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#1 May 14 2015 at 1:15 AM Rating: Good
Well, with the sorry state that Warlords of Draenor is in, I'm finally looking to make a permanent switch to a different MMO after ten years in WoW. I just can't handle the bare-bones content patches Blizzard is releasing. I looked up FF14 the other day and noticed that it will be getting a Mac release on June 23rd, which is perfect timing. I have an IRL buddy who plays casually, but lacks the deep knowledge that I'm looking to get advice on. My question is this:

    What do you know about the game now, that you wish you would have known going into the game?

It could be mechanics-based stuff, character building details and efficiency-based stuff. Anything beyond the basic game systems. Think along the lines of IV and EV training in Pokemon, or Attack Speed breakpoints in Diablo 3.

I looked at the basic gameplay stuff on the official website, and I'm leaning towards a Marauder character. I'd love to play a tank, but I generally dislike Paladins in games (Which looked like the only tank to me in this game? Not sure though.).

If there is already a page somewhere that a lot of this information is pooled for new players, feel free to provide links and such.

Thanks in advance. I can't wait to play this game, really, I'm pretty excited. lol
#2 May 14 2015 at 2:18 AM Rating: Good
148 posts
Hi there :)

I don't know much about WoW or the other examples that you mentioned, but to answer your question... Something I wish I knew before I started this game that I know now would be the fact that, generally, every single endgame fight is fixed. I was hoping for a bit of randomness with the bigger fights; something that can't be so easily predicted. But as it stands now, every fight has a set pattern that, once you learn it, the fight basically loses the challenge and the gear grind for that fight begins. Some fights are easier than others, sure, but they all follow the same principle. A boss will always do X attack at X HP%, or begin X phase at X HP%. I would have loved an unpredictability factor in at least some of the fights.

To be fair though, there are some instances where there is a bit of a random element involved. For example, in an endgame raid battle known as T6, random party members will receive a mark above their heads and must move to a specific place on the battlefield within a few seconds of receiving it. But it's like... That's random, and it isn't at the same time. Sure, the affected party members is random, but once you learn the pattern of the fight, everyone knows when to prepare for said mark to appear. I'm not sure I explained what I meant in the way that I wanted to, but...

TL;DR version I guess is... I wish battles weren't fixed and predictable. ^^;
#3 May 14 2015 at 2:23 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm actually fine with that. Even the hardest raid difficulties in WoW are built the same way.

The alternative would be to have truly random elements in boss fights. That would be worse, in my opinion, since victory would then have less to do with raw skill and more to do with dice rolls.

Edit regarding randomness: I remember when the WoW raid boss Zor'lok first came out, he would dice roll 50/50 to land on either the left platform or the right platform first. Landing on the left would mean sure failure on heroic mode while under geared and pushing the content. Real attempts could only be made when he landed on the right platform, so 50% of all raid members' time was being wasted. It was quickly hotfixed so that he would always land on the right.

Edited, May 14th 2015 4:36am by Crimblade
#4 May 14 2015 at 2:54 AM Rating: Excellent
148 posts
Crimblade wrote:
I'm actually fine with that. Even the hardest raid difficulties in WoW are built the same way.

The alternative would be to have truly random elements in boss fights. That would be worse, in my opinion, since victory would then have less to do with raw skill and more to do with dice rolls.

Edit regarding randomness: I remember when the WoW raid boss Zor'lok first came out, he would dice roll 50/50 to land on either the left platform or the right platform first. Landing on the left would mean sure failure on heroic mode while under geared and pushing the content. Real attempts could only be made when he landed on the right platform, so 50% of all raid members' time was being wasted. It was quickly hotfixed so that he would always land on the right.

Edited, May 14th 2015 4:36am by Crimblade

True, it could be said that too many moments of randomness could effectively break a fight, or like you said, leave the outcome of the fight up to chance, but I'm sure there has to be a way to implement unpredictability without breaking a fight. Something like... I dunno, off the top of my head...

