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Mmorpg's First Impression Updated 07/03/2013Follow

#127 Jul 01 2013 at 12:39 AM Rating: Decent
1,218 posts
Wint wrote:
Ostia wrote:
Wint wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
BrokenFox wrote:
There's this thing called an opinion...

I guess that's Ostia's opinion.

The problem is Ostia doesn't believe anyone else is entitled to their opinion. If you disagree with him you're wrong.

Ostia's problem is not that nobody else is entitled to their Opinion. Is that wint cannot read, unlike you, i do not dismiss anybody's opinions when they disagree with me, if you had actually read what i said, i never said they where wrong, i said that to say FFVII was the best RPG ever, because it sold 10 million copy's is silly, FFVII was a solid RPG, but it did not sell 10 million copies, because it was just that good, they had a huge marketing campaign behind the ******* which has not been seen up until that point in time, much like how Blizzard did it with WOW.

Now i do not remember giving you a gysal green... Why are you here ?

I'll show up where ever the f*** I feel, these are my forums remember? I say FFVII is the best RPG ever because I think it is, what do you say to that? .

The best JRPG of all time is FFX. You can't argue against it because it's science. Newton and Einstein proved it in the Emancipation Proclamation

Edited, Jul 1st 2013 2:51am by KarlHungis
#128 Jul 01 2013 at 12:46 AM Rating: Excellent
KarlHungis wrote:
Wint wrote:
Ostia wrote:
Wint wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
BrokenFox wrote:
There's this thing called an opinion...

I guess that's Ostia's opinion.

The problem is Ostia doesn't believe anyone else is entitled to their opinion. If you disagree with him you're wrong.

Ostia's problem is not that nobody else is entitled to their Opinion. Is that wint cannot read, unlike you, i do not dismiss anybody's opinions when they disagree with me, if you had actually read what i said, i never said they where wrong, i said that to say FFVII was the best RPG ever, because it sold 10 million copy's is silly, FFVII was a solid RPG, but it did not sell 10 million copies, because it was just that good, they had a huge marketing campaign behind the ******* which has not been seen up until that point in time, much like how Blizzard did it with WOW.

Now i do not remember giving you a gysal green... Why are you here ?

I'll show up where ever the f*** I feel, these are my forums remember? I say FFVII is the best RPG ever because I think it is, what do you say to that? .

The best JRPG of all time is FFX. You cant argue against it because it's science. Newton and Einstein proved it in the Emancipation Proclamation

Smiley: laugh Loved me some X, I can't wait to play it on my Vita.
#129 Jul 01 2013 at 3:08 AM Rating: Default
Wint wrote:
Ostia wrote:
Wint wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
BrokenFox wrote:
There's this thing called an opinion...

I guess that's Ostia's opinion.

The problem is Ostia doesn't believe anyone else is entitled to their opinion. If you disagree with him you're wrong.

Ostia's problem is not that nobody else is entitled to their Opinion. Is that wint cannot read, unlike you, i do not dismiss anybody's opinions when they disagree with me, if you had actually read what i said, i never said they where wrong, i said that to say FFVII was the best RPG ever, because it sold 10 million copy's is silly, FFVII was a solid RPG, but it did not sell 10 million copies, because it was just that good, they had a huge marketing campaign behind the ******* which has not been seen up until that point in time, much like how Blizzard did it with WOW.

Now i do not remember giving you a gysal green... Why are you here ?

I'll show up where ever the f*** I feel, these are my forums remember? I say FFVII is the best RPG ever because I think it is, what do you say to that? Your numbers are sh*t, to me, it's my favorite. I hadn't heard of the game, I bought my PS1 and the game months after it came out and had never heard of any RPG's, the game looked interesting and I needed a game to go with my console purchase.

Usually you show up when i give you a Gysal Green! And yes i remember this are Kaolians forums Smiley: lol But whatever you say Smiley: lol

So FFVII was your first RPG ? You never played any before that one ?
#130 Jul 01 2013 at 3:09 AM Rating: Decent
Thayos wrote:
I loved the storyline of X, and X-2 was solid until the ending, IMO. And I enjoyed IX more than VII or VIII.

However, I hated XII, and I am constantly amazed by the number of people who liked it!

