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A Question about RetainersFollow

#1 Jun 30 2013 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
377 posts
Ok, so I unlock retainers yesterday but I wasn't exactly clear on what exactly they are used for or how you use them (I was fighting a migrain at the time but didn't want to stop playing despite the pain) so any help understanding them and thier use would be much appreciated.
#2 Jun 30 2013 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
377 posts
Nobody? :-(
#3 Jun 30 2013 at 11:15 AM Rating: Good
725 posts
They are used to sell, buy and store stuff. Congrats on getting one.

How did you get it? Quest? Level?


Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#4 Jun 30 2013 at 12:03 PM Rating: Default
Think it like a ah

Edited, Jun 30th 2013 2:03pm by valc0re
#5 Jun 30 2013 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
377 posts
You unlock it by doing the story quests.
#6 Jun 30 2013 at 12:23 PM Rating: Excellent
1,330 posts
You use them to store up to 175 items each (as well as gil) and sell things. You can access at any city with a bell, but they appear to be restricted to selling at one location. You can move them from city to city as needed. (For example, I have one selling in Gridania and a second selling in Ul'dah.)
#7 Jun 30 2013 at 12:25 PM Rating: Excellent
655 posts
wait a moment that markets are not linked to each city?!!! uhg. well anyway retainers also are used for account wide storage. so if u make a alt or want to mail stuff ( cuz u cant mail to alts) just store it in ur retainer.
#8 Jun 30 2013 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
I actually forgot to check if my sold stuff was available in a different city, but the retainers are definitely restricted to be considered selling in one city. There's a tax rate going on that shifts from city to city, so one day Ul'dah is cheaper, and another day Limsa Lominsa is cheaper, and so on.
#9 Jun 30 2013 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
377 posts
Awesome, that's good to know, thanks guys
#10 Jun 30 2013 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
im still not understanding how you place your retainer or even where to do so...

Edited, Jun 30th 2013 1:48pm by Mmoderator
#11 Jun 30 2013 at 12:53 PM Rating: Excellent
1,330 posts
When you talk to the guy at the counter to hire a retainer, he has an option to let you send your retainer to the city you are currently in.

So since I already have one in Gridania's market and one in Ul'dah's market, If I went to Limsa Lominsa, I can talk to the Limsa Lominsa counter guy and ask to pull one of those retainers to Limsa's market. I am NOT required to pull to Limsa's market if I want to continue selling things or access a retainer.

There is a market tax on all goods you sell. This tax can be different in each city and it changes regularly. So one reason why you might want to sell in a different city is if the tax that day was less than the standard rate (5%).

#12 Jun 30 2013 at 1:07 PM Rating: Excellent
655 posts
I really dislike that.. should jsut be a world wide market I dont wanna ahve to travel form city to city for items I need jsut seems like they overcomplecated this again when they should have just put a AH.
#13 Jun 30 2013 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good
Ken Burton's Reject
12,834 posts
Agreed. I had not used the Marketplace simply because on 4:3 the menu was actually off the screen. I had company this weekend so therefore missed pretty much the entire weekend, though I did manage to pop in briefly.
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality
#14 Jun 30 2013 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
2,153 posts
I really dislike that.. should jsut be a world wide market I dont wanna ahve to travel form city to city for items I need jsut seems like they overcomplecated this again when they should have just put a AH.

Don't you understand? Your retainer DOES sell in all three cities at the same time. The point is just, to put those things on sale you have to put it in one city, paying the local taxes.
#15 Jun 30 2013 at 1:35 PM Rating: Excellent
1,330 posts
Rinsui wrote:
I really dislike that.. should jsut be a world wide market I dont wanna ahve to travel form city to city for items I need jsut seems like they overcomplecated this again when they should have just put a AH.

Don't you understand? Your retainer DOES sell in all three cities at the same time. The point is just, to put those things on sale you have to put it in one city, paying the local taxes.

I can't confirm that the selling does occur in all three cities (but I'll check next Friday). But yeah, the local taxes can differ, so if you're really trying to maximize your money, you may be shuffling the retainers around a bit. It's not a big deal on 100 gil goods, but when stuff is going up for 100000...yeah.

I can also confirm that pricing stuff low definitely got people's attention. I put a HQ level 10 hat up for 100 gil and it vanished in 2 minutes.

