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bought 1.0 and likely skipping ARR, square wants to hear....Follow

#27 Jun 17 2013 at 2:23 PM Rating: Excellent
2,153 posts
Seriously guys. The whole story reeks of being made up on the spot.
I bet the poor guy is sitting in front of a mirror impressing himself with angry grimaces right now, hahaha!
#28 Jun 17 2013 at 2:27 PM Rating: Default
You see blanks and just fill it in with things you make up. I shot SE an email asking about it, they told me to call. We discussed it like civilized people do. No one was butt hurt. No one was angry. There were no threats of suing or lawyers. They seemed more curious than anything. They actually did a pretty bang up job. They did go for hard sell of ARR like they're supposed to.

The customer service I got was a huge improvement over I can't remember one of my playonline passwords during my time with with ffxi.

I can think of several ways to not wave your rights.

But excuse me, I have to go break into people's houses to sue them because.... I have no idea.
#29 Jun 17 2013 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
apapertiger wrote:
You see blanks and just fill it in with things you make up. I shot SE an email asking about it, they told me to call. We discussed it like civilized people do. No one was butt hurt. No one was angry. There were no threats of suing or lawyers. They seemed more curious than anything. They actually did a pretty bang up job. They did go for hard sell of ARR like they're supposed to.

The customer service I got was a huge improvement over I can't remember one of my playonline passwords during my time with with ffxi.

I can think of several ways to not wave your rights.

But excuse me, I have to go break into people's houses to sue them because.... I have no idea.

You asked for a refund on a game you played for an extended period of time, and one in which you waived every consumer right you had the second you agreed to their ToS. Then you try to claim that it's a bait and switch. It's an unbelievably petty and shallow tactic that you clearly didn't even understand before posting it. If you didn't get your refund already, don't expect to. I bet the CSR's had a good laugh after they got off the phone with you.

I have to agree with Rinsui, I think you're just trolling hard at this point.
#30 Jun 17 2013 at 2:36 PM Rating: Excellent
Ken Burton's Reject
12,834 posts
Smiley: cheese

For the whine.
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality
#31 Jun 17 2013 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Actually, a lot of Legacy users I know are unhappy with ARR, and would not have paid the sub to even become legacy if they had known XIV was going the full route to World of Warcraft. I am Legacy and I thought we were going to get 1.23 with a new graphics engine and some upgrades. Not a whole new game based off what every MMO in the last 8 years has tried and failed.

I do enjoy XIV:ARR, but it is def not what I was expecting at all. 1.23 is/was better in some ways.
#32 Jun 17 2013 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
I can't really call this a bait and switch either because I do believe that SE meant to release a great product and support it. Unfortunately, it didn't quite happen that way.

To be fair, you guys could have just rated the thread down and let it sink to the bottom of the pile. This person obviously played a lot of XIV 1.0 so they've got experience. They also played the beta and are still unsatisfied. I feel qualified to speak about trolling as I've been accused of it so much and I really gotta say, this wouldn't have been a troll unless you guys flooded the thread with the type of responses you have.

Personally, if I were a business owner and had sold XIV to anyone I'd be offering a refund on my product. I realize that SE didn't charge the sub fee for quite a while and obviously they felt it wasn't worth charging for, but at this point in the game I really feel that the client should be free anyway. If I were SE and apapertiger called me I'd apologize, offer a refund for the full amount of purchase(minus any subscription fees paid) and I'd let them know that their account would still be eligible for the free client download for ARR. The only customers who would be charged for XIV are the PS3 and PS4 players(obvious reasons).

