Gnu wrote:
Dyadem, pet mage of Jabober wrote:
I'm going to be nice and not tell you how awesome 2.1 is. It truly is all the little things that make this a great update.
What are your favorite new functions?
I'm a PC/Controller player.. so the changes that have been made to controller options, like that we can now Un-bind a few keys (Mainly L3, which is an auto-lock on, I don't know how many times thats almost killed me while trying to run away from a mob), plus adding a 3rd hotbar to our key combos so we wont need to always switch them (though I've gotten adept at that).
You can now right click an item in your inventory and "sort" and it very nicely autosorts all of your tabs, I swear it's more organized now than when I would manually do it.
Tomes for doing lower level dungeons.. I may be 50 WHM but we have 470 person FC.. with people at all levels of play so I do run lower dungeons quite often (I'm not an end-game player very often), so that personally will help me.