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#1 May 10 2013 at 6:41 AM Rating: Good
144 posts
A little OT FFXIV wise but.. Just wondered what my friends here at ZAM thought.

PS. Just found this.. not sure if it has already been posted or not..

Edited, May 10th 2013 8:46am by AlexandEric

Edited, May 15th 2013 3:42pm by Wint Lock Thread: Jesus Christ guys
#2 May 10 2013 at 7:49 AM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
Meh.. a 9-year old game is losing subscribers. It's be weird if it weren't, really.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#3 May 10 2013 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
660 posts
Reminds me of this thread on the official forums:

Not much of a surprise that they're losing subscribers. To lose so many in three months, though, something must be up. Some of them may be willing to give ARR a shot.
#4 May 10 2013 at 9:45 AM Rating: Default
I sure hope those millions make there way to ARR would be of epicness in my eyes being a complete hater of WoW and all that it is....

Edited, May 10th 2013 10:45am by Mmoderator
#5 May 10 2013 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
WoW is defintiely not hurting for content. Unless the bulk of those people left because they've out-raided the game, my guess is they are largely (not completely) comprised of people unsatisfied with the P2P model or the style of progression. I doubt those people will make their way to ARR.
#6 May 10 2013 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
1,122 posts
I like to think that people are outgrowing these kinds of formulaic, zero thought necessary kind of theme park MMOs, but that's probably being overly optimistic.
#7 May 10 2013 at 10:50 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Blizzard said that most of that loss is from the eastern markets, which tend to have a more fickle relationship with MMOs by default.

I'm sure there are more than a few people that have been playing it for a really long time and are just burned out on WoW, especially with so many other good options opening up lately.

Nothing lasts forever. WoW will stabilize around a dedicated subscriber base. 8 million people is still nothing to scoff at, and the game is plenty profitable for them still.

I sure hope those millions make there way to ARR would be of epicness in my eyes being a complete hater of WoW and all that it is....

Did WoW kill your father and burn your village down or something? Irrational hatred of something is not usually a good thing to be carrying around.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#8 May 10 2013 at 10:55 AM Rating: Good
2,010 posts
There's a bunch of threads on WoW official regarding this. The consensus seems to be centered around the way they designed the gear grind this xpac. Most folks are frustrated by gear so heavily gated behind dailies. Others are disappointed that there are no new dungeons coming and instead Bliz is trying to replace them with these so-called 3 man scenarios.

Overall, there's a lot of content to do but the way they have it structured needs some tweaking. I don't think they will ever see the height of Wrath with the direction they are taking. Plus there are many other games out there right now that are very fun. So, it ebbs and flows and I'm not calling doomsday for WoW anytime soon - but there's definitely reasons beyond it just being a fickle part of the market.
#9 May 10 2013 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
No i played XI for right at 8 years then left for the military... where i picked up WoW to see if it would be worth playing... i started it out hating it but continued to push forward and see what happened... absolutly got worse and worse with dailies and immature people and then the raiding sucked and was so repetative i felt like there was nothing in the game that was a challenge at all... so i went to PvP which i enjoyed a lil more but still wasnt challenging enough compared to XI so i put the POS down and moved on and still dont understand to this day why in the world that people still play it... just blows my mind... peeps will think that i didnt get down to the EG part of it but as slow of a pace as XI is compared to WoW i probably almosty mastered that game in less than a year with whatever expansion was out at the time... now every person i encounter that has played WoW hates everything about it saying that Blizzard ruined it... i just laugh at them and go about my way thinking i knew this years ago... it will never compare to XI in my eyes no matter what the fanbase of it is or how many subscribers there are or how long its been running... its trash! always has been always will be...

Edited, May 10th 2013 11:59am by Mmoderator
#10 May 10 2013 at 11:18 AM Rating: Excellent
#11 May 10 2013 at 11:28 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Mmoderator wrote:
No i played XI for right at 8 years then left for the military... where i picked up WoW to see if it would be worth playing... i started it out hating it but continued to push forward and see what happened... absolutly got worse and worse with dailies and immature people and then the raiding sucked and was so repetative i felt like there was nothing in the game that was a challenge at all... so i went to PvP which i enjoyed a lil more but still wasnt challenging enough compared to XI so i put the POS down and moved on and still dont understand to this day why in the world that people still play it... just blows my mind... peeps will think that i didnt get down to the EG part of it but as slow of a pace as XI is compared to WoW i probably almosty mastered that game in less than a year with whatever expansion was out at the time... now every person i encounter that has played WoW hates everything about it saying that Blizzard ruined it... i just laugh at them and go about my way thinking i knew this years ago... it will never compare to XI in my eyes no matter what the fanbase of it is or how many subscribers there are or how long its been running... its trash! always has been always will be...

