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The Horrors of the Duty Finder.Follow

#27 Jul 07 2013 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
Good MMO will attract good MMO players. it being final fantasy is just an added bonus to me.
This game is the best of all things mmo, armor raid professions etc, and whats usually the best story? a FF one
#28 Jul 07 2013 at 6:20 PM Rating: Excellent
1,098 posts
I'm looking forward trying to Duty Finder it was put there for slightly "antisocial" solo players and casual players to get a feel of partying tougher challenges without judgement. Bored social linkshell people will know what fights to avoid and still can spend time at hub shouting for the perfect party.A crappy party at least might get pass points playing solo couldn't. That's what will makes it fun.Smiley: smile

#29 Jul 07 2013 at 6:44 PM Rating: Good
660 posts
A buddy of mine tried to get through Ifrit 5 times using the dungeon finder and wiped every time because healers wouldnt heal and dd wouldnt attack the shards at all. He eventually just decided to shout for a group, asking for people who had completed it. Once he had a group together they finished it easily.

May be typical experience, maybe not. That's just what I saw.

Maybe if there was a way to search for people who have completed the content you want to do?
#30 Jul 07 2013 at 7:06 PM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
reptiletim wrote:
A buddy of mine tried to get through Ifrit 5 times using the dungeon finder and wiped every time because healers wouldnt heal and dd wouldnt attack the shards at all. He eventually just decided to shout for a group, asking for people who had completed it. Once he had a group together they finished it easily.

May be typical experience, maybe not. That's just what I saw.

Maybe if there was a way to search for people who have completed the content you want to do?

It took me three tries but each group there were people who'd never completed it or it was their first attempt. In the third try we had a quick strategy chat ahead of time and it went fine. Communication is key lol
#31 Jul 07 2013 at 7:10 PM Rating: Excellent
1,079 posts
It seems people are quicker to complain about sucky people rather than help them. I want to hear a story of a sucky person being mentored by someone and they become something great from it. Not this. The point of the Duty Finder is to help people who are having trouble finding groups, find groups, and also speed up the process. Sure, you have your jerkifers out there, and refuse to adapt or listen, but sometimes it takes a little bit of extra effort to get someone down the right path.
Articus Vladmir
#32 Jul 07 2013 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
The only real problem I've had is bad lag in Tam Tara and Sastasha dungeons. The last Sastasha run, I couldn't see the rest of my group at all for the entire dungeon until the final cutscene. Was very frustrating trying to tank that way, but we managed.

Drops have been great for GLA though. Only missing one or two piece (legs) for the full set, including dagger and shield. Hopefully my luck stays through P4 and official release.
#33 Jul 07 2013 at 7:23 PM Rating: Excellent
1,150 posts
Stilivan wrote:
It seems people are quicker to complain about sucky people rather than help them. I want to hear a story of a sucky person being mentored by someone and they become something great from it. Not this. The point of the Duty Finder is to help people who are having trouble finding groups, find groups, and also speed up the process. Sure, you have your jerkifers out there, and refuse to adapt or listen, but sometimes it takes a little bit of extra effort to get someone down the right path.

Actually this happened to me a few times. For some reason as GLA I've got a bad habit of trying to pull with flash. I'm not sure why, and maybe it has something to do with FFXI (maybe pulled with flash or dia or something like this). Anyway, someone in the group explained to me it wasn't ranged, so had no effect the way I was using it. Also explained the Shield Lob action/quest that I hadn't known about. After the dungeon, I finished the quest. Sometimes people aren't gimpy because they don't care, they just may not know everything about how the game works.
#34 Jul 07 2013 at 7:24 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
Stilivan wrote:
It seems people are quicker to complain about sucky people rather than help them. I want to hear a story of a sucky person being mentored by someone and they become something great from it. Not this. The point of the Duty Finder is to help people who are having trouble finding groups, find groups, and also speed up the process. Sure, you have your jerkifers out there, and refuse to adapt or listen, but sometimes it takes a little bit of extra effort to get someone down the right path.

That's a side effect of having disposable party members like this. Overall the positives of having a system like the duty finder in place outweigh this and a few other negatives, but it's definitely still a thing.