At random intervals, the boss uses a skill that transfers enmity from the tank to a random party member (I think there actually is a fight like this, but it's also fixed I think?), keeping tanks on their toes. Or, at random intervals, boss uses a skill that locks some player skills/abilities for a short time. Probably not great examples but what I'm ultimately trying to get at is wanting a battle where it's still fair and challenging, but also where nobody knows what to expect next.
#5 May 14 2015 at 8:23 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
What do you know about the game now, that you wish you would have known going into the game?

Spiritbonding is a big f'ing deal and you should do it constantly.

This is probably something that can only reasonably be applied after you have a job at a reasonably high level and are able to buy or craft gear for low level jobs.

I don't remember what level the quest is that unlocks materia conversion, but it should be on your list of things to accomplish when you reach Ul'dah for the first time.

I will also mention that Marauder (MRD) is, in fact, a tank. You'll have to level Gladiator (GLD) a little bit for cross class skills. Notably Provoke is a GLD ability that you just can't not have. It's a taunt. MRD doesn't get one natively.

Another thing you should be prepared for is the 2.5 sec GCD. A lot of people who come from WoW find it jarring. You'll get used to it quickly enough but you should be aware it exists going in.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#6 May 14 2015 at 9:48 AM Rating: Excellent
I really love FFXIV, so what I'm about to say isn't a problem for me, but it's something that has been a problem for others.

I think WoW is the same way, so it may not be a problem for you, either... but this game is definitely vertical in its progression, and a set of top-level gear probably only remains truly useful with most of the newest content for around six months.

If you hate gear treadmills -- or if you hate the feeling of wasting time for gear that will soon be "obsoleted" (I really hate that gamer term) -- then think carefully about how many jobs you choose to level in FFXIV.

I mainly just focus on keeping two jobs geared up well, and I never feel like I've wasted my efforts.
Thayos Redblade
#7 May 14 2015 at 10:07 AM Rating: Good
Archmage Callinon wrote:
What do you know about the game now, that you wish you would have known going into the game?

Spiritbonding is a big f'ing deal and you should do it constantly.

This is probably something that can only reasonably be applied after you have a job at a reasonably high level and are able to buy or craft gear for low level jobs.

I don't remember what level the quest is that unlocks materia conversion, but it should be on your list of things to accomplish when you reach Ul'dah for the first time.

I will also mention that Marauder (MRD) is, in fact, a tank. You'll have to level Gladiator (GLD) a little bit for cross class skills. Notably Provoke is a GLD ability that you just can't not have. It's a taunt. MRD doesn't get one natively.

Another thing you should be prepared for is the 2.5 sec GCD. A lot of people who come from WoW find it jarring. You'll get used to it quickly enough but you should be aware it exists going in.

This is absolutely the kind of information I was looking to get. Thank you so much! I'm going to bookmark this for June 23rd.

I've since done some further reading and I'm seeing that GLD and MRD are base forms of the PLD and WAR tank classes? I also read that the DK is going to be a tank class, but start at level 30 with no base class requirements. That appears to be perfect for new players coming into the game, though I'm unsure what effect that would have on my starting experience (it may be tailored for advanced players?). Either way I want to play a tank.

The 2.5s GCD seems long to me on paper, but I have a feeling that once I get a full rotation of abilities to use I won't notice it as much. It will likely just bother me a bit starting out.

Thayos wrote:
I really love FFXIV, so what I'm about to say isn't a problem for me, but it's something that has been a problem for others.

I think WoW is the same way, so it may not be a problem for you, either... but this game is definitely vertical in its progression, and a set of top-level gear probably only remains truly useful with most of the newest content for around six months.

If you hate gear treadmills -- or if you hate the feeling of wasting time for gear that will soon be "obsoleted" (I really hate that gamer term) -- then think carefully about how many jobs you choose to level in FFXIV.

I mainly just focus on keeping two jobs geared up well, and I never feel like I've wasted my efforts.

I handle treadmills and grinds just fine. I enjoy Diablo ladder restarts and WoW's tiered gear system.
#8 May 14 2015 at 10:51 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
I've since done some further reading and I'm seeing that GLD and MRD are base forms of the PLD and WAR tank classes?

