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How to play the game and lose weightFollow

#27 Jun 23 2013 at 12:45 PM Rating: Excellent
283 posts
Thayos wrote:
I work out every single day, either during my lunch break or right after work -- sometimes both -- often to the point that I can wring out the sweat from my shirt.

Then, before gaming, I pretty much eat whatever the heck I want.

Pix please?!? Are u single???
#28 Jun 23 2013 at 2:21 PM Rating: Good
725 posts
sixstroke wrote:
Grandmomma wrote:

Yes you can!! Prepare ahead.
I had fruit to shove in my mouth (strawberries, bananas etc), instead of junk food. I had a gallon on water ready to refill my glass.

I had carrots, and grape tomatoes (etc.) to grab.

And my secret diet weapon is JELLO. The one that has only 10 calories (no sugar). I made two packages ahead of time, again prepare ahead, and put a pint of fresh blueberries in there. I sprinkle protein powder on the ready jello before I eat it.

That being said, Jello cools you down (its summer), refreshes and you can eat it while you are zoning.

Breaktime is bathroom time. I'm not hardcore, so no pampers for me!

What do you eat while playing? Any ideas to throw into the heap?

Oh boy! I'd love to really lay into this right now, but I'm short on time.

Firstly, it's your body and you're more than welcome to do with it what you please, but man, Jell-o? Hell-no!

INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, Adipic Acid (for Tartness), Disodium Phosphate (Control Acidity), Maltodextrin (from Corn), Cranberry Juice Solids, Fumaric Acid (for Tartness), Contains Less than 2% of Natural Flavor, Aspartame (Phenylketonurics Contains Phenylalanine), and Acesulfame Potassium (Sweeteners), Salt, Blue 1, Red 40.

You're ingesting so many chemicals and minerals that are known to shut down certain functions in the body! Don't get caught up in this era of "LOW FAT, NO FAT" Bullsh*'s terrible and will lead to so many problems as you age. Our current youth in America is a like a laboratory test in which we've fed them HFCS among other products and we've produced a fat, lazy, balding cross-species of a 'once strong' gene pool..

I love to see that you have fruit as well, but you should read into 'what fruits' provide 'what' There are different antioxidents out there and varying levels/types of fibers. Because most all fruits are high in sugars and want to be eaten not only sparingly but at choice times(IE, right after a workout/run/strenuous activity)

If you're looking for a truly "low calorie" snack, give celery a shot. Little 'all-natural' peanut butter goes a long way on those! You can add fruit(sparingly, again) to that mix as well as matching it with loads of other options.

Snacking daily, consistently isn't a great choice in the first place. Regular, small in portions meals will net you the greatest weight-loss while properly providing your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

For example, a day in my life:
6AM: 4 egg whites, Chicken Sausage, two pieces of whole wheat bread with almond butter
8:30AM: Handful of almonds and a protein shake
11AM: Sodium Free Turkey on whole wheat with spinach, mustard, onions= The works!
2:30PM: Protein shake and a light snack(if necessary)
5-6PM: Chicken breast with brown rice and vegetables.
10PM: Pre Sleep Protein Shake

I also supplement with a QUALITY Men's Multivitamin and a Fish oil, 3x a day. And to note, the above varies a bit on heavy workout days(more carbs, no additional proteins/fats generally.)

And of course WATER! All day everyday, outside of beer and wine- water is literally the only fluid I ingest. If you're a person looking to bulk up, add whole milk to that list and learn to love it!

And lastly, nothing beats exercise! Sitting takes years off your life!(I'm saying this on an MMO forum haha, but it's being tied to many health issues as the 'average person at a desk' is sitting longer with less breaks) But unless you have some disease or inability to stand, you can convert your desk into a "standing desk" Regardless though, you should be getting up every 30-45 minutes and take a quick walk around(not just to the bathroom hah)

OKAY! That was much more long winded than I anticipated but I am very passionate about health and I hate misinformation and "schemes" and shortcuts.

I love the passion you showed in your reply. Most of what you say is true, no arguement there.
I didn't post any my daily suppliments, nor the other foods I eat during non-gaming (like fresh greens, salads, fish, chicken). I was going for the fast and not as fattening foods. Most of my gaming friends eat pizza - its so handy.
I've cut it out for this year, along with peanut butter.
Celery is a wonderful snack, if you can get it organic only, otherwise its the worst food because it sucks up all the pesky pesticides. I save it for my savory winter soups.
I like your almonds suggestion. Read decades ago that 10 of them gives you enouogh protein for the day (unless you body build). And its supposed to help twart disease.

