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Are YOU interested in Xbox One?Follow

#152 Jun 20 2013 at 9:29 AM Rating: Excellent
106 posts
I'm on a fixed income, so price is a huge factor for me. The $100 difference is like three weeks of disposable income.

If I had brand loyalty towards the Xbox systems, it might be a harder choice to make, but as it currently stands, PS4 gives me the same bang for less buck.
#153 Jun 20 2013 at 9:32 AM Rating: Excellent
837 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Teravibe wrote:
Where i live it would take 15 days for a new internet connection if you move to a new house. So yea if i had a console that needed internet i would have been unable to play for 15 days yay me.
You could call the provider in advance.

You know i never actually thought about that but because in order to get an internet line here you need some papers like an electric bill on your name i do not know if you can do that.

Edited, Jun 20th 2013 11:32am by Teravibe
#154 Jun 20 2013 at 9:54 AM Rating: Good
217 posts
Not planning on getting the Xbox One, but my teenage son is already drooling over the upcoming PS4.
#155 Jun 20 2013 at 10:46 AM Rating: Excellent
725 posts
Not interested in Xbox. ALL of my relatives have it. I went the PS path.

I must say that as a FF11 player, I felt betrayed when SE dumped PS2, invited XBox and ignored PS3.

I am hoping that PS3 and SE continue to work even after PS4 comes out, because that would be twice betrayed.


Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#156 Jun 20 2013 at 11:46 AM Rating: Good
They changed the once-a-day online requirement. It does NOT have to connect to the internet once a day.

I will still require a one-time connection to the internet at the initial console setup.

It's clear that Microsoft was not planning to make these changes. Even though it's June and the console doesn't launch until November, Whitten said that Xbox One consumers will have to download a day-one patch to enable the Xbox One's offline mode. Presumably, without it, the console will still think it's living in the Xbox One era of E3 2013.

UPDATE: Microsoft clarifies that the planned day-one Xbox One update, which Whitten told me, will "complete some of the software that won’t be there," is actually not a result of today's DRM policy change. Rather, it was always planned and will simply be required for playing off-line, among other things. Not a patch, they say. But, yes, your new Xbox console would have to connect online once in order to do the things Microsoft described today. And then you can keep it offline and play games without re-connecting to the Internet forever.

Edited, Jun 20th 2013 1:47pm by Gnu
#157 Jun 20 2013 at 11:52 AM Rating: Excellent
Xbox in serious damage control mode with that. They may be too late, though. After the curb-stomping they got at E3 (followed by watching the PS4 pre-order numbers rise exponentially) it was either made SOME change like this or be resigned to being the loser in this console generation.
#158 Jun 20 2013 at 12:01 PM Rating: Excellent
The thing is, what is to prevent them from turning it back on at some point? They turned it off with a patch, they could easily turn it right back on. Annoying.

Either way I'm not really in the market for a do everything console, I'm sure I'll get one eventually but I didn't get my Xbox 360 until at least 5 years after it launched so I imagine the same thing will happen here.
#159 Jun 20 2013 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
259 posts
Its too bad. Xbox One was actually innovating and providing features that would have been great for consumers. But people are so terrified of change that the same community that ******* about "no innovation or creativity" in the gaming industry put the PS4 on a pedestal just because it is not changing or advancing anything. Simply offering a more powerful PS3.

I'm quite disappointed that we are still gonna be stuck in the days of having to actually carry and keep track of physical discs when we want to share games instead of being able to share games across entire states instantly.
#160 Jun 20 2013 at 12:07 PM Rating: Good
262 posts
Even with all of the restrictions, I was definitely curious to see if they would use all of that "innovation" to make games cheaper for the consumers if we were to use the all digital downloads of games. That was their only shot of giving a good reason for all the restrictions. I think it definitely would have swayed me a lot if that were the case, but oh well, opportunity missed.
#161 Jun 20 2013 at 12:17 PM Rating: Excellent
Arjuncorpse wrote:
Its too bad. Xbox One was actually innovating and providing features that would have been great for consumers. But people are so terrified of change that the same community that ******* about "no innovation or creativity" in the gaming industry put the PS4 on a pedestal just because it is not changing or advancing anything. Simply offering a more powerful PS3.

I'm quite disappointed that we are still gonna be stuck in the days of having to actually carry and keep track of physical discs when we want to share games instead of being able to share games across entire states instantly.

Innovation for the sake of innovation is what brought us XIV 1.0....

The Wiimote was an actual, genuine innovation, as was the Kinect on 360. The difference, though, is that they were options. The Kinect was not used on every single game, nor was the Wiimote. They provided value in their own right when they were used for certain games, and the Kinect has been hacked into hundreds of non-game applications including medical and industrial. True game innovation reverberates outside of the game industry.

Saying "Our machine must phone home once every 24 hours to work" isn't providing any benefit to the consumer at all. It won't provide benefits outside of games. It's just being a ****.
#162 Jun 20 2013 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
259 posts
Catwho wrote:
Arjuncorpse wrote:
Its too bad. Xbox One was actually innovating and providing features that would have been great for consumers. But people are so terrified of change that the same community that ******* about "no innovation or creativity" in the gaming industry put the PS4 on a pedestal just because it is not changing or advancing anything. Simply offering a more powerful PS3.

