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Mmorpg's First Impression Updated 07/03/2013Follow

#102 Jun 30 2013 at 12:59 PM Rating: Default
Smiley: lol This notion that Xenogears and FFVII where different types of games is BS! They are both J-RPG, is not like i am comparing a shooter with an adventure game.... Smiley: rolleyes FFVII was successful, there is no denying that, but it success was not because it was the greatest RPG to have ever blessed a gaming console, it was because it had both Sony and SE PR departments behind it, there where tons of ads on tv, on magazines, on coca cola or was it pepsi ? Was VII better than any RPG before it ? No! Was it better than any rpg after it ? No! So is not the best RPG of all time, not even in the top 5, was it a good solid RPG ? Yes it was, it was a title that was released at the right time, when the Ps1 was blowing every other console out of the water in terms of sales, it was their flagship title, is not surprising it sold so many copies.

#103 Jun 30 2013 at 1:05 PM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
There's this thing called an opinion...
#104REDACTED, Posted: Jun 30 2013 at 1:15 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I guess that's Ostia's opinion.
#105 Jun 30 2013 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
972 posts
Ostia wrote:
Smiley: lol This notion that Xenogears and FFVII where different types of games is BS! They are both J-RPG, is not like i am comparing a shooter with an adventure game.... Smiley: rolleyes FFVII was successful, there is no denying that, but it success was not because it was the greatest RPG to have ever blessed a gaming console, it was because it had both Sony and SE PR departments behind it, there where tons of ads on tv, on magazines, on coca cola or was it pepsi ? Was VII better than any RPG before it ? No! Was it better than any rpg after it ? No! So is not the best RPG of all time, not even in the top 5, was it a good solid RPG ? Yes it was, it was a title that was released at the right time, when the Ps1 was blowing every other console out of the water in terms of sales, it was their flagship title, is not surprising it sold so many copies.

Aye, yai, yai. It seems I spurned a passion inside you.
I am not saying Xeno and FFVII are different types of games. FFVII was the rpg that took jrpgs from being niche, set the standard for what blockbuster games aim for now, aka high production values. Did it succeed at outselling all other FF? Yes, but I don't give a rat's *** on how much it sold. I'm just showing you that it defined where rpgs and gaming have trended towards to since. That makes it more influential.

It was better than alot of rpgs before it and it is better than some rpgs after it. It was a quality rpg. Worthless turds do not sell 10 million regardless if they released at the right time or had the hugest marketing campaign ever. Every console FF is Square's flagship title. High sales don't dictate which game is best. They just reflect that a game did not do much wrong and didn't go to extremes on re-invention to **** off their current fanbase.

Unless SE makes another FF that sets the standard for things we have never experienced before. We will never see another FF sell as well. That's what FF did on PS1 in terms of creating a blockbuster. And you know what? I'm perfectly fine if an FF doesn't sell 10 million plus. I will play, enjoy, and love whichever FF appeals to me the most.

Edited, Jun 30th 2013 3:16pm by sandpark
#106REDACTED, Posted: Jun 30 2013 at 1:23 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Worthless turds do sell millions and millions, look at XIII, Call of duty..... Do i need to go on ? Also there is far more negative things that FFVII set into motions than positive, now every RPG has to be a movie, has to have the visuals, every character has to have stupid hair, emo looking etc etc...
#107 Jun 30 2013 at 1:33 PM Rating: Good
598 posts
There's appreciating great jrpg's other than VII and then there's the knee jerk reaction to dismiss VII because of it's cult popularity.

I remember when VII released. Watching my older brother play it and playing it myself when he wasn't around to chase me off his playstation. I'm just glad I was able to play it when it still had that new car smell. VII turned me from a casual eyeroller into wanting my own game console.
#108 Jun 30 2013 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
11,159 posts
Personally, I wouldn't play the game if it was to be microtransaction... I see nothing appealing about a game where uberness is determined by how much money I spent on it, rather than how much time/effort I put into it.

Free-to-Play != Pay-to-Win. Until you can get over that bias, you run the risk of ******** yourself out of future game enjoyment. Additionally, a subscription model does not immediately disqualify certain individuals from throwing even more money at the game to get an edge, be it through third-party RMT or even something as "legit" as running multiple accounts (usually with additional, potential ToS-breaking software to simplify the process).

