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2.38 Patch Notes are up!!Follow

#27 Sep 16 2014 at 8:46 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Q: I have enough gil to purchase land, but there aren't enough open spaces. When are you planning to add more land? Also, is there any information you can reveal about personal housing?

Yoshida: Of the ideas we have at the moment, we are trying to make the final decision as to which solution is the quickest and would allow for the most land, as well considering the amount of time and resources it will take. Of course there have been those who have suggested spending millions to enhance the servers, but this would be the last resort for our engineers. We're currently looking into exactly how much we can increase the amount of land with our current resources and we'll be doing this right up to the last minute. If it appears that all other avenues have been exhausted, then I'll make the call to beef up the servers. At the very least, we will be increasing land in patch 2.38 and you'll also be able to start purchasing private housing.

So instead of being proactive they want to be reactive.. Lets see how many people get angry and then we will do something about it..

In the letter they talk about too much congestion in areas like north shroud.They talk about not adding features because of server capacity. You know to me they dont want to spend the money on the game to make it better.. They would rather solve issues by having people quit the game or they fear it is going to happen anyway and have all this extra capacity. It is almost like they dont have confidence in their own game....

To me add servers provide enough space and make the prices reasonable for everyone and make everyone happy that wants a house... Isn't that what gaming is about, fun not frustration? Isn't the goal to make people happy?
Those that cant afford a house are going to get angry...
Also those who cant get on early are going to be angry because small house plots will be sold out which is what most can afford..

Not good for the game just because SE doesn't want to add servers,.

Another quote by Yoshi

Personal Housing

While I cannot give a specific date on when personal housing will be implemented, I can say that prices will be completely separate from free company housing, and, naturally, far more affordable.

Edited, Sep 16th 2014 10:58am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#28 Sep 16 2014 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
392 posts
i really hate the fact that they removed clericstance from pvp seein how sch is the only class i do in pvp. However, i can understand why they did it. My sch could easily 1v1 any other job aside from whm, which a sch vs a whm would have no end. Removing clericstance will simple delay my sch killing someone 1v1. So even though i do not like it, i have to agree that it was the right decision.

I would not be surprised if Holy was next on the chopping block for pvp.
#29 Sep 16 2014 at 9:07 AM Rating: Good
725 posts
Anyone know the rewards for the new Delivery Moogle quests? And also why all the excitement over it? I'm missing something important. /self /hug

Housing: Can I just buy land and use the whole thing to farm? Not have a house on it? Will this increase inventory space for me?


Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#30 Sep 16 2014 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
5,055 posts
i just finished the moogle quest so far nothing just gil and a few shards
#31 Sep 16 2014 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
725 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
i just finished the moogle quest so far nothing just gil and a few shards

Thanks for the update. So sad, too bad...

Name: Ghost Orchid - LEVEL 50 Bard, BLM, WHM, SMN Craft Level 7 Lucis, 6 4-star crafts: CUL, MIN, Wvr, Bsm, Gsm, Arm, Lth, Crp (Fishing and Alc at level 50)
World: Ultros
#32 Sep 16 2014 at 9:47 AM Rating: Good
342 posts
If a bunch of people want to scoop up the individual housing available right now, I say let 'em. The rest of us can just buy nice little ski lodges in Coerthas come 2.4... ;)
#33 Sep 16 2014 at 10:28 AM Rating: Good
5,055 posts
yeah ski lodges thatll cost 500 million
#34 Sep 16 2014 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
I stayed in a ski lodge last spring. It had a fireplace in the room that you controlled with a light switch. I think I spent five minutes flipping that thing on and off in delight.

You can't just "add servers." You have to do a whole bunch of programmatic junk if you want your servers to actually be able to talk to each other. It's easy in theory, it's hard as hell to actually do. Systems integration is one of the gnarlier bits of IT/computer science, and if you want a stable career that pays a lot of money, I'd suggest looking into it. (I like being the project manager, I get to do all the cool planning stuff without the headache that comes with the coding. And paperwork. Gosh I love paperwork. Not sarcasm.)

You can add capacity to servers a lot more easily, but if your server hardware is already maxed out and you didn't adequately plan ahead for expansion, you'll eventually hit a wall and have to upgrade the entire kid and caboodle. One of the things we determined was that they burned up their entire 2014 hardware budget trying to add enough hardware to even RUN the game properly last fall. Once SE releases their 2015 funds, probably next March, they'll be able to do a thorough datacenter overhaul to get the latest and greatest stuff.
#35 Sep 16 2014 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Catwho wrote:
I stayed in a ski lodge last spring. It had a fireplace in the room that you controlled with a light switch. I think I spent five minutes flipping that thing on and off in delight.

You can't just "add servers." You have to do a whole bunch of programmatic junk if you want your servers to actually be able to talk to each other. It's easy in theory, it's hard as **** to actually do. Systems integration is one of the gnarlier bits of IT/computer science, and if you want a stable career that pays a lot of money, I'd suggest looking into it. (I like being the project manager, I get to do all the cool planning stuff without the headache that comes with the coding. And paperwork. Gosh I love paperwork. Not sarcasm.)

You can add capacity to servers a lot more easily, but if your server hardware is already maxed out and you didn't adequately plan ahead for expansion, you'll eventually hit a wall and have to upgrade the entire kid and caboodle. One of the things we determined was that they burned up their entire 2014 hardware budget trying to add enough hardware to even RUN the game properly last fall. Once SE releases their 2015 funds, probably next March, they'll be able to do a thorough datacenter overhaul to get the latest and greatest stuff.

Believe me I know what it takes to add servers...
You do what ever it takes to keep your customers happy or you loose them because you are not the only game in town...

