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Here a Kweh, there a Kweh, everywhere a Kweh~Kweh!!!Follow

#1 Jun 26 2013 at 12:32 AM Rating: Good
1,102 posts
This is a post I found that highlights stuff in the Chocoverse that we know are confirmed, a long with a bunch of theories about stuff that isn't.

*Not all of this information is REAL.*
OK, so this is an idea of something you want to have added, yes?

It comes across in the OP as 'Look at what they announced' a little.

Its both. I keep adjusting it as soon as stuff gets mentioned. Beginning of it says whats exactly gonna be in ARR or least what yoshi said was coming. Everything else is made up system but there is lists of actual items,enemies,gear that is already made or in development.
Some of the items are made up like Choco Potion. Materia etc. I was taking it alot of feedback on what a good breeding system/chocobo system should be like and creating it.

Information Highlighted in Red is actually in game or confirmed. Much of it is speculation/pipedreams.

This is a LOT of info: Source

Whats gonna be in 2.0 Chocobos

This section will list what chocobos will be and have in 2.0.

You will be able to ride them.
You will be able to use them in battle.
Chocobos will have a stable.
Chocobos will have Job AF.
Chocobos will have Jump.
Can summon/rent chocobos.
Can raise/breed chocobos sometime after launch.
Chocobos will use a gambit system like in ff12.
Chocobos will be same level as your currect level.
Will be able to equip armor/costumes to your chocobo.
All Chocobo Armor will not have combat stats on it & will be used as a costume option.
Chocobos will be like a freelancer/onion knight. Will be able to make it anything or a mix role wise in combat.
Chocobos will have 3 armor slots (Head,Chest,Legs)
Will be able to share your Chocobo with other players.
Chocobo barding will be released sometime after launch.
There will be Chocobo Baby Minion in ARR.
(BETA) Will be able to use Chocobo Porter to auto travel to city or guildleve.
Chocobo suit coming to ARR.
Chocobo's will have Skill Tree/Point Atoement system.
This point system will be added in either phase 3 or 4 of beta.
DoH will be able to craft barding chocobo gear.
Chocobo's will be allowed into raids once restriction are lifted.
Fat Chocobo will be in the updates after Launch.
Gystal Greens Will summon your Buddy Chocobo.

Chocobo (Hot & Cold) Raid Areas

Chocobo Digging FF9 Style but for FF14

There are 3 zones which you can enter solo with your chocobo. You can only enter these Areas,
Chocobo Forest, Chocobo Lagoon, and Chocobo Desert. These areas you can do Hot & Cold in.
Hard for lv35-50 and lv50+ for Extreme. You must be on correct DoL class to enter.

All Item drops may variey on zone.

Chocobo Forest
Chocobo Forest (Hard)
Chocobo Forest (Extreme)

Bark Eft
Creeping Ivy

Forest Herb
Astral Herb
Earth Nut
Wind Nut
Moget Stone
Moget Stone HQ
Moglet Jewel
Moglet Jewel HQ
Moglet Orb
Choco Potion
Gystal Greens

Syliks Greens
Lauan Log
Maple Log
Oak Log
Mahogany Log
Rosewood Log (Valuable)
Mahogany Branch
Ogre Horn (Valuable)

Antlion Cocoon (Valuable)
Gridanian Chestnut
Kukuru Bean
Gridanian Walnut
Faerie Apple
Sagolii Sage
Dragon Pepper
Galago Mint
Vampire Plant (Valuable)
Earth Shard
Earth Crystal
Earth Cluster (Valuable)
Wind Shard
Wind Crystal
Wind Cluster (Valuable)
All-purpose Green Dye
All-purpose Grey Dye
All-purpose Blue Dye

Cutter's Earring (Valuable)

Cutter's Earring Ra/ex
lv50 BOT Additional Action+1, Perception+10

Chocobo Lagoon
Chocobo Lagoon (Hard)
Chocobo Lagoon(Extreme)

Elder Goobbue

Lagoon Herb
Astral Herb
Water Nut
Lightning Nut
Moget Stone
Moget Stone HQ
Moglet Jewel
Moglet Jewel HQ
Moglet Orb
Choco Potion
Gystal Greens

Sharug Greens
Helmet Crab
Saber Sardine
Tiger Cod
Bianaq Beam
Ash Tuna
Rothlyt Oyster
Navigator's Ear
Razor Clam
Vongola Clam
Sharkfin Cod

Pink Pearl (Valuable)
Black Pearl
Elixir (Valuable)
Uncultured Pearl
Lightning Shard
Lightning Crystal
Lightning Cluster (Valuable)
Water Shard
Water Crystal
Water Cluster (Valuable)
All-purpose Purple Dye
All-purpose Brown Dye
All-purpose Black Dye

Puller's Earring (Valuable)

Puller's Earring Ra/ex
lv50 FSH Additional Action+1, Perception+10

Chocobo Desert
Chocobo Desert (Hard)
Chocobo Desert (Extreme)