Being nickel-and-dimed sucks, but I also feel like pro-sub players are getting screwed by devs more than they're willing to admit. And why would they? It could mean wasted time and investments.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#109 Jun 30 2013 at 1:39 PM Rating: Default
I understand that feeling, it was the first game i bought along with the PS1, it was good, it feelt good, i remember when i plugged the ps1 and finally got the game going, the first 20 minutes where amazing Smiley: blush But it was not the greatest game ever created, nor does my nostalgia for it, does not blind me as for why it sold so good, many people around here, put down WOW because "Oh people only play that game, because other people play that Game" Can that apply to VII ? Owning FFVII back then was the cool thing to do, just like playing WOW was the cool thing to do once upon a time. There are many factors as to why the game was so successful, but to narrow it down to just "It was the greatest RPG" its silly.
#110 Jun 30 2013 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
262 posts
I know it's been the cool thing to hate on VII for a while now, but that game is still one of the best gaming experiences I've had in my life. I remember being a young 12 year old boy who got his playstation and FFVII for christmas that year, and I don't think I came out of my room much until I was forced to go back to school after Christmas break.

Alot of the nuances and elements that I loved about that game I don't remember much anymore, I just remember that it was indeed a great game that I enjoyed playing nonstop trying to achieve everything in that game. There's only a handful of games that have given me that type of experience.

I really despise video game snobs, well snobs in general.
#111 Jun 30 2013 at 1:43 PM Rating: Excellent
598 posts
Ostia wrote:
I understand that feeling, it was the first game i bought along with the PS1, it was good, it feelt good, i remember when i plugged the ps1 and finally got the game going, the first 20 minutes where amazing Smiley: blush But it was not the greatest game ever created, nor does my nostalgia for it, does not blind me as for why it sold so good, many people around here, put down WOW because "Oh people only play that game, because other people play that Game" Can that apply to VII ? Owning FFVII back then was the cool thing to do, just like playing WOW was the cool thing to do once upon a time. There are many factors as to why the game was so successful, but to narrow it down to just "It was the greatest RPG" its silly.

~laughs~ I was actually very possessive of the game. I'd get so mad at my brother and his friend's interpretations of it. Call it feminine childhood hormones! lol

That being said yes, it was indeed the "cool" game.
#112 Jun 30 2013 at 1:43 PM Rating: Excellent
972 posts
XIII is not a worthless ****. It is far from my favorite FF but it has no major flaws or bugs in it's playability. Just different from FF before it.
Call Of Duty isn't a worthless ****. It has been the most polished FPS for a good time. I think it might get usurped by TitanFall though.

Negative, positive, yeah I leave that up to interpretation. Without the advances in technology, consoles would still have graphics and story conveyed in the same way as NES. It's when games go overboard with cutscenes or QTE that I start getting driven batty. I love games with high production values that don't shrink the gameplay. FFVII didn't shrink the gameplay. It still had many hours of gameplay and side stuff. Didn't care much for VIII, loved IX(my second favorite), X(liked more than a few FF, introduced voice acting), XII(Third favorite, loved it but alot of people didn't), XIII(flawless design, but had limited gameplay), XIII-2(had more gameplay than XIII,but I was starting to get tired of the universe and story),FFXIII-3(Might try it, but at this point I'm aching for a new universe), FFXV(looks like one of the most ambitious offline FF to date, I'm not a huge KH fan, so I'm kind of sketchy on if I'll like the battle system). But let me tell you, the world of FFXV looks jaw dropping.

The FF I'm looking forward to most is ARR and hopefully we get an FF directed by Ito..
#113 Jun 30 2013 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
262 posts
Seriha wrote:
Personally, I wouldn't play the game if it was to be microtransaction... I see nothing appealing about a game where uberness is determined by how much money I spent on it, rather than how much time/effort I put into it.

Free-to-Play != Pay-to-Win. Until you can get over that bias, you run the risk of ******** yourself out of future game enjoyment. Additionally, a subscription model does not immediately disqualify certain individuals from throwing even more money at the game to get an edge, be it through third-party RMT or even something as "legit" as running multiple accounts (usually with additional, potential ToS-breaking software to simplify the process).

