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#277 Jun 23 2013 at 1:55 AM Rating: Default
4,175 posts
BrokenFox wrote:
Whatever. The game's graphics are still better than anything I've seen on the PS2.

I dunno. Everytime I shoot and miss one of those birds on my archer I keep expecting that annoying dog to peek out and laugh at me Smiley: sly
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#278 Jun 23 2013 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
1,122 posts
Having tried the new FFXIV I have nothing bad to say about it.

I just don't think I can get into it... I... guess I just don't find levelling up, scripted questing and killing things over and over fun anymore. It just feels like going through the motions now...
#279 Jun 23 2013 at 2:47 AM Rating: Decent
641 posts
My first impression after getting back my old character were:

- Why do I have to get an airship pass now?
- Why can't I equip my old grand company gear?
- Why have most of the gear I used on warrior dropped from 50 to 40?

I didn't get to play the beta for the short period I was logged on so I didn't get to try out the battle system. The deal with the airship pass just feels stupid as I have to jump through hoops (I really, really hope they have had the right mind to abandon anything JP midnight related) just to get it back.
#280 Jun 23 2013 at 2:57 AM Rating: Good
1,112 posts
That's easy Solonuke, I can answer those for you!

Solonuke wrote:

- Why do I have to get an airship pass now?

Because ARR is a new game.

Solonuke wrote:
- Why can't I equip my old grand company gear?

Because ARR is a new game.

Solonuke wrote:
- Why have most of the gear I used on warrior dropped from 50 to 40?

Because ARR is a new game.

If it was any different, you'd have accomplished everything ARR has to offer before even logging in. Why would you even want to log into a game like that?

Expect many trivial things you'll have to get done with the rest of the player base. It might just give you something to look forward to while playing too ;)
#281 Jun 23 2013 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
Kordain wrote:
That's easy Solonuke, I can answer those for you!

Solonuke wrote:

- Why do I have to get an airship pass now?

Because ARR is a new game.

Solonuke wrote:
- Why can't I equip my old grand company gear?

Because ARR is a new game.

Solonuke wrote:
- Why have most of the gear I used on warrior dropped from 50 to 40?

Because ARR is a new game.

If it was any different, you'd have accomplished everything ARR has to offer before even logging in. Why would you even want to log into a game like that?

Expect many trivial things you'll have to get done with the rest of the player base. It might just give you something to look forward to while playing too ;)

Is not a new game, and you can already do that w/o being 50, SE has spent 3 betas testing 1-30 levels.... Come on already!
#282 Jun 23 2013 at 3:16 AM Rating: Default
BrokenFox wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
Actually, PS2 graphics isn't that far off. A lot of the in-game enemy models are FFXI rips, which is a PS2 game. Some of them have slightly upgraded graphics, but for most, they didn't even bother. So those graphics are from 12 years ago on the PS2.

Some of the grass/bushes and objects seem like they might be from FFXI too.

So, it's really not that ridiculous of a statement.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2013 2:52am by Killua125

Yes it is, because the graphics are clearly WAY above PS2 level. Come on. Get real.

No PS2 game looks this good.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2013 3:04am by BrokenFox

This is the perfect example of how this forum sometimes runs.... One person says something factual, but that might be negative... Down voted.

This guy says something not only False! But misleading and yet no down vote because, oh he said it in order to defend the game.... Smiley: lol If you got to lie to defend something... That's sad Smiley: lol
#283 Jun 23 2013 at 3:47 AM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
GiftedChild wrote:
I know I'm preaching to the wrong choir, since after 6 pages of posts, I see 80% folks are here just... love the franchise regardless of what they spew out. So I'm not here to put down anyone or convince anyone. People should form their own opinions, try the game during launch, pay them the first month and see for yourself.

In conclusion, FFXIV: ARR sacrificed every bit of graphical feature for a... smoother game play. And if you are one of those who don't give a rats *** about eye candy, you only enjoy good game play, story line, character development and whatnot, I suggest you turn this crap off and go play FF6 instead.