Edited, May 10th 2013 11:59am by Mmoderator

I'm not a huge WoW fan or anything, but this mentality is pretty close-minded. I played WoW for a year, and while I agree there were a lot more immature people playing it than FFXI, I think a big part of that would be comparing the 9 million subs of WoW to the >1 mil. of FFXI. Aside from that, WoW had some pretty awesome innovation. Dungeon Finder was a very cool idea and at the time it was released, it was cutting edge. Flying mounts were fun. The Art direction of the game, while not uber realistic or even super high quality, was actually quite masterfully designed. Most zones looked really cool and had lots of areas where you could really see the fantasy elements coming to life. The gameplay was pretty fun too, and the fast paced battles were a nice change of pace from FFXI.

Overall, I too feel that FFXI was a superior game, at least for myself. But I don't think WoW was trash like you seem to think. It had its flaws like every other game, but it also excelled in many areas and paved the way for MOST modern mmos. Love it or hate it, it certainly has had a big influence on FFXIV... so does that mean you will hate FFXIV because it incorporates some things similar to WoW? I mean, you yourself said that you think it's trash...
#12 May 10 2013 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
I didnt find that the areas of WoW were particularly engaging. There was a big disconnected feeling about each zone, i simply did not feel immersed into the environments. Had it not been for the fact that i grew up playing warcraft the rts games, then the zones to me were nothing else but new grinding areas. Once you were done grinding, there wasnt any real reason to return to these zones or towns unless you were just passing through. in ffxi, they were able to recycle zones quite well depending which mob you were exp'ing off of, the crafting material you needed, or the nm that you wanted to hunt.
#13 May 10 2013 at 12:24 PM Rating: Default
No i dont think that XIV will be trash from taking certain things from WoW or even having a WoW feel to it... i never said there that there wasnt anything i liked about WoW... yes the dungeon finder was an amazing tool and cutting edge im glad they plan to put it into effect in XIV i liked the swimming effects i liked the flying mounts... there are certainly things that it had benificial to it but as a whole i think WoW is just overall nothing to exciting at all and i care not to ever play a second of it again... i could care less for its story but that could be because i never played any of the RTS and know background story... which overall could be why i enjoy FF much more because i can follow it no matter what because there hasnt been one i dont own or have played to this day... i could very well not like the feel of XIV but i cant speculate that untill ive had my hands on it... however im sure it wont be anything like WoW as a whole so i wont have to many issues...
#14 May 10 2013 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
2,010 posts
Well, I can sum up the backstory of Warcraft for you.

The Alliance and the Horde are in a fight because reasons.

There. That's pretty much all the backstory you needed to start playing World of Warcraft. Everything else unfolds through the questlines.

#15 May 10 2013 at 2:16 PM Rating: Default
TY captain obvious... much appreciated!
#16 May 10 2013 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
6,899 posts
Mmoderator wrote:
No i dont think that XIV will be trash from taking certain things from WoW or even having a WoW feel to it... i never said there that there wasnt anything i liked about WoW...

Well ok then, that's all I was getting at. Saying a game is trash tends to make me think there wasn't anything redeeming about it, so knowing that FFXIV will have some WoW-like elements one would assume you would dislike that. So perhaps the game isn't trash, it's just not for you?
#17 May 10 2013 at 4:03 PM Rating: Default
Torrence wrote:
Well, I can sum up the backstory of Warcraft for you.

The Alliance and the Horde are in a fight because reasons.

There. That's pretty much all the backstory you needed to start playing World of Warcraft. Everything else unfolds through the questlines.

And then i am the troll ? That is not even close to being the backstory of wow lol
#18 May 10 2013 at 4:04 PM Rating: Default
Also guys, this same link pops up every single expansion, after a few months: "World of Warcraft Loses X players..." And 9-10 years later here we are still lol Also how is it relevant to XIV ?
#19 May 10 2013 at 5:13 PM Rating: Good
1,310 posts
Ostia wrote:
Also how is it relevant to XIV ?

