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#77 Oct 20 2014 at 5:31 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts

The main combos make up half of a hotbar (of which there are three immediately available to you).

You only have two hotbars until you start enabling them, and unless I'm missing something, you can't really resize the hotbars and they take up a good chunk of screen real estate and the game likes to "snap" them to some invisible grid so you can't squish the 'bars closer to each other to save some room so you actually have something you could call a "viewing area" on lower resolutions (such as 1360x768).

Not everybody runs the game on 1900+ resolutions, you know.

Also, only 12 of those buttons are quickly accessible (1 through =). 12 more could be accessed via shift/control keys, but I never really liked doing that, the reaction time is a lot slower.

With that in mind...

My WHM is already maxed out on Hotbar #1 and #2 and has 3 buttons in #3. Hotbar #1 cannot really be condensed at all unless I start using separate #1s for Solo and Groups (I have Stone2 and Aero on it) and even then I only save two buttons by removing those two spells.

We got Cure, Cure2, Regen, Medica, Medica 2, Esuna, Cure 3 and I leave Sprint on the bar for those times a stupid boss likes to throw something on the ground when I'm in the middle of casting an important spell and/or I want to make SURE I don't get hit with the stupid thing. Add Stone and Aero onto that, along with that water spell that pushes enemies away from you (I've saved my own life a few times with this) and there's 11 (and I'm forgetting a button that I can't remember for the life of me, but I *know* the bottom row is filled completely).

Next bar up, things like buffs and things you use rarely. Since we cannot keybind the Mount function that I could see, I put that up there as well as Gyshal Greens (because who feels like fishing that out of the inventory every time they need their choco?). Cleric Stance, Protect, Raise, Surecast, Swiftcast, Holy, Divine Seal, Benediction, and Stone 1, Aero 1 (for low level dungeons) fill Hotbar #2.

So now I have a 3rd hotbar up there and I put a couple buttons for dismissing the choco and/or telling it to Follow for those annoying times it decides to chase after an enemy that broke off me and I don't want it running three miles across Eorzea to go back to it and pull it again.

Point is, as a WHM, I don't really need any more must-have buttons because where the *bleep* am I gonna put them?.

I suppose "Ability Bloat" is different for each class; WHM feels Ability Bloat, but my BLM doesn't. I have plenty of room on my BLM's bars (but then it is only 30, but 30-50 is only 20 levels which means at most, 6-8 abilities not all of which are gonna be bottom bar potential).

EDIT: Some things I wish SE would do:

1). Let us Keybind the Mount/Mount Roulette functions (or if it is already keybind-able, explain it a bit better in-game because I never saw the setting for it)
2). Have Smart Buttons for spells of similar type: Stone and Stone2 could be condensed into a single button that the user can select which they want and/or if one is unavailable, the other is chosen automatically (Level Sync). Do the same for Aero 2. Also allow the user to split these up into separate buttons if so desired.
3). Give us a Pet Hotbar when our Chocobo is out, a small one that just has 5 buttons (Free/Healer/Attacker/Follow stances + Withdraw)

The above suggestions would alone get rid of nearly a full hotbar of buttons.

Edited, Oct 20th 2014 7:41am by Lyrailis
#78 Oct 20 2014 at 8:22 AM Rating: Excellent
You only have two hotbars until you start enabling them, and unless I'm missing something, you can't really resize the hotbars and they take up a good chunk of screen real estate and the game likes to "snap" them to some invisible grid so you can't squish the 'bars closer to each other to save some room so you actually have something you could call a "viewing area" on lower resolutions (such as 1360x768).

I know on ps4 you can change the size of the hotbars, along with most of the UI by hitting R3 (I think it's R3). Pretty sure the option is there on pc, I just never had to change since it all looked ok on my monitor. TV was a whole other story...It only changes to 4-5 different sizes, but it can make a pretty big difference when you're trying to cram a whole whack of stuff on the screen.

#79 Oct 20 2014 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Theonehio wrote:
derneis wrote:
Turin wrote:
Honestly, this news makes not want to play. With any progress I make becoming invalid in a few months, I'm not feeling particularly motivated.

would u rather them never add anything to the game anymore?. game wouldn't last very long if they did that.

