Was a page taken out of Sunken Temple's book for how the mechanics of this dungeon go? I mean I went with about 3 Pug groups and 2/3 wiped on the first boss. 2 of the 3 were JP and the English group I went with got to the final boss, but the BLM we had didn't know how to use Limit Break. How do people get to Level 50 and don't know what Limit Break is, that's my question. But anyways, does anyone have any real strategy for the final boss? It's not the Burrs I'm worried about it's the insane amount of adds that swarm and our DPS didn't feel like dealing with them. We figured if we Limit Break them with AoE it would be over quicker, but like I said before our BLM literally asked "What's LB?" I knew I should've quit the dungeon, but I was at the end so I didn't until we wiped 6 times and all my gear nearly broke, then I left out of frustration. The thing that bugged me the most during that entire boss fight was our BLM who kept sitting still while he/she got mobbed by seedlings and our DRG who left the BLM alone and focused on the boss. I wonder how do these types of people make it to these dungeons....
Edited, Sep 19th 2013 1:36pm by ImmolatedHope