Sandskin Peiste

Fire Nut
Ice Nut
Desert Herb
Astral Herb
Moget Stone
Moget Stone HQ
Moglet Jewel
Moglet Jewel HQ
Moglet Orb
Choco Potion
Gystal Greens

Azouph Greens
Desert Fruit
Flint Stone
Wyvern Obsidian
Desert Saffron

Raw Diamond (Valuable)
Zinc Ore
Copper Ore
Iron Ore
Mythril Ore
Cobalt Ore (Valuable)

Platinum Ore (Valuable)
Bomb Ash (Valuable)
Bomb Arm
Ice Shard
Ice Crystal
Ice Cluster (Valuable)
Fire Shard
Fire Crystal
Fire Cluster (Valuable)
All-purpose Red Dye
All-purpose Yellow Dye
All-purpose White Dye

Digger's Earring (Valuable)

Digger's Earring Ra/ex
lv50 MIN Additional Action+1, Perception+10

In a Normal Arena?
1~2 Lv60-70 enemies
lv1~39 materials.
basic breeding items.
Herbs will not drop.
Skill leveling will be pretty basic for lv1-40 within this arena.

In Hard Arena?
1~3 Lv60-70 enemies (Harder Types to dodge)
lv40-50 basic materials.
Breeding items for higher up.
Herbs will drop within this arena.
Skill leveling for lv40-50.

In Extreme Arena?
2~3 More Lv60-70 enemies (Harder Types to dodge)
Special materials.
Great chance for rarer breeding materials.
Herbs will have slight better drop rate.
Fat Chocobo tapers can be found here.
All Dig spots will have 800+ more HP.
4 players required to join in.
All dig spots will be small.
Party members can join in and help you dig increasing the speed.

How to play (Hot & Cold)

Run around the area and press Dig action until you get a Kweh!? and then around that spot keep Digging until you your Chocobo hits something and K-KWEHHH!. Then keep pressing Dig button until you have reached your treasure. While your doing this the timer will decrease as you play, depending on your speed you can add some seconds to the clock and obtain rare items as you play. The clock max's at 15 mins, you start with 5 mins.


Kweh. (Nothing)
Kweh!? (Warm)
Depth: #
(Tap Dig Action)
Found Treasure!, Obtainned: "????"
You found a spot under 10secs (Gainned 20secs)
Gainned 30secs (Found 8 Spots)
Bonus Time: Gainned 2mins (Found 10 Spots)
Bonus Time: Gainned 3mins (Found 15 spots)
Game Ends: Reached Max Digs (25)
Game Ends: Remaining time...Time Bonus/Bonus CP+ (Every 30secs=50CP/200CP/700CP depending on lvl)

Longer your Chocobo digging, enemies will spawn within the zone and the more items you dig will increase in drop rate and so will your EXP. EXP and Dig Skill you earn in a dig zone only is effected towards your chocobo's spiritbond. Depending on your Chocobo's Color Increases the Dig Skill towards the following Chocobo Digging Camps.

Chocobo Arena Raids Timers

10mins to re-entery
Chocobo Dig Raid (Start:3mins) (No Limit on time) (Raid ends when reaching 25 Digs)
(1~4 Player Only)

Stronger Chocobo Raids/Longer Timers

(Some Chocobo Forests might have harder modes for higher level dig Chocobos, Like Enemie types and numbers will harder and higher to work around)

Color Bonus


Yellow No Bonus
Blue- Increases 5 Chocobo Dig Skills towards "Chocobo Lagoon"
Red- Increases 5 Chocobo Dig Skills towards "Chocobo Desert"
Green- Increases 5 Chocobo Dig Skills towards "Chocobo Forest"
Purple- Increases 4 Chocobo Dig Skills towards all dig Areas.
Pink- Increases 4 Chocobo Dig Skills towards all dig Areas.
Black- Decreases -5 Chocobo Skills & Increases "CP items" towards All dig Areas.
White- Decreases -5 Skills & Increases "food bonuses" towards all dig areas
Gold- Increases 10 Chocobo SKills & "Increases Charts" in all Areas

Chocobo Credits

Used in Chocobo Racing
Number of Credits they start off with.

Yellow= 2
Blue= 3
Red= 3
Green= 3
Purple= 4
Pink= 4
Black= 5
White= 5
Gold= 6

Golden Chocobo

(Golden Chocobo only obatined after getting Rank7 and getting Astral Sense and Astral Herb and breeding Black & White)


Achievement: "Hard ****** you got there": Do 10000 K-KWEHHH! 5pts
Dig 30 times at Class1 Harvesting spots 5pts
Dig 500 times at Class2 Harvesting spots 5pts
Dig 1500 times at Class3 Harvesting spots 5pts
Dig 3000 times at Class4 Harvesting spots 5pts
Dig 5000 times at Class5 Harvesting spots 10pts

"Fat Chocobo God would be proud of" Complete all Harvesting spot Achievemts:Reward: New Barding Armor

Yellow Chocobo-500 digs 5pts
Blue/Red/Green/pink/purple- Any/ Digs 4000total 5pts
Black/White-2000 5pts