All of the legal stuff is aimed at people who are banned from XIV for things like RMT, botting, ect.. If you are banned for something then SE reserves the right to close your account without refunding the purchase of the game, nor the subscription fees remaining beyond the point that service is cancelled. Yes, they reserve that right. No, it is not a right that they can exercise without a valid reason to do so. C'mon guys, really...?
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#33 Jun 17 2013 at 4:08 PM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
Well from the "few" legacy i know i see a totally different opinion from yours Failsociety. Not saying there aren't any unhappy legacy but most of them are quite happy actually.
#34 Jun 17 2013 at 4:10 PM Rating: Default
"I asked square if I was completely hosed since ARR isn't the game I bought nor is it the game I wanted. "

So you're basically trying to see if you can squeeze out a refund or something, because 1.0 shut down, right? I see you've got your character Papertiger, which means you've played your share of 1.0 already.

Good luck on that, lol.
#35 Jun 17 2013 at 4:11 PM Rating: Good
I'm Legacy too and I disagree with you very strongly. I feel that the new game is a solid improvement over 1.0 and I have no desire to ever play it again, not even 1.23 when it was actually kind of sort of fun.

I'm sorry that you feel differently and I hope someday you find an MMO that suits your expectations. Maybe TESO will do it for you.
#36 Jun 17 2013 at 4:24 PM Rating: Default
28 posts
Oh I'll be playing ARR as I have enjoyed Alpha, Beta and was in Alpha and Beta for v1. Yes v1 at the start was terrible, but 1.23 was sitting at a good spot. Besides the obvious flaws. It was still different enough to set it apart from 99% of the other MMOs out and about right now. Sadly with Yoshi's direction even taking out the option to do World Roaming/Camping parties is a huge let down. Not everyone wants to spam through quest text just told to go kill the same mobs a group of players could be doing.

I am not saying XIV:ARR is a bad game, because it's not. I love it actually, and I miss it terribly on the weekdays or in between phases. But let's be real, it's not going to be the next big thing, it does not do anything special that any other MMO hasn't done already. The strong grouping aspect has been removed, and instead of the journey it has become about getting cap asap.

Yoshi would do a huge service to those who enjoy playing a MMO for the people aspect by taking off the Exp cap on Mobs and allowing people to get 4-8 people and roaming/camping higher level mobs. You'll see massive complaints come in when people have leveled up 3 classes and have nothing to do but grind anymore as all there quest text they used to just spam through is no longer there.

People today do not want to play a MMO, they want to play a single player RPG with real life people in the background, and that shows by nothing but solo content in the last 10 years. Make a MMO with strong group content and it gets rejected because people don't want to play with others unless it's about getting loot. Anyways, just my two cents, and again I love ARR, just disappointed with some of Yoshi's actions. When he asked us all those questionaires I had no clue this is what he meant.
#37 Jun 17 2013 at 4:40 PM Rating: Default
Square is being really cool... I shared that.

I think it is awesome that Square is working with everyone of their customers.

There's nothing in here to be upset about. I'm not bashing the game. You like chocolate, I like vanilla. So I don't buy chocolate. I'm also happy you get your chocolate kind of a deal.

I'm not angry about anything. I had an unused key so how did I wave my rights? I'm also in a state where the ToS doesn't have much meaning because of the physical copy involved.
#38 Jun 17 2013 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
You bought a bad batch of chocolate, not vanilla.
#39 Jun 17 2013 at 4:53 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
Failsociety wrote:
Oh I'll be playing ARR as I have enjoyed Alpha, Beta and was in Alpha and Beta for v1. Yes v1 at the start was terrible, but 1.23 was sitting at a good spot. Besides the obvious flaws. It was still different enough to set it apart from 99% of the other MMOs out and about right now. Sadly with Yoshi's direction even taking out the option to do World Roaming/Camping parties is a huge let down. Not everyone wants to spam through quest text just told to go kill the same mobs a group of players could be doing.

I am not saying XIV:ARR is a bad game, because it's not. I love it actually, and I miss it terribly on the weekdays or in between phases. But let's be real, it's not going to be the next big thing, it does not do anything special that any other MMO hasn't done already. The strong grouping aspect has been removed, and instead of the journey it has become about getting cap asap.

