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Questions about playing FFXIV over a VPNFollow

#1 Jun 06 2013 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Hello. I'm hoping to get some feedback from players about playing FFXIV (or even FFXI) over a VPN. I'm currently living in South Korea, where access to FFXIV is blocked :( I bought a VPN service today through StrongVPN to test my ping on a server in San Francisco, and I scored 180-330+ :( I'm pretty sure that this is unacceptable for decent gameplay. I know that my ping will drastically improve if I pay double for a server in Tokyo.

I also plan to buy a VPN router so that I can connect my PS3 to the name network. If I have a Japan IP, but a NA PlayStation account and a NA copy of the game will I be able to play over PS3?

I am wondering about experiences of others in my situation. Where were you playing, and where was the server that you connected to for your IP address? Did you take note of your ping, or notice any negative effects of using a VPN?

Edited, Jun 6th 2013 11:51am by Caeylen
#2 Jun 06 2013 at 9:51 AM Rating: Good
I believe that the only issue comes when you have an NA registered account and try to install a JP or EU copy of the game, and vice versa. With an NA registered account and an NA copy of the game, you can play anywhere in the world where the IPs are not blocked. (At least that's how it works with FFXI.)
#3 Jun 06 2013 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts

Also, If anyone has experience playing from South Korea... Any info on your process would be greatly appreciated.
#4 Jun 06 2013 at 10:05 AM Rating: Good
3,825 posts
Catwho wrote:
I believe that the only issue comes when you have an NA registered account and try to install a JP or EU copy of the game, and vice versa. With an NA registered account and an NA copy of the game, you can play anywhere in the world where the IPs are not blocked. (At least that's how it works with FFXI.)

Nope, I have a NA copy that I was playing in the UK without VPN. I also have an EU copy, but I gave the code away (I think it was to a NA player but I dunno for sure).

NA/EU/JP only really matters as to which SE website you use for account control.

*EDIT* And even then I was accessing my NA account while living in the UK just fine

Edited, Jun 6th 2013 4:05pm by Perrin
#5 Jun 06 2013 at 11:28 AM Rating: Good
Yeah, living anywhere is fine.

What would happen is that folks would buy the NA version of FFXI for the original game, and then try to buy an EU version of an expansion, and it wouldn't work.
#6 Jun 08 2013 at 6:16 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
I found out the most optimal solution. For anyone else trying to connect from South Korea, try this website:

Its a free VPN service, and it has more options and better speed than other payed options(even the higher tiered paying options). It's quite incredible.

I'm currently using it to change my IP to a Japanese IP. My ping times to / are ~50!

EDIT: I just wanted to send a thanks to those who helped and answered my questions. You are greatly appreciated.

Edited, Jun 8th 2013 8:17am by Caeylen
#7 Jun 09 2013 at 12:46 AM Rating: Good
Hey, I'm in exactly the same boat, living in South Korea. I also have had no experience trying to connect to an SE MMO since I have been living here, however the replies in this thread seem somewhat confusing.

I'm also very confused regarding the server access, is it region locked, or global servers (ala FFXI?). Would the game not automatically utilise the best data centre (probably Tokyo)? I really don't want to buy this game again only to find out I can't play it from where I live :(
#8 Jun 09 2013 at 6:02 AM Rating: Excellent
17 posts
I really don't want to buy this game again only to find out I can't play it from where I live :(

First of all... you don't have to buy it again. If you bought v1.0 then you don't have to buy it again. Merely download the game from with your SE Account that was tied to v1.0.

I'm also very confused regarding the server access, is it region locked, or global servers (ala FFXI?).

You can choose any server that you want.

There will be servers located in Japan, North America, and Europe. People in those areas will more than likely choose a server closest to them for latency (speed) reasons and language reasons. For those of us living on this side of the world connecting to a server in NA or EU will cause a significant amount of lag. Also, even if we are playing with players of the same language... we will be playing when they are all asleep :P

I am going to roll on the Japanese server Tonberry. This is the "new" server that South East Asians and Oceanic players are claiming as their "unofficial" server. So even though it is a Japanese server, there will be a handful of English speakers online at peak times.

I'm in exactly the same boat, living in South Korea. I also have had no experience trying to connect to an SE MMO since I have been living here, however the replies in this thread seem somewhat confusing.

