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Weekly Goals and Accomplishments 3/27 - 4/2Follow

#1 Mar 27 2015 at 7:18 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm out again starting next Tuesday. Going to New Orleans for the Pop Culture Association conference. Husband is giving a talk on using anime in K-12 classrooms. (If you've ever wondered if you can write a serious academic paper on The Walking Dead, the answer is a resounding yes. It's like fan panels at a convention taken to the next level. Lots of fun.)

So whatever I do, will have to be done this weekend.

1. DRG to 48
2. Hit 7 million gil again
3. Finish my racing chocobo to rank 40, and retire and breed it so I can hopefully get a better one next go round

Edited, Mar 27th 2015 9:18am by Catwho
#2 Mar 27 2015 at 7:55 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Seven Million @.@

Anyways, Lin's taken over. Relic obsession and RL work schedule have hit me hardcore (Yey overtime?)

So this week is finishing out the storyline when it comes out asap, and get another tier further on Novus. I'm about a quarter way through now. Just got to push through.

It likely won't be till the week after before I figure on how I want to handle the daunting task of getting 6 other characters through the story (Some of them aren't even level 50 ^^;)
#3 Mar 27 2015 at 8:24 AM Rating: Excellent
Having all 8 crafts at 50 + all 3 gathering at 50 = pure profits. I can make about a million gil a week, with 30 minutes to an hour of "work" a day to keep my retainers topped off.
#4 Mar 27 2015 at 9:07 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Problem is, there's little comparison for a combat-orientated player to earn the same. I can never maintain interest in crafting for any class I play.
#5 Mar 27 2015 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
Verdha should easily be able to finish the Alex stage of her MNK relic this week. Just waiting until the Savage Aim IV drops below 450k and then Crit will be capped, then fill up remaining 6 slots with Acc. If the materia stays above 450k or she gets two infuse-breaks, she'll slam some more spiritbonding and might make enough to add another Savage Might IV, but those are regularly topping 700k these days so that's not likely. Other thing that's desperately needed is Ventures, primarily because she's been doing spiritbonding instead of dungeons, but that should sort itself out as soon as the Alex phase is done. And of course finish the weekly challenge logs for her chocobo, as the ranks are really massively apart now.

Waenlona's first move will be DD and the Maelstrom rank-up, then push storyline through Garuda. By the time that is done she should be 46+ in SCH, which means time to levespam WHM to catch it up so both can be re-geared together. Perhaps add a level or two of THM on the way towards BLM unlock.

Both could use some serious time crafting. Verdha now has footwear she can't repair (Armorer needed), and Waen should be working on crafting IC as well as because I love repairing my own gear. It'll get easier for Waen once the DoM jobs are leveled, because IC she's definitely not a melee person and won't be leveling those any time soon.
#6 Mar 27 2015 at 11:20 AM Rating: Excellent
The nice thing about this game is you don't need a lot of gil. Gil based gear is purely optional (especially with the poetics weapons coming out to the non Coil raiders next week), and gil based activities like purchasing a mansion can be done from within a large group. Just playing the game is enough to keep a few thousand gil flowing in (Yoshi P estimated that a 3-4 hour daily play session could net around 20K at level 50.)

I mostly make money because I remember being perpetually broke in FFXI and I never want to go through that again
#7 Mar 27 2015 at 11:55 AM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
Catwho wrote:
(Yoshi P estimated that a 3-4 hour daily play session could net around 20K at level 50.)

If you do each of the Duty Roulettes, you can easily make that in addition to whatever you get from the dungeons themselves. More if you hit any of the "recommended roles". The recommended roles would also make doing them all a lot quicker than 3-4 hours.

The beastmen tribe quests give gil, and they also fulfill some of the challenge log requirements which give you more gil. If crafting is generally not your thing, you might look at the Ixal quests which I treated like 6 free leves.

If I want to make a lot of gil, I will look at crafting. Otherwise, my gil generally goes up, provided I'm not spending it extra things. I spent about 750k on glamour stuff this week, but I still have around 3 million gil.
#8 Mar 27 2015 at 4:52 PM Rating: Excellent
On the final stretch of my relic with Mahatma's. Going to finish that up this week and probably take a little break. Hammering out the Zodiac phase in 3 days was nice, but it burned me out a touch. Then it'll be back to finishing up all my crafts and much like Catwho, making gil again.


