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#227 Jun 22 2013 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
It's a lot better than 1.0. Global cooldown could stand to be removed/lowered. Graphics look nicer than I remember. Even though I know what stats do, there should be a tooltip explanation when you mouse over them. Aetherytes should allow you to access the aethernet... maybe you can and I just didn't notice it. I know it's a small thing, but the style of the text boxes for quests and stuff is really nice. It's also the only other mmo besides TERA, that I know of, that gives east coasters a ping below 50. Subscription requirement is going to make the game have a low playerbase after a while, though.
#228 Jun 22 2013 at 7:46 AM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Teravibe wrote:
Ok i did my first sastasha run today. The dungeon was pretty nice well made i believe. Its the first one you get to do and it is located in Limsa be warned though to have the quest before trying to do it.

The negative thing from this lovely experience is that while the rest of the people in the party were pretty much ok at fighting they freekin abused the damn greed/need faction because they were friends. They were hitting need in almost every thing even if it wasn't their main class. I was furious cause i was greeding to everything not for my class while they didn't.They could just say that they need it for an off class but i guess they didn't even bother with me. And when something was for one of party members class the rest were passing and he was the only to need.

Ahh this brings back memories from my wow days and all that duch$%ing some people were doing. I swear after the release if people do this to me i will instantly quit the party or make their lives a living hell until they quit the dungeon.

All the loot systems in 1.0 were Yoshi seeking for a way to do away with these types of systems. I guess he didn't get a version that people were satisfied with since the need/greed is being implemented.

Unless your running in a guild. A player can choose whatever item they want to need and have real or made up excuses.
#229 Jun 22 2013 at 7:49 AM Rating: Good
837 posts
I like the need/greed system. Most of the times back in Wow everyone would follow the simple rule..need if you need greed if you don't.

The system is not broken not even bad if it goes bad it will be the players fault only. But let me tell you this...if someone is being an a.s.s. in the group 2 can play that game.
#230 Jun 22 2013 at 7:51 AM Rating: Good
It always makes sense to me, when drops are tradable, to just have the entire group roll need on it.
#231 Jun 22 2013 at 7:56 AM Rating: Good
837 posts
That is why there is the greed...if it is trade able and no one needs it for their main class then you simple choose greed (hence why its called greed) and if you win it you can sell it or trade it.

There were many times in wow when someone would come as a healer but asked us to need in dps gear. This kind of arrangements would go before the instance start. If someone didn't agree then he would leave simple as that. At least in my servers there as i said before you would need if you needed it for your current class (unless there was an agreement before you would start) or if you didn't need it you would greed for gold.

It would be really annoying to need in a healer gear if you were dps and you would hear a lot of crap from the healer if he wanted it. If you needed it for your second class and it was trade able sometimes if the rest of the group cared they would tell you to wear it once so it would soulbound and you wouldn't be able to sell it to others but that would go for raids more not simple instances.

Edited, Jun 22nd 2013 9:59am by Teravibe
#232 Jun 22 2013 at 9:07 AM Rating: Good
210 posts
My first impression is this. I want to play for real! I had a great time, but I'm finding it impossible to "commit" or read anything as I still want it to be mostly fresh for when I start for real. Just need to hurry up phrase 4!
#233 Jun 22 2013 at 9:25 AM Rating: Good
837 posts
So i guess from my downvotes you guys do not agree with my logic? Can you please state your opinion of why someone is wrong not just downvote? How are we supposed to work as a forum if you just namelessly down vote and do not respond with a counter argument?

edit : I like this game Smiley: lol keep it coming!

Edited, Jun 22nd 2013 11:41am by Teravibe
#234 Jun 22 2013 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Alright, so being that I stuck around through v1 to now and have played almost every inch of the game that I am allowed to play this is my feelings on it. Just a warning, I literally suck @ writing any type of review so bare with me :P

Graphics: I find the graphics simply amazing. However during CS's it seems as though the graphics suddenly take a turn for the worse. The area's are very immersive and I have explored almost every area that they allow me to drag my 50's too. Not sure if it's just textures loading in or what, but yes It does remind me of clay. I'm on max settings and I am impressed that even with a mid grade computer like mine, it runs rather smoothly.

