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SE Should buff Guildhests...Follow

#1 Sep 17 2014 at 8:19 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
......if they are going to force them on the player near the end of the Main Quest Line.


Okay, so I beat Ultima Weapon yesterday, after long hours of Main Questing to get up to that point. I'm Lv50 now (I dinged Lv50 the day before), and everybody says "DO HUNTS!" to get gear.

Well..... okay I'd love to, but...

The main quest must be finished in its entirety. I beat Ultima Weapon, and now I have to blow ... a good sum of gil in teleports running around doing things like "Go to Ul'dah, talk to Goldsmith, go back to Mor Dhona, then go to Gridania, kill 10 mobs pick up 3 items and go back to Mor Dhona..."

Oh....and do a Lv15 Guildhest, then a Lv30 Guildhest...

That's the part where I left off, because... as a healer, the Lv30 Guildhest... I wanted 30 minutes for and still didn't have it. That was after waiting 20 minutes for the Lv25 guildhest I haven't unlocked yet, because the Randoms never give me anything higher than Lv15s, with the rare Lv20.


Because nobody does these.

Why doesn't anybody do these?

Well, anybody who has done a Random Guildhest as a Lv30 knows, it barely dents your XP meter and the gil offered is a pittance.

I can see why they threw the Guildhests into the Main Quest Line, they want people to do them. Okay, sure, that's fine. I don't mind doing them. I do, however, mind the wait times. I want to do Hunts because that's "THE" way to get gear, right? Well......I can't. Because they appear to have gated it behind the Main Quest. Because, I guess, slaying Ultima Weapon doesn't qualify as "show me you can overcome near death situations" or something, lol.

Anyways, I bet most people who get through this get their FC to do the Guildhests instead of waiting on it. Well, in my FC... most of the people are hanging out in Coil, or CT/ST, or what-not and are almost always in dungeons. But therein lies the point: If they wanted players doing Guildhests to beef up the Duty Finder usage... they're not doing a very good job of it, because people going in as full FC groups are not helping the ridiculous wait times, right?

Simply put, they need to buff the rewards from Guildhests, especially those beyond Lv20 if they want wait times to be anything reasonable. 30 minutes for a healer is just ridiculous. But the problem is, I must do it, because so much cr*p is gated behind it. I'd love to do the Guildhest, really I would. But the wait times just turn me off.

I'm currently at 8 hours /played after Ultima Weapon....and I still can't do hunts. By the time I can, I probably would have gotten enough Myth out of Roulettes to buy a whole sodding set of armor and won't even need the bl**dy hunts in the first place, lol.

Sorry about the rant thread, it's just.... I think they could have handled this a bit better.

EDIT: Wow, you can't talk about bl**d on ZAM now. haha.

Edited, Sep 17th 2014 10:23pm by Lyrailis

Edited, Sep 18th 2014 7:55pm by Lyrailis
#2 Sep 17 2014 at 8:39 PM Rating: Excellent
342 posts
I understand everything you're saying, and while I don't disagree with any of it I can't help but wonder... even if everyone in your FC is busy, they can't spare the 5 minutes it would take to get you through this? It's not like they take long at all.
#3 Sep 17 2014 at 8:42 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Raylo wrote:
I understand everything you're saying, and while I don't disagree with any of it I can't help but wonder... even if everyone in your FC is busy, they can't spare the 5 minutes it would take to get you through this? It's not like they take long at all.

Maybe I've just been unlucky in the last couple days, but they've been raiding Coil and doing stuff like Ex Primals pretty heavily and are prone to being AFK quite often. Friend keeps telling me I should just try again, which I will...

It is just kinda annoying.

I can see where SE is going with the Guildleves, they want people to do em... I just think if they'd buff the rewards a bit, this wouldn't be anywhere near as much of a problem. And again, me going in with an FC group kinda defeats the purpose of padding the Duty Finder in the first place, right? lol.

Ah well.
#4 Sep 17 2014 at 11:24 PM Rating: Excellent
115 posts
Howdy! Although I completely agree with the points you made regarding the hests (including them so late into the story was a silly decision), there is something important you should know...

