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First ImpressionsFollow

#252 Jun 22 2013 at 2:05 PM Rating: Excellent
1,675 posts
Hyrist wrote:
How about being good?

There does not need to be any grand innovation to draw in and keep an audience, and it's a misnomer to think so. That's simply a gimick.

Final Fantasy already has its own Gimick - that's being a Final Fantasy game. It has its own draw, own reputation. Not to mention the fact that they're turning this game around after being such a monumental failure before.

The redemption story alone will gather it attention. Beyond that it does not need to be ground-breaking - merely appealing in its execution.

I agree. More importance on connection rather than innovation. And the FF series has that in spades.

I also think people are confusing originality and innovation. You can be innovative but still copy someone else.

Much like Blizzard copied from EQ, and put their own spin on the genre; this is what ARR is doing right now.

FATES do remind me of GW2 quests, but they are done in a FF sort of way. And if all things were equal if there was a game with FF lore and public quests or GW 2 with the same public quests, I'd play the FF game because of the story.


My First Impressions

I'm only level 10 right now, but I only really have positive things to say about it.

Story: Good. I don't want to say too much and to be honest I've only been half paying attention not to spoil it for myself. It's just like FFXI or 1.0 in this regard.

Quests: OK. Yes, they are very simple, but they are relatively quick and filler mostly. Rewards are where they should be.

Combat: I picked Gladiator first because I thought it would be boring, but when I started to fight for the first time I was amazed at how fun and fast it was. Maybe because it was compared to 1.0, but I really think the combat so far at level 10 is fine. It's a tad slow compared to other games but I think the pace is fine.

Visuals: Areas are completely changed for the better. The textures don't look as sharp as 1.0, but I'd rather have variety and character of areas than the best textures. The new areas are really, really well done.

Accessibility: It's very accessible.

Good Tutorials: They're fine, though I turned them off.

Crafting: Didn't craft, and usually don't in most games.

Pace of level progression: Pretty good, it seems a bit quick now, I would actually like it to be a bit slower but it's been fine so far.

FATES: Pretty fun, although I'd like to see a contribution meter or some cool gear come with it. I don't know if it does this in later FATES or not.

Fun: It's as fun as any new MMO on the market right now. It's a drastic change from 1.0 which was the antithesis of fun. GW2 might have been a bit more fun in the beginning, but again it was surface level. The story combined with the gameplay is what is setting ARR apart.

Uniqueness of systems: They aren't unique as much as it is Yoshi's spin on them. Like other's have stated I don't know if I'd weigh this as heavily as other things.

Music: Very, very good. I'm not joking when I say that it has the best music of any MMO today. And I've only been in Ul'dah and in and around Thanalan.

Overall rating: Around 7-8. By contrast 1.0 was a 3-4. GW2 at release was about an 8-9, but a month later what does that mean, when I don't want to play it anymore? Conversely I'd give WoW an 8 and FFXI a 7.5, but I played those games the longest because there was something about them.


Of course this is just the 3rd Phase of beta and it seems like a finished product to me.

It reminds me of FFXII, and FFXI and a little bit like WoW. Fighting is a bit more deliberate.

Nothing more to say really. I think Yoshi has done a great job. Sure we can quibble on more of the mechanics of the game and what should or shouldn't be, but I think this is the best start I think the game could get.

#253 Jun 22 2013 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Pawkeshup, Averter of the Apocalypse wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Maybe the question was misunderstood...

If someone asks you what you think about XIV, you can't really reply with "It's good". If you do, you're likely to receive a follow up question. "What about XIV makes it good?". Assume you are talking to someone who has played other MMOs and wants to know specifically why they should chose it over any of the others.

You may not need grand innovation to keep a playerbase, but when you're charging a subscription fee and other options are free; people want to know why they should pay a subscription and exactly what it's for.

FFXIV 1.0 was a FF game and it flopped. They've already proven that they can't float it on name alone without some substance. If this was going to be the first launch I might be inclined to agree with you, but the redemption story is only redemption because of failure. It might not need to be exceptional, but it at least needs to separate itself from the pack.

OK, you want a sales pitch? For the uninitiated first,

FFXIV is one of the best, storyline driven MMOs you will play. It has a solid combat mechanic that enables you, the player, through reacting to easy to identify visual clues, respond and avoid enemy attacks. It has an easy-to-use interface, allowing you to focus more on your playing than spending hours working on a set of commands to be "perfect" at your job. The questing is not some grand mystery, so instead of having to hunt across internet forums, you can just use the in-game quest tracker to find out where you need to go, and instead focus on what you will do when you get there. You are provided with gear that will carry you just fine through the opening of the game, so no need to stop and gather money for the ultimate, perfect gear.