You can add new stuff without making everything prior to it...worthless. XI ran for 8 years without negating every single content prior to a new update. It's along the lines of: "Why should I do anything when next update will just negate all of my work? Especially an expansion? It's called expansion pack, not Recession of "Makeallyourprogress worthless" Pack.

Thankfully though, 3.0 is the start of new designs and revamps, so hopefully they move away from WoW and more towards...well, trying to actually be something better than a half-assed WoW clone in areas.

I am actually looking forward to the expansion and level cap upgrade. Love dragons.
Would not mind some new abilities and spells if they are useful...

I do agree that I dont understand why all gear becomes obsolete every major upgrade, its not just the expansion... I posted this before.

I hate the constant upgrade of all the gear every major patch... Same ole some ole.. Get rid of old tomes and introduce a new tomes with 3 new dungeons and now you have to run these new dungeons til your eyes bleed for new tomes. Enough with the gear upgrades.

Really not even a ring is good after upgrades. Yes I know you dont actually need the latest gear to do the content.. I liked in FFXI where something like the black belt or the torques were good from 50 to 100...

To me this is the most boring part of the game constantly have to get new gear and everyone having pretty much the same gear.. I prefer upgrades or some exclusive gear or some rare gear.

Too me other than a cap increase I am not hearing anything really new to the the game, it is still early and I am sure more will be announced. If it is just a new area with more fates, 3 new dungeons and a primal it is not much different than the expansions lately with some new land. I want something to do that is completely different..

Edited, Oct 20th 2014 11:15am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#80 Oct 20 2014 at 9:51 AM Rating: Default
Lyrailis wrote:

The main combos make up half of a hotbar (of which there are three immediately available to you).

You only have two hotbars until you start enabling them, and unless I'm missing something, you can't really resize the hotbars and they take up a good chunk of screen real estate and the game likes to "snap" them to some invisible grid so you can't squish the 'bars closer to each other to save some room so you actually have something you could call a "viewing area" on lower resolutions (such as 1360x768).

Not everybody runs the game on 1900+ resolutions, you know.

Also, only 12 of those buttons are quickly accessible (1 through =). 12 more could be accessed via shift/control keys, but I never really liked doing that, the reaction time is a lot slower.

Oh, I am talking about playing with a gamepad (with 16 actions per hotbar). It's supposed to be the lesser alternative anyway. It shouldn't be any worse as with a keyboard, at least. Anyway, I'm not sure what's wrong with your reaction time, it's not like your fingers can't move at a same speed on the keyboard... It shouldn't be any different whether you press ctrl+1 or just 1. Keyboard also has the perk of being full of buttons that you can remap to abilities directly.

I'm just saying, I have zero problems on any of my jobs (WAR, MNK, SCH) using a gamepad, so I'm not sure why would you... The game isn't nearly as twitchy as some of the competition, too.
#81 Oct 20 2014 at 10:08 AM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
Ability bloat is something that will eventually come up. But if we take a hard look at that, it took WoW 10 years before it mattered to the point that they felt the need to do something about it. I play MNK and DRG, some of the buttoniest classes available. I suspect NIN, with its mudra system, might even be buttonier than that. I'm not concerned about ability bloat at this time. In the future? Probably. But not now.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#82 Oct 20 2014 at 10:35 AM Rating: Excellent
5,729 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
1). Let us Keybind the Mount/Mount Roulette functions (or if it is already keybind-able, explain it a bit better in-game because I never saw the setting for it)

You can keybind mounts. Just drag the mount summon/roulette icon to a hotbar and map it to whatever button you want.

Personally I use the side bars for things like that. I moved the vertical bars to the right side of the screen and have things like mounts and chocobo stuff over there off the the side instead of on my main bars in the middle.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#83Lyrailis, Posted: Oct 20 2014 at 11:21 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hitting the 1 key = one keypress, one finger.
#84 Oct 20 2014 at 11:48 AM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
Lyrailis wrote:

You can keybind mounts. Just drag the mount summon/roulette icon to a hotbar and map it to whatever button you want.

That.......kinda defeats the purpose of asking for a direct keybind, you know?