Enjoy your meals everyone. thanks for taking the time to share with us.

Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#29 Jun 23 2013 at 2:22 PM Rating: Good
725 posts
deronguerra wrote:
Thayos wrote:
I work out every single day, either during my lunch break or right after work -- sometimes both -- often to the point that I can wring out the sweat from my shirt.

Then, before gaming, I pretty much eat whatever the heck I want.

Pix please?!? Are u single???


Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#30 Jun 23 2013 at 3:07 PM Rating: Excellent
100 posts
my Diet... I do a lot of fasting because I'm one of those folks who never feels "full"... and even at my size 6'5" , with a great metabolism, I'm quite capable of eating myself to death in short order unless I stay good. We big guys have to watch our hearts, Don't want to "Douglas Adams" myself. was 285 once, I seesaw between 200-210 now.

Breakfast is Coffee. I buy it unroasted (green) for $5 a lb or so, can roast on your stovetop with a hand-crank popcorn popper. Beats scorched commercial crap hands down, dirt cheap too.

Lunch is few handfuls of nuts or a bean burrito, Cut a lot of the soda out of my diet years ago, am down to 2-3 a day, and those are cut in half with Club Soda. (seriously, they're so over-concentrated already you barely notice the difference in the taste)

Afternoon is Coffee..

Dinner-Real meal, just about anything I desire. The trick about "diets", anything with a hard restriction is already built-in failure. You'll break once, then again, then "what diet?" Lots of olive oil, pasta, beans, bit of meat when wanted.

After Dinner? COFFEE!!! ( Sensing a theme yet? )

To your collective health, neighbors.
#31 Jun 23 2013 at 3:30 PM Rating: Excellent
2,120 posts
Well let me tell you something now, Johnny. Last Thursday, I turned 95 years old. And I never exercised a day in my life. Every morning, I wake up, and I smoke a cigarette. And then I eat five strips of bacon. And for lunch, I eat a bacon sandwich. And for a midday snack? Bacon! A whole damn plate! And I usually drink my dinner.
#32 Jun 23 2013 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
Grandmomma wrote:
sixstroke wrote:
Grandmomma wrote:

Yes you can!! Prepare ahead.
I had fruit to shove in my mouth (strawberries, bananas etc), instead of junk food. I had a gallon on water ready to refill my glass.

I had carrots, and grape tomatoes (etc.) to grab.

And my secret diet weapon is JELLO. The one that has only 10 calories (no sugar). I made two packages ahead of time, again prepare ahead, and put a pint of fresh blueberries in there. I sprinkle protein powder on the ready jello before I eat it.

That being said, Jello cools you down (its summer), refreshes and you can eat it while you are zoning.

Breaktime is bathroom time. I'm not hardcore, so no pampers for me!

What do you eat while playing? Any ideas to throw into the heap?

Oh boy! I'd love to really lay into this right now, but I'm short on time.

Firstly, it's your body and you're more than welcome to do with it what you please, but man, Jell-o? Hell-no!

INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, Adipic Acid (for Tartness), Disodium Phosphate (Control Acidity), Maltodextrin (from Corn), Cranberry Juice Solids, Fumaric Acid (for Tartness), Contains Less than 2% of Natural Flavor, Aspartame (Phenylketonurics Contains Phenylalanine), and Acesulfame Potassium (Sweeteners), Salt, Blue 1, Red 40.

You're ingesting so many chemicals and minerals that are known to shut down certain functions in the body! Don't get caught up in this era of "LOW FAT, NO FAT" Bullsh*'s terrible and will lead to so many problems as you age. Our current youth in America is a like a laboratory test in which we've fed them HFCS among other products and we've produced a fat, lazy, balding cross-species of a 'once strong' gene pool..

I love to see that you have fruit as well, but you should read into 'what fruits' provide 'what' There are different antioxidents out there and varying levels/types of fibers. Because most all fruits are high in sugars and want to be eaten not only sparingly but at choice times(IE, right after a workout/run/strenuous activity)

If you're looking for a truly "low calorie" snack, give celery a shot. Little 'all-natural' peanut butter goes a long way on those! You can add fruit(sparingly, again) to that mix as well as matching it with loads of other options.