In short, FFXIV is about playing a game, not slaving in a virtual world. It is fun, easily understood, and easy to get into. And given the company's history on its previous game, we know that they will add a great deal of depth given the solid, strong base of what they had now.

For the FFXI player:

This game is everything you wished FFXI was. It plays well solo for the most part, requiring parties with teamwork for dungeons. However, you do not need perfect, idealized configurations to win. The mechanics allow for unorthodox setups to win, even if they need to be more aware when fighting. This game trumps ideal gear and job combos with a need for skillful, smart play. Get a good group rolling into a dungeon and you will steamroll it. Get a poor group and you can eek out a victory by brains and tactics.

This game has a stronger combat system, a more comprehensible quest system, and a vivid, fully realized world that you would expect from Square-Enix. Even to the smallest details, like NPC dialogue changing on the fly due to changing conditions around the NPC, the game is every bit as polished as we had wished FFXI would one day be.

Don't need a sales pitch. It's a simple question. What about XIV makes it stand out from the other MMOs.

Combat? Stahp it. Please just stahp.

I'll give you that it's better than XI in that you don't need to make perfect setups for specific fights, but that's as good as saying a kick to the head is better than a kick in the balls.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#254 Jun 22 2013 at 2:52 PM Rating: Excellent
7,566 posts

I didn't look at all, but there is 100 slots, and Crystals have their own place, and gear has its own place.....I busted a nut, figuratively speaking of course.

But jesus....and this isn't including potential for expansions later in the game (such as storage/safes/expanded sacks.)

I mean Holy sh*t inventory.

^ thats me excited.

I was thinking man I should sell some of this junk I gotta be near capping on 18/100 gear sets to level 10 for 2 classes, and a pile of crystals....never need to juggle inventory again...THANK YOU SE.

Edited, Jun 22nd 2013 4:53pm by rdmcandie

Just noticed quest items go into key items after playing 11 for 10 years I seriously thought Item counts didn't go over 80.

Edited, Jun 22nd 2013 4:55pm by rdmcandie
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#255 Jun 22 2013 at 4:05 PM Rating: Good
I'll also note that meds make a BIG difference in some of these fights. Last night on the shell someone said they finally beat a hard fight after taking along an antidote. That was it. One antidote was the difference between lose and win.

Also, considering how much food gets thrown at you in the quests, and how cheap basic food is from NPCs, there's no excuse not to eat something constantly. 3% exp boost is nothing to sneeze at, when a handful of raisins costs 10 gil and lasts 30 minutes. And melee food does good things - one of them (marmot steaks?) even provides an 8% reduction in GCD timers.
#256 Jun 22 2013 at 4:16 PM Rating: Good
7,566 posts
Ya I have noticed that due to the readily available meds you can last a lot longer than you would (comparatively). Its really a stark contrast to 11. You can either group with people and not need meds or you can solo it our with meds. It really allows for a more casual element to take place, and isn't so cost intensive (like XI) in the sense the investment can offset the reward.

I am pretty impressed actually and that is saying a lot (anyone who frequents XI forums know my stance on XIV). SE seems to not only have pillaged all the hate mail for XIV but taken on some 10 years worth of hatemail in regards to XI as well. Its nice to see them actually committed to making a game that caters towards all styles of play, and all volumes of play time.

(yes I know that the community will gravitate towards optimal, but at least from what ive experienced if you have a few friends you can accomplish some cool fights.)

My one wish is that they would possibly tone the mobs to be group exp favorable. It seems that once you are a couple levels below that regardless the items you just get smashed. I honestly liked EXP framing in XI, and hope that they can work some magic in allowing group environmental EXP to be a viable option comparable to solo/lowman questing. (probably my only gripe so far.)

Edited, Jun 22nd 2013 6:20pm by rdmcandie
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#257 Jun 22 2013 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
322 posts
I'm not having any major complaints about the game, it looks good, plays smooth for a beta. I just wish they would change the way some abilities are, like Raise on Cnj... why can I not cast it in combat? For the most part I am really enjoying it, and look forward to seeing improvements over the next couple weeks.
#258 Jun 22 2013 at 4:34 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
why can I not cast it in combat?