Combat: Now that we've got the "How do you know that the game will be easy later on? Or could you somehow test 35-50 stuff"
Combat is still easy. Even when fighting lv 50 Mobs, its still a matter of mindless button pushing. Yes this is different in Dungeons and honestly I am okay with it. I come from XI where most of your attacks if melee we auto. Of course you had your WS's and such, but unlike XIV you had to build TP to use it. Honestly though, in what game is combat really hard? TERA had some pretty decent mechanics when it came to your standard Mobs. Even then. it wasn't so much hard.

I do enjoy the combat and the "Get out of the Red!!", but I am having trouble deciding if it's just a bit too flashy. Solo is fine because I can still whats going on through the Fireworks display. Wen in a group however, suddenly it's like fourth of July on a Mobs face.

Control Scheme / UI: Works great, I primarily play with a Controller because I have a big screen TV I play on as well as a nice comfy recliner I sit in. I do however, find it hard to organize my abilities on the controller as I don't have enough room with flipping through sets. Which again, is okay.

All in all, I'm pretty amazed at how XIV has evolved, and I think Yoshi has done an amazing job. I am old school however. I do enjoy group grinding, I do enjoy time sinks for great rewards, I do enjoy the journey more then the "End Game" and I absolutely HATE questing. But even through all this, XIV still has it's flaws and I doubt it will be the next big thing since sliced bread.. It will hold its own, in a sea of Theme Park MMOs.

#235 Jun 22 2013 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
I'm extremely impressed. I've been moving through the Limsa Main story all night and today. The battles along the way have been challenging (some taking me 5 tries or more), the cutscenes are actually fun to watch, and the storyline has been interesting. Strangely, this feels more like classic Final Fantasy than many of the last few offline Final Fantasies.
#236 Jun 22 2013 at 10:53 AM Rating: Default
Yeah, the combat is just as mindless on my level 50 character. I'm not sure why Yoshi-P said that it gets better. Other than the animations being admittedly cool on the higher level skills, it's still the same snooze fest, waiting for the GCD to mash the same few buttons. Very little thought required.

Failsociety wrote:
Combat: Now that we've got the "How do you know that the game will be easy later on? Or could you somehow test 35-50 stuff"
Combat is still easy. Even when fighting lv 50 Mobs, its still a matter of mindless button pushing. Yes this is different in Dungeons and honestly I am okay with it. I come from XI where most of your attacks if melee we auto. Of course you had your WS's and such, but unlike XIV you had to build TP to use it. Honestly though, in what game is combat really hard? TERA had some pretty decent mechanics when it came to your standard Mobs. Even then. it wasn't so much hard.

Well, I don't think people necessarily look for a MMORPG's combat system to be hard. For me, it needs to be engaging, which is way different.

Edited, Jun 22nd 2013 12:55pm by Killua125
#237 Jun 22 2013 at 11:21 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
What class are you playing, Killua? Because I can tell you level 50 Dragoon is far, far from simplistic.

I mean, I can do a breakdown for you, but there is a lot to keep track of. Buffs, Debuffs, Rotations, positioning. And there's little to no major clutch mechanics like Proc Chance abilities or Stance Switching/Rotations to be done.

I really, really need to know what you're looking at.
#238 Jun 22 2013 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Killua125 wrote:
Well, I don't think people necessarily look for a MMORPG's combat system to be hard. For me, it needs to be engaging, which is way different.

This is pretty much an echo of what I've been saying since Alpha back in 2010. Slaughtering 5 of whatever for simple quests being mindless is fine, but battles later in the game need to be more than just mashing out 1-2-3 with the occasional movement away from AoE. I'm not saying it's like this now because I haven't played in a while. I expect the coming changes to combat to address this in some form, but XIV really needs something to make it stand out from the rest of the pool.

