Post your weekend updates - how did you get on?!
Sadly, my SSD was corrupted on Friday when I got home from work and as I only had the Windows 8 upgrade (from W7) - I couldn't activate after a fresh install so it took me until late Saturday to get everything sorted out. I'm actually not sure who is better at hiding telephone contact details on their website, Microsoft or Amazon.
Anyway, I made up for it on Sunday!
Leatherworker 30 → 41
Culinarian 37 → 41
Weaver 40 → 41
Botanist 37 → 38
I also got about an hour uninterrupted farming on Karakul before two other people decided it was an offence to let anyone farm uninterrupted, there is just no respect or manners between people now. Anyway, got a stack and a bit which should suffice. Hopefully by next weekend I'll have the title 'Mastering the Hand.'