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2.38 Patch Notes are up!!Follow

#52 Sep 16 2014 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
I just checked on Ultros and all of the decent small plots in the Lavender Beds are gone. There are plenty still available if you don't mind the crappy view, but I do. I won't be spending that much gil unless I'm getting what I want out of it. I suppose I'll have to wait until 2.4 to get a house.
#53 Sep 16 2014 at 4:50 PM Rating: Good
1,310 posts
Raylo wrote:
OMG Yoshi-P said something last December that ended up not being true 9 months later! LET'S GET HIM!

The Official Forums are nothing if not a torch and pitchfork dispensary. Smiley: lol
#54 Sep 16 2014 at 6:29 PM Rating: Good
Jack of All Trades
29,633 posts
In my reply, I wrote: “I can say that prices will be completely separate from Free Company housing, and, naturally, far more affordable.”

What this meant was the following:
The prices will be completely separate from Free Company land prices (At the time of Patch 2.1)
We’ll be making the prices much cheaper than what they are currently (At the time of Patch 2.1)

#55 Sep 16 2014 at 6:59 PM Rating: Good
3,825 posts
Inflation is a *****... Why do I have to pay 30+k for the same model car that was 6kish when it was released...
#56 Sep 16 2014 at 6:59 PM Rating: Good
3,825 posts
Dang phone...

Edited, Sep 17th 2014 1:01am by Perrin
#57 Sep 16 2014 at 7:00 PM Rating: Good
3,825 posts
Dang phone x2

Edited, Sep 17th 2014 1:01am by Perrin
#58 Sep 16 2014 at 7:38 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Catwho wrote:
You can add capacity to servers a lot more easily, but if your server hardware is already maxed out and you didn't adequately plan ahead for expansion, you'll eventually hit a wall and have to upgrade the entire kid and caboodle. One of the things we determined was that they burned up their entire 2014 hardware budget trying to add enough hardware to even RUN the game properly last fall. Once SE releases their 2015 funds, probably next March, they'll be able to do a thorough datacenter overhaul to get the latest and greatest stuff.

I'll agree that this is likely the case, but I gotta ask myself... how long should it take to implement enough space so that players can enjoy things like queue-free logins, available housing, ect. As much as it gets thrown in my face, the fact that I don't subscribe to the game currently is almost continually reaffirmed.

I'm not saying it's not worth it at all, just that it's not worth it to me. Most of what I've seen implemented from this team is almost from the perspective of a developer who wants to meet their goal, not exceed it. Sure it's great if more than [insert goal here] people subscribe, but we're not going to go above and beyond our expectations simply because our players do. It's sad because I wanted this to be my MMO of choice. There have been many improvements, but the principle of not wanting to meet the needs of the players alone would keep me from enjoying it Smiley: glare

Nashred wrote:
They have had plenty of time to get ready for this...

Yes and no. They could have delayed the release as long as it took. It was already nearly 3 years so what's a few more months right? Well unfortunately they didn't leave themselves any breathing room.

I've been a part of at least a dozen alpha/beta tests, but I've never seen:
1) An open beta that was so short, especially one that had as many bugs and errors as XIV's did...
2) An open beta so close to launch.

So basically they didn't have plenty of time, but it was a result of their own poor planning. With as many people as there were having issues during beta, I doubt that there would have been a backlash if they came out and said something like...

"Hey, you guys greatly exceeded our expectations as far as how many people were interested in playing this game. We understand that there were many issues in testing and we really don't want to keep the players from enjoying the game, but we're going to need to take some time to make sure that everyone has the experience they deserve. [Insert spiel about first failed launch and how they want to avoid that again, followed by a brief apology and the usual 'look forward to it'â„¢]."

Hindsight I guess, but they seem to keep running into the same issues implementing all these things before they've actually gone to the trouble of sorting out the overlying problem.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#59 Sep 16 2014 at 8:25 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
I'll agree that this is likely the case, but I gotta ask myself... how long should it take to implement enough space so that players can enjoy things like queue-free logins, available housing, ect. As much as it gets thrown in my face, the fact that I don't subscribe to the game currently is almost continually reaffirmed.

