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IS THIS the current state of mmo's too?Follow

#27 Dec 10 2013 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
Apparently some of you took a long time to hit max level or have poor memory. Dynamis was not part of an expansion, it was released between expansions with a patch to keep people interested.

Secondly if you stretch what release with an expansion means, I guess you can count sky as being released with Zilart, but it wasn't accessible for months afterward. Ro'Maeve was there the day Zilart happened, but Tu'Lia was not accessible, the story line leading to it was not completely finished and you couldn't access Ru'Aun Gardens until the next moderate sized patch a month after release of the expansion. Not only that but there were no monsters in sky when it became accessible through the storyline. I remember running around in sky and it was completely empty, people explored and mapped it with no monsters and no aggro. The day the patch came to put the monsters in sky, the place was flooded and mass death everywhere from people discovering what happens when you get too close to the blue light. So if 3 months after the release of the expansion counts as expansion content, then yes it was released with Zilart.
#28 Dec 10 2013 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
i believe it "counts" as expansion content bcause even though it came later ppl witout zilart couldnt access those places.... so its "expansion congtent" because if yo ugot the game now and didn thave zilart you still couldnt go to sky
#29 Dec 10 2013 at 7:03 PM Rating: Good
1,430 posts
2.1 is the first patch of this particular version of XIV, so it's quite dishonest to compare it to XI as far as content amount. Where accessibility is concerned, your entire argument has a foundation of sand. There's a reason people liked the Abyssea series when it was released: accessibility to good gear without needing to recruit 50 other people to get it (the very reason Delve had fallen flat from the start). That has nothing to do with people wanting "easy mode" or some such nonsense that faux-hardcore posers blather on about. Most people who play these games want to be able to get good and great items without needless hassles.

I am very happy with the direction XIV went with relics, for example. XI's system was about as close to a hot mess as you could get even in its prime. Getting a relic weapon was near impossible then (and near pointless recently), what with having to gather Dynamis currency for years (read that again: for YEARS). Getting the Attestations would be comparable to fighting Dhorme Chimera now and fighting the weapons in Xarcabard would be nearly the same as Hydra. Both of those fights would have been satisfactory for the relic quest, but the enormous amount of currency required was a needless gateway that drove most players off. In contrast, XIV's relic system is streamlined and straightforward. Even the beast tribe leg of the quest was just right (3 specific sets of 8 beast tribe members). The only big hurdle you'd face is Titan HM and even he can be overcome with a good LS or FC.
#30 Dec 10 2013 at 7:16 PM Rating: Excellent
Relics in XI and relics in XIV are like apples and oranges. Relics in XI, even today, still take 50 million gil or three or four months of 2 hours of daily farming to complete - and that's just for the level 75 version. Level 75-95 relics in XI now require Trial of the Magian fights, and 95-99 requires another 25 million gil or an 18 man alliance doing a fight that takes a full day of prep in Xarcabard (Arch Dyna Lord) five times just for you. (Friggin Umbrals.)

Your XIV relic did not cost you 75 million gil or take six months.

Don't be surprised if SE adds in a weapon that does at some point in time, to satisfy the hard-core crowd.
#31 Dec 10 2013 at 7:44 PM Rating: Excellent
63 posts
In FFXI, patches were, more often then not, a lot of fixes to the system. I'd say XIV is doing a lot more than what the patches were in XI. I remember a lot of them being adjustments to jobs and that would be it. If XIV keeps up with this pace, their patches (over the course of a year), could very well equate that of an expansion. 2.1 is going to add quite a bit, which I'm excited about.

You're wanting XIV to have the same content that XI has. That's not going to happen when you count in the expansions and mini-expansions. I can see how hard it can be to transition from XI to XIV on that aspect, but if that's what you're wanting and hoping for. Feel free to stop by in 5 or so years.
#32 Dec 10 2013 at 9:05 PM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
Projectstfu wrote:
Secondly if you stretch what release with an expansion means, I guess you can count sky as being released with Zilart, but it wasn't accessible for months afterward.