Smiley: eek A XII HATER!!! How dare you bash my precious XII on this Forums!!! Smiley: mad
#131 Jul 01 2013 at 3:41 AM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
KarlHungis wrote:
The best JRPG of all time is FFX. You can't argue against it because it's science. Newton and Einstein proved it in the Emancipation Proclamation

Edited, Jul 1st 2013 2:51am by KarlHungis

FFX is way underrated. I first played it when I was about 10 (I'm 23 now), so there's a bit of a nostalgia bias there, but man that game was good. VII and X are the best Final Fantasy games so far, imo.

Edited, Jul 1st 2013 5:42am by BrokenFox
#132 Jul 01 2013 at 6:32 AM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Wint wrote:
Ostia wrote:
Wint wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
BrokenFox wrote:
There's this thing called an opinion...

I guess that's Ostia's opinion.

The problem is Ostia doesn't believe anyone else is entitled to their opinion. If you disagree with him you're wrong.

Ostia's problem is not that nobody else is entitled to their Opinion. Is that wint cannot read, unlike you, i do not dismiss anybody's opinions when they disagree with me, if you had actually read what i said, i never said they where wrong, i said that to say FFVII was the best RPG ever, because it sold 10 million copy's is silly, FFVII was a solid RPG, but it did not sell 10 million copies, because it was just that good, they had a huge marketing campaign behind the ******* which has not been seen up until that point in time, much like how Blizzard did it with WOW.

Now i do not remember giving you a gysal green... Why are you here ?

I'll show up where ever the f*** I feel, these are my forums remember? I say FFVII is the best RPG ever because I think it is, what do you say to that? Your numbers are sh*t, to me, it's my favorite. I hadn't heard of the game, I bought my PS1 and the game months after it came out and had never heard of any RPG's, the game looked interesting and I needed a game to go with my console purchase.

I still remember playing VII for the first time. I could tell the PS was a step up graphically. Then I put in VII and found out it hadn't till that point. A FInal Fantasy that played like the snes ones, not gameplay shrinked, but looked super.

Are you ******* kidding me? I was in love with my PS starting with this title. I still loved other FF more. But the impact VII had on PS. Good god!
#133 Jul 01 2013 at 8:38 AM Rating: Excellent
Ostia wrote:
Usually you show up when i give you a Gysal Green! And yes i remember this are Kaolians forums Smiley: lol But whatever you say Smiley: lol

So FFVII was your first RPG ? You never played any before that one ?

Yeah I saw you named your Chocobo Wint, internet stalking must be fun Smiley: rolleyes

Yep, never got into RPGs before VII. I've gone back and played the earlier ones but VII was my first. I can find things I like about all the FF's and things I don't like, I think arguments about which RPG is the best are non productive, it's all about personal opinion and whatever makes your favorite fun to you may not be the same for another person.
#134 Jul 01 2013 at 8:39 AM Rating: Excellent
Back in the PS1 days my favorite part of a new FF was the opening cinematic, man I loved those. They look clunky and boring now, but back then that was amazing ****.
#135 Jul 01 2013 at 8:50 AM Rating: Default
Wint wrote:
Ostia wrote:
Usually you show up when i give you a Gysal Green! And yes i remember this are Kaolians forums Smiley: lol But whatever you say Smiley: lol

So FFVII was your first RPG ? You never played any before that one ?

Yeah I saw you named your Chocobo Wint, internet stalking must be fun Smiley: rolleyes

Yep, never got into RPGs before VII. I've gone back and played the earlier ones but VII was my first. I can find things I like about all the FF's and things I don't like, I think arguments about which RPG is the best are non productive, it's all about personal opinion and whatever makes your favorite fun to you may not be the same for another person.

Hey! It was hilarious the first time i summoned it and everybody got a kick from it Smiley: lol

I think they can be productive as long as is done in a well mannered fashion, with logical arguments etc etc.

Have you played Vagrant Story ?
#136 Jul 01 2013 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Hatamaz wrote:
It's been beaten to death here about f2p vs p2p, but I wouldn't mind hearing your explanation on how p2p screws people.

It's a matter of what's offered by the game and what you participate in. Let's just throw together a list of potential activities:

1) Leveling combat classes.
2) Leveling craft skills/classes.
3) Quests/Missions/Stories.
4) Solo challenges.
5) Small-group Dungeons.
6) Large-group Raids.
7) Achievement hunting.
8) Pet collecting.
9) House construction.
10) Wardrobe management.
11) Role-playing.

You can add more, I'm sure, and say the sub model is a good value, but that depends on how much of the above you actually care for. The question then becomes how much of your $15/mo goes toward the things you enjoy to receive yet more of it. If you're someone who's only into 1, 2, and 3 where you cap all jobs/crafts and finish the story content, what do you do? Do you keep paying in hopes they'll add stuff for you in the next patch or maybe take a break? What if you pay for 6 months and get nothing new? Might you feel a little ripped off?