I'm quite disappointed that we are still gonna be stuck in the days of having to actually carry and keep track of physical discs when we want to share games instead of being able to share games across entire states instantly.

Innovation for the sake of innovation is what brought us XIV 1.0....

The Wiimote was an actual, genuine innovation, as was the Kinect on 360. The difference, though, is that they were options. The Kinect was not used on every single game, nor was the Wiimote. They provided value in their own right when they were used for certain games, and the Kinect has been hacked into hundreds of non-game applications including medical and industrial. True game innovation reverberates outside of the game industry.

Saying "Our machine must phone home once every 24 hours to work" isn't providing any benefit to the consumer at all. It won't provide benefits outside of games. It's just being a ****.

But it absolutely was providing benefits to consumers. being able to share games with 9 other people digitally was amazing. Is it more convenient to figure out a way to bring a physical disc to a friend who may live hours away to let him borrow it and then figure out a way to get it back once he's done, or would it better for you to finish a game, call up your friend and say, "You can DL it and play now"?

Microsoft themselves said the reason Steam works is cause of the huge sales they provide and in order to be able to provide those kinda sales, you need to have some DRM. But nope! The internet would rather pay $40-$60 for games instead of $10-$15 simply because connecting to the internet once a day is such a giant inconvenience.

Don't be so afraid of progress!

Edited, Jun 20th 2013 2:22pm by Arjuncorpse
#163 Jun 20 2013 at 12:22 PM Rating: Good
352 posts
I gotta keep ture to Sony! Still got my 80gb ps3 still running strong!
#164 Jun 20 2013 at 12:31 PM Rating: Excellent
262 posts
Arjuncorpse wrote:
Catwho wrote:
Arjuncorpse wrote:
Its too bad. Xbox One was actually innovating and providing features that would have been great for consumers. But people are so terrified of change that the same community that ******* about "no innovation or creativity" in the gaming industry put the PS4 on a pedestal just because it is not changing or advancing anything. Simply offering a more powerful PS3.

I'm quite disappointed that we are still gonna be stuck in the days of having to actually carry and keep track of physical discs when we want to share games instead of being able to share games across entire states instantly.

Innovation for the sake of innovation is what brought us XIV 1.0....

The Wiimote was an actual, genuine innovation, as was the Kinect on 360. The difference, though, is that they were options. The Kinect was not used on every single game, nor was the Wiimote. They provided value in their own right when they were used for certain games, and the Kinect has been hacked into hundreds of non-game applications including medical and industrial. True game innovation reverberates outside of the game industry.

Saying "Our machine must phone home once every 24 hours to work" isn't providing any benefit to the consumer at all. It won't provide benefits outside of games. It's just being a ****.

But it absolutely was providing benefits to consumers. being able to share games with 9 other people digitally was amazing. Is it more convenient to figure out a way to bring a physical disc to a friend who may live hours away to let him borrow it and then figure out a way to get it back once he's done, or would it better for you to finish a game, call up your friend and say, "You can DL it and play now"?

Microsoft themselves said the reason Steam works is cause of the huge sales they provide and in order to be able to provide those kinda sales, you need to have some DRM. But nope! The internet would rather pay $40-$60 for games instead of $10-$15 simply because connecting to the internet once a day is such a giant inconvenience.

Don't be so afraid of progress!

Edited, Jun 20th 2013 2:22pm by Arjuncorpse

If Microsoft wanted, they could still allow the family/friend plan. I actually think that is a great and true innovation to be able to share your library digitally.

As far as price, they had already said games were going to cost $60 bucks new. If they were wanting to go to all digital to where the costs to them are less, why not pass some of those savings down to the consumers and give us a damn good reason to look past all of the restrictions on our gaming?
#165 Jun 20 2013 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
259 posts
Well, they are not here for charity either. There's gonna be some give and take. If being able to control the digital rights allowed us all the conveniences, I'm all for it. Of course, it'd be great to get those conveniences and have 0 DRM but I'd also like to eat tons of ice cream and never get fat.
#166 Jun 20 2013 at 12:37 PM Rating: Default
259 posts
And the pricing thing, that's how Steam works. Games are $60 new. But Steam vets know you wait a few weeks, keep your eyes open for deals and you can get major discounts on games. I got Bioshock Infinite and Tomb Raider on Steam last month for $20 each. We could have been moving towards a Steam for consoles future, but nope! We'd rather overpay for games just for the "convenience" of holding a piece of plastic in our hands forever.
#167 Jun 20 2013 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
262 posts
If they had been going to that sort of Steam model, wouldn't that have been something they bragged about. A lot? I agree that would have been nice, but with all of that red tape just to play a game. It's no wonder most people(including myself, even though I love xbox controller over ps) jumped ship.
#168 Jun 20 2013 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
259 posts
Yeah their presentation has been pretty awful. They didn't do a good job at all of explaining the benefits that would come from the restrictions. Stuff like this should have been talked about at E3, but I guess since plans weren't solid, they couldn't?
#169 Jun 20 2013 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
259 posts
Just gaming wise though, who knows if Kinect and smartglass will ever reach their potential. But they do have the potential to offer new experiences. Playing Madden with people in the room, but being able to call plays on your phone. Maps on a tablet, leaning around corners in fps games, giving voice commands to squadmates, etc. Would they be done well, who knows, but the potential is there. Potential for something new.