Battle: "Defeat Fat Choco" 5pts

Breed a chain of 10 Chocobos:5pts
Breed a chain of 50 Chocobos:10pts
Breed a chain of 100 Chocobos:30pts
(# Increases on every new baby that's born and has a larger family tree)

Obtain a Golden Chocobo 10pts
Obtain Purple and Pink Chocobos 5pts
Obtain White & Black Chocobos 5pts
Obtain All colour Chocobos 30pts

Get 20000 Chocobo Points:5pts
Get 50000 Chocobo Points:5pts
Get 300000 Chocobo Points:30pts

Become first in a Chocobo Race 5pts
Become first in chocobo race 10 times 5pts
Become first in chocobo race 100 times 5pts

Have your Baby Chocobo hit surpass 7mins in Chocobo Raid+20pts (Will be Very hard toget your baby chocobo toget Bonus 2mins on top of the 5mins you have entered with but much easyer with a colored chocobo)

Lodestone Achievement:Rank Highest in a Chocobo Raid with your dig Score. (Resets every Week)

Have 4 Chocobo's help in a Chocobo Caravan:5pts

Chocobo have Defeated 10000 enemies 5pts

Other Rewards

Purpose of doing Chocobo Digging is to Obtain Chocobo-Med's/Chocobo-Breeding items/Chocobo-Foods~exp bonus/Rare Barding Armors/New Abilities/Materials/Rare Treasure Charts-DoL can use and be able to increase your Chocobo's Dig level and give it the option to Dig outside of the Forest. Digging outside of the Forest will not be the same as inside, will be more like a new DoL. (CP new FFXIV 2.0 TP bar for DoL/DoH) Will be used for Chocobo DoL but will decrease as you dig.

Chocobo Jobs

Chocobos will be same level as your currect job and you will be able to make it take any role in battle by giving it abilities.


Breeding your Chocobo's

Your Chocobo will have a Spiritbond Meter when it's ready to breed, Can grow by obtaining "Chocobo Exp" & "Dig Skill".
There is a % which can alwas end up as a Yellow Chocobo and will get the Chocobo you want with right Combo.
You will need to spirtbond up to about 100.000 "Chocobo Exp" for your Yellow chocobos in party. Can Also get alot of Chocobo EXP doing Digs.

Yellow Chocobo (100.000exp)+(Lagoon Herbs)+Yellow Chocobo (100.000exp)= Blue Chocobo (30% to become a Purple/Pink Chocobo)
Yellow Chocobo (100.000exp)+(Cactus Herbs)+Yellow Chocobo(100.000exp)= Red Chocobo (30% to become a Purple/Pink Chocobo)
Yellow Chocobo(100.000exp)+(Forest Herb)+Yellow Chocobo(100.000exp)= Green Chocobo (30% to become a Purple/Pink Chocobo)
Backward Breed~ Any Color but Gold+(Gysahl Herb)+Any Color but Gold= Yellow Chocobo
Also Pink+ Purple+(Gysahl Herb)= Yellow Chocobo.

Red(300.000exp)+(Lagoon Herb)+Blue(300.000exp)=Black/White (50% to become a Purple/Pink Chocobo)
Green(300.000exp)+(Forest Herb)+Blue(300.000exp)=Black/White (50% to become a Purple/Pink Chocobo)
Red(300.000exp)+(Cactus Herb)+Green(300.000exp)=Black/White (50% to become a Purple/Pink Chocobo)

Getting the correct Chocobo type.

Chocobos sex will be random until you reach pink/purple/white/black chocobos will alwas either be female or male only.
Breeding with black/purple will alwas lead to a male or pink/white will alwas lead to a female. There can be a conflict when breeding from there other tier of chocobo which ends up being random again.
Such as purple+pink or white+black, red+green+blue+yellow+gold will alwas be random.

Following Breeding will be 100%

Pink Chocobo's will alwas be female.
Purple Chocobo's will alwas be Male.
200.000 EXP will be needed for breeding these.

Pink Chocobo+Yellow=Purple (Male)
Pink Chocobo+Blue=Blue (Female)
Pink Chocobo+Purple=Yellow (Either One)
Pink Chocobo+Red=Red (Female)
Pink Chocobo+Green=Green (Female)
Pink Chocobo+Black=White (Female)
Pink Chocobo+Gold=Gold (Female)
Pink Chocobo+White=Black (Male)

Purple Chocobo+Yellow=Pink (Female)
Purple Chocobo+Blue=Blue (Male)
Purple Chocobo+Pink=Yellow (Either One)
Purple Chocobo+Red=Red (Male)
Purple Chocobo+Green=Green (Male)
Purple Chocobo+Black=white (Female)
Purple Chocobo+Gold=Gold (Male)
Purple Chocobo+white=Black (Male)

Black Chocobo will alwas be male.
White Chocobo will alwas be female.
Will need 1mil for breeding these.