Graphics were bad in 1.0; you're just not remembering it right. First, even high-end machines experienced screen tearing. You couldn't load more than 40 characters including NPCs, and the engine took a long time to unload and load up the people you were actually standing next to especially if you crossed an invisible zone in town (the Gridania inn was incredibly bad for this). What got drawn on screen was not optimized either. It would waste time rendering things you couldn't possibly see behind walls, while ignoring the fact that you'd sooner do something simple like turn around than develop x-ray vision (there was a surreal effect of characters standing right behind you being perceptively invisible for a split second if you spun around too quick). In the field, there was copy-pasta everywhere or the zone would be too expensive to load up, so sure the detail was great, but only if you liked looking at the same clearing a dozen times in a 2 minute walk in one direction.

From what I've seen in ARR, you can see far more characters around you (you know, the people you're there to play with). You aren't waiting around for a minute or two just for a vendor NPC to load in a busy part of town. The terrain is unique and varied and actually worth exploring for something new to see instead of it all being a repeated mix of Clearing A, Clearing B, and Clearing C. And you don't need a high end machine just to clear the minimum requirements to even play the game (which actually accomplishes the most important thing: getting the game accessible enough for most people to play). This is a vast improvement.

FFXIV is not single-player RPG like Skyrim. You'd be hard pressed to find any MMO that can go high-end graphics and not have any issues with so many players connected at once. I can't think of any that's pulled it off and I doubt you can either, or you'd be playing that MMO right now.
#284 Jun 23 2013 at 4:41 AM Rating: Excellent
424 posts
Ostia wrote:
Also a group from this forum, beat an instance w/o a healer..... The first time they even set foot into an ARR dungeon.... Yeah combat is not easy... Smiley: lol

Yeah, with me, the noobiest tank of all at that point. lol. I wouldn't say that's an indication one way or the other of the combat difficulty though. It's not like we won that easily either, it took us probably 4-5 tries to take down the final boss. And it was the first dungeon, I would be surprised if we could accomplish anything like that on anything further along.

I like the combat in this game personally. It's the same as any RPG ever created. Attack when you need to attack, heal when you need to heal, and don't stand in fire. The only MMO that is going to break the mold is by tapping a controller directly into your spinal cord and reading your mind, because for some reason everybody has a problem with hitting buttons while playing a video game.

I'll play this game on PS3, mainly due to me not having a PC, and this is the only way I can play an MMO that isn't complete garbage. That's what the selling point on this game is for me.

It's an MMORPG on the PS3, and it's not garbage. Sold.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2013 6:41am by supermegazeke
#285 Jun 23 2013 at 5:31 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
supermegazeke wrote:
I'll play this game on PS3, mainly due to me not having a PC, and this is the only way I can play an MMO that isn't complete garbage. That's what the selling point on this game is for me.

This is by far the best reason anyone (in several years now) has been able to come up with that would convince me that this game has merit beyond just it's potential.

Kudos(and a rate up) to you good sir for ruining my day. Now if you'll excuse me; I must return to my cave Smiley: glare
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#286 Jun 23 2013 at 10:36 AM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Spoiler time!

Solonuke wrote:

- Why do I have to get an airship pass now?

Because nobody remembers you and you lost your airship pass in the Calamity and it wasn't salvaged.

- Why can't I equip my old grand company gear?

Because you're not a member of a Grand Comapny, or at least, not to the Grand company itself. All memory, even all bookkeeping of you is lost. Be thankful you still keep your rank, which breaks immersion to do so.

- Why have most of the gear I used on warrior dropped from 50 to 40?

Because you were likely using Dated Gear. All gear got adjusted from the old version, but most retained their level at least. The fact that yours was adjusted likely was due to balancing issues.

Don't worry, there's nothing in the storyline that forces you to wait a day. I've got my Grand Company membership back, though it's at about level 20 that you obtain it. Slap on your AF and breeze through the content to get reinstated.
#287 Jun 23 2013 at 10:44 AM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
I think the problem here is that the 'opposing argument' (Sorry I don't mean to generalize but it's really the only way I can say it.) is overlooking any unique parts of twists for the sake of bolstering their argument.

There's no need to go any farther to state A Realm Reborn's uniqueness than to say . "It's what Final Fantsay should be." Too much in MMOs and gaming in general these days do we overlook the world the game creates because we look too hard for that "innovative" mechanic.

As the old saying goes "Necessity is the mother of invention." Creating a brand new mechanic just for the sake of attention isn't acting out of necessity. Furthermore, it detracts attention from fine-tuning your other mechanics, simply because you felt the desire to introduce something new.

