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Gil and 2.1Follow

#203 Jan 09 2014 at 9:45 AM Rating: Excellent
660 posts
Gnu wrote:
Not really impressed with housing. It doesn't deserve my time farming gil. It doesn't even deserve the time it takes to consider whether or not I should take the time to consider it.

I have to share this sentiment as well. After seeing the houses I was very underwhelmed. I just cant imagine putting all that effort and money into it. Doesn't seem worth it at all.

Just about all the houses on Gilgamesh I visited had no other players inside. I guess they were all out actually playing the game instead of sitting in their multi million dollar home. Why bother with it? How is the cost justified?
#204 Jan 09 2014 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
reptiletim wrote:
Gnu wrote:
Not really impressed with housing. It doesn't deserve my time farming gil. It doesn't even deserve the time it takes to consider whether or not I should take the time to consider it.

I have to share this sentiment as well. After seeing the houses I was very underwhelmed. I just cant imagine putting all that effort and money into it. Doesn't seem worth it at all.

Just about all the houses on Gilgamesh I visited had no other players inside. I guess they were all out actually playing the game instead of sitting in their multi million dollar home. Why bother with it? How is the cost justified?

Well that's the problem.. As it get farther way from the launch of the houses people start going why? They start to find other things that the money is better for etc. Like that in real life.. Run out and buy and have buyers remorse.. If I dont impulse buy a item eventually I move on, forget about it, find something better to spend money on, or just dont buy once the excitement disappears.

The question is when is personal housing being released and once it is will people even care about FC housing?. Will it be cheap?... Will it hurt markets even more?

Edited, Jan 9th 2014 11:04am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#205 Jan 09 2014 at 10:27 AM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
HonkeyKong29 wrote:
Borlander wrote:
On first point, all free companies seem to have a chance at getting a house and so the argument is really over what seems reasonable.

On second, yeah I am doing the math for the cheapest server since that's what I'm on and the prices on all servers are being decreased every couple weeks with the plan being to have the prices be about the same on all servers by the end of something like a three month time frame (if Yoshi is to be believed).

It seems like the crux of everyone's arguments about housing is really what they personally consider a reasonable amount to make in game every day and whether it is reasonable for anyone to donate to a free company they're in.

Everything you're saying is correct. The problem is.... noone wants to hear it because they'd rather complain instead of putting in the minimal effort it takes to obtain an AVERAGE of 15k/day. This thread needs to die as people are obvisously not budging and are on completly opposite sides of the fence.

Borlander, I agree with you about prices being subjective. However, I'm pretty sure that all housing prices won't come down to the low end. It was only the legacy prices that would come down to the highest group of non-legacy. I'm in that high group, hence why I mentioned it.

******, you've missed the point for 3 pages and you're clearly never going to get it. Also, as I've said repeatedly, my FC is saving for housing. And after almost a month since the patch, we're less than halfway to our goal while running treasure hunts every night and having many players crafting and playing the Market Boards. The treasure hunts are fun at least, but everything else we do for making money is a grind and a nuisance. Having to do this for 3 months just to afford a house is ridiculous, and the only reason we're even doing it is because we're a social FC that likes to hang out and will really enjoy having a place of our own to hold meetings or other events. It really shouldn't take us 3 months just to get something like that.

As I've also said repeatedly, it's great for you that your FC was able to buy a postage stamp... I mean house. Not everyone has the kind of gil you guys do and not everyone wants to farm gil every day, as is pretty evident by this thread, so how bout you just drop the whole thing.
#206 Jan 09 2014 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
HonkeyKong29 wrote:
LebargeX wrote:
Well.....since it's so easy for you to make gil, maybe you should share the wealth... trickle down and all lol

I mean if gil is easy to come by and useless, and you have your house, why not just give it all away?

Just spent 200k on Items for my universal crafting outfit last tonight (see lodestone).... I call it ... giving back to Marlboro.

Why did you spend money on crafting gear?
#209 Jan 09 2014 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
4,511 posts
HonkeyKong29 wrote:
LebargeX wrote:
HonkeyKong29 wrote:
LebargeX wrote:
Well.....since it's so easy for you to make gil, maybe you should share the wealth... trickle down and all lol

I mean if gil is easy to come by and useless, and you have your house, why not just give it all away?