It's not a stretch at all, considering a) SE had a habit of releasing unfinished expansions, and b) you absolutely had to have the expansion (Zilart) to access sky. If you have to have the expansion to access content, then the content is part of that expansion, even if it wasn't available until several months after the expansion released.
#33 Dec 10 2013 at 10:26 PM Rating: Excellent
1,556 posts
Projectstfu wrote:
Secondly if you stretch what release with an expansion means, I guess you can count sky as being released with Zilart, but it wasn't accessible for months afterward. Ro'Maeve was there the day Zilart happened, but Tu'Lia was not accessible, the story line leading to it was not completely finished and you couldn't access Ru'Aun Gardens until the next moderate sized patch a month after release of the expansion. Not only that but there were no monsters in sky when it became accessible through the storyline. I remember running around in sky and it was completely empty, people explored and mapped it with no monsters and no aggro. The day the patch came to put the monsters in sky, the place was flooded and mass death everywhere from people discovering what happens when you get too close to the blue light. So if 3 months after the release of the expansion counts as expansion content, then yes it was released with Zilart.

As svlyons pointed out, this is invalid.

Projectstfu wrote:
Apparently some of you took a long time to hit max level or have poor memory. Dynamis was not part of an expansion, it was released between expansions with a patch to keep people interested.

This was after FFXI had gone through multiple patches AND had been out for more than a year. This is 14's first major patch and they're already releasing new content. I'd say this puts them a little farther ahead in terms of progression. But that's not a fair comparison: MMOs have come a long way and developers have learned some things over the years.

In fact, CT is the equivalent of dynamis. However, CT has taken all of dynamis' bad points out and chucked them out the window. You don't need the 60 some odd people to get anywhere (realistically, more like 30-40), you don't have a lockout the entire week and can pursue a piece of gear you want as many times as you wish, and it's set in such a way that requires little organization for FC leaders.

Edited, Dec 13th 2013 1:29pm by HitomeOfBismarck
#34 Dec 10 2013 at 11:09 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Catwho wrote:
Relics in XI and relics in XIV are like apples and oranges. Relics in XI, even today, still take 50 million gil or three or four months of 2 hours of daily farming to complete - and that's just for the level 75 version. Level 75-95 relics in XI now require Trial of the Magian fights, and 95-99 requires another 25 million gil or an 18 man alliance doing a fight that takes a full day of prep in Xarcabard (Arch Dyna Lord) five times just for you. (Friggin Umbrals.)

Your XIV relic did not cost you 75 million gil or take six months.

Don't be surprised if SE adds in a weapon that does at some point in time, to satisfy the hard-core crowd.

youre FFXIV relic (unlike XI relic when 75 was the cap) also doenst seem SUBSTANTIALLY different and better than what you get from titan or garuda.. or heck just get one of the allagans from coil. whereas.. I saw a HUGE difference between lets say FFXI Samurai relic and a Hagun. difference so much so that I can see why it took 75 million gil or 6 months... if i had to spend that kinda time or money on XIV Id be COMPLETELY disappointed in what I got

Now you might say "exactly but you DIDNT have to do that for XIV relic thus what you got is acceptable and thus there should be no problem" however some of us actually WANT that uber rare piece of status equipment that only few will have and was extremely difficult to get. Its just like beating Coil turn 5 right now... considering the small amount of people who have done t... Id consider doing that to be an extreme accomplishment... almost on par with getting relic in FFXI pre lvl cap raise... now will I feel the same about doing it a few months from now when the il80 gear probably makes t so easy that there will be as many ppl cleared as those that have relic +1 (i.e everyone whos been lvl 50 for longer than 4 week?) nope at that point Id see it as no challenge/accomplishment at all and consider it old news (kind alike how getting relic in XI is today... but look how long it took before relic to drop down to "doable by just about everyone" status.

Relic in 1.0 look like it required a bit more effort. But anyway this isnt what this topic is about nor is it about comparing the content of a game thats not even 6 months old to a game thats 11 years old.... what its actually about is this games "new content" mosty just being harder versions of old content (i.e extreme mode primals and hard dungeons)ed to giving is 100% NEW stuff (like all brand new dungeons, brand new primals to fight etc etc. THATS what this discussion is supposed to be about
#35 Dec 10 2013 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
and now EXTREME.. what next... ultra? then super saiyajin? lol)

First of all, epic win. Made me laught pretty hard here at the office.

I'm inclined to agree with Duo in regards to gratification of content. XI did give me a better sense of accomplishment with content. Getting to subjobs wasn't hard in the vast scheme of things, but as a new player it was a huge milestone. Adv jobs was a huge milestone, completing story content was extremely gratifying for the difficulty and amount of travel you had to do. At the time it was all very annoying, but once completed it was something you could sit around and say, "Yeah, I did that. It was a pain, but I did it". Camping NM's and rushing during the spawn? Annoying, but exciting and gratifying. Endgame content? All gratifying to complete.

