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I read this comment regarding FFXIV by someone.Follow

#1 Jun 22 2013 at 7:42 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
"but lots of the story quest force u to do solo. "

Umm you cant party/group up for the story quests? that sounds dumb sooo during boss battles we have to do em solo or play with npc party members? I think whoever said this is just dumb and i need confirmation

Edited, Jun 25th 2013 12:24pm by Wint Lock Thread: Sigh...
#2 Jun 22 2013 at 8:42 PM Rating: Excellent
No, it's correct. I think it's primarily the class quests. You're supposed to be able to solo them, since it's a test of your abilities on that class.

The first main scenario quest in an instance (in Ul'dah the one with Thancred) is a tutorial quest and is pretty much impossible to lose since he lobs 300+ cures and you probably don't have that much HP yet.
#3 Jun 22 2013 at 9:21 PM Rating: Excellent
618 posts
2nd confirmation its true
#4 Jun 22 2013 at 10:00 PM Rating: Default
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except catwho mentioned clas quests (which i can understand that being the case) and tutorial quests (which i can also understand) but Im asking if the storyline missions/related stuff are forced solo? I mean Im sure ifrit is story based (at least one of the fights) as well as anything involving the garleans.. umm you solo that stuff too? doubtful
#5 Jun 22 2013 at 10:13 PM Rating: Good
Class quest and MAIN story quest's are Solo! There are exceptions as Ifrit for example.
#6 Jun 22 2013 at 10:17 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
so no more lets say marching up through castle zvahl and taking on the shadowlord as a group? or having hard airship battles against Weapons and Tenzen with a party? that blows... for everything 1.0 did wrong im sure it at LEAST did THAT right. well thats definitely one major point AGAINST ARR
#7 Jun 22 2013 at 10:33 PM Rating: Excellent
You get that experience in the dungeons.

That's not to say that all quests are solo. Just that quite a few of them are forced to be solo in the early levels, so far.

Main scenario doesn't go past 35 right now, does it?
#8 Jun 22 2013 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
Catwho wrote:
You get that experience in the dungeons.

That's not to say that all quests are solo. Just that quite a few of them are forced to be solo in the early levels, so far.

Main scenario doesn't go past 35 right now, does it?

thats like saying you get that experience in exp parties... crawling through a dungeon and fighting a generic soulflayer enemy at the end isnt on teh same scale as going up against something like pronathia, tenzen, Weapons, or some exclusive (to that fight) enemy type that does abilities no one else does, has an actual story to it with cutscenes and epic music. Doing that kinda stuff with friends make it that much more fun.

I mean i wouldnt put fighting my way through galaige citadel with a group of friends to go and fight Roc on the other end in the same catergory as going through riverne and fighting those mammets which is pretty much what you just did with that statement.

also "doesnt go past 35" isnt much when teh cap is only 15 levels higher... Id have more hope if the cap was say 75 and you said that... that would mean wed have 40 more levels of story quests 0to do in which the possibility of more become party focused would be much more likely.
#9 Jun 22 2013 at 11:48 PM Rating: Excellent
Catwho wrote:
You get that experience in the dungeons.

That's not to say that all quests are solo. Just that quite a few of them are forced to be solo in the early levels, so far.

Main scenario doesn't go past 35 right now, does it?

20 Actually.

Duo, don't ***** about it until you've tried it, its fine.
#10 Jun 22 2013 at 11:55 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Catwho wrote:
You get that experience in the dungeons.

That's not to say that all quests are solo. Just that quite a few of them are forced to be solo in the early levels, so far.

Main scenario doesn't go past 35 right now, does it?

thats like saying you get that experience in exp parties... crawling through a dungeon and fighting a generic soulflayer enemy at the end isnt on teh same scale as going up against something like pronathia, tenzen, Weapons, or some exclusive (to that fight) enemy type that does abilities no one else does, has an actual story to it with cutscenes and epic music. Doing that kinda stuff with friends make it that much more fun.

I mean i wouldnt put fighting my way through galaige citadel with a group of friends to go and fight Roc on the other end in the same catergory as going through riverne and fighting those mammets which is pretty much what you just did with that statement.

also "doesnt go past 35" isnt much when teh cap is only 15 levels higher... Id have more hope if the cap was say 75 and you said that... that would mean wed have 40 more levels of story quests 0to do in which the possibility of more become party focused would be much more likely.