Just spent 200k on Items for my universal crafting outfit last tonight (see lodestone).... I call it ... giving back to Marlboro.

Why did you spend money on crafting gear?

Materias cheap and I'd rather make my own coil food and two star housing items

So you are making your own Two-Star housing items. There's just a couple of problems.

A. the materials needed for it are facing a massive supply and a tiny demand. could finish most of them if i had 300 gil laying around, they wont sell for more than 1k.
B. Every crafter will make them since they're so cheap and undercut/ruin the price even more.
C. You'll have 20 people making one item, when maybe one FC will buy them, maybe... and if they do, they'll buy just one of them in all their lifetime.

Save your money leveling crafters if you do it just for housing items. There's absolutely no money to make there, and you might as well just buy them from the Market Boards for 100 to 1000 gil if there's anything you want.

Though with leveling as fast as it is (and people being lazy), a lot of gear is being skipped. Maybe they'll buy one upgrade every 10 levels, and it doesnt even have to be a HQ, they'll just pick up something cheap most of the time. No money to be made there. So there's very little reason to do crafting for gear or money as well.

Just culinarian to make your own food, it about ends there :/
#210 Jan 09 2014 at 10:56 AM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
HonkeyKong29 wrote:
Everything you're saying is correct. The problem is.... noone wants to hear it because they'd rather complain instead of putting in the minimal effort it takes to obtain an AVERAGE of 15k/day.

You mean (gasp) people want to play the game instead of letting it be a job? What slackers!

Any gil raising method that can somehow raise that amount each day in a very short time is probably only working because few players are doing it. As more players start to use those gil raising techniques, the less effective they become. That is based simply on the nature of those activities.

Any gil raising activity that's not subject to that are ones that simply take time. You either get gil directly from the game from it's various gil sources, or you get it from other players by spending your time doing something that they don't want to spend their time doing. And on top of that, you have to not spend the gil you made, which further limits what aspects of the game you can choose to do.

People don't want to play a game simply to pay a front loaded mortgage. They want to play. I don't know why that seems like an unreasonable goal, or an unreasonable complaint.
#212 Jan 09 2014 at 11:01 AM Rating: Excellent
6,899 posts
HonkeyKong29 wrote:
Lol.... you're so bitter. You obviously missed the point.... THE POINT IS.... you don't have to farm gil everyday or for excessive amounts of time to make money if you're smart about it. Simply not wanting to put ANY time into moneymaking is the problem. Good luck with your housing bud.... hope you and your FC enjoy your virtual hangout time... in a few months.

We will. Enjoy your closet. Smiley: wink

Edited, Jan 9th 2014 12:06pm by BartelX
#213 Jan 09 2014 at 11:02 AM Rating: Good
4,511 posts
HonkeyKong29 wrote:
KojiroSoma wrote:
HonkeyKong29 wrote:
LebargeX wrote:
HonkeyKong29 wrote:
LebargeX wrote:
Well.....since it's so easy for you to make gil, maybe you should share the wealth... trickle down and all lol

I mean if gil is easy to come by and useless, and you have your house, why not just give it all away?

Just spent 200k on Items for my universal crafting outfit last tonight (see lodestone).... I call it ... giving back to Marlboro.

Why did you spend money on crafting gear?

Materias cheap and I'd rather make my own coil food and two star housing items

So you are making your own Two-Star housing items. There's just a couple of problems.

A. the materials needed for it are facing a massive supply and a tiny demand. could finish most of them if i had 300 gil laying around, they wont sell for more than 1k.
B. Every crafter will make them since they're so cheap and undercut/ruin the price even more.
C. You'll have 20 people making one item, when maybe one FC will buy them, maybe... and if they do, they'll buy just one of them in all their lifetime.

Save your money leveling crafters if you do it just for housing items. There's absolutely no money to make there, and you might as well just buy them from the Market Boards for 100 to 1000 gil if there's anything you want.

Though with leveling as fast as it is (and people being lazy), a lot of gear is being skipped. Maybe they'll buy one upgrade every 10 levels, and it doesnt even have to be a HQ, they'll just pick up something cheap most of the time. No money to be made there. So there's very little reason to do crafting for gear or money as well.

Just culinarian to make your own food, it about ends there :/

Well I just made a vortex couch last night (1 star) and the cheapest one of the MB was 175k. A lot of the housing items on our server are WAYYYY over priced. It cost me about 15k in mats to make the couch myself.

