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#427 Jun 25 2013 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Actually, when you brake it down into base concepts, the Meteria system is in fact different than the upgrade system of other games.

Most noted in this is the forbidden system. Even in other games like Diablo that there are socketed items for upgrades (though usually not from being broken down from your own weapons.) None in memory have mentioned pushing it beyond its designated socket limit.

Anyways, as I have said many times before, the game does not have to be glaringly original mechanics wise to be successful.
#428 Jun 25 2013 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
RajiFarlander wrote:
Thayos wrote:
Why are some people making shared gaming mechanics into a big deal?

Because any sort of similarity to WoW = WoW clone, and WoW is EVILBADWRONG, so a WoW clone is even more EVILBADWRONG. I thought that was obvious.

Nobody said WoW is "EVILBADWRONG", but the fact is that we have already played World of Warcraft and its countless clones. FFXIV feels like the same game I've already played a hundred times.

If they expanded on the formula, it would be a different story, but they didn't. They went for a totally safe approach and followed the WoW template exactly.

Edited, Jun 25th 2013 4:47pm by Killua125
#429 Jun 25 2013 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
3,599 posts
Killua125 wrote:
RajiFarlander wrote:
Thayos wrote:
Why are some people making shared gaming mechanics into a big deal?

Because any sort of similarity to WoW = WoW clone, and WoW is EVILBADWRONG, so a WoW clone is even more EVILBADWRONG. I thought that was obvious.

Nobody said WoW is "EVILBADWRONG", but the fact is that we have already played World of Warcraft and its countless clones. FFXIV feels like the same game I've already played a hundred times.

If they expanded on the formula, it would be a different story, but they didn't. They went for a totally safe approach and followed the WoW template exactly.

Edited, Jun 25th 2013 4:47pm by Killua125

Maybe that's why I like ARR and you don't? I haven't jumped ship to the next shiny new mmo every month. I enjoy playing a MMO for years, I'm weird like that.
#430 Jun 25 2013 at 3:22 PM Rating: Excellent
660 posts
I honestly don't care if a game has a system borrowed from another game or not. I see no point in judging a video game based on that kind of criteria. Maybe its just me, I dont know, but I judge a game based off how much I enjoy playing it. If I dont enjoy it, I dont play it. Some games use the same mechanics as others, some innovate with all new ways of playing. What matters is that time spent playing is fun or frustrating.

If someone else enjoys something I dont, it honestly doesnt bother me. I have enough in life to worry about besides some dude's opinion of a video game that I may or may not like. There's really no need to get into a 4chan /v/ style internet fight about who enjoys eating **** more than the other. Haters gonna hate.

Still, I'll never understand the drive behind someone who legitimately hates a game hanging around a forum whose topic of discussion is centered around said game just to post about how much they hate it. If this were a general video games forum I might see why. I just dont see a point in wasting my time like that when I could be doing something I enjoy.
#431 Jun 25 2013 at 3:51 PM Rating: Default
BartelX wrote:
Ostia wrote:
BartelX wrote:
Ostia wrote:
It's called materia, because of nostalgia, they could have called it **** for that meter, and it would still be a socket/gem system, that from what i can tell, you have no idea where it came from, since socket/gem system was in place in Ultima online... A game that predates FFVII... Hmmm! But i am sure Blizzard based it on VII Smiley: lol Btw the materia system is based on the Esper system of VI..... Smiley: lol

UO was released September 1997 and FFVII was released January 1997, nice try though. Also, the materia system is not derived from the Esper system. The two systems are completely different. Espers, you could equip 1 at a time, they taught you spells permanently, and affected your stat gains at level-up when equipped. Materia, you could equip many of them, you could only use the skills from them when equipped, and the stat gains were a static amount based on the materia level, which you lost if you unequipped them. That's like saying apples are derived from oranges because they are both round and sweet.

Ostia wrote:
Dungeons are part of the story in every single MMORPG, or are you saying they are just instances that have no relation to the world in those games ? I am pretty sure in wow/rift/swotor/gw2 etc etc that there are quest that lead to dungeons, and quest that are entirely based in Dungeons. To say this game integrates it more than in any other game, is silly, and is a straw argument.

You can go 1-50 in swtor, 1-60 in Rift, 1-80 in WoW, 1-80 in GW2 without touching dungeons, and the only negative impact it has on your character is that you don't get to read the 3-4 quests that are done within the dungeons. They aren't part of the main storyline, they are like sidequests at best that you do as an alternate means of experience. Within the first 20 levels of FFXIV, you go through 3 dungeons that are 100% required to advance the main storyline. It's not a straw argument, it's a genuine difference from every other mainstream mmo.