The more of your posts I read, the more I'm convinced you should just play FFXI.. it's still running you know.

The fights you're describing here are the sorts of things you'd find in raids. And, frankly, raids are FAR more in keeping with the Final Fantasy paradigm than one-off story battles are.

Think about it.. what's Kefka's Tower? It's a long dungeon, with several bosses, with unique mechanics, ending in a final boss. Seems like I've seen that structure somewhere.....can't quite put my finger on it though.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#11 Jun 22 2013 at 11:56 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Wint wrote:
Catwho wrote:
You get that experience in the dungeons.

That's not to say that all quests are solo. Just that quite a few of them are forced to be solo in the early levels, so far.

Main scenario doesn't go past 35 right now, does it?

20 Actually.

Duo, don't ***** about it until you've tried it, its fine.

lol fine? by fine youre saying its just as good/comparable to the stuff i mentioned? doubtful. Ive never seen a single mmorpg who makes most of its story content solo.... well except for story boss fights in Defiance but thats a third person shooter mmo not an RPG and its also free to play (well buy to play actually)... I expect better from a P2P mmo
#12 Jun 23 2013 at 12:09 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Catwho wrote:
You get that experience in the dungeons.

That's not to say that all quests are solo. Just that quite a few of them are forced to be solo in the early levels, so far.

Main scenario doesn't go past 35 right now, does it?

thats like saying you get that experience in exp parties... crawling through a dungeon and fighting a generic soulflayer enemy at the end isnt on teh same scale as going up against something like pronathia, tenzen, Weapons, or some exclusive (to that fight) enemy type that does abilities no one else does, has an actual story to it with cutscenes and epic music. Doing that kinda stuff with friends make it that much more fun.

I mean i wouldnt put fighting my way through galaige citadel with a group of friends to go and fight Roc on the other end in the same catergory as going through riverne and fighting those mammets which is pretty much what you just did with that statement.

also "doesnt go past 35" isnt much when teh cap is only 15 levels higher... Id have more hope if the cap was say 75 and you said that... that would mean wed have 40 more levels of story quests 0to do in which the possibility of more become party focused would be much more likely.

The more of your posts I read, the more I'm convinced you should just play FFXI.. it's still running you know.

The fights you're describing here are the sorts of things you'd find in raids. And, frankly, raids are FAR more in keeping with the Final Fantasy paradigm than one-off story battles are.

Think about it.. what's Kefka's Tower? It's a long dungeon, with several bosses, with unique mechanics, ending in a final boss. Seems like I've seen that structure somewhere.....can't quite put my finger on it though.

soon as SE ports FFXI to PS3 i just might do that :p

Also actually if anything, what Im describing sounds more like what youd see in an single player RPG.. you now.. that things FFXI AND FFXIV are trying to emulate with the fact that they have storylines, cutscenes and even endings to said stories in teh first place? How many other MMOs can you name that even bother to try to have a story? I cant even name 10 and there are hundred if not thousands...

I mean SE could easily do one of two things:

1) make the story bosses harder and change teh format to a party setup (i mean how hard or long would that take to implement? (buffing up an AI and changing is level then making the "event" change from solo to party. Can literally be implemented in minutes)

2) Scrap the story all together and just make it a grindfest to top level ten raiding from then on out (and world bosses)... plenty of other MMOs lack story and do just that and theyre quite successful. So FF doesnt NEED one.

After all every time someone says "the FF MMOs should just be called "online" without a number" the guys in charge always say teh MMOs have number because theyre actually part of the mainstream series and as such they deserve to be with the numbered entries. Ok by that logic someone wanna name me some FFs that are currently out or have been out where the game was played solo instead of with a party? Because last i checked there is none (except the upcoming lightning returns but from the looks of it that more of an action game than an rpg so if that game counted then Id have to include dirge of cerberus and crisis core too.. which arent mainstream entries anyway).

