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Cash shop announced?Follow

#127 Oct 27 2014 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
Susanoh wrote:

The point is that consumers hold the power. If you want to nitpick about things like Xbox being a console and FF being an MMO, go right ahead, but the result of consumer backlash would be the exact same in any industry.

Company: "Here's a product."
Consumers: "We don't want it."

If enough of the target consumers share that opinion, the company is forced to yield, whether you're talking about consoles, MMOs, clothing, cell phones, or any other type of product you could imagine.

The difference between MS and SE is that they are starting from a completely different points. MS had no leverage with xbone so the customers didn't buy the product. SE has leverage which they use to their advantage. Thus the end result is different for SE and MS.
#128 Oct 27 2014 at 8:31 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
So, lets break this down into the black and white.

1. Are you Subscribed?

2. Is this enough to make you unsubscribe?/Prevent you from Resubscribing?

1. Yes. And I'm paid until... February I think.

2. No, though I'll be watching it closely to see if they break their emphatic statement of 'no pay to win'. That's where I draw the line.

It's enough to make me uncomfortable, not enough to make me quit. We'll see how it develops.
#129 Oct 27 2014 at 10:23 AM Rating: Excellent
SE's dev team is lean, but that's not the same as "stretched."

Programming is like writing an English paper. You have the rock stars that can do in 2 hours what it would take an amateur to do in two days. If you have a team full of rock stars, which seems to be the case with SE, you don't need to have a lot of extra bodies because those guys can just sit down and crank out the code. If you have a dev team full of amateurs, you definitely need more bodies to help out, either via paired programming, or just the amount of research they'll need to do to write functional code. (And it'll still be sloppy.)

#130 Oct 27 2014 at 10:48 AM Rating: Good
392 posts
I dunno, i still think people are blowing it out of proportion. If you are going to be that upset because i spent alil extra of my hard earned cash on some vanity item, mount, or minion and you could not spend the extra cash then i do not know what more to say. If you are going to get that upset that other players can afford to spend a little bit of money on a game so it is more enjoyable to them and not effect your game play in the slightest, then you have some issues.

Edited, Oct 27th 2014 12:48pm by RyanSquires
#131 Oct 27 2014 at 10:51 AM Rating: Excellent
1,732 posts
Hyrist wrote:
So, lets break this down into the black and white.

1. Are you Subscribed?

2. Is this enough to make you unsubscribe?/Prevent you from Resubscribing?

1. Yes. And I'm paid until... February I think.

2. No, though I'll be watching it closely to see if they break their emphatic statement of 'no pay to win'. That's where I draw the line.

It's enough to make me uncomfortable, not enough to make me quit. We'll see how it develops.

No but I am not into glamor or stuff but it is just another thing that puts a bad taste in my mouth about the game and does push me farther out because I am not liking the direction this game is going. After the housing and other stuff etc.
Tes and I have talked about quitting the game and really started heating up with the personal housing fiasco. There have been other things up to this point too. We even talked about going back to FFXI. But after the free log in weekend we realize how old that game is feeling and looking.
I see the potential FFXIV has and how beautiful this game looks but honestly we are getting bored with it because it is the same thing over and over. Every update is 3 new dungeons, a new primal and new hildy and story and then they add something to ether coil or ST.. Story can be done in a few hours and so can hildy and they are very fun but so short. Even the dungeons are pretty much cookie cutter with 3 boss and trash between.. Yea they add a few mechanics between them like flick this switch. But they are still dodge mechanics with a dps check somewhere..

What is boring is the constant upgrade of gear. No gear is good for very long and you have to update 100 percent of you’re a gear again about every two months. Why can’t some gear be good longer why is it 100 percent new gear? I feel sorry for those people doing coil. People spend all that time to get through coil and when they finally do then that gear is no good too.. Why can’t there be a few pieces from coil that are really good for a while, the people that beat coil deserve it. Why worry about full gear at all? I stopped gearing on my bard a few weeks ago because why in a few days there is going to be new gear anyway. So now it is run the same 3 dungeons over and over and over. For us it is just getting boring. I do realize too you don’t need to upgrade all your gear to run new content but every piece of gear is still upgraded.
Honestly the only new thing in this game is hunts and ninja.. I don’t care about ninja because I don’t want to have another job to keep geared. I might try other jobs if gearing didn’t need to be upgraded so much…. Hunts are very fun and actually renewed my enthusiasm for the game.
We have decided to give the game a chance till the new expansion but if it turns out to just be a new area with new dungeons, fates and a primal we are done. Basically then it is another update with some land, it needs to offer something completely new to do and different game play…
I have talked to a few people we play with and some say the same thing, actually a few say they may not make it that far. People would like to see something new like dynamis or campaign.. It does not have to be those but something along that line, those are just examples.... Something totally unique and new to this game. It is not lack of content this game suffers from it is lack of new content but just different content. There is plenty to do for sure.