SE blocks South Korean IP addresses. In order to log in you will need to use a VPN service to re-route your IP address. The one that I mentioned before is free and pretty awesome. It is based out of a university in Japan and has a number of servers that you can connect through. Also, you can connect to servers in other countries like USA. Now you can use Netflix! Check it out... and if you have any more questions post here and I'll try to help you out.

Also, you may want to check out some websites for other players in our timezone: -- comprehensive for all Oceanic Players -- the Linkshell that I just joined. Everyone here seems pretty awesome. I definitely recommend these guys. -- another newer Linkshell
#9 Jun 09 2013 at 10:51 PM Rating: Excellent
148 posts
Where else besides South Korea will FFXIV be blocked? I'm from the US but currently living in China.
#10 Jun 10 2013 at 4:21 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
I'm pretty sure it is blocked in China as well. Try and log into the Lodestone here:

If you get routed to an access forbidden page then you are in the same boat as us.
#11 Jun 10 2013 at 8:10 AM Rating: Decent
Out of interest, why are SE clocking Korean IPs?
#12 Jun 10 2013 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
I don't think it was ever official. But from the speculation that I read it is because of the high number of gil sellers that were in South Korea during FFXI. Also, I think that Korea has an outrageous game rating policy which makes it hard and expensive to get games rated. That and the long standing feuds between the two countries?
#13 Jun 10 2013 at 9:17 AM Rating: Excellent
148 posts
I dont have a lodestone account, as it says use of lodestone requires an account with at least 1 character. I dont have that yet. I have a square enix account at secure.square-enix. com/account/ which I can log onto just fine here without a VPN or anything. Is that almost the same as logging into lodestone? After I log on though, whenever I go to Select Service > Final Fantasy XIV, it says "Code registration currently unavailable". I'm assuming thats normal for anyone? Or is it because of my being in China?

Edited, Jun 10th 2013 11:18am by Swiftskye
#14 Jun 10 2013 at 11:06 AM Rating: Excellent
Code registration unavailable is because the game is not actively running. No one can register 1.0 codes right now, and no one can register ARR codes until August 27th.
#15 Jun 10 2013 at 11:39 AM Rating: Excellent
148 posts
Catwho wrote:
Code registration unavailable is because the game is not actively running. No one can register 1.0 codes right now, and no one can register ARR codes until August 27th.

I see. I guess that means I wont be able to access Lodestone until that time then. Thanks :)

Still, I've been reading different things. Some say China will be able to access the servers, others say the opposite. I'd really prefer to not have to shell out $9.99/mo extra for a VPN service, as I really dont trust free ones anymore. The last 2 times I tried free VPN services, both contained malware :(

Also, I have absolutely no idea how to open a VPN tunnel through a PS3 lol. As I understand it, a PS3 can open up proxy ports, but a VPN is different... I think. I dunno. I'm not too terribly tech savvy as it is .
#16 Jun 12 2013 at 4:13 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
You wont need to buy a VPN. As I have mentioned before, this is the best site I have found for a VPN: . It is free AND better than any payed VPN that I have ever used. Also, you will only need the vpn to log in. Once you are logged in, you can turn off your vpn and play just fine.
#17 Jun 12 2013 at 4:41 AM Rating: Good
1,112 posts
Swiftskye wrote:

Also, I have absolutely no idea how to open a VPN tunnel through a PS3 lol. As I understand it, a PS3 can open up proxy ports, but a VPN is different... I think. I dunno. I'm not too terribly tech savvy as it is .

What router do you have? Easiest way to get your PS3 via a VPN would be if you could establish the VPN tunnel from your router.
#18 Jun 12 2013 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
254 posts
Eishiki wrote:
Out of interest, why are SE clocking Korean IPs?

Maybe they are just racist? :p
#19 Jun 12 2013 at 11:01 AM Rating: Excellent
148 posts
Kordain wrote:
Swiftskye wrote:

Also, I have absolutely no idea how to open a VPN tunnel through a PS3 lol. As I understand it, a PS3 can open up proxy ports, but a VPN is different... I think. I dunno. I'm not too terribly tech savvy as it is .

What router do you have? Easiest way to get your PS3 via a VPN would be if you could establish the VPN tunnel from your router.

I have a TP-Link (TL-WR841N Model)

I can access the router from my laptop and such, just when I do... theres... alot of options... >.<

I'll probably google it later or something if I do indeed need to use a VPN to access FFXIV.