WoW is what, again, 10 years old? 9?

Just ask some people on the largest servers about queues to log in. Yup, WoW still has them. In fact, they recently did free migrations to get people OFF those servers.

"Eliminating Queues" is not so easy.

If it were so easy, don't you think SE/Blizz would have done that? Do you think they are intentionally holding back giving the players what they want?

I'm not saying it's not worth it at all, just that it's not worth it to me. Most of what I've seen implemented from this team is almost from the perspective of a developer who wants to meet their goal, not exceed it. Sure it's great if more than [insert goal here] people subscribe, but we're not going to go above and beyond our expectations simply because our players do. It's sad because I wanted this to be my MMO of choice. There have been many improvements, but the principle of not wanting to meet the needs of the players alone would keep me from enjoying it Smiley: glare

It'd be silly to think that they're just trying for the status quo and nothing else. They have to weigh practicality vs returns; yeah sure they could get, say, another 10% subscribers, but is it worth the hundreds of thousands of dollars thrown at it? If you're already doing well, do you take on costly, risky ventures only to see very little return out of it?

Look at some of the failed things in FFXI: Pankration, to name one. They spent development time on that, people poked at it for a few weeks then nobody touched it ever again hardly. That was a colossal waste of manpower to design, code, and implement that failed system. It seems to be Yoshi-P wants to avoid doing stuff like that; if he's going to implement something in the game, he wants to make sure it was worth the cost.

Nashred wrote:
They have had plenty of time to get ready for this...

Yes and no. They could have delayed the release as long as it took. It was already nearly 3 years so what's a few more months right? Well unfortunately they didn't leave themselves any breathing room.

I've been a part of at least a dozen alpha/beta tests, but I've never seen:
1) An open beta that was so short, especially one that had as many bugs and errors as XIV's did...
2) An open beta so close to launch.

So basically they didn't have plenty of time, but it was a result of their own poor planning. With as many people as there were having issues during beta, I doubt that there would have been a backlash if they came out and said something like...

"Hey, you guys greatly exceeded our expectations as far as how many people were interested in playing this game. We understand that there were many issues in testing and we really don't want to keep the players from enjoying the game, but we're going to need to take some time to make sure that everyone has the experience they deserve. [Insert spiel about first failed launch and how they want to avoid that again, followed by a brief apology and the usual 'look forward to it'â„¢]."

Hindsight I guess, but they seem to keep running into the same issues implementing all these things before they've actually gone to the trouble of sorting out the overlying problem.

The problem with this, is money. $$$$$.

I recall reading that SE was in a bit of dire straits during the development of ARR. They weren't doing so hot financially and they needed money SOON. They didn't have the luxury of waiting months, half a year, etc not only from a $$$ standpoint, but also from hype as well. People wanted to get their game on, were happy to pay SE.

How do you think they would have felt 6 months later? How many of the original people waiting to sub up would have wanted to sub up 6 months later when they finally had the resources to "do it justice"?

IMO, they didn't have time to wait for everything to be pristine ship-shape condition. They needed ARR out ASAP so they could start getting some returns on all of that money they spent revamping it from 1.0.

Heck, I'm amazed they actually managed to successfully do it. 1.0 was a huge hot mess of a game that, IIRC, went into Free to Play for awhile and eventually went offline for them to completely overhaul, redesign, and re-develop and re-release it all over again. That had to have been quite a pile of cash to dump on a project that was floundering.

I'm thankful they actually managed to pull it off and that it is as good as it is. That is why I'm not whining about stupid little cr*p like player housing.

Edited, Sep 16th 2014 10:27pm by Lyrailis
#60 Sep 16 2014 at 9:19 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
FilthMcNasty wrote:
I've been a part of at least a dozen alpha/beta tests, but I've never seen:
1) An open beta that was so short, especially one that had as many bugs and errors as XIV's did...
2) An open beta so close to launch.