Snacking daily, consistently isn't a great choice in the first place. Regular, small in portions meals will net you the greatest weight-loss while properly providing your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

For example, a day in my life:
6AM: 4 egg whites, Chicken Sausage, two pieces of whole wheat bread with almond butter
8:30AM: Handful of almonds and a protein shake
11AM: Sodium Free Turkey on whole wheat with spinach, mustard, onions= The works!
2:30PM: Protein shake and a light snack(if necessary)
5-6PM: Chicken breast with brown rice and vegetables.
10PM: Pre Sleep Protein Shake

I also supplement with a QUALITY Men's Multivitamin and a Fish oil, 3x a day. And to note, the above varies a bit on heavy workout days(more carbs, no additional proteins/fats generally.)

And of course WATER! All day everyday, outside of beer and wine- water is literally the only fluid I ingest. If you're a person looking to bulk up, add whole milk to that list and learn to love it!

And lastly, nothing beats exercise! Sitting takes years off your life!(I'm saying this on an MMO forum haha, but it's being tied to many health issues as the 'average person at a desk' is sitting longer with less breaks) But unless you have some disease or inability to stand, you can convert your desk into a "standing desk" Regardless though, you should be getting up every 30-45 minutes and take a quick walk around(not just to the bathroom hah)

OKAY! That was much more long winded than I anticipated but I am very passionate about health and I hate misinformation and "schemes" and shortcuts.

I love the passion you showed in your reply. Most of what you say is true, no arguement there.
I didn't post any my daily suppliments, nor the other foods I eat during non-gaming (like fresh greens, salads, fish, chicken). I was going for the fast and not as fattening foods. Most of my gaming friends eat pizza - its so handy.
I've cut it out for this year, along with peanut butter.
Celery is a wonderful snack, if you can get it organic only, otherwise its the worst food because it sucks up all the pesky pesticides. I save it for my savory winter soups.
I like your almonds suggestion. Read decades ago that 10 of them gives you enouogh protein for the day (unless you body build). And its supposed to help twart disease.

Enjoy your meals everyone. thanks for taking the time to share with us.

Thanks for taking it with a grain of salt!

It definitely wasn't a slight or poke at you or anyone.

In regards to almonds, they are wondering, full of flavanoids, L-carnitine(great stuff) and are often recommended by doctors for people that need to lower their cholesterol!
#33 Jun 23 2013 at 3:40 PM Rating: Excellent
598 posts
sixstroke wrote:
Grandmomma wrote:
sixstroke wrote:
Grandmomma wrote:

Yes you can!! Prepare ahead.
I had fruit to shove in my mouth (strawberries, bananas etc), instead of junk food. I had a gallon on water ready to refill my glass.

I had carrots, and grape tomatoes (etc.) to grab.

And my secret diet weapon is JELLO. The one that has only 10 calories (no sugar). I made two packages ahead of time, again prepare ahead, and put a pint of fresh blueberries in there. I sprinkle protein powder on the ready jello before I eat it.

That being said, Jello cools you down (its summer), refreshes and you can eat it while you are zoning.

Breaktime is bathroom time. I'm not hardcore, so no pampers for me!

What do you eat while playing? Any ideas to throw into the heap?

Oh boy! I'd love to really lay into this right now, but I'm short on time.

Firstly, it's your body and you're more than welcome to do with it what you please, but man, Jell-o? Hell-no!

INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, Adipic Acid (for Tartness), Disodium Phosphate (Control Acidity), Maltodextrin (from Corn), Cranberry Juice Solids, Fumaric Acid (for Tartness), Contains Less than 2% of Natural Flavor, Aspartame (Phenylketonurics Contains Phenylalanine), and Acesulfame Potassium (Sweeteners), Salt, Blue 1, Red 40.

You're ingesting so many chemicals and minerals that are known to shut down certain functions in the body! Don't get caught up in this era of "LOW FAT, NO FAT" Bullsh*'s terrible and will lead to so many problems as you age. Our current youth in America is a like a laboratory test in which we've fed them HFCS among other products and we've produced a fat, lazy, balding cross-species of a 'once strong' gene pool..

I love to see that you have fruit as well, but you should read into 'what fruits' provide 'what' There are different antioxidents out there and varying levels/types of fibers. Because most all fruits are high in sugars and want to be eaten not only sparingly but at choice times(IE, right after a workout/run/strenuous activity)

If you're looking for a truly "low calorie" snack, give celery a shot. Little 'all-natural' peanut butter goes a long way on those! You can add fruit(sparingly, again) to that mix as well as matching it with loads of other options.