Anyways I played what was available of the story. (up until level 20) and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The storyline is richly Final Fantasy. I delighted at some of the throwbacks and pop culture references it makes. Honestly, I'm having trouble not spoiling it for everyone here, I want to gush and speculate right now. - Which is a good sign on the story.

Battle mechanics get deeper the further you go in. As of 50 Lancer has 3 combos and you'll be wanting to use at least two, likely all 3. Not including all the myriad of additional skills you use to assist tanks and maximize your DPS. Sadly as we don't have battle content designed at levle 50 it's difficult to gauge how necessary the depth of the characters will be needed. But the scaling of difficulty up to level 32 is promising.

However, I do acknowledge that I feel ahead of the difficulty curve. But that's not to say everyone is. I wiped twice to Copperbell mines because my group couldn't organize their efforts. (We won the fight on me using a desperation Limit Break. Braver for the win.) There are some that still can't grasp the idea of using an Antidote to survive the level 15 main scenario fight.

That said, the fights were never boring. Each one did something other than simply be tank-and-spanked. Each situation felt unique and appropriate to the area itself.

If I were to critise, I'd say that MP recovery is too high and TP recovery later levels is too low. This can be countered by lowering the base regen rate on MP (won't hurt THM's much due to their regen bonuses, but it will make the Conjruer think more about balancing their resources.) And instead of adjusting the regen rate on TP, create TP pots that will give players an active, yet balanced, means of restoring TP. That will, in my view, will finely polish the combat system.
#288 Jun 23 2013 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
Basing my ratings mainly from XI and what I played when I was on 1.0. I played for about a month on 1.0 and went back to XI, and though I have played other MMOs I will just stick with comparing to these two. This is also my first weekend playing in beta, I didn't know my beta key was sent to an old email and just discovered it on Thursday. (´・ω・`)

Story: 8.5 The story is great so far, but my highest lvl atm is 17 LNC so I am not too far into to it as of yet. I am sure my rating will only go up since I really like what I see as of now.

Quests: 9 There are tons of quests and most of them seem to be super easy. This is not necessarily a bad thing since it's a huge change from when I played FFXI. It's easy to solo and a nice alternative from having to pt in order to get big amounts of exp. No wanting for a pt invite or fighting to get into one with all the players around.

Combat: 9 Huge change from XI! It's very nice and refreshing not to have to wait until high lvls in order to get a variety of combat abilities. It was such a pain getting only one good weapon skill at low lvls until say like 20ish...maybe even 30ish. Also started on Archer and love shooting the crap out of stuff without buying arrows. XD

Visuals: 9 Love the graphics! I am playing on my Asus laptop which the graphics card really needs to be updated, and it handles it with easy while not sacrificing quality. I can only imagine how awesome this is going to look once I get my Alienware with a GTX 780.

Accessibility: 10 No problems here.

Good Tutorials: 9 Easy to understand, no problems whatsoever.

Crafting: N/A I haven't tried with 2.0 as of yet.

Pace of level progression: 9 Starts off fast but past 10 it starts to slow down. This is coming from someone who solo'd until 17 so not sure how fast it will be in a pt, but like what I see so far.

FATES: 10 I really enjoy these. Again, its a nice change and you can get some awesome exp off these.

Fun: 10 I couldn't log off...just kept wanting to keep on going.

Uniqueness of systems: 8.5 I am basing this mainly off XI and what I played on 1.0, so don't be harsh on my rating for this.( ̄~ ̄;)

Music: 10 Always enjoyed the music of Final Fantasy. (゚ー゚)

Overall rating: 9ish? Can you tell I really like this game so far? ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ

Edited, Jun 23rd 2013 1:14pm by ChaosElite22
#289 Jun 23 2013 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
154 posts
I'm enjoying the game so far. While the combat can be tweaked a bit, it's still better than FFXI. I'm getting both the PC (free for me) and PS3 versions, but I'm playing beta on PS3. PS3 graphics aren't the best, but when you consider it's going on 512MB RAM, it's pretty impressive. Still a beautiful game on PS3...I guess I just expected more.