Yoshi would do a huge service to those who enjoy playing a MMO for the people aspect by taking off the Exp cap on Mobs and allowing people to get 4-8 people and roaming/camping higher level mobs. You'll see massive complaints come in when people have leveled up 3 classes and have nothing to do but grind anymore as all there quest text they used to just spam through is no longer there.

People today do not want to play a MMO, they want to play a single player RPG with real life people in the background, and that shows by nothing but solo content in the last 10 years. Make a MMO with strong group content and it gets rejected because people don't want to play with others unless it's about getting loot. Anyways, just my two cents, and again I love ARR, just disappointed with some of Yoshi's actions. When he asked us all those questionaires I had no clue this is what he meant.

He took the answers of all the thousands of people who answered in around the world and is doing his best to make a game that as many of those people like as he can. Unfortunately, since we all have different opinions about where we would like to see the game, it's impossible to make everybody happy. He'll implement what was most popular out of those answers and just keep going from there. I'd be interested in what questions he may ask if he ever released another questionnaire.
#40 Jun 17 2013 at 4:59 PM Rating: Good
Wow I've never seen such a dumb post in all of my Zam'n. The guy is upset because 1.0 no longer exists? So what happens when we play an MMO for 10 years and they shutdown service? Do we still get a refund on everything you ever paid because our game is no longer available? Are MMOs expected to run forever without ever changing any aspect?

Lastly, why is OP so bent on continuously letting everyone know he/she is from California? Are we all supposed to be like "oooh don't mess with him/her, he/she's from a cool place." Is this a troll post?
#41 Jun 17 2013 at 5:02 PM Rating: Excellent
I wonder if someone did this to Blizzard when Cataclysm was released. Smiley: lol
#42REDACTED, Posted: Jun 17 2013 at 5:09 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I agree (although I was never a hardcore player of FFXIV).
#43 Jun 17 2013 at 5:40 PM Rating: Good
1,675 posts
For as little as $.10 a day* you can save apapertiger from going hungry.

*about how much we all paid (if you bought the CE edition)

If you were "dedicated" enough to pay a monthly fee, it's probably somewhere around .15 cents a day.


Seriously though, SE has no legal or moral right to give anyone's money back in cases like these. It is extremely charitable if they do.

MMOs can and do change/end at anytime; that's the product you pay for.

To even ask is mind blowing.

I would try to draw up an analogous situation but there isn't one because it's so ridiculous.


But just for kicks I'm going to call GRAVITY, Blizzard, Mythic, Trion, SE (for FFXI), ArenaNet and see if I can get my money back, because well, their games changed and I feel it was a bait and switch when I stopped enjoying their respective endgame content.

I mean we're all adults here right?

Smiley: disappointed
#44REDACTED, Posted: Jun 17 2013 at 5:43 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Sorry dude... say anything against ARR on here and you're getting rated to oblivion. Conform or GTFO!
#45 Jun 17 2013 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
electromagnet83 wrote:
Wow I've never seen such a dumb post in all of my Zam'n. The guy is upset because 1.0 no longer exists? So what happens when we play an MMO for 10 years and they shutdown service? Do we still get a refund on everything you ever paid because our game is no longer available? Are MMOs expected to run forever without ever changing any aspect?

Lastly, why is OP so bent on continuously letting everyone know he/she is from California? Are we all supposed to be like "oooh don't mess with him/her, he/she's from a cool place." Is this a troll post?

You saw what you thought was a dumb post and tried to 1 up it? This person didn't subscribe to service for 10 years. Why would you think that question is relevant? Do you even read the posts?

Apapertiger clearly stated that they liked the fact that XIV(pre ARR) was at least a little unique in that it wasn't a generic copy of other MMOs. Now that ARR beta is out and it is looking like they are just borrowing from other popular ideas, tiger no happy. It's a matter of the service being provided and has nothing at all to do with the longevity.

