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#27 Apr 13 2015 at 9:03 AM Rating: Excellent
Oops. That guy discovers only later that he has to pick one of the jobs he couldn't possibly care less about, take that to 50, do 6 patches worth of story content, and grind to i90 at least before he's able to pick up a great sword and do the thing he wanted to do in the first place.

That's also an extreme example of behavior. Most people would look at all the other jobs, find one that also looks interesting, and just play as that.

I don't know too many people who started an MMO just because of one job looking interesting. For people who do care about jobs, the fact you can change jobs so easily in FFXIV (a huge selling point) would seem to negate those concerns.
Thayos Redblade
#28 Apr 13 2015 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Thayos wrote:
Oops. That guy discovers only later that he has to pick one of the jobs he couldn't possibly care less about, take that to 50, do 6 patches worth of story content, and grind to i90 at least before he's able to pick up a great sword and do the thing he wanted to do in the first place.

That's also an extreme example of behavior. Most people would look at all the other jobs, find one that also looks interesting, and just play as that.

I don't know too many people who started an MMO just because of one job looking interesting. For people who do care about jobs, the fact you can change jobs so easily in FFXIV (a huge selling point) would seem to negate those concerns.

Plenty of people, especially if you look outside of MMOs developed by big name companies because there's a good chance many joined the MMO for a particular race, the customization or one of the jobs due to the way many MMOs tend to be designed. XI/XIV/EE and a few others that allows multiple jobs per character are a bit different but it's not that extreme. I know plenty of people who wants to join during Heavensward because they love FF's Dark Knight (but might not like that it's a tank), which they won't be able to play as or even test given the amount of outdated content they'll have to go through (vertical progression and all that) and then they'll have to play as other classes they had no interest in to 50, then grind on them till they hit i95 minimum, which isn't too terrible..but it could be a huge turn off for some (hence feel cheated.)

Ontop of the fact Yoshida said it's 50 hours of content (and hopefully not filler/counting FATES), there would honestly be no one going back to the 2.x era of content which could lead to some fairly troubling times for newer players. While 30-50 will have to be done in 2.x dungeons/fates, most people who are already playing will be grinding 50-60 in the 51+ HW expansion. Hell I know plenty who joined XI over the years because they love Blue Mage or Red Mage or White Mage or Monk or Thief etc because they grew up playing FF games. Hell I even know someone who joined to played Triple Triad and Chocobo Racing and were slightly disappointed given the way, at least on the 'legacy' clusters people play TT (boosting) and the minimum requirement they had to meet and the fact they'll have to grind a hell of a lot to purchase the card packs or go through all content to get those respective cards.

So you will have to level everything till at lest the low 40s for cross-class anyway, but we don't know if around 60 there's additional cross-class skills that can be pulled from with the original classes (aside their obvious 50 exclusive skills.)

So while it doesn't pertain to me since I'm maxed out on my 2 main characters, you have to admit, the people who joined because they LOVE gunners in MMOs will be severely disappointed they can't play as one until they've dumped plenty of hours into playing catchup with something they had no interest in, which, correct me if I'm wrong, people said is a bad thing to do with gaming - MMOs in particular, as all prior to 2.0 people said "leveling isn't content."

It is held behind a lore wall, which is fine and -should- be done, especially for current players, it's just, with the whole: "I'm designing this game for new players and new people to MMOs" motto Yoshi has going, it's a bit of a twist in the norm. I mean with Rogue you only had to do bare minimum to get it as they did well hiding the fact you technically shouldn't know of it until after you've defeated Leviathan and Yugiri got the guild set up.

Though it does bring up the fact they need to release more info on the official site much more frequently and not rely purely on hyping people through the concept of being hyped. Next month is the only time we'll truthfully get some more info, then a lull until no doubt E3, then Early Access begins, which sadly doesn't pertain to anyone other than players already ready to go. So yeah, it could seem "extreme" if you're not looking at it in the eyes of someone who wants to play as what they like, or they're used to other MMOs where classes progress into 2-4 other classes as you level but it is far more common than you realize because there's people who joined 1.x - ARR purely to craft or gather, especially since you could start as such in 1.0 and it was only tough due to not having the starting gil to get around which was easier to do as a DoW/DoM.