Whoever has told you that you can't hunt until after the main scenario was lying. My FC recently had 2 people join (relatives of a core member), and whenever an A rank would pop, a group of 50's would invite these 2 to a party. The earliest I personally went with them, 1 was a lvl 32 white mage, the other a lvl 38 warrior, and they received 20 seals, 80 myth and 20 soldiery. The person playing warrior had enough myth and soldiery BEFORE hitting lvl 50 or finishing praetorium, to purchase a full set of I 90, which he wore as tank when he actually did run praetorium with us as a FC.

The person you spoke to may be referring to the daily/weekly hunts, which can only be unlocked by hitting maximum rank in your grand company, which is not tied to main scenario progress. These contribute nice seals, but if gearing to I 90 is your goal, join a PF group, which you can do at ANY lvl on ANY job at ANY point, and you will be able to afford a full set in a matter of hours!

Hope this helps :)
#5 Sep 18 2014 at 12:55 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
umm youre JUST doing that? isnt that like the story stuff that came with the first major update to the story after the game launch?
#6 Sep 18 2014 at 1:19 AM Rating: Default
The rewards are great already at the level you should be doing them. I think it's pretty hilarious how they force Guildhests on the players who are so fixed on LEVEL 50!!! that they can't be ***** to doing more than the bare minimum to get there.
#7 Sep 18 2014 at 7:46 AM Rating: Excellent
You're always welcome to rejoin us on Lamia Smiley: frown
#8 Sep 18 2014 at 7:59 AM Rating: Good
Catwho wrote:
You're always welcome to rejoin us on Lamia Smiley: frown

Indeed. I think Guildhests are fun and I do the roulette occasionally just because of that. Join our FC, catch a time when I'm online, and I'll gladly come heal or dps for you.
#9 Sep 18 2014 at 2:52 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Catwho wrote:
You're always welcome to rejoin us on Lamia Smiley: frown

Well, I would... but I've like 4 close friends who are on Faerie...

I really don't have the RL time to split between both characters. However, if I should get one of them pretty well leveled up to where all they need is cutting edge content, then I will probably take a break and to go the other character for a bit.

I do miss my Miqo'te, though.....

Nothing personal against you guys on Lamia; I do miss you guys actually.
#10 Sep 18 2014 at 2:54 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Velerophon wrote:
Howdy! Although I completely agree with the points you made regarding the hests (including them so late into the story was a silly decision), there is something important you should know...

Whoever has told you that you can't hunt until after the main scenario was lying. My FC recently had 2 people join (relatives of a core member), and whenever an A rank would pop, a group of 50's would invite these 2 to a party. The earliest I personally went with them, 1 was a lvl 32 white mage, the other a lvl 38 warrior, and they received 20 seals, 80 myth and 20 soldiery. The person playing warrior had enough myth and soldiery BEFORE hitting lvl 50 or finishing praetorium, to purchase a full set of I 90, which he wore as tank when he actually did run praetorium with us as a FC.

The person you spoke to may be referring to the daily/weekly hunts, which can only be unlocked by hitting maximum rank in your grand company, which is not tied to main scenario progress. These contribute nice seals, but if gearing to I 90 is your goal, join a PF group, which you can do at ANY lvl on ANY job at ANY point, and you will be able to afford a full set in a matter of hours!

Hope this helps :)


They allow you to get seals before allowing you to pick up the daily/weekly hunts off the board?

That doesn't make much sense and it is very misleading lol. I'll give it a try, thanks!
#11 Sep 18 2014 at 3:04 PM Rating: Excellent
660 posts
Did you mean Guildhests in the thread title?

Speaking of Guildhests, I kind of wish they had some class/job specific ones for only 1 player to assist in learning the nuances of that class/job's playstyle. Maybe throw in some NPCs who go out of their way to mess you up. Im imagining like a guildhest for a tank where DPS just zergs everything randomly or for a DPS where the tank barely uses any threat generating abilities, or one for a healer where everyone else has half the HP they need. I dunno, just dreaming here.
#12 Sep 18 2014 at 3:24 PM Rating: Excellent
reptiletim wrote:
Did you mean Guildhests in the thread title?

