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bought 1.0 and likely skipping ARR, square wants to hear....Follow

#1 Jun 17 2013 at 12:50 PM Rating: Sub-Default
From you.

I asked square if I was completely hosed since ARR isn't the game I bought nor is it the game I wanted. They told me to call them. They'll plug ARR heavily as if it is some new product but if you push hard and explain that ARR is not something you would spend money on they'll work with you to make you happy.
SQUARE ENIX Support Center: (310) 846 - 0345*
* Please note that this is not a toll-free number. If you would like to contact us toll-free, please use our chat service.

Edited, Jun 18th 2013 6:46am by Wint Lock Thread: Stick a fork in this one.
#2 Jun 17 2013 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
I fail to see what youre saying 1.0 sucked.... no doubt about it.. ARR however doesnt suck. Ssure its not GREAT nor is it as good as FFXI but, SE turned 1.0 from a crappy game that belong sin a landfill to ARR which is something thats not crappy and is very playable. So I fail to see what your issue is, care to elaborate? In otherwords ARR is what 1.0 SHOULD have been when it launched on sept 2010
#3 Jun 17 2013 at 1:02 PM Rating: Default
Show me where I said ARR sucked
#4 Jun 17 2013 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
6,899 posts
apapertiger wrote:
From you.

I asked square if I was completely hosed since ARR isn't the game I bought nor is it the game I wanted. They told me to call them. They'll plug ARR heavily as if it is some new product but if you push hard and explain that ARR is not something you would spend money on they'll work with you to make you happy.
SQUARE ENIX Support Center: (310) 846 - 0345*
* Please note that this is not a toll-free number. If you would like to contact us toll-free, please use our chat service.

I'm confused on a couple levels. Are you saying you bought a copy of 1.0 recently, expecting it to still be 1.0, and are dissatisfied with ARR? Also, what are you trying to accomplish? Are you trying to get a refund on what you bought?

Lastly... what exactly is it about ARR that you don't like that you liked about 1.0? I have a hard time understanding how anyone could really see the merits of 1.0 over ARR and would definitely like to hear your explanation on it. Thanks!
#5 Jun 17 2013 at 1:09 PM Rating: Excellent
I think there's a lot of punctuation missing from the title of this thread.

Bought 1.0? Are you skipping ARR? Square wants to hear from you.

I asked Square if I was completely hosed since ARR isn't the game I bought nor is it the game I wanted. They told me to call them.

They'll plug ARR heavily as if it is some new product but if you push hard and explain that ARR is not something you would spend money on they'll work with you to make you happy.

SQUARE ENIX Support Center: (310) 846 - 0345*
* Please note that this is not a toll-free number. If you would like to contact us toll-free, please use our chat service.

SE isn't going to refund your 1.0 purchase at this point in time, I don't think. Even if they want to hear your opinion on why you're not going to take their free copy of ARR to make up for the suck fest of 1.0.

For the rest of us, 1.0 was neither the game we paid for or wanted, but ARR is a hell of a lot closer to it.

Edited, Jun 17th 2013 3:10pm by Catwho
#6 Jun 17 2013 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
153 posts
In before this guy is enjoying ARR in August. ::trollface::
#7 Jun 17 2013 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
514 posts
Assuming I'm not misunderstanding, If you bought 1.0, then you can still use the 1.0 disc to download ARR from. You don't need to buy ARR PC unless you want the CE edition.
#8REDACTED, Posted: Jun 17 2013 at 1:20 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) My copy of FFXIV is being replaced with a different game. Being in California, we have a lot of customer rights so it isn't hard to make things happen because legally it is a bait and switch.
#9 Jun 17 2013 at 1:23 PM Rating: Good
If you read the ToS for 1.0 Square Enix told you "too bad, so sad" when you bought 1.0 the first time.

They made no guarantee that they'd keep the game running for any period of time. In fact, they explicitly said they reserved the right to end the game whenever they felt like it.

#10 Jun 17 2013 at 1:25 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
apapertiger wrote:
My copy of FFXIV is being replaced with a different game. Being in California, we have a lot of customer rights so it isn't hard to make things happen because legally it is a bait and switch.