That's pretty standard now, not to allow resurrection in combat. Usually there will be some super high level healer ability that allows a combat res either X number of times per encounter or on a long cooldown (10 min+)

As for complaints about the game.. I only have a couple and they're nitpicky. The only one I have that's really bugging me is the quest flow feels awful. I know people deride games like WoW that lead you by the hand from hub to hub, but there's a reason they do that. I spend a ton of time in XIV running back to a quest giver just to be told to run back to where I was just at and do something else. Sometimes this happens 3 or 4 times. I'd also like it if Levequests would show up on my map without me having to ask specifically for their map location from the quest journal. These are small though, and I can live without them.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#259 Jun 22 2013 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
7,566 posts
huhwhat wrote:
I'm not having any major complaints about the game, it looks good, plays smooth for a beta. I just wish they would change the way some abilities are, like Raise on Cnj... why can I not cast it in combat? For the most part I am really enjoying it, and look forward to seeing improvements over the next couple weeks.

Lots of games are moving away from in combat ressing (and have been for a long time). This is to ensure that the support classes get brought because they are needed, and you can't just res people and continually drag the fight on. (I am sure the FFXI nerds remember the first few weeks with sky gods). But often there are battle res abilities on generous cooldowns, so you can get important folks back up, but generally only 1. So if your tank gets an unlucky combination of hits, you can get him back up and ready before the secondary eats it.

Having played XI for a decade, zombie fighting is pretty gay anyway.
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#260 Jun 22 2013 at 5:32 PM Rating: Default
What games don't allow resurrects in combat?

The recents MMORPGs I've played all did.
#261 Jun 22 2013 at 5:37 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
Killua125 wrote:
What games don't allow resurrects in combat?

The recents MMORPGs I've played all did.

As I said, usually there's an ability that breaks the rule. But standard res'ing in combat is usually not allowed.

The only recent game I can think of that didn't follow that rule was Guild Wars 2, but that one's not a great example due to the lack of an actual healer class to give a combat res to.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#262 Jun 22 2013 at 7:26 PM Rating: Good
725 posts
Brought back great newbie feelings of ffxi.

Oh I didn't know you can't get raise in this game. No reraise equipment, or reraise potion? That's what we used in epic ff11 battles. sometimes theres not enough time for whm to go around raising everyone.

I've died on quests, not knowing what to expect, and not being prepared for it.

PS3 TARGETING SUCKS. That's my first impression. I can target a little bit better with the tab button on the
keyboard. Using the d-pad hurts after awhile and with FATE's its almost impossible to target a mob.

I hope to make a macro, when I learn what to call the mobs.

Pressing R1 and the Square, circle etc buttons, hurts after a while. Might have to make macros for that too.

Oh there are gobbies that agro, and that's fun /train to you want it? Low levels don't get much agro.


Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#263 Jun 22 2013 at 8:12 PM Rating: Good
863 posts
I actually made a feedback comment about not being able to raise in combat back in p1 of beta. I was told by other players that it is possible, but it comes with a passive or something at later levels. I can only assume it would be a way to prevent anyone from being able to do it by just equiping raise and making it a healer only kind of thing if it is true.
#264 Jun 22 2013 at 9:47 PM Rating: Excellent
1,429 posts
Catwho wrote:
I'll also note that meds make a BIG difference in some of these fights. Last night on the shell someone said they finally beat a hard fight after taking along an antidote. That was it. One antidote was the difference between lose and win.

Also, considering how much food gets thrown at you in the quests, and how cheap basic food is from NPCs, there's no excuse not to eat something constantly. 3% exp boost is nothing to sneeze at, when a handful of raisins costs 10 gil and lasts 30 minutes. And melee food does good things - one of them (marmot steaks?) even provides an 8% reduction in GCD timers.

I had a lot of trouble with the Gridinia lvl 15 story mission. I heard a few stratagies to beat it. One was "bring potions and antidotes!". Another was "Run away for a bit, then come back".

The one thing i have noticed is positioning. I finally beat that lvl 15 mission on my squishy CNJ.....and i didn't use a single potion. I didn't even use an antidote when the mages pet hit me with that nasty poison.

Here's what i did:

I positioned myself to not get aggro during those 2 waves of nasty pointy lances. Then, when the pet came out.. i switched to all out ATTACK!]
I used my cleric stance to up my magic attack. I used the ARC ability that gives +20% attack (magic or physical) and burned that thing down enough for....well, i don't want to spoil it.