I leveled all of the DoW and DoM close to lvl 10 (all I had time for), with some going to 15 and 16. I wanted to get an idea of what I wanted to start with in phase 4. It seems like I ran out of quests in an area after I made the big push on the first class in that area. This is why most of my classes got to lvl 9 and no further. I didn't do many FATEs either, so's all on me lol. There's no rush though, and running out of quests encourages GROUP play, which is what FF has always been about--a group of people working to achieve a common goal. I love that they've added quests, but I'm also looking forward to grinding dungeons and making new friends. Having both adds versatility--I won't be able to wait hours for a group everyday.

Crafting and gathering professions (lvl'd them to 10 too)...omg. Looking forward to spending hours working on those too. Don't be surprised if my first 50 is Botanist or Carpenter lol.

Overall, I'm loving it. Found quite a few bugs and reported them. Played FFXI and WoW for years...I've found my new time sink.
#290 Jun 23 2013 at 11:41 AM Rating: Excellent
I played with graphics last night. I've found I get better performance out of Borderless Windowed at 1080p with 60 fps at High settings than I do any other setting. I'm running closer to 50 fps but that's still smooth as silk to me. And it's a hundred times better than my rig could run 1.0....

As for the brightness of the game, I dropped down the gamma a notch and it's still bright but not blindingly so. I don't think most screenshots have touched on that yet. And it's only OMG @#%^ING BRIGHT at high noon, which is how actual real life works. Step outside at noon on a sunny day without sunglasses and you're going to squint a lot. At night, the graphics are muted and cool-toned and mostly lit by the gorgeous galaxy spilling across the sky.

(Aw damn, I didn't take any screenshots after I tweaked it. Pity.)

Here's real combat at Medium 720 settings. Gee, it sure looks an awful lot like the concept screenshot posted above.


Edited, Jun 23rd 2013 1:43pm by Catwho
#291 Jun 23 2013 at 11:52 AM Rating: Excellent
598 posts
I enjoy dungeon rewards. There's a (obvious) difference in gear quality, cosmetic and stat wise, when you line up two equally leveled players where one participated in dungeons and one preferred solo play. I also enjoyed that much of the dungeon gear had a very nice FF flair to it in contrast to the motley gear offered by merchants. This alone should encourage me to continually seek out PTs.

Delving slightly deeper into the game I find myself absolutely in love with the storyline thus far. From what I've seen of the dramatic finale of V1.+, as a new player I feel a strong sense of participation into those final hours (as much as I can) while still clearly giving me a sense of mystery to it all. I really feel like I am uncovering the missing memories everyone suffers. They're doing a wonderful job keeping me, the new player, involved with the ending storyline of FFXIV. I want to know what happened to these fabled heros.
#292 Jun 23 2013 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
To compare PS2 graphics of FFXI with maxed out PC settings of ARR...seriously? There is no point in arguing that, at all. Don't bother feeding em.

#293 Jun 23 2013 at 3:22 PM Rating: Good
923 posts
Dizmo wrote:
Having tried the new FFXIV I have nothing bad to say about it.

I just don't think I can get into it... I... guess I just don't find levelling up, scripted questing and killing things over and over fun anymore. It just feels like going through the motions now...

I feel ya...I think it's time for me to hang up my MMO Gloves..I'll peek a little further into the game once it releases but as of now I don't see myself sticking with it.

I really respect what Yoshi-P has been able to do but the game doesn't excite me.
#294 Jun 23 2013 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
huhwhat wrote:
I'm not having any major complaints about the game, it looks good, plays smooth for a beta. I just wish they would change the way some abilities are, like Raise on Cnj... why can I not cast it in combat? For the most part I am really enjoying it, and look forward to seeing improvements over the next couple weeks.

Noticed no one pointed this out...

I did log on my level 50 legacy character this past weekend and can confirm that the trait does exist albeit I didn't get a chance to try it in action. So while it's a little silly you don't get in-combat raise at the start, it does come when later dungeons more-so benefits you. I can't say that the initial 3 dungeons were hard to heal at all on the character I made on the first weekend, but I felt Toto-Rak and Hauke Manor a decent step-up; there were times when a few members of my party almost died (although truthfully it's because they didn't move out of stuff, but none the less).

I think the in-combat raise as a standalone trait is so that only pure healers--Conjurer and White Mage will be able to get it so that your standard DPS and tanks can't simply level CNJ to 12 just to get a freebie combat rez. I presume that Scholars will get their own method of raise and in-combat raise as well.

samosamo wrote:
Dizmo wrote:
Having tried the new FFXIV I have nothing bad to say about it.

