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First ImpressionsFollow

#1 Jun 14 2013 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
273 posts
So I thought everyone who is getting access into the beta today could share their thoughts and opinions for those who are still waiting...

Played for a few hours today, and I must say the game is gorgeous. It runs smooth, no UI lag etc etc.

The interface is seamless and everything is very easy to navigate.

Without going into loads of detail, I will give my first impressions on the battle system... it needs to be made more difficult. Granted I'm still a low level, but I'm mowing through enemies mindlessly.... It's absolutely zero challenge.

Other than that, that is all I can say thus far!

I'd love to hear your opinions on what I said/ opinions on the game thus far!

Edited, Jun 25th 2013 7:09pm by Wint Lock Thread: Yeah.
#2 Jun 14 2013 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
I think it is leaps amd bounds over 1.0. Im loving the gfx, gameplay, and world that actually feels very alive. Battle is definitely easy though. So far overall I say amazing job Yoshi
#3 Jun 14 2013 at 2:10 PM Rating: Good
79 posts

Without going into loads of detail, I will give my first impressions on the battle system... it needs to be made more difficult. Granted I'm still a low level, but I'm mowing through enemies mindlessly.... It's absolutely zero challenge.

Is it the starting area? Cause they usually are easy in general

#4 Jun 14 2013 at 2:13 PM Rating: Good
It really feels like what I always wished FFXI would have been. Awesome so far
#5 Jun 14 2013 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
725 posts
Hi, Can you include in your posts if PC or PS3 and what servers (NA, JPN etc)? Thanks.


Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#6 Jun 14 2013 at 2:19 PM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
You're probably more experienced than the target audiance the learning curve is aimed at.

To quote a reaction from the Beta forums:

ItsZant wrote:
I was invited today to the Phase 3 Closed Beta for PS3 and I had no prior MMO experience. I played for a few hours and got to level 8 and I just wanted to say that the game felt amazing. This was my first time playing an MMO and it was very great with pacing, nothing too complicated or thrown at you all at once, and the controls are simple and intuitive. Well done Square Enix. I have only played for a little bit, but I already want to go and play some more, but in the meantime, just wanted to say that the game is indeed very approachable for MMO newcomers, in my opinion, and I do plan on purchasing it if I continue to enjoy it as much as I have.


So they're meeting their target Demographic. The early game is going to seem easy to veterans. See how the dungeon runs and mid levels work for you in terms of monster difficulty.
#7 Jun 14 2013 at 2:19 PM Rating: Excellent
1,330 posts
Ul'dah is still as ridiculously huge as ever.

#8 Jun 14 2013 at 2:23 PM Rating: Good
I'm enjoying it. I'm playing as a THM and the fire for damage and ice for mp mechanic is interesting. But I still want to reserve my opinions on the battle system until I can get in a dungeon and party play.
#9 Jun 14 2013 at 2:33 PM Rating: Default
I'm on the PC version. Not sure what server - maybe Cactuar?

First impressions... it seems like the graphics are continuing to get worse and worse as testing continues. Probably related to the PS3 version.

The characters' skin look like clay. It might be a lighting issue. I'm not sure. The textures on equipment look very strange, and also clay/Play-Doh-ish.

Not thrilled with the city restrictions based on which class you want to start as. It feels like a step backwards. I wanted to start as a Lancer in Limsa Lominsa, but the game would not let me.

The zones are small and set off my claustrophobia. Limsa Lominsa appears to be simplified, but I think it's ruined by loading screens for things as simple as walking down a flight of stairs... Loading...

The combat (which I tested briefly before) appears to be the exact same. I'm not sure what changes were made, but it's still the most simplistic battle system I've come across in a AAA MMORPG. It's just not very fun and it bores me. I'm testing as a Marauder.

They kept in the TP system that I was hoping they would change. So, you automatically get full 1000 TP for every fight, and it's a spam fest from start to finish.

A positive is that it's always running at 60 FPS on high, but like I said... the graphics have been scaled down a lot. So, on max settings, the game doesn't really look that good anyway (in my opinion).

Since this is phase 3, and the game releases in August, I'm pretty disappointed. I don't think things are going to be changed much, besides bugs and glitches.

It's not like it's a horrible game, but it's not really a good game. I can't see myself spending my time on it.

Edited, Jun 14th 2013 4:35pm by Killua125
#10 Jun 14 2013 at 2:53 PM Rating: Good
Well, now that Negative Nancy has said his piece, let me talk a bit.