That's right. The game differentiates between "classes" and "jobs." Jobs are unlocked at level 30 for each respective class. So when your MRD reaches 30, you'll do your final class quest and get a quest to become a WAR.

Unfortunately, DRK is unavailable to new players because of the way the expansion is structured. The new jobs unlock at level 30, but the quest to unlock them is gated behind completion of the main story through patch 2.55 which requires you to be level 50. If DRK is something you're interested in, you'll get there, but don't be surprised when you don't get access to it at level 30.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#9 May 14 2015 at 11:15 AM Rating: Excellent
On the bright side, leveling up a job in this game happens very quickly, especially if you enjoy grinding. You can get a 50 job to advance through the story to Ishgard in a few weeks.
Thayos Redblade
#10 May 14 2015 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
What should I know going in, in regards to servers?

For example, in WoW we had PVP servers that basically had "kill on sight" always on for race wars, PvE servers, RP servers, etc. There were low-population servers with terrible economies and such. High-end servers where raid-oriented players migrated to (Illidan being the most notorious in NA).

If I'm a raid-oriented guy that likes to dabble in PVP and expect a decent population, are there specific servers I should probably be making my character on?
#11 May 14 2015 at 12:15 PM Rating: Excellent
Try to roll on a Legacy server... pretty sure they're the most populated, and from what I've read there can be a big difference between more-populated servers and less-populated servers.

I'm on Hyperion, and we have quite a few large, raid-heavy groups. A couple of us on these forums belong to the same FC, and our group has quite a few hardcore raiders (we have at least one or two coil groups). And we're always recruiting!

Ignore my out of date sig, lol... I used to be on Sargatarnus.
Thayos Redblade
#12 May 14 2015 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
My MMO life as gone like this (Over the past 12 years, it really has been that long..): FFXI > WoW > Star Wars > WoW > RIFT > WoW > FFXI (again) > FFXIV > WoW > WildStar > WoW > FFXIV (currently).
Also a few F2Ps that I played for a few weeks here and there.

As you can see there is a lot of WoW played. I've not logged into WoW for a month or so (2nd part of Blackrock came out in LFR, did it once, gear was not an upgrade to normal HM..laughed..guild was breaking up and therefore I was not able to raid Normal BR...not logged back in).
So I totally understand the want and need to move or play a different game.

I picked FFXIV to come back to. I played at re-launch of 14 few years back. Went back to WoW because the small group I was playing 14 with all up and quit. Playing MMOs alone is...dumb lol. Small group that played 11 took forever to start 14...I have many RL friends who play WoW, they are the reason I keep going back -.-

However,I'm not sure if I'm going to keep playing. Last few nights have just, I dunno, bummed me out. I just might really need to take a very long break from MMOs.

But anyways, Info I looked into for coming back:

-Want I wanted to play as.
When I 1st played I was a DRG, but could never get a party invite, so I became a Healer (WHM). Made it to 46 before I threw in the towel.
When I came back I knew I wanted to play as a Ninja. I leveled "sub jobs" 1st. IE: Monk to 15, then I became a Rogue, and took it 30, unlocked Ninja. I had already had other jobs leveled up to 20+ (came back to old character).

I came back to the EU server Odin. Back when FFXIV came out, servers were stupid packed on NA realms. Easy fix was to play on the other realms. Jump to now, and I was logging in to say goodnight to people who were logging out. 7pm my time was like 3am server lol. I did transfer, but I did not come to a NA realm. I tired them, and having a queue just rubs me wrong lol. I've worked and waited all the day have to wait more....nope. I play on Tonberry. I researched it out. It was the largest English speaking community on a JP realm. My connection is always great and I hardly, if ever, have lag. Just have to spark a convo, to find out if people around you do speak English, or are they late night Japanese players.
I've never had an issue with the lingo barrier. I played FFXI for such a long time, I'm pretty masterful with the auto-translation lol.
I just googled FFXIV server population, and found a few sites that have stuff charted out.