I understand that you don't like certain aspects of the game, there are several that I'd like to see improvements on also. But a lot of what you are arguing is either completely inaccurate (UO coming out before FFVII and materia coming from esper system) or just stretched to your own agenda. It's quite futile to even try and have a conversation with you sometimes...

Edited, Jun 25th 2013 1:53pm by BartelX

Edited, Jun 25th 2013 1:53pm by BartelX

Lmao! Are you seriously fishing that hard BartelX ? Really ? Yes yes i bet the people at Ultima where like.. Oh look at that system in FFVII lets borrow it, 2-3 months before relase, even tho we have no idea wtf it is, or how we can implement it.... Smiley: lol You are Priceless!

Also the Materia system is based on the Esper system in VI just like Limit Breaks where based of desperation moves in VI, Ito has said so himself... You know the guy that created the stuff.... Also your logic is so dumb... Oh espers and materia are not the same... You learn spells on both from items you equip, and you get bonus stats... But in one if you un-equip the item you lose the stats... Oh and you can equip multiple ones in another one.....Therefore not the same... Smiley: lol

What are you gonna say now ? That Limit Breaks where not based of Desperation Moves in VI ? Because in one you can control it and in the other one, you have to have low health to unleash them ? So is like totally different Smiley: lol

Oh and Really ? Really ? Oh yes those dungeons are involved in the story line of those MMO'S and are part of the world, and have quest, and lore and all that, but in here they are forced upon you, therefore FFXIV FIRST MMO TO HAVE STORY DUNGEONS ljdfaslfjlajflajfa jajsf

Please keep posting stuff like this BartelX

Nah, I'm bored with your constant trolling and misinformation. Maybe when you grow up and can have a civilized discussion about something I'll respond, until then, see you in-game! Smiley: tongue

Nah! Do not play the troll misinformation card when you have no argument for your statements, materia in VII was inspired and based of the esper system in VI, that is a fact, same as limit breaks, that also is a fact, do they work exactly the same ? No they do not, but does the VII materia system works exactly the same as the XIV system ? No it does not, so i don't understand your argument, you are arguing because you want it to be closer to VII than to another title, which hey if you want to argue that, cool, but XIV materia and VII materia system are not alike at ALL!

If you have a friend that is more familiar with MMO'S than with Final Fantasy, and he ask you what this materia system is, would saying "Well is like the socket/gem system of other games, you can attach a piece of materia for extra stats etc etc" be a lie ? Would you be trolling ? Hell No! It is FFXIV version of that system, that is what it is :)

Also Smiley: lol First MMO to integrate storylines into dungeons Smiley: lol That was a good one kid.
#432 Jun 25 2013 at 4:30 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
The trolling comes from the manner of your responses, where no matter what anyone says, you just answer it with a lol smiley and some childish jab at them. It's immature and pointless. If you want to have a simple discussion excluding the immature bs, I'd be more than willing to discuss anything you want and more than likely concede points when you make a cogent argument.

However, when you spew off crap like UO had sockets and it was out before ffvii (which is wrong) and then try and change your argument after the fact to me implying that UO somehow stole it from ffvii, which I never even insinuated, you are acting like a troll. Just act like an adult and I'll respond to you, that's all I'm asking.
#433 Jun 25 2013 at 4:34 PM Rating: Excellent
FFXIV feels like the same game I've already played a hundred times.

Wow... I can't think of a single MMORPG, or RPG for that matter, that I've played 100 times.
Thayos Redblade
#434 Jun 25 2013 at 4:56 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Those of a negative bias will always generalize their experience, especially if they are, in fact, burnt out on something.

They claim to be looking for reasons to differentiate one thing from another, but in truth they're subconsciously looking for reasons to homogenize it. One who fears disappointment will always find it, as will one who expect it.

It's a common behavioral addiction - one I struggle against as well.

People tend to forget that engagement is a two way relationship.
#435REDACTED, Posted: Jun 25 2013 at 5:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Look at you trying to fish upvotes left and right Smiley: lol If kachi could see you now Smiley: sly
#436 Jun 25 2013 at 5:37 PM Rating: Default
Thayos wrote:
FFXIV feels like the same game I've already played a hundred times.

Wow... I can't think of a single MMORPG, or RPG for that matter, that I've played 100 times.

Judging by the levels in your signature, you've most definitely played XIV 100 times.
#437 Jun 25 2013 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
88 posts
I was under the impression ff7 released first in japan in january 1997.
#438 Jun 25 2013 at 6:01 PM Rating: Excellent
57 posts
Random new dude here, but aren't we a little off topic?

How is the auction house or similar system? How was it back in 1.0?

Also, how long until group PvP is instituted? Is ARR going to be less PvP-inclined than WoW or even EQ2?
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