I just read a article on FFXIV on a gaming site… It basically was saying in several years from now what will people remember about FFXIV.. It is saying the game has nothing new to offer, it basically steals everything from other games .. They say the game needs its own identity.

Tes and I asked ourselves the same question about this game and ffxi…
She rattled off the day she got her black belt the day she got her Faith torque etc. This game in in a few years maybe the relic if they keep it going..

My real point in all this is a cash shop may not be a big deal but it may be enough to put a few over or make people really question the direction of the game..
I see the potential but I am afraid it won’t ever happen.. I would rather have less updates and actually more new type of content.

This is my opinion on the game People can shoot me down all they want.. I have been honest about the game and have played since Beta. I have said what I like and dislike and it seems a few have to try and discredit or shoot me and those down that have anything about they don’t like about the game .. No game is perfect and all have things they could have done better or could do better. Also not every game is for everybody and people need to understand that. You can not force someone to like something about a game.. This game look like it can have a bright future depending on what they do, it has a good base to work off of now.

Just because someone has a issue with a part of the game does not mean they automatically think a game is going to fail..

Edited, Oct 27th 2014 2:08pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#132 Oct 27 2014 at 11:44 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Thayos wrote:
My server (Hyperion) has been massively busy all weekend... busier than I've seen it in a long time. Not aware of anyone who has left from my FC, either... we're gearing up to storm 2.4 content, actually.

Not sure why your FC flipped out, but I definitely don't see that as a representative sample size (unless non-Legacy worlds have different cultures/player types).

Our server was busier this past weekend than last but still down from what it used to be several months ago...
But there are tons of new people.. I thought maybe it was free login or something the weekend before last because it was I would say like 30 percent new people in the lower areas and cities.. I mean it was allot of new people. (that is one thing this game does well is make it easy for new players).. But over all down...
I am still in contact with a few people in my old FC and they used to have 20 people average on at night and for a while they were lucky to have 5 or 6 people on...
I think ultros lost a lot of people or they moved for some reason...
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#133 Oct 27 2014 at 11:54 AM Rating: Default
1,732 posts
Susanoh wrote:
lass5 wrote:
I heard that they announced at Fan Fest that they're expanding the cash shop with clothes, minions, mounts, etc.

What do we think about this?

Personally? I'm not a fan. But I'm also not surprised. After SE sold paid inventory, paid bank space, and extra venture farming opportunities per character in the form of extra retainers earlier this year, there was no doubt in my mind that they'd add aesthetic items to their cash shop eventually. If they start adding other popular free to play style items in the future like exp boosts, armor skins or dyes, it also won't surprise me in the least.

As SE supporters are quick to point out, SE is a business and they'll do what they can to make money. Although, as consumers, we do have every right to voice opinions about a product and choose whether or not to support it. Ultimately, the consumers hold the power, and no matter how much a company wants to push their product on consumers, if the consumers collectively decide to vehemently refuse what that company is offering, then the company has no choice but to change their policy. A good example is what happened to Xbox One before its release. If everyone said "Oh well, Microsoft is a business and they want money so I guess this is ok" and then just bought it anyway, we'd have had a completely different product than what we got.

Similarly, consumers have the power to decide in this situation as well. There's absolutely nothing wrong with voicing distaste for all this cash shop nonsense in a pay to play game. Paying a subscription so that I can log into a game that will attempt to nickel and dime me for inventory, market space, minions, mounts, and whatever else they feel like charging extra for is not a very appealing payment option considering that players can already go and happily get nickel and dimed for free (lol...) in other games.

I agree..