Being nickel-and-dimed sucks, but I also feel like pro-sub players are getting screwed by devs more than they're willing to admit. And why would they? It could mean wasted time and investments.

How are you being screwed paying ~$15 a month for an entertainment product that you enjoy and want to play? That you can put as many hours into during that month that you want to?

It's been beaten to death here about f2p vs p2p, but I wouldn't mind hearing your explanation on how p2p screws people.
#114 Jun 30 2013 at 8:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Killua125 wrote:
BrokenFox wrote:
There's this thing called an opinion...

I guess that's Ostia's opinion.

The problem is Ostia doesn't believe anyone else is entitled to their opinion. If you disagree with him you're wrong.
#115 Jun 30 2013 at 9:20 PM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
He just has a really annoying way of arguing where he states his opinion as if it were a fact in order to back up his point. Then he throws a hissy fit when his argument gets nowhere.

Case in point:
Was VII better than any RPG before it ? No! Was it better than any rpg after it ? No! So is not the best RPG of all time, not even in the top 5, was it a good solid RPG ? Yes it was

FFS, just shut up Smiley: lol

Edited, Jun 30th 2013 11:22pm by BrokenFox
#116 Jun 30 2013 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
Chrono Trigger>Xenogears>Final Fantasy Tactics>FFVII>Brave Fencer Mushashi (lol)

FFVII was a force to be reckoned with, and I doubt we would even be talking about FFXIV if it had not done so well, but it terms of gameplay and story, VI did it better. Imagine how successful VI would have been if it was in FFVII's place with updated graphics, not that it wasn't successful enough on the SNES.
#117 Jun 30 2013 at 9:49 PM Rating: Good
728 posts
FFVII was a great game to me, and my first entry into the series. Since then I've played them all, save for XIII. It was not, however, my favorite Square game, nor FF. That honor belongs to Tactics hands down. In terms of enjoyability and uniqueness I would have to rate SaGa Frontier, Legend of Mana, and possibly even Xenogears above FFVII.

I spent so many hours playing LoM with my best friend back in the day. The multiplayer really made that game what it was. It was very satisfying to beat another one of our friends that used a Gameshark to get max stats in the battle arena XD. Not to mention it came up with a crafting system so esoteric that people still haven't been capable of figuring out completely, at least in English. Saga frontier was so painfully difficult and unforgiving that I couldn't help but constantly attempt to play repeatedly until I eventually mastered it. Xenogears had an interesting and engaging battle system with all of the combos and the ability to switch to mech fighting.

However, If it wasn't for FFVII I would have probably never experienced all of the other wonderful SE titles. It will always have a special place in my heart.. Behind FFT that is. :o

Edit: Oh man, I forgot about Brave Fencer Musashi... I wish I never let my friend talk me into selling it back in the day. >.<

Off topic somewhat...
I think I'm in the minority of people that would rather see a 16/32bit-esque RPG on a current gen system with the money put into it that everything else gets. Sadly, all of my favorite IPs and styles have moved to inferior handheld platforms. I would love to play an RPG that has over 100 hours of gameplay and an expansive 2D world (I could see something akin to Lunar doing decent on a console now). Or a 2D Metroidvania game with the quality of SotN, but with a map so unbelievably huge you couldn't even imagine it in today's market. Beautiful hand-drawn back and foregrounds, each unique to that particular area in the world.

One day an indie developer will make my dreams come true.. and on that day I will know that I can die happy.

Edited, Jun 30th 2013 11:50pm by DamienSScott
#118 Jun 30 2013 at 9:51 PM Rating: Default
Wint wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
BrokenFox wrote:
There's this thing called an opinion...

I guess that's Ostia's opinion.

The problem is Ostia doesn't believe anyone else is entitled to their opinion. If you disagree with him you're wrong.

Ostia's problem is not that nobody else is entitled to their Opinion. Is that wint cannot read, unlike you, i do not dismiss anybody's opinions when they disagree with me, if you had actually read what i said, i never said they where wrong, i said that to say FFVII was the best RPG ever, because it sold 10 million copy's is silly, FFVII was a solid RPG, but it did not sell 10 million copies, because it was just that good, they had a huge marketing campaign behind the ******* which has not been seen up until that point in time, much like how Blizzard did it with WOW.