I just don't think I can get into it... I... guess I just don't find levelling up, scripted questing and killing things over and over fun anymore. It just feels like going through the motions now...

I feel ya...I think it's time for me to hang up my MMO Gloves..I'll peek a little further into the game once it releases but as of now I don't see myself sticking with it.

I really respect what Yoshi-P has been able to do but the game doesn't excite me.

Wanted to point out that "scripted questing" is not the only necessary means to level. Out of pure experiment I managed to level an alt class all the way purely through hunting logs and FATEs. I squeezed in a few leve's just to get a feel for it though they were not necessary. Remember that unless they intend on adding ten times the amount of quests from phase 3 to phase 4/retail--you will run out of standard "questing" by your 4th class/job.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2013 5:40pm by Archetelos
#295 Jun 23 2013 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
972 posts
samosamo wrote:
Dizmo wrote:
Having tried the new FFXIV I have nothing bad to say about it.

I just don't think I can get into it... I... guess I just don't find levelling up, scripted questing and killing things over and over fun anymore. It just feels like going through the motions now...

I feel ya...I think it's time for me to hang up my MMO Gloves..I'll peek a little further into the game once it releases but as of now I don't see myself sticking with it.

I really respect what Yoshi-P has been able to do but the game doesn't excite me.

Sounds like you are tired of rpgs in general. Almost every single quest in the offline FF or other offline rpgs are scripted, you level up, and you kill things over and over.

Unless you mean you're tired of the way modern mmos handle progression?

I'd prefer to level up just like I do in offline FF. Just a natural progression from the beginning of the story to the end of the story. With the occasional killing monsters on the side outside the story. I prefer meatier quest with a lot of story over the traditional quest log, fed ex, trade to the npc five feet away, etc,etc. I'd prefer 100 exquisite long sidequests versus 10,000 filler quests. But it is what is.

This is the way mmos work now and if they did things my way. There is no way they could hold retention rates with so little but meaningful content. Take a long break from mmos until you feel the jones again. Or go back and play older grindish mmos. They have modernised some but still retain the old ways.

Hope you have fun whatever you do.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2013 5:39pm by sandpark

Edited, Jun 23rd 2013 5:43pm by sandpark
#296 Jun 23 2013 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
923 posts
sandpark wrote:
samosamo wrote:
Dizmo wrote:
Having tried the new FFXIV I have nothing bad to say about it.

I just don't think I can get into it... I... guess I just don't find levelling up, scripted questing and killing things over and over fun anymore. It just feels like going through the motions now...

I feel ya...I think it's time for me to hang up my MMO Gloves..I'll peek a little further into the game once it releases but as of now I don't see myself sticking with it.

I really respect what Yoshi-P has been able to do but the game doesn't excite me.

Sounds like you are tired of rpgs in general. Almost every single quest in the offline FF or other offline rpgs are scripted, you level up, and you kill things over and over.

Unless you mean you're tired of the way modern mmos handle progression?

I'd prefer to level up just like I do in offline FF. Just a natural progression from the beginning of the story to the end of the story. With the occasional killing monsters on the side outside the story. I prefer meatier quest with a lot of story over the traditional quest log, fed ex, trade to the npc five feet away, etc,etc. I'd prefer 100 exquisite long sidequests versus 10,000 filler quests. But it is what is.

This is the way mmos work now and if they did things my way. There is no way they could hold retention rates with so little but meaningful content. Take a long break from mmos until you feel the jones again. Or go back and play older grindish mmos. They have modernised some but still retain the old ways.

Hope you have fun whatever you do.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2013 5:39pm by sandpark

Edited, Jun 23rd 2013 5:43pm by sandpark

It's really more about the combat for me, I find it shallow, I can deal with questing for XP and all of the other systems in place.
#297 Jun 23 2013 at 3:50 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
That I can relate with Samo. I have been waiting to see something that appeals to me combat wise. I am digging the controller UI though.

I could still thoroughly enjoy playing this as it is even with combat not at what it could be. I can't speak for the rest of people who are not avid FF players though. I do not know how they will receive it.
#298 Jun 23 2013 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Hyrist wrote:
There's no need to go any farther to state A Realm Reborn's uniqueness than to say . "It's what Final Fantsay should be." Too much in MMOs and gaming in general these days do we overlook the world the game creates because we look too hard for that "innovative" mechanic.