My question is, what is XIV going to be known for. As stated above, if you asked people what is unique or exceptional about a game they could say the combat system for TERA, PvP and raid progression for WoW, dynamic events for Rift and GW... how would someone answer this question in regards to XIV?
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#239 Jun 22 2013 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
How about being good?

There does not need to be any grand innovation to draw in and keep an audience, and it's a misnomer to think so. That's simply a gimick.

Final Fantasy already has its own Gimick - that's being a Final Fantasy game. It has its own draw, own reputation. Not to mention the fact that they're turning this game around after being such a monumental failure before.

The redemption story alone will gather it attention. Beyond that it does not need to be ground-breaking - merely appealing in its execution.
#240REDACTED, Posted: Jun 22 2013 at 12:14 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) For being the most unoriginal MMO
#241 Jun 22 2013 at 1:01 PM Rating: Excellent
Ken Burton's Reject
12,834 posts
OK I think people are not giving the combat enough credit. Let me put it this way: Anything that charges, you can dodge.

Sanguine Bite: Move out of melee range
Wing Cutter: Move to either side
Bubble Shower: Move behind FOR MAXIMUM DAMAGE

Positioning is king in this game. Need your MRD to tank more than one mob? Overpower when facing the group and cone-damage them.

I think people aren't really noticing how flexible this makes the system in future updates. All they need to do is alter where the damage goes and you effectively alter combat strategies. 1.23's final battle had a great example where you had to stay INSIDE AoE to be safe.

You cannot just AFK tank ****. You can if you have the ideal, maybe, but now you have to stay aware. Both storyline fights I've done require the party to pay attention, either due to adds or other gimmicks that require an immediate reaction.

What about the combat system do you NOT like? Reusing abilities? I mean, what did you expect, entering the Konami code every single fight? I can tell you, if I lay off using that 1-2-1-2-1-4 style of button pressing, the mob isn't going to be standing there if I am in a party, it's off to eat a mage or two. I mean, really, I think people are just burnt out on MMOs if you think refining and perfecting a combat system that, honestly, is not nearly as common as people think, is evidence of a failure...

Innovation for innovation's sake brought us 1.0. There are only so many ways to build an MMO. Don't like it? Try to think of a better design that isn't heavily dependent on a perfect internet connection, can be played without a controller featuring more buttons than mission control launch boards, and can be scaled and altered to accommodate new jobs and features.
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality
#242 Jun 22 2013 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Hyrist wrote:
How about being good?

There does not need to be any grand innovation to draw in and keep an audience, and it's a misnomer to think so. That's simply a gimick.

Final Fantasy already has its own Gimick - that's being a Final Fantasy game. It has its own draw, own reputation. Not to mention the fact that they're turning this game around after being such a monumental failure before.

The redemption story alone will gather it attention. Beyond that it does not need to be ground-breaking - merely appealing in its execution.

Maybe the question was misunderstood...

If someone asks you what you think about XIV, you can't really reply with "It's good". If you do, you're likely to receive a follow up question. "What about XIV makes it good?". Assume you are talking to someone who has played other MMOs and wants to know specifically why they should chose it over any of the others.

You may not need grand innovation to keep a playerbase, but when you're charging a subscription fee and other options are free; people want to know why they should pay a subscription and exactly what it's for.

FFXIV 1.0 was a FF game and it flopped. They've already proven that they can't float it on name alone without some substance. If this was going to be the first launch I might be inclined to agree with you, but the redemption story is only redemption because of failure. It might not need to be exceptional, but it at least needs to separate itself from the pack.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#243 Jun 22 2013 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Hyrist wrote:
How about being good?

There does not need to be any grand innovation to draw in and keep an audience, and it's a misnomer to think so. That's simply a gimick.

Final Fantasy already has its own Gimick - that's being a Final Fantasy game. It has its own draw, own reputation. Not to mention the fact that they're turning this game around after being such a monumental failure before.

The redemption story alone will gather it attention. Beyond that it does not need to be ground-breaking - merely appealing in its execution.

