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#152 Jun 16 2013 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
Technically red mage isn't a back line job. The players made it back line. I hope that when it does come to XIV that the players don't do it redmage.
#153 Jun 16 2013 at 9:26 AM Rating: Good
217 posts
Teravibe wrote:
You know, now that i was reading the other thread about flashy battles it came to me that it will be hard for a healer in a FATE if he wanted to heal a bit.

Ok i mean all fates are really to kill stuff and you are awarded according to how much you helped with that. But sometimes there are a lot of mobs hitting you so it wouldn't be bad if there was a healer in there. So i was thinking they should put something like a raid/party icon so healers can heal the people in the FATE maybe and of course been rewarded according to how much they helped as well.

Don't know if it sounds good but in my ears it does sound good.

I Played CNJ and had a group heal. Whenever I would join a fate, I would fight a little, then use my group heal, and it would heal everyone within my radius. I only made it to level 12, so I'm not sure how it works at higher levels, but it worked great at my lower one, and nobody died.
#154 Jun 16 2013 at 9:27 AM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
Lorielll wrote:
Teravibe wrote:
You know, now that i was reading the other thread about flashy battles it came to me that it will be hard for a healer in a FATE if he wanted to heal a bit.

Ok i mean all fates are really to kill stuff and you are awarded according to how much you helped with that. But sometimes there are a lot of mobs hitting you so it wouldn't be bad if there was a healer in there. So i was thinking they should put something like a raid/party icon so healers can heal the people in the FATE maybe and of course been rewarded according to how much they helped as well.

Don't know if it sounds good but in my ears it does sound good.

I Played CNJ and had a group heal. Whenever I would join a fate, I would fight a little, then use my group heal, and it would heal everyone within my radius. I only made it to level 12, so I'm not sure how it works at higher levels, but it worked great at my lower one, and nobody died.

That's good I forgot about group heal to tell you the truth...but i wonder does heal award you points for the FATE or not...anyone knows?
#155 Jun 16 2013 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
Teravibe wrote:
Also i wanted to comment on the crafting!

Now i don't know how was the crafting in 1.0 but i really like how it is in ARR.

This time the only crafting i did was for goldsmith in Uldah. I like the way you do the crafting this little "mini game" . If you are careful with your crafting skills and with a little luck you can do a lot of crafting higher than your level.

For example i managed to get goldsmith to level 10 so i had 4 skills. One skill was the basic one that lets you craft the actual item.

The second one was to let you improve the quality of the said item. Now both moves cost durability and each item you are gonna craft has durability points like 30/30, 50/50 or 60/60 etc. Each move you do takes 10 durability points. If you run out of points before the item is made you will fail the craft.

edit: Also to add here that for those 2 skills there is always a chance your action will fail so it will take 10 points of durability and you would gain nothing.

Now i said 4 skills so my third skill was to add durability points from the ones i used up. It added 30 durability points. Of course this skill along with the one to raise the quality and a forth skill i will tell you later cost CP. So you need to be mindful of it so you wont run out.

The forth skill now was called i believe "steady hand" not sure but what it did was that it would increase your chance of success by 20% for the next 5 moves. This one as i already said cost CP as well.

Besides the skills that would help you with the crafting we also have your clothes. Clothes have certain buffs like control, craftsmanship etc that raise your stats for crafting.

You get a log similar to your hunting log and in there you got all the recipes. First one is i believe 1-10 lvl log and each time you make an item you get xp.If its the first time you are making an item you will be granted with extra XP and if you finish the recipes for the first log you will be granted with even more XP just like the hunting log. Also again similar to your classes in lvl 1, 5 and 10 you get a quest from your master and once you do it you are awarded with XP and items that help you craft.

And this is the crafting system! All in all i enjoyed it quite a lot. Definitely more than wow! So if i am to put points as you do for the rest i would say a good 9/10. I never put 10/10 because there is always room for improvement! Smiley: tongue

Edited, Jun 16th 2013 11:20am by Teravibe

Edited, Jun 16th 2013 11:22am by Teravibe

The default progress ability has a 90% success rate, and Steady Hand's buff is additive as far as I can tell. So if you use Steady Hand, the default progress ability NEVER fails while it is active.