I was wanting to avoid using up a hotbar button for Mount; I wanted to keybind it without using a hotbar button. In WoW, I used an addon that would allow you to keybind the random favorite mount function without using a hotbar button (I had it bound to the Y key, for example).

I have my mount bound to the "," key. You can change what maps to what in the keybind menu. Just put your mount on an invisible bar and map that slot to whatever button you want.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#85 Oct 20 2014 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
Velerophon wrote:
Ramifications? The amateur dramatics are really starting to grate now. You act shocked that the inevitable level cap will render current gear obsolete, yet it is obvious from the direction the game has been taking that this was going to happen. If it is causing you distress maybe this isn't the game for you?

I spent 6 years playing XI (everyone references it, I may as well join in). The horizontal progression in that was great for customisation admittedly, but go back to it now and everything you ever owned is obsolete thanks to the latest expansion, yet I don't hear you crying over that spilled milk. Yes, the progression is rapid in this, but outside of relic progression, the gear is incredibly easy to obtain, especially if you focus on ilvl and not BiS.

Every patch cycle has obsoleted the previous gear tier, why is it the expansion announcement that is causing this reaction? And inb4 "omg white knight", you will notice I havn't defended any of the design choices made by the Dev team, all I've done is pointed out the glaring truth: it was so obvious this was coming, why are you acting surprised and lashing out? If it isn't for you, make the adult decision and leave the game, no one will judge you for that. Better than playing a game that is clearly making you miserable.

The pace of gear going obsolete in FFXIV is indeed a problem. Getting gear checked out is a bigger problem in FFXIV than in FFXI, and that has side effects in player-player interaction (like returning or laid-back players falling behind too quickly). In FFXI, AF + a few nicer piece gear (purchased at reasonable price) "NQ" players can generally work along side with top of the line players with no major difficulty in many game content.

Anyway back on topic, I will be interested to see what will be the new jobs be. I think it is quite certain we will see a gun-using job, but after that I think it is all up for speculation. There is a few that I wanted to see be in included even if I am not playing (I would be satisfied watching the demo of them :-) )

Edited, Oct 20th 2014 7:07pm by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#86 Oct 20 2014 at 5:13 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
In FFXI, AF + a few nicer piece gear (purchased at reasonable price) "NQ" players can generally work along side with top of the line players with no major difficulty in many game content.


Maybe it changed, but when I was playing FFXI, people were given all the flak in the known universe for having slightly sub-optimal gear.

No Snipers? Scrub!
No SH? Gimp!
No ele staves? l2p!
MNK/DRK/SAM/RNG/DRG fighting in AF? omgkillme!
Being a BST or PUP? .... right ....
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#87 Oct 20 2014 at 5:18 PM Rating: Excellent
Getting gear checked out is a bigger problem in FFXIV than in FFXI

No way. Not even close.

It's so much easier getting acceptable gear in XIV than XI.

To clarify, it's so much easier to get an entire set of acceptable gear in XIV than it is to get many single pieces of acceptable gear in XI.

Also, it takes a long time for gear to become obsolete. Myth gear has been in the game since launch, and you can clear most extreme primals and the first five turns of coil decked out in myth gear. In the meantime, there's very little stress in improving beyond the i90 threshold.
Thayos Redblade
#88 Oct 20 2014 at 7:34 PM Rating: Default
1,004 posts
While playing i used a keyboad made for MMO's. If i'm not mistaken its the razer anansi keyboard. It has buttons to the left of TAB and a set of buttons under the spacebar. You can set them to be any key combo you want. I put all the skills that were on hard to reach buttons on them. It really makes a difference in your performance. It was expensive though, around 100-150 if i remember. If you're going to play MMO's though it's one of the best investments you can make.
#89 Oct 20 2014 at 9:21 PM Rating: Good
1,570 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
In FFXI, AF + a few nicer piece gear (purchased at reasonable price) "NQ" players can generally work along side with top of the line players with no major difficulty in many game content.

Maybe it changed, but when I was playing FFXI, people were given all the flak in the known universe for having slightly sub-optimal gear.

