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EU Fan Fest: Dark Knight is a Tank and Greatsword UserFollow

#27 Oct 25 2014 at 12:17 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
What makes you think DRK's appeal is merely temporary?

What we've been trying to explain is that in the end it has little to nothing to do with how awesome DRK is and nearly everything to do with people wanting to tank things.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#28 Oct 25 2014 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
Archmage Callinon wrote:
What makes you think DRK's appeal is merely temporary?

What we've been trying to explain is that in the end it has little to nothing to do with how awesome DRK is and nearly everything to do with people wanting to tank things.

Okay.. From what I understand you're saying that people's role preference comes before their job preference. Which may be true, but I honestly don't see how it could not also be the other way around. How did we come to that conclusion exactly?
#29 Oct 25 2014 at 12:28 PM Rating: Excellent
617 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
What makes you think DRK's appeal is merely temporary?

What we've been trying to explain is that in the end it has little to nothing to do with how awesome DRK is and nearly everything to do with people wanting to tank things.

Correct. By the reactions I've been seeing across other forums, there have been quite a few people who loved DRK and couldn't wait to play it, but instantly swore it off the moment the word "tank" was uttered. On the flip side, there's people who wanted DRK and are now even more happy that it's a tank as well, but players like these probably had tanks leveled anyway.

(And there's also a few others who wanted SAM and wanted it as a tank and are now panicking because it'll most likely get labeled as yet another DPS, but that's another topic.)

The point is, no matter how awesome the job is, until more players are willing to step up and take the leadership role and tank things, there will always be a tank shortage.


Hyanmen wrote:
Archmage Callinon wrote:
What makes you think DRK's appeal is merely temporary?

What we've been trying to explain is that in the end it has little to nothing to do with how awesome DRK is and nearly everything to do with people wanting to tank things.

Okay.. From what I understand you're saying that people's role preference comes before their job preference. Which may be true, but I honestly don't see how it could not also be the other way around. How did we come to that conclusion exactly?

It can be the other way around too (job preference trumping role preference), but I'm willing to bet a lot of Gil that role preference trumping job preference is far more likely in this day and age.

Edited, Oct 25th 2014 2:31pm by Arcari
#30 Oct 25 2014 at 12:33 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Archmage Callinon wrote:
What makes you think DRK's appeal is merely temporary?

What we've been trying to explain is that in the end it has little to nothing to do with how awesome DRK is and nearly everything to do with people wanting to tank things.

Okay.. From what I understand you're saying that people's role preference comes before their job preference. Which may be true, but I honestly don't see how it could not also be the other way around. How did we come to that conclusion exactly?

For some people, the attraction of DRK will get them to learn tanking, and a percentage of those people will stick with it. So I do expect SOME new tanks from it, but not a lot of new tanks.

I'm sure you've read the same stories I have about the GLD who insists he's a dps because he wants to be a dps and he wants to use a sword, and he's ruining your Sastasha party. We've all read those. Same thing will happen here only with bigger swords.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#31 Oct 25 2014 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
I can understand that. I think in that case it is all the more vital to make sure that the tank jobs that are in the game are as appealing as possible. Surely those players that want to play the awesome dark knight as dps are disappointed but if the role takes precedence it may be a necessary evil. Which is why not all jobs have job-specific mounts and other perks, too. What I'm trying to say is that while having the cool DRK job be a tank is not going to instantly cure the tanking situation, stacking up perks for playing a tank role over other roles should raise it's appeal. I agree that only introducing new tanking jobs will not do - there must be a perk, like the job being totally awesome concept or mechanics-wise.

Edited, Oct 25th 2014 6:42pm by Hyanmen
#32 Oct 25 2014 at 1:54 PM Rating: Good
863 posts
It might be more common with role preference, but it has its limits too I think. I mean I have WHM and SCH levelled, and I want to be a healer because it is by far the role I enjoy the most gameplay wise, but now that NIN is coming I am going to start playing that. Why? Because if they had a healer I actually liked (Chemist for example) I would not switch, but right now even though I definitely prefer healing overall I just can't bring myself to keep playing a job I don't find at all cool in terms of look/feel/lore etc.

So yeah, overall I think role preference > job preference, but I think there is a balance for at least some people where you won't play any job just because it is the only option within your preferred role.