While true, will it sell? I have had a 50k piece up on the market boards, as the only person having it, ever since the first day of 2.1. Still there. Just because you can make it, can put it up and are one of the few people who did wont mean that there's a market for it. There has to be what? two houses on your server total? I understand what you're saying, but just because you -can- list them wont mean anyone actually has the house, the gil or the desire to buy one @_@;
#215 Jan 09 2014 at 11:22 AM Rating: Excellent
I think the code was ready, but the support infrastructure for running homes on 10 instances on 50 worlds simultaneously was not.

They'll ninja beef the servers before they drop the prices.
#216 Jan 09 2014 at 12:14 PM Rating: Excellent
197 posts
HonkeyKong29 wrote:

Lol.... you're so bitter. You obviously missed the point.... THE POINT IS.... you don't have to farm gil everyday or for excessive amounts of time to make money if you're smart about it. Simply not wanting to put ANY time into moneymaking is the problem. Good luck with your housing bud.... hope you and your FC enjoy your virtual hangout time... in a few months.

I don't understand why people have to be ***** about this. Not everyone is good at making gill, also a lot of people just don't have the time to spend. Yeah I can make about 15k a day, but that's just though selling treasure maps, and the prices on those have been steadily dropping, last night on ultros they were down to 10k, from 13k a few days ago. I am a pretty casual player, I only have a 50 BLM and 50 mining, so my options are limited. I'm not complaining that I cant make a million gill, but its obviously not so simple as some make it out to be.

Yeah I should probably level GSM or something, but then that's just more gill invested into that and less I'm making over all, and the way people make it sound, there really isn't any money in professions anyway so why bother.

The only reason I leveled mining was I assumed with the addition of housing raw materials might jump in price, that obviously didn't pan out. I was going to level BOT right after that but decided that might just be a waste of time now, will probably still do that also though.

Yeah I can do beast man dailies, but as an ex-WoW player I'm just a little burnt on the whole, "Lets run the same quests everyday for a month for a mount reward" at this point in my life, I play this game to have fun and relax after work, not have a second job. You can say what you want, but logging in everyday and having a "to do" list every night is like doing chores, I'd rather be running dungeons or leveling another class aka having fun.
Then add to the fact that I won't always want to be just farming gill, last night I logged on and my FC was forming an Ultima HM group. We ran that for about an hour, didn't clear it but came pretty close and everyone got a chance to learn the fight. But you could look at that as "I just wasted an hour I could have been making gill". I don't think that way, but some of you make it sound like that's the way it is.

Initially, I wasn't to thrilled by the idea of housing, but after seeing some of the houses and running around the zone, I think it would be pretty nice to have a house for our FC to hang out it. And no matter what any of you say, SE did not prepare anyone for the actually costs involved. But it is what it is, and there is no reason to belittle someone for being upset about it just cause they didn't have the time to invest that you do. Obviously, the majority of us have accepted it, and are saving up for a house, but it doesn't mean we have to be happy about it at the same time

Its already been said that this is just a stall tactic on their part, as the servers went ready or whatever, and I really think this is true. But not even just because of the sever issue, but for the whole game overall. Not everyone rushed to 50 and there is always more people picking this game up, it just feels to me that they did more to help with leveling and the initial end game (as far as distributing gear between the 50 dungeons, adding the DR, adding CT) then anything else. Honestly at this point I wish I hadn't hit 50 so soon, I would much rather be a fresh 50 now, then before 2.1 when the only real thing to do was run WP over and over again.

I'm anxious to see where this game is in about 4 months, after the next patch and when more people are able to afford housing, the added turns to coil, and whatever else they throw at us.
#217 Jan 09 2014 at 12:18 PM Rating: Excellent
Catwho wrote:
I think the code was ready, but the support infrastructure for running homes on 10 instances on 50 worlds simultaneously was not.

They'll ninja beef the servers before they drop the prices.

Do you mean a ninja with big brass band and confetti and a blimp-sized advertisement that stays on the front page of the Lodestone for over a month?

I kid, I kid. (I don't kid.)
#218 Jan 09 2014 at 2:21 PM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Jeskradha wrote:
HonkeyKong29 wrote:

Lol.... you're so bitter. You obviously missed the point.... THE POINT IS.... you don't have to farm gil everyday or for excessive amounts of time to make money if you're smart about it. Simply not wanting to put ANY time into moneymaking is the problem. Good luck with your housing bud.... hope you and your FC enjoy your virtual hangout time... in a few months.