If you pay for a newspaper subscription, you expect to get the news. If instead, tabloids showed up on your doorstep every morning, you would probably ask to have your subscription cancelled if that wasn't what you liked. The difference here is that there was a cost up front. It's like you go to the news stand and buy a TIME magazine, but when you get it home you realize that it's only the cover of a TIME magazine with BOP inside it. I dare you to tell me you wouldn't ask for a refund... Smiley: sly

Oh yeah, did I mention I'm from California?

Edited, Jun 17th 2013 7:49pm by FilthMcNasty
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#46 Jun 17 2013 at 5:50 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Parathyroid wrote:
apapertiger wrote:
From you.

I asked square if I was completely hosed since ARR isn't the game I bought nor is it the game I wanted. They told me to call them. They'll plug ARR heavily as if it is some new product but if you push hard and explain that ARR is not something you would spend money on they'll work with you to make you happy.
SQUARE ENIX Support Center: (310) 846 - 0345*
* Please note that this is not a toll-free number. If you would like to contact us toll-free, please use our chat service.

Sorry dude... say anything against ARR on here and you're getting rated to oblivion. Conform or GTFO!

It IS kind of strange how fans of ARR might congregate on a fansite... weird.

Seriously though, it's ok to criticize the game. What you can't do though, is sound like an entitled jackass while you're doing it. That's actually just not ok anywhere.

For the record, this is the line that set off my BS alarm:
apapertiger wrote:
My copy of FFXIV is being replaced with a different game. Being in California, we have a lot of customer rights so it isn't hard to make things happen because legally it is a bait and switch.

He was actually fine right up until that point.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#47 Jun 17 2013 at 5:51 PM Rating: Default
273 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
Parathyroid wrote:
apapertiger wrote:
From you.

I asked square if I was completely hosed since ARR isn't the game I bought nor is it the game I wanted. They told me to call them. They'll plug ARR heavily as if it is some new product but if you push hard and explain that ARR is not something you would spend money on they'll work with you to make you happy.
SQUARE ENIX Support Center: (310) 846 - 0345*
* Please note that this is not a toll-free number. If you would like to contact us toll-free, please use our chat service.

Sorry dude... say anything against ARR on here and you're getting rated to oblivion. Conform or GTFO!

It IS kind of strange how fans of ARR might congregate on a fansite... weird.

Seriously though, it's ok to criticize the game. What you can't do though, is sound like an entitled jackass while you're doing it. That's actually just not ok anywhere.

For the record, this is the line that set off my BS alarm:
apapertiger wrote:
My copy of FFXIV is being replaced with a different game. Being in California, we have a lot of customer rights so it isn't hard to make things happen because legally it is a bait and switch.

He was actually fine right up until that point.

Didn't say it's weird buddy.

It is weird to rate someone's karma because you don't agree with something they said. Hmmm, let me try it.

Edit: Ohhhh wow! Now I see why it's done! It feels great!

Also, I'm the biggest FF fan in this beyotch. Doesn't mean I rate down every time someone says something I don't like.

Edited, Jun 17th 2013 7:52pm by Parathyroid

Edited, Jun 17th 2013 7:53pm by Parathyroid
#48 Jun 17 2013 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
Killua125 wrote:
Failsociety wrote:
Actually, a lot of Legacy users I know are unhappy with ARR, and would not have paid the sub to even become legacy if they had known XIV was going the full route to World of Warcraft. I am Legacy and I thought we were going to get 1.23 with a new graphics engine and some upgrades. Not a whole new game based off what every MMO in the last 8 years has tried and failed.

I do enjoy XIV:ARR, but it is def not what I was expecting at all. 1.23 is/was better in some ways.

I agree (although I was never a hardcore player of FFXIV).

I think 1.23 actually was better in more than a few aspects, and I stand by my opinion that all Yoshi-P needed to do was the new UI, battle animations and effects, then work on new areas and jobs.

It was a much more beautiful game, it didn't have zones, I didn't feel handheld non-stop. The game was lacking but destroying the foundation that they had in favor of a World of Warcraft clone (Yoshi-P's words, not mine) doesn't seem to have been the correct route.