What I can tell you, someone who has never played FFXIV, but is coming from WoW:

Do not expect WoW, at all.

The 2.5 GCD is a slower game play. Every class/job has a combination of abilities that you will always use in a certain order, with a few that have their own rules (If you Dodge an attack, THEN you can use [Insert Ability]).
The 2.5s GCD seems long to me on paper, but I have a feeling that once I get a full rotation of abilities to use I won't notice it as much. It will likely just bother me a bit starting out.

I hope you are different, because it has always bothered me.

11 to WoW was "omg, so many buttons to push ALL THE TIME!!!!". WoW to FFXIV is "So many buttons! BUT I CAN'T PUSH THEM YET!!!"

There is a correct and a wrong way to level via quest and game story. I think part of my stupor is FATE and Levequest grind to level. The story quest I stopped on is lv46.
Don't jump around to all the towns, just because you can. Save them quests for when you need to level another/other jobs. If you don't you will be grinding levequest over and over while doing FATEs over and over.

Harvesting jobs seem to still be the money makers. I always waited to work on crafts.

If you have never played an Asian MMO, they are all about grinding and putting in time to get anywhere.

Don't worry about the new expansion coming out next month. You will need to advance in the main story as Callinon has said above.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#13 May 15 2015 at 4:12 AM Rating: Decent
Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
Harvesting jobs seem to still be the money makers. I always waited to work on crafts.

If you have never played an Asian MMO, they are all about grinding and putting in time to get anywhere.

Don't worry about the new expansion coming out next month. You will need to advance in the main story as Callinon has said above.

My only real issue with Asian MMOs has been that their quality has been quite low in their NA releases. I always despise how most have had micro-transactions for Boosts and such. FF14 looks to be top-tier quality, and does not have any gameplay-based micro-transactions.

    Is there anything on the Cash Shop that might irk me a bit? Anything not purely cosmetic in nature?

I actually love the old school grind style of play. I'm that completionist type of guy that hunts after every achievement and reputation (over 20k points in WoW, which is > 85% total game completion, over 70 reps exalted), I did every Vista and Jumping Puzzle in GW2, etc. I love that stuff. I prefer that an MMO reward my time spent, rather than pander to the more casual-oriented players (which is why I've reached my breaking point with WoW).

I assume that the harvesting jobs are Fisher, Mining, and Botanist.

    Do you recommend one to focus on over the others at the start?

I'm a sucker for Fishing in literally every game ever, but it's usually subpar to Mining/Herbing due to the demand on crafting materials for armour and potions.
#14 May 15 2015 at 6:09 AM Rating: Excellent
I think everything in FFXIV's cash shop is cosmetic.

I never touched Fishing in this game. In 11 it was like a mini-game and that made it fun.

I prefer that an MMO reward my time spent, rather than pander to the more casual-oriented players (which is why I've reached my breaking point with WoW).

Then you will be fine. I know so many who just don't understand why Asian games are grind-y, and will get turned away.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#15 May 15 2015 at 8:23 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Is there anything on the Cash Shop that might irk me a bit? Anything not purely cosmetic in nature?

No. Everything in there is cosmetic. Pets, a mount, a few costumes from previous seasonal events.

Do you recommend one to focus on over the others at the start?

Mining for sure. You'll tend to get a better payout from that than botany, pretty much up through level 50.

I know so many who just don't understand why Asian games are grind-y, and will get turned away.

I'd like to point out a difference here between FFXIV and the cliched "Korean Grinder" type MMO. FFXIV is not a grinder. The way you know this is because it does not take you seventeen years and 35 million mob kills to reach level 31. FFXIV is a theme park type MMO, like WoW, and it far more closely resembles that than it does something like Aion.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#16 May 15 2015 at 10:04 AM Rating: Decent
I can't wait until June 19th now. I have that "little boy on christmas eve" feeling. haha
I wish that they would release the Mac version of Realm Reborn now, rather than only sell it in a package with Heavensward. It would let the upcoming Mac player base get a foothold before the expansion.

