For give me if some of what I'm going to ask has been answered, but all I see in the last 2-3 pages of the forum is LS or FC asking for new members.
I haven't been able to keep upto date in great detail with all that has changed since 1.0 so thought I'd ask a few question and maybe have a collective location for anyone else to ask questions about new features.
So here goes :D
I know about Free Companies and how to set up and join one, but my question is what is the difference between being in an LS and being in a FC.?
When have they said the new Primal fights are going to be implemented ?
As a legacy player what will I have to do to get back all the features that I had previously such as air ship pass and my retainer ?
What are the purposes of minions other than cute and decorative ?
did they say their give us new AF gear ?
are they going to increase the server load or allow more people to join a server I'm on Excalibur and some of my friends can't create a character on that server as its full ?
I cant think of anything else but If I do ill add them to here.
Thanks in advance and again sorry if these have already been answered I just wanted to have 1 location to answer and ask questions about new changes