As I roll around in XIV, I enjoy the quick nature of all the content. I can log in, tool around for 20 minutes, accomplish something, and log off. But I don't have that same feeling of 'accomplishment' that I did in older games such as XI, RF Online, EVE's older content, etc.

That being said, yes, I agree this is the direction of newer MMOs -- Get in quick, get out happy -- It's very casual oriented, and while I don't like it either, as I'm getting older it's harder for me to spend that kind of time on an MMO like I did in XI. I think overall the age range that grew up with 1st gen MMOs is going up, and those folks are tayloring to the newer crowd.

Lastly I'm still very curious why Duo keeps getting downrated on these discussions. He's bringing up very valid points and articulating them rather well. Isn't that worth upvoting? He has mine.

Just curious what the mindset is there. No knocks on anyone, it's everyone's right to do as they please.

Edited, Dec 11th 2013 12:30am by darexius2010
#36 Dec 10 2013 at 11:30 PM Rating: Excellent
just look at how "often" GW2 and DC universe online get new stuff.

This made me laugh.

I played GW2 for six to eight months after it came out, and the only real content it got was rehashed mobs or NPCs with new dialogue. The only "new" things were small seasonal content events that were basically gateways to the cash shop.

The first patch of FFXIV will bring more new permanent content than GW2 had in its first year... and ARR just launched in August.

EDIT: I can't speak to DC Universe, though.

Edited, Dec 10th 2013 9:31pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#37 Dec 11 2013 at 12:30 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Thayos wrote:
just look at how "often" GW2 and DC universe online get new stuff.

This made me laugh.

I played GW2 for six to eight months after it came out, and the only real content it got was rehashed mobs or NPCs with new dialogue. The only "new" things were small seasonal content events that were basically gateways to the cash shop.

The first patch of FFXIV will bring more new permanent content than GW2 had in its first year... and ARR just launched in August.

EDIT: I can't speak to DC Universe, though.

Edited, Dec 10th 2013 9:31pm by Thayos

that quote was sarcasm point out how lacking in content and updates that f2p games get over P2P lol
#38 Dec 11 2013 at 12:47 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
darexius2010, Goblin in Disguise wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
and now EXTREME.. what next... ultra? then super saiyajin? lol)

First of all, epic win. Made me laugh pretty hard here at the office.

I'm inclined to agree with Duo in regards to gratification of content. XI did give me a better sense of accomplishment with content. Getting to subjobs wasn't hard in the vast scheme of things, but as a new player it was a huge milestone. Adv jobs was a huge milestone, completing story content was extremely gratifying for the difficulty and amount of travel you had to do. At the time it was all very annoying, but once completed it was something you could sit around and say, "Yeah, I did that. It was a pain, but I did it". Camping NM's and rushing during the spawn? Annoying, but exciting and gratifying. Endgame content? All gratifying to complete.

thats the very point im making and would love to see again.

as I'm getting older it's harder for me to spend that kind of time on an MMO like I did in XI. I think overall the age range that grew up with 1st gen MMOs is going up, and those folks are tayloring to the newer crowd.

Well aside from working 40 hours a week only things I have to worry about is making sure food is in the fridge and the bills get paid on time, other than that I have the rest of the time for gaming. As I dont have to worry about kids and am smart enough to have dated someone who like/does the same things I do so 90% of our "together activities" time is spent doing something we BOTH enjoy instead of me being "forced" to do something I really dont give a crap about just to make them happy (i.e spending time together by sitting through her favorite episodes of some reality show I dont give a crap about while rolling my eyes in disgust and thinking abut what Id RATHER be doing instead lol). and I never have to hear the "You play that damn game too much" rant mos men have to deal with since 9 times outta 10 if shes not at work, shes sitting right there playing WITH me lol (the other 1 outta 10 would be going out for dinner and or s movie or doing things children shouldnt see.). Point being getting older has not compromised my ability to play something thats like the old FFXI was if i choose to do so today lol.