Snacking daily, consistently isn't a great choice in the first place. Regular, small in portions meals will net you the greatest weight-loss while properly providing your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

For example, a day in my life:
6AM: 4 egg whites, Chicken Sausage, two pieces of whole wheat bread with almond butter
8:30AM: Handful of almonds and a protein shake
11AM: Sodium Free Turkey on whole wheat with spinach, mustard, onions= The works!
2:30PM: Protein shake and a light snack(if necessary)
5-6PM: Chicken breast with brown rice and vegetables.
10PM: Pre Sleep Protein Shake

I also supplement with a QUALITY Men's Multivitamin and a Fish oil, 3x a day. And to note, the above varies a bit on heavy workout days(more carbs, no additional proteins/fats generally.)

And of course WATER! All day everyday, outside of beer and wine- water is literally the only fluid I ingest. If you're a person looking to bulk up, add whole milk to that list and learn to love it!

And lastly, nothing beats exercise! Sitting takes years off your life!(I'm saying this on an MMO forum haha, but it's being tied to many health issues as the 'average person at a desk' is sitting longer with less breaks) But unless you have some disease or inability to stand, you can convert your desk into a "standing desk" Regardless though, you should be getting up every 30-45 minutes and take a quick walk around(not just to the bathroom hah)

OKAY! That was much more long winded than I anticipated but I am very passionate about health and I hate misinformation and "schemes" and shortcuts.

I love the passion you showed in your reply. Most of what you say is true, no arguement there.
I didn't post any my daily suppliments, nor the other foods I eat during non-gaming (like fresh greens, salads, fish, chicken). I was going for the fast and not as fattening foods. Most of my gaming friends eat pizza - its so handy.
I've cut it out for this year, along with peanut butter.
Celery is a wonderful snack, if you can get it organic only, otherwise its the worst food because it sucks up all the pesky pesticides. I save it for my savory winter soups.
I like your almonds suggestion. Read decades ago that 10 of them gives you enouogh protein for the day (unless you body build). And its supposed to help twart disease.

Enjoy your meals everyone. thanks for taking the time to share with us.

Thanks for taking it with a grain of salt!

It definitely wasn't a slight or poke at you or anyone.

In regards to almonds, they are wondering, full of flavanoids, L-carnitine(great stuff) and are often recommended by doctors for people that need to lower their cholesterol!

Figures. One of my least favorite nuts.

Cashews and pistachios. Yes please!
#34 Jun 23 2013 at 4:46 PM Rating: Excellent
2,232 posts
Had a heart attack and 3 stents put in 3 weeks ago at age 36. I'm writing down all the free advice from you health nuts lol

My main snack when gaming is now fruit or veggies. Lost 15 pounds in the hospital and start rehab next week where I hope to lose lots more
#35 Jun 23 2013 at 4:48 PM Rating: Excellent
Careful about that. L-carnitine may be the causative agent of heart disease (thanks to our gut bacteria.)

Natural sources are fine (and there's other good stuff in almonds) but don't ever take L-carnitine supplements
#36 Jun 23 2013 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
ShindaUsagi wrote:
Potstickers (pan fried) and wine when i have the time to prepare beforehand.

My healthy snack of choice is edamame. I buy it by the truckloads from Sam's Club or similar wholesale stores. Less greasy on the fingers than the potstickers!

I eat a a lot of japanese and chinese food as well due to my woman. I do like potstickers and real sangria.

When I cook it usually bbq or mexican food. My favorite ingredients are avocado, cilantro, lime, beer, and a spice called Chupacabra.

I eat pretty much what I want and don't gain weight. Lots of sex and when I'm not having sex. I swim, dance salsa/tango/cumbias, swim, hike, and study martial arts.
#37 Jun 23 2013 at 5:08 PM Rating: Good
2,232 posts
Catwho wrote:
Careful about that. L-carnitine may be the causative agent of heart disease (thanks to our gut bacteria.)

Natural sources are fine (and there's other good stuff in almonds) but don't ever take L-carnitine supplements

Hadn't heard that before. Consider it added to my now giant file of information. :)
#38 Jun 23 2013 at 5:22 PM Rating: Good
725 posts
sandpark wrote:
ShindaUsagi wrote:
Potstickers (pan fried) and wine when i have the time to prepare beforehand.

My healthy snack of choice is edamame. I buy it by the truckloads from Sam's Club or similar wholesale stores. Less greasy on the fingers than the potstickers!

I eat a a lot of japanese and chinese food as well due to my woman. I do like potstickers and real sangria.