#156 Jun 16 2013 at 9:35 AM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
Wait it has 90% ? That's not right. For once cause i had times i would fail 3 times in a raw (that's 10% chance to fail only @_@ ) and cause then steady hand is completely useless. I mean then it should say 20% since you all need 10% more for a 100% success right?
#157 Jun 16 2013 at 9:46 AM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
Teravibe wrote:
Wait it has 90% ? That's not right. For once cause i had times i would fail 3 times in a raw (that's 10% chance to fail only @_@ ) and cause then steady hand is completely useless. I mean then it should say 20% since you all need 10% more for a 100% success right?

Random, is random, is random.

FFXI's accuracy caps @ 95% and WoW's start you off with 95% baseline..... yet you feel you miss much, much more than that percentage would suggest. (Though, to be honest, being on Samurai versus any other job feels like they have a permanent -50% chance builtin :\ )

And considering it gives you +20% to *everything* why would it matter if one of those abilities only uses 10% of that?
#158 Jun 16 2013 at 9:49 AM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
Because the 20% at least in this levels is only used in the crafting skill and for the quality raise and already one of those 2 doesn't even need it or at least the 10% of it. How much success rate does the quality skill have?
#159 Jun 16 2013 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
1,339 posts
Teravibe wrote:
Because the 20% at least in this levels is only used in the crafting skill and for the quality raise and already one of those 2 doesn't even need it or at least the 10% of it. How much success rate does the quality skill have?

I don't know offhand, but if I had to guess probably around 60-70~ and slowly goes up with levels (if it's anything like gathering in that the chance to succeed increases in proportion of your level to the node's level)? I'm not entirely sure as I didn't seem to notice it failing any more often than basic progression to be honest.

Or it could be much lower and I just got lucky.

#160 Jun 16 2013 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
Ken Burton's Reject
12,834 posts
sandpark wrote:
Darn, I planned on playing ARR on a 50 inch SED tv from the luxury of my recliner with a built in icebox... Smiley: frown
I plan on suggesting a font sizing option for the chat. I think the NPC dialogue will be fine, my biggest issue was the crappy quality (in comparison) TV to the quality of the resolution being broadcast. There wasn't a font option that I saw in the UI, so unless someone here found the option and I didn't (entirely possible, remember I had only a couple hours hands on), that needs to be added. Chat window needs to be much bigger by default too.

Remember, this is beta and the very first PS3 beta at that. Early days my friend, I am sure it will be fixed. They fixed soooo much else so far, I have my faith restored that they will

sandpark wrote:
Were you using that L!+X and L1+O feature?

I didn't know about it until coming here today, but honestly that's not really the issue. The issue is that it doesn't discriminate on distance and with the camera issues, there were times I could not even SEE the targeting icon. When you have three enemies, all the same name, all full health running about, and you can't see the target arrow OR the circle at their feet, how the **** do you know when you're on the right one? With FATEs, mobs are running literally everywhere. When I joined the Auroch one, The enemies are so big they fill my little Lalafell's screen. I basically stared at legs. I could hear the icon targeting going on, but hell, I could not see which I was targeted on. I locked on and discovered I was not on the right one. By the time I did find the right one, it mawed my face and I died.

There needs to be serious work done on that. Targeting and camera issues will kill this game for me. It's a really simple fix. The camera lock point needs to shift to center mass on your target yet keep your angle setting. It's a really simple coding fix so long as the camera programming is not ridiculously convoluted. It would completely deal with large enemy targeting.

I will have to try the enemy filtering on the next weekend, but really they need to correct the order in how you target, I think that's the greater issue here.

sandpark wrote:
I'm thinking part of what contributes to combat feeling spammy or faster is the intuitive design of the cross hotbar and how it doesn't require you to open a macro palette or fumble through menus as in XI, maybe. The cross hotbar seems like the way forward for mmos coming to consoles, great in my opinion.
The controls for using your abilities is spot on perfect. The spammy thing is because your TP regenerates way to damn fast. Literally I can hammer Heavy Swing every time the GCD is up, and I will never deplete. Ever. I can spam constantly on all the abilities without regard to their cost.

Now, like I said, it's a solid base, adjustments need to be made for sure, but those are tweaks that occur throughout the lifecycle of the game. I remember how LOTR:O felt in beta versus launch. The abilities got tweaked and tweaked again... and again... It's a long process to get a nice, fluid balance between spam and too delayed. I think having it like this at launch is better, you see how the skills work, whether or not they are too strong or too weak, and do they glitch or break. At launch, I can see them cutting TP regen by half. That alone will slow the pace and stop the spamming.

