What server are my bronies playing on? I see Cat is Balmung, where I might end up anyways, being EST, but I'm wondering if there's any others out there. I'm sure there isn't enough for a guild, but if I can get on the same server as some cool pony lovin' mofos, that would make the FF XIV experience all that much better.
Also, Rarity is best pony.
Star Swirl on Behemoth AKA Best-hemoth AKA The Cool Kid's Table----60AST, 60WHM, 60SCH/SMN, 60BLM, 60MNK, 38 PLD, 34DRG, 31NIN, 27MRD
FFXI- Derpypony on Asura
Check out the Dream Network, a Twitch.tv community for XIV fans, featuring notable streamers like Mr. Happy, MTQcapture, Rahhzay, and Slyakagreyfox! http://dreamnetwork.tv/forum/index.php
Then maybe check out myself, EquestriaGuy, on twitch at http://www.twitch.tv/equestriaguy