When I cook it usually bbq or mexican food. My favorite ingredients are avocado, cilantro, lime, beer, and a spice called Chupacabra.

I eat pretty much what I want and don't gain weight. Lots of sex and when I'm not having sex. I swim, dance salsa/tango/cumbias, swim, hike, and study martial arts.

Yummy, although I'd watch out eating BBQ and playing at the same time. *wink*

Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#39 Jun 23 2013 at 5:24 PM Rating: Good
725 posts
LebargeX wrote:
Had a heart attack and 3 stents put in 3 weeks ago at age 36. I'm writing down all the free advice from you health nuts lol

My main snack when gaming is now fruit or veggies. Lost 15 pounds in the hospital and start rehab next week where I hope to lose lots more

Glad your getting back in the groove. I can't imagine what you went through, especially at such an age. Are you cleared to play FFXIV? *wink*

Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#40 Jun 23 2013 at 5:28 PM Rating: Good
725 posts
sixstroke wrote:
Grandmomma wrote:
sixstroke wrote:
Grandmomma wrote:

Yes you can!! Prepare ahead.
I had fruit to shove in my mouth (strawberries, bananas etc), instead of junk food. I had a gallon on water ready to refill my glass.

I had carrots, and grape tomatoes (etc.) to grab.

And my secret diet weapon is JELLO. The one that has only 10 calories (no sugar). I made two packages ahead of time, again prepare ahead, and put a pint of fresh blueberries in there. I sprinkle protein powder on the ready jello before I eat it.

That being said, Jello cools you down (its summer), refreshes and you can eat it while you are zoning.

Breaktime is bathroom time. I'm not hardcore, so no pampers for me!

What do you eat while playing? Any ideas to throw into the heap?

Oh boy! I'd love to really lay into this right now, but I'm short on time.

Firstly, it's your body and you're more than welcome to do with it what you please, but man, Jell-o? Hell-no!

INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, Adipic Acid (for Tartness), Disodium Phosphate (Control Acidity), Maltodextrin (from Corn), Cranberry Juice Solids, Fumaric Acid (for Tartness), Contains Less than 2% of Natural Flavor, Aspartame (Phenylketonurics Contains Phenylalanine), and Acesulfame Potassium (Sweeteners), Salt, Blue 1, Red 40.

You're ingesting so many chemicals and minerals that are known to shut down certain functions in the body! Don't get caught up in this era of "LOW FAT, NO FAT" Bullsh*'s terrible and will lead to so many problems as you age. Our current youth in America is a like a laboratory test in which we've fed them HFCS among other products and we've produced a fat, lazy, balding cross-species of a 'once strong' gene pool..

I love to see that you have fruit as well, but you should read into 'what fruits' provide 'what' There are different antioxidents out there and varying levels/types of fibers. Because most all fruits are high in sugars and want to be eaten not only sparingly but at choice times(IE, right after a workout/run/strenuous activity)

If you're looking for a truly "low calorie" snack, give celery a shot. Little 'all-natural' peanut butter goes a long way on those! You can add fruit(sparingly, again) to that mix as well as matching it with loads of other options.

Snacking daily, consistently isn't a great choice in the first place. Regular, small in portions meals will net you the greatest weight-loss while properly providing your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

For example, a day in my life:
6AM: 4 egg whites, Chicken Sausage, two pieces of whole wheat bread with almond butter
8:30AM: Handful of almonds and a protein shake
11AM: Sodium Free Turkey on whole wheat with spinach, mustard, onions= The works!
2:30PM: Protein shake and a light snack(if necessary)
5-6PM: Chicken breast with brown rice and vegetables.
10PM: Pre Sleep Protein Shake

I also supplement with a QUALITY Men's Multivitamin and a Fish oil, 3x a day. And to note, the above varies a bit on heavy workout days(more carbs, no additional proteins/fats generally.)

And of course WATER! All day everyday, outside of beer and wine- water is literally the only fluid I ingest. If you're a person looking to bulk up, add whole milk to that list and learn to love it!

And lastly, nothing beats exercise! Sitting takes years off your life!(I'm saying this on an MMO forum haha, but it's being tied to many health issues as the 'average person at a desk' is sitting longer with less breaks) But unless you have some disease or inability to stand, you can convert your desk into a "standing desk" Regardless though, you should be getting up every 30-45 minutes and take a quick walk around(not just to the bathroom hah)

OKAY! That was much more long winded than I anticipated but I am very passionate about health and I hate misinformation and "schemes" and shortcuts.