Ask Cat if you don't believe me, but beta tests are only meant to be the final stage before launch, not the beginning of new development and features. Beta follows alpha testing which is usually in-house or close-to-the-vest testing. When alpha testing starts, it means your product is at or very near launch quality already and you're making sure there's no serious problems with it among your inner circle before showing the public at large. Beta starts once alpha testing is completed to satisfaction and meant as a "stress test" for real-world conditions that the smaller pool of alpha testers might have overlooked.

Your idea that longer betas make for better products completely misses the point of the tests. When you see a beta, you're pretty much seeing the final product in action but for a few overlooked bugs at worst. In fact, if a beta is running long, it's probably a bad sign, not a good one. The FFXIV:ARR Beta proved they did their quality testing well in advance of showing the players what they had done, unlike the original 2010 launch in which the beta revealed the complete opposite, and it was too late to do much about it.

As for bugs and errors in FFXIV:ARR, we clearly weren't playing the same game. The glaring problems that did exist at launch were from congestion levels that exceeded their best case scenario. It sucked to experience it, but it meant the game was pretty damn successful, and they did manage to work out the issues within a couple of weeks. By the time a month had gone by, no one even mentioned the problems anymore. Such is the way of successful MMO launches. It had nothing to do with how long the beta was.
#61REDACTED, Posted: Sep 16 2014 at 10:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Yeah, McNasty is fast approaching the "holocaust never happened"-category with a statement like that.
#62 Sep 16 2014 at 11:04 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
I'll agree that this is likely the case, but I gotta ask myself... how long should it take to implement enough space so that players can enjoy things like queue-free logins, available housing, ect. As much as it gets thrown in my face, the fact that I don't subscribe to the game currently is almost continually reaffirmed.

WoW is what, again, 10 years old? 9?

Just ask some people on the largest servers about queues to log in. Yup, WoW still has them. In fact, they recently did free migrations to get people OFF those servers.

I haven't had server queue times for games I play that are similar in size to XIV. WoW is a game that at one point had nearly 15 million active accounts and even in an off time like now(end of expansion), there are still millions of players subscribed. XIV is nowhere near that large so the comparison doesn't really make sense.

The game obviously isn't as populated as it was, but as soon as they announce a free login event the server queues are back. I'm not trying to say that it's as easy as plugging in a server and connecting a cable, but it's not something that takes more than a year. It's pretty clear by the free login congestion that they've made no effort to alleviate the issue despite their success.

Lyrailis wrote:
It'd be silly to think that they're just trying for the status quo and nothing else. They have to weigh practicality vs returns; yeah sure they could get, say, another 10% subscribers, but is it worth the hundreds of thousands of dollars thrown at it?

Not the status quo, their own personal goals. There's nothing wrong with having a budget. It makes perfect sense. There is something wrong when you realize your income will be multiples of what you expected and not adjusting accordingly. How many more worlds have been added since those few they tacked on shortly after launch?

Practicality? What is practical about having possibly the shortest open beta in history, mere days before you relaunch a game that(by their own words), they staked the future of their most popular franchise on? What part of the game is that?

Lyrailis wrote:
How do you think they would have felt 6 months later? How many of the original people waiting to sub up would have wanted to sub up 6 months later when they finally had the resources to "do it justice"?

I can't... is this a rhetorical question? Are you suggesting that if the game hadn't launched earlier than it should have that people would have just said ***** it and never subbed or found something else to do? They had already been waiting 3 years Lyralis. I think maybe you forgot?

Housing is only mentioned because it's an example of the first come, first served design philosophy. They never surveyed and found out how many people were interested and then implemented enough space based on that. Maybe that was too practical for them? Instead, they implemented what they wanted to and basically left people to deal with it. I like the game, but I don't like that type of design philosophy and that's why I can't support it. They have an IDGAF attitude when it comes to issues like this instead of trying to make players feel like they're wanted.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#63 Sep 16 2014 at 11:20 PM Rating: Decent
Catwho wrote:
Part of me wonders if the "personal housing will be cheaper than FC housing" was actually in reference to personal rooms, and people just heard what they wanted to hear.

Because personal rooms were definitely cheaper than houses.

Since they also said they are going to be doubling the size of the wards themselves, they could also add in more of an apartment style block as well, with the cheapest prices.