Black Chocobo+Yellow=Purple (Male)
Black Chocobo+Red=Red (Male)
Black Chocobo+Blue=Blue (Male)
Black Chocobo+Green=Green (Male)
Black Chocobo+Pink=Yellow (Either One)
Black Chocobo+white=gold (Either one)
Black Chocobo+gold= gold (Male)

White Chocobo+Yellow=Pink (female)
White Chocobo+red=red (female)
White Chocobo+Blue=blue (female)
White Chocobo+green=green (female)
White Chocobo+Purple= Yellow (Either One)
White Chocobo+Black= Gold (Either One)
White Chocobo+Gold= Gold (Female)

(Black 1mil EXP)+(Astral Herb)+(White 1mil EXP)=Golden Chocobo

Breeding Golden Chocobo's with other Chocobos will alwas give=Golden baby Chocobo's.

Chocobo Atoment

(Increasing your Chocobos Point Atoment)
When Breeding Chocobo's over & over the stats of the Blue/Black/Red/Green will increase the Atoment points up.

Yellow+1 Vit
Red+2 Str
Purple+2 Dex
Pink+2 Pie
Blue+2 Mnd
Green+2 Int
Black+1 Str/dex/Vit
White+1 Mnd/Int/Pie
Gold+2 Vit

A Yelllow Chocobo's max Stats at lv50 without any class/gear/or point atoment

Yellow Chocobo

str 45/120 Str Point Atoment:0/33
dex 45/120 Dex Point Atoment:0/30
vit 45/120 Vit Point Atoment:0/33
int 45/120 Int Point Atoment:0/30
mnd 45/120 Mnd Point Atoment:0/30
pie 45/120 Pie Point Atoment:0/30

After doing few breeding with few Red chocobos (Str).
45 adjusts when you change your class and 120 is just stat cap for materia armor/gear/point atoment/food.
Also its a red Chocobo.

Red Chocobo

str 45/120 Str Point Atoment:8/35
dex 45/120 Dex Point Atoment:0/30
vit 45/120 Vit Point Atoment:0/30
int 45/120 Int Point Atoment:0/30
mnd 45/120 Mnd Point Atoment:0/30
pie 45/120 Pie Point Atoment:0/30

8/155 Atoments obtained

Blue Chocobo

str 45/120 Str Point Atoment:0/30
dex 45/120 Dex Point Atoment:0/30
vit 45/120 Vit Point Atoment:0/30
int 45/120 Int Point Atoment:0/30
mnd 45/120 Mnd Point Atoment:0/35
pie 45/120 Pie Point Atoment:0/30

Green Chocobo

str 45/120 Str Point Atoment:0/30
dex 45/120 Dex Point Atoment:0/30
vit 45/120 Vit Point Atoment:0/30
int 45/120 Int Point Atoment:0/35
mnd 45/120 Mnd Point Atoment:0/30
pie 45/120 Pie Point Atoment:0/30

Purple Chocobo

str 45/120 Str Point Atoment:0/34
dex 45/120 Dex Point Atoment:0/38
vit 45/120 Vit Point Atoment:0/34
int 45/120 Int Point Atoment:0/30
mnd 45/120 Mnd Point Atoment:0/30
pie 45/120 Pie Point Atoment:0/30

Pink Chocobo

str 45/120 Str Point Atoment:0/30
dex 45/120 Dex Point Atoment:0/30
vit 45/120 Vit Point Atoment:0/30
int 45/120 Int Point Atoment:0/34
mnd 45/120 Mnd Point Atoment:0/34
pie 45/120 Pie Point Atoment:0/38

Black Chocobo

str 45/120 Str Point Atoment:0/37
dex 45/120 Dex Point Atoment:0/37
vit 45/120 Vit Point Atoment:0/37
int 45/120 Int Point Atoment:0/30
mnd 45/120 Mnd Point Atoment:0/30
pie 45/120 Pie Point Atoment:0/30

White Chocobo

str 45/120 Str Point Atoment:0/30
dex 45/120 Dex Point Atoment:0/30
vit 45/120 Vit Point Atoment:0/30
int 45/120 Int Point Atoment:0/37
mnd 45/120 Mnd Point Atoment:0/37
pie 45/120 Pie Point Atoment:0/37

Gold Chocobo

str 45/120 Str Point Atoment:0/40
dex 45/120 Dex Point Atoment:0/40
vit 45/120 Vit Point Atoment:0/40
int 45/120 Int Point Atoment:0/40
mnd 45/120 Mnd Point Atoment:0/40
pie 45/120 Pie Point Atoment:0/40

All the stats could jump very high all at once if you breed with another chocobo with huge amount of point atoments already.

Breeding transfers the stats of the Mother & Father to the baby only by the higher stats and +1 it. Like Mother-(Yellow Str+90) and father-(Red Str+91). Baby would be (Str+93-Red)

Chocobo Forest for Baby Chocobo's, Since you cant ride them at this point its still important to play with them. (Babys will look around and Dig Your Job is to protect them from Mouse's) This will Increase your Baby's EXP Bed Bonus when they grow up. Giving you about EXP bonus of +500%max for about 200.000 Chocobo EXP. Toget to the max would have to Feed/Train your chocobo quite alot.