#9 Mar 28 2015 at 6:45 PM Rating: Good
1,422 posts
Mainly get myself a BLM Poetics weapon and get caught up on the storyline once 2.52 drops, otherwise keep farming lights for SCH nexus (240/2000 atm) and decide if I want to subject myself to the torment of going past that
#10 Mar 29 2015 at 9:38 AM Rating: Excellent
I returned (like I just logged in at 10:30am). I think I'm going to just roll new as I don't remember anything.
Need to figure out a name.
And a realm.
And what to be (I'm thinking Ninja until Dark Knight comes out).

Edit: 11 hours or so later, I am only lv16 Pugilist. 2nd town in story.
I forgot how much reading there is in click-through-chat-bubble :3

Only goal I have for the week is: aim to 30, unlock mount, unlock Ninja "soon".

Edited, Mar 29th 2015 9:44pm by Sandinmygum
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#11 Mar 30 2015 at 2:54 AM Rating: Excellent
425 posts
THM1 → 23 and counting. So far coming back to the game has been worth it. Also finding out that many things I learned from FFXI translated very well over to FFXIV.

Side note: played the game for 13 hours yesterday. Not far off from my FFXI record lol..

Edited, Mar 30th 2015 4:56am by TwilightSkye
#12 Mar 30 2015 at 6:57 AM Rating: Excellent
I actually hit 8 million gil, then discovered that Fat Cats were down to 2.5 million gil. So now I'm down to 5.5 million gil again.

I have no regrets.
#13 Mar 30 2015 at 8:49 AM Rating: Excellent
144 posts
Over the weekend, I continued my leveling journey on the combat classes/jobs. BRD has been at 50 for a long, long time. I got MNK to 50 a couple weeks ago. DRG is at 30. The other combat classes are around the 20 mark. My goal is to get all of them to 50 before the expansion. I think I can do it, but it'll take a lot of patience. I want to get crafting and gathering classes to 50 as well, but the combat classes come first and are the main ones I want to get to 50.

I also got T9 down for the first time late last night, so I'm super happy. :) I love the people in my FC.

Goals for this week:
1. Do the new Patch 2.55 story content. Normally, I don't like to rush, but I am DYING to know what happens!
2. Do whatever other Patch 2.55 content I can manage to do.
3. Get DRG to 34 so I can get the last BRD cross class skill.
4. Continue leveling combat classes...Get everything to at least 30 if I can manage it. Once that happens, I'll take each job one at a time and get them from 30 to 50.
5. Improve my BRD playing skills, get a better skill rotation, and get some better macros made.
6. I've only done Thornmarch and Garuda extreme, so I want to get the rest taken care of.
7. I want to do T1 again since I didn't get the map achievement for it for some reason. I also want to take care of T6-8 and get started on T10-13.

I doubt I'll get all of that done this week, so consider these to be on-going. :)
Primary World: Hyperion
Free Company: Jormungandr
Legacy Member
Main Character: Fialas Dawnren: Level 60 BRD/AST/MNK/DoL, Level 16-50 On Everything Else
#14 Mar 30 2015 at 9:00 AM Rating: Excellent
1,732 posts
Well Tesee and I have slowed down our playing some. Not allot to do in the game right now, plus I still am not 100 percent from being sick for about 2 weeks.

Well Tesee finished up 2 supras and one Lucis this weekend. I got the stuff made for another Lucis and also finished another supra, I should finish another supra tonight.
We made a few more artisan offhands.
We both have almost all supra's and Artisan off hands now. Lucis have been held back by moonstones which are a pain to get.
Also spent some time crafting 3 and 4 star stuff forsale.. Still great money but the prices are dropping fast.

Tesee finished her Relic 100 percent now. I have about 30 more dungeons to run.

Edited, Mar 30th 2015 11:00am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#15 Mar 30 2015 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
If you have spare gil, spam the living hell out of Piesteskin maps. I know part of it is luck, but I got a total of 16 of em of yesterday night doing a bit of spam for people wanting to get unhidden maps.

#16 Mar 30 2015 at 9:44 AM Rating: Good
Weekend update:

Verdha did not have a good start to the week. She's down to 6k gil and sick of spiritbonding after blowing up her final tier IV Crit+ Alex infuse three times -- 62% meld means statistically just 5.5% chance of that happening. Next goal is to get enough gil to make gear to spiritbond, and keep trying for that last Crit meld.

Waenlona, on the other hand, made great progress. SCH to 46, WHM to 44, and storyline up to unlocking Garuda (story mode) in the DF. She looks very scary in Coliseum gear.
#17 Mar 30 2015 at 1:23 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
I'm late on this.