#29 Apr 13 2015 at 10:01 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
Oops. That guy discovers only later that he has to pick one of the jobs he couldn't possibly care less about, take that to 50, do 6 patches worth of story content, and grind to i90 at least before he's able to pick up a great sword and do the thing he wanted to do in the first place.

That's also an extreme example of behavior. Most people would look at all the other jobs, find one that also looks interesting, and just play as that.

I don't know too many people who started an MMO just because of one job looking interesting. For people who do care about jobs, the fact you can change jobs so easily in FFXIV (a huge selling point) would seem to negate those concerns.

Actually there are more than you think... i know one guy who would not play till they had darknight. Now he is going to play.

Edited, Apr 13th 2015 12:01pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#30 Apr 13 2015 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
972 posts
Belcrono wrote:
My point is just that I don't enjoy the game enough in general to come back to play it without a job I enjoy. I would have liked to come back and try the new jobs and use them in the part of the game I enjoy the most. That would have felt worth it for me. As it is, I would be forced to do a part of the fun part of the game on a job I don't think is fun, to the point where I quit a long time ago because I didn't think it was enjoyable enough. Basically I quit because I didn't enjoy the game. Now I was thinking about coming back because of the new jobs and also try what other new things they will be adding with the expansion.

As it is, I won't be able to try the new things until I complete the old storyline. This means I would have to go through a large part of the game I quit whilst advancing a job I don't care for at all. I already quit because I wasn't having fun enough and now I would be forced to play the exact same thing again before I get to try something new. For me it isn't worth it to come back.

I mean personally I see a lot of arguments to why I think they should just allow people to play the jobs regardless of where you are in the storyline like for example my own situation, but also just because it is just pure more fun for a lot of people that are affected. I have a hard time seeing any arguments for the opposite aside from "this expansion is for veterans" or "it does not make sense according to lore". Now if I weigh those against each other I think the first ones win. SE does not agree with me though which is fine, I just won't come back is all. Not because I couldn't force myself to do the things to get to the expansion content/jobs, but I just don't think it is worth it for me and especially so when I don't even see the reason for why they do it that way. I think it is a combination of not thinking it is worth it for me as well as not agreeing with them doing it that way so I don't want to support it either.

I enjoy the game enough to come back time and again. They have done quite a few good things. But the combat is what makes me wander from game to game. I enjoy the story line as well. I really enjoyed leveling my first job with all the story and quests. Second time was a drag and well..

I agree with locking things behind stuff is not good. But also that SE can do as they please whether I agree or not.

Belcrono wrote:
I think there is a difference in this case simply because I can't level another job doing the same content, if that makes any sense. Like, if I could do the storyline on another job as well maybe I would agree with you, but as it is it feels like I spend time doing something I can only do once and I want to have as fun as possible doing that thing.

Also I don't think I ever said they should do anything to make me happy, I realized a long time ago I want something like what Everquest Next is trying to be and that Yoshi and SE have very different philosophies and I am not trying to make them change anything. I only said it was too bad they did it this way because I was feeling an itch and it might have been fun to give it another shot, and I just don't see the point of doing it their way with this particular thing. I just see it as sort of a situation where some people don't see an issue, like yourself, and some do see a pretty big issue. I don't think the situation would change for people like you in any way if they changed it, but it would solve the problem for all the others. So why choose the other route? Sort of like that is how I feel I think.

I want to able to advance on other characters in the main story and then I don't due to the main story being the same for every class on multiple play throughs. I think I would also rather have more class quest such as Swtor has. Yeah the situation wouldn't most likely change for him and would solve it for others who display dislike. But like you said and I know. Not everything can be as we like. We either play or don't if things don't change.

Edited, Apr 13th 2015 12:49pm by sandpark
#31 Apr 13 2015 at 12:20 PM Rating: Excellent
Actually there are more than you think... i know one guy who would not play till they had darknight. Now he is going to play.

I'm not denying their existence, but in the grand scheme of things these people are a sliver of the gaming population. Most people try a new game because the game looks fun, not because a specific job looks fun. Usually, when people are deciding on jobs to play, they're already set on playing.