Feel at ease Catwho for the fog is about to be cleared.

Let's look at the small plot starting prices for Asura / Belias / Brynhildr / Famfrit / Lich / Mateus / Unicorn / Yojimbo / Zalera / Zeromus at the time of 2.1:

Fifth-class Plot Fourth-class Plot Third-class Plot Second-class Plot First-class Plot
Small 4,000,000 4,250,000 4,500,000 4,750,000 5,000,000

Now let's look at the same plots at the time of 2.38:

Fifth-class Plot Fourth-class Plot Third-class Plot Second-class Plot First-class Plot
Small 2,000,000 2,125,000 2,250,000 2,375,000 2,500,000

Yoshida said that personal housing will be cheaper than the current FC housing (at the time of 2.1).

Personal housing is half the price of the FC housing (at the time of 2.1). This is for the new servers. For some of the Legacy servers, the difference is frankly enormous.

Fifth-class Plot Fourth-class Plot Third-class Plot Second-class Plot First-class Plot
Small 4,000,000 4,250,000 4,500,000 4,750,000 5,000,000


Fifth-class Plot Fourth-class Plot Third-class Plot Second-class Plot First-class Plot
Small 40,000,000 42,500,000 45,000,000 47,500,000 50,000,000

Of course, this does not take into account the massive inflation that happened between December 2013 and September 2014 due to the new methods of obtaining gil out of thin air. 4 million in December '13 is worth significantly more than 4 million in September '14.
#64 Sep 17 2014 at 4:12 AM Rating: Excellent
11,159 posts
Thayos wrote:
Looking at the OFs, it's clear people need to realize that paying a subscription fee doesn't require Yoshi-P to give you the VIP treatment... and that seems to be what people are expecting.

I have a philosophy here where focusing time and resources on content the majority can't experience is pretty much a waste of said time and resources. While this is generally aimed at the hardcore 5%-ers and the like for endgame who believe an MMO revolves around them, it's actually proving applicable in this housing situation for a few reasons. The first being the cost. The second being the hardware/server limitations effectively limiting plots available if you can overcome the first issue. The third is perhaps the overall perception of housing, ranging from total apathy to the "OMGitcan'tgetherefastenough!" kind of thinking. Since it's largely fluff content, I personally err toward apathy, but it's that reason that also makes me headshake hard at the existence of the first two issues. As well, if housing ever does become the hub of anything truly pertinent, which is borderline with things like gardening and chocobo raising, well...

In the end, what troubles me most is the fact there are people sitting back and calling others entitled or wanting VIP treatment despite the fact a service they're paying for is unavailable to them. No, it is not the bulk of XIV's content. Sure, a little slack could and should be cut here and there to iron out live issues. However, XIV's housing system has had issues since day one with no real immediate sign that they're going away. Again, yes, cost and availability. Though FC housing adds the layer of someone not-the-leader always being at risk for losing their room and investment(s) with naught but a swift guild kick. That lack of security can be unnerving and it only takes a night to make an FC explode.

Whether you personally care enough or not, people still have a right to be PO'd here. I can't even call this a "lost in translation" issue since I have no doubt the JPs are fuming in their own way, resulting in not one, but two general releases on the matter with the translators doing their thing after the fact. Yes, it's PR fire control. Sure, maybe Yoshi doesn't have the pull/resources he needs. But at that point, it's really just FFXI all over again with SE not giving them what they need to make things happen because funding other mostly one-off projects is more important than bolstering your sustainable cash cow(s).
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#65 Sep 17 2014 at 4:53 AM Rating: Good
392 posts
Is it a bad thing that the new unsheathed /changepose's have rekindled my desire to play pld and mnk again?? I hope they add more of these. ^.^
#66 Sep 17 2014 at 5:05 AM Rating: Decent
Seriha wrote:
Thayos wrote:
Looking at the OFs, it's clear people need to realize that paying a subscription fee doesn't require Yoshi-P to give you the VIP treatment... and that seems to be what people are expecting.