Just been logging in to sell stuff, check retainers, do cactpot, and cap poetics.

Got the card from WoD (onion knight). That was cool. Picked up the ninja chestpiece from WoD as my last drop before loot lock is over. Poetics are capped.

Hoping they add tomestone access to WoD for the patch. My black mage needs some help.

And my "static" sucks. And inconsistent. Sucks and inconsistent. So for that reason, I kind of lost motivation to do coil the last few weeks, but now there is hope. Maybe now that the lockout is gone I'll actually be able to find some people who know what they are doing.

So until expansion for the next few months I'm capping the poetics, running coil when I'm bored, grabbing as many twines, coats, and tomestones as the game lets me, and patiently waiting to turn into a dragon dude.

And that Walking Dead season 5 finale! Being a fan of the comics and the show all I can say is, that is the way to end a season. I haven't been on the edge of my seat like that since I can't remember when. Great feeling! Going to have withdrawls every day now until the summer when that spinoff hits.
#18 Mar 30 2015 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
4,780 posts
Laverda wrote:
Weekend update:

Verdha did not have a good start to the week. She's down to 6k gil and sick of spiritbonding after blowing up her final tier IV Crit+ Alex infuse three times -- 62% meld means statistically just 5.5% chance of that happening. Next goal is to get enough gil to make gear to spiritbond, and keep trying for that last Crit meld.

Waenlona, on the other hand, made great progress. SCH to 46, WHM to 44, and storyline up to unlocking Garuda (story mode) in the DF. She looks very scary in Coliseum gear.

When I spirit bond, I make a note of the optimal areas to do my spirit bonding at and pick the spot with the most profitable field drops. In your case I'd actually stick to crafting 46-55 equipment and farm Vanguards at any of the Imperial outposts. The Garlean Joints sell for a decent amount and help offset investment costs. (I don't craft so my overhead can be more expensive in the long run.)

Also, a good way to make small bits of money off the bat with minimal investment - Spirit Bond low-level gear from Summerford Farms. The fates in that zone spawn with large numbers of mobs often, which makes spirit-bonding quick and with small chunks of GC Seals that add up quick, which you can turn into ventures, buy materials to flip, or invest back into Spirit Bonding potions. (It'll also help on any Relic quests that require you to grind Fates.) Most Materia will sell bare minimum at cost for the gear your making/crafting and typically will sell for 2-100 times the investment back. (11k~ Savage Aim 1s on the Market Board for a piece that costs all of 150 gil and 10-20 minutes on the field.)

Good to cash in now while people are rushing to complete their relics before Heavensward. No idea how that Materia Market will be after the expansion.


Lin Picked up Tanking Body and the Onion Knight card for this week's reset. Will likely do a lot of World of Darkness for gear and Lights after completing the storyline coming up. Tonight's a bit of Tripple Triad for me to get cards.

12 hour work day tomorrow, so I'll be tired when I get home to do the Questline. Other than that, no goals remaining for the week. Patch weeks always tend to cut any goals short, so taking it easy.

Edited, Mar 30th 2015 6:14pm by Hyrist
#19 Mar 30 2015 at 4:32 PM Rating: Good
Hyrist wrote:
(11k~ Savage Aim 1s on the Market Board for a piece that costs all of 150 gil and 10-20 minutes on the field.)

Unfortunately, different world, different economy. On Lamia, I've seen Savage Aim 1 for 200 gil from time to time, although much more often around 2k. Almost all Level 1 non-crafting materia on Lamia are pretty close to NPC prices.

I have a favorite spiritbonding location where I can cycle through the mobs in a tight area in perfect sync with their spawn rate. Not much in terms of other drops, but it's quick and effective, doesn't need a party, and never has competition. I tried an Urth's Font party the other day and it was no faster -- I can solo SB a set of 49 accessories in 22 minutes. SB potions don't make much difference; double junk materia melds (remember, at about 200 gil per), make much more difference and are worth the time and gil put into the melds.

Edit: Savage Aim 1 at 1200 gil right before the patch last night; Savage Aim IV at 530k.

Edited, Mar 31st 2015 10:29am by Laverda
#20 Mar 31 2015 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Settled for DRG for 4th novus.


Anyone think it would be a good idea to pile some skill speed on it in case they make the stat awesome in Heavensward?