The inclusion of new jobs is less about attracting new players and more about keeping current players interested.

Also, re: Hio's concern about 2.x content, I don't see any issues there. Yoshi-P has a good track record of removing road blocks from older content, plus people will always run that stuff when building relics, doing trial roulette, etc. He's been pretty clear on his priority to keep people engaged with old content.
Thayos Redblade
#32 Apr 14 2015 at 3:28 AM Rating: Decent
863 posts
Catwho wrote:
The new jobs are also starting at level 30, apparently. It seems like the "soul gem" is going to be equipped in the weapon. Or something.

We know NOTHING about the new jobs other than we have a magic based tank, a RNG based healer, and another "pet" based DPS. You have no way of knowing that you're going to like the new jobs from the expansion any more than you would the old jobs.

I would recommend strongly just leveling up another one of the 9 current jobs to 50 in the slot that you THINK you'd like from Heavensward, and then using that class to build up a decent gear set. You're going to have to slog through all the old content anyway because fights are iLvl locked and a fresh 50 can't do the last fights in 2.x without grinding dungeons a bit beforehand or buying gil. (iLvl 110 gear still costs many millions off the market boards.)

We don't know anything about the mechanics of the jobs, but looks and thematicly we know some. Not saying that means I know I will like the job, but I know I like some of it. In the end that just makes for another reason why it is a bad choice to force me to do so much else to get to a job I might not even enjoy.

As for leveling another job and gearing that up I won't be doing that. Like I said I already have 3 jobs at 50 and a few at around 30-40, that is enough for me. I am not going to spend time playing something I think is really boring just to get to something I might enjoy. I mentioned it earlier, that is all fine I am not here to tell SE to do it differently, apparently there are several of you here that think this is a good choice and that is fine. I will just not play again, which is too bad for me, but no loss to anyone else.

As for people saying Heavensward is more to keep players than getting new ones, whilst it might be true they are hardly mutually exclusive and choosing to do something like this does not help either of those goals either. It basically just does nothing for one and is counter productive to the other.
#33 Apr 16 2015 at 5:49 AM Rating: Good
1,104 posts
Strange to level 3 jobs to 50 and several more into the 30s/40s if you found none of it enjoyable.
#34 Apr 16 2015 at 6:24 AM Rating: Good
863 posts
BrokenFox wrote:
Strange to level 3 jobs to 50 and several more into the 30s/40s if you found none of it enjoyable.

I powerlevelled them in 1.0 more or less, except for SCH which I lvled via storyline in 2.0 because I wanted to give it ARR a shot. Got NIN and BRD to around 40 in ARR.

Edited, Apr 16th 2015 8:25am by Belcrono
#35 Apr 16 2015 at 7:31 AM Rating: Default
The more I see in regards to the expansion, the more I like.

I just hope it lives up to its promise.
#36 Apr 16 2015 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
863 posts
Honestly i think it will. The only thing I can see might be an issue of living up to its promise is airship exploration etc but it really does feel like they have it covered and will pull it off.
#37 Apr 19 2015 at 6:32 AM Rating: Default
591 posts
Problem is I feel that they are making the same mistake with FFXIV arr like they did with FFXI.

First the duty up system reminds me of the party system in FFXI 2006. The expansion will come and most people will duty up who were left behind will wait for hours on end to try and get a party to finish up what they have not done.

SE will be more focused on content for the new expansion rather than fix issues with old content, they did this in FFXI SE will do it again in FFXIV.

I have been noticing a pattern, I believe the first FFXIV was a success more than a failure, FFXIV ARR was a Success due to it being similar to WoW and that they made SOA expansion very tough, which pushed people out of FFXI into FFXIV ARR.

I believe SE is doing that again with FFXI shutting down ps2 support and Xbox360 to try and get a new influx of people to join FFXIV ARR.

This way when they do release the expansion for FFXIV ARR that new people will join and some of those who were slacking catch up.

Though most likely some will stay for FFXI new expansion and once that is done probably look for something else due to them not supporting the game anymore.

By that time they may have more players in FFXIV ARR to help others, though to be honest I still see a issue with it being dungeon only the issue is basically duty finder.

