Here, let me save you some complication:
This is standard attack rotation with empasis on keeping your Heavy Thrust, DoTs, and Disembowel buffs going.
A simpler, easier to understand flow chart is as follows.
It only gets complicated when you begin to min-max your buff duration over the long term, and you're primarily going to learn that with experience, and having optimal is rare due to the amount of dodging and maneuvering you will do.
Keep in mind that these rotations ignore Jumps due to their impact on DPS at Melee Range, but if you've got a gap to close and a Spineshatter Dive or Dragonfire Dive in AoE situations up? Use it to close gap.
AoE rotations, Doomspike as the highest DPS, but burns out quickly. Heavy Thrust to Ring of Thorns has the lower DPS, but can be sustained twice as long and is circular rather than line. Use that at your own discretion.
Oh, and a small tip, in situations in which there are multiple mobs and you're suffering/have suffered damage, save your Bloodbath for when you use your AoE skills, Doomspike in particular gives great returns and can cause you to heal immense amounts depending on the number of targets you strike.
Anyways, hope that helps.