No Snipers? Scrub!
No SH? Gimp!
No ele staves? l2p!
MNK/DRK/SAM/RNG/DRG fighting in AF? omgkillme!
Being a BST or PUP? .... right ....
This. Someone doesn't remember what the "expectations" and "standards" for partying were like back then.
Products of boredom: 1 2 3 4 5
Hopes for FFXIV: Fencer | Red Mage
#90 Oct 20 2014 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
11,159 posts
Sometimes, you're trying to move AND use keys at the same time. It does actually take an extra second for you to reach with your pinky to hold the CTRL button down and then hit 1 with your pointer finger. Especially if you are trying to do this while moving at the same time. If you use moving WASD, you're trying to use WASD + hit a ctrl button (probably with your left hand as your right is on the mouse) and hit the 1 key which is quite awkward.

I've said it many times before, but I'm not really a fan of WASD+Mouse because it puts way too much emphasis on the left hand. Relative to the talk of ability bloat, I'd take things a bit further and say using anything beyond 1-5 can start getting uncomfortable. It's at this point where some start saying people should just buy gaming mice with extra buttons. Others say to start remapping buttons around WASD to handle 6 to = or other combos, often discounting the fact a mis-click is pretty likely to happen unless you texture your WASD keys or something above and beyond. And for me, the real downer in trying to emulate the XI control scheme in any MMO is that it usually fails because the mouse is required for something, be it clicking quest prompts or targeting things like BLM LB3 here. Jerking my hand between the mouse and keyboard simply gets annoying.

So, to a degree, I almost want to say the controller is the superior play option under current conditions. Yes, having a keyboard handy when you need to type is better, but for sheer comfort, I'll give it the nod over XI's keyboard only, slower play style. Over time, the more "required" abilities slip in, this'll definitely shift if measures aren't taken via macro system tweaks and so on. Either way, I can't say I dig 15-step+ rotations and such in order to be "good" in end game scenarios.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#91 Oct 21 2014 at 12:30 AM Rating: Default
1,004 posts
Seriha wrote:
Sometimes, you're trying to move AND use keys at the same time. It does actually take an extra second for you to reach with your pinky to hold the CTRL button down and then hit 1 with your pointer finger. Especially if you are trying to do this while moving at the same time. If you use moving WASD, you're trying to use WASD + hit a ctrl button (probably with your left hand as your right is on the mouse) and hit the 1 key which is quite awkward.

I've said it many times before, but I'm not really a fan of WASD+Mouse because it puts way too much emphasis on the left hand. Relative to the talk of ability bloat, I'd take things a bit further and say using anything beyond 1-5 can start getting uncomfortable. It's at this point where some start saying people should just buy gaming mice with extra buttons. Others say to start remapping buttons around WASD to handle 6 to = or other combos, often discounting the fact a mis-click is pretty likely to happen unless you texture your WASD keys or something above and beyond. And for me, the real downer in trying to emulate the XI control scheme in any MMO is that it usually fails because the mouse is required for something, be it clicking quest prompts or targeting things like BLM LB3 here. Jerking my hand between the mouse and keyboard simply gets annoying.

So, to a degree, I almost want to say the controller is the superior play option under current conditions. Yes, having a keyboard handy when you need to type is better, but for sheer comfort, I'll give it the nod over XI's keyboard only, slower play style. Over time, the more "required" abilities slip in, this'll definitely shift if measures aren't taken via macro system tweaks and so on. Either way, I can't say I dig 15-step+ rotations and such in order to be "good" in end game scenarios.

I actually use FFXI style keyboard config to play (keyboard only). WASD is utter garbage for FFXIV's strict dodging mechanics. I tried it, but moving and trying to manage skills on one hand = miss-press and ***** ups. The way I have it set up, I move with the number pad, which also does other various things not related to skills. My left hand is free to control all skills at all times. My right hand is basically movement with my thumb controlling the camera. For those who never played that way it may seem a little awkward, but i guarantee it is better than WASD. As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm also using a different keyboard designed for MMO's. My left hand handles these buttons also. I find this setup strikes the perfect balance between hands so errors and such don't happen much. And for the love of god don't bind first person perspective & walk to ANYTHING! Trust me on that one...