I love the passion you showed in your reply. Most of what you say is true, no arguement there.
I didn't post any my daily suppliments, nor the other foods I eat during non-gaming (like fresh greens, salads, fish, chicken). I was going for the fast and not as fattening foods. Most of my gaming friends eat pizza - its so handy.
I've cut it out for this year, along with peanut butter.
Celery is a wonderful snack, if you can get it organic only, otherwise its the worst food because it sucks up all the pesky pesticides. I save it for my savory winter soups.
I like your almonds suggestion. Read decades ago that 10 of them gives you enouogh protein for the day (unless you body build). And its supposed to help twart disease.

Enjoy your meals everyone. thanks for taking the time to share with us.

Thanks for taking it with a grain of salt!

It definitely wasn't a slight or poke at you or anyone.

In regards to almonds, they are wondering, full of flavanoids, L-carnitine(great stuff) and are often recommended by doctors for people that need to lower their cholesterol!

It's all good. Your post came across as informative and a welcome addition.
I personally don't salt anything when I cook. It burns my tongue for some reason.

Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#41 Jun 23 2013 at 5:29 PM Rating: Good
725 posts
TwistedOwl wrote:
Well let me tell you something now, Johnny. Last Thursday, I turned 95 years old. And I never exercised a day in my life. Every morning, I wake up, and I smoke a cigarette. And then I eat five strips of bacon. And for lunch, I eat a bacon sandwich. And for a midday snack? Bacon! A whole damn plate! And I usually drink my dinner.

A great quote from Grumpier Old Men!

Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#42 Jun 23 2013 at 5:44 PM Rating: Good
Back to food!

Dinner tonight was much simpler. Steamed rice, blanched sugar snap peas tossed in a little olive oil, and pan seared rainbow trout. Smiley: nod
#43 Jun 23 2013 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
Grandmomma wrote:
sixstroke wrote:
Grandmomma wrote:
sixstroke wrote:
Grandmomma wrote:

Yes you can!! Prepare ahead.
I had fruit to shove in my mouth (strawberries, bananas etc), instead of junk food. I had a gallon on water ready to refill my glass.

I had carrots, and grape tomatoes (etc.) to grab.

And my secret diet weapon is JELLO. The one that has only 10 calories (no sugar). I made two packages ahead of time, again prepare ahead, and put a pint of fresh blueberries in there. I sprinkle protein powder on the ready jello before I eat it.

That being said, Jello cools you down (its summer), refreshes and you can eat it while you are zoning.

Breaktime is bathroom time. I'm not hardcore, so no pampers for me!

What do you eat while playing? Any ideas to throw into the heap?

Oh boy! I'd love to really lay into this right now, but I'm short on time.

Firstly, it's your body and you're more than welcome to do with it what you please, but man, Jell-o? Hell-no!

INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, Adipic Acid (for Tartness), Disodium Phosphate (Control Acidity), Maltodextrin (from Corn), Cranberry Juice Solids, Fumaric Acid (for Tartness), Contains Less than 2% of Natural Flavor, Aspartame (Phenylketonurics Contains Phenylalanine), and Acesulfame Potassium (Sweeteners), Salt, Blue 1, Red 40.

You're ingesting so many chemicals and minerals that are known to shut down certain functions in the body! Don't get caught up in this era of "LOW FAT, NO FAT" Bullsh*'s terrible and will lead to so many problems as you age. Our current youth in America is a like a laboratory test in which we've fed them HFCS among other products and we've produced a fat, lazy, balding cross-species of a 'once strong' gene pool..

I love to see that you have fruit as well, but you should read into 'what fruits' provide 'what' There are different antioxidents out there and varying levels/types of fibers. Because most all fruits are high in sugars and want to be eaten not only sparingly but at choice times(IE, right after a workout/run/strenuous activity)

If you're looking for a truly "low calorie" snack, give celery a shot. Little 'all-natural' peanut butter goes a long way on those! You can add fruit(sparingly, again) to that mix as well as matching it with loads of other options.

Snacking daily, consistently isn't a great choice in the first place. Regular, small in portions meals will net you the greatest weight-loss while properly providing your body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

For example, a day in my life:
6AM: 4 egg whites, Chicken Sausage, two pieces of whole wheat bread with almond butter
8:30AM: Handful of almonds and a protein shake
11AM: Sodium Free Turkey on whole wheat with spinach, mustard, onions= The works!
2:30PM: Protein shake and a light snack(if necessary)
5-6PM: Chicken breast with brown rice and vegetables.
10PM: Pre Sleep Protein Shake

I also supplement with a QUALITY Men's Multivitamin and a Fish oil, 3x a day. And to note, the above varies a bit on heavy workout days(more carbs, no additional proteins/fats generally.)