I think allot will be on how well this is received and how well it does.. If people rush out and buy everything more will be added and more different things..
If it dont do well it may just go away...

FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#134 Oct 27 2014 at 12:13 PM Rating: Good
972 posts
Nashred wrote:

No but I am not into glamor or stuff but it is just another thing that puts a bad taste in my mouth about the game and does push me farther out because I am not liking the direction this game is going. After the housing and other stuff etc.
Tes and I have talked about quitting the game and really started heating up with the personal housing fiasco. There have been other things up to this point too. We even talked about going back to FFXI. But after the free log in weekend we realize how old that game is feeling and looking.
I see the potential FFXIV has and how beautiful this game looks but honestly we are getting bored with it because it is the same thing over and over. Every update is 3 new dungeons, a new primal and new hildy and story and then they add something to ether coil or ST.. Story can be done in a few hours and so can hildy and they are very fun but so short. Even the dungeons are pretty much cookie cutter with 3 boss and trash between.. Yea they add a few mechanics between them like flick this switch. But they are still dodge mechanics with a dps check somewhere..

If you don't like the direction of the game then think about taking a break, playing a different mmo in conjunction or separately for a while, or quit this game completely. Once your perception of a game is negative and you continue even though that perception is there. It snowballs and gets worse and worse.From what I have heard that different content is near. Chocobo racing, airship building, golden saucer, evolve type pvp, and various other stuff. But no, this game won't fill every want or desire you want. And they seem to be moving away from instant death mechanics, hopefully there will be ways to mitigate damage besides solely dodging.

Nashred wrote:
What is boring is the constant upgrade of gear. No gear is good for very long and you have to update 100 percent of you’re a gear again about every two months. Why can’t some gear be good longer why is it 100 percent new gear? I feel sorry for those people doing coil. People spend all that time to get through coil and when they finally do then that gear is no good too.. Why can’t there be a few pieces from coil that are really good for a while, the people that beat coil deserve it. Why worry about full gear at all? I stopped gearing on my bard a few weeks ago because why in a few days there is going to be new gear anyway. So now it is run the same 3 dungeons over and over and over. For us it is just getting boring. I do realize too you don’t need to upgrade all your gear to run new content but every piece of gear is still upgraded.
Honestly the only new thing in this game is hunts and ninja.. I don’t care about ninja because I don’t want to have another job to keep geared. I might try other jobs if gearing didn’t need to be upgraded so much…. Hunts are very fun and actually renewed my enthusiasm for the game.
We have decided to give the game a chance till the new expansion but if it turns out to just be a new area with new dungeons, fates and a primal we are done. Basically then it is another update with some land, it needs to offer something completely new to do and different game play…
I have talked to a few people we play with and some say the same thing, actually a few say they may not make it that far. People would like to see something new like dynamis or campaign.. It does not have to be those but something along that line, those are just examples.... Something totally unique and new to this game. It is not lack of content this game suffers from it is lack of new content but just different content. There is plenty to do for sure.

The gear treadmill is an inevitable monster in mmo endgame, whether it's vertical or horizontal. Maybe they will slow down the pace after the game gets meatier?

I am not subbed right now either. But trust me, Yoshi knows players want varied content. It's just a matter of when and how much patience you and friends have.

Nashred wrote:
I just read a article on FFXIV on a gaming site… It basically was saying in several years from now what will people remember about FFXIV.. It is saying the game has nothing new to offer, it basically steals everything from other games .. They say the game needs its own identity.

Tes and I asked ourselves the same question about this game and ffxi…
She rattled off the day she got her black belt the day she got her Faith torque etc. This game in in a few years maybe the relic if they keep it going..

My real point in all this is a cash shop may not be a big deal but it may be enough to put a few over or make people really question the direction of the game..
I see the potential but I am afraid it won’t ever happen.. I would rather have less updates and actually more new type of content.

People and critics have been saying WoW was dying for a good few years now and it still is going strong. Who cares what people say? If you like the game play it, if you don't quit. I am not so happy about the cash shop myself. But i guarantee you if the game is good quality. People will throw their money at SE and if it isn't good they will leave. A great game surmounts all obstacles including payment models, etc. The same holds true for a bad game.