Even XV which looks like a solo action RPG according to the e3 trailer is said to actually have a party.. you dont travel as one character alone throughout the whole story, we seen evidence of that back when it was Versus.
#13 Jun 23 2013 at 1:33 AM Rating: Excellent
1,675 posts
There is something to be said about shared misery and having to complete group quests in order to progress.

I've always been for mandatory grouping for big events but I think:

1. Not all of the content has been out for ARR yet to finalize this.

2. In FFXI, I think most of the group fights were past level 50 for genkai/AF and such.

3. It's not the end of the world (for me) if these sorts of things aren't in.

4. Most people are turned off by this (but I think it's because it hasn't been done right in other games, namely FFXI)


In the end I do want to see content like this, only because I think it adds to the experience. They were some of the most memorable times in FFXI and really nailed a sense of accomplishment when you did finish quests like these.

I look at it like this: if you're playing the game anyway, and the game doesn't punish you too bad for say, not passing a genkai, and the content is fun; what's the difference between that and raiding a dungeon and not getting a drop you want. Especially if you do it over and over and over again.

#14 Jun 23 2013 at 1:50 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
The latest headline about FFXIV from Famitsu:

Square Enix set to dominate a new genre of game as they trademark Massively Single-player Online Role-playing Game or MSORPGâ„¢
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#15 Jun 23 2013 at 2:31 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Kierk wrote:
There is something to be said about shared misery and having to complete group quests in order to progress.

I've always been for mandatory grouping for big events but I think:

1. Not all of the content has been out for ARR yet to finalize this.

2. In FFXI, I think most of the group fights were past level 50 for genkai/AF and such.

3. It's not the end of the world (for me) if these sorts of things aren't in.

4. Most people are turned off by this (but I think it's because it hasn't been done right in other games, namely FFXI)


In the end I do want to see content like this, only because I think it adds to the experience. They were some of the most memorable times in FFXI and really nailed a sense of accomplishment when you did finish quests like these.

I look at it like this: if you're playing the game anyway, and the game doesn't punish you too bad for say, not passing a genkai, and the content is fun; what's the difference between that and raiding a dungeon and not getting a drop you want. Especially if you do it over and over and over again.

Im only referring to story based content when I mention groups.. which happened well before 50 in FFXI.. as for "having to complete group quests in order to progress" as far as story goes that was completely optional and not needed for progress... I knew ppl at 75 who were still rank 5 and not even done any ZMs (and more that did ZMs only til sky then had no desire to finish after that) because they didnt give a crap about the story stuff

So doing the story stuff was never necessary for progression. Im sure the same can be said on 14
#16 Jun 23 2013 at 3:22 AM Rating: Excellent
599 posts
The first part of the main scenario is solo but by level 15 they force you to group to do your first dungeon. The system at low levels does push you to solo but so did XI. People didn't really let you party until you reach 11 or 12 at the dunes. Partying earlier wasn't really effective because everyone had too few abilities. I grouped with my brother in phase 2 starting from level one. This worked probably better than it would have in XI. I think Wint is right, from what I have seen the system works and does encourage partying to do levequests, behests, and raiding content all of which are used to level and tell story or thematic elements.
"The next time you have the urge to stab me in the back have the guts to do it to my face." - Malcolm Reynolds
#17 Jun 23 2013 at 4:17 AM Rating: Excellent
1,948 posts
You are required to party for lvl 15, 16 and 17 dungeons (yes, all 3) to advance story. Again, you are required to party for Ifrit at level 20 to advance story.
#18 Jun 23 2013 at 4:49 AM Rating: Excellent
17 posts
Lets get a few things straight. There are different kinds of story quests.

1) Typical Quests: These require you to go here, deliver this, kill this many of that... They will be the bulk of your story quests, and party members can help you (you will each get a ding for kills) or you can solo them. The hardest part of these quests is finding the correct NPC to talk to.

2) Instanced quests: These quests are ever 2-5 levels. Some are solo. Some are not.

A) At level 15 you will be required to group up and traverse the entry level dungeons in each city. They are not easy if you don't know what you are doing. And, some are easier than others. Gridania's (Tam-Tara) is the easiest. Ul'dah's (Copperbell Mines) is much more difficult.