Lastly I'm still very curious why Duo keeps getting downrated on these discussions. He's bringing up very valid points and articulating them rather well. Isn't that worth upvoting? He has mine.

good luck getting an intelligent response to that question. Cause Ive been dying for months to get one myself. So far the mentality seems If someone doesnt what the vast majority likes or disagrees with them its automatic grounds for a rate down

example: "oh noes this guy wants super hard content that only 10% of the playerbase will complete... this is old and archaic and anyone who still thinks like that is evil. the rest of us have been assimilated by the borg and its time he joined our way of thinking, anyone who cannot be assimilated must be eliminated (rated down)"
#39 Dec 11 2013 at 1:09 AM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
that quote was sarcasm point out how lacking in content and updates that f2p games get over P2P lol

Not all F2P games are equal. Rift has steadily received new content since its conversion. Yes, people (will still) ***** about it and the actual quality or your typical cash shop vanity grab bag ****, but they can also just shut up and play if they want to without the whole pressure of a monthly sub. Basically, people need to shed their bias. Bad games will be bad because the devs don't take care of them properly, not so much in how they choose to pay the bills.

Otherwise, there's a lot of rose-tinted nostalgia and misinformation going on relative to XI that others have called out. Games have changed since then, and for the better. Stuff like relic/legandary nomenclature does need some work, though, because it just invites arguments like "Well, they should be hard to get!" or ******** when they're replaced (with no direct upgrade options). XIV's still young. It still needs some work. There's a strong foundation, but Yoshi needs to let go of some of his old school hardcore preconceptions with have influenced things like the CT gear lockout or lacking open world endgame. Until that happens, I'm okay with giving the game a break. Hell, I'm pretty surprised with what the XI update did today in terms of casual friendliness and might even poke around there again for a month or two.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#40 Dec 11 2013 at 1:19 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Seriha wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
that quote was sarcasm point out how lacking in content and updates that f2p games get over P2P lol

Not all F2P games are equal. Rift has steadily received new content since its conversion. Yes, people (will still) ***** about it and the actual quality or your typical cash shop vanity grab bag sh*t, but they can also just shut up and play if they want to without the whole pressure of a monthly sub. Basically, people need to shed their bias. Bad games will be bad because the devs don't take care of them properly, not so much in how they choose to pay the bills.

well when i see a f2p game get content every 2 months (or often enough that I cant ever get to a point where Ive done ALL he current content now I have no reason to play until new stuff comes out) then Ill believe it
#41 Dec 11 2013 at 2:06 AM Rating: Decent
322 posts
While I miss the hardcoe content and sense of achivement it brought, I also like the casual friendliness of newer mmos. Its like a double edge sword for me. I get saddend when I can get some of the best gear in a weekend (Darklight, and relics) but then I am happy that I can get said gear quickly to beable to get said gear effecently. I think alot of the problem is right now is there is to little to do in a game where they said really starts at 50. To me they should have made leveling alot harder to space players out from hardcore and casual. This would then be toned down when ample endgame content is released. I dont think they thought it through well when they made leveling so easyat the start that most new players have multiple level 50s and are now waiting. Yes we shouldnt have rushed and yes there are other things to do in game, but mmos in general revolve around end game content. The game is young it will get more, I just hope they are working twords new areas, and less rehashing old stuff with a hard or extrem mode slapped on it.
#42 Dec 11 2013 at 4:29 AM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Seriha wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
that quote was sarcasm point out how lacking in content and updates that f2p games get over P2P lol

Not all F2P games are equal. Rift has steadily received new content since its conversion. Yes, people (will still) ***** about it and the actual quality or your typical cash shop vanity grab bag sh*t, but they can also just shut up and play if they want to without the whole pressure of a monthly sub. Basically, people need to shed their bias. Bad games will be bad because the devs don't take care of them properly, not so much in how they choose to pay the bills.

well when i see a f2p game get content every 2 months (or often enough that I cant ever get to a point where Ive done ALL he current content now I have no reason to play until new stuff comes out) then Ill believe it