Nashred wrote:
This is my opinion on the game People can shoot me down all they want.. I have been honest about the game and have played since Beta. I have said what I like and dislike and it seems a few have to try and discredit or shoot me and those down that have anything about they don’t like about the game .. No game is perfect and all have things they could have done better or could do better. Also not every game is for everybody and people need to understand that. you can force someone to like a game.. This game look like it can have a bright future depending on what they do, it has a good base to work off of now.

Just because someone has a issue with a part of the game does not mean they automatically think a game is going to fail..[/i]

Let them shoot you down. From your previous post it seems you got some close friends. They will lift you back up. No one can force you to do anything. Life is good. Smiley: wink
#135 Oct 27 2014 at 12:42 PM Rating: Excellent
She rattled off the day she got her black belt the day she got her Faith torque etc. This game in in a few years maybe the relic if they keep it going..

For me, FFXIV is a different beast with different memories.

Having been around since 1.x, I have my nostalgic memories about United We Stand and killing the White Raven. Heck, even the laggy state of the game's launch is somewhat nostalgic now.

Back to the quoted text, though, someday people who stick with XIV will look back and say things like, "I remember when I finally beat Titan HM" (which seems funny now, doesn't it?) or "Man, that first time when I FINALLY beat T5!" It's more about the battles now than the gear. In FFXI, it was flip-flopped. The fights that people would grind at endgame were easy enough to be spammed to infinity by groups with gear from the auction house... but they HAD to be, because that's how the game was designed... with such low drop rates and no loot system, players had to be able to win the fights the vast majority of the time, or immense frustration would have set in because of the insanely low and unpredictable drop rates (or super low spawn rates).

Edited, Oct 27th 2014 11:44am by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#136 Oct 27 2014 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
542 posts
Hyrist wrote:
So, lets break this down into the black and white.

1. Are you Subscribed?

2. Is this enough to make you unsubscribe?/Prevent you from Resubscribing?

1. Not at the moment. I let my subscription run out shortly after 2.3, thinking that maybe 2.4 would have more for me so I'd look into it when the time comes.

2. By itself? No, although it is a strong contributing factor and if I'm on a fence about resubbing (as I have been, with a new major patch coming) this may tip the balance in favor of the "not worth it to me" category.

I'm not against free to play games. I think there is some great advantages to a non-sub model as it allows the player total freedom in how often they log in, just like any of their single player games. If you feel like playing, any time of year, for a few hours or for a few weeks, you boot it up and play. The model does come with a downside and those who dislike the model are quick to point it out. Almost every complaint about free to play games starts and ends with the cash shop. And I can actually see their point. Although I'm not against playing a free to play game going in with the understanding that I won't get everything that a paying customer will, I can fully understand the desire to just pay a subscription and immerse themselves in the game world rather than being reminded every time you see a new cash shop item introduced what the game is really about. I mean, it's always been about the devs extracting money from the player base, but I could agree with those that dislike the F2P model that with a non-cash shop model, that at least can be put out of the player's mind from time to time.

Every time they add a new type of item to their cash shop, they take away that advantage that the game had over its free to play competition. If a F2P player asked a FF14 player "Why would anyone pay a sub in today's market?" one could have responded with "Well, I don't have to pay for things like more inventory, more market slots, and new skins!" Now? No longer the case. The line between FFXIV and its F2P competition is becoming more and more blurred over time, yet FFXIV still retains the automatic disadvantage of being a subscription based game. From a consumer standpoint, it's the worst of both worlds. I can log in to a bunch of current free to play games to have less inventory, bank slots, afk farming methods, and aesthetic items than those who pay. What's the benefit of spending a minimum of $13 a month just so I can get the same experience?
#137 Oct 27 2014 at 1:01 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Nashred wrote:
{Clipped to preserve spacing}

Nashred I don't want to belittle or discredit you, but I do disagree alot with what you said. Some of it is an exhaduration too so I'm trying, honestly to sort throug this and pick out issues I want to reflect on.

No but I am not into glamor or stuff but it is just another thing that puts a bad taste in my mouth about the game and does push me farther out because I am not liking the direction this game is going. After the housing and other stuff etc.

Probably the biggest note here I want to point out. When an individual is slighted once, often it becomes difficult for anything to appeal to them until they find the appropriate apology for it. Could it be that you're just not finding anything exciting for you, so all the updates that aren't relevant or specific to you feel like further slights?