My point here is.. There isn't enough data about this game to come up with concrete solutions to big fights. But i'd like to think that we are all chipping in.
"FFXI is DYING!!" -2009
Signed: 2023
#265 Jun 22 2013 at 10:50 PM Rating: Excellent
I think we're all mostly grateful that these fights are requiring some strategy. Fighting NQ mobs can be a hack and slash, but quest lines need to be on a higher standard. I'm happy.
#266 Jun 22 2013 at 11:01 PM Rating: Default
Not everything's perfect, very likely I will not be playing anymore... very sad indeed, been on FFXI for 6 years straight since PC launch, now my FF MMO adventure is truly over. I waited, I hoped but it's truly over now.

UI is awesome, loved it.

Fighting was ... boring but.. not a big minus.

Story line is fine but the introduction was kind of... hallow. I don't expect NPC's actually talk during normal play but at least in cutscenes or movies... but nope, nada.

The graphics are horrid. To the other poster who is calling people liars, if I meet you in real life, I'd beat the **** out of you. FFXIV 1.0 seriously put my rig on the test and gave it a run for it's money. I mean, I couldn't even crank that **** up on Max settings without crashing and you can see from my sig that the machine ain't half bad.

Now... well, I set everything on Max in terms of graphics, other than the character model, everything makes me wanna throw up. You can say what you want but I know I'm not exaggerating. And I ******* dare you to post an image of FFXIV 1.0 graphics turned on to high or max, then compare that with FFXIV: ARR on max, I ******* dare you to tell me there isn't a difference. In fact, the difference is night and day.

The lighting is beyond weird. Everything is so goddamn bright.. it just seems like... really, the character models skins look like clay.

The new armor designs are flat out silly and disgusting. Mage robes looks like some kind of bath towel. Some of the melee equipment just looks like rubber pads... sigh.. I just don't know how to explain it. Someone should post some 1.0 armor designs and compare it to the ARR and you'll see what I mean. It looked like somebody's cousin got hired to do the costume design or something.... severely lacking... artistic details. Again, maybe this ties into graphical performance if armors are too sophisticated (lacking texture capabilities)?? And don't tell me it's going to get better on later levels, during 1.0, armors and equipment are not that ugly during starting levels.

Everything else ... as long as it ties to graphical effects, looks absolutely disgusting. If you don't have a high end rig that can run 1.0 on Max, you don't get to comment on this.

I hate to say it this way but in honesty, the graphics turned on max felt like I'm playing a PS2 game. Did you take a look at the flora/fauna around you? Grasses, flowers, trees are so pixelated, I mean... well whatever...

I know I'm preaching to the wrong choir, since after 6 pages of posts, I see 80% folks are here just... love the franchise regardless of what they spew out. So I'm not here to put down anyone or convince anyone. People should form their own opinions, try the game during launch, pay them the first month and see for yourself.

In conclusion, FFXIV: ARR sacrificed every bit of graphical feature for a... smoother game play. And if you are one of those who don't give a rats *** about eye candy, you only enjoy good game play, story line, character development and whatnot, I suggest you turn this crap off and go play FF6 instead.

I'm a graphics *****, I'll admit that and this 2.0 is seriously forcing me to go back to my modded Skyrim.

#267 Jun 23 2013 at 12:05 AM Rating: Good
1,339 posts
huhwhat wrote:
I'm not having any major complaints about the game, it looks good, plays smooth for a beta. I just wish they would change the way some abilities are, like Raise on Cnj... why can I not cast it in combat? For the most part I am really enjoying it, and look forward to seeing improvements over the next couple weeks.


You guys (and I mean all that also responded to this) really, really, really need to actually look at what abilities and traits you get specifically because of situations like this. There's a lot more explained if you look at your traits, especially since a lot of THM/BLM would ignore Thunder never knowing that a trait later on can cause the next Thunder spell to frontload *ALL* damage done on the initial application as well as apply the dot, or that there's a clearcasting type effect on Fire spells later on, etc.

Level 28, Conjurer, White Mage

Enhanced Raise.

Allows the casting of Raise while engaged in battle.

Read your traits guys.


Bye and good riddance because neither your attitude nor fake-"Internet Bad Guy" persona will be missed, and if your screen looks like "PS2 graphics" you should find someone else to build a computer since your E-Peen in your signature that you built is obviously defective.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2013 2:13am by Viertel
#268REDACTED, Posted: Jun 23 2013 at 12:49 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Actually, PS2 graphics isn't that far off. A lot of the in-game enemy models are FFXI rips, which is a PS2 game. Some of them have slightly upgraded graphics, but for most, they didn't even bother. So those graphics are from 12 years ago on the PS2.
#269 Jun 23 2013 at 1:01 AM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
Killua125 wrote:
Actually, PS2 graphics isn't that far off. A lot of the in-game enemy models are FFXI rips, which is a PS2 game. Some of them have slightly upgraded graphics, but for most, they didn't even bother. So those graphics are from 12 years ago on the PS2.