As the old saying goes "Necessity is the mother of invention." Creating a brand new mechanic just for the sake of attention isn't acting out of necessity. Furthermore, it detracts attention from fine-tuning your other mechanics, simply because you felt the desire to introduce something new.

Like I said before, just being FF doesn't carry anything. There are many people who feel that XIII was weak and they aren't eager for the next installment of the single player game. Likewise, there are many people who left XI due to various changes and are weary of what direction XIV will take. "What an FF game should be" doesn't answer the question of "Will this be a game I play and enjoy?".

I don't think you're using the old saying in context here. Going by that logic, you may as well be asking why you are creating another MMO when you already have one. It's pretty much the reason why there isn't a WoW 2. That doesn't mean that Blizzard stopped implementing more of the same content that is popular, completely new content to keep it interesting and adjusting content where necessary.

The fact of the matter is that XIV is still far from the point of 'fine tuning'. That usually implies that you have all of the systems in your game almost where they need to be outside some minor adjustments. Yoshi and crew are still in the overhaul phase and that will continue on (it seems indefinitely, but at least heading in the right direction) through launch.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#299 Jun 23 2013 at 7:02 PM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Ostia wrote:
Also a group from this forum, beat an instance w/o a healer..... The first time they even set foot into an ARR dungeon.... Yeah combat is not easy... Smiley: lol

Now now Ostia. It was the first dungeon available in the game, and we wiped about 10 times total before finally figuring out a strategy that was able to work. We also had 2 tanks, one with cure. We actually had to use an incredible amount of strategy, and even a fair amount of kiting just to beat it. We had to rest every other mob group, and the run, which normally takes 30 minutes, took us over an hour. Did I mention it was the first dungeon? There is absolutely no way a group would be able to do that in Copperbell without a healer.

I actually like the combat thus far. For instance, on my pug, if I want to actually maximize my DPS, I need to focus on my positioning for every attack. I need to be behind for some abilities, move to the side for some, decide when is most ideal to use my crit boost ability (a solo pull is a waste of a 60s CD), and even help out occasionally with off-tanking with featherfoot>haymaker when there are tons of mobs (first boss of Copperbell comes to mind). And this is all at level 18. I like what I've seen so far and am looking forward to seeing the progression at higher levels.
#300 Jun 23 2013 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
1,122 posts
sandpark wrote:

Sounds like you are tired of rpgs in general. Almost every single quest in the offline FF or other offline rpgs are scripted, you level up, and you kill things over and over.

Pretty much... I guess it just feels like MMOs ought to have more complexity and depth than whacking mobs that inexplicably reappear outside town every few minutes now that it's 2013. :/ I find it hard to maintain my suspension of disbelief.
#301 Jun 23 2013 at 8:08 PM Rating: Default
BartelX wrote:
Ostia wrote:
Also a group from this forum, beat an instance w/o a healer..... The first time they even set foot into an ARR dungeon.... Yeah combat is not easy... Smiley: lol

Now now Ostia. It was the first dungeon available in the game, and we wiped about 10 times total before finally figuring out a strategy that was able to work. We also had 2 tanks, one with cure. We actually had to use an incredible amount of strategy, and even a fair amount of kiting just to beat it. We had to rest every other mob group, and the run, which normally takes 30 minutes, took us over an hour. Did I mention it was the first dungeon? There is absolutely no way a group would be able to do that in Copperbell without a healer.

I actually like the combat thus far. For instance, on my pug, if I want to actually maximize my DPS, I need to focus on my positioning for every attack. I need to be behind for some abilities, move to the side for some, decide when is most ideal to use my crit boost ability (a solo pull is a waste of a 60s CD), and even help out occasionally with off-tanking with featherfoot>haymaker when there are tons of mobs (first boss of Copperbell comes to mind). And this is all at level 18. I like what I've seen so far and am looking forward to seeing the progression at higher levels.

You can actually do all 3 of the first dungeons w/o a healer :) It has been stated in the official beta forums that you can even do manor w/o a healer... And no you do not need to focus on positioning to maximize your dmg, all you have to do is 1,2,3 over and over, the difference between correctly playing and spamming your abilities is so slim, that there is no real advantage to doing one over the other. Oh i played correctly i did 1500 DPS! Oh i just faced rolled across the keyboard i did 1490 DPS!
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