Yet, all of us who claim we want creativity and innovation are all hopping on the PS4 bandwagon because they changed literally nothing. Just offers better graphics and added pay to play online.
#170 Jun 20 2013 at 1:09 PM Rating: Good
262 posts
Arjuncorpse wrote:
Yeah their presentation has been pretty awful. They didn't do a good job at all of explaining the benefits that would come from the restrictions. Stuff like this should have been talked about at E3, but I guess since plans weren't solid, they couldn't?

Whether that guy is really an engineer for them or not, they surely could have used him at E3. That right there would have won me over and make me have a huge decision.

I just can't understand why the talking heads for MS couldn't just come out and make those same points that he did. Even if they haven't ironed out all of the details yet, but just give a high level overview of what their plans are, I think they would have made Sony's press conference look a little silly.

Oh well, I'm still going on with my current plan of having 2 PS4's and a WiiU for my son and I. And I'm sure later down the road I'll pick up Xbox 180.
#172 Jun 20 2013 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
1,732 posts

MS made someone angry.. Hard to find a poll where MS even comes close.

It was just a matter of time before Balmer destroyed another division of MS. Who will he fire and blame it on this time...

If things keep going this way exclusives could be jumping ship.

Edited, Jun 20th 2013 5:00pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#173 Jun 20 2013 at 3:25 PM Rating: Excellent
100 posts
Nashred wrote:

MS made someone angry.. Hard to find a poll where MS even comes close.

It was just a matter of time before Balmer destroyed another division of MS. Who will he fire and blame it on this time...

If things keep going this way exclusives could be jumping ship.

Edited, Jun 20th 2013 5:00pm by Nashred

See, this was the one that got me today... not the sales numbers. The pictures of the PC inside the installations are gold.

Edit- TL-DR version, Usual hijinks for any system trying to make a good impression where it counts, extra funny 'cos MS doesn't even trust 8 at e3 to run their equipment.

Edited, Jun 20th 2013 5:37pm by OtosanOokami
#174 Jun 20 2013 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
OtosanOokami wrote:
Nashred wrote:

MS made someone angry.. Hard to find a poll where MS even comes close.

It was just a matter of time before Balmer destroyed another division of MS. Who will he fire and blame it on this time...

If things keep going this way exclusives could be jumping ship.

Edited, Jun 20th 2013 5:00pm by Nashred

See, this was the one that got me today... not the sales numbers. The pictures of the PC inside the installations are gold.

Edit- TL-DR version, Usual hijinks for any system trying to make a good impression where it counts, extra funny 'cos MS doesn't even trust 8 at e3 to run their equipment.

Edited, Jun 20th 2013 5:37pm by OtosanOokami

Hm might we see a delay or a console that is rushed out the door again?
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#175 Jun 20 2013 at 6:46 PM Rating: Default
4,175 posts
Kachi wrote:
It means people who don't have access at all are screwed. It's a legitimate complaint considering there is no value to you as the consumer for the feature.

You pretty much shot down your own argument. Is it a legitimate complaint? Yes, but only if XB1 hadn't been released as a console that is pretty much built around networking through it. If you don't have an internet connection at all or you can't log into XBL at least once a day, XB1 isn't being marketed to you. I'm not sure why people would take offense to that.

Kachi wrote:
Honestly you're like the only person I've heard defending/downplaying it.

I'm not defending it, just pointing out that it doesn't affect me. I realize that it will affect other people, but if you don't have internet access then you can't take advantage of some of the key features of the console. Why even bother?

The reasoning is faulty. There are many PC games that you just can't play unless you have current gen(or close) tech in your case. If I don't have the tech, I don't buy the games. It's really quite simple. I don't get mad at the game developers for trying to make a game that showcases what current tech can do.

Kachi wrote:
Console wars are NOT good for the gamer. They mean development studios spend more money developing and marketing their games for multiple platform releases instead of using that money to make games.

The first part is flat out false and the second part makes no sense.

Competition forces companies to constantly look at improving their services or products to make them more attractive over the competition. Companies making better games for players is not good for gamers how?

Devs spend more money developing cross console games, yes. No one will deny that. What you're not considering is that they're introducing the same product to a completely different set of consumers. If you developed an Xbox 360 game then you'd have costs for art design, engine design, story writers, composers, ect ect. Now if you decide to port that game to PS3 then you already have most of the work out of the way. Your cost to port the game to another console(this one having a larger playerbase) doesn't double. In essence, you're more than doubling your prospective buyers for only a fraction of the cost because you don't have to recreate the game. Sounds legit to me from the buyer and seller perspective.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#176 Jun 20 2013 at 6:49 PM Rating: Good
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