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#27 Jun 21 2013 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
Louiscool wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
I don't think anyone is actually hating on the Legacy players, but as expected non-Legacy players don't want to feel less than. So, the heat is being directed at Square Enix in my opinion.

The argument by non-Legacy players is that they have to pay more per month, while Legacy already have perks like the unique Legacy chocobo, name in the game credits, Legacy tattoo on your character, etc.

Then, Legacy people (like Hyrist said) usually say something like "you had your chance to be Legacy, #dealwithit".

I happen to agree that Legacy players are getting too much special treatment (with the pricing). I know that my friend is playing FFXIV on his PS3 and he's a little bummed about the Legacy stuff because his PC sucks and he was waiting for the console version.

Edit: lol, the fact that I'm calling one group "non-Legacy" unironically is telling. I agree that the divide in the community is stupid, but SE did it themselves.

Edited, Jun 21st 2013 8:56am by Killua125

Why is legacy pricing "too much?" It's the only thing worth being legacy for.

"Oh hey guys, thanks for sticking through the bad days. I know we charged you to fund the production of this new game, and for that, you get a discount."

Don't be sour just because you don't have it. Worry about your situation, not other people's. Would you not pay the current sub price? Then why does it matter if someone else gets it for 2 dollars cheaper? I bet you complain when the guy in front of you at McDonald's finds an onion ring in his french fries.

Edited, Jun 21st 2013 10:09am by Louiscool

I didn't think I was, but I actually am Legacy. So, I'm not sour because I don't have it.

I can just understand why new players and PS3 players would be annoyed that they have to pay more than other people.
#28 Jun 21 2013 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
3,599 posts
I didn't think I was, but I actually am Legacy. So, I'm not sour because I don't have it.

I can just understand why new players and PS3 players would be annoyed that they have to pay more than other people.

I mean, I know why people are sour, but it still doesn't make much sense to me. It also doesn't make sense when legacy players act like they funded a kickstarter and that you should lick their boots. Drama over it is overrated.
#29 Jun 21 2013 at 8:29 AM Rating: Excellent
I think what this all boils down to is our forums are better than theirs Smiley: grin
#30 Jun 21 2013 at 8:33 AM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
Louiscool wrote:
I bet you complain when the guy in front of you at McDonald's finds an onion ring in his french fries.

Part of me wants to point out that we should take this conversation down a notch so we don't get to the official forums point, and part of me just really really loves this line. lol

decoyninja wrote:
Well you have to compare the price to the one of equivalent value. It is a no-commitment 1 month fee with 8 chars per server, which is $14.99. Though I can't see the purpose of having multiple characters either. I'm typically someone who enjoys making alts and it seems that this game won't have a purpose for it. So I might just do the entry cost ($12.99) myself. It depends on what you can experience the game has to offer through alts. The last game I played with a similar class setup was The Secret World and I still made one alt to play a different faction. See anything like that in this game?

Interesting point on that is I was hanging out in Teamspeak with one of the guys who wanted me to pick up this game and another friend who, like me, will be new to the game come ARR. The friend of mine who is a legacy player was telling us about how he was going to get to reclaim his character and full items. At first, us two newbies were a little shocked, my 2nd friend moreso than me. Our "legacy guide" was quick to point out that we can't think of this as a new game, that this is basically an expansion and we are just joining late. Hard to argue with that reasoning.

There are not different factions, and really the only benefit is if you want a different race. Theoretically there are different grand companies, but through the main storyline you see them all, and then choose one, you're not really getting a different experience. I understand the idea of comparing equal options, but I just really don't see the need for 8 characters besides messing around, so I consider the basic option, I understand both ways though.

As far as economies, I'm not too worried about that either, even if you were a new player joining an existing server, it just means there's an existing economy like you said. I joined FFXI and there was already a JP player base, I joined WoW on an existing server, I joined Aion and SWToR and others from the start. Nothing in my life changed in any of those situations.

#31 Jun 21 2013 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
Anakte wrote:
There are not different factions, and really the only benefit is if you want a different race. Theoretically there are different grand companies, but through the main storyline you see them all, and then choose one, you're not really getting a different experience.

Smiley: frown Darn
#32 Jun 21 2013 at 9:11 AM Rating: Excellent
1,566 posts
I don't see the price as a bonus.

Look at it this way: earning Legacy was like making a down payment.

$12.99 for six months is $77.94. Divided by the $3 difference in pricing, that's about 25 months before I'm actually getting any sort of discount.

Meanwhile I have fewer servers from which I may choose, 1/10 of the Gil I owned and a year worth of materia crafting essentially destroyed.

But I'm not complaining. I look at the silver lining that SE took the time to reinvent a broken game and allowed me to retain some piece of my efforts over two years.