I know there is a Party finder option but some people do not want to do things anymore that was a pain to beat again.

Which comes to what SE is doing with the 2.55 thing once the expansion is release, those who are not done will struggle unless they have friends or check PF, though most of their friends would probably have it finished and want to be doing new stuff in expansion to even deal with that stuff from 2.55.

New jobs won't require you to go back to old content cause most people level doing fates, I am just noticing its similar to FFXI when everyone was struggling I remember having to help tons of people try and put everything off to help them to catch up but even that got tiring for me.

I am not buying expansion till it goes lower in price also, 1 new race and flying mounts are the only thing that seems new to me, all the other stuff seems like they can do with a update as they did for rogue and ninja and storyline but charging you more money than its worth.

I understand the game needs support to continue and I understand more people will join to help others who struggle sometimes that isn't the case.

Though who knows it could just be me who thinks this and just speculation no harm no foul.

Edited, Apr 19th 2015 8:47am by ZanonX

Wife: Akirah
#38 Apr 19 2015 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
The expansion will come and most people will duty up who were left behind will wait for hours on end to try and get a party to finish up what they have not done.

SE will be more focused on content for the new expansion rather than fix issues with old content, they did this in FFXI SE will do it again in FFXIV.

You are talking about Square "constantly figuring out new ways to rejuvenate old content" Enix? The dev making up systems like the roulettes, new jobs, Zodiac steps, weekly re-running of the CT-quest, among others? New jobs can still use the low level roulette especially tanks and healers in most demand. SE just a while ago began to prioritize new players in the duty finder queues. Other games can only wish their old content received similar treatment.

What you are saying is not in touch with the reality I know...
#39 Apr 19 2015 at 10:25 AM Rating: Good
1,313 posts
Thayos wrote:
Actually there are more than you think... i know one guy who would not play till they had darknight. Now he is going to play.

I'm not denying their existence, but in the grand scheme of things these people are a sliver of the gaming population. Most people try a new game because the game looks fun, not because a specific job looks fun. Usually, when people are deciding on jobs to play, they're already set on playing.

The inclusion of new jobs is less about attracting new players and more about keeping current players interested.

Also, re: Hio's concern about 2.x content, I don't see any issues there. Yoshi-P has a good track record of removing road blocks from older content, plus people will always run that stuff when building relics, doing trial roulette, etc. He's been pretty clear on his priority to keep people engaged with old content.

I don't like any of the classes in FFXIV. I ended up going WHM because healing raids was the most "exciting" thing to do because of all of the weight on my shoulders. WHM is ok, but I've never mained a healer in an MMO before.

I still don't like any of the classes, but I'll still come back for heavensward and play around a bit. What is difficult for me to do though is stick around. Mainly because I don't really care about advancing in my Job. I just do everything I can at least once until I run in to a wall, then unsub until something new comes out. If THF or RDM were added, I might be inclined to really pursue a deeper relationship with my character and her endeavors.

Not sure how much sense that made, as I just woke up.

I guess TL;DR, the lack of the classes I want does not stop me from playing each new patch, but it does stop me from really putting any real time in to it as I did with FFXI and WoW and sticking through the lulls in between to complete everything.
#40 Apr 19 2015 at 10:59 AM Rating: Good
Honestly, this is why I wish the relics would stay best in slot for a long time. Someone who is on the light or mahatma stages of a relic is willing to do ANY content. ANYTHING. Stone vigil in bonus? Let's do it. Garuda HM? Spam that ****. Brayflox story mode? On it.

I'm really concerned that the relics will become nothing more than flash vanity pieces. If Yoshi P wants to keep the lowbie content relevant as long as possible, he'll keep iLvl 135 as the weapon cap for the next year.
#41 Apr 19 2015 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
Catwho wrote:
Honestly, this is why I wish the relics would stay best in slot for a long time. Someone who is on the light or mahatma stages of a relic is willing to do ANY content. ANYTHING. Stone vigil in bonus? Let's do it. Garuda HM? Spam that ****. Brayflox story mode? On it.