For my own DF groups this weekend, I did pretty well with people. Had one sub-par tank, but the lancer, healer, and I were able to deal with it (I ended up tanking a lot of extra things as a pugilist). Wasn't a big deal.. just kind of got the impression that the tank wasn't entirely paying attention to what was going on sometimes.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#35 Jul 07 2013 at 7:53 PM Rating: Good
424 posts
So far I have tried to help out people as much as possible. I haven't been anything other than a tank in the instances, and I consider myself somewhat capable, so I don't know what it's like to run with one that's terrible. I have come across bad healers and bad DPS though, trying like hell to pull aggro off of me for some reason. The main thing I always try to get across is try to target what I'm targeting. With healers I would stress not to waste time casting stone, because the damage you are doing in the end is usually meaningless imo. That is not always the case, but I will give an example of a bad healer. I was running whatever the last instance is, the lvl 32 one, and we wiped at the first boss. My MRD has at 1400 hp going into that fight, and the healer would let me get down to 400-500 hp before he would even start casting any heals, and instead would spend his time casting stone. Then he would struggle like crazy trying to get me back up. We wiped pretty hard. How do you even get that far as a healer without knowing how to heal in an instance? I figure somebody would have given him a heads up at some point, like hey, quit casting stone and friggin heal the tank.

Whatever though, most of the other healers I have come across know their role, so it's not a big deal.Smiley: smile
#36 Jul 07 2013 at 7:56 PM Rating: Excellent
1,330 posts
supermegazeke wrote:
So far I have tried to help out people as much as possible. I haven't been anything other than a tank in the instances, and I consider myself somewhat capable, so I don't know what it's like to run with one that's terrible. I have come across bad healers and bad DPS though, trying like hell to pull aggro off of me for some reason. The main thing I always try to get across is try to target what I'm targeting. With healers I would stress not to waste time casting stone, because the damage you are doing in the end is usually meaningless imo. That is not always the case, but I will give an example of a bad healer. I was running whatever the last instance is, the lvl 32 one, and we wiped at the first boss. My MRD has at 1400 hp going into that fight, and the healer would let me get down to 400-500 hp before he would even start casting any heals, and instead would spend his time casting stone. Then he would struggle like crazy trying to get me back up. We wiped pretty hard. How do you even get that far as a healer without knowing how to heal in an instance? I figure somebody would have given him a heads up at some point, like hey, quit casting stone and friggin heal the tank.

Whatever though, most of the other healers I have come across know their role, so it's not a big deal.Smiley: smile

It happens when the DPS has to pick up the slack of the healer. (THM Cures are actually pretty strong.) It's also possible that the healer was used to GLA tanks -- the GLA tank I group with claims he has more defensive options than MRD.
#37 Jul 07 2013 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
Ravashack wrote:
supermegazeke wrote:
So far I have tried to help out people as much as possible. I haven't been anything other than a tank in the instances, and I consider myself somewhat capable, so I don't know what it's like to run with one that's terrible. I have come across bad healers and bad DPS though, trying like hell to pull aggro off of me for some reason. The main thing I always try to get across is try to target what I'm targeting. With healers I would stress not to waste time casting stone, because the damage you are doing in the end is usually meaningless imo. That is not always the case, but I will give an example of a bad healer. I was running whatever the last instance is, the lvl 32 one, and we wiped at the first boss. My MRD has at 1400 hp going into that fight, and the healer would let me get down to 400-500 hp before he would even start casting any heals, and instead would spend his time casting stone. Then he would struggle like crazy trying to get me back up. We wiped pretty hard. How do you even get that far as a healer without knowing how to heal in an instance? I figure somebody would have given him a heads up at some point, like hey, quit casting stone and friggin heal the tank.

Whatever though, most of the other healers I have come across know their role, so it's not a big deal.Smiley: smile

It happens when the DPS has to pick up the slack of the healer. (THM Cures are actually pretty strong.) It's also possible that the healer was used to GLA tanks -- the GLA tank I group with claims he has more defensive options than MRD.

I have played both, and they both have good defensive abilities. I like the MRD skill bloodbath better than anything the GLA has, and I like overpower better than flash. With a GLA, running with a THM that only spams Fire 2 or whatever its called that is their AoE, I couldn't keep aggro with only flash. With a MRD, I could just spam overpower if they are going to spam AoE, and never lose aggro. IDK, they are probably both good, but I fail to see what the difference in healing them would be. If the tank starts to get hit, heal them, don't just sit there and stone mobs. There is no excuse for that, no matter which class in tanking. Smiley: smile
#38 Jul 07 2013 at 8:41 PM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
Oh, I'm definitely not saying the healer was good -- that we agree on. Smiley: lol Just providing rationale for the action.
#39 Jul 07 2013 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
ZiGG wrote:
I have a lot of experience with bad tanks as a {long time} WHM in ffxi, I realise hate seems to be a lot more polarised in ffxiv but I would totally just let everyone die and try to convince them that it was the tanks fault.