The nonsense on Lodestone is just trolling. The General Discussion is an embarrassment, plain and simple.
#33 Jun 21 2013 at 9:35 AM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
I have made an *** of myself on this topic in the past and from those ashes I have learned that it is like thermonuclear war: the only way to win is not to play.

To put it perspective, having a legacy plan makes you as special as though you had a Starbucks gift card. You don't see Starbucks patrons divided along card vs non - card customers. Likewise, Legacy shouldn't be an issue with anyone whether you have the plan or not and when anyone tries to make this into a thing, everyone loses. It creates divisions that have no reason to exist.

Everyone who plays FFXIV is welcome and an important part of the community.

Edited, Jun 21st 2013 11:36am by Xoie
#34 Jun 21 2013 at 9:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Just so it's clear, did a Legacy player start a thread saying how much better they are? Or did a Non Legacy start yet another foolish thread and get flamed?


I have yet to see one of these threads started by a Legacy player. It's always some non-Legacy player who is complaining that people who didn't follow Square Enix's previous instructions -- or who weren't around at the time -- should be entitled to the same discount.

That's like me not buying any other game when it's on sale, and then complaining that I should be able to get the sale price months after whilst complaining about people who bought at the discounted rate.

Hyrist said it best; most Legacy players don't really care that we're Legacy. That doesn't mean I'm giving up my discount. But man, we all had notice. It's over. Heck, I started a second account to get Legacy status, just so my wife could play at the discounted rate with ARR. It's a choice I made, to pay double the fees for a substandard game. Others didn't make that choice. Who knows, maybe ARR will flop, and I'll be the one looking like I made the bad decision? Will all the Legacy haters still be complaining then?

Time for Legacy haters to get over themselves and move on.

EDIT: I must admit, though, in some of those beta forum threads that have gotten way out of control, I've had a bit of fun throwing some fuel on the fire. One of my favorite things to do is mention how I can buy a mocha each month with the money saved by my Legacy rate... and that I'll call that my monthly Legacy Mocha. Smiley: cool

Edited, Jun 21st 2013 8:56am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#35 Jun 21 2013 at 9:58 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
I'm just hurt at all the heat it's getting. And to those who say they're not discriminating against players, that's simply not true. There's been a lot of hate spit out at legacy players themselves and a multitude of threads locked because of that.

Buy in large Legacy players were some of the best players I've played with. Because we knew what we were in for, we knew the game was bad. We all agreed that we were working towards a brighter future, even if we didn't agree to where that future should go.

Even now, Legacy Members debate with one another about the direction the game is going - just like any other players. I don't think all of them will stay, even after all of that investment they made. But that is their own choice.
#36 Jun 21 2013 at 10:03 AM Rating: Excellent
It's all about the money, really. If you gave non-Legacy players the lifetime discount rate, they wouldn't complain anymore.

That said, SE shouldn't do that. The vocal minority of people who keep stirring the pot on this just need to grow up.
Thayos Redblade
#37 Jun 21 2013 at 10:03 AM Rating: Good
362 posts
Thayos wrote:
EDIT: I must admit, though, in some of those beta forum threads that have gotten way out of control, I've had a bit of fun throwing some fuel on the fire. One of my favorite things to do is mention how I can buy a mocha each month with the money saved by my Legacy rate... and that I'll call that my monthly Legacy Mocha. Smiley: cool

Bad Thayos, bad! /newspaper to the nose

Edited, Jun 21st 2013 12:04pm by Anakte

Edited, Jun 21st 2013 12:05pm by Anakte
#38 Jun 21 2013 at 10:09 AM Rating: Excellent
Bad Thayos, bad! /newspaper to the nose

A little bit of trolling is good for the soul!
Thayos Redblade
#39 Jun 21 2013 at 10:19 AM Rating: Excellent
328 posts
All Legacy means is I paid for 3 months and someone else didn't.

Both my sister and I are legacy but I played a ton from day one to the end and she hated the game and hardly touched it but paid the $$ to support the remake and reap any rewards associated with it.

I know people who never played the game but set up an account and paid so they would be included. They were waiting for ps3.

What I cannot fathom is why I would be hated by a group of people just for supporting the game. I paid my $30 before I even knew what the rewards were.

Its absolutely absurd that someone would kick me from a party if I rode up on my Legacy chocobo.

Actually I guess I wouldn't want to play with someone who would do that anyway...
#40 Jun 21 2013 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
Thayos wrote:
Legacy Mocha

sounds delicious

#41 Jun 21 2013 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Does that mean I'm having a McLegacy meal right now?
#42 Jun 21 2013 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
As legacy, I couldn't care less what SE does at this point. I just want people playing the damn game. Offer up another limited sign up for a lifetime discount, call it whatever you want. If it's incentive to attract even more people, I'm all for it.