Edited, Oct 25th 2014 3:55pm by Belcrono
#33 Oct 25 2014 at 2:12 PM Rating: Excellent
147 posts
Grandmomma wrote:
Sigh, we need a tank yesterday, not months from now. On Tuesday do you plan on doing ST for endless drops? Our tanks will be off somewhere getting ninja.

Want to use the Duty Finder and not get that 3 count penalty? Forget it, tanks are in short supply already (21%), the lock out penalty again.

The question is: how long of a wait now for tanks come Tuesday? Maybe we have a server wide protest and lock ourselves out that day to show the unfairness, of punishing us when SE knows there's a tank issue today, which will be worse in the coming days.

Come tuesday, my tank will be for hire. :)
#34 Oct 25 2014 at 2:19 PM Rating: Excellent
230 posts
I already loved DRK but now that I know its a take i love it more! Me personally, regardless of what class they add for what role im going to level it to cap and max it out. I love when I do my roullettes and I think to myself "Hmm what job will I play." More options I have to pick from the better!

I was hoping sam would be the tank but no worries! Also this gun job they are to announce at japan fan fest has me excited. Gun healer curaga to the face! Pow!
#35 Oct 25 2014 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
Grandmomma wrote:
Sigh, we need a tank yesterday, not months from now. On Tuesday do you plan on doing ST for endless drops? Our tanks will be off somewhere getting ninja.

Want to use the Duty Finder and not get that 3 count penalty? Forget it, tanks are in short supply already (21%), the lock out penalty again.

The question is: how long of a wait now for tanks come Tuesday? Maybe we have a server wide protest and lock ourselves out that day to show the unfairness, of punishing us when SE knows there's a tank issue today, which will be worse in the coming days.

No, we don't need more tank jobs. We need more people that want to play tanks. I was pretty excited about DRK being added until I heard it was a tank. I have no interest in tanking, so as much as I like DRK in other games, I probably won't even bother unlocking it in this one. As to the lock out penalty, I'm all for it. People that constantly drop party finder when they see they have to do the whole dungeon/raid are people I don't want to play with anyway.

RyanSquires wrote:
It is a tank class? I WILL TAKE IT!

Never really was a huge fan of DRK in 11, but I am happy to see another tank class. I have to completely agree with Grandmomma in that we need this tank now, not months from now. The que for DPS's are usually 'more than 30 minutes' and que's for any tank is **** near instant. I am usually not one to bash SE for their choices in managing their game but even this one escapes me. Why not give us a tank job now and a dps job later?

What world are you playing on? On Ultros, I have a DRG and a BRD. DRG is consistently less than five minutes and BRD has never been longer than twenty, and is usually less than ten.

Edited, Oct 25th 2014 5:32pm by Turin
#36 Oct 25 2014 at 4:27 PM Rating: Excellent
1,079 posts
This is AWESOME!

I am stoked for this class! I've wanted a Greatsword class since I was interested in FFXIV, and I love tanking... this is like the best mix possibly ever.
Articus Vladmir
#37 Oct 25 2014 at 4:33 PM Rating: Default
Turin wrote:

No, we don't need more tank jobs. We need more people that want to play tanks.[/i]

If you want people to play tanks, you need to introduce a tank job that people want to play. Dark Knight is the most popular, thus obvious choice.
#38Turin, Posted: Oct 25 2014 at 4:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ...or, you could add an actual tanking job instead of taking a traditionally DD job and turning it into a tank. I like DRK as a DD, I don't like tanking at all. All they did with this is take a big fat giant sh*t all over a job that I was really looking forward to seeing in the game.
#39 Oct 25 2014 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
Turin wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
Turin wrote:

No, we don't need more tank jobs. We need more people that want to play tanks.[/i]

If you want people to play tanks, you need to introduce a tank job that people want to play. Dark Knight is the most popular, thus obvious choice.

...or, you could add an actual tanking job instead of taking a traditionally DD job and turning it into a tank. I like DRK as a DD, I don't like tanking at all. All they did with this is take a big fat giant sh*t all over a job that I was really looking forward to seeing in the game.

Thanks to the Yoshi-P magic the Dark Knight is an actual tanking job (whether you like it or not) and the so-called "traditions" happen to not be so much of a traditions after all! Did you not know that the Yoshi-P magic power regenerates on entitled FFXI vet "XI way is the traditional (only) way"-comments?

Edited, Oct 25th 2014 11:17pm by Hyanmen
#40 Oct 25 2014 at 6:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Turin wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
Turin wrote:

No, we don't need more tank jobs. We need more people that want to play tanks.[/i]

If you want people to play tanks, you need to introduce a tank job that people want to play. Dark Knight is the most popular, thus obvious choice.