WoW is the flagship of subscription-based MMOs. If it's buckling under the weight of F2P MMOs which are stealing its players away, as Activision itself thinks so, it could spell trouble for FFXIV which is reliant on a subscription model itself.

So, it's absolutely relevant to FFXIV.
#20 May 10 2013 at 10:26 PM Rating: Default
Xoie wrote:
Ostia wrote:
Also how is it relevant to XIV ?

WoW is the flagship of subscription-based MMOs. If it's buckling under the weight of F2P MMOs which are stealing its players away, as Activision itself thinks so, it could spell trouble for FFXIV which is reliant on a subscription model itself.

So, it's absolutely relevant to FFXIV.

Lmao! That is a huge assumption kid, this is nothing new, it happened before BC, it happened before Wrath, it happened before Cata, it happened before pandaria and it will continue to happen, there has always been a large % of the population that once it reaches a certain point in the current expansion, they get tired/bored and unsub, until the next major patch or expansion. Even when rift claimed it stole 2 million wow subs(Or whatever the number was) they all returned, this has always happened, it happened with swotor, and with Gw2, wow is a decade old game, people are gonna look for something new, see is nothing really new, and go back to what they are more familiar with, just like FFXI crowd is.
#21 May 11 2013 at 12:59 AM Rating: Excellent
WoW is the flagship of subscription-based MMOs. If it's buckling under the weight of F2P MMOs which are stealing its players away, as Activision itself thinks so, it could spell trouble for FFXIV which is reliant on a subscription model itself.

FFXI isn't buckling under the weight of F2P games... so we'll just have to wait and see with FFXIV.
Thayos Redblade
#22 May 11 2013 at 1:08 AM Rating: Good
Thayos wrote:
WoW is the flagship of subscription-based MMOs. If it's buckling under the weight of F2P MMOs which are stealing its players away, as Activision itself thinks so, it could spell trouble for FFXIV which is reliant on a subscription model itself.

FFXI isn't buckling under the weight of F2P games... so we'll just have to wait and see with FFXIV.

FFXI is also paid for 10 times over and is still highly profitable for the amount of work that goes into the game. FFXIV, I don't even want to know how many subs they need to make up the amount of cash they've spent on the game. FFXI could probably drop to 50,000 people and still be good to go with a P2P model.

I really doubt Blizzard will make WoW go F2P unless they think they can make even more money then they're already making. If they figure they can keep all these active subs on top of attracting new players spending stuff at a cash shop, then why not I suppose.

Edited, May 11th 2013 3:10am by Montsegurnephcreep

#23 May 11 2013 at 1:11 AM Rating: Default
Thayos wrote:
WoW is the flagship of subscription-based MMOs. If it's buckling under the weight of F2P MMOs which are stealing its players away, as Activision itself thinks so, it could spell trouble for FFXIV which is reliant on a subscription model itself.

FFXI isn't buckling under the weight of F2P games... so we'll just have to wait and see with FFXIV.

So let me get this right... XI an already paid for game that only brings profits is not buckling under the weight of F2P games.

But World of Warcraft a game that has been paid over and over and over 100 times over is buckling under the weight of F2P games, with 8 Million Subscriptions.....

That Math! That Logic!
#24 May 11 2013 at 5:53 AM Rating: Decent
554 posts
You guys have to also remember that in today's market MMO's also face stiff competition from many non mmo sources. Mobile phone/tablet gaming, Facebook, and console multiplayer are huge now. None of this really was around back in '04
#25 May 11 2013 at 7:45 AM Rating: Good
6,899 posts
Ostia wrote:
Thayos wrote:
WoW is the flagship of subscription-based MMOs. If it's buckling under the weight of F2P MMOs which are stealing its players away, as Activision itself thinks so, it could spell trouble for FFXIV which is reliant on a subscription model itself.

FFXI isn't buckling under the weight of F2P games... so we'll just have to wait and see with FFXIV.

So let me get this right... XI an already paid for game that only brings profits is not buckling under the weight of F2P games.

But World of Warcraft a game that has been paid over and over and over 100 times over is buckling under the weight of F2P games, with 8 Million Subscriptions.....

That Math! That Logic!

Do you even realize that you are quoting two entirely different people, making two distinctly different points? You don't always have to be such a belligerent *** to everyone.
#26 May 11 2013 at 8:15 AM Rating: Good
I wouldn't say WoW is buckling under the weight of other games. At best, it's sagging just a little bit.

I don't think the WoW folks are going to panic too much until the subs fall below one million.
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