Edited, Jun 12th 2013 1:02pm by Swiftskye
#20 Aug 18 2013 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
Hi guys

I also live in South Korea.

So just to clarify: Square actually DO block all South Korean addresses? Seriously? Can someone confirm this?

If so, what a massive bunch of ********

If they do, does anyone have the faintest idea how to go about actually getting a router with a VPN set up? I am not the least bit technically savvy but I REALLY want to play this game. I have been trying to access the beta all weekend to no avail, and I had put it down to the servers being down, but now it seems that it may actually be down to my IP address? I'm so angry about that.

Anyway, if my IP is the problem, can anyone provide any feasible, practical solutions for someone using a PS3 who is NOT a techy? Do you know of anywhere I could go to get a VPN router all set up? Any and all help would be much much appreciated.

Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
#21 Aug 18 2013 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
mushroomyakuza wrote:
Hi guys

I also live in South Korea.

So just to clarify: Square actually DO block all South Korean addresses? Seriously? Can someone confirm this?

If so, what a massive bunch of ********

If they do, does anyone have the faintest idea how to go about actually getting a router with a VPN set up? I am not the least bit technically savvy but I REALLY want to play this game. I have been trying to access the beta all weekend to no avail, and I had put it down to the servers being down, but now it seems that it may actually be down to my IP address? I'm so angry about that.

Anyway, if my IP is the problem, can anyone provide any feasible, practical solutions for someone using a PS3 who is NOT a techy? Do you know of anywhere I could go to get a VPN router all set up? Any and all help would be much much appreciated.


Yeah I had troubles all day Friday and Saturday trying to connect (I'm playing on the PS3) and I unfortunately learned my router does support VPN pass through. So I tried connecting through my phones wifi hotspot and that worked! Only 3G but i was able to play the game with no problems. I'm thinking of getting a 4G egg from KT to help with the ping times.

Not an ideal solution but I don't feel like changing IP providers
#22 Aug 19 2013 at 8:00 AM Rating: Decent
Wow, that's...odd. Hadn't even thought of that but I may look into it. Unfortunately the beta is now over so I won't be able to try until the game is really out. I have a 4G phone but I have quite a low data usage allowance so that's a bit of a concern. Have you thought about any long term solutions?
#23 Aug 20 2013 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
mushroomyakuza wrote:
Wow, that's...odd. Hadn't even thought of that but I may look into it. Unfortunately the beta is now over so I won't be able to try until the game is really out. I have a 4G phone but I have quite a low data usage allowance so that's a bit of a concern. Have you thought about any long term solutions?

It seems that many KT IP addresses are blocked by SE. However, it seems that the other ISPs are not (such as LG although I'm not 100% sure). I would suggest changing ISPs and pray. Its a big pain in the ***, but it seems like the only sane and viable solution for PS3 users. I wasted two days of beta trying to figure out a way to get a VPN working with the PS3 and unfortunately, my router does not play nice with it.

For me personally, I think a 4G WiBro Egg will work better. Unfortunately, I live in one of the older buildings that only KT services to.

Edited, Aug 20th 2013 4:55am by edotlee81

Edited, Aug 20th 2013 8:46am by edotlee81
#24 Sep 14 2013 at 5:41 PM Rating: Good
I'm currently living in Korea, and confirm that it is blocked. As a tip to all the folks using a VPN sevice, you don't have to actually play with it on. The connection to the servers is not blocked, just to the login servers and SE account servers/forums. What I do is launch my VPN client, start the launcher and log in. After I've authenticated, I disconnect from the VPN before I hit the play button. I've drastically lowered my ping times that way, and cut out the majority of the lag I was seeing in game.
#25 Sep 14 2013 at 5:47 PM Rating: Good
135 posts
I live in Japan, have a NA account and downloaded the NA version using my JP CC and haven't had any troubles, however, this was all done on my PC.

I now use a VPN service to tunnel the game for less lag, it connects to Los Angeles.
#26 Apr 15 2014 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
I also live in South Korea. I'm curious to know how those of you living here upkeep your monthly payments. Anytime I go to the Mog Station (ever on maintenance) add my credit card and go through everything else, it always fails at the last step..some error code 406 or w/ addition to that I'm curious as how to set up a vpn so my ps4 can access it. It's set up on my comp..just need to know what the next step is bringing it to console.

Edited, Apr 16th 2014 1:05am by dragoonjustice
Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
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