I'm really concerned that the relics will become nothing more than flash vanity pieces. If Yoshi P wants to keep the lowbie content relevant as long as possible, he'll keep iLvl 135 as the weapon cap for the next year.

We are getting a new weapon to build in 3.1. Just because the 2.x relic isn't continuing beyond 135 doesn't mean the next weapon won't send you back to old content.

Additionally keeping 135 at the cap for weapons would hamstring raid loot. Basically it'd be saying that people who farmed T13 have literally no weapon to acquire in an entire expansion. It wouldn't be good.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#42 Apr 19 2015 at 6:08 PM Rating: Default
591 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
The expansion will come and most people will duty up who were left behind will wait for hours on end to try and get a party to finish up what they have not done.

SE will be more focused on content for the new expansion rather than fix issues with old content, they did this in FFXI SE will do it again in FFXIV.

You are talking about Square "constantly figuring out new ways to rejuvenate old content" Enix? The dev making up systems like the roulettes, new jobs, Zodiac steps, weekly re-running of the CT-quest, among others? New jobs can still use the low level roulette especially tanks and healers in most demand. SE just a while ago began to prioritize new players in the duty finder queues. Other games can only wish their old content received similar treatment.

What you are saying is not in touch with the reality I know...
Actually SE has a very bad habit of not updating old content for struggling players.
It took them years to fix some of the stuff in FFXI, I sure hope they are smart enough to help out when they see a issue with old content in FFXIV.

If they did we wouldn't of had to merge the server back then in FFXI just to get stuff done.

Heck I remember when FFXIV ARR started when the servers spilled over and they had to make new servers to fill them up, exactly like FFXI I remember bismarck spilling and got the message please log in later.

I know I sound like I am not in touch with reality but this stuff actually did happen. Its up to SE not to let it happen again knock on wood. I hope they don't get too over themselves this time.

I want to be the dragon race in heavensward, I will buy expansion though I rather wait even though pre-order people get the items, you know the items will end up in cash shop I am excited for Dark knight because My god it looks awesome.

Edited, Apr 19th 2015 8:15pm by ZanonX

Wife: Akirah
#43 Apr 19 2015 at 6:50 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
If they did we wouldn't have had to merge the server back then in FFXI just to get stuff done.

That has less to do with issues in older content than it does people unsubscribing, which is a natural thing over a game's lifespan. FFXI is extremely old in MMO years. Content previously designed for many players was adjusted to reflect the fact that there weren't many players. Servers were merged to alleviate this as well.

Heck I remember when FFXIV ARR started when the servers spilled over and they had to make new servers to fill them up, exactly like FFXI I remember bismarck spilling and got the message please log in later.

That's what happens when a new game is launched with a lot of anticipation behind it. While the devs DID underestimate the interest in their game, to be completely fair here, every dev does that. As a simple function of business, it's less expensive to start with less and expand than it is to overbuy.

Its up to SE not to let it happen again knock on wood. I hope they don't get too over themselves this time.

If you aren't expecting a barrage of emergency maintenances (maintenancii?) then you're just setting yourelf up for disappointment. As a rule for MMO expansions, expect problems the first week or so.

you know the items will end up in cash shop

Did the original pre-order items? I haven't been to the cash shop in a while, but I don't think they did. Feel free to correct me here as I could easily be wrong.

Edited, Apr 19th 2015 7:51pm by Callinon
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#44 Apr 20 2015 at 2:19 AM Rating: Good
ZanonX wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
The expansion will come and most people will duty up who were left behind will wait for hours on end to try and get a party to finish up what they have not done.

SE will be more focused on content for the new expansion rather than fix issues with old content, they did this in FFXI SE will do it again in FFXIV.

You are talking about Square "constantly figuring out new ways to rejuvenate old content" Enix? The dev making up systems like the roulettes, new jobs, Zodiac steps, weekly re-running of the CT-quest, among others? New jobs can still use the low level roulette especially tanks and healers in most demand. SE just a while ago began to prioritize new players in the duty finder queues. Other games can only wish their old content received similar treatment.

What you are saying is not in touch with the reality I know...
Actually SE has a very bad habit of not updating old content for struggling players.
It took them years to fix some of the stuff in FFXI, I sure hope they are smart enough to help out when they see a issue with old content in FFXIV.