I'm on Ultros. I picked GLD to land myself in Ul'Dah because I wanted to see what changed since 1.0. It hasn't undergone quite as dramatic a transformation as Gridania did, so it feels very familiar, but also at the same time different. Crisper, cleaner. More real. AND A HELL OF A LOT LESS LAGGY OMGGGGGG

Up to level 6 already. Combat is boring and repetitive, but the mini goals from quests and the hunting log make it bearable, and I expect it'll be a lot more interesting once I'm not playing solo. Quests are all tiny little stories - lots of fetch and delivery, but also a lot of intrigue and chit chat and at least 2-3 sets of squabbling couples cheating on each other. (All the guys pining over Yellow Moon... lulz.) So even if you've been asked to slay ladybugs until you get four potions for a dude, he'll tell you why he needs them and what he's going to do with them.

The quests encourage you to explore a little bit deeper and further each time, too, so that you gradually find the old camps and aetherytes. Black Brush looks nothing like it did before.

All in all Ul'Dah and Thanolan's respective makeovers are working well for me. I'm not completely lost, but some things are different enough that it really feels like a fresh start.

Now I'm going to go back to my level 5 hunting log.

Edited, Jun 14th 2013 4:54pm by Catwho
#11 Jun 14 2013 at 2:55 PM Rating: Default
123 posts
Killua125 wrote:
I'm on the PC version. Not sure what server - maybe Cactuar?

First impressions... it seems like the graphics are continuing to get worse and worse as testing continues. Probably related to the PS3 version.

The characters' skin look like clay. It might be a lighting issue. I'm not sure. The textures on equipment look very strange, and also clay/Play-Doh-ish.

Not thrilled with the city restrictions based on which class you want to start as. It feels like a step backwards. I wanted to start as a Lancer in Limsa Lominsa, but the game would not let me.

The zones are small and set off my claustrophobia. Limsa Lominsa appears to be simplified, but I think it's ruined by loading screens for things as simple as walking down a flight of stairs... Loading...

The combat (which I tested briefly before) appears to be the exact same. I'm not sure what changes were made, but it's still the most simplistic battle system I've come across in a AAA MMORPG. It's just not very fun and it bores me. I'm testing as a Marauder.

They kept in the TP system that I was hoping they would change. So, you automatically get full 1000 TP for every fight, and it's a spam fest from start to finish.

A positive is that it's always running at 60 FPS on high, but like I said... the graphics have been scaled down a lot. So, on max settings, the game doesn't really look that good anyway (in my opinion).

Since this is phase 3, and the game releases in August, I'm pretty disappointed. I don't think things are going to be changed much, besides bugs and glitches.

It's not like it's a horrible game, but it's not really a good game. I can't see myself spending my time on it.

Edited, Jun 14th 2013 4:35pm by Killua125

Well the graphics thing sounds urksom, lol.

The spammy combat part tho, if you had to compare it to another MMO, what would you say it feels the most like? Something like WoW?

Also, the abilities you're spamming, are they atleast cool looking? Did they give characters cool attacks right outta the gates?

and are there any resource systems that limit your spammy nature in combat? IE, energy/rage? (I know mana is there for mages)
#12 Jun 14 2013 at 2:55 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Killua125 wrote:
It's not like it's a horrible game, but it's not really a good game. I can't see myself spending my time on it.

Well, that's too bad, Killua125. I see you no longer have any reason to spend any more time with FFXIV or comment on it since it's clear it will never be up to your highly refined standards. It's been fun.

Here, here, let me get that door for you.

Welp, good luck on trolling your next gaming forum. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say I'm sure they'll appreciate you as much as we all have.



Zzzzz... Wha? Ah man, it was all a dream. Smiley: bah
#13 Jun 14 2013 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
At the risk of being a 'contrarian,' I hear a lot of complaints about the gameplay. Apparently there are significant changes incoming, but I'm definitely concerned that they're going to be pushing through major gameplay changes with very little testing into launch.
#14 Jun 14 2013 at 2:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Killua125 wrote:
. I can't see myself spending my time on it.

Edited, Jun 14th 2013 4:35pm by Killua125

So we won't be seeing you around here anymore then?
#15 Jun 14 2013 at 3:01 PM Rating: Excellent
728 posts
I have to agree with some of your points Killua. I wanted desperately to start in limsa and playing in ul'dah is hurting my experience greatly.