Edited, Jun 30th 2013 3:36pm by Ravashack
#16 Jun 30 2013 at 1:54 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
Ravashack wrote:
Rinsui wrote:
I really dislike that.. should jsut be a world wide market I dont wanna ahve to travel form city to city for items I need jsut seems like they overcomplecated this again when they should have just put a AH.

Don't you understand? Your retainer DOES sell in all three cities at the same time. The point is just, to put those things on sale you have to put it in one city, paying the local taxes.

I can't confirm that the selling does occur in all three cities (but I'll check next Friday). But yeah, the local taxes can differ, so if you're really trying to maximize your money, you may be shuffling the retainers around a bit. It's not a big deal on 100 gil goods, but when stuff is going up for 100000...yeah.

I can also confirm that pricing stuff low definitely got people's attention. I put a HQ level 10 hat up for 100 gil and it vanished in 2 minutes.

Edited, Jun 30th 2013 3:36pm by Ravashack

Yoshi has said that all retainers will be linked in the same market. It wont matter which city you put them up in, anybody around the world will be able to find them. If I remember right, there was a tax penalty of some sort, but I don't remember the finer details of it though. I think if you didn't want to travel to the city they were stationed in, you pay a higher tax rate, but I can't remember 100%.
#17 Jun 30 2013 at 3:03 PM Rating: Excellent
655 posts
Rinsui wrote:
I really dislike that.. should jsut be a world wide market I dont wanna ahve to travel form city to city for items I need jsut seems like they overcomplecated this again when they should have just put a AH.

Don't you understand? Your retainer DOES sell in all three cities at the same time. The point is just, to put those things on sale you have to put it in one city, paying the local taxes.

I guess I misunderstood. So let me get this straight.. Reatiners will sell our things in 1 city depending on that citys taxes on said item it would be best to move retainer befor selling it. Now what got me confused.. We sell in different citys if we want to save money BUT when I wanna buy something everything everyone sells will be on the same market places regardless of city.?
#18 Jun 30 2013 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,004 posts
i'm a little dissapointed they decided to keep retainers for selling purposes, but well see how this plays out this time. If i ever get the message "market wards are full" making it impossible for me to sell things like in 1.0 before i won't be a very happy camper.

For those that don't know, for some reason beyond my comprehension you were allowed to put 2 retainers up at the same time causing people to not even be able to sell in ul'dah. This forced people to use the other cities wards which unfortunatley meant if you wanted to sell something, chances were that you had to wait awhile.

Regardless of the name, as long as retainers have all the functions you would think an AH should have, i'll be happy.

Edited, Jun 30th 2013 5:25pm by Keysofgaruda
#19 Jun 30 2013 at 4:29 PM Rating: Good
725 posts
I used my mules to get supplies directly from the Guild suppliers (since the Guilds are not in all the cities). Its cheaper there then on the Boards.

Now, if the Guild only sells certain materials on certain days (like in FF11) I'll have to wait until I can get to those towns to get supplies. Very time consuming.

Retainers doesn't help this issue of Guild supplies.

Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#20 Jun 30 2013 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
210 posts
What level is the quest to get retainers?
#21 Jun 30 2013 at 4:42 PM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
silverhope wrote:
Rinsui wrote:
I really dislike that.. should jsut be a world wide market I dont wanna ahve to travel form city to city for items I need jsut seems like they overcomplecated this again when they should have just put a AH.

Don't you understand? Your retainer DOES sell in all three cities at the same time. The point is just, to put those things on sale you have to put it in one city, paying the local taxes.

I guess I misunderstood. So let me get this straight.. Reatiners will sell our things in 1 city depending on that citys taxes on said item it would be best to move retainer befor selling it. Now what got me confused.. We sell in different citys if we want to save money BUT when I wanna buy something everything everyone sells will be on the same market places regardless of city.?

Yes, that's the claim. I forgot to check to see if it is working that way, which is why I can't confirm it.

Keysofgaruda wrote:
i'm a little dissapointed they decided to keep retainers for selling purposes, but well see how this plays out this time. If i ever get the message "market wards are full" making it impossible for me to sell things like in 1.0 before i won't be a very happy camper.