Now i do not remember giving you a gysal green... Why are you here ?
#119 Jun 30 2013 at 9:54 PM Rating: Excellent
728 posts
Ostia wrote:
Now i do not remember giving you a gysal green... Why are you here ?

I appologize, but I am envisioning Wint falling from the sky with a bag of popcorn Fat Chocobo style...

I loled...
#120 Jun 30 2013 at 10:03 PM Rating: Excellent
154 posts
DamienSScott wrote:

However, If it wasn't for FFVII I would have probably never experienced all of the other wonderful SE titles. It will always have a special place in my heart.. Behind FFT that is. :o

Edited, Jun 30th 2013 11:50pm by DamienSScott

FFX was the one for me. After that I went back and played the others. FFIX would be a close second. VIII was okay. Liked XII a lot. XIII felt too limited. I wrong for enjoying X-2 a little? Smiley: blush
#121 Jun 30 2013 at 10:12 PM Rating: Good
728 posts
PhrozenFFXI wrote:
FFX was the one for me. After that I went back and played the others. FFIX would be a close second. VIII was okay. Liked XII a lot. XIII felt too limited. I wrong for enjoying X-2 a little? Smiley: blush

I was never a big fan of FFX personally. The battle system wasn't terrible, but the lack of an open world to walk/fly around in really turned me off after playing the others. I know most all of the FFs are pretty linear, but it made the game feel even more so to me.

I'm one of the few people that likes FFIX a lot as well. The music was great (Freya's Theme ftw) and the way that you learned abilities was awesome.

I bought FFX-2 (and the CE guide/artwork book that came with it for some reason) and It wasn't too bad. The job system was pretty interesting, however I think I eventually ended up with something like Two Dark Knights and a Healer. It seemed pretty easy to become OP in that game, at least more so than any other FF game. Come to think of it, I should find that guide again. It would make some excellent reading material.

PS: My guide has Payne on the cover.

Edited, Jul 1st 2013 12:13am by DamienSScott
#122 Jun 30 2013 at 10:22 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
Off topic somewhat...
I think I'm in the minority of people that would rather see a 16/32bit-esque RPG on a current gen system with the money put into it that everything else gets. Sadly, all of my favorite IPs and styles have moved to inferior handheld platforms. I would love to play an RPG that has over 100 hours of gameplay and an expansive 2D world (I could see something akin to Lunar doing decent on a console now).

I'm on board with that this idea. I miss sprites in video games, they were so awesome.

Games like Radiant Historia are doing a decent job picking up a bit of that need, but it's just not the same.

Edited, Jul 1st 2013 12:22am by supermegazeke
#123 Jun 30 2013 at 10:37 PM Rating: Excellent
154 posts
DamienSScott wrote:
PhrozenFFXI wrote:
FFX was the one for me. After that I went back and played the others. FFIX would be a close second. VIII was okay. Liked XII a lot. XIII felt too limited. I wrong for enjoying X-2 a little? Smiley: blush

I was never a big fan of FFX personally. The battle system wasn't terrible, but the lack of an open world to walk/fly around in really turned me off after playing the others. I know most all of the FFs are pretty linear, but it made the game feel even more so to me.

I'm one of the few people that likes FFIX a lot as well. The music was great (Freya's Theme ftw) and the way that you learned abilities was awesome.

I bought FFX-2 (and the CE guide/artwork book that came with it for some reason) and It wasn't too bad. The job system was pretty interesting, however I think I eventually ended up with something like Two Dark Knights and a Healer. It seemed pretty easy to become OP in that game, at least more so than any other FF game. Come to think of it, I should find that guide again. It would make some excellent reading material.

PS: My guide has Payne on the cover.

Edited, Jul 1st 2013 12:13am by DamienSScott

Those were the two things I liked about IX the most as well. Good to know I'm not alone on X-2 lol.
#124 Jun 30 2013 at 10:45 PM Rating: Excellent
I loved the storyline of X, and X-2 was solid until the ending, IMO. And I enjoyed IX more than VII or VIII.