Some of the grass/bushes and objects seem like they might be from FFXI too.

So, it's really not that ridiculous of a statement.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2013 2:52am by Killua125

Yes it is, because the graphics are clearly WAY above PS2 level. Come on. Get real.

No PS2 game looks this good.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2013 3:04am by BrokenFox
#270 Jun 23 2013 at 1:03 AM Rating: Excellent
1,429 posts
Wanna know what else? Ff XIV stole it's name! It stole it's name from FF IV ! Don't tell anyone. It's so similar, people might get confused!
The graphics (the way things look, not how they are designed) are the same. I wish SE would stop trying to make money. Making so many FF''s like they want to take all your money, just so they can make a new FF.
"FFXI is DYING!!" -2009
Signed: 2023
#271 Jun 23 2013 at 1:04 AM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
There are times where I feel like the tab targeting could use some work, like straight tab should always go clockwise while shift-tab goes counter. Right now I haven't been able to derive any rhyme or reason to it and its resulted in a lot of mouse clicks onto players in congested things like FATEs with lots of other local mobs around. I guess there's been some awkwardness in trying to click on NPCs surrounded by players, too. Usually have to shift to an overhead view.

Anyway, even if the stories I've seen thus far aren't top tier, presentation with CS involved is basically miles above most other things I've seen. I know a lot of people loved what XI did in WotG CS, I can imagine how good the XIV equivalents will look on a far beefier graphics engine.

Edit: And secondary job leveling needs help. I know they mentioned daily/repeatable quests coming eventually, but in taking up CNJ after LNC, I only got to 9 after basically doing all the hunt log save the slugs. FATEs were either too infrequent or too spread out to serve as fill-ins until then.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2013 3:09am by Seriha
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#272 Jun 23 2013 at 1:05 AM Rating: Decent
29 posts
My brief beta experience so far has been only solo play, so I haven't been able to try out things that you need a party for, or the high level content since I spent most of my two days playing in phase 3 just exploring all the changes since I played at Version 1 release.

So far I'm thoroughly impressed with all the improvements that have happened. The only thing I don't like (and I'm not sure if this was just an ARR change or happened after I quit) is how leves are treated. I really dislike the 3 leve point per 12 hours. That's really sparse. Painfully sparse. But given the sheer amount of sidequests that have been added in cities and in camps in the field, I suppose we're better off.

One further part of leves I'm upset with is how tradeleves have changed. Originally the NPC would provide all the materials for the requested item so crafters would only need to put it together and get their exp. Now crafters need to source all their own materials for tradeleves. I can see this being a problem later on with harder to find materials or for anyone without a large enough friend base to exchange materials with. I think I would be reluctant to do any crafting quests or leves outside of guilds if they're all similar to this.
#273REDACTED, Posted: Jun 23 2013 at 1:05 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) That's an early mockup. The graphics don't actually look like that.
#274 Jun 23 2013 at 1:10 AM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Killua125 wrote:
BrokenFox wrote:
Yes it is, because the graphics are clearly WAY above PS2 level. Come on. Get real.

No PS2 game looks this good.

That's an early mockup. The graphics don't actually look like that.

Why are you the way that you are? Honestly, every time we try to do something fun or exciting, you make it not that way. I hate.. so much.. about the things that you choose to be.
#275 Jun 23 2013 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
BrokenFox wrote:
Killua125 wrote:
Actually, PS2 graphics isn't that far off. A lot of the in-game enemy models are FFXI rips, which is a PS2 game. Some of them have slightly upgraded graphics, but for most, they didn't even bother. So those graphics are from 12 years ago on the PS2.

Some of the grass/bushes and objects seem like they might be from FFXI too.

So, it's really not that ridiculous of a statement.

Yes it is, because the graphics are clearly WAY above PS2 level. Come on. Get real.

No PS2 game looks this good.

No PS2, PS3, PS4 or PC game looks that good for that matter. The image you linked here is a piece of concept art with an overlay. We discussed that ages ago around the time of the updated roadmap for ARR. This image is not a screencap from gameplay. It's pretty obvious if you examine it closely.

Sorry if you feel it spoils your fun, but misrepresenting the game with bad info isn't the way to get people to play and enjoy it.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#276 Jun 23 2013 at 1:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Whatever. The game's graphics are still better than anything I've seen on the PS2.
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