But yah, a big thanks to everyone that provided advice. I feel much better about making the switch now. :)
#17 May 15 2015 at 1:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Thayos wrote:
Try to roll on a Legacy server... pretty sure they're the most populated, and from what I've read there can be a big difference between more-populated servers and less-populated servers.

I'm on Hyperion, and we have quite a few large, raid-heavy groups. A couple of us on these forums belong to the same FC, and our group has quite a few hardcore raiders (we have at least one or two coil groups). And we're always recruiting!

Ignore my out of date sig, lol... I used to be on Sargatarnus.

Lamia is actually a better server for a new player, I think. Our population is still VERY new compared to the legacy servers, but we have enough veterans who have been at game start that it balances out. Sooooo many sprouts running around. We're not the most hardcore server, but we are surprisingly the 2nd most populated non legacy server last time I checked, with over 100K known active characters.
#18 May 15 2015 at 1:50 PM Rating: Excellent
Hey now, we have lots of new players too!

I suggested a Legacy server though because this player sounds like he's more hardcore-ready, and the Legacy servers probably have more like-minded hardcore players rather than new casual players. That said, Hyperion has lots of new players too.. we're always getting new folks in our FC (we're probably a Lamia-type FC on Hyperion, compared to some of the other Hyperion FCs).

That said, "new player" doesn't have as much meaning in FFXIV. It just doesn't take long to level a job to 50 and work up the iLevels. If you plan on being a grindy completionist, then you should go where the grinding completionists are. It's not like other games, where there are in-game reasons to band together with other new players.

Which, I guess, brings me to my next tip... if you intend on mastering endgame, you WILL need a static.

Edited, May 15th 2015 12:53pm by Thayos

Edited, May 15th 2015 12:53pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#19 May 16 2015 at 7:39 AM Rating: Excellent
Thayos wrote:
Which, I guess, brings me to my next tip... if you intend on mastering endgame, you WILL need a static.

I actually had to search for what "static" meant, since it's not a term that is used in WoW. Found this pretty handy website which explains a bunch of FF14 terminology: . I'll read those over this morning.

But yah, looks like a "static" is a tight-knit group of like-minded gamers that work towards game completion? Yah, I'm definitely going to have to find a good group of people to play with when I get a character ready, so that I can actually get the best stuff done.

Edited, May 16th 2015 10:40am by Crimblade
#20 May 16 2015 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
Static is the FFXI's/XIV's "raid group"

I only knew the term back in 11. In old FFXI you leveled up by grouping up (party of 6: 1 tank, one sub tank, a Healer, a support, 2 DPS - this was like the "perfect" party set up, but other types worked out just fine.) and going out to a "camp" spot. You literally went to somewhere in the world stay there, having 1 person (not the Tank like in WoW and now in FFXIV) pull mobs back to the party/camp spot. Killing this type of mob for hopefully a few hours. Netting 50-200+exp per kill. Back in the day, iirc, to level from 74 to 75 (the then cap) was 47,000. It took awhile.
Thus having a static of either friends or people that always played at the same time, you could get stuff done. Gain them EXPs, get missions done, boss (God) fights, etc.

WoW's recruit-a-friend and end game raiding is close to the same idea. WoW however doesn't have much "everyone needs to be on the same page" type of quests/raids. If someone leaves raid group, you can easily replace. FFXIV's story and missions don't work that way, everyone needs to be on the same part of the quest/mission line.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#21 May 16 2015 at 9:12 AM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
WoW however doesn't have much "everyone needs to be on the same page" type of quests/raids.

Smiley: dubious

It's possible I just don't know what you mean by this... but WoW's raids absolutely required people to know what they were doing, and replacing people in organized groups was quite difficult.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#22 May 16 2015 at 11:56 AM Rating: Good
Thayos wrote:
Hey now, we have lots of new players too!

I suggested a Legacy server though because this player sounds like he's more hardcore-ready, and the Legacy servers probably have more like-minded hardcore players rather than new casual players. That said, Hyperion has lots of new players too.. we're always getting new folks in our FC (we're probably a Lamia-type FC on Hyperion, compared to some of the other Hyperion FCs).