Just curious, have you even tried the ARR beta? If not, how would you know that "it's not the game you wanted". Did you ever play 1.0? If not, how would you know that's the game you wanted? I'm just really baffled by your reasoning, please help me understand it.

Also, how exactly was it a bait and switch? Was the game being advertised as 1.0 still at some great sale like "Purchase Final Fantasy XIV, now only $9.99!" or something? Because the whole idea of a bait and switch is that they are advertising something at a discount as something that it's not. If you just saw the game, assumed it was the original XIV 1.0, and bought it, that's your own fault and they have no legal obligation to do jack for you. You just come off sounding very entitled in this thread.
#11 Jun 17 2013 at 1:36 PM Rating: Excellent
1,330 posts
BartelX wrote:
apapertiger wrote:
My copy of FFXIV is being replaced with a different game. Being in California, we have a lot of customer rights so it isn't hard to make things happen because legally it is a bait and switch.

Just curious, have you even tried the ARR beta? If not, how would you know that "it's not the game you wanted". Did you ever play 1.0? If not, how would you know that's the game you wanted? I'm just really baffled by your reasoning, please help me understand it.

Also, how exactly was it a bait and switch? Was the game being advertised as 1.0 still at some great sale like "Purchase Final Fantasy XIV, now only $9.99!" or something? Because the whole idea of a bait and switch is that they are advertising something at a discount as something that it's not. If you just saw the game, assumed it was the original XIV 1.0, and bought it, that's your own fault and they have no legal obligation to do jack for you. You just come off sounding very entitled in this thread.

Look at his/her signature. He WANTS 1.x over ARR.

Edited, Jun 17th 2013 3:36pm by Ravashack
#12 Jun 17 2013 at 1:36 PM Rating: Default
Why are you all so defensive? I'm not bashing the game. Yes, I've played 1.0 and ARR beta but as it turns out I never waived those rights in the ToS. Square is being cool and at least listening.
#13 Jun 17 2013 at 1:39 PM Rating: Good
655 posts
OK.. so why do we care that your butt hurt that 1.0 got the axe? the game made no money for SE so they changed it so that maybe jsut maybe they can make their customers happy and make some money.

Did u get to play 1.0? yes.. did u enjoy it? acording to ur sig yes.. idk why u have the balls to ask for your money back.. when i buy games and get bored thats my issue not the company. Heck most games have BIG patches that change the games this is just bigger than most. Just be glad ur in CA and ahve rights to do so, I bought 1.0 and quit 2 months in did i try and get my money back... nope :)

Edited, Jun 17th 2013 3:41pm by silverhope
#14 Jun 17 2013 at 1:40 PM Rating: Excellent
925 posts
apapertiger wrote:
My copy of FFXIV is being replaced with a different game. Being in California, we have a lot of customer rights so it isn't hard to make things happen because legally it is a bait and switch.

People like you are the reason I hate lawyers and people in general.

Bait-and-switch is a form of fraud used in retail sales but also practiced in other contexts. First, customers are "baited" by merchants' advertising products or services at a low price, but when customers visit the store, they discover that the advertised goods are not available, or the customers are pressured by sales people to consider similar, but higher priced items ("switching").

The intention of the bait-and-switch is to encourage purchases of substituted goods, making consumers satisfied with the available stock offered, as an alternative to a disappointment or inconvenience of acquiring no goods (or bait) at all, and reckoning on a seemingly partial recovery of sunk costs expended trying to obtain the bait. It suggests that the seller will not show the original product or service advertised but instead will demonstrate a more expensive product or a similar product with a higher margin.

ARR is cheaper to buy, cheaper to subscribe to and a better product for most.
Like Final Fantasy XI, the game specs will be extremely high for the time, but in about 5 years, an average machine can run it on max settings with little to no issues. Tanaka also expressed interest in making a benchmark program available.

FilthMcNasty wrote:
I endorse this thread.
#15 Jun 17 2013 at 1:44 PM Rating: Good
21 posts
I don't think they are being defensive, I think we just fail to understand the reason for you posting lol makes no sense at all next time explain exactly what u trying to say or accomplish.
#16 Jun 17 2013 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
630 posts
There is no bait and switch.