This is where loyalty can be bad as a consumer and leads to complacency from the developer. No, not everyone is going to like or want the same things out of SE, that much is apparent if you read a few critique and request threads. And I would hope that SE is internally tracking everything players do so they could put out stuff like a census saying, "x% of players have beaten this dungeon!" or "y% of players have leveled Gladiator to 50!' That kind of data will tell them the things players are into and will hopefully influence more of that content development. The exception I anticipate out of this, as seems to be the case with a lot of other MMOs, is #6. It doesn't matter how small the percentage of the population is that's beaten raid content (while boasting everyone else does it), it unfortunately seems the endgame focus and continues to be an avenue of exclusion for many.

But let's say the game is free to log in and take on basic tasks like 1, 2, 7, and 11 with the first dungeon available to let people have a taste. If you find you like 5, you could pay $3-5 for each dungeon after. But you might think, "There's like... 8 dungeons! That'd be $24-40! Rip-off!" How many dungeons would you realistically expect to come out in a 3 month span? Even at the most expensive end, that's less than 3 months sub and you're doing what you want. Stuff like costumes and pets have already proven successful in other games as simple fluff items, and hardly required to play. I'd also say the same of housing. Role-playing isn't something you can fundamentally charge players to do unless it's stuff like new emotes or scripted actions. Again, fluff. Achievements can certainly wiggle their way into all avenues and reward anything from titles to pets to mounts and then some. Realistically, these should also be limited to fluff, but sometimes "must have" items slip through. And if for any reason you want to take a break? There's no guilt about have 15 days left in the month feeling like your money's going down the drain.

While it may be simple to liken it to up-front payment against payment over time, a good F2P should be cheaper in the long-term for many. A sub model could even remain that offers content for free as well as discounts on the fluff things. Of course, I'd also make sure players have the option to "buy" new content with gil or some kind of currency they can acquire within the game itself. Have trial periods, promotion codes, bulk sales on things like dungeons, basically anything to tell consumers, "Hey, were making stuff! Play it!" And if people like it, they'll buy it. If people don't like something in a sub model? Well, they're usually not given much of a choice to explain why. It's either pay for that stuff too or unsub. In the end, even if you're happy, it doesn't mean everyone else is and addressing their grievances can't lead to a better game for everyone. That's why I've always hated the, "If you don't like it, quit!" or "Maybe this game isn't for you!" rhetoric that some like to spew. Like it or not, they've helped pay for a game you enjoy.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#137 Jul 01 2013 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
148 posts
Seriha wrote:
Hatamaz wrote:
It's been beaten to death here about f2p vs p2p, but I wouldn't mind hearing your explanation on how p2p screws people.

It's a matter of what's offered by the game and what you participate in. Let's just throw together a list of potential activities:

1) Leveling combat classes.
2) Leveling craft skills/classes.
3) Quests/Missions/Stories.
4) Solo challenges.
5) Small-group Dungeons.
6) Large-group Raids.
7) Achievement hunting.
8) Pet collecting.
9) House construction.
10) Wardrobe management.
11) Role-playing.

You can add more, I'm sure, and say the sub model is a good value, but that depends on how much of the above you actually care for. The question then becomes how much of your $15/mo goes toward the things you enjoy to receive yet more of it. If you're someone who's only into 1, 2, and 3 where you cap all jobs/crafts and finish the story content, what do you do? Do you keep paying in hopes they'll add stuff for you in the next patch or maybe take a break? What if you pay for 6 months and get nothing new? Might you feel a little ripped off?

This is where loyalty can be bad as a consumer and leads to complacency from the developer. No, not everyone is going to like or want the same things out of SE, that much is apparent if you read a few critique and request threads. And I would hope that SE is internally tracking everything players do so they could put out stuff like a census saying, "x% of players have beaten this dungeon!" or "y% of players have leveled Gladiator to 50!' That kind of data will tell them the things players are into and will hopefully influence more of that content development. The exception I anticipate out of this, as seems to be the case with a lot of other MMOs, is #6. It doesn't matter how small the percentage of the population is that's beaten raid content (while boasting everyone else does it), it unfortunately seems the endgame focus and continues to be an avenue of exclusion for many.