I'm not surprised you had problems with tanks in FFXI. The way CE and VE works (even post adjustments) it's just not designed well at all for tanks to....actually tank. It never has been. The only tanks with decent method of keeping hate end up requiring a fair amount of party support and at that point why bother with that when another plate-esque damage dealer gets hit only slightly harder but holds hate and kills faster? (Note, I'm obviously tanking about old school EXP groups but this does apply to pretty much all pre-Adoulin endgame).

As long as FFXIV doesn't fall into that trap (hate doesn't seem to decay on damage taken or at all from what testing was done in 1.0 back in the day) it should be fine. I've noticed that unless a FATE NM's half-dead it doesn't usually take too much to pull hate and secure it on GLD (I really love the look of Mantra Paladin...) as long as you read the tooltips and apply what you read to tanking.
#40 Jul 07 2013 at 9:08 PM Rating: Good
65 posts
My biggest Duty Finder gripe is mostly with communication. The runs that no one talks are fine when everyone has done the instance before and knows what they're doing, but a lot of the time that isn't the case. I started asking if it was anyone's first time at the beginning of every run I did, and i thought it worked out well most times. I guess that annoys some people though -- a lot of people seemed to think I was wasting their time by asking.
#41 Jul 07 2013 at 9:48 PM Rating: Good
424 posts
CrazyLegzMcGee wrote:
My biggest Duty Finder gripe is mostly with communication. The runs that no one talks are fine when everyone has done the instance before and knows what they're doing, but a lot of the time that isn't the case. I started asking if it was anyone's first time at the beginning of every run I did, and i thought it worked out well most times. I guess that annoys some people though -- a lot of people seemed to think I was wasting their time by asking.

I did that a lot too. I usually ask right before the main boss, does everybody know what the deal is here. I could care less about wasting time, it takes only a minute or less to explain the mechanics, and less time is wasted if we do not wipe our first run. One thing that bug me is when archers get impatient and start pulling groups before I can get set up. It serves no purpose, and I see them doing it all the time. Sometimes I just need to chill for a second, because as a MRD, you drain your TP pretty quick in the course of like 5-6 straight pulls.
#42 Jul 07 2013 at 10:05 PM Rating: Excellent
106 posts
I actually have a success story. >.>

Running Sastasha as CNJ, had a good group: MRD, PGL, THM. Only experienced one was the Thaumaturge. Five minutes in and the THM disconnects. As some of you may know, it was a bug where sometimes the disconnected people wouldn't be kicked, and there was no kick option.

So me and the two physical DD's managed to learn the dungeon, and finish it in time, only wiping once on the last boss. Not bragging or anything; I'm just saying that there are good random groups to be had.
#43 Jul 07 2013 at 10:53 PM Rating: Good
153 posts
You do realize guildhest are designed for people to learn how to play properly right. Not everyone catches on so quickly.
#44 Jul 08 2013 at 6:03 AM Rating: Decent
377 posts
Other than one run in the level 23 (I can't remember the name) dungen where I had 2 THM DPSers who insisted on pulling as well as attacking the mobs that I wasn't focusing on which makes tanking a pain with the d-pad even with filters in place... All of my 12 runs this weekend went well. Even my last run went well and that one was in the Manor and I had a CNJ that wasn't a very good healer who constantly blew all his MP in every fight.
#45 Jul 08 2013 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
725 posts
Hankshmi wrote:
I actually have a success story. >.>

Running Sastasha as CNJ, had a good group: MRD, PGL, THM. Only experienced one was the Thaumaturge. Five minutes in and the THM disconnects. As some of you may know, it was a bug where sometimes the disconnected people wouldn't be kicked, and there was no kick option.

So me and the two physical DD's managed to learn the dungeon, and finish it in time, only wiping once on the last boss. Not bragging or anything; I'm just saying that there are good random groups to be had.

Hi, you can't kick, but you can abandon. 4 of us got stuck in the 'circle' at the beginning (before the duty commences notice), and we had to go into our duty finder and click the abandon option. Sad after waiting 5 minutes to get in.

Oh and congrats on your success. Did it change the exp you got at the end?

Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#46 Jul 09 2013 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
I'm curious, is there an option to limit the duty finder to form parties on your current server only? I think this would be great.
#47 Jul 09 2013 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
655 posts
boredenough wrote:
I'm curious, is there an option to limit the duty finder to form parties on your current server only? I think this would be great.

nope. and I just love teh DF im amazed at how well it works and how easy it is to get a group <3 ty SE
#48 Jul 09 2013 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
728 posts
Stilivan wrote:
It seems people are quicker to complain about sucky people rather than help them. I want to hear a story of a sucky person being mentored by someone and they become something great from it. Not this. The point of the Duty Finder is to help people who are having trouble finding groups, find groups, and also speed up the process. Sure, you have your jerkifers out there, and refuse to adapt or listen, but sometimes it takes a little bit of extra effort to get someone down the right path.

I've done that several times, especially in non DF groups and a couple times in the DF. The first time I told a DF tank that Flash was his friend he told me to fellate his presumably miniscule member. It may be good to try and teach people about their class/the game in general, but it isn't my job to do so every single time I join a group. I've got no problem telling someone how to do a fight or how to tweak their rotation for maximum output, but it gets old telling people to simply read the tooltip provided to them by the developers that tells them how to use their abilities and play their class.

I'm sure this will change after launch though, when all of the kiddies have gone back to LoL or WoW. Maybe my luck will be better this week and I won't be unlucky enough to be put with uncaring tanks every queue. Most everyone else has had relatively good experiences with the system so maybe I'm just unlucky. After 15+ runs like that I would have to be...
#49 Jul 09 2013 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
139 posts
DamienSScott wrote:
Stilivan wrote:
It seems people are quicker to complain about sucky people rather than help them. I want to hear a story of a sucky person being mentored by someone and they become something great from it. Not this. The point of the Duty Finder is to help people who are having trouble finding groups, find groups, and also speed up the process. Sure, you have your jerkifers out there, and refuse to adapt or listen, but sometimes it takes a little bit of extra effort to get someone down the right path.

I've done that several times, especially in non DF groups and a couple times in the DF. The first time I told a DF tank that Flash was his friend he told me to fellate his presumably miniscule member. It may be good to try and teach people about their class/the game in general, but it isn't my job to do so every single time I join a group. I've got no problem telling someone how to do a fight or how to tweak their rotation for maximum output, but it gets old telling people to simply read the tooltip provided to them by the developers that tells them how to use their abilities and play their class.

I'm sure this will change after launch though, when all of the kiddies have gone back to LoL or WoW. Maybe my luck will be better this week and I won't be unlucky enough to be put with uncaring tanks every queue. Most everyone else has had relatively good experiences with the system so maybe I'm just unlucky. After 15+ runs like that I would have to be...

That's kind of how I do a lot of my learning. I research what I can online and apply it as best I can, but I am by no means a hardcore gamer. When someone advises I usually take something from it. Though I do like the easing you into dungeons they have for the first couple. I've got the healing and obviously dd isn't to bad. For this game I'm gonna start a tank so I can finish my "holy trinity" experience.
#50 Jul 10 2013 at 12:18 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
DamienSScott wrote:
Archmage Callinon wrote:
Where did THAT come from?

I suppose I could have worded that differently, but what I was trying to get at is that the game is so catered to solo play that some players get to 20+ and still don't know/don't care to know how to use their class as it was intended in party play. If this weekend was any indication there are going to be a lot of players that are going to get to max level and then be completely blindsided by the proposed "hard" content.

They could probably do more to make the training Guildhest's a bit more prominent, maybe even mandatory, once people hit 10. The basics of partying kinda thing.

Having said that, I ran a number of instances on my MRD this weekend without a hitch. I asked, each time "Anything in this fight I need to worry about?" and if there was, they told me. After awhile I started asking "So everyone know how to do this fight?" and if they did, great. And if not, I told them what to look out for. Did this in Satasha and Copperbell on the final bosses, and I'm happy to say I never had to deal with more than one add in Satasha and nothing out of the ordinary in Copperbell.

Stupid people will always exist, but no amount of changes to the duty finder will fix that. Unless they add a "Use Shovel On Head" function.
#51 Jul 10 2013 at 6:16 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
They've already stated they're going to be making the Guildhests a bit more prominent as far as introducing them to the player. Hopefully it will mean involving them in the main story briefly to introduce the concept to players. It would be a nice addition for those unfamiliar to the game and not being introduced by a friend.
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