You bought FFXIV and got to play it until SE took FFXIV 1.0 servers down. The games running costs were too high to warrant the servers staying online based on the player base. It happened a lot sooner than expected and I can understand why that frustrates you. The problem is just because YOU specifically didn't agree with their decision it doesn't mean you are right, it just that you wished XIV 1.0 were still online. Me disagreeing with your viewpoint doesn't make me right, it just means I wished they revamped the steaming pile o' **** XIV 1.0 was.

Now, to get to your point about you feeling that you should be compensated because you feel SE is pulling a bait and switch. They ARE NOT. SE has discontinued the service which was tied to your original purchase (XIV 1.0). Because SE wants to try and keep as many players as possible they are GIVING YOU A NEW GAME, FOR FREE!!!!
#17 Jun 17 2013 at 1:51 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
apapertiger wrote:
My copy of FFXIV is being replaced with a different game. Being in California, we have a lot of customer rights so it isn't hard to make things happen because legally it is a bait and switch.

It's really not.

You bought, paid for, and played 1.0. You got the product you wanted and paid for, and your case for bait and switch ends right there.

The reality though is that 1.0 was shut down. The terms of service specify that service can be terminated at any point for no reason. The terms of service you agreed to upon installing the game, and every time you played the game thereafter.

SE launches what amounts to a completely different game called FFXIV A Realm Reborn, and gives 1.0 owners a free copy of that game and offers to migrate their character data.

If SE decides to give you a refund, it's only because they feel like it, not because they have any legal obligation to do so.

Furthermore, have you played ARR? Because you get to do so for free. Maybe try the game out before you go clamoring for refunds and vomiting out legal terms you don't understand?
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#18 Jun 17 2013 at 1:52 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Sorry, I don't even really notice the sig because I have all images blocked on my work computer...

apapertiger wrote:
I'm not bashing the game. Yes, I've played 1.0 and ARR beta but as it turns out I never waived those rights in the ToS. Square is being cool and at least listening.

Wow... so let me get this straight. You played 1.0 (clearly for a long time, just looked at your sig on other comp), and now somehow want a refund on a game that you purchased 3 years ago? What is wrong with you? That's not bait and switch. You HAD no rights. SE took them away from you the second you agreed to their user agreement, which you had to in order to play. Are you really that self-entitled to think that you deserve a refund on a game you got 100's of hours of enjoyment out of, simply because you don't like the direction it's heading? Good grief, that's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard.

Elionara wrote:
People like you are the reason I hate lawyers and people in general.

I so completely agree with you. It's people like you, OP, that have completely made our legal system into a joke. You'd probably be one of those people suing someone after breaking into their house and then slipping and fracturing your skull on their stairs. It disgusts me that you'd even attempt to get a refund, let alone that you got one. I'm very glad you won't be joining us in the game. Feel free to sub-default this... I really don't care. This dude is a terrible person.
#19REDACTED, Posted: Jun 17 2013 at 1:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I posted information in a place where people that might want that information would see it.
#20 Jun 17 2013 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
181 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
apapertiger wrote:
My copy of FFXIV is being replaced with a different game. Being in California, we have a lot of customer rights so it isn't hard to make things happen because legally it is a bait and switch.

It's really not.

You bought, paid for, and played 1.0. You got the product you wanted and paid for, and your case for bait and switch ends right there.

The reality though is that 1.0 was shut down. The terms of service specify that service can be terminated at any point for no reason. The terms of service you agreed to upon installing the game, and every time you played the game thereafter.

SE launches what amounts to a completely different game called FFXIV A Realm Reborn, and gives 1.0 owners a free copy of that game and offers to migrate their character data.

If SE decides to give you a refund, it's only because they feel like it, not because they have any legal obligation to do so.

Furthermore, have you played ARR? Because you get to do so for free. Maybe try the game out before you go clamoring for refunds and vomiting out legal terms you don't understand?

Furthermore, SE made no indications as to the longevity of the original game.
#21 Jun 17 2013 at 1:58 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
apapertiger wrote:
I posted information in a place where people that might want that information would see it.

The rest is on you guys... you're just running with it.

Like the you're the reason I hate lawyers guy. Lawyers aren't involved and neither Square or I brought them up and they weren't mentioned until he brought them up.