I'm asking because I don't feel that the direction of the game has changed since ARR's inception. They've been consistent in their production, even up to repeating the same failings, in my eyes. And thus far those consistencies is part of the reason why I stay.

Every update is 3 new dungeons, a new primal and new hildy and story and then they add something to ether coil or ST.. Story can be done in a few hours and so can hildy and they are very fun but so short. Even the dungeons are pretty much cookie cutter with 3 boss and trash between.. Yea they add a few mechanics between them like flick this switch. But they are still dodge mechanics with a dps check somewhere..

The perspective shift is I don't have a problem with this. In this you've pretty much described every update to an MMO between expansions I can recall - More content on the same vein.

But I was explaining this just recently on the forums. The feel of each content as we go forward is different than the last. Not mechanically, not when you break the mechanics down to its basics. But in execution and environment. Tamtara Normal was a looming mystery, where Hardmode was seething, eerie dread. Haukke Manor was haunted mansion in normal and a Voidsent Nightmare in Hard Mode. I like how the areas feel evolved from their originals and that the story of them continues as you revisit them.

What is boring is the constant upgrade of gear. No gear is good for very long and you have to update 100 percent of you’re a gear again about every two months. Why can’t some gear be good longer why is it 100 percent new gear? I feel sorry for those people doing coil. People spend all that time to get through coil and when they finally do then that gear is no good too.. Why can’t there be a few pieces from coil that are really good for a while, the people that beat coil deserve it. Why worry about full gear at all?

Well, the top end of gear upgrades every six months, and every 3 we get medium grades between via the large-scale raid. But to answer your question more specifically - this is a different kind of game than FFXI entirely. It's been spoken before, but FFXI was a Horizontal progression game for most of it's life (It's more or less vertical now, however. ) FFXIV is a Vertical progression. In this sense, you would have gear upgrades to be Akin to gaining levels or Merit points, though they're not Ability specific.

To answer the question of remembering things - the answer is that the experience itself, not necessarily the loot, will be what is held. I will never forget our first Twintania win, or the first Titan Ex win. I won't ever live down that final cutscene in 2.0 I played through. And Hildebrand himself is hilarious even as short as those quest are. So it's not so much about the Epic loot as it is the epic experiences. In this game who you find and who you stick with are more important than a piece of gear that's keeping with you for a year. And for that desire, the Relic/Zodiac weapons do seem to be keeping up, update wise. (Just a slight bit behind the highest patch weapons, as expected.)

It's a pity you don't like vanity all that much, because one of the more exciting parts of this game is all the different outfits that would fit with my characters. I collect spears just for the vanity of them sometimes. I spend time mulling over how best to arrange rooms in our Free Company house for role-plays. I get into interior designing and fashion arguments with my girlfriend at least once a patch cycle. *chuckle*

I can understand that some of this seems dull to you. But a lot of this does not seem like a bad thing to me. Each dungeon feels unique, even if it's just trash and bosses. I certainly don't fight Brayflox Hard the same way I fight Stone Vigil Hard, and the feel of each is different too. And, again, we're still before our first expansion.

FFXI before its first expansion had Eco Force and Expeditionary Forces.

So I feel it's mainly a way we look at games differently, not so much the content itself, that determines whether these features are positives or negatives. Nothing against yours. I'm just trying to provide a different perspective in hopes it might liven your own experiences in game.

Edited, Oct 27th 2014 3:03pm by Hyrist
#138 Oct 27 2014 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
If you don't like the direction of the game then think about taking a break, playing a different mmo in conjunction or separately for a while, or quit this game completely. Once your perception of a game is negative and you continue even though that perception is there. It snowballs and gets worse and worse.From what I have heard that different content is near. Chocobo racing, airship building, golden saucer, evolve type pvp, and various other stuff. But no, this game won't fill every want or desire you want. And they seem to be moving away from instant death mechanics, hopefully there will be ways to mitigate damage besides solely dodging.

I am actually excited about golden saucer, that is the kind of stuff I like..

Yea the dodge mechanics are another thing just way over done... I just want some variety in a fight.... These fights in this game are more about memory and less skill... I work my blank off and I dont want to sit and memorize a fight when I get home.....

Moving away from instant death mechanics is a goooooood thing....