I have a philosophy here where focusing time and resources on content the majority can't experience is pretty much a waste of said time and resources. While this is generally aimed at the hardcore 5%-ers and the like for endgame who believe an MMO revolves around them, it's actually proving applicable in this housing situation for a few reasons.

Housing is experienced by the majority, what are you even talking about? Personal housing isn't, but the costs of flipping a switch to make plots purchasable by a single person must not have exactly made them broke.
#67 Sep 17 2014 at 5:43 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
I can't... is this a rhetorical question? Are you suggesting that if the game hadn't launched earlier than it should have that people would have just said **** it and never subbed or found something else to do? They had already been waiting 3 years Lyralis.I think maybe you forgot?

That's exactly the freaking point I was trying to make.

What do you think would have happened, if you advertise a game that they had been waiting three years to have fun with, AND then during Beta......right before launch, they go "Sorry guys, you have to wait another 6 months!"

How many people would have said "Aw, scr*w it..." and walked away, their faith in the whole mess lost?

Delays kill hype. Some die hard fans will remain and sub up on opening day or even pre-order, but how many die hard fans are there compared to just regular people who just wanna play? As it is, I myself did not sub up right away because face it... I never would have expected them to actually pull this off and do it well. I saw the ARR Beta and it looked awesome, but then I heard that it was plagued with congestion problems and at the time I was like "lol, so they still didn't actually get the game to a good state?" after 3 years. So I wound up not bothering until I saw it on Steam at a discount (which was an awesome idea, btw). Then I said "aw **** it, I'll try it, if it is good I'll sub up." because it was like $15 IIRC and I knew I'd get more hours out of that game than I would most AAA singleplayer titles even if I didn't sub up.

I think waiting 6 months would have cost them some hype, and I'm not sure they had the money to keep throwing hardware at the game to cover the congestion issues without getting some revenue in first. Remember, SE was not doing all that great financially around the time of ARR's release if I remember the timeline right. They needed the money. Even if you'd argue the Hype thing is a non-issue, the cold hard cash very much was an issue. They had already spent a huge pile of money revamping the game, AND it turned out to be far more popular than they had anticipated.

IMO, I can't help but to think people are thinking they have crystal balls they can look into and see the future before it actually arrives or somecrap. Sometimes unexpected things happen.

Housing is only mentioned because it's an example of the first come, first served design philosophy. They never surveyed and found out how many people were interested and then implemented enough space based on that. Maybe that was too practical for them? Instead, they implemented what they wanted to and basically left people to deal with it. I like the game, but I don't like that type of design philosophy and that's why I can't support it. They have an IDGAF attitude when it comes to issues like this instead of trying to make players feel like they're wanted.

Maybe they had a pretty good idea of how many people wanted their own personal houses (they are able to pull data like "how many people can afford one?"), and they knew that they could not accommodate them all from the get-go?

Maybe they have an idea coming down the pike a bit later (everybody keeps mentioning Patch 2.4) to give players more housing options? Maybe they expect players to actually wait and see what happens? Even if they had polled the playerbase, what if Yoshi-P is actually telling the truth when he says that the servers just couldn't handle 50 more wards to make sure everybody has a house? Maybe they changed their mind in creating entirely new residential areas just for private housing rather than using all of those empty plots you saw everywhere prior to this patch? I remember, before this patch, you opened your map up and... maybe 20% of all the plots in a ward were actually used, usually the big ones. Those small plots were all empty.

Isn't it more practical to put those to good use rather than let them sit there unused? Since FCs don't want small houses, they figured maybe individual players might, since the big ones are crazy expensive?

Doesn't that sound like a more practical plan to have the individuals buying those small houses? It does to me. *shrugs* You already got resources. They're not being used. Might as well use them.

Edited, Sep 17th 2014 7:49am by Lyrailis

Edited, Sep 17th 2014 7:50am by Lyrailis
#68 Sep 17 2014 at 6:44 AM Rating: Good
1,036 posts
I feel the approach on this should have been don't release something a large element of the population desire that only a tiny percentage of the population will be able to experience.

Unless they monumentally failed to translate the interest from the playerbase on this subject they had to realise this was going to create one **** of a stink by releasing it in such a poorly implemented way.