No you just talked about a bait and switch, which wasn't the case, and how you apparently feel duped by SE after playing their game for 100's of hours free of charge, aside from the initial game price investment. So tell me... when you buy a video game from the store, do you bring it back and demand a refund if it's not exactly what you thought it was going to be?

"This was advertised as a roelplaying game! It's definitely more of an action/adventure game. It's a bait and switch! I have consumer rights!"

Give me a break... Smiley: rolleyes
#22 Jun 17 2013 at 1:59 PM Rating: Good
2,214 posts
Yeah, I am missing the bait and switch. The game was provided as is. ARR is a new game, it is not FFXIV. Instead of going with the silly FFXIV-2 they decided to sub-title it, but semantically it is FFXIV-2, and as far as I can tell no one has been hiding that.

This really comes off as an attempt to inflict pain on SE for being open and honest, and offering you some recompense for your apparent disillusionment. I can understand when a company does attempt to damage or infringe on their customers the need to push people to their customer service or BBB, but when a company has outlined their intent, and gone out of their way (and they have lost ALOT of money on this at this point) to satisfy their customers in an attempt to regain their faith (and by that their money, lets not fool ourselves).

They did not sell you a product, and when the product was delivered it was a different product. And yes, California does have a lot of laws for that kind of deal. However, this really sounds like SE is stepping up to the plate again, and doing the best they can to satisfy someone they know they can not win back.

If that is the case, I am more than happy to give them my money.
#23 Jun 17 2013 at 2:00 PM Rating: Good
655 posts
apapertiger wrote:
I posted information in a place where people that might want that information would see it.

Im sry but thats just silly.. most people here enjoy the game why else would we look on here for info? Even knowing what your doing i think its wrong and would never try to get money back on a game I bought 3 years ago.
#24 Jun 17 2013 at 2:06 PM Rating: Good
618 posts
If you read the Software License Agreement section 2.7 Right to Change or Terminate the Service

The Service is provided by SQUARE ENIX for so long as SQUARE ENIX wishes to operate the Service in its sole discretion.
The Service may be modified, suspended, restricted, or terminated, or otherwise
discontinued by SQUARE ENIX without liability to you.

By playing the game you agreed with all the terms whether you liked it or not. You waived your rights the moment you started playing. The game ran for a year with 1/4 of it being free to play as they worked on it.

Edited, Jun 17th 2013 4:07pm by SillyHawk
#25 Jun 17 2013 at 2:10 PM Rating: Good
655 posts
Last Updated: 8/16/2011

If you reject this User Agreement, then you will not be authorized to play the Game. In that case, you may either return the Game to the place of purchase subject to that retailer’s guidelines, or you may contact SQUARE ENIX to request a full discretionary refund (which will not include shipping and handling) if all of the following conditions are met:

(1) You are unable to obtain a refund or exchange from the place of purchase; and

(2) You request the refund within thirty (30) days of purchase; and

(3) You have not already accepted this User Agreement; and

(4) You have not already entered the Registration Code accompanying your copy of the Game; and

(5) You purchased your copy of the Licensed Software in, and are currently located in, the United States or Canada.

sooo.. you played and have no rights to your money anymore..

Edited, Jun 17th 2013 4:11pm by silverhope
#26 Jun 17 2013 at 2:19 PM Rating: Excellent
2,153 posts
apapertiger wrote:
My copy of FFXIV is being replaced with a different game. Being in California, we have a lot of customer rights so it isn't hard to make things happen because legally it is a bait and switch.

Being in California, I think you've been sitting in the sun for waaaaaaaaaaaay too long.
Good luck trying to get the refund or replacement you feel entitled to; SE owes you nothing.
I guess you made that story up, but if SE felt incredibly merciful to grant you anything in that direction,
it would be out of sheer pity for a poor soul that can neither read their terms of service, nor has the
slightest clue about how legal contracts work. Now hush-hush. Back to school, or mommy will get angry!
(and before I wet myself laughing)
Smiley: laughSmiley: laughSmiley: laughSmiley: laughSmiley: laugh

Edited, Jun 17th 2013 4:42pm by Rinsui
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