The gear treadmill is an inevitable monster in mmo endgame, whether it's vertical or horizontal. Maybe they will slow down the pace after the game gets meatier?

I am not subbed right now either. But trust me, Yoshi knows players want varied content. It's just a matter of when and how much patience you and friends have.

I understand the tread mill, I played FFXI for a very long time, but there was still gear good for a long time, but this game doesn't even give you a chance to enjoy the gear at all.. I just happy crafting clothes isn't like this even though there is a new set coming out this patch.. The other thing is crafting gear is crafted which is awsume and upgraded other ways.. I think i am not going to worry about having the best gear this round.. I will keep up my relic but I am done running these dungeons over and over till I am falling asleep or should I say seeing them in my sleep. Crafting is our new thing lately and I am starting to enjoy that and is now keeping us busy...

I understand what you are saying and like your post...

Edited, Oct 27th 2014 3:15pm by Nashred

Edited, Oct 27th 2014 3:16pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#139 Oct 27 2014 at 1:06 PM Rating: Excellent
What's the benefit of spending a minimum of $13 a month just so I can get the same experience?

Granted, the only F2P game I've seriously played is GW2, but there are a couple points worth considering here:

1. Yoshi-P has steadfastly said "No F2P." He's been very emphatic about that. He's also said the cash shop will contain mostly items that have already been in the game... such as past event items. This is a far cry from what you'd find in a F2P cash shop.

2. FFXIV will have multiple sets of gear/costumes obtainable in the game... whereas in Guild Wars 2 (and I'm assuming many other F2P games), there were small or non-existent skin options available outside the cash shop. In fact, all we've heard so far indicates the vast majority of available gear/weapon skins will be made available in game, even if they're eventually removed and put in the cash shop... point is, subscribers will always have a way to get them included with their fee (as long as they're subscribed at the time, which seems fair).

3. Updates, updates, updates... the "live story" and content updates of GW2 are miniscule compared to all the content that's been added to FFXIV. That's another long-established pattern of F2P games vs. P2P games. Your subscription fee ensures reliable income over time and more meaty, regular updates... and a deeper, better game over time.

You can still get a good/great experience from F2P games, but there is definitely value in playing a P2P game, even one with a small cash shop.
Thayos Redblade
#140 Oct 27 2014 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
542 posts
Thayos wrote:
2. FFXIV will have multiple sets of gear/costumes obtainable in the game... whereas in Guild Wars 2 (and I'm assuming many other F2P games), there were small or non-existent skin options available outside the cash shop. In fact, all we've heard so far indicates the vast majority of available gear/weapon skins will be made available in game, even if they're eventually removed and put in the cash shop... point is, subscribers will always have a way to get them included with their fee (as long as they're subscribed at the time, which seems fair).

3. Updates, updates, updates... the "live story" and content updates of GW2 are miniscule compared to all the content that's been added to FFXIV. That's another long-established pattern of F2P games vs. P2P games. Your subscription fee ensures reliable income over time and more meaty, regular updates... and a deeper, better game over time.

I can't say much about 3. since I haven't kept up with the game (although I did really enjoy the Super Adventure Box updates, I just wish they were available to play more often), but to your second point, GW2 definitely had skins available to players outside of the cash shop. The game launched with what, about 8 dungeons? And each of those dungeons alone had a very extravagant looking unique set for light, medium, and heavy armor users in addition to the standard looking armor skins that were already in the game. Heck, that's more end game armor skins than ARR had at launch without even including the cash shop.
#141 Oct 27 2014 at 1:32 PM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Catwho wrote:
SE's dev team is lean, but that's not the same as "stretched."

It's taken them 4 years to bring ARR to where it is now so the 'rockstar' comparison shows just how much work they have had to do. I'm not trying to say they have been slacking but they have had to deal with a lot of hurdles like retuning for the PS3, expanding to PS4 and Vita, churning out quarterly updates with enough content to keep players interested and an expansion on the horizon. It's a metric **** ton of work and pretty much anything you add to that is an increased burden. All the credit in the world to this team for what they have been able to accomplish. I probably shouldn't have said "too much", but it's clear that they've got a lot to handle already.