Chocobo Egg's

Can get free unwanted Yellow Chocobo Eggs at the stables. Can find other Chocobo's by sharing breeding with other players chocobo's that's if they have the correct sex. Chocobo's often give out double
the Egg's. Breeding a Golden Chocobo will only give out 1 Egg towards the player with Golden Chocobo or highest stats. As your chocobo awakens from its egg you will see short cutscene of the Chocobo Primal Fat Chocobo. "Warm bringer of Egg's"

Chocobo's can get increased stats right at birth by finding how what kinda Egg you have. This is totally random if you dont use Nuts. You will get +1 stats up towards your point atoment right at birth and stacks up every time you breed that chocobo and make a offspring toget those bonuses.
After Breeding you can get any of these Eggs. Feeding your Chocobo correct nuts will make it give you correct stat of Egg. There's a 1/7 chance you will get the +2 stat Egg.

Can Barely feel any movement.
(Increased Pie)

This Egg warm to the touch.
(Increased Dex)

Something kicking Inside.
(Increased Str)

This Egg Feels Cold.
(Increased Int)

This Egg has spots.
(Increased Vit)

This Egg is Smooth to the touch.
(Increased Mnd)

Something special about this Egg.
(Increases all stats+1)

This Egg Stats up is a starting point for growth for increased breeding combined with increased point atoment.


Fat Chocobo Primal Fight

To fight him you need 10 Large Choco Taper's, which you can by doing Chocobo Hot & Cold. (Rare Drop) Once you have enough you can go fight him. Cant even find Taper's until your Chocobo is lv45+.

Player Housing plus Chocobos

Extra Feed/Breeding Area for the chocobo.
(Functions are bit unknown)

Chocobo Caravan

Having chocobos help will reward you Chocobo EXP.

Leveling Up Dig Skill

(Hot & Cold)

When you reach Dig spot a Dig meter will open up and depending on your dig strike you do that amount of damage when you dig. lv50 Digs can actually go up to 700HP~4000HP. Should take you 10~40 strikes around your level.

Whats Dig SKill?

Dig skill is your attack power to strike dig spots. If your lv50 and with only 1Dig Skill and doing Extreme zone then it could take you 500-4000 comfirms to finish a single dig. If your 100+ Dig score and with more players then all you need to do is 10 comfirms.

Lv1 Dig Skill+1 (10cap)
lv2 Dig Skill+2 (12cap)
lv3 Dig Skill+3 (14cap)
lv4 Dig Skill+4 (16cap)
lv5 Dig Skill+5 (18cap) (Sense)
lv6 Dig Skill+6 (20cap)
lv7 Dig Skill+7 (22cap)
lv8 Dig Skill+8 (24cap)
lv9 Dig Skill+9 (26cap)
lv10 Dig Skill+12 (38cap) (Beak Lv1)
lv11 Dig Skill+13 (40cap)
lv12 Dig Skill+14 (42cap)
lv13 Dig Skill+15 (44cap)
lv14 Dig Skill+16 (46cap)
lv15 Dig Skill+17 (48cap)
lv16 Dig Skill+18 (60cap)
lv17 Dig Skill+19 (62cap) (Breed Boost+1)
lv18 Dig Skill+20 (64cap)
lv19 Dig Skill+21 (66cap)
lv20 Dig Skill+24 (68cap) (Sense+ lv2)
lv21 Dig Skill+26 (70cap)
lv22 Dig Skill+27 (72cap)
lv23 Dig Skill+28 (74cap)
lv24 Dig Skill+29 (76cap) (Breed Boost+2)
lv25 Dig Skill+30 (78cap)
lv26 Dig Skill+31 (90cap)
lv27 Dig Skill+32 (92cap)
lv28 Dig Skill+33 (94cap)
lv29 Dig Skill+34 (96cap)
lv30 Dig Skill+37 (98cap) (Beak Lv2)
lv31 Dig Skill+38 (110cap)
lv32 Dig Skill+39 (112cap)
lv33 Dig Skill+40 (114cap)
lv34 Dig Skill+41 (116cap)
lv35 Dig Skill+42 (118cap)
lv36 Dig Skill+43 (130cap) (Moglet Sense)
lv37 Dig Skill+44 (132cap)
lv38 Dig Skill+45 (134cap)
lv39 Dig Skill+46 (136cap)
lv40 Dig Skill+49 (138cap) (Breed Boost+3)
lv41 Dig Skill+50 (150cap)
lv42 Dig Skill+51 (152cap)
lv43 Dig Skill+52 (154cap)
lv44 Dig Skill+53 (156cap)
lv45 Dig Skill+54 (158cap)
lv46 Dig Skill+55 (170cap)
lv47 Dig Skill+56 (172cap)
lv48 Dig Skill+57 (174cap) (Beak Lv3)
lv49 Dig Skill+58 (176cap)
lv50 Dig Skill+61 (178cap) (Hard Strike) (Breed Boost+4)
lv51 Dig skill+65 (190cap)

This is your cap for Job level+Dig skill. You can start off as lv50 chocobo with 1 dig skill.
Max cap of Dig skill at lv50 with food/armor/materia is 178.