Not sure many agree with me, but that's how I took it so far.

sandpark wrote:
Your enthusiasm is making me excited. I just got the urge to go outside and slam dunk on my basketball rim lol.Smiley: grin
And this is from someone who HATED 1.0. HATED! WITH A PASSION! I was not going to come back. I reviled this game. To turn me around like this tells you, bar none, what they have done. This game is 100% different from launch. I cannot say how it differs from 1.23 or any version aside from launch 1.0. But that game was not one I ever, ever wanted to return to. I have bashed on it so long, so hard that getting into this game and LOVING it shocks even me.

Hell as I loaded the game, I was grousing to my fiancee how I was prepared to rip the game on the forums if it disappointed me. As you can see, that is obviously NOT the case.

sandpark wrote:
Ambiance and tension. <3
It's why I like me horror movies and horror games. I am imagining in my brain that experience you are describing. Cool.
Like I said, they are small touches. To expand so your imagination can see it... You draw your weapon, and strike, the music swells, just after defeat of the mob, weapon still drawn, you can rush another enemy. The music actually dynamically starts to fade after the fight but then goes back up from whatever point it reached once you strike your next enemy. It adds to the ebb and flow of the game so much! It's not like FFXI where you fight, music jumps up, enemy dies, music cuts abruptly, you fight again and it springs back from the first notes. This continues, flows, with you as you fight. It's such a small thing, something not really anyone has been commenting here about, but it makes for SUCH a nice experience....
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality
#161 Jun 16 2013 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
424 posts
Teravibe wrote:
Lorielll wrote:
Teravibe wrote:
You know, now that i was reading the other thread about flashy battles it came to me that it will be hard for a healer in a FATE if he wanted to heal a bit.

Ok i mean all fates are really to kill stuff and you are awarded according to how much you helped with that. But sometimes there are a lot of mobs hitting you so it wouldn't be bad if there was a healer in there. So i was thinking they should put something like a raid/party icon so healers can heal the people in the FATE maybe and of course been rewarded according to how much they helped as well.

Don't know if it sounds good but in my ears it does sound good.

I Played CNJ and had a group heal. Whenever I would join a fate, I would fight a little, then use my group heal, and it would heal everyone within my radius. I only made it to level 12, so I'm not sure how it works at higher levels, but it worked great at my lower one, and nobody died.

That's good I forgot about group heal to tell you the truth...but i wonder does heal award you points for the FATE or not...anyone knows?

On the forums they stated that now in a fate, you're awarded now for gaining enmity (hate? agro?), which I guess you can gain by healing and tanking and not just doing damage. Do you accumulate enmity by healing? I know you can as a tank with some of his skills.
#162 Jun 16 2013 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
Ken Burton's Reject
12,834 posts
Sorry to double, but likely someone is bound to reply. So Tera you said

Teravibe wrote:
Now i don't know how was the crafting in 1.0 but i really like how it is in ARR.

In the spoiler, you will see, I feel, the definitive review of FFXIV 1.0

To summarize crafting in a nutshell: Play lousy mini-game for random prize!

Really there were three options for every craft, a standard move, a quick move, and a heavy move. And to this day, I'll be damned if I know what difference there was between them. Crafting items took ages. You can see him craft in that video and it is painful. Gathering, in my opinion, was even worse. Go up, play mini-game, and get random prize that may or may not even be a supply you were looking for.

It was rancid, and ridiculous.

Now, viewing the videos and hearing the feedback, I am 90% certain they followed what I said they should. I think the post is among those nuked (I am certain I posted something here on it), but basically I said that the needed to model it after EQII's risk/reward system.

Basically EQ2's system when I played, when you started crafting, you had two bars, a progress bar and a stress bar. As you crafted, both bars gradually filled. Depending on your skill, your materials, and the quality of the forge/workbench you used, progress would go faster, stress slower. You could stop crafting at any point. If you let the progress bar fill, you could wait and it would restart and up the quality of what you were making.

To use an example, let's say you are making chainmail. The first progress bar would have said Shoddy Chainmail. Once that filled, you would then get to Chainmail. Let it go more and you might get Fine Chainmail, and so on. Each stage upped the stats on the item. If ever the stress filled, you blew the synth and lost all progress except for skillups gained.