I think it is a bait and switch if you bought 1.23, poured a lot of time into that game, etc. ARR is definitely not FFXIV, so in a sense, he no longer has the product that he paid for. BUT, he's definitely not going to be entitled to any money. Whenever you play online games, you sign digital contracts that protect them from things like that.

Just like many of the problems in this country, don't blame Square-Enix, blame your friends, family, neighbors etc. ARR is as it is because of the countless compiled requests and complaints about 1.0...and even currently 2.0. Perusing through the beta forums I am utterly shocked at the requests contained within "popular" threads. Things evolve due to requests. The game is easier because people thought XI and 1.0 were too hard. The graphics aren't quite as high-res because people complained they couldn't run it. The list goes on and on, yet after all that feedback was taken and addressed it wasn't enough. Now people just complain about the monster they've created.

Once it becomes what everyone wants, nobody wants it...almost as if people enjoy complaining just so that once they have shown their power over the company they can lick their fingers clean and walk away with a greasy smile on their face saying "see company, you're not so big after all."

Square has done an amazing job trying to satisfy all of the minutia of (sometimes ridiculous) complaints and requests. If someone isn't happy still, that person must just be a miserable person in general and only finds the negative in everything.

Edited, Jun 17th 2013 7:56pm by electromagnet83
#49 Jun 17 2013 at 5:54 PM Rating: Default
273 posts
electromagnet83 wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
Failsociety wrote:
Actually, a lot of Legacy users I know are unhappy with ARR, and would not have paid the sub to even become legacy if they had known XIV was going the full route to World of Warcraft. I am Legacy and I thought we were going to get 1.23 with a new graphics engine and some upgrades. Not a whole new game based off what every MMO in the last 8 years has tried and failed.

I do enjoy XIV:ARR, but it is def not what I was expecting at all. 1.23 is/was better in some ways.

I agree (although I was never a hardcore player of FFXIV).

I think 1.23 actually was better in more than a few aspects, and I stand by my opinion that all Yoshi-P needed to do was the new UI, battle animations and effects, then work on new areas and jobs.

It was a much more beautiful game, it didn't have zones, I didn't feel handheld non-stop. The game was lacking but destroying the foundation that they had in favor of a World of Warcraft clone (Yoshi-P's words, not mine) doesn't seem to have been the correct route.

I think it is a bait and switch if you bought 1.23, poured a lot of time into that game, etc. ARR is definitely not FFXIV, so in a sense, he no longer has the product that he paid for. BUT, he's definitely not going to be entitled to any money. Whenever you play online games, you sign digital contracts that protect them from things like that.

Just like many of the problems in this country, don't blame Square-Enix, blame your friends, family, neighbors etc. ARR is as it is because of the countless compiled requests and complaints about 1.0...and even currently 2.0. Perusing through the beta forums I am utterly shocked at the requests contained within "popular" threads. Things evolve due to requests. Once it becomes what everyone wants, nobody wants it...almost as if people enjoy complaining just so that once they have shown their power over the company they can lick their fingers clean and walk away with a greasy smile on their face saying "see company, you're not so big after all."

Square has done an amazing job trying to satisfy all of the minutia of (sometimes ridiculous) complaints and requests. If someone isn't happy still, that person must just be a miserable person in general and only finds the negative in everything.

Edited, Jun 17th 2013 7:53pm by electromagnet83

Hey! That's what Kachi has been trying to say!
#50 Jun 17 2013 at 5:55 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
Didn't say it's weird buddy.

It is weird to rate someone's karma because you don't agree with something they said. Hmmm, let me try it.

Actually, until you, I hadn't touched any of the ratings buttons in this thread. And you're right.. *I* said it was weird that fans would be on a fansite. In fact I said it in the post you quoted.

Maybe go for some reading comprehension before you just reach for blind internet rage.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#51REDACTED, Posted: Jun 17 2013 at 6:09 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I don't see any 'internet rage' from him.
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