Speaking of Guildhests, I kind of wish they had some class/job specific ones for only 1 player to assist in learning the nuances of that class/job's playstyle. Maybe throw in some NPCs who go out of their way to mess you up. Im imagining like a guildhest for a tank where DPS just zergs everything randomly or for a DPS where the tank barely uses any threat generating abilities, or one for a healer where everyone else has half the HP they need. I dunno, just dreaming here.

Technically that's what the class quests are supposed to do. I remember getting yelled at by the guy during the level 15 GLD quest because I needed MOAR FLASH.
#13 Sep 18 2014 at 4:33 PM Rating: Good
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
There are other, easier ways to get gear without doing Hunts. Hunts are only really good for getting Oil and Sand to upgrade Weathered gear. Everything else you can get from Allied Seals can be gotten elsewhere or isn't worth getting (unless you want it for glamouring other gear). Now that you can practically guarantee at least one Oil or Sand per week doing ST, Hunts aren't even that great for getting those. They used to be before the nerf, but now it's hardly worth the effort to be in a dedicated Hunt LS.
#14 Sep 18 2014 at 5:57 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Turin wrote:
There are other, easier ways to get gear without doing Hunts. Hunts are only really good for getting Oil and Sand to upgrade Weathered gear. Everything else you can get from Allied Seals can be gotten elsewhere or isn't worth getting (unless you want it for glamouring other gear). Now that you can practically guarantee at least one Oil or Sand per week doing ST, Hunts aren't even that great for getting those. They used to be before the nerf, but now it's hardly worth the effort to be in a dedicated Hunt LS.

I suppose I could just grind Myth instead, seeing as I can get what, 340 (sometimes 440) per day if I do all the roulettes and the worst you need is like 875 for major pieces.

I already bought a necklace and I've enough to buy another accessory (replacing lowest item level items first obviously).

Went from 44 up to 50 just by doing that (the necklace was really outdated lol).
#15 Sep 18 2014 at 10:00 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
I asked in another thread, but I don't think I ever saw a response...

Did they ever change guildhests so that they gave the same reward when repeated on other classes or jobs? I could be wrong, but I think that the reward was lowered after the first completion regardless of what class or job you ran it on. I think that could be a large factor in why the queues are so long. If you get 30% exp and gil for consecutive completions then it's pretty easy to see why people avoid them.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#16 Sep 18 2014 at 10:30 PM Rating: Excellent
You now get a first time bonus for completing a given guildhest on a new job.
#17 Sep 18 2014 at 11:37 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Good to know, thanks Catwho. I guess it's still only incentive to complete the guildhests once on each class or job so it still makes sense that the queues are empty.

Given the way that the few guildhests I ran were setup, it actually seems like it could be used as a tool to help players use their class or job cohesively as a group. They could even take it as far as implementing more forgiving versions of mechanics found in endgame activities(plumes, conflag, ect.) to work players up to the harder versions they'll likely want to fight later down the road. Could be a good way to bridge the gap.

At the very least they should expand on it so that people still feel like it's worth their time to participate.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#18 Sep 19 2014 at 4:10 AM Rating: Good
481 posts
Strange. I do guildhests often (certainly to get the bonus each day), and generally haven't had a problem with queues, even on dps jobs.
#19 Sep 19 2014 at 6:11 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Zandev wrote:
Strange. I do guildhests often (certainly to get the bonus each day), and generally haven't had a problem with queues, even on dps jobs.

As do I, but even with a Level 50 Job, 90% of the time, it is one of the first four (the two Lv10s or the two Lv15s) and very seldom I get one of the Lv20 guildhests thrown in once-in-a-while.

It seems to me, that people Lv30+ almost never Q up for the daily Guildhest Bonus, because as I said in my OP... if you are Lv30+, the XP is... not all that great and the gil, well the gil is barely noticeable, if you're lucky it'll pay for a couple teleports.

I did a Random Guildhest every single day on my CNJ almost, clear up until Lv45 and the highest guildhest I ever got, was "Pulling Poison Posies". In fact, I never actually got THAT Guildhest (until one day I got lucky with my THM); I only got it unlocked. It wasn't until I was 2 Hests short of the Challenge Log wanting 10 unique hests that I ever got further than that (only because I specific Q'd for more) that I ever got past that one. And I only did that, because I was 19/20 out of total challenges completed and I wanted to fill that one in too.