It was a brilliant system, and I thought if SE could duplicate it, but modify it to fit in more with the game it would have truly been a master stroke for them.

Edited, Jun 16th 2013 12:37pm by Pawkeshup
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality
#163 Jun 16 2013 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
96 posts
I was really enjoying it.

Edited, Jun 16th 2013 1:01pm by BunnyFufinator
#164 Jun 16 2013 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
1,330 posts
Teravibe wrote:
Because the 20% at least in this levels is only used in the crafting skill and for the quality raise and already one of those 2 doesn't even need it or at least the 10% of it. How much success rate does the quality skill have?

Quality I think is 70%.

Once you get back in, you can see the success rates by mousing over the ability.

Buff abilities and the +30 Duration ability are 100% success rate.

So yes, if you need to guarantee that Basic Progress does not fail, use Steady Hand.
#165 Jun 16 2013 at 12:56 PM Rating: Good
Swiftskye wrote:
Ahh that Beta weekend was fun! So glad I got in :D

For a Beta, it was amazing. A few bugs here and there, but thats to be expected - I was bumping into invisible walls on the way from Ul'dah to Gridania, in Eastern... Thau-something. Had to actually log out and back in lol. My biggest gripe would have to be the chat screen. I was asking this in game, but maybe someone here knows also; Whenever anyone typed anything, the message would be cut out or not show altogether until someone else typed something to bump it up. It was almost as if the chat screen wasnt scrolled down all the way (But let me assure you... On my screen, it was. I devoted almost 30 mins making sure of that lol).

Edited, Jun 16th 2013 11:20am by Swiftskye

I'm pretty sure they added a /stuck command. I want to say I used it in Gridania when I got stuck near a bridge.

#166 Jun 16 2013 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
I didnt get around to playing it all that much but I found the whole experience quite positive, its like a weird mix of final fantasy + guild wars + wow, looking forward to playing it more in the future. :D
#167 Jun 16 2013 at 1:17 PM Rating: Default
sandpark wrote:

Wouldn't it have more impact if the empire came to the forefront in an expansion like Rise Of The Zilart? I think if the empire was the focal point right out of the gate, we wouldn't be treated to the just the lore of them and have to anticipate their future coming. Picture how jarrring that might be? You start game off and immediately there is airship and magitek battles like the Bahamut trailer. Then they start playing the game and there is no content fighting in airships and magitek. Front loading all the cool stuff then transitioning to more tamer stuff kind of leaves the anticipation nowhere to go, you know what I mean?

It's been 2+ years since the game came out, the empire has been the threat that is not the true threat, and what do we know about it ? Nothing! If the empire again plays a side role in the story, we will be repeating the 1.0 storyline, so far everything seems to indicate this, the empire is back in the form of XIV legion, just with new characters, again one legion acting on it's own, not the full empire, the beastman continue to summon the primals, so we are gonna have to deal with them, in the same fashion, and all points towards this new shadow organization, as the true main antagonists, there is one guy that even says, he din't think he would live to see Bahamut again, which means he has lived thousands of years.... And they are the bringers of chaos... I am fully expecting already that they are doing what they are doing in order to bring their god "Chaos" back or something like that, ala Dissidia. Again it all seems like a repeat of the 1.0 story line so far, with us the characters being the new "Warriors of Light" gimick.

I am worried about the combat too. Because I know that combat and content is what players look at if this universe is not their first choice. However, I am not in beta and actually getting my hands on it. So I just hope that SE takes feedback from the beta testers(and you) and puts something forward to make it more deep.

The problem with combat, is that i am not sure if they can pull it off, this is the 6-7th try they have given it, and they have been unable to deliver a combat system, i think they tried to emulate what others MMO do, with out and understanding of how the mechanics works, i do hope they can fix it, but is more of a problem with how they created the encounters, than the combat system itself, tho the TP infinite resource thing, is a problem, it makes combat look even easier/faster, but is because monsters are a joke even in dungeons. Is 2 problems not just one.

Are you just not a crafter in any game? I am reading from sites other than fansites that ARR has some of the best crafting and gathering in any mmo. There are people who even go as far as to say that they don't even want to play the core combat game and how the classes actually have their own stories and meaning.

Never been a crafter, i think 1.0 Crafting was excellent, but it was way complicated just for being complicated, if they where able to streamline it, and not make it require a level 24 item to make a level 1 weapon, then i will like it.