However, I hated XII, and I am constantly amazed by the number of people who liked it!
Thayos Redblade
#125 Jun 30 2013 at 11:07 PM Rating: Excellent
1,218 posts
Killua125 wrote:
Xoie wrote:
Ostia wrote:
FFVII was not the best RPG to have touched a PS1, Xenogears is far better, so is Star Ocean 2 or Suikoden. FFVII was the flagship title of the PS1, sony alone poured over a million dollars in advertisement, SE put so much money on the game, that if it had failed, they would have been bankrupt, you can put any Squaresoft title relased on the PS1 timeline, and replace it with VII, and it would have been the same success, FFVII was an OK rpg, it was an upgraded graphic version of VI, with a stupid storyline on it, that is what VII was.

Most people can't name a character from Xenogears or Star Ocean (any of them really) or Suikoden. (Don't worry Ostia, I'm sure you can, and I'm sure you can even Google the ones you can't... it's not the point).

But Cloud, Septhiroth, Tifa, and Aerith are still popular icons to this day. I still see them show up in popular art or cosplay, and they're instantly recognizable in a way that the characters from the other series are not. I think FFVII left its mark on gaming culture a lot more than most games ever will, and that's really where you can tell the difference with which of these games were legendary and which were simply good. You don't find the answer in sales numbers, it's in who remembers the experience and for how long.

He wasn't talking about popularity. He was talking about his perceived quality of the game.

People use this example a lot, but Justin Bieber is one of the most recognizable artists in the world but not necessarily 'the best', and that could also apply to Final Fantasy (VII) and other RPGs. So, just because a lot of people haven't played Suikoden II on the PS1 doesn't necessarily mean that Final Fantasy VII is better, just because people know the names Cloud, Sephiroth, Tifa, etc.

Well, however you want to define it, FF7 is a game that means more to more people than those other games. I can think of a dozen fighting games better than Street Fighter 2, but I can't think of one that had a bigger impact culturally. I can think of dozens of action RPGs which are objectively better than the original legend of zelda, but none that had a bigger impact. These aren't just games, they're games that launched brands. Xenogears was great but no one is waiting for Xenogears online. FF7 launched the final fantasy franchise into the mainstream consciousness, even though the series had a loyal fanbase years before that.

Probably a better comparison than Justin Bieber is Nirvana. A band which is, possibly, not even the best band in their own genre in their own time, but which is indelibly etched into the culture, and will always be the quintessential "grunge" band.

There's "best" if that can be objectively talked about, and there's "popular" but there's also "important." FF7 was "important" in a way that those other RPGs weren't.

And by the way, if you really think what separated games like ff7 or wow from their contemporaries is just marketing then you aren't perceptive enough to offer a sophisticated opinion on the subject. You may want to take a look at how those games broke new ground mechanically and in presentation. They weren't just "good" games, they were unprecedented games.

Edited, Jul 1st 2013 2:35am by KarlHungis
#126 Jun 30 2013 at 11:49 PM Rating: Excellent
Ostia wrote:
Wint wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
BrokenFox wrote:
There's this thing called an opinion...

I guess that's Ostia's opinion.

The problem is Ostia doesn't believe anyone else is entitled to their opinion. If you disagree with him you're wrong.

Ostia's problem is not that nobody else is entitled to their Opinion. Is that wint cannot read, unlike you, i do not dismiss anybody's opinions when they disagree with me, if you had actually read what i said, i never said they where wrong, i said that to say FFVII was the best RPG ever, because it sold 10 million copy's is silly, FFVII was a solid RPG, but it did not sell 10 million copies, because it was just that good, they had a huge marketing campaign behind the ******* which has not been seen up until that point in time, much like how Blizzard did it with WOW.

Now i do not remember giving you a gysal green... Why are you here ?

I'll show up where ever the f*** I feel, these are my forums remember? I say FFVII is the best RPG ever because I think it is, what do you say to that? Your numbers are ****, to me, it's my favorite. I hadn't heard of the game, I bought my PS1 and the game months after it came out and had never heard of any RPG's, the game looked interesting and I needed a game to go with my console purchase.
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