To the disappointment of some poster(s) here there is very little that can be compared with FFXIV and FFXI except that they are made by the same company. The games don't work even remotely in the same way. Content gets aggressively outdated which means SE has to constantly rejuvenate it in various ways. So far they have shown that they are capable of doing this. I don't know why you keep ignoring the steps already taken while thinking they are going to go all FFXI on us. Especially when they have already stated that old content will see changes (allowing 2 person parties, creating an NPC helper system) that will help new players keep up.

We don't have to go back to 2003 to figure out how SE will handle old content in FFXIV.
#45 Apr 20 2015 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
[quote]I don't know why you keep ignoring the steps already taken while thinking they are going to go all FFXI on us.
I don't trust their word due to the fact they've lied a few times. Empty promises that things would go a certain way but end up and going back on their word.

Maybe that's why? I even hate bringing up FFXI but they've lied to us there also.

Examples below
They listen to their fans opinions. Have they? I haven't seen any listening.
Where is the filter for RMT spam? Said they was but never did.

Whatever happened to the Viera race wasn't that what won the vote on the Polls?
I even thought they was going to release the job class corsair / Musketeer heard about this in 1.0 whatever happened to that?
Yoshi, you said personal housing "will be far more affordable" though it wasn't true still same prices.

I could keep going though I said enough on this subject and ending it here.

So forgive me if I am hesitant of believing SE will hold up to their word, after heavensward is release and they do update some of the old content instead of focusing only on new expansion area's then I'll come back here and admit I was being a bit harsh but its left to be seen.

Wife: Akirah
#46 Apr 20 2015 at 4:51 AM Rating: Decent
Don't know why people keep comparing XI to XIV, SE learnt the hard way with how XIV was released that we wont tolerate crap.

They were very arrogant in the way XIV 1.0 was released and they learnt that. They are constantly releasing updates to please customer feedback. Something they didn't do in XI for many MANY years.

As some one who lived on XI and now XIV I can tell you I trust SE a lot more with XIV than I ever did with XI. They are constantly keeping old content relevant with weekly bonus's. CT/Lota is a prime example.

Giving rewards for doing old content helps us high levels and that in turn helps the low levels. I have not long done my last levelling job and I didn't struggle. Big raids that require low levels to earn gear get to do them.

You may not like SE - in that case I suggest you quit XIV and have nothing to do with a company you don't like. SE knows it must work hard and they have, shown by their forums which didn't exist when XI was out, shown by their feedback which didn't exist when XI was out. We can write a long list of things that didn't exist when XI was out.. your wasting your time comparing the two.
#47 Apr 20 2015 at 9:57 AM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
They listen to their fans opinions. Have they? I haven't seen any listening.

The. Hunt.

That's an entire system that exists only because people asked for it and not for any other reason.

Whatever happened to the Viera race wasn't that what won the vote on the Polls?

I don't remember this, what poll are you talking about? In any event, having an Ivalice race suddenly pop up in Eorzea would be a little strange. The Vana'diel races are in here only because Tanaka was a creative black hole.

Yoshi, you said personal housing "will be far more affordable" though it wasn't true still same prices.

Yeah that was a thing. Smiley: glare I don't think this was a lie though. The word "lie" implies that Yoshi P was being deceptive. I think he just ended up being wrong. I don't attribute any malice to this, though I would like to see the housing system handled differently.

svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#48 Apr 20 2015 at 10:32 AM Rating: Excellent
It's a little thing, but the ADS mount was a direct request from the crowd at Las Vegas Fan Fest.

Since the storyline for 2.55 was finalized after 2.1 came out, and the Au Ra had been developed for the last year, it's not surprisingly that Viera aren't being included in this expansion. However, Yoshi P said they're already planning out the NEXT expansion, and we may get our bunny girls at a later time yet. (After all, something had to inspire the staff of the gold saucer....)

#49 Apr 20 2015 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
ZanonX wrote:
Where is the filter for RMT spam? Said they was but never did.

Yoshi, you said personal housing "will be far more affordable" though it wasn't true still same prices.