The graphics aren't what I was expecting, but that may be because I'm staring at giant brown walls or giant brown rocks all the time >.>. Also, the cactus in the intro movie has a laughable texture on it.

The battle system so far at lvl 6 pug leaves much to be desired.. mobs just standing there waiting for me to kill them in one combo?

resource management is nearly pointless at these levels, i hope that they balance later skills to actually require some thought behind using them.

I'm still not sure how i feel about the game yet.. which is depressing. hopefully it will change after i play it some more.
#16 Jun 14 2013 at 3:10 PM Rating: Good
1,310 posts
Kachi wrote:
At the risk of being a 'contrarian,' I hear a lot of complaints about the gameplay. Apparently there are significant changes incoming, but I'm definitely concerned that they're going to be pushing through major gameplay changes with very little testing into launch.

DamienSScott wrote:
I have to agree with some of your points Killua.

From you guys, I can accept any criticism of the game as a point of discussion. But Killua has a well established history of taking nothing but a dump after dump on anything FFXIV related. There's no value in a one-sided agenda.
#17 Jun 14 2013 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
740 posts
Just got in, Wren Kuposawa on Adamantoise server, PC version. Have to say I'm liking what I see so far. Honestly, my only complaint is the keyboard/mouse control scheme. It's very annoying having to use the mouse to change the direction I'm facing. Otherwise I've got high hopes for V2.
#18 Jun 14 2013 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Still at work, but did play alittle, gotta say im liken the story, cant wait to try some mineing and start makein me some shiny rings! Any one gathering or craftin?
#19 Jun 14 2013 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
9,997 posts
Re: Killua
I just read him as a critic (fellow critic to an extent, admittedly); some people see value in analyzing the methods and pointing out the flaws. Squeaky wheels need oil. Some people just see a whiner/downer. I understand that Killua expresses his criticisms in a more generally dissatisfied way, but he does raise a lot of valid weaknesses. Just because he's not here to hype up the game or share his excitement doesn't mean he's trying to bring others down. There isn't any shortage of people praising the things that the game does well. And certainly after the travesty that was 1.0, when the community all but gave SE the okay to release, there is value to having people point out the where the squeaks are coming from.

What I'm trying to say is, I don't think anyone comes here to regularly point out flaws with the game who doesn't genuinely want to see them fixed. And for all the crap Killua takes for being a voice of dissent, he is generally very cool about it, keeps it civil and focuses on the game--and I respect that.

Edited, Jun 14th 2013 2:29pm by Kachi
#20 Jun 14 2013 at 3:31 PM Rating: Good
I started as a Puglist in Uldah... So far i am having fun, tho i do have some issues with the combat, but i will wait and see until later levels before i make any judgement on it. So far graphics are great, questing is good, the story is alright, i was expecting a bit more, but that is not a negative on the game, i am very picky about story's in RPG'S. I did enjoy more the dragoon arc than the puglist so far. I'll see how it develops :P
#21 Jun 14 2013 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
So very contrasting experiences. I wonder if it is a matter of people picking the wrong starting nations and classes. "I want to be this" when they'd have so much more fun playing some other class or in some other nation.

I fully intend on keeping my experiences broad, and there's a clear difference of impact for me between Thanalan and Gridania so far. I tend to mirror the 'this is kinda dull and brow' feeling from Thanalan, but Gridania is far from it. And fans of Ul'dah went as far as to tell me "Omg, Thanalan is so beautiful now." in my own linkshell.

So if you're having a negative experience, I'd encourage you to play around a bit. Try out different classes and see if any of them excite you more. Same with nations.
#22 Jun 14 2013 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
273 posts
Killua125 wrote:
I'm on the PC version. Not sure what server - maybe Cactuar?

First impressions... it seems like the graphics are continuing to get worse and worse as testing continues. Probably related to the PS3 version.

The characters' skin look like clay. It might be a lighting issue. I'm not sure. The textures on equipment look very strange, and also clay/Play-Doh-ish.

Not thrilled with the city restrictions based on which class you want to start as. It feels like a step backwards. I wanted to start as a Lancer in Limsa Lominsa, but the game would not let me.

The zones are small and set off my claustrophobia. Limsa Lominsa appears to be simplified, but I think it's ruined by loading screens for things as simple as walking down a flight of stairs... Loading...

The combat (which I tested briefly before) appears to be the exact same. I'm not sure what changes were made, but it's still the most simplistic battle system I've come across in a AAA MMORPG. It's just not very fun and it bores me. I'm testing as a Marauder.