Hell, I'm still deciding on what to do, keeping my legacy char or re-rolling a whole new one.

#43 Jun 21 2013 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
352 posts
I dont see a problem at all here, im glad there are legacy players, they kept the game rolling when most people (includeing my self) abanded the game, so hell yeah give them some free stuff they earned it, i couldn keep playing 1.0 for that long to get lagcey anyway!
#44 Jun 21 2013 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
259 posts
I would understand the issue if regular players were being charged extra or something. $13/mo is less than the normal MMO sub isn't it? Why are people upset that someone else may be paying $10/mo? It doesn't affect you. If they were saying legacy players can pay the regular price and non legacy have to pay $2-$3/mo extra I could understand the complaints.

But this is like getting mad that you go and buy groceries at regular prices and getting mad at the lady using coupons to pay a little less.
#45 Jun 21 2013 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
3,599 posts
Yelta wrote:
All Legacy means is I paid for 3 months and someone else didn't.

Both my sister and I are legacy but I played a ton from day one to the end and she hated the game and hardly touched it but paid the $$ to support the remake and reap any rewards associated with it.

I know people who never played the game but set up an account and paid so they would be included. They were waiting for ps3.

What I cannot fathom is why I would be hated by a group of people just for supporting the game. I paid my $30 before I even knew what the rewards were.

Its absolutely absurd that someone would kick me from a party if I rode up on my Legacy chocobo.

Actually I guess I wouldn't want to play with someone who would do that anyway...

And this stigma isn't going to get any better by putting everyone in their own confined circle-jerk servers. One day there's a good chance for server mergers, and that will be when the real fun begins...
#46 Jun 21 2013 at 11:50 AM Rating: Excellent
The vast majority of people out there do not care.

People who would kick Legacy or non-Legacy people from their parties are the kind of idiots that most of us don't want to associate with, anyway.
Thayos Redblade
#47 Jun 21 2013 at 11:53 AM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
And lets be honest this whole thing will be forgotten after a few weeks/months when the game is released. Haters gonna hate no one can do anything about it.

#48 Jun 21 2013 at 12:00 PM Rating: Excellent
Turns out that while we kept our actual levels, it seems we've been reset to Level 1 as far as the guilds are concerned. Smiley: bah Level 42 THM running around with a single spell is just... sad.
#49 Jun 21 2013 at 12:07 PM Rating: Good
362 posts
All the non-quest spells should be in your spell book, even if they didn't auto-populate the bars for you. At least they were for me when I looked briefly this morning.

But speaking of starting out, did anyone get the different opening for a 1.0 character? I did not but some people were reporting that they did.
#50 Jun 21 2013 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Catwho wrote:
Turns out that while we kept our actual levels, it seems we've been reset to Level 1 as far as the guilds are concerned. Smiley: bah Level 42 THM running around with a single spell is just... sad.

Check your actions tab, you have the full spell allotment aside from the two quested spells and whatever Black Mage spells you did not quest.

Anakte wrote:
All the non-quest spells should be in your spell book, even if they didn't auto-populate the bars for you. At least they were for me when I looked briefly this morning.

But speaking of starting out, did anyone get the different opening for a 1.0 character? I did not but some people were reporting that they did.

Nothing spectacular. Rather than arrive on a cart/ship, you port into an undisclosed location and are met with slightly different introduction text, and you hoof it to your key nation of choice.

NPCs don't recognize you, only note with bewilderment that you seem oddly familiar. That goes as far as level 10 quests, which is as far as I got before I had to go to work. If there's any 'revelation' that you're a Warrior of Light, it's not identified at that point.

Edited, Jun 21st 2013 2:12pm by Hyrist
#51 Jun 21 2013 at 12:13 PM Rating: Good
3,599 posts
Anakte wrote:
All the non-quest spells should be in your spell book, even if they didn't auto-populate the bars for you. At least they were for me when I looked briefly this morning.

But speaking of starting out, did anyone get the different opening for a 1.0 character? I did not but some people were reporting that they did.

Yes and no...

We have to run through the guilds training and then all related quests are level synced so I can SEE all my awesome moves, but I can only use 2 abilities...

NPCs don't recognize you, only note with bewilderment that you seem oddly familiar. That goes as far as level 10 quests, which is as far as I got before I had to go to work. If there's any 'revelation' that you're a Warrior of Light, it's not identified at that point.

I'm even further and have met all the Town leaders with the same "you look familiar" crap and then they go on to tell me about myself (the warriors of light.) I feel like at some point my guy would interject... it's actually making me a tiny bit mad, like watching a white girl hide in a closet in a scary movie.

Edited, Jun 21st 2013 2:15pm by Louiscool
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