Hyrist I understand your opinion as well as Filthy or Ostia. For a Final Fantasy fan it doesn't need to be hugely different. We have had ATB in some form for many years. If SE goals is to only target FF fans then what you say has good merit. However, if they wish to reel in someone who in their eyes, isn't content just being FF is enough. Filthy and Ostia raise a big question mark. Reviewers are not going to give any extra points when things are done standard.

Due to the struggle they have had trying to make a unique battle scheme. Perhaps the best option would be just to move in the direction of using old FF systems. Now CTB or something turn based would not work here because of the nature of the battle system.

They could implement personal Limit Breaks. That wouldn't make it completely original, but it wouldn't be copying from others games except their own franchise, thereby making it original in a sense. Just make a bar that builds up by auto attack and being hit to fill it. Make three tiers of limit breaks. You can either use the first tier as soon as available or hold on to level 3. These personal limit breaks wouldn't be only group serving as they are currently. This would just be an area that highlights your personal jobs strength, further differentiating jobs.

Another option to do something that isn't just inherently FF. Is to implement a skill modifier feature. A holding down of a hotkey to manipulate effects of skills used. Not the traditional charge button you see in mmos. In this case holding down a hotkey longer wouldn't just mean. The longer I hold it, the stronger it is. They feature can allow manipulation of things like AoE, Conal range, mp conservation, accuracy, added effects, etc. And altering the skill would buff a direction chosen but weaken the other aspects of that particular skill.

Outside of the core PvE combat. They can do minigames, side PvE, and PvP stuff using the FF universe in it's entirety. I'd implement the old Active Time Event to highlight the lives of npcs everyday actions. This would make me care more about them. And not hold them to being non existant except when the content I am doing includes them. Maybe even a multiplayer synched video 10 second snapshot that tracks of what members of your guild are doing during the day?

Edited, Jun 22nd 2013 3:11pm by sandpark
#244 Jun 22 2013 at 1:18 PM Rating: Good
Ken Burton's Reject
12,834 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Maybe the question was misunderstood...

If someone asks you what you think about XIV, you can't really reply with "It's good". If you do, you're likely to receive a follow up question. "What about XIV makes it good?". Assume you are talking to someone who has played other MMOs and wants to know specifically why they should chose it over any of the others.

You may not need grand innovation to keep a playerbase, but when you're charging a subscription fee and other options are free; people want to know why they should pay a subscription and exactly what it's for.

FFXIV 1.0 was a FF game and it flopped. They've already proven that they can't float it on name alone without some substance. If this was going to be the first launch I might be inclined to agree with you, but the redemption story is only redemption because of failure. It might not need to be exceptional, but it at least needs to separate itself from the pack.

OK, you want a sales pitch? For the uninitiated first,

FFXIV is one of the best, storyline driven MMOs you will play. It has a solid combat mechanic that enables you, the player, through reacting to easy to identify visual clues, respond and avoid enemy attacks. It has an easy-to-use interface, allowing you to focus more on your playing than spending hours working on a set of commands to be "perfect" at your job. The questing is not some grand mystery, so instead of having to hunt across internet forums, you can just use the in-game quest tracker to find out where you need to go, and instead focus on what you will do when you get there. You are provided with gear that will carry you just fine through the opening of the game, so no need to stop and gather money for the ultimate, perfect gear.

In short, FFXIV is about playing a game, not slaving in a virtual world. It is fun, easily understood, and easy to get into. And given the company's history on its previous game, we know that they will add a great deal of depth given the solid, strong base of what they had now.

For the FFXI player:

This game is everything you wished FFXI was. It plays well solo for the most part, requiring parties with teamwork for dungeons. However, you do not need perfect, idealized configurations to win. The mechanics allow for unorthodox setups to win, even if they need to be more aware when fighting. This game trumps ideal gear and job combos with a need for skillful, smart play. Get a good group rolling into a dungeon and you will steamroll it. Get a poor group and you can eek out a victory by brains and tactics.