But let's say the game is free to log in and take on basic tasks like 1, 2, 7, and 11 with the first dungeon available to let people have a taste. If you find you like 5, you could pay $3-5 for each dungeon after. But you might think, "There's like... 8 dungeons! That'd be $24-40! Rip-off!" How many dungeons would you realistically expect to come out in a 3 month span? Even at the most expensive end, that's less than 3 months sub and you're doing what you want. Stuff like costumes and pets have already proven successful in other games as simple fluff items, and hardly required to play. I'd also say the same of housing. Role-playing isn't something you can fundamentally charge players to do unless it's stuff like new emotes or scripted actions. Again, fluff. Achievements can certainly wiggle their way into all avenues and reward anything from titles to pets to mounts and then some. Realistically, these should also be limited to fluff, but sometimes "must have" items slip through. And if for any reason you want to take a break? There's no guilt about have 15 days left in the month feeling like your money's going down the drain.

While it may be simple to liken it to up-front payment against payment over time, a good F2P should be cheaper in the long-term for many. A sub model could even remain that offers content for free as well as discounts on the fluff things. Of course, I'd also make sure players have the option to "buy" new content with gil or some kind of currency they can acquire within the game itself. Have trial periods, promotion codes, bulk sales on things like dungeons, basically anything to tell consumers, "Hey, were making stuff! Play it!" And if people like it, they'll buy it. If people don't like something in a sub model? Well, they're usually not given much of a choice to explain why. It's either pay for that stuff too or unsub. In the end, even if you're happy, it doesn't mean everyone else is and addressing their grievances can't lead to a better game for everyone. That's why I've always hated the, "If you don't like it, quit!" or "Maybe this game isn't for you!" rhetoric that some like to spew. Like it or not, they've helped pay for a game you enjoy.

I love you. ^^;
#138 Jul 01 2013 at 12:21 PM Rating: Excellent
Ostia wrote:
Wint wrote:
Ostia wrote:
Usually you show up when i give you a Gysal Green! And yes i remember this are Kaolians forums Smiley: lol But whatever you say Smiley: lol

So FFVII was your first RPG ? You never played any before that one ?

Yeah I saw you named your Chocobo Wint, internet stalking must be fun Smiley: rolleyes

Yep, never got into RPGs before VII. I've gone back and played the earlier ones but VII was my first. I can find things I like about all the FF's and things I don't like, I think arguments about which RPG is the best are non productive, it's all about personal opinion and whatever makes your favorite fun to you may not be the same for another person.

Hey! It was hilarious the first time i summoned it and everybody got a kick from it Smiley: lol

I think they can be productive as long as is done in a well mannered fashion, with logical arguments etc etc.

Have you played Vagrant Story ?

Yes, it was eh. I know everyone loves it but it just wasn't my thing.
#139 Jul 01 2013 at 12:42 PM Rating: Default
It has aged very, very badly.
#140 Jul 01 2013 at 12:43 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Seriha wrote:
Hatamaz wrote:
It's been beaten to death here about f2p vs p2p, but I wouldn't mind hearing your explanation on how p2p screws people.

The question then becomes how much of your $15/mo goes toward the things you enjoy to receive yet more of it. If you're someone who's only into 1, 2, and 3 where you cap all jobs/crafts and finish the story content, what do you do? Do you keep paying in hopes they'll add stuff for you in the next patch or maybe take a break? What if you pay for 6 months and get nothing new? Might you feel a little ripped off?

You're under some kind of assumption that F2P is a magical DLC investment model that lets players fund the type of gameplay they want to see developed. The reality is, F2P is typically nothing more than a series of one-off items or bonuses designed to make the game easier for the purchaser and to line the pockets of the publisher; it's certainly not to direct future development for the most exciting player experiences from players who vote with their dollars. There's no ongoing game I can think of that offers what you describe; though I'd be fascinated to take a look at it if you can name one.

An MMO is supposed to be one game that evolves over time and where the players experience this progression with a continuity you can't get from jumping from one series title to the next. Subscription dollars are a fairly predictable source of income that lets developers create new content with confidence that the money won't run dry before they're finished; this is the sort of thing you can't get with the à la carte F2P style which seldom concerns itself with major new development except as a way to sell more things to buy for no more purpose than that.