I'm confused. Is it too fast or too slow? You say it's easy to level up but then say it slows down to almost 75% of what it was before? Murugan on mmorpg says it should take a casual 2-3 months to hit the cap.

From level 1 to level 15, is a breeze, it takes 8-12 hours depending on how much you actually play etc etc, the problem and i am not sure if it is a problem or just the way the game is designed, is that as soon as you hit 15, the questing drops very dramatically, there are no more quests hubs like before, if you got used to the questing and you where expecting that it was going to be that way to 50, well bad news, it is not, after 15, you spam dungeons, until you can do your next class quest, or a few quests that pop here and there, now i cannot fully comment on that, since i stopped playing at 17, and i dint really explore after doing the first 3 dungeons, next week i will update this on that meter.

I don't think it was ever going to one up GW2 in this content. Because in ARR it is another content on top of raids, dungeons,etc. GW2 whole core is built around this type of content Ostia. I'm sure it can be improved but expecting it to do it better than a game who has it as a focal point is asking for disappointment. They could add some cascades here and there, some active events with non central npcs and companions, etc. Over time I can see it getting better if SE tries.

It's SE! I hold them to the expectations they should be hold, just because they decided to copy something, does not mean they get a free brake if they copy it wrong, if you are gonna copy something just to say "Hey we got this in this game Too!" but is a watered down, mind bugling version of it.. then do not copy it, come up with your own System. Now the single bosses one, are less of an eyesore, the multi-monster ones are annoying at best, i do understand they give the world a sense of life, but so does phasing, and i dont see SE using that technique

FF jobs, enemies, chocobos, summons, & locales. Mechanics wise I agree with you on alot of levels. But let's not take it too far and say there is nothing unique. As much as I rant about the latest FF. I still love FF and this game is trying to meet me at my FF heart.

Name me one thing in this game, that was not part of FF already ? Name me a story element that was not taken from the series ? I'll wait.

Who is in charge of the writing of ARR?.

Good question, i actually have no idea, but i do not like him Smiley: lol now whoever is in charge of designing characters needs to be given a raise and a medal.
#168 Jun 16 2013 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
Ostia wrote:
Name me one thing in this game, that was not part of FF already ? Name me a story element that was not taken from the series ? I'll wait.

I don't think any of the city names were ever used in any previous Final Fantasy game.

I've never ridden into a town on a floating cart lead by a chocobo.

You're wait is over good sir. Smiley: lol
#169 Jun 16 2013 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
supermegazeke wrote:
Ostia wrote:
Name me one thing in this game, that was not part of FF already ? Name me a story element that was not taken from the series ? I'll wait.

I don't think any of the city names were ever used in any previous Final Fantasy game.

I've never ridden into a town on a floating cart lead by a chocobo.

You're wait is over good sir. Smiley: lol

Costa del Sol!

Damm! The floating cart thing is true Smiley: lol Well! There we have It!
#170 Jun 16 2013 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
Ken Burton's Reject
12,834 posts
Ostia wrote:
supermegazeke wrote:
Ostia wrote:
Name me one thing in this game, that was not part of FF already ? Name me a story element that was not taken from the series ? I'll wait.

I don't think any of the city names were ever used in any previous Final Fantasy game.

I've never ridden into a town on a floating cart lead by a chocobo.

You're wait is over good sir. Smiley: lol

Costa del Sol!

Damm! The floating cart thing is true Smiley: lol Well! There we have It!

Honestly, I think the inclusion of series elements is a desperate attempt to bandage over the failure of 1.0. They are trying to convince people that because they added these more traditional elements that the game is now magically better.

I don't like the ploy but it looks nice in the cutscenes and on the advertising materials.
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality
#171 Jun 16 2013 at 3:22 PM Rating: Good
424 posts
Ostia wrote:
supermegazeke wrote:
Ostia wrote:
Name me one thing in this game, that was not part of FF already ? Name me a story element that was not taken from the series ? I'll wait.

I don't think any of the city names were ever used in any previous Final Fantasy game.

I've never ridden into a town on a floating cart lead by a chocobo.

You're wait is over good sir. Smiley: lol

Costa del Sol!

Damm! The floating cart thing is true Smiley: lol Well! There we have It!