And of course WATER! All day everyday, outside of beer and wine- water is literally the only fluid I ingest. If you're a person looking to bulk up, add whole milk to that list and learn to love it!

And lastly, nothing beats exercise! Sitting takes years off your life!(I'm saying this on an MMO forum haha, but it's being tied to many health issues as the 'average person at a desk' is sitting longer with less breaks) But unless you have some disease or inability to stand, you can convert your desk into a "standing desk" Regardless though, you should be getting up every 30-45 minutes and take a quick walk around(not just to the bathroom hah)

OKAY! That was much more long winded than I anticipated but I am very passionate about health and I hate misinformation and "schemes" and shortcuts.

I love the passion you showed in your reply. Most of what you say is true, no arguement there.
I didn't post any my daily suppliments, nor the other foods I eat during non-gaming (like fresh greens, salads, fish, chicken). I was going for the fast and not as fattening foods. Most of my gaming friends eat pizza - its so handy.
I've cut it out for this year, along with peanut butter.
Celery is a wonderful snack, if you can get it organic only, otherwise its the worst food because it sucks up all the pesky pesticides. I save it for my savory winter soups.
I like your almonds suggestion. Read decades ago that 10 of them gives you enouogh protein for the day (unless you body build). And its supposed to help twart disease.

Enjoy your meals everyone. thanks for taking the time to share with us.

Thanks for taking it with a grain of salt!

It definitely wasn't a slight or poke at you or anyone.

In regards to almonds, they are wondering, full of flavanoids, L-carnitine(great stuff) and are often recommended by doctors for people that need to lower their cholesterol!

It's all good. Your post came across as informative and a welcome addition.
I personally don't salt anything when I cook. It burns my tongue for some reason.

Good to hear about the salt! Your body is telling you that the rest of the world is nuts!!

Funny: my grandfather is 86 and puts salt on everything. .and copius amounts at that. And he never drinks water..86 years old and he's in tip top shape..he's got bad knees but otherwise he's as healthy as most 60year olds in good health..It's nuts to think that he got that this far by his 'own terms' I just it interesting.

The life long smokers that make to 100, the ones that go completely against whats 'good' for you..imagine how healthy they'd be if they didn't have those habits.
#44 Jun 23 2013 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
Catwho wrote:
Careful about that. L-carnitine may be the causative agent of heart disease (thanks to our gut bacteria.)

Natural sources are fine (and there's other good stuff in almonds) but don't ever take L-carnitine supplements

Great looking out Cat!

I've seen similar studies yield the same results, I actually supplemented )-carnitine for a couple years prior to these studies becoming more popular. Even if in the end they determine that it isn't as bad as originally anticipated- I figure the risk isn't worth the reward.
#45 Jun 23 2013 at 6:03 PM Rating: Excellent
It's all about moderation. I try to keep my portion sizes at 3-4 oz for any kind of protein. My trout tonight was a single delicious four ounce filet.

I like how the director of the study was all like "yeah and I'm not even a vegan.... I like steak too much."

We're also terrible about mistaking our thirst for hunger. The rule I've heard is if you think you're hungry, drink a cold glass of water. If you can feel the cold splash when it hits your stomach, you are truly hungry and you should eat a snack if it's not dinner. If you don't feel the splash, drink the rest of your water... you were probably thirsty. (Even if you are truly hungry, drink the rest of the water anyway too!)
#46 Jun 23 2013 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
Catwho wrote:
It's all about moderation. I try to keep my portion sizes at 3-4 oz for any kind of protein. My trout tonight was a single delicious four ounce filet.

I like how the director of the study was all like "yeah and I'm not even a vegan.... I like steak too much."

We're also terrible about mistaking our thirst for hunger. The rule I've heard is if you think you're hungry, drink a cold glass of water. If you can feel the cold splash when it hits your stomach, you are truly hungry and you should eat a snack if it's not dinner. If you don't feel the splash, drink the rest of your water... you were probably thirsty. (Even if you are truly hungry, drink the rest of the water anyway too!)

I LIKE that Cat! It really rings in my head.
#47 Jun 23 2013 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Sixstroke wrote:

Good to hear about the salt! Your body is telling you that the rest of the world is nuts!!