SE can do very little if you're not receptible to their replies. RMT filter is not something SE adds as a toggle to your client, it is completely server-side, constantly updated and the reason why the RMT is not advertising using proper words but more or less altered text with numbers and symbols. And if you want them to announce with fanfares "now we have an RMT filter in place, hurray!", please understand that the RMT will also be listening.

The personal housing issue was and still is complete nonsense. Due to inflation the same amount of money had less value in December than it had in August. Therefore if the prices remained the same, the inflation made the plots actually much more affordable. I don't know why the community keeps denying this. 3 million gil is simply not worth the same value today as it was in December 2013. Yoshi-P could have been clearer in his statement but the fact still stands. The plots were more affordable by the time personal housing came to be.

Edited, Apr 20th 2015 4:36pm by Hyanmen
#50 Apr 20 2015 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
SE never promised the Viera, the additional race servery asked what kind or races we would like to see in the future, Viera was listed as part of a semi-bestial race as an example. This was clarified on the very live letter the Servey was summarized. The two highest votes we got of the servery was a lizard-type race and a Semi-bestial race, the result is the Au Ra.

If anything they gave us what we asked for almost to a T.

Musketeer was never Yoshida's word, that was Tanka's, and it was never a promise. As it is, we're likely never getting flat out Musketeer, as they're trying to step away from the base Class system and Musketeer is clearly a Class. This is also attributed to the fact that Rogue/Scout type classes were highly desired and lacking in our class set up.

I'm getting really tired of people claiming broken promises because they payed absolutely no attention to what was actually going on.

There's also an awful lot of 'they promised this' that actually was never promised. The RMT filter, for one. They said they were 'looking into ways they can implement it' not "This is defiantly coming out, we promise!"

The one sticking problem here is the translation issue. "Personal Housing will be separate from Free Company Housing." was meant that one would not be prerequisite for another, and it was interpreted as they would be entirely two different fundamental systems, which is how it was received. Yoshida got caught with his pants down on that one and there had to be a separate explanation for that.

Just to be clear on the Housing: They are not adding new wards with the Expansion. It may come at a later date but there's no set timetable yet as they're looking into things like increasing the number of items that can be put into a home, which has been a long standing request. They often do not make any hard promises unless they're ready to release it. That's why they did not have the chosen starting level picked out for the new Jobs until just recently.

And here's the thing. Whey they dun goofed, typically they own up to it. This happens a lot when they have to delay something or change something they originally intended. Hanging on mistranslated quotes like it's gospel and flipping tables when they set their own expectations too high does not count as reneging on promises and is horrible logic for removal of trust.

The fact remains, SE listens to feedback frequently. Several adjustments and new systems were the direct result of feedback.

Remember when the ilvl90 gear was flat out purchasable by Tomestones? People complained about that, that's why the system now is a lower ilvl then coil gear with items to upgrade them to equivalent ilvl.

Remember when people were complaining about contested Oils and Sands through ST? People complained about that and SE created the weekly quest system. (Solved one of their own problems too: Getting people to do old Crystal Tower runs again.)

Just because they don't do exactly as you demand does not mean they are not listening.

If you don't like what they are doing, you don't like it. Your opinion is fine just as a matter of personal preference alone. You can not trust a company for not doing what you like in a game. That is a respectable stance. There's no need, whatsoever, to try to pad up that opinion with misinformation and false accusations, and is one of my biggest pet peeves.

Edited, Apr 20th 2015 3:03pm by Hyrist
#51 Apr 20 2015 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
They listen to their fans opinions. Have they? I haven't seen any listening.

The. Hunt.

Pretty much everyone admits they dropped the ball on that system and misinterpreted what people were wanting (since this game can't support any actual "tough" overworld encounters) which is why early on it died out QUICKLY until they kept making adjustments, then later added the Twine/Coat book to drop tables which made people actually want to do them again. Wanderer's Palace Hard Mode is much more accurate in "listening", since people have been wanting to know more and see more of the Mamool Ja seeing as it's a FFXI beastmen race just randomly in Eorzea. (That Yoshi himself wanted added, so we can't really rely on the "relic of tanaka" argument people still use.)

That's an entire system that exists only because people asked for it and not for any other reason.