In my personal experiences, it is something like Gil Turtle 40%, Goobbue 30%, the Armor Knight near Tamtara 20%, and 10% is the occasional Toad/Posies thrown in. I've never seen anything above that come out of the Roulette whatsoever.

So IMO, people only do the roulette until Lv20 on average.

Edited, Sep 19th 2014 8:12am by Lyrailis
#20 Sep 19 2014 at 6:45 AM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
While I wouldn't really disagree with upping the rewards, the real issue of the quest aspect is it was a retroactive addition to mostly antiquated and largely unpopular party content. Overall, it's just a weird form of tier gating that's harder to overtake because of the unpopularity. So, if one makes the rewards too good, you might breed some resentment from those who don't really want to add them to a daily rotation, achievement hunt, or whatever other possible quest relations. "They don't take long, just bug your FC!" is kind of a cop out line, too, as it does indeed mean interrupting whatever else they were doing in pursuit of their personal progression for something SE decided to add just because.

So, my take on this is more that the related quest should actually be removed or modified into a more solo-friendly counterpart. Content should strive to not be a hassle, and accessibility is one part of that equation. So, even if one person claims to never have queue issues, there's the factor of time tried and an individual's server cluster ultimately being forces outside their control.

Kind of sad that bad gating mechanisms are still popping up in 2014.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#21 Sep 19 2014 at 7:18 AM Rating: Excellent
The purpose of guildhests was actually supposed to teach you mechanics you'll encounter in dungeons around that level, especially dungeon bosses, so you don't get surprised when goblins start throwing bombs at you, or when bubbles pop on you and do damage.

I think some of them are just poorly designed, though. The very first one that has you try to pluck mandies away from the goobue - it links every time. EVERY DARN TIME. So people just gave up and zerg it down instead.

ZAM, really? The word for passing wind is censored?
#22 Sep 19 2014 at 7:36 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Catwho wrote:
The purpose of guildhests was actually supposed to teach you mechanics you'll encounter in dungeons around that level, especially dungeon bosses, so you don't get surprised when goblins start throwing bombs at you, or when bubbles pop on you and do damage.

I think some of them are just poorly designed, though. The very first one that has you try to pluck mandies away from the goobue - it links every time. EVERY DARN TIME. So people just gave up and zerg it down instead.

ZAM, really? The word for passing wind is censored?

The problem with the Goobbue is that nobody tells you that you can just WAIT for the Purple Circle to disappear.

It is inconsistent with the rest of the game: When there's a purple circle, stepping into it instantly makes the aggressive mobs pop that you must kill, right?

Not in THIS Guildhest, no. You're supposed to wait and then the mobs appear. If you waited, you can pull the mobs without linking the Goobbue (assuming you waited outside the circle).

But nowhere in the Guildhest does it actually TELL you this, though.

In fact, the guy in the Guildhest says "That purple circle is a danger zone, pull the mobs before the goobbue sees you" (pp).

I didn't know this, until I finally saw a tank do it right, and then I was like "OOOOH, that's freaking Lame." because it behaves differently than the rest of the game with respect to purple danger zones.

While I wouldn't really disagree with upping the rewards, the real issue of the quest aspect is it was a retroactive addition to mostly antiquated and largely unpopular party content. Overall, it's just a weird form of tier gating that's harder to overtake because of the unpopularity. So, if one makes the rewards too good, you might breed some resentment from those who don't really want to add them to a daily rotation, achievement hunt, or whatever other possible quest relations.

As others have said, Guildhests are supposed to be those places where you go where NPCs tell you how to play the game. It is quite an ingenious feature, but as you said it is unpopular and I can't help but to believe it is unpopular because it gives little-to-no rewards in-game. It teaches players, and that's awesome, but it isn't enough for your average joe to actually care about doing them.

Now, if you added some good rewards that are good until Lv50 (that way, endgamers don't feel the need to endlessly spam these every single day amongst all the other stuff they're already doing), then maybe lower-level people would do them more, thus a more populated Roulette queue.

I mean, really, why do people not like Guildhests?