This game has a stronger combat system, a more comprehensible quest system, and a vivid, fully realized world that you would expect from Square-Enix. Even to the smallest details, like NPC dialogue changing on the fly due to changing conditions around the NPC, the game is every bit as polished as we had wished FFXI would one day be.
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality
#245 Jun 22 2013 at 1:22 PM Rating: Excellent
7,566 posts
100% Better than the V 1.0 so far. Here is hoping that SE continues working with the community as they have been. I was actually opposed to this game based on principle from the way SE dealt with the testers last time (mostly by ignoring them), but having played and seen the progress made based on testers input I am excited.

Still don't know if I will buy it, but for the content that is readily available, it feels both casual and hardcore friendly which is something I desperately need. If they are able to maintain the feeling of progress and adventure for people with less play time I might give it a whirl. Since it is all new though its hard to say whether its just exciting for now or will be able to maintain going forward.

In any regard this game is truly a realm reborn and despite my purchase or not I think SE has done a great job working with the community in designing a game that will be enjoyable to old vets of MMOs and newbies alike.
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#246 Jun 22 2013 at 1:49 PM Rating: Excellent
Here's how my little baby GLA quest fights have gone.

5 5 1 7 1 7 1 3 1 3 5 ***** 2 5 1 7 (pop hi pot) 1 3 1 3 DIE YOU STUPID 1 3 1 3 aaaaaand it finally dies. You have to Flash to AOE provoke a group, then do the damage rotation to refill your MP, then try to lay in a little actual damage, then pop up the defense boost, and keep picking at it. You get one shot at a hi potion a minute so you need to time it right for maximum effectiveness.

And that's just for the level 10 quest fight. It's not mindless in the least - it's a delicate balance between doing enough damage to kill the damn mobs and keeping your MP restored enough to last you the whole fight (which has three waves of mobs.)

I had a lot of fun doing the DPS rotations on my 42 THM. Lower level stuff that doesn't link to a level 20 player will totally dogpile on a higher level player, so an easy solo fight suddenly can involve 3-4 monsters, none of which could easily kill you, but who can make it annoying since Sleep doesn't last very long. It's a nifty mechanic that turns a ho hum boring fight into something a bit more interesting.

#247REDACTED, Posted: Jun 22 2013 at 1:52 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Smiley: lol Lmao! I seriously cannot stop laughing when people say stupid stuff like "The story is 9 out of 10... And i am only lvl 6" Smiley: lol
#248 Jun 22 2013 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
Also a group from this forum, beat an instance w/o a healer..... The first time they even set foot into an ARR dungeon.... Yeah combat is not easy... Smiley: lol
#249 Jun 22 2013 at 2:01 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Here is a posting with Yoshi explaining his point of view on the mmo industry and their design philosophy.
#250 Jun 22 2013 at 2:03 PM Rating: Good
232 posts
Ostia wrote:
Also a group from this forum, beat an instance w/o a healer..... The first time they even set foot into an ARR dungeon.... Yeah combat is not easy... Smiley: lol

Just out of curiosity, how many of those members carried Cure with them? Did they bring potions? Or did they rely on resting between battles? Given the way the game is set up, beating an early dungeon without a dedicated healer doesn't really seem like a good indicator of difficulty.
#251 Jun 22 2013 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
7,566 posts
Ostia wrote:
Also a group from this forum, beat an instance w/o a healer..... The first time they even set foot into an ARR dungeon.... Yeah combat is not easy... Smiley: lol

Just because a group of people are capable of doing something doesn't mean everyone is. People on this site have been playing their various MMO's for years, and many of them likely graduates of FFXI. Considering the stark mechanical similarities shared between XI and XIV I am not surprised a group from Alla Zam are capable of pulling off interesting feats.

I mean in XI you had jobs capable of soloing mobs that some groups found hard to take down, doesn't mean the game is easy, it just means that some people have more skill than others.

If its commonplace to clear dungeons without healers, than maybe something should be looked at, but I haven't heard or seen it being done outside this singular incident. (admittedly I don't follow any other forums or communities outside ZAM).

One thing I do know Combat is 100 times more enjoyable than XI ever was. (at least as a mage)

Edited, Jun 22nd 2013 4:05pm by rdmcandie
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

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