That said, "new player" doesn't have as much meaning in FFXIV. It just doesn't take long to level a job to 50 and work up the iLevels. If you plan on being a grindy completionist, then you should go where the grinding completionists are. It's not like other games, where there are in-game reasons to band together with other new players.

Which, I guess, brings me to my next tip... if you intend on mastering endgame, you WILL need a static.

Edited, May 15th 2015 12:53pm by Thayos

Edited, May 15th 2015 12:53pm by Thayos

Surprisingly, some of the legacy servers are pretty bad in terms of end game. I'm on Balmung myself, and we have a horrible end game community. Does it being a major RP server have something to do with it, not sure, but statics who were at the top of the pack for Coil were few and far between.

The big perk of the highly populated Legacy servers is the constant activity and frequent chatter going on. The PF, though not full of T13 runs, is active with just about everything else.

#23 May 17 2015 at 5:54 AM Rating: Good
    What about community website links?

I've done a bit of searching last night / this morning, but it's hard to tell which sites are the important ones. I'm looking for:

PvE Ranking (Wowprogress kind of thing)
PVP Ranking (Arena Junkies for WoW)
Theorycrafting (Elitist Jerks kind of thing, the nitty-gritty conversations)
Character Log (along the lines of WoW's Armory)
Item Database (FFXIV DB looks to be the best, similar to Wowhead)
Forums (This website and the officials forums both look good, any others?)

    And what about awesome community and social media stuff?

Like interesting lore speculation videos, or maybe parody videos. Anything fun and relevant. I swear, I'm getting super obsessed with this game and I haven't even played it yet. >_<
#24 May 17 2015 at 8:15 AM Rating: Excellent
Some of that I think is over at the Reddit commuinity. Also, The Order of the Blue Gartr.

There are no PVP ranks for free companies as far as I know. PVE ranks are done on the official SE website, The Lodestone. My FC, The Swarm is #71 on the server as of last week, which is pretty darn good for a FC that is 10% of the size of the bigger guys.
#25 May 17 2015 at 10:54 AM Rating: Good
It's not a tips but more a personal observation.
I've not played a lot of MMORPG ( RO, Aion, WoW ) but when I began playing FFXIV, I was surprise by the general attitude of the players. Yes I know, there will always be troll and unpleasant person... BUT! From my point of view, I almost never got stuck with bad people in random party.

The fact that you can do dungeons and activities with total stranger without spamming the chat or running after them ( thanks for the Duty Finder ), is something that I really appreciate. I was afraid tho that most people would be angry cause I was a healer AND a noob! But I found myself in a big family. People gave me countless advise, were patient and for the few times some players were angry because of my mistake or my inexperience, they would even defend me and give the bad time to the unsatisfied player....

Just for this, it make me optimist to play the game. Also I just came back from a few months off the game, with a high level character with good gear and everything and I found the same attitude from the player. I told them I'm rusty and they are still patient and comprehensive.

That, for me, have no price...
#26 May 17 2015 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
Archmage Callinon wrote:
WoW however doesn't have much "everyone needs to be on the same page" type of quests/raids.

Smiley: dubious

It's possible I just don't know what you mean by this... but WoW's raids absolutely required people to know what they were doing, and replacing people in organized groups was quite difficult.

I don't know when the last time you maybe played WoW, but no to this.
I never did more then look up the fight via the in-game Dungeon/raid menu to learn about a fight. If it was someone's 1st time, they were told to read the same thing. Then in practice you learned the fight, and could start downing bosses on the 1st try.
If you had to replace someone, and you were 6 bosses in, that new person could start right with you. They didn't have to clear or have ever killed the 5 bosses before to advance.
Replacing is as easy and opening the raid tool and putting your group into a queue/"looking for".

The same can't be said in FFXIV. I can't skip over the missions I'm on and the fight(s) I have yet to do to get this "base" game beat by the time the expansion comes out (I'm trying, but I doubt it will happen).
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
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