Edited, Oct 21st 2014 2:32am by Keysofgaruda
#92 Oct 21 2014 at 3:51 AM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Perhaps my attempt at it needed some fine tuning here, but some of the bigger hurdles I encountered involved quickly swapping between windows and selecting what I wanted to easily. Just one of those things where the mouse is potentially quicker depending on how occupied a given UI element is.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#93 Oct 21 2014 at 4:17 AM Rating: Default
Lyrailis wrote:
Hitting the 1 key = one keypress, one finger.
Hitting CTRL+1 = two fingers, two keypresses simultaneously.

Sometimes, you're trying to move AND use keys at the same time. It does actually take an extra second for you to reach with your pinky to hold the CTRL button down and then hit 1 with your pointer finger. Especially if you are trying to do this while moving at the same time. If you use moving WASD, you're trying to use WASD + hit a ctrl button (probably with your left hand as your right is on the mouse) and hit the 1 key which is quite awkward. There's a reason why FPS games don't use Ctrl keys for anything other than sprint (you're not going to be swapping weapons while sprinting very often, and most FPS games allow you to use the mousewheel to swap weapons even if you do need to do that, you can mousewheel instead of the number keys anyways).

I can't say I'm having the same problems as you, although I tend to use ALT with my thumb and SHIFT with my pinky which I find quite a bit easier as I can use my ring finger to press 1. As such I don't notice any difference in speed. I would never use my pointer finger to press 1 either... Another thing to point out is that moving with the mouse makes sense to me. Since I haven't played ARR with kb+mouse I can't say whether the functionality is there but in other MMO's I move forward by pressing both left+right click. Of course if you only use WASD to move this can be troublesome, but I personally like having the option to move with my mouse too.

As for controllers, I don't even understand how you could possibly do 16 buttons on controllers. I've seen videos of people using controllers and to me, that just looks awkward as heck. Maybe it really isn't, it just... looks that way from the videos I've seen.

Not 16, but 32 buttons you can access pretty much instantly. It's like pressing ctrl+1 on a keyboard, with the exception that your pointy fingers are always resting on ctrl+alt (the shoulder buttons) making them instantly available. This gives gamepad users 16 skills. The other 16 skills come from pressing both ctrl and alt in either order (ctrl>alt for 8 skills, alt>ctrl for another 8 skills). Awkward is not the word I would use, brilliant is more like it. It comes down to using easily available button combinations, so it's not a totally different system from what you do with a keyboard anyway.

#94 Oct 21 2014 at 7:57 AM Rating: Default
3,441 posts
Not 16, but 32 buttons you can access pretty much instantly. It's like pressing ctrl+1 on a keyboard, with the exception that your pointy fingers are always resting on ctrl+alt (the shoulder buttons) making them instantly available. This gives gamepad users 16 skills. The other 16 skills come from pressing both ctrl and alt in either order (ctrl>alt for 8 skills, alt>ctrl for another 8 skills). Awkward is not the word I would use, brilliant is more like it. It comes down to using easily available button combinations, so it's not a totally different system from what you do with a keyboard anyway.

Sounds like a lot of memorization as the screen does not have all 32 buttons on it simultaneously (at least not from videos I've seen of peeps using PS3/4 controllers); IIRC it looks like only about half of those are displayed on screen at any given time until you press the "modifier" button to show the other palette. Not sure that style would really fly for me.

I actually use FFXI style keyboard config to play (keyboard only). WASD is utter garbage for FFXIV's strict dodging mechanics. I tried it, but moving and trying to manage skills on one hand = miss-press and ***** ups.

As previously mentioned, I do numpad + A/D which are bound to Strafe Left/Strafe Right (leaving W and S alone). Numpad6 + A gives you a counter-clockwise circular strafing movement (similar to using the mouse to move in WoW though not quite as tight circles), while Numpad4 + D gives you a clockwise circular strafing movement. The only problem is that you can only use skills 1-6 while moving, but I haven't run into TOO many troubles with that if you bind your hotkeys smartly (again, putting most-used stuff on 1-6).

Now, what you COULD do, is get yourself an MMO gaming mouse (like the Razer Naga for example). I have one, but I have trouble getting used to where all the buttons are. Most of these mice have at least 10 buttons and can easily be mapped to the hotbar buttons so that ability keys (at least 1 through 10 or =) are not an issue at all. Some people can get the hang of a keypad on the side of their mouse, some can't, so YMMV.