Chocobo Traits

Beak (Increases K-KWEHHH! stiking points slightly)
Sense (Will Sense a spot close by after finishing a dig)
Hard Strike (Will dig up a spot in one hit)
Breed Boost (Increases the odds getting Egg7 by 10%)
Moglet Sense (Will find you extra Moglet spots)

Chocobo Skill Tree

(Currectly Unknown)

Chocobo Buddy UI


Chocobo Commands (Working Japan translation)

From Left to right
Chocobo Barding (changing your Chocobo's looks)
Dismiss Chocobo
Free Stance
Defense Stance
Attack Stance
Healer Stance


Special Attack: Kick
Some kinda buff (Looks like a bubbles icon)
Peck Auto-attack.

Known Chocobo Barding

Leather Barding (Default Option)
Behemoth Chocobo Barding
Black Mage Chocobo Barding
White Mage Chocobo Barding
Dragoon Chocobo Barding
Gridanian Half Barding
Gridanian Barding
Gridanian Crested Barding
Lominsan Half Barding
Lominsan Barding
Lominsan Crested Barding
Ul'dahn Half Barding
Ul'dahn Barding
Ul'dahn Crested Barding
Legacy Chocobo Barding


Chocobo Food

(Gather) Gystal Greens (HP+8% Cap50)
(Choco) Azouph Greens (Int/Mnd/Pie+5% Cap 5)
(Choco) Sharug Greens (Attack/Magic Atk+20)
(Choco) Syliks Greens (Def+4%, cap20)
(Gather) Garidav Wildgrass (Dig SKill+9)
(Gather) Grindia Carrot (Dig Skill+5 towards babies)
(Gather) Zegham Carrot (Dig Skill+8 towards babies)
(Craft) Celerity Salad (Str/Dex/Vit +8% cap 8)
(Gather) Aloe (MP+8% Cap 100)
(Gather) Nopales (Dig Skill+5)

Choco Potion (Heals HP)
Choco Hi Potion (Heals HP)
Choco Ether (Heals MP)
Choco Hi Ether (Heals MP)
Choco Mega Potion (Heals HP)
Chocolixir (Heals HP/MP)
Choco-Issue Expectorant (Raises KO'd Chocobos 50%)
Choco-Issue Tonic (Raise KO'd Chocobos 100%)

Equipment (Any Part)
Burrowers Materia I (Dig Skill+1)
Burrowers Materia II (Dig SKill+2)
Burrowers Materia III (Dig Skill+3)
Burrowers Materia IV (Dig Skill+4)

Achieving Highest Digging Skill
MaxLevel=65+Burrowers Materia x40+Garidav Wildgrass+9+(Armor Stats without Materia+??)=194~204 Digging Skill
(Player could solo Extreme Hot & Cold with this but extremely hard toget 5 meld IV on every slot)

Chocobo Points

CP/Points you earn in Dig Areas which you can spend on Moogle NPC.

Moglet Stone (20 CP) (63%~80%)
Moglet Stone HQ (50 CP) (17~27%)
Moglet Jewel (150 CP) (10%~20%)
Moglet Jewel HQ (250 CP) (8%~16%)
Moglet Orb (2000 CP) (3%~6%)

Moogle Warp

Can warp you to outside of any Arena for cost of 300CP.

Rank1 (Obtain Starting levels after doing Chocobo Quest/Chocobo Forest Quest)
Rank2 Trade in 2000CP and be lv10 Dig (Unlock Rank)
Rank3 Trade in 4000CP and be lv20+ Dig (Unlock Rank)
Rank4 Trade in 8000CP+Quest and be lv30+ Dig (Unlock Hard Zones)
Rank5 Trade in 12000CP and be lv40+ Dig (Unlock Rank)
Rank6 Trade in 15000CP+Quest and be lv50+ Dig (Unlock Extreme Zones)
Rank7 Trade in 20000CP+Achievement and be lv50+ Dig (Unlock Rank)


Choco Potion 100CP
Choco Hi Potion 200CP
Choco Ether 100CP
Choco Hi ETher 200CP
Choco-Issue Expectorant 100CP
Choco-Issue Tonic 1000CP
TextHi Potion of Vitality (5) 100pts
Hi Potion of Piety (5) 100pts
Grade 1 Dark Matter (20) 10pts
Grade 2 Dark Matter (20) 50pts
Grade 3 Dark Matter (20) 70pts
Grade 4 Dark Matter (20) 100pts
Grade 5 Dark Matter (20) 200pts

Gysahl Herb 1000CP
???? Minion 500CP
Moglet Barding 3000CP
Chocobo Suit 700CP
Chocobo Tights 700CP

Choco-Issue Burrow Manual 1000CP (Increases Dig Leveling)

Lagoon Herb 10.000CP
Forest Herb 10.000CP
Desert Herb 10.000CP
Choco-Issue Burrow Manual II 2000CP
Chocoteer Gloves 4000CP
Chocoteer Jacket 4000CP
Chocoteer Hose 4000CP
Chocoteer Boots 4000CP
Chocoteer Bonnet 4000CP