Funny: my grandfather is 86 and puts salt on everything. .and copius amounts at that. And he never drinks water..86 years old and he's in tip top shape..he's got bad knees but otherwise he's as healthy as most 60year olds in good health..It's nuts to think that he got that this far by his 'own terms' I just it interesting.

The life long smokers that make to 100, the ones that go completely against whats 'good' for you..imagine how healthy they'd be if they didn't have those habits.

I just developed an intuition that regardless of what you eat or do. Too much of anything is bad, moderation is the key to health.
Inactive= You get sick, usually develop muscle or bone issues as you age.
Overactive= You get sick, can develop muscle or bone issues as you age.
Consume little alcohol= Good
Consume too much alcohol= Bad
Little fatty meat= Good
Too much fatty meat= Bad
Little Caffeine= Good
Too much caffeine= Bad
Don't use brain= Lose brain power
Overuse brain= Headache
Overly nice= Tend to not get what you want, but people seem to like you
Overly rude= You sometimes get what you want, but at the cost of people not seeming to like you

It's the extremes that usually bite you in the ***. Not just in food but all areas of life.
#48 Jun 23 2013 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
sandpark wrote:
Sixstroke wrote:

Good to hear about the salt! Your body is telling you that the rest of the world is nuts!!

Funny: my grandfather is 86 and puts salt on everything. .and copius amounts at that. And he never drinks water..86 years old and he's in tip top shape..he's got bad knees but otherwise he's as healthy as most 60year olds in good health..It's nuts to think that he got that this far by his 'own terms' I just it interesting.

The life long smokers that make to 100, the ones that go completely against whats 'good' for you..imagine how healthy they'd be if they didn't have those habits.

I just developed an intuition that regardless of what you eat or do. Too much of anything is bad, moderation is the key to health.
Inactive= You get sick, usually develop muscle or bone issues as you age.
Overactive= You get sick, can develop muscle or bone issues as you age.
Consume little alcohol= Good
Consume too much alcohol= Bad
Little fatty meat= Good
Too much fatty meat= Bad
Little Caffeine= Good
Too much caffeine= Bad
Don't use brain= Lose brain power
Overuse brain= Headache
Overly nice= Tend to not get what you want, but people seem to like you
Overly rude= You sometimes get what you want, but at the cost of people not seeming to like you

It's the extremes that usually bite you in the ***. Not just in food but all areas of life.

Very true Sand and nice breakdown!

Totally fits in line with my thoughts of modern diets. All this "no carb" ******** and massive amounts of addditives to remove fats in and carbs in our food. I'm so thoroughly displeased with the way America is headed..and much of it starts with what we eat and are told is 'healthy'
#49 Jun 23 2013 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
If you are talking strictly about losing weight it doesn't matter what you eat. It matters how many calories you intake. It doesn't matter what time you eat in a 24 hour day. It doesn't even matter how much you exercise. Keep in mind that when eating too much of whatever. It still affects other aspects of your body besides gaining or losing weight. When not being active, it affects areas of your body besides gaining or losing weight.

Speaking strictly in terms of body mass.
Calories affects the fat.
Exercise affects the muscle.
#50 Jun 23 2013 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
sandpark wrote:
If you are talking strictly about losing weight it doesn't matter what you eat. It matters how many calories you intake. It doesn't matter what time you eat in a 24 hour day. It doesn't even matter how much you exercise. Keep in mind that when eating too much of whatever. It still affects other aspects of your body besides gaining or losing weight. When not being active, it affects areas of your body besides gaining or losing weight.

Speaking strictly in terms of body mass.
Calories affects the fat.
Exercise affects the muscle.

This is bad information.

Anyway, a lot of people munch on things when they're gaming. I suggest something like baby carrots instead of chips and junk food.
#51 Jun 23 2013 at 6:37 PM Rating: Good
sandpark wrote:
If you are talking strictly about losing weight it doesn't matter what you eat. It matters how many calories you intake. It doesn't matter what time you eat in a 24 hour day. It doesn't even matter how much you exercise. Keep in mind that when eating too much of whatever. It still affects other aspects of your body besides gaining or losing weight. When not being active, it affects areas of your body besides gaining or losing weight.

Speaking strictly in terms of body mass.
Calories affects the fat.
Exercise affects the muscle.

Well, I liked your firsr post..

This one however is very largely a mistake.

Caloric intake does play a big role in things but if you're eating properly you can meet your caloric needs and still either lose weoght or maintain. .depending on your body type..
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