RyanSquires wrote:
If you are going to be that upset because i spent alil extra of my hard earned cash on some vanity item, mount, or minion and you could not spend the extra cash then i do not know what more to say. If you are going to get that upset that other players can afford to spend a little bit of money on a game so it is more enjoyable to them and not effect your game play in the slightest, then you have some issues.

You're making the wrong connections. No one is upset that you can spend money on something and they can't. By restricting access to cash only they're removing a part of the game that many players find enjoyment in, and that is what some people are taking issue with.

I would rather see Sleipnir rewarded for defeating a difficult encounter with Odin. It ties a sense of accomplishment to the mount rather than just a price tag. If it is a cash shop exclusive, it'll never be something I can look at as a reward for an achievement. That does indeed affect the game. You don't have to agree with the position, but you should be able to recognize that things(yes, even virtual property) do have value beyond the dollar.

When I look at my old trophies they remind me of much more than just winning a single game or a single race. I remember my losses, I remember busting my *** to get better and I remember all the advice that I got from people along the way that propelled me to that victory. I could walk into a store and buy a bunch of trophies and spread them out all over my house, but they'll never actually make me feel like a winner because I never had to put in that effort to obtain them. If you can't see that then I feel for you and it is you sir, who has the issue.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#142 Oct 27 2014 at 1:38 PM Rating: Good
Susanoh wrote:

I can't say much about 3. since I haven't kept up with the game (although I did really enjoy the Super Adventure Box updates, I just wish they were available to play more often), but to your second point, GW2 definitely had skins available to players outside of the cash shop. The game launched with what, about 8 dungeons? And each of those dungeons alone had a very extravagant looking unique set for light, medium, and heavy armor users in addition to the standard looking armor skins that were already in the game. Heck, that's more end game armor skins than ARR had at launch without even including the cash shop.

Nowadays ArenaNet is more concerned with trying to squeeze more money out of their customers through the cash shop by making sleazy changes to the parameters than updating their game with meaningful content. GW2also released a year before ARR and they still haven't even announced their first expansion while ARR is half a year away from it's official release.

Anyway, to say that F2P/B2P games offer what ARR offers is a pretty laughable statement at best. SE offers so much more value in comparison that they can introduce a (comparatively innocent) cash shop alongside subscription and get away with it easily.

Edited, Oct 27th 2014 7:41pm by Hyanmen
#143 Oct 27 2014 at 2:02 PM Rating: Default
972 posts
Nashred wrote:

I understand the tread mill, I played FFXI for a very long time, but there was still gear good for a long time, but this game doesn't even give you a chance to enjoy the gear at all.. I just happy crafting clothes isn't like this even though there is a new set coming out this patch.. The other thing is crafting gear is crafted which is awsume and upgraded other ways.. I think i am not going to worry about having the best gear this round.. I will keep up my relic but I am done running these dungeons over and over till I am falling asleep or should I say seeing them in my sleep. Crafting is our new thing lately and I am starting to enjoy that and is now keeping us busy...

I understand what you are saying and like your post...

It's all about the process, there is nothing to get, that is just a bonus. We gain things and we lose things material, people, digital stuff. Nothing is permanent, but that is what makes it precious. Soon as you view everything like this you start to appreciate lots... even the stuff that used to annoy you.

Here is to hoping we get to craft cakes and boats. Maybe fish or treasure hunt on those boats! I want to be a magitek mechanic in a big racing/battle circuit!!
#144 Oct 27 2014 at 2:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Heck, that's more end game armor skins than ARR had at launch without even including the cash shop.

Three points:

1) ARR didn't have skins available until around six months after it's launch.

2) By the time skins were available, there were numerous more options for XIV.

3) If you were a casual player, the only way to get cool skins through GW2 was through the cash shop. Getting good gear was easy, but if you wanted gear with fire, glow effects, etc., the game did a great job of funneling you to purchase (I never did... that cash shop funnel was one reason why I quit).
Thayos Redblade
#145 Oct 27 2014 at 2:56 PM Rating: Default
Thayos wrote:
[quote]1. Yoshi-P has steadfastly said "No F2P." He's been very emphatic about that. He's also said the cash shop will contain mostly items that have already been in the game... such as past event items. This is a far cry from what you'd find in a F2P cash shop.