...or, you could add an actual tanking job instead of taking a traditionally DD job and turning it into a tank. I like DRK as a DD, I don't like tanking at all. All they did with this is take a big fat giant sh*t all over a job that I was really looking forward to seeing in the game.

I don't think it would of mattered which job they made a tank, someone would of been upset the role wasn't what they were expecting. What's left from FF lore that's 100% a tank? There's old school stuff like Vikings and Berserkers, but those could again be full on DPS vs Tank.

#41 Oct 25 2014 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
12,820 posts
Hyanmen wrote:
Turin wrote:

No, we don't need more tank jobs. We need more people that want to play tanks.[/i]

If you want people to play tanks, you need to introduce a tank job that people want to play. Dark Knight is the most popular, thus obvious choice.

Warrior and Paladin as well. As per North American Release, so is Ninja even though it was designed as a DPS throughout the series (just like Dark Knight.) The luster will wear off then people will be screaming for more healers and tanks..again.

People will never want to tank if they simply don't like tanking, just like people will never like healing if they simply don't (or can't) like it/handle it. It's not a coincidence that every MMO the healing/tanking population is almost always low because people rather have the least amount of responsibility possible.

#42 Oct 25 2014 at 8:16 PM Rating: Good
The problem with tanking in this game is that the way enmity works, the tank becomes the de facto leader of the party. If you like to lead, this is great. If you'd rather follow someone else's directions, tanking is not the job for you.

I have an iLvl 90 WAR and I don't take it into most activities because there's no way I can hold hate with it against 110 DPS. But it's handy to have when the FC needs a tank to run a dungeon or do some activity, and the full time tanks aren't available.
#43 Oct 25 2014 at 9:36 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
Hyanmen wrote:
Archmage Callinon wrote:
What makes you think DRK's appeal is merely temporary?

What we've been trying to explain is that in the end it has little to nothing to do with how awesome DRK is and nearly everything to do with people wanting to tank things.

Okay.. From what I understand you're saying that people's role preference comes before their job preference. Which may be true, but I honestly don't see how it could not also be the other way around. How did we come to that conclusion exactly?

For some people, the attraction of DRK will get them to learn tanking, and a percentage of those people will stick with it. So I do expect SOME new tanks from it, but not a lot of new tanks.

I'm sure you've read the same stories I have about the GLD who insists he's a dps because he wants to be a dps and he wants to use a sword, and he's ruining your Sastasha party. We've all read those. Same thing will happen here only with bigger swords.

Yeah, I think there's going to be some percentage of DRK tanks who don't want to be a tank, but level DRK because of the attraction of the job, and then just do a horrible, horrible job because they're not really into playing a tank.

I think this happened in XI with NIN. RNGs needed it for a subjob, but had no interest in tanking. So you had a bunch of NINs in the 10-37 range who were just awful as tanks.
#44 Oct 26 2014 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
1,004 posts
what would be nice, is if they added a "stance" to certain jobs (maybe all jobs who knows), that could alter your skills and combos to be DPS oriented. so if you wanted to play DRK, or WAR, or PLD, or [insert whatever here], you could change stances and now perform as a DPS. enmity enhancing combos (pld for instance) could have that dropped and their combo deal more damage instead. Their defensive skills could change to offensive ones. This could also potentially turn a DPS into a tank even. Maybe a DRG or MNK tank? why not. The armory system wouldn't prevent this. all they would have to do is add a stance skill, and have that stance change your skills to perform alternate actions. More options is never a bad thing.
#45 Oct 26 2014 at 12:22 AM Rating: Good
392 posts
Turin wrote:

What world are you playing on? On Ultros, I have a DRG and a BRD. DRG is consistently less than five minutes and BRD has never been longer than twenty, and is usually less than ten.

I am playing on Faerie. My DPS's ques are majority of the time '30 minutes or more' for DF, aside from Trials. Trials is usually 10 mins(ish).