They kept in the TP system that I was hoping they would change. So, you automatically get full 1000 TP for every fight, and it's a spam fest from start to finish.

A positive is that it's always running at 60 FPS on high, but like I said... the graphics have been scaled down a lot. So, on max settings, the game doesn't really look that good anyway (in my opinion).

Since this is phase 3, and the game releases in August, I'm pretty disappointed. I don't think things are going to be changed much, besides bugs and glitches.

It's not like it's a horrible game, but it's not really a good game. I can't see myself spending my time on it.

Edited, Jun 14th 2013 4:35pm by Killua125

The graphics are absolutely stunning.... I'm playing on a bootcamped mac book pro and the graphics are awesome... anyone who says otherwise is lying.

The game is very fun, the only issue I'm finding is with battles... The TP thing is ridiculous. They really need to remove the 1000 TP per battle... it simply makes no sense.

I think the issues are not end-of-the-world like "Killua the Pessimist" says. These are issues that could literally be fixed overnight. I think they will just have to tweak a few things about the battle system before they release the game.

REMEMBER THIS!!!! If you are in the beta and don't like something.... ------------------> Go to the beta forums and let them know! This is the point of the beta after all!

Edited, Jun 14th 2013 5:35pm by Parathyroid
#23 Jun 14 2013 at 3:34 PM Rating: Excellent
I can't wait to get home and log in!

For those who haven't figured this out yet, probably the biggest criticism of ARR so far has been the battle system being overly simple. However, Yoshi-P insists it gets more complex as you level, and he said changes were made for this phase to make mid- and high-level battles more complex.

Also, keep in mind that "trash mobs" in this game are not meant to be difficult. The real challenges are meant to be found in dungeons, against avatars, probably behest, etc. It's not so much of a design bug as much as it is a difference in philosophy from FFXI.

I'm curious to see whether archer has changed though from just spamming heavy shot most of the time.

EDIT: I think it's also pretty clear that this development team doesn't equate "time spent killing a mob" to "more of a challenge." I think that's a great thing. Not all content needs to be challenging, as long as it's inviting, exciting and/or interesting. Do any of those three things, and most people are likely to find it to be fun.

Edited, Jun 14th 2013 2:36pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#24 Jun 14 2013 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
273 posts
Wint are you as sad as I am that there's no fishing yet Smiley: frown
#25 Jun 14 2013 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
I don't know why I would have an agenda. I really want to like this game.

To clarify a bit more on what I said, maybe I was being a little too negative. I don't hate everything about the game. The new user interface does look very nice. However, the bottom line is that I'm not enjoying myself as much as I would like, so I wanted to explain why.

The comments I made about the graphics are more just observations than personal gripes. I'm not a so-called graphics *****, but I can see the visual quality of the game steadily dropping. It's not a deal breaker for me, but it's worth noting.

The big thing for me is the mindless gameplay. The battle system suffers from the same issues that it did before. I read in a Q&A that significant changes have been made, but I think that's limited to enemy behavior.

So, in combat, I'm still just spamming through my skill cycles over and over, until the monster dies. I think a big issue is the TP, but I haven't tested a magic-based class yet. Since you get 1000 TP instantly for each fight, and that never runs out, there's really no risk/reward, if that makes sense.

Then, when you aren't battling, you're just going from NPC to NPC completing fetch quests and deliveries. For me, if they're going to use the quest grind/theme park formula, they really had to make the combat fun, and I don't think they achieved that. The game feels tedious while fighting and while not fighting.
#26 Jun 14 2013 at 3:45 PM Rating: Excellent
1,330 posts
I can't say too much about the melee classes at this low of a level, but the THM Fire/Ice buff schtick has been pretty interesting.

Basically it works like this:

Cast an ice spell and you either get Umbral Ice or remove Astral Fire. Umbral Ice kicks up your MP regen by a ridiculous amount and lowers the MP cost and damage of Fire spells.

Cast a fire spell and you either remove Umbral Ice or get Astral Fire. Astral Fire completely stops your MP regen in battle, raises your MP cost and damage of Fire spells and lowers your MP cost and damage of Ice spells.

They give you a non-GCD ability (i.e. you need to be off of cooldown but it won't TRIGGER the GCD) called Transpose that lets you swap your Astral Fire buffs for Umbral Ice or vice versa. So you're going to be using it a lot.
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