Actually, they did it as filler content when it was introduced because he stated as clear as day they never had plans to do it and it was a last minute addition which is why he even apologized at the fact it feels like something just tossed together and they've been adjusting it Ontop of that it also was a good way to introduce more glamor and various non-essential items with the exception of a few (like purchasable alexandrites). So it was a popular request, much like a popular request was to stop shoving FATEs on us and a quick browse through OF between 2.0 - 2.5 era, plenty of people always mentioned having less reliance on FATEs, especially in seasonal events, but as we can see with the "timeline" for HW, plenty more FATEs await us. It's a core game system, but so are Leves (that remains ignored largely) and they could even reintroduce "Behest" as the continuation to Guldhests.

I don't remember this, what poll are you talking about? In any event, having an Ivalice race suddenly pop up in Eorzea would be a little strange. The Vana'diel races are in here only because Tanaka was a creative black hole.

The poll was during 1.x when they asked what kind of races would we like to see. The one with Viera won had Viera as an example, it was never promised but the type of race was promised. He admitted using Viera skewed the results because people thought they meant adding Viera.

Human, Elf, Midget, Hulk (various 5th race here.) That's not a blackhole, that's the general template and these races now are largely the "FF Online" races because they stated as plain as day (both Tanaka (when asked about adding new races from other games in the series) and Yoshi) they didn't want people to think this takes place in Ivalice, which is why using any other race from the FF series would give that illusion. There's not many races out there you can use in an MMO that doesn't make it seem like a creative blackhole. I bet you can load up plenty of MMOs and see similiar races or variants of the usual races. The "general races" you see in every MMO simply fits that world, which is why even demonic type races are rarely added, because the world doesn't support having random devils/demons and so on just living about 3 fields away from the holy Elfen race.

The word "lie" implies that Yoshi P was being deceptive.

He said it would be separate from FC housing and not cost anywhere near as much. The main thing that irked people was it were the same lots and same lot price. If it was cheaper people wouldn't mind as much. Not to mention Personal Housing is no different from FC housing because it's essentially the same. In other MMOs, you could share housing with your marriage partner, or a group of friends and the houses even gives you buffs (which in ARR, the FC actions take care of) so it definitely did come across as a "lie" when it was basically Free Company houses you can buy solo.

I think he just ended up being wrong.

Considering he made it a point to say: "Everything goes through me before it enters the game", I don't think he "ended up wrong", he just didn't want to go back on his word last minute when HE gave the ok to make it essentially the same system as FC housing and same lot prices (being that it's the same lots.)

Housing I care nothing for until they actually start enhancing your gameplay experience, but at the same time, I can definitely see why it pissed people off.

Remember when people were complaining about contested Oils and Sands through ST? People complained about that and SE created the weekly quest system. (Solved one of their own problems too: Getting people to do old Crystal Tower runs again.)

This was just people being whiny because they could have done T6 and T7 and gotten all 3 of those items and quite honestly, quicker than what happens in ST a lot (at the time.)

The weekly didn't really solve much because LoTA still takes a long time (no reason to queue it after your quest), when Yoshida did say the items would be on a separate lockout, which people though it would be similar to ST where WoD will drop it (which Yoshida had said would have multiple routes and your loot varies depending on which route you took.)

In reality, the only thing the weekly did was allow people who can't clear "harder content (FCoB is arguable on difficulty until 13)" to get I130, which would have been the same effect as adding it to WoD loot tables because the weird itemization in this game made it so WoD actually drops a few BiS pieces compared to the I130 variants. So if one route was the usual loot tables (Demon gear) you could choose to go the other route (Augmented Magitek Materials) - That was perfect, rather than forcing us back into content people rightfully left behind due to vertical progression (I've seen no one asked to go back to LoTA or ST.) This is why people got excited as **** when they seen "allagan Catalyst" because it seemed like it could have been either a variant of upgrade item (collect - turn in for such) that dropped from WoD or the item for the CT weapons that too dropped from WoD since we knew there would be a gap between 2.5 and expansion content wise, so people figured they'd keep WoD as relevant as possible.

Who knows, the patch tonight might change more than FCoB nerfs in terms of distribution.


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