I don't understand why people have to be ***** about this. Not everyone is good at making gill, also a lot of people just don't have the time to spend. Yeah I can make about 15k a day, but that's just though selling treasure maps, and the prices on those have been steadily dropping, last night on ultros they were down to 10k, from 13k a few days ago. I am a pretty casual player, I only have a 50 BLM and 50 mining, so my options are limited. I'm not complaining that I cant make a million gill, but its obviously not so simple as some make it out to be.

There are also a lot of people who just aren't interested in investing that much time for an FC. It's not that the game is bad or anything, but it's just not for everyone. We've reached the point where the novelty has worn off and people are starting to sift out.

I think the main point here is that this feature is something that should have been designed differently. Housing is something that the majority of both types of players(hardcore and casual) will want and it was a poor decision on SE's part to make it so hard to obtain. If it's a matter of not having servers ready to go then don't implement it yet. Not sure I remember the count on how many times they could have applied that philosophy and saved themselves headache.

I don't currently play XIV, but when I did I wasn't online every day. Gamers these days I think are juggling more titles at once and are splitting their time between several games. SE basing their model on what players make daily isn't realistic to begin with...
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#219 Jan 09 2014 at 3:47 PM Rating: Excellent
197 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:

I don't currently play XIV, but when I did I wasn't online every day. Gamers these days I think are juggling more titles at once and are splitting their time between several games. SE basing their model on what players make daily isn't realistic to begin with...

This is true, even if I had as much free time to play FF14 now as I did back when I played WoW, I'm not entirely sure I would.

I don't bounce between games too much, but I do log into WoW from time to time just to PvP.
#220 Jan 09 2014 at 3:50 PM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
I have a PS4 with AC IV in it and just can't get into it, so it's going back to gamefly soon. Thief comes out next month though, and I expect that may pull me away for a time :)

Otherwise, I pretty much only play this. My play time is usually very limited though, so when I do log in, I have to very focused.

I have a Pskin map up for 12k.... looks like it didn't sell if they're down to 10 :(
#221 Jan 09 2014 at 4:01 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
LebargeX wrote:
I have a PS4 with AC IV in it and just can't get into it, so it's going back to gamefly soon. Thief comes out next month though, and I expect that may pull me away for a time :)

Otherwise, I pretty much only play this. My play time is usually very limited though, so when I do log in, I have to very focused.

I have a Pskin map up for 12k.... looks like it didn't sell if they're down to 10 :(

Probably not. I had one sell for 10.5k earlier today. I would have saved it to run tonight, but I don't think I'm going to have the time with my vacation starting tomorrow.
#222 Jan 09 2014 at 4:31 PM Rating: Excellent
I certainly don't have the time today that I did to play XI when I was at my most hardcore. Heck, for that year I wasn't even working at all.

I don't think I will again until I'm retired and we're on the PS8.
#223 Jan 10 2014 at 6:07 AM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
BartelX wrote:
LebargeX wrote:
I have a PS4 with AC IV in it and just can't get into it, so it's going back to gamefly soon. Thief comes out next month though, and I expect that may pull me away for a time :)

Otherwise, I pretty much only play this. My play time is usually very limited though, so when I do log in, I have to very focused.

I have a Pskin map up for 12k.... looks like it didn't sell if they're down to 10 :(

Probably not. I had one sell for 10.5k earlier today. I would have saved it to run tonight, but I don't think I'm going to have the time with my vacation starting tomorrow.

Sold it for 10k and grabbed another. Went to sell it and they were down to 9k. So I'm keeping ahold of it to use one night soon
#224 Jan 10 2014 at 9:12 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Catwho wrote:
I certainly don't have the time today that I did to play XI when I was at my most hardcore. Heck, for that year I wasn't even working at all.

I don't think I will again until I'm retired and we're on the PS8.

Same here. I actually left FFXI for a while though but came back to it when the economy got bad because I got cut to working 4 day weeks then every other week.. I need something to do.. I will say I am playing FFXIV right now as much as I played FFXI but I didn't in the summer and fall. Once spring hits I will cut way back.. I am only playing this much because it is winter.
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
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