Right now the materia for it is dirt cheap (way cheaper than crit/det) and I don't think I will really need accuracy on it; even with i100 soldiery armor and i130 ironworks accs I'm already close to hitting the acc cap for 3rd coil (not that I even have access or any inclination to do it yet) and I believe I will hit the cap as I upgrade the left side armors. Also worth pointing out, I won't be using tier 4 crit/det materia either, which is why I'm considering this idea (they're just way out of my price range)
#21 Mar 31 2015 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Get the materia and hold onto it. Don't make any large gearset changes (for example going with an acc/ss piece over your acc/det piece etc.) I turned my last 30 cracked materia into Skillspeed materia later for BRD/Machinist.

So while you CAN change your stats's really hard to say until we get the damn info about it lol. It could be a HUGE risk and waste of time, or it could be the best investment it would be better to just gather the materia now but not meld it onto armors/accessories/zeta.


#22 Mar 31 2015 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
Get the materia and hold onto it.

I would like to start working on the nexus and higher steps now, though :/

I was only talking about novus melds, btw. I have never melded materia onto any equipment other than relics and DoH/DoL stuff, and I have no immediate plans of that changing.

My goal before Heavensward is four zetas (one for each role, tank healer ranged melee... got the tank one done so far, healer and ranged are at nexus)

Edited, Mar 31st 2015 4:45pm by Fynlar
#23 Mar 31 2015 at 3:11 PM Rating: Good
12,820 posts
If I recall (been awhile since I did the meld stage of relic) you can always change the stat post completion., so if anything you can gather an immediately change it (barring alexandrite stock you have.) and heck it may pay off by the truckloads later.

I'd honestly say wait till we get some info on the exact changes but it can't hurt to try it if you're really up for committing to this path. I'd only worry about the people complaining that you went "lol skill speed over det/crit", but if that doesn't bother you I say go for it if you can indeed change it later.


#24 Mar 31 2015 at 3:58 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
There isn't much reason to stockpile skillspeed right now. You aren't going to want to alter your relic just to level up with and in 3.1 we start working on an entirely new weapon.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#25 Apr 02 2015 at 9:06 AM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
Valkayree wrote:
I'm late on this.

Just been logging in to sell stuff, check retainers, do cactpot, and cap poetics.

Got the card from WoD (onion knight). That was cool. Picked up the ninja chestpiece from WoD as my last drop before loot lock is over. Poetics are capped.

Hoping they add tomestone access to WoD for the patch. My black mage needs some help.

And my "static" sucks. And inconsistent. Sucks and inconsistent. So for that reason, I kind of lost motivation to do coil the last few weeks, but now there is hope. Maybe now that the lockout is gone I'll actually be able to find some people who know what they are doing.

So until expansion for the next few months I'm capping the poetics, running coil when I'm bored, grabbing as many twines, coats, and tomestones as the game lets me, and patiently waiting to turn into a dragon dude.

Found a surprising amount of things to do post patch.

1. Beat the new missions, enjoyed the new storyline.

2. Working on capping poetics.

3. Beat the tower quest and picked up the tomestone for the black mage. Already have the twine, so all I need is to cap this week and next, then run one expert roulette on the 14th and my blm has a 130 weapon.

4. Been spamming Tataru in Coerthas (post story) and building up my roulette wins (for the Vaan card) and trying for the Lightning Card drop. (Sucks she only plays at certain times...)

5. I guess my card was charged, because SE sent me a Nanamo minion and a Fat chocobo helmet. Then the next day I saw another letter. It confused me, so I went to check. For apparantly 720 consecutive days of paying SE the money, you are awarded with Cloud Strife's Avent Chidren armor. Needless to say it is pretty sweet and I've only seen one other guy with it so far. Going to glamour it until it becomes as common as dirt, and will still probably glamour the pants and boots afterwards.

A side effect is that the chestpiece, pants, boots, and one of the new shaggy hairstyles gives me the opportunity to practice my Daryl Dixon cosplay. All I need are the angel wings and a zeta crossbow. But this will have to work. (Strange, lodestone hasn't updated my look yet...)

Edited, Apr 2nd 2015 10:08am by Valkayree
#26 Apr 02 2015 at 9:18 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Let's see...

SMN/SCH to 50. PLD to being unlocked. WAR to almost being unlocked.

PLD and WAR are the last two jobs to level. I'm not that great a tank, but from leveling all the other jobs mostly through the DF, apparently that doesn't much matter.

Finished the main story (loved it, great work here).

Got a tomestone that'll go to my BLM. Next week I'll have a twine and enough poetics to actually buy the weapon. This week's twine went to upgrading my BLM hood.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
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