Woah! Where is there a Costa del Sol?! I want to buy a condo for 300,000 gil that is worthless!
#172 Jun 16 2013 at 3:43 PM Rating: Good
972 posts
Pawkeshup, Averter of the Apocalypse wrote:
Ostia wrote:
supermegazeke wrote:
Ostia wrote:
Name me one thing in this game, that was not part of FF already ? Name me a story element that was not taken from the series ? I'll wait.

I don't think any of the city names were ever used in any previous Final Fantasy game.

I've never ridden into a town on a floating cart lead by a chocobo.

You're wait is over good sir. Smiley: lol

Costa del Sol!

Damm! The floating cart thing is true Smiley: lol Well! There we have It!

Honestly, I think the inclusion of series elements is a desperate attempt to bandage over the failure of 1.0. They are trying to convince people that because they added these more traditional elements that the game is now magically better.

I don't like the ploy but it looks nice in the cutscenes and on the advertising materials.

It's Costa del Limsa Lominsa, get your facts straight!

No Pawk, they introduced those things because 1.0 didn't have many FF things at launch, Which I think Tanaka was planning on adding later as well. If he stayed on board this game probably would have wound up more similar to XI if given the time. Whether that is better or not, I leave up to you. Yoshida has taken the post WoW structure most modern mmos take.

It's kind of funny as I read on Many people left SWG and EQ for WoW. Now people looking for a new mmo are more interested in EQ next than WoW.

I don't care how many subscribers other mmos get as long as this mmo ends up good and has a healthy sub base. With ARR seemingly faster in progress of story and leveling in comparison to Vanilla FFXI. This brings ARR more in line with an offline FF which may hook into their fanbase more so than XI. Then all ARR has to do is keep them there.
#173 Jun 16 2013 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
supermegazeke wrote:
Ostia wrote:
supermegazeke wrote:
Ostia wrote:
Name me one thing in this game, that was not part of FF already ? Name me a story element that was not taken from the series ? I'll wait.

I don't think any of the city names were ever used in any previous Final Fantasy game.

I've never ridden into a town on a floating cart lead by a chocobo.

You're wait is over good sir. Smiley: lol

Costa del Sol!

Damm! The floating cart thing is true Smiley: lol Well! There we have It!

Woah! Where is there a Costa del Sol?! I want to buy a condo for 300,000 gil that is worthless!

In Limsa!!!
#174 Jun 16 2013 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
100 posts
Firstly, Thanks for Wint remembering these 2 poor souls from the olden'times. We'll see how much of the magic returns.

First impressions... pretty, fairly smoothly running, Minor issues with holding a lock on FATE and instanced bosses, Nice custom options on the character creation... was able to remake my old Taru ... I mean Lala self with the appropriate greying hair and Goatee. (the mustache sucks... ) Great sound and ambiance.

Much faster pace with the standing MP regen, Caught a FATE as the first strike, got down to 20% mp at the end of it... Very nice.

Sadly, the last day of school was Friday, and we only had Saturday to play, but we're looking forward to the next server uptime.

#175 Jun 16 2013 at 5:36 PM Rating: Good
I'm a total fanboy at this point. XIV seems like a strange breed of XI, XII, and XIV and I love it. The graphics, colors, very active vibrant world, the FATE, the community, the Story (which is really cinematic for a MMO a la offline FF style), the customization in menus, UI, chat, display names (surprisingly deep for something seemingly so simple), and the precise way that they have divided the control scheme depending on selection of input. I have very high hopes right now and will be subbing the crap out of it at launch.
#176 Jun 16 2013 at 5:42 PM Rating: Good
424 posts
electromagnet83 wrote:
I'm a total fanboy at this point. XIV seems like a strange breed of XI, XII, and XIV and I love it. The graphics, colors, very active vibrant world, the FATE, the community, the Story (which is really cinematic for a MMO a la offline FF style), the customization in menus, UI, chat, display names (surprisingly deep for something seemingly so simple), and the precise way that they have divided the control scheme depending on selection of input. I have very high hopes right now and will be subbing the crap out of it at launch.

It reminds me of FFXII as well. I believe it's because of the little aggro lines and target lines that come up in combat. Also the division of zones is also the same as XII with the little lines of colored orbs. Maybe that's why I like this game. I loved XII, more than any of the FF's after VII. XIII's combat was good, but the story was kinda weak.

Edited, Jun 16th 2013 7:43pm by supermegazeke
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