And let's not pretend sub games are putting out gobs of new content every 2 months, either.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#43 Dec 11 2013 at 5:07 AM Rating: Good
334 posts
Let me ask you guys this since I haven't been paying super close attention lately. My major gripe with XIV is that all dungeons are instanced. I understand the value of instanced content for having a duty finder etc. etc. but I was always the type of player who liked tooling around deep in some bad-*** dungeon just to explore. I remember farming eyes for my Hakutaku cluster and seeing that Vrtra was up on widescan. Went over to see Vrtra- it was one of the most exciting times. I felt like I was really adventuring. The lack of non-instanced content makes the world feel kind of sterile to me. Why should I explore? There aren't hidden headstones to find, or random ??? that I will ask my linkshell about. The game is beautiful, but it has the whole "vacuum sealed single serving" feeling to me. Instanced content just loses some of it's adventure feeling when compared to being able to explore open-world dungeons. Do they have any plans to add that kind of content?
#44 Dec 11 2013 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
ChaChaJaJa wrote:
Let me ask you guys this since I haven't been paying super close attention lately. My major gripe with XIV is that all dungeons are instanced. I understand the value of instanced content for having a duty finder etc. etc. but I was always the type of player who liked tooling around deep in some bad-*** dungeon just to explore. I remember farming eyes for my Hakutaku cluster and seeing that Vrtra was up on widescan. Went over to see Vrtra- it was one of the most exciting times. I felt like I was really adventuring. The lack of non-instanced content makes the world feel kind of sterile to me. Why should I explore? There aren't hidden headstones to find, or random ??? that I will ask my linkshell about. The game is beautiful, but it has the whole "vacuum sealed single serving" feeling to me. Instanced content just loses some of it's adventure feeling when compared to being able to explore open-world dungeons. Do they have any plans to add that kind of content?

You can go digging around in the Kobold mines or risk life and limb in the Sahigan area or the Sylph lands. They're beastman strongholds, not dungeons, but they're pretty dangerous and badass all the same. I still haven't completed the maps in those zones.

Vrtra also appreciated your curiosity and said thanks for the snack.
#45 Dec 11 2013 at 9:02 AM Rating: Good
46 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
darexius2010, Goblin in Disguise wrote:
[quote=DuoMaxwellxx]and now EXTREME.. what next... ultra? then super saiyajin? lol)

example: "oh noes this guy wants super hard content that only 10% of the playerbase will complete... this is old and archaic and anyone who still thinks like that is evil. the rest of us have been assimilated by the borg and its time he joined our way of thinking, anyone who cannot be assimilated must be eliminated (rated down)"

You're mistaking hard with time consuming. Titan HM is hard to alot of people, getting relics in FFXI was just time consuming, wasn't hard at all. I love both games but nothing in FFXI was hard, just takes alot of time to get stuff.
#46 Dec 11 2013 at 9:15 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Bidnastyme wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
darexius2010, Goblin in Disguise wrote:
[quote=DuoMaxwellxx]and now EXTREME.. what next... ultra? then super saiyajin? lol)

example: "oh noes this guy wants super hard content that only 10% of the playerbase will complete... this is old and archaic and anyone who still thinks like that is evil. the rest of us have been assimilated by the borg and its time he joined our way of thinking, anyone who cannot be assimilated must be eliminated (rated down)"

You're mistaking hard with time consuming. Titan HM is hard to alot of people, getting relics in FFXI was just time consuming, wasn't hard at all. I love both games but nothing in FFXI was hard, just takes alot of time to get stuff.

never saiod getting relic in FFXI was hard... HAERD would be CoP pre nerfs
#47 Dec 11 2013 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Bidnastyme wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
darexius2010, Goblin in Disguise wrote:
[quote=DuoMaxwellxx]and now EXTREME.. what next... ultra? then super saiyajin? lol)

example: "oh noes this guy wants super hard content that only 10% of the playerbase will complete... this is old and archaic and anyone who still thinks like that is evil. the rest of us have been assimilated by the borg and its time he joined our way of thinking, anyone who cannot be assimilated must be eliminated (rated down)"

You're mistaking hard with time consuming. Titan HM is hard to alot of people, getting relics in FFXI was just time consuming, wasn't hard at all. I love both games but nothing in FFXI was hard, just takes alot of time to get stuff.

never saiod getting relic in FFXI was hard... HAERD would be CoP pre nerfs

What's the difference between COP pre nerfs and Titan Hard Mode and Coil, they're all hard to alot of people. The only difference is accessability. Why make content that alienates 90% of your playerbase?
#48FilthMcNasty, Posted: Dec 11 2013 at 9:46 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I'd really like to know what SE was thinking when they decided they needed another subscription based MMO. Why kill it off? Why in the hell would you compete with yourself for your own playerbase? XI is getting changes that are band-aids to cover the self-inflicted wound. Quality of life changes to ease the burden of the few players that remain.
#49 Dec 11 2013 at 10:08 AM Rating: Excellent
1,732 posts
Loris wrote:
I can understand the feeling of pre-nerf CoP, because I was one of the few that was actually caught up on missions as they released them. Yep, there was a time when you got to the "end" of the current progress and had to wait til the next patch to continue. It was hard as hell, took my static endless times to do it, and I stood up and screamed and pumped my fist when we took things like the mammets and U/O down. Would I want to go through farming stuff for the fights over and over, deal with constant trial and error, leveling subjobs or secondary jobs, gathering gear sets for level cap ever again? No way. The real beauty of the era was having a static and doing stuff in a small group of friends. THAT was rewarding and I would want that back.