At level 20 you will have to group up to kill Ifrit. This fight is not easy if you don't know what you are doing, or if it is your first time. Don't let veterans trick you into thinking it is easy.

B) Instanced solo quests are easy in the beginning. Around level 15 they become much more difficult. Expect to die your first few times if you haven't read a guide on how to do that quest.

So the answer to you original question is no. You can party for most of the quests. There are a few instances that do require solo, but they are not easy in later levels.

#19 Jun 23 2013 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
106 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
So doing the story stuff was never necessary for progression. Im sure the same can be said on 14

I'll take the bait.

Try skipping the storyline quests and see how that ends up for ya.

No airship, no personal chocobo, no leves, etc. Many of the game elements unlock as you progress through the story.
#20 Jun 23 2013 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
972 posts
Seems this only applies to the main story core at launch. I do not think they have commented on expansion stories yet? I would expect some RoZ/CoP type of stories that blend solo and party play.

I didn't play XI before Rise Of The Zilart released. Was that main story completely party based?

Forcing grouping around critical job progression like AF, personal job story, or basic skill requirements is asinine. Especially when placing that content in areas inaccessible just because you don't have party members.

I read an article by Yoshi saying that he wants people to feel relaxed and eased into game then it will gradually become more challenging. Keep in mind since Yoshi took over that though he will add many multiplayer contents, this is and was never intended to be a recreation of XI(minus the re-use/rename of races), where you need a party for pretty much everything.

There will be Raids, guildhests, FATES, dungeons, expansions, group PvP, etc, etc further down the road.

Duo, your're wanting this to be a continuation of XI. It is not or they would have named it XI-2.

Edit: And I do not mean this in a negative way or a bash at ARR.
The design concept in feel-
ARR= FInal Fantasy meets World Of Warcraft(Modern questing mmo)
FFXI= Final Fantasy meets Everquest(Old School grind mmo)

Deal with it.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2013 11:37am by sandpark
#21 Jun 23 2013 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
Come to think of it, the first group BC in FFXI wasn't until level 25, with the dragon. Everything prior to that was meant to be done solo. (Even with the dragon, I saw a really determined SAM/WAR solo it once when it was still level capped at 25.)
#22 Jun 23 2013 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
972 posts
Catwho wrote:
Come to think of it, the first group BC in FFXI wasn't until level 25, with the dragon. Everything prior to that was meant to be done solo. (Even with the dragon, I saw a really determined SAM/WAR solo it once when it was still level capped at 25.)

There you go. Smiley: wink
You see some people are just in panic mode, I tell ya!
#23 Jun 23 2013 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
Catwho wrote:
Come to think of it, the first group BC in FFXI wasn't until level 25, with the dragon. Everything prior to that was meant to be done solo. (Even with the dragon, I saw a really determined SAM/WAR solo it once when it was still level capped at 25.)

Youre absolutely right, but everyone makes it sound as if ALL story stuff except for few things (dungeons and ifrit) are solo based. Now if someone said the story stuff to to level 15 is solo while every story boss fight after that is party based then it would make perfect sense and we could end this discussion.

"ARR= FInal Fantasy meets World Of Warcraft(Modern questing mmo) "

Umm even in WoW all the story stuff (that took place in BCNMs/dungeons" was party based... I mean Wrath of teh lichking for example.. Im sure not everyone soloed (or was forced to solo) their way through that.

and if I wanted the game to be FFXI-2 I could point out a LOT of other things wrong with it but dont so far its only that ONE thing about this game that bothers me.. everything else is fine. Not as good as FFXI but good enough that Im not bored at least, so Im still satisified with the product... if i wanted ffxi with better graphics then I wouldnt be CLOSE to satisfied with this.
#24 Jun 23 2013 at 10:29 AM Rating: Excellent
We have no idea because we can't go past the level 20 main storyline quest in beta.
#25DuoMaxwellxx, Posted: Jun 23 2013 at 10:53 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) "we can't go past the level 20 main storyline quest in beta."
#26 Jun 23 2013 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
I really feel like you're making a mountain out of a molehill. Even your original quote says "but lots of the story quest force u to do solo."

Lots =/= all. Others have already mentioned that you are forced to group in some of the early main story quests for the first few dungeons, is that not what you are looking for?
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