Colour me amazed that the place old Nick lives is actually censored.

Edited, Sep 17th 2014 12:45pm by Releaser
Fey :: Excalibur :: FFXIV
Releaser :: Fenrir :: FFXI
Grizzlebeard :: Drinal :: EQ
Crossbones :: Aggramar :: WoW
#69 Sep 17 2014 at 7:09 AM Rating: Good
Thanks for the clarification, Hyanmen. That makes sense.

I can still really only think of a few reasons someone would want their own personal house:
- Personal garden because they are in a big FC and don't have gardening rights
- Not in a FC at all, or in one with dead leadership
- Decoration addiction (I call this The Sims Syndrome.)

It's not like you can equip your house and show it off in Mor Dhona. It's not like you can customize the build of them beyond the pre-fab options that the game gives you. It's not like it gives you additional storage space.

It's vanity, pure and simple, and a gil sink.

I'm going to wait and see what other additions they make in 2.4 before I plop down any more cash. My wallet is still hurting from helping out with the FC mansion and spending over a million gil on my personal room in it.
#70 Sep 17 2014 at 7:40 AM Rating: Good
1,036 posts
Catwho wrote:
It's vanity, pure and simple, and a gil sink.

To be fair, vanity represents a huge element of FFXIV. We have two alliance raids (CT/ST) that are primarily for that purpose alone. Then factor in the entire Glamour system, multiple mounts, minions, etc.

Also, while I'm venturing dangerously into being branded sexist here, I'd say female players represent a large percentage of the people interested in personal housing. As far back as FFXI this was the case and experiences in EQ2 reinforced this. Most of the male players I've shared those games with couldn't give a fig about housing unless there was some tangible in-game buff/benefit to be gained from it and yet their female counterparts used to invest huge amounts of time designing interiors of housing and coming up with pretty amazing results for the most part. I used to let a RL friend have access to my EQ2 house and I'd log in each evening and marvel at some of the stuff she'd come up with.

The paradox of FFXIV seems to be S-E maintains they want this game to be less of a punishing hardcore grind than FFXI and yet they take content that was previously freely accessible at early levels and stick it behind unwelcome and unnecessary time/gilsinks.
Fey :: Excalibur :: FFXIV
Releaser :: Fenrir :: FFXI
Grizzlebeard :: Drinal :: EQ
Crossbones :: Aggramar :: WoW
#71 Sep 17 2014 at 7:49 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Xoie wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
I've been a part of at least a dozen alpha/beta tests, but I've never seen:
1) An open beta that was so short, especially one that had as many bugs and errors as XIV's did...
2) An open beta so close to launch.

Ask Cat if you don't believe me, but beta tests are only meant to be the final stage before launch, not the beginning of new development and features. Beta follows alpha testing which is usually in-house or close-to-the-vest testing. When alpha testing starts, it means your product is at or very near launch quality already and you're making sure there's no serious problems with it among your inner circle before showing the public at large. Beta starts once alpha testing is completed to satisfaction and meant as a "stress test" for real-world conditions that the smaller pool of alpha testers might have overlooked.

Your idea that longer betas make for better products completely misses the point of the tests. When you see a beta, you're pretty much seeing the final product in action but for a few overlooked bugs at worst. In fact, if a beta is running long, it's probably a bad sign, not a good one. The FFXIV:ARR Beta proved they did their quality testing well in advance of showing the players what they had done, unlike the original 2010 launch in which the beta revealed the complete opposite, and it was too late to do much about it.

As for bugs and errors in FFXIV:ARR, we clearly weren't playing the same game. The glaring problems that did exist at launch were from congestion levels that exceeded their best case scenario. It sucked to experience it, but it meant the game was pretty **** successful, and they did manage to work out the issues within a couple of weeks. By the time a month had gone by, no one even mentioned the problems anymore. Such is the way of successful MMO launches. It had nothing to do with how long the beta was.

I have done lots of beta testing both games and software.. I have tested for Microsoft for Xbox live, NT server etc. I have done several games too..
Beta length depends on what phase you get in on beta testing.. Most game are not real beta test. They are really a scam to get people to try the game for free. most of the time there is not even bug reporting.