For those saying that we do not need more tank jobs, just more people to play tank roles. That is one of the dumbest things i have heard on here. Let's see....if you want to play a DPS your options are....BLM, SMN, MNK, DRG, BRD. So you have 5 choices. If you want to play a tank you have PLD, WAR.......that is it, 2 choices. Yea, because if i go to a ice cream shop and all they have is chocolate or vanilla, i must be some kind of ******* for asking for another choice for my ice cream. And if someone tells me "you don't need another flavor of ice cream, you just need to eat chocolate or vanilla", I am going to throat punch them.
#46REDACTED, Posted: Oct 26 2014 at 1:16 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) FAIL.
#47 Oct 26 2014 at 3:19 AM Rating: Good
Theonehio wrote:

People will never want to tank if they simply don't like tanking, just like people will never like healing if they simply don't (or can't) like it/handle it. It's not a coincidence that every MMO the healing/tanking population is almost always low because people rather have the least amount of responsibility possible.

That's hardly true. SE can easily make most of the playerbase tank by simply giving enough perks to offset the negatives. 4,5k extra gil per roulette? Make it 100,000gil. Suddenly the tank problem ceases to exist. Of course in practice this will have detrimental effects but the fact is that with enough value added the negative view towards the role can be made irrelevant. DRK adds value to the tanking role, so it will help in offsetting the negatives (not completely cure it but it is not the point).

what would be nice, is if they added a "stance" to certain jobs (maybe all jobs who knows), that could alter your skills and combos to be DPS oriented.

Both tanks and white mage already have this kind of stance? Take off Defiance and your DPS capabilities increase. Pop Cleric Stance and your DPS capabilities increase. Etc.. I hope you're not asking for tanks and healers to suddenly become as viable DPS as the DPS jobs, because that doesn't sound fair. DPS can only deal damage but tanks and healers can perform efficiently in two roles?

Edited, Oct 26th 2014 9:23am by Hyanmen
#48 Oct 26 2014 at 3:48 AM Rating: Decent
I think it is finally the time to take a closer look at FFXI DRK and NIN to see just how much more sense their FFXIV iterations make in comparison.

Ninja: Hiding in the shadows, wearing light armor, avoiding enemies' attention, being agile...

FFXI: The job avoids damage (makes sense), also wants to be the center of the monster's attention... Um, what?

Dark Knight: a force of destruction, sacrifice, thematically based on emotions (rage, enmity), out of all the jobs the least likely to be holding back, wears heavy armor...

FFXI: a force of destruction (makes sense), sacrifices by self-harming as opposed to letting the monster beat him (artificial sacrifice as opposed to organic sacrifice), in fight is just aggressive enough to not actually get the monster's attention, holding back all the time... Um, what? Say what you want, to me Dark Knight is the least likely job to engage itself in self-inhibition.

Edited, Oct 26th 2014 9:50am by Hyanmen
#49 Oct 26 2014 at 3:58 AM Rating: Good
1,570 posts
Arcari wrote:
Also, I don't see why DRK getting the tank role suddenly means it can't bring the pain as well.
Damage has to maintain parity with the other tanks in the game. WAR doesn't massively out-DPS PLD the way some think. Yes, you see bigger hits but I believe it has been parsed that a PLD in sword oath with the +slashing damage debuff on the target will out-DPS a WAR not in defiance over time. In tanking stance the damage difference is not so huge that you see one taken over the other for content. If DRK suddenly did more damage than PLD and WAR, you'll have people bringing only that to raids because a tank that can mitigate damage and deal good damage is obviously the superior choice.
They can still have their "sacrifice HP to deal the 1337 damage" schtick if SE wants them to.
We're talking about tank damage. Everyone knows tank damage is supposed to be below what a DPS can dish out. This is probably the part that has put off so many people, as they wanted to deal big hits and top DPS meters using a big sword and instead SE is trying to lure them into the role of tank by offering them what they were asking for, just not in the way they wanted it.
I miss the days when tank actually meant "high HP, Strength, and Defense" and not only took the hits like a champ, but returned them in full force as well. The MMORPG's definition of tank these days kinda irks me in that regard.
Again, balance is key. There's also the issue of perception, as a tank that can deal obscene damage will anger people who play DPS. Prot Paladins and DKs in WoW and WARs in FFXIV manage to get away with it because it requires specific conditions for said obscene damage (read: trash and/or lots of adds).
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#50 Oct 26 2014 at 4:21 AM Rating: Excellent
1,429 posts
I'm gonna wait for more info before i form an opinion on this.
"FFXI is DYING!!" -2009
Signed: 2023
#51REDACTED, Posted: Oct 26 2014 at 4:35 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) The apologists know deep down Yoshi is taking a dump on the FF Dark Knight name, just like he did with XIV Bard (not a Bard), summoner, scholar, etc.
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