Not really, I've played every f2p MMO, besides certain especially greedy ones, most free games sell cosmetic items like mounts/pets/costumes. So the same thing as FF14, just they're making you pay a sub too.
#146 Oct 27 2014 at 3:34 PM Rating: Good
lass5 wrote:
Thayos wrote:
[quote]1. Yoshi-P has steadfastly said "No F2P." He's been very emphatic about that. He's also said the cash shop will contain mostly items that have already been in the game... such as past event items. This is a far cry from what you'd find in a F2P cash shop.

Not really, I've played every f2p MMO, besides certain especially greedy ones, most free games sell cosmetic items like mounts/pets/costumes. So the same thing as FF14, just they're making you pay a sub too.

f2p updates cash shop and tries to trick the player, FF14 updates the game with massive content updates and expansions. But other than that your comparison is perfect.
#147 Oct 27 2014 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
When I look at my old trophies they remind me of much more than just winning a single game or a single race. I remember my losses, I remember busting my *** to get better and I remember all the advice that I got from people along the way that propelled me to that victory. I could walk into a store and buy a bunch of trophies and spread them out all over my house, but they'll never actually make me feel like a winner because I never had to put in that effort to obtain them. If you can't see that then I feel for you and it is you sir, who has the issue.

Agreed, but not everything is a trophy. Sometimes things are just art and it doesn't matter if you made it yourself or bought it from a store.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#148 Oct 27 2014 at 4:26 PM Rating: Good
392 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:

I would rather see Sleipnir rewarded for defeating a difficult encounter with Odin. It ties a sense of accomplishment to the mount rather than just a price tag. If it is a cash shop exclusive, it'll never be something I can look at as a reward for an achievement. That does indeed affect the game. You don't have to agree with the position, but you should be able to recognize that things(yes, even virtual property) do have value beyond the dollar.

When I look at my old trophies they remind me of much more than just winning a single game or a single race. I remember my losses, I remember busting my *** to get better and I remember all the advice that I got from people along the way that propelled me to that victory. I could walk into a store and buy a bunch of trophies and spread them out all over my house, but they'll never actually make me feel like a winner because I never had to put in that effort to obtain them. If you can't see that then I feel for you and it is you sir, who has the issue.

I will agree that a mount such as Sleipnir would make more sense to have as a reward over a cash shop item. However, that is the only point in this whole thing. These 'trophies' you take about, i understand that, your EX mounts, HA gear and so on and so forth are worthy trophies, however, majority of the cash shop items are vanity gear such as fancy looking gear that is simply for looks. I would not count these simple vanity clothes as trophies.
#149 Oct 27 2014 at 4:35 PM Rating: Default
Hyanmen wrote:
lass5 wrote:
Thayos wrote:
[quote]1. Yoshi-P has steadfastly said "No F2P." He's been very emphatic about that. He's also said the cash shop will contain mostly items that have already been in the game... such as past event items. This is a far cry from what you'd find in a F2P cash shop.

Not really, I've played every f2p MMO, besides certain especially greedy ones, most free games sell cosmetic items like mounts/pets/costumes. So the same thing as FF14, just they're making you pay a sub too.

f2p updates cash shop and tries to trick the player, FF14 updates the game with massive content updates and expansions. But other than that your comparison is perfect.

well technically a lot of other Free+cash shop games update monthly every month. Free games even have expansions too in fact, TERA posted about their expansion a couple days ago

which is a level cap increase, new continent, and new features. It's a free+ cash shop game. Sorry but Pay to play monthly+ cash shop+pay extra for more retainers = scumish and sleazy.
#150 Oct 27 2014 at 5:23 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
lass5 wrote:
which is a level cap increase, new continent, and new features. It's a free+ cash shop game. Sorry but Pay to play monthly+ cash shop+pay extra for more retainers = scumish and sleazy.

Do you feel that you aren't getting your money's worth for your XIV subscription? If so, then stop paying. Easy as that.
#151 Oct 27 2014 at 5:57 PM Rating: Excellent
Sorry but Pay to play monthly+ cash shop+pay extra for more retainers = scumish and sleazy.

If you honestly play so much that you need those extra retainers (which I can't even imagine, and I play all the time), then you'll easily be able to collect any in-game event items that you might later find in the cash shop.

If you don't play that much, then you don't need those extra retainers.

In short, I think you're reaching.
Thayos Redblade
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