But again they had time to come up with more housing they announced it in like December.

Thayos wrote:
That's what he always does.


Yoshi-P has got to be one of the most honest, forthcoming MMO producers in the industry right now. He's always been as honest as he can reasonably be with the playerbase.

In this case, SE screwed up (in my opinion) by not delaying personal housing a couple more months until 2.4. But to infer he's dishonest because economic circumstances in the game have changed over the past 10 months is highly irrational. Obviously, the development team knew players would be upset by how economic circumstances adversely affected their original goals for personal housing, and they chose to wait until this patch to break the news, rather than break it prematurely and risk causing further economic/emotional upheaval.

Heck, while breaking the bad news, he also explained why they took the action they did AND explained how they plan to address the issue going forward.

Looking at the OFs, it's clear people need to realize that paying a subscription fee doesn't require Yoshi-P to give you the VIP treatment... and that seems to be what people are expecting. He's done an amazing job turning around this game, and ARR continues to head in a strong direction. He's kept us in the loop about most things, and usually follows through on his promises. When he can't deliver, he explains why, just as he did here.

Not like he needs any positive energy from us, but cut the man some slack.

Edited, Sep 16th 2014 2:11pm by Thayos

He may have been honest on other things but he wasn't on this.. You even hint at it in your post that he waited to the last minute because he knew what the reaction would be, Well that not being open with people, that is the opposite. That means he knew how his comments were interpreted and waited to the last minute, that is deceiving people..

Here is the real problem and why allot of people are upset.. This was done to take money out of the hands of the rich and it dont.. It gets them more money because it is really about gardening and right now that is where the money is.. So the rich can afford bigger houses with more gardens and they can buy up the houses and get a head start making more money before the next house release. It may make the economics worse. It also pushes more towards gill sellers which is why there has been a explosion in the amount of spam from them lately.

Tesee is upset because she had her heart set on a garden, not to make money like the rest but it was what she wanted to do in the game and the rug was ripped out from under her. She also wanted a house so she could decorate it the way she wanted too..Its not that she thinks she is entitled but in-reality she is.. She pays the same monthly fee as the rest but cant enjoy the game the way she wants too.. She probably plays more than most... She saved basically what she should have paid based on his comments and now she didn't get the house she wanted based on what he said.

It has even Tes now thinking this game aint worth it and is more stress than fun... All the years of playing FFXI we never saw anything like this.. Everything is about gil lately the novus and the housing.The housing in FFXI was for the most part quested..

Anyway is is my last post on this subject I have said what I wanted to say and there is nothing I can change so that's it.

Edited, Sep 17th 2014 10:07am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#72 Sep 17 2014 at 7:58 AM Rating: Good
392 posts
Catwho wrote:
Thanks for the clarification, Hyanmen. That makes sense.

I can still really only think of a few reasons someone would want their own personal house:
- Personal garden because they are in a big FC and don't have gardening rights
- Not in a FC at all, or in one with dead leadership
- Decoration addiction (I call this The Sims Syndrome.)

It's not like you can equip your house and show it off in Mor Dhona. It's not like you can customize the build of them beyond the pre-fab options that the game gives you. It's not like it gives you additional storage space.

It's vanity, pure and simple, and a gil sink.

I'm going to wait and see what other additions they make in 2.4 before I plop down any more cash. My wallet is still hurting from helping out with the FC mansion and spending over a million gil on my personal room in it.

Eventually you will be able to display armor sets too, but as you have put it, it is simply a vanity. I would not mind my own house/chocobo stable/garden ect ect, but I will wait to see if the prices drop. I know a lot of FC members have already gotten then along with my better-half.

I do find these houses to be a way to socialize with friends.
#73 Sep 17 2014 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
RyanSquires wrote:
Catwho wrote:
Thanks for the clarification, Hyanmen. That makes sense.

I can still really only think of a few reasons someone would want their own personal house:
- Personal garden because they are in a big FC and don't have gardening rights
- Not in a FC at all, or in one with dead leadership
- Decoration addiction (I call this The Sims Syndrome.)