Rank5 (Can Only Buy One)
Uldah:Talon Barding 12.000CP
Grid:Feathered Barding 12.000CP
Limsa:Scale Barding 12.000CP
Sancation 800CP

Boko's Wand 15.000CP
Boko's Staff 15.000CP
Boko's Book 15.000CP
Boko's Sword 15.000CP
Boko's Axe 15.000CP
Boko's Fists 15.000CP
Boko's Spear 15.000CP
Boko's Shield 15.000CP


(Ishgard Ingot) (Relic Upgrade 50000CP (Relic Upgrade)
"An Ancient ishgard Adaman Ingot"
Keyitem: Astral Sense 100.000CP (Allows you to dig for Astral Herbs in Extreme Zones)

Chocobo Suit


Chocobo Racing

Arena (Golden Sauser)
Chocobo Racing has no control and is very much the same as FF7. You can only control commands to speed up/gravity other players. Only way to earn these commands is spending credits. Once you have enough credit you can use the command.
Credit you can get as your walking or standing still or passing checkpoints. Commands you can do is:
(4Credit)Dash! (Speeds up or removes Slow effect)
(2Credit)Wark! Self Aoe ability that slows other chocobos around)
(1Credit)Bomb! Drops a bomb behind and will Gravity players for very short while) (Can Dodge by Jumping over it)

Patch Updates

Patch 1: (Near Launch of Release)
Release of the Chocobo Equip System. Gambit System, Chocobo Barding, Chocobo Leveling and starting color of Yellow Adult Bird.

Patch 2: (Few Months after)
Release of Chocobo Meds/Food and Ability Adjustments and release of Chocobo Forest/Chocobo Lagoon/Chocobo Desert, Release of Dig Mini Game and Chocobo Points.

(between): Release of Chocobo Job AF

Patch 3: (Few Months after)
Release of Breeding system and Egg system and adding in Red/Blue/Green/Black Chocobos and more Chocobo Point items added in.

Patch 4: (Next Patch After)
Release of Extreme Zones and Golden Chocobo and Astral Herb.

Patch 5: (Few Months After)
Release of Fat Choco Primal fight.(Patch 5 isn't completely needed in the game.)

Patches afterword:

Adjustments to Gambits, Chocobo Racing and adjustments to racing stats with breeding, foods, battle system and other.

Chocobo Levequests

You will need to click on shinny things and preform a dig. These areas are protected by enemies.

EDIT:: Cleaned it up a bit for Alla display, added images.
EDIT:: Clarified which items are confirmed

Edited, Jun 26th 2013 1:06pm by Ryklin
#2 Jun 26 2013 at 12:56 AM Rating: Excellent
Not gonna lie. I passed out.
#3 Jun 26 2013 at 1:13 AM Rating: Good
17 posts
IKickYoDog wrote:
Not gonna lie. I passed out.

please move over or I will crush you going down *faints
#4 Jun 26 2013 at 1:17 AM Rating: Good
Can you sell chocobo/chocobo eggs?
Chocobo breeding might be a hidden craft Smiley: nod
#5 Jun 26 2013 at 1:24 AM Rating: Decent
1,102 posts
While it doesn't list it, I'm pretty sure you will be able to. I know in XI you were able to breed with others' chocobo's, and basically ***** out your chocobo's gene's. I could see them implementing a better system with a Chocobo system this diverse.
#6 Jun 26 2013 at 1:50 AM Rating: Good
1,098 posts
Near the end i kept looking for my cool Chocobo Helmet from FF11. Smiley: smile

Edited, Jun 26th 2013 11:34am by Warmech

#7 Jun 26 2013 at 2:20 AM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
Smiley: eek hurrrrrrrrrr.....
#8 Jun 26 2013 at 3:51 AM Rating: Excellent
599 posts
Great information, only hindered by the overuse of apostrophes.

Hint: plurals don't need them.
#9 Jun 26 2013 at 3:53 AM Rating: Excellent
32 posts
I'm having a heart attack!!

Why is it that I can come up with no response better than "OH MY GOD!", and repetitions of it with differing numbers of 'H's, 'Y's, 'O's, and 'D's? Chocobo digging shades - on!

Edited, Jun 26th 2013 6:09am by ljacket

Edited, Jun 26th 2013 6:11am by ljacket
#10 Jun 26 2013 at 4:55 AM Rating: Excellent
655 posts
Guys most of this is made up. If you check the source he says it. Only the things in red text have been talked about by SE .

Edited, Jun 26th 2013 6:56am by silverhope

Anesthesia;356379 wrote:
OK, so this is an idea of something you want to have added, yes?

It comes across in the OP as 'Look at what they announced' a little.

Op response
venat;356381 wrote:
Its both. I keep adjusting it as soon as stuff gets mentioned. Beginning of it says whats exactly gonna be in ARR or least what yoshi said was coming. Everything else is made up system but there is lists of actual items,enemies,gear that is already made or in development.
Some of the items are made up like Choco Potion. Materia etc. I was taking it alot of feedback on what a good breeding system/chocobo system should be like and creating it.