More importantly, there are going to be things in an MMO that you may not care to participate in, but the fact that it exists makes the things you do like better. I have to remind hardcore players all the time that maybe they don't like casual play, but having a population of mostly casual players puts investment into their hardcore gameplay style within the game that they couldn't get if they went it alone. Maybe you like FFXIV for the crafting, and not the endgame, but having a lot of people into endgame gives you customers with which to sell your crafts and acquire ingredients. So you see, a good MMO creates opportunities for enjoyment among people who don't necessarily like the same thing, but their shared participation makes the whole experience possible and rewarding.
#141 Jul 01 2013 at 2:03 PM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Xoie wrote:
Seriha wrote:
Hatamaz wrote:
It's been beaten to death here about f2p vs p2p, but I wouldn't mind hearing your explanation on how p2p screws people.

The question then becomes how much of your $15/mo goes toward the things you enjoy to receive yet more of it. If you're someone who's only into 1, 2, and 3 where you cap all jobs/crafts and finish the story content, what do you do? Do you keep paying in hopes they'll add stuff for you in the next patch or maybe take a break? What if you pay for 6 months and get nothing new? Might you feel a little ripped off?

You're under some kind of assumption that F2P is a magical DLC investment model that lets players fund the type of gameplay they want to see developed. The reality is, F2P is typically nothing more than a series of one-off items or bonuses designed to make the game easier for the purchaser and to line the pockets of the publisher; it's certainly not to direct future development for the most exciting player experiences from players who vote with their dollars. There's no ongoing game I can think of that offers what you describe; though I'd be fascinated to take a look at it if you can name one.

I can't think of one, either, but it's basically a "How I would do it..." to the process. As profitable? Dunno, but as long as we know that all the money XIV, or any game for that matter, doesn't entirely go back into it, makes me wary of the sub model and potential honesty of the team behind it. Doing as little as possible to retain the most subs is, to me, not a good philosophy. Rift recently went F2P, and while I don't have any immediate gripes with their model, my problems with the game lie more in the casual's endgame. I know they have census numbers, too, as one of their livestreams mentioned only 0.03% of their player base had maxed planar attunement (think something similar to XI's merits). Hop on the boards, though, and you could certainly find a number of "pro" talking heads who love to claim everyone's maxed, all raids are on farm, nobody has trouble doing such and such, blah blah, you get the idea. If these are the people any dev team are listening to, I practically fear for those games.

More importantly, there are going to be things in an MMO that you may not care to participate in, but the fact that it exists makes the things you do like better. I have to remind hardcore players all the time that maybe they don't like casual play, but having a population of mostly casual players puts investment into their hardcore gameplay style within the game that they couldn't get if they went it alone. Maybe you like FFXIV for the crafting, and not the endgame, but having a lot of people into endgame gives you customers with which to sell your crafts and acquire ingredients. So you see, a good MMO creates opportunities for enjoyment among people who don't necessarily like the same thing, but their shared participation makes the whole experience possible and rewarding.

In a perfect world, yeah, the scrubs pay for the hardcores and the craft economies are strong, but the latter is something I've never seen accomplished, if only because the hardcores demand raid drops obsolete craft goods. You may occasionally get exceptions, but my money is on them requiring raid drops which subsequently don't hit the economy because they're kept within their guild and likely not an actual profit to a given crafter. Personally, I'd wish "completed gear" never dropped from mobs and always had to go through a crafter via materials dropped, but that's really another topic.

I just hate how "free" is automatically treated as anathema, but that's probably just my 90's gamer self talking before paid services kicked off.

Edited, Jul 1st 2013 4:03pm by Seriha
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#142 Jul 02 2013 at 12:34 AM Rating: Good
Wint wrote:
Back in the PS1 days my favorite part of a new FF was the opening cinematic, man I loved those. They look clunky and boring now, but back then that was amazing sh*t.

Those were always my favourite, too! That and figuring out the new levelling system (I still think X-2's garment grids were my favourite, though I'm aware that's an unpopular opinion).
#143 Jul 02 2013 at 2:17 AM Rating: Good
197 posts
Zhailei wrote:
Wint wrote:
Back in the PS1 days my favorite part of a new FF was the opening cinematic, man I loved those. They look clunky and boring now, but back then that was amazing sh*t.

Those were always my favourite, too! That and figuring out the new levelling system (I still think X-2's garment grids were my favourite, though I'm aware that's an unpopular opinion).

Hmmm, I'd think you'd find (and I do agree) that most would say the dressphere/garment grid, as a concept, was not too shabby. I didn't like things like Ultima & Full-Cure being GG only, but the mechanics were sound, I would have liked a degree of cross-classing though (without the mascot DS), maybe setting a 2nd ability set onto your skills. In saying that, 2 x DK with Darkness & an Alchemist tossing Mega Potions was OP for all bar the later stages of the Via Infinito.