It's not like you can equip your house and show it off in Mor Dhona. It's not like you can customize the build of them beyond the pre-fab options that the game gives you. It's not like it gives you additional storage space.

It's vanity, pure and simple, and a gil sink.

I'm going to wait and see what other additions they make in 2.4 before I plop down any more cash. My wallet is still hurting from helping out with the FC mansion and spending over a million gil on my personal room in it.

Eventually you will be able to display armor sets too, but as you have put it, it is simply a vanity. I would not mind my own house/chocobo stable/garden ect ect, but I will wait to see if the prices drop. I know a lot of FC members have already gotten then along with my better-half.

I do find these houses to be a way to socialize with friends.

Question, you said your better half got a house, can it be shared like a room mate? Is it only the person who buys the house able to use stuff like the garden or stable ect?

Edited, Sep 17th 2014 10:01am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#74 Sep 17 2014 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
I have done lots of beta testing both games and software.. I have tested for Microsoft for Xbox live, NT server etc. I have done several games too..
Beta length depends on what phase you get in on beta testing.. Most game are not real beta test. They are really a scam to get people to try the game for free. most of the time there is not even bug reporting.

But again they had time to come up with more housing they announced it in like December.

No matter how rigorously you alpha/beta/UAT (user acceptance test) something, bugs will slip through the cracks. There will be scenarios you didn't even think could happen - that happen, and cause unintended consequences.

Beta tests and user acceptance tests are supposed to simulate the live running of the whole software package, the server and the client and any bits in between. They're not looking for any functional design feedback at that point, although if you learn during UAT that the people who are playing the game or using the software despise it, then you might have to halt UAT and go fix it. Wildstar had to do that after one of their early betas, and the game came out better for it.

XIV 1.0 failed because they didn't do what Wildstar did. They didn't listen to their early alpha and beta players telling them it was terrible. As someone at SE said, they were arrogant.

Wildstar probably looked at that lesson from 1.0 and realized it was better to halt and fix the UI problems while they were still in early beta, rather than launch with a terrible interface and end up where 1.0 did - scrapped, with low odds of a successful rebuild.
#75 Sep 17 2014 at 9:05 AM Rating: Decent
Releaser wrote:
The paradox of FFXIV seems to be S-E maintains they want this game to be less of a punishing hardcore grind than FFXI and yet they take content that was previously freely accessible at early levels and stick it behind unwelcome and unnecessary time/gilsinks.

It's not that they don't want the game to be a less punishing hardcore grind, they just want to hide the hardcore grind behind vanity stuff/optional content, not the content that makes you stronger (which for most players is the core of the game). If there is content not accessible to everyone, it's better that it's optional and vanity stuff instead of some vital aspect of the game as a whole like gearing up in FFXI. Well, that's their design philosophy anyway, which I personally agree with, but not everyone does. I think that it's good for any game in the long run that there is more than just welfare content. Of course, the opinion of the best ratio at which resources should be prioritized for either group differs pretty much for every player.

Edited, Sep 17th 2014 3:08pm by Hyanmen
#76 Sep 17 2014 at 9:17 AM Rating: Good
1,036 posts
Hyanmen wrote:

It's not that they don't want the game to be a less punishing hardcore grind, they just want to hide the hardcore grind behind vanity stuff/optional content, not the content that makes you stronger (which for most players is the core of the game). If there is content not accessible to everyone, it's better that it's optional and vanity stuff instead of some vital aspect of the game as a whole like gearing up in FFXI. Well, that's their design philosophy anyway, which I personally agree with, but not everyone does. I think that it's good for any game in the long run that there is more than just welfare content.

The only real problem I see with that approach is the content they're locking behind significant grinds is the stuff I'd imagine the casual playerbase are primarily interested in. Access to Vanity, Personal Housing, Gardening, and Chocobo Raising are all things that could have been handled with considerable simplicity and fleshed out with considerable timesinks where required. All but the most foolish would expect not to encounter timesinks in MMOs, that's the core of their design, but developing content that the majority of players will struggle to even experience the most basic elements of seems to be a considerably poor allocation of limited resources to me.
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