Edited, Jun 26th 2013 7:26am by silverhope

Edited, Jun 26th 2013 9:23am by silverhope
#11 Jun 26 2013 at 5:10 AM Rating: Good
1,566 posts
Achievement: "Hard ****** you got there": Do 10000 K-KWEHHH! 5pts

Oh, SE...

This seems really involved and that Rank 7 has a relic upgrade item. Damn.
#12 Jun 26 2013 at 5:51 AM Rating: Good
725 posts
Hmmm, I can't quite remember FF11 version of it. Just that it didn't interest me after a while.

I look forward to trying it in FF14.

Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#13 Jun 26 2013 at 6:18 AM Rating: Excellent
655 posts
Read my post guys.. don't get your hopes up its not real.
#14 Jun 26 2013 at 6:59 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
WOW!! Here's my feeling on this:

#15 Jun 26 2013 at 7:08 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
silverhope wrote:
Read my post guys.. don't get your hopes up its not real.

Yeah, I can't follow the link since I don't have a beta key but a lot of this seems very suspect.

Can anyone else confirm?
#16 Jun 26 2013 at 7:22 AM Rating: Excellent
655 posts
The quotes in my first post is someone asking if its real and than the reply from op.
#17 Jun 26 2013 at 7:33 AM Rating: Excellent
BartelX wrote:
WOW!! Here's my feeling on this:

Smiley: lol

One of my favorite shows

Edited, Jun 26th 2013 6:33am by SkinwalkerAsura
#18 Jun 26 2013 at 7:39 AM Rating: Good
676 posts
I knew it looked fishy. Something like that was too good to be true. Although, if they did do something like that, it would take away any chance I'd have of getting out of my house for a real life...
#19 Jun 26 2013 at 7:42 AM Rating: Good
352 posts
Still pretty cool the parts SE is already gonna have, cant wait to see what this is like a few patches into the game!
#20 Jun 26 2013 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
silverhope wrote:
Read my post guys.. don't get your hopes up its not real.

Couldn't view the "red" the post speaks of. Was curious about that.
#21 Jun 26 2013 at 7:48 AM Rating: Good
254 posts
#22 Jun 26 2013 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Yeah, I can see some of this stuff happening eventually but I'd imagine the dev team would be focusing on more important things than Chocobos when the game is still at pre-launch.

But if it's all real, cool.
#23 Jun 26 2013 at 8:06 AM Rating: Good
2,214 posts
Dang, I was so happy at the thought of Hot and cold (thinking I was done with any sort of end-game and would be relegated down to Chocobo digging again... BECAUSE IT IS AWESOME!)

But no... It was a lie... And it is not even Friday...
#24 Jun 26 2013 at 8:31 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Square has never released that amount of information in a single block, and I'd go as far as say they've never released that amount of detail period. Far too specific and exact.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#25 Jun 26 2013 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Can't see the red either. Is there anything over there that is actually real/annouced?
#26 Jun 26 2013 at 9:47 AM Rating: Excellent
106 posts
Copying the stuff in red, aka the only real info in the post:

Keep in mind, "[Stuff listed here] Are 1.0 items/2.0 content."

Also, items that seem to be incorrect to me will me marked with a [???].

Whats gonna be in 2.0 Chocobos

You will be able to ride them.
You will be able to use them in battle.
Chocobos will have a stable.
Chocobos will have Job AF.
Chocobos will have Jump.
Can summon/rent chocobos.
Can raise/breed chocobos sometime after launch.
Chocobos will use a gambit system like in ff12.
Chocobos will be same level as your currect level.
Will be able to equip armor/costumes to your chocobo.
All Chocobo Armor will not have combat stats on it & will be used as a costume option.
Chocobos will be like a freelancer/onion knight. Will be able to make it anything or a mix role wise in combat.
[???] Chocobos will have 3 armor slots (Head,Chest,Legs)
[???] Will be able to share your Chocobo with other players.
Chocobo barding will be ready for launch.
There will be Chocobo Baby Minion in ARR.
[???] (BETA) Will be able to use Chocobo Porter to auto travel to city or guildleve.
[???] Chocobo suit coming to ARR.
[???] Chocobo's will have Skill Tree/Point Atoement system.
[???] This point system will be added in either phase 3 or 4 of beta.
[???] DoH will be able to craft barding chocobo gear.
Chocobo's will be allowed into raids once restriction are lifted.
[???] Fat Chocobo will be in the updates after Launch.
Gystal Greens Will summon your Buddy Chocobo.

And then, they list a bunch of confirmed inventory items and world enemies in a different context. So while things like Flint Stones and Efts technically exist, they aren't used for this reason.

It's a day-dreaming post about what could be, using things that are in the game in a new situation. Anything to do with digging and breeding are part conjecture, part slight of hand, and mostly a fanboy's dream.

EDIT: I mean, really, come on.

Edited, Jun 26th 2013 11:50am by Hankshmi

Edited, Jun 26th 2013 11:50am by Hankshmi
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