2013 at 10:23 AM Rating: Good
3,825 posts
You can focus on a single class. I mainly focus on Bard. I mess around with the other jobs because you can use a few of their skills on your main job/class and use them to get money or help lower level friends.

I think it will make more sense when you start leveling up. It's actually the best mechanic in any RPG IMO. I don't like alts, and because you can switch to anything there is no reason for alts other than storage or to see all 3 starting area story lines.

Forgot to mention, no one will be able to switch jobs and replace you in party situations. Unless you make a pre-made group the duty finder requires certain numbers of each class type.

Edited, Dec 28th 2013 4:25pm by Perrin
#20 Dec 28 2013 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
Servers for EU/USA are situated in Canada there will be no difference what ever one you choose. They are busy 24-7 on Excalibur

Edited, Dec 28th 2013 10:46am by ragamuffin
#21 Dec 28 2013 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
Admiral Niknar wrote:

1) It's gonna be mixed, some people like to chat while most don't. I haven't seen anyone telling me to be quiet yet in chat though. If you want an active and friendly social LS(and are 25 years of age or older) then come check out (more specifically )
2) Any of the NA servers should have a healthy amount of people playing at your times. (Come to Excalibur we has cookies)
3) I'd go with a wireless USB Keyboard/Mouse setup. If you plan on playing a caster the mouse will come in handy for Limit Breaks as THM(BLM) and SMN both have a Target Ground LB.
4) Fates are best done in parties, dungeons are done in parties only(no exceptions). As for guild, see Answer 1. =)

Edited, Dec 28th 2013 12:40am by Niknar

Thanks I'll probably check you guys out. I'm coming in brand new (played ffxi for quite a while though) and it would be fun to have some social chatter as I get acclimated and hopefully make some new friends.
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