Relics in XI? Old Dynamis? May it never return. The reason there were something like 10 relics per server pre-TOAU was because in order to have one you needed to somehow convince 30 other people to do Dynamis with you for the chance at lolAF2 while the leader pocketed the currency. I realize that some groups split the currency and that some rich crafters bought most of their own currency, but the vast majority of the whole system was 2 alliances doing an event for the benefit of 1 person. Combine that with the 72 hour lockout and the $1 million entry fee and you have one of the worst systems ever.

Exploring? Larger zones? Yep, all that was cool in XI but only for a few times. It was great being a level 20 noob trying to make your way to Jeuno or taking the boat to Selbina and stuff that most of us that played XI still remember. The reality is it IS archaic and not done anymore because it takes too damn long. Anyone remember xping in sky? or Cape Terrigan? Gather in Jeuno (1 hour), teleport (but only if you have a WHM), chocobo ride as far as you can (15 min), sneak/invis to camp (someone dies, wasted 30 min, now BRD needs to go because its been too long), finally get to camp. It was a process in and of itself just to get a decent party, much less an ideal party, and then if you get to camp and get started - you better damn well have 3 hours to xp and hope no one else comes to camp on top of you.

First off remove the relic from dynamis and dynamis was very fun.

Also the larger zones and exploring. You say it is not done anymore because it takes too long.. To me that is one of the biggest flaws with this game.. It is a couple of months old and pretty much everyone that started the game is at end game and allot did it in weeks. Weeks to get to end game? either the game was too short or too easy... That is just wrong and some are even through end game, I know some who have several relics. They should have made things to slow people down and not get to end game so fast especially when end game is so bad and not much is available yet. . This game should have sneak and invis, I can run through any level pretty much with out any fear, I miss that.

I agree with ChaChaJaJa there is no sense of adventure in this game. I remember the first time going into Tahrongi Canyon and being scared or the first time going into the crawlers nest. I remember trying to get to the teleport spots for the crystals.

I also miss the airship ride where you could see the zones from above. I miss ferry rides for fishing. It was a sense of accomplishment getting the airship pass. I dont have that sense of accomplishment with this game. I dont want this to be FFXI but I do think some of the stuff in FFXI were great and some of them are what make all games great..
I think allot of this game is good but it just feels like it is missing something. Something that made me want to get on FFXI everyday.. With FFXIV I feel I need to get on too keep up not because I want too all the time sense endgame. It feels more like work and if I want work I can go to work and make money. Again I hope this changes with new content and I realise this game is new.

Edited, Dec 11th 2013 11:35am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#50 Dec 11 2013 at 10:15 AM Rating: Good
Not everyone is at endgame yet. Smiley: rolleyes
#51 Dec 11 2013 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Catwho wrote:
Not everyone is at endgame yet. Smiley: rolleyes

Most people are though and will be in months.. There are also those who quit so they will never be.. There are also new player who are not.. But you know what my point is.

There were allot who did it in weeks and there is something just wrong with a game where people can do it in weeks. That is not a sense of accomplishment.. Any game I bought I would be disappointed in if I finished it in weeks mmo or not. Dont get me wrong there is allot I like about the game and allot that is better than FFXI, it just feels like somethings are missing and like someone stated above part of it is a sense of adventure...

Another is sometimes the sense of accomplishment.. In ffxi when you got your AF gear it was a major sense of accomplishment and you used it. With AF gear in this game there wasn't I am already on darklight gear and all I did was run WP... Af gear should not been put at end game.

Crafting is far better in this game but again what for? Most of the gear in dungeons is better... I remember getting to yag drink or insect balls in cooking in FFXI and going I am going to make some money here and it felt like a major accomplishment.. I hated crafting in FFXI though it was just so random and grindy.

I find myself missing FFXI sometimes and believe me I was ready to move on and ready for something new. The game was getting old.

Edited, Dec 11th 2013 11:55am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
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