I started leveling Carpenter at launch and didn't have a very good time with it. After lvl 15 or so I was making very slow progress and not HQ'ing anything. I gave it up for a while to work on DRG and figured I might not come back to it until a few patches later. Then I decided this past weekend to get all crafts up to at least lvl 15 for their cross-class abilities, even taking Culinarian to lvl 37 for Steady Hands 2.
My god, it's made a huge difference. After getting to lvl 35 on Carpenter and equipping Steady Hands 2, Manipulation, Tricks of the Trade, Waste Not and Careful Synthesis, I HQ leve'd my way to 50 in no time. Now I am working on Leatherworker and should have it to 50 by the end of the week. Much improve. Such success. Wow.
My question for the crafters on the forum is:
What rotation do you use for 40-durability items and 70/80-durability items?
Personally, I was using a combo that got HQ's, but was a little hit or miss and more complicated than it needed to be. I would Inner Quiet >> Steady Hands 2 >> Waste Not >> progress until only a Careful Synthesis was needed >> Hasty Touch >> Manipulation >> Steady Hands 2 >> Hasty Touches >> repeat until 34% >> Great Strides >> Standard Touch >> Careful Synthesis >> HQ. I would use Tricks of the Trade when good conditions popped and Basic Touch when excellent condition popped. The problem I ran into was running out of CP when I got a lot of Hasty Touch misses, since Manipulation is 88 CP. What I have done now is replace Manipulation with Waste Not and have added Byrgott's Blessing to the mix. Once I get 6 successful Hasty Tuches, I pop that and am at 100%.
Do you guys do anything different? I'm always looking for ways to min/max or simplify things. I have some friends who don't think Byrgott's is that useful, so what are your thoughts on that as well?