I think it was the so-bad-its-hilarious story concept, the limited party & the balls-out difficulty of getting 100% in 1 playthrough that pushes it down people's list. I mean, you are literally singing to save the world!
#144 Jul 02 2013 at 6:10 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
carmelita wrote:
Zhailei wrote:
Wint wrote:
Back in the PS1 days my favorite part of a new FF was the opening cinematic, man I loved those. They look clunky and boring now, but back then that was amazing sh*t.

Those were always my favourite, too! That and figuring out the new levelling system (I still think X-2's garment grids were my favourite, though I'm aware that's an unpopular opinion).

Hmmm, I'd think you'd find (and I do agree) that most would say the dressphere/garment grid, as a concept, was not too shabby. I didn't like things like Ultima & Full-Cure being GG only, but the mechanics were sound, I would have liked a degree of cross-classing though (without the mascot DS), maybe setting a 2nd ability set onto your skills. In saying that, 2 x DK with Darkness & an Alchemist tossing Mega Potions was OP for all bar the later stages of the Via Infinito.

I think it was the so-bad-its-hilarious story concept, the limited party & the balls-out difficulty of getting 100% in 1 playthrough that pushes it down people's list. I mean, you are literally singing to save the world!

Absolutely agree. The Dress Sphere system was very fun. It's the rest of the game that sucked for me. The story was just flat out bad, the reused environments got old, the lack of any notable CG after the first hour of play (for a FF game) was frustrating... it felt like they were just trying to cash in on the success of FFX without really thinking of how to put a solid game together.

Edited, Jul 2nd 2013 8:11am by BartelX
#145 Jul 02 2013 at 9:01 AM Rating: Good
Playing the upgraded release of FF1 for the Android.

Adding the dash feature to the overworld map makes the game 10x more fun. Not sure why. There is an old school game that is still loads of fun with just a little graphical polish. (And dash, did I mention dash?)

Just tap-tap-tapping the enemies to death.
#146 Jul 02 2013 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
BartelX wrote:
carmelita wrote:
Zhailei wrote:
Wint wrote:
Back in the PS1 days my favorite part of a new FF was the opening cinematic, man I loved those. They look clunky and boring now, but back then that was amazing sh*t.

Those were always my favourite, too! That and figuring out the new levelling system (I still think X-2's garment grids were my favourite, though I'm aware that's an unpopular opinion).

Hmmm, I'd think you'd find (and I do agree) that most would say the dressphere/garment grid, as a concept, was not too shabby. I didn't like things like Ultima & Full-Cure being GG only, but the mechanics were sound, I would have liked a degree of cross-classing though (without the mascot DS), maybe setting a 2nd ability set onto your skills. In saying that, 2 x DK with Darkness & an Alchemist tossing Mega Potions was OP for all bar the later stages of the Via Infinito.

I think it was the so-bad-its-hilarious story concept, the limited party & the balls-out difficulty of getting 100% in 1 playthrough that pushes it down people's list. I mean, you are literally singing to save the world!

Absolutely agree. The Dress Sphere system was very fun. It's the rest of the game that sucked for me. The story was just flat out bad, the reused environments got old, the lack of any notable CG after the first hour of play (for a FF game) was frustrating... it felt like they were just trying to cash in on the success of FFX without really thinking of how to put a solid game together.

Edited, Jul 2nd 2013 8:11am by BartelX

Yeah. I like to imagine X-2 just never happened.
#147 Jul 02 2013 at 9:12 PM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
Hey now, saving through world through singing is totally legit if your game world mythology includes the world being created by music.

That being said, yeah, the way they did it was pretty cheesy. ^_^
#148 Jul 02 2013 at 10:33 PM Rating: Good
1,310 posts
Love it or hate it, the opening of X-2 is the best part of the game.

Saved the world. Held a rock concert. Smiley: lol
#149 Jul 02 2013 at 10:53 PM Rating: Default
Xoie wrote:
Love it or hate it

HATE it.
#150 Jul 02 2013 at 10:54 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
Xoie wrote:
Love it or hate it, the opening of X-2 is the best part of the game.

Saved the world. Held a rock concert. Smiley: lol

Man, I'm so happy I didn't play that game! This is the only Final Fantasy so far that I drew the line at.

How I feel about FFX-2 -->
#151 Jul 02 2013 at 11:57 PM Rating: Default
Never played X-2 but my GF did, and has hound me for years to play it with her, because she played xenogears with me Smiley: lol I have yet to play X-2 Smiley: lol
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