EDIT: Also as I mentioned earlier (thinking I might try this myself), is bind Strafe Left to 1/End and Strafe Right to 3/PgDn that way if I want to Clockwise Move, I'd press Numpad6+Numpad1 and if I want to Counter-Clockwise Move, I'd simply do Numpad4+Numpad3 and that'd leave my left hand totally open to do any hotbar work necessary. This won't solve the problems of mouse work, but normally while playing I *only* use the mouse for menus (IE, while I'm not currently moving). If I do need the mouse while moving, there's always WASD as a backup movement system, as I won't need fancy footwork strafing while I'm mousing through menus. Not ideal, but it covers pretty much all the bases.

The only problem with this, is you'd have to make sure you bind both 1 AND End to Strafe Left as well as 3 AND PgDn to Strafe Right in case your keyboard/computer is like mine and likes to randomly scr*w with the NumLock toggle. That way it works the same with Numlock on OR off.

Edited, Oct 21st 2014 10:07am by Lyrailis
#95 Oct 21 2014 at 9:01 AM Rating: Default
Lyrailis wrote:
Not 16, but 32 buttons you can access pretty much instantly. It's like pressing ctrl+1 on a keyboard, with the exception that your pointy fingers are always resting on ctrl+alt (the shoulder buttons) making them instantly available. This gives gamepad users 16 skills. The other 16 skills come from pressing both ctrl and alt in either order (ctrl>alt for 8 skills, alt>ctrl for another 8 skills). Awkward is not the word I would use, brilliant is more like it. It comes down to using easily available button combinations, so it's not a totally different system from what you do with a keyboard anyway.

Sounds like a lot of memorization as the screen does not have all 32 buttons on it simultaneously (at least not from videos I've seen of peeps using PS3/4 controllers); IIRC it looks like only about half of those are displayed on screen at any given time until you press the "modifier" button to show the other palette. Not sure that style would really fly for me.

Nothing is stopping SE from having all 32 buttons on the screen simultaneously, but it is too bad that they haven't gotten down to implementing the option to do so. It's not a question of "style" but simply SE's inadequacy to fully support the feature to the extent that they support kb/m. Either way you need to learn the buttons by heart whether you're on a kb/m or gamepad.
#96 Oct 21 2014 at 11:52 AM Rating: Default
3,441 posts
Either way you need to learn the buttons by heart whether you're on a kb/m or gamepad.

Not necessarily; with KB, you can glance at your hotbar and see that Esuna is on 6, ctrl+6, alt+6 whatever, for example as all hotbars are displayed on-screen usually.

But if you're in the middle of battle, and you have 1 palette displayed, say while you're casting Cures and then the tank is poisoned and you're in mid-Cure cast, and you're going "Uh, is Esuna Ctrl+6 or Ctrl+7? I forget..." until you actually hit the Ctrl (or the controller equivalent) button to display the other palette, Then you can see which button it is.

EDIT: Wait......what about cooldowns?

If you don't display all buttons at once, how are you to know when an ability is ready again? For example, if I stuck Rampart or Convalescence on Palette #2 and I have Palette #1 up usually, how am I to tell when Rampart or Convalescence is ready without displaying Palette #2?

Edited, Oct 21st 2014 1:55pm by Lyrailis
#97 Oct 21 2014 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
May be I am still remembering being FFXI White Mage x_X
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#98 Oct 21 2014 at 12:44 PM Rating: Excellent
I have ten full macro sets on my FFXI black mage. I had no problem getting to where I needed to go, because I designed them to be logical.