For those that don't know, for some reason beyond my comprehension you were allowed to put 2 retainers up at the same time causing people to not even be able to sell in ul'dah. This forced people to use the other cities wards which unfortunatley meant if you wanted to sell something, chances were that you had to wait awhile.

Regardless of the name, as long as retainers have all the functions you would think an AH should have, i'll be happy.

Edited, Jun 30th 2013 5:25pm by Keysofgaruda

There are no ward zones.

Once you hire a retainer for free, you summon a retainer with a summoning bell and you use NPC menus in the appropriate city to assign them to a city. There is no zone with a retainer army to wander through. The setup is not an "Auction House" but it has most or all of the functionality on the buyer's side that some people assume everyone packages into the "Auction House" term. The seller side doesn't have the same functionality that some people assume everyone packages into the "Auction House" term because the retainers double as your account bank. You get a menu option when you summon to choose between moving items, moving gil, selling from your inventory, or selling from your retainer's inventory. You can also get more than one retainer.
#22 Jun 30 2013 at 4:44 PM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
keflynmahon wrote:
What level is the quest to get retainers?

It is a level 17ish quest that is part of the main quest line. They will blatantly tell you when you can hire retainers (unless you skip cutscenes a lot).
#23 Jun 30 2013 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
210 posts
I just read up on them. Kinda shocked and a little disappointed by it. Not the retainers themselves, but the hassle to unlock them. Complete 3 instances at level 15? Even though crafts are unlocked at 10. Seems a little extreme just to sell items. Considering you can get an airship pass before you are allowed to sell items.
#24 Jun 30 2013 at 6:58 PM Rating: Good
424 posts
keflynmahon wrote:
I just read up on them. Kinda shocked and a little disappointed by it. Not the retainers themselves, but the hassle to unlock them. Complete 3 instances at level 15? Even though crafts are unlocked at 10. Seems a little extreme just to sell items. Considering you can get an airship pass before you are allowed to sell items.

The instances you beat are in the main story line, and you can't progress further until they are completed. It's not as if they are out of the way of what you need to accomplish. After you do get that far, it's as easy as talking to the person that sets them up for you. Any time before you get this far in the game, if you have anything either worth selling at all, or you have somehow filled your inventory to the point where you desperately need one, I would be surprised. Not to mention that you can always just sell excess items to a vendor.

I am selling all my items through the retainer at face value for what they would've sold for if through a vendor, at least for phase 3 anyhow. No sense jacking up prices for gold that we are all going to see vanish soon.
#25 Jun 30 2013 at 7:53 PM Rating: Good
728 posts
Bleck I can't believe they didn't learn from FFXI and WoW that not having all AHs linked is going to annoy and put off players. There is absolutely no reason for them not to be linked, at least no reason beyond holding on to poor 1.0 architecture. Sure they want gil sinks, but sheesh, two retainers for three cities is going to suck. You are going to want to sell materials and gear in cities based upon the classes therein, but to do that you'll have to constantly move your retainers about. I hate to say it, but maybe it will be like 1.0 and everyone will congregate in Ul'dah and Limsa will be a ghost town. It would make choosing a lot easier. XD

Edited, Jun 30th 2013 9:54pm by DamienSScott
#26 Jun 30 2013 at 9:36 PM Rating: Decent
210 posts
supermegazeke wrote:
keflynmahon wrote:
I just read up on them. Kinda shocked and a little disappointed by it. Not the retainers themselves, but the hassle to unlock them. Complete 3 instances at level 15? Even though crafts are unlocked at 10. Seems a little extreme just to sell items. Considering you can get an airship pass before you are allowed to sell items.

The instances you beat are in the main story line, and you can't progress further until they are completed. It's not as if they are out of the way of what you need to accomplish. After you do get that far, it's as easy as talking to the person that sets them up for you. Any time before you get this far in the game, if you have anything either worth selling at all, or you have somehow filled your inventory to the point where you desperately need one, I would be surprised. Not to mention that you can always just sell excess items to a vendor.

I am selling all my items through the retainer at face value for what they would've sold for if through a vendor, at least for phase 3 anyhow. No sense jacking up prices for gold that we are all going to see vanish soon.

I think it comes from people not wanting to level DoW/M straight away. I was really looking forward to starting DoH/L when I got to 10, but now I have to level up another 5 levels, do 2 quests and 3 instances just to sell the items I make. Just seems unnecessary and long winded.
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