1). Long Wait Times on the ones your forced to do
2). Very little rewards
3). No real "reason" to do them outside of those few times you're forced to

If you gave them rewards and buffed them up a bit, then you'd solve all of the above. And I'm sure #4 would be "they're too easy" but... that's kinda the whole point of the Guildhests in the first place. Endgamers are always whining about clueless players,'s the solution. Now we just need to get said clueless players to actually DO the Guildhests. Guildhests won't solve laziness, but if you dangle some rewards in front of their faces, they might be more inclined to do them. Of course, Extremely lazy players will still stand in the bad, etc, not because they don't know, but because they can't be bothered to do better. Guildhests won't solve that, no. But still, if even a few players who honestly didn't know/realize some of this stuff are taught, the game comes out better for it as a whole.

Also, I think the Guildhest system could have been better introduced; they wait until Lv50 (and AFTER Ultima Weapon!!) until they say "Oh, btw, you should do some of these low-level Guildhests..." then, you know all of this stuff (or should already, after going that far through the Main Quest Line) already. The only reason they want YOU in the Guildhests, is to teach other players.... but the problem is, the lower level players aren't doing the Hests 'cept for a bit of extra XP (and it is usually the same 2-4 Hests over and over again which teaches nothing).

I think, TBH, some of these Hests should ashown up in earlier stages of the Main Quest Line, one at a time sparsed throughout the Main Quest Line, and the Hests themselves should have had some Main Quest Lore as to why you're actually doing them. I mean, 'cmon, capturing a Gil Turtle by putting it to sleep? Surely they coulda thought of something that actually had something to do with the MQ or something instead.

Edited, Sep 19th 2014 9:46am by Lyrailis
#23 Sep 19 2014 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
11,159 posts
Eh, I feel like calling them training wheels for dungeons is kind of flimsy. Trash mobs aren't really anything special, but at the same time, mastering the Tonberry King encounter doesn't really teach me anything about fighting Siren. You may find similar mechanics from time to time, but in the end, an overall combination of things is likely to make the connection pretty weak. In turn, fighting that specific boss, presuming you do fail, is likely the better teacher. Of course, I'm more than aware of the backwards philosophy that some believe anyone who PUGs should know anything and everything about an encounter, complete with reading guides, watching videos, linking achievements, and sticking gil up their moogle's hindquarters just cuz.

But then, if you do buff rewards considerably, this presents something that might ire raiders similar to as Hunts did. Why bother running the dungeons if you could skip all the trash and running through select vistas over and over when you can just pop a boss and get it over with? Us XI vets could certainly liken such to BCs or later ??? popped mobs, but their rewards were often niche. XIV's approach would likely have to be broader, both to capture interest and maintain it. Yet at the same time, we DO have Hunts and even Treasure Maps, which is practically risking being the same thing, just with a different name attached to it. So, in my thinking of GHs being a failed system, it would probably be wiser for SE to abandon it and instead focus on those two for greater open world challenges with maps being the more on-demand model even if I do believe Hunts should get some popped versions.

Don't get me wrong, I have no love for people who think there should only be one form of meaningful endgame, but let's not pretend everything a MMO does has to be treated like a hit. Some ideas flop. And that's okay as long devs are still actually trying newer things, too, and learning from those mistakes. No amount of lobbing shinies onto the proverbial **** will really make people love bad content all the more, which is largely the basis of my warning for building resentment. Hell, that's pretty much why I hated Neo-anything in XI because I thought I was done with that stuff, only for SE to throw in new level loot with a couple event tweaks. Nevermind the hohum of RME grinding there.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#24 Sep 19 2014 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
1,310 posts
Catwho wrote:
The purpose of guildhests was actually supposed to teach you mechanics you'll encounter in dungeons around that level, especially dungeon bosses, so you don't get surprised when goblins start throwing bombs at you, or when bubbles pop on you and do damage.

I think some of them are just poorly designed, though. The very first one that has you try to pluck mandies away from the goobue - it links every time. EVERY DARN TIME. So people just gave up and zerg it down instead.

ZAM, really? The word for passing wind is censored?

I think what bothers me most is that there are multiple linking mobs in the three groups, but Marauders don't have an AoE hate move at level 10 (unless they cross-classed Flash), and they don't have a ranged pull move, either.

Edited, Sep 23rd 2014 9:41am by Xoie
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