Hi guys! Goji here with a question for everyone.
For those of you who don't know: I have never finished a FF game in my life. The only thing close is KH, which is upsetting.
But I have learned many new stuff about monsters and themes of FF worlds, however, I don't know what this world has to offer. I know extensive knowledge about FF but I don't know the story of this MMO as i should because i never played the Version 1. So my question is:
"What are the requirements for RPing in a FF MMO?
I ask this because the wiki pointed out a "unofficial" RP server called "Besaid" and generally I like a good story so my hope is that it does become a RP server. Yet, I have tried RPing in SWTOR and it did not work out. So I'm thinking instead of knowing THE FORCE, I have to focus on a much larger realm of information and rules to RP. So if you have questions about this question please ask. If you have an answer...please let it be a list of requirements. Anyone can answer but if your beta and your already doing it, it would help out if you gave me some pointers.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could help me out! :)
This is Goji signing off, Kupo!