Set 1 of 20 macros is my "oh shi-" buttons, as well as my buffs, and a few hotkeys to other sets (e.g. quick jump down to my DoTs.)
Set 2 is Tier V and Tier IV spells, with Stun, Sleepga, sleep, and a few other spells appearing on all the following sets. A hotkey jumps back to Set 1 when needed.
Set 3 is Tier III and II spells. A hotkey jumps back to Set 2.
Set 4 is my Aga spells, tiers 2 and 3. A hotkey jumps back to Set 2.
Set 5 is my Ancient Magic spells, tiers 1 and 2. A hotkey jumps back to set 2.
Set 6 is my DoTs, all my BLM unique ones, plus Dia, Bio, Poison, etc. Hotkey jumps back to set 2.
Set 7-8 was my High Accuracy gear set. All the above sets used general gear. Not used as much these days, but back when you were fighting something where you'd encounter a lot of resists, it made sense to swap out a few INT pieces for MACC. Tier V-II spells.
Set 9 was my solo set. Kind of a combo of Set 1 and 2, with the most common buffs and debuffs. This is the closest set to my BLM set in XIV. I also don't really use it that much any more since I rarely play outside of a group.
Set 10 was my "level capped under 50" set, from back when we did content that could cap us. Not used any more unless I'm in an old BCNM.

So, I can see how the controller people don't even think about how they've got their hotkeys set up. If you put them into a logical order, then all you have to know is where you stuck what. L2 is my buffs, R2 is my debuffs, etc. A quick glance in between rotations is all it takes to let you know if the abilities are back up or not.
#99 Oct 21 2014 at 12:46 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Lyrailis wrote:

EDIT: Wait......what about cooldowns?

If you don't display all buttons at once, how are you to know when an ability is ready again? For example, if I stuck Rampart or Convalescence on Palette #2 and I have Palette #1 up usually, how am I to tell when Rampart or Convalescence is ready without displaying Palette #2?

Edited, Oct 21st 2014 1:55pm by Lyrailis

Trick question. If you don't have macros set up to trigger your readiness, you can simply have side bars that display your cool-downs just for their display.

Heck, I have both Controller binds and KB&M binds so that not only to do I see my cooldowns, but my lesser used ones, such as limit break, are simply a tap of the keyboard away, while I still have quick finger access to motions and skills.

KB&M hurts my wrists too much after long sessions. Controller's limitations are superfluous with intelligent planning of your sets and displays. And there's no added investment for comfort on my part either, as I honestly just hook up my Xbox360 Gamepad.
#100 Oct 21 2014 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
Lyrailis wrote:
Either way you need to learn the buttons by heart whether you're on a kb/m or gamepad.

Not necessarily; with KB, you can glance at your hotbar and see that Esuna is on 6, ctrl+6, alt+6 whatever, for example as all hotbars are displayed on-screen usually.

But if you're in the middle of battle, and you have 1 palette displayed, say while you're casting Cures and then the tank is poisoned and you're in mid-Cure cast, and you're going "Uh, is Esuna Ctrl+6 or Ctrl+7? I forget..." until you actually hit the Ctrl (or the controller equivalent) button to display the other palette, Then you can see which button it is.

EDIT: Wait......what about cooldowns?

If you don't display all buttons at once, how are you to know when an ability is ready again? For example, if I stuck Rampart or Convalescence on Palette #2 and I have Palette #1 up usually, how am I to tell when Rampart or Convalescence is ready without displaying Palette #2?

Not having learned the buttons by heart (or rather muscle memory) can certainly slow you down, just like pressing ctrl+1 does in your example. It is a necessity if you want to play to the best of your ability. Now, if that's not the case, then it shouldn't matter whether you use kb/m or gamepad in the first place.... and if that is the case, then you absolutely need to know at all times which button does what. For the argument's sake, there has to be consistency.

Either way, the problem is with Square-Enix and not the playstyle itself. If a game wouldn't let you display more than one hotbar on kb/m it's not a problem with the controller scheme but the inadequate developers.
#101 Oct 22 2014 at 12:58 AM Rating: Decent
4,780 posts
Either way, the problem is with Square-Enix and not the playstyle itself. If a game wouldn't let you display more than one hotbar on kb/m it's not a problem with the controller scheme but the inadequate developers.

I'm sorry, I'm not exactly following what you mean in this.

Are you referring to the UI in FFXIV or FFXI?

In FFXIV you most defiantly can view multiple hot bars, my cross hot bar and my KB&M Hot Bar. (Here's a screenshot for reference, especially for those who were curious, especially those who are trying to hybrid.)

If you're referring to FFXI, that's a misnomer. The Macro Bar there isn't really a hot-bar at all, and the game is pretty much Menu based. A tribute to the slower style of the game, really. So yes, it would be ruled by playstyle.
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