They have had plenty of time to get ready for this...

Edited, Sep 16th 2014 1:11pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#36 Sep 16 2014 at 11:40 AM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
Nashred wrote:
You do what ever it takes to keep your customers happy or you loose them

Whatever it takes, except blindly throw money at the problem. Because then you wind up losing the profit that you were hoping to make off of happy customers. You could even wind up in the hole if people wind up leaving the game in spite of adding more server capacity for personal housing.
#37 Sep 16 2014 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
XIV has apparently re-snagged a lot of folks with the one week login period. Two people I know have quit Wildstar, at least temporarily, to return to Eorzea for the next couple of months.

You don't have to be perfect, even when you're not the only game in town. You just have to be a slightly more attractive time waster than everyone else.
#38 Sep 16 2014 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
svlyons wrote:
Nashred wrote:
You do what ever it takes to keep your customers happy or you loose them

Whatever it takes, except blindly throw money at the problem. Because then you wind up losing the profit that you were hoping to make off of happy customers. You could even wind up in the hole if people wind up leaving the game in spite of adding more server capacity for personal housing.

All I got to say it does not take a genius to know they need more plots... SE even said it themselves they didn't have the capacity in the last live letter. So I dont think it is blindly...


Game design should be to make as many people happy in a game and not make people angry dont you agree? You cant make everyone happy but shouldn't you strive to make as many as possible happy?

Would it have been better to make housing affordable for anyone who want to buy a house could. I certainly dont have that kind of money.

Now most of the small houses on most servers are already gone. So a medium house is certainly not affordable to most.

Would it not have been smart to provide enough small plots for everyone that wanted one..

Plus he flat out lied on the price of housing I suppose that's ok too..
I know like Tesee said someone will say it was a translation error and he really didn't mean it.


Why could they not add apartment/condo style so you could grow plants inside and a stable outside?

Edited, Sep 16th 2014 2:20pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#39 Sep 16 2014 at 12:25 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Ideals always fall in the face of logistics. It's been said over and over again that knowing something and having the capacity to solve that problem are two entirely different things. I've stated this before, and I'll say it again. Yoshida is likely denied the budget rights to add more servers until he's absolutely capped off the capabilities of the ones he had - and he likely does not have a say so on when that's caped. It's likely some bigwig executive gets that say - and given SE's trend to cut inflated costs wherever possible, I'm ninety percent certain his hands are more or less tied here, especially as he's said multiple times in interviews, live streams and now the latest announcement that he's looking for software solutions to the whole capacity problem.

Also, those saying that Yoshida lied failed to pay attention to the several dozen disclaimers saying that they would be evaluating the pricing and adjusting right up to the last moment. Not that I'm happy with the prices either, but being ignorant of changes in statements does not mean you can blindly call someone a liar.

What was a disappointment to me was that the matter of personal housing wasn't individually instanced - but that was my fault for thinking that would be the case of things. Never did they say they were separating individual and player housing, though I think that was a common misunderstanding between players and developers. Housing the way it's happening now is going to explode the server load needed to accompany so much data and processing, when you think of the over two million people that could potentially want a house with only hundreds of plots per server.

Aside from this, the patch was a net positive in many lights. I'm glad they're allowing people to catch up Gear-level wise now that 2.4 is next on the horizon.
#40 Sep 16 2014 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
We're actually in this pinch right now at my job.

1. We have a request to make a website (built on 2006 technology, ew) optimized for mobile
2. We have the data that backs up this request (over half their traffic comes from phones and tablets)
3. We would LOVE to do this. Who doesn't want to play with all the cool new toys?

1. It would cost us twice as much money as we have to build a new mobile friendly website, than it would to fix the broken things on the current website
2. All our developers are sucked away for other projects. I have one guy. Smiley: mad Yeah. One guy to code an entire web application? Not happening. As it is, we're gonna have to hire a contract worker.
3. We have a hard deadline of January to get whatever it is in place, plus all the testing and junk.

Everyone decided the risk was too great, despite us knowing what our customers wanted and needed. We'll be delaying it until next year.... or the year after. In the meantime, we will try to set aside the money we know we're going to need for it. Smiley: frown

Edited, Sep 16th 2014 5:19pm by Catwho
#41 Sep 16 2014 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Ideals always fall in the face of logistics. It's been said over and over again that knowing something and having the capacity to solve that problem are two entirely different things. I've stated this before, and I'll say it again. Yoshida is likely denied the budget rights to add more servers until he's absolutely capped off the capabilities of the ones he had - and he likely does not have a say so on when that's caped. It's likely some bigwig executive gets that say - and given SE's trend to cut inflated costs wherever possible, I'm ninety percent certain his hands are more or less tied here, especially as he's said multiple times in interviews, live streams and now the latest announcement that he's looking for software solutions to the whole capacity problem.

Also, those saying that Yoshida lied failed to pay attention to the several dozen disclaimers saying that they would be evaluating the pricing and adjusting right up to the last moment. Not that I'm happy with the prices either, but being ignorant of changes in statements does not mean you can blindly call someone a liar.

What was a disappointment to me was that the matter of personal housing wasn't individually instanced - but that was my fault for thinking that would be the case of things. Never did they say they were separating individual and player housing, though I think that was a common misunderstanding between players and developers. Housing the way it's happening now is going to explode the server load needed to accompany so much data and processing, when you think of the over two million people that could potentially want a house with only hundreds of plots per server.

Aside from this, the patch was a net positive in many lights. I'm glad they're allowing people to catch up Gear-level wise now that 2.4 is next on the horizon.

You cant come out after you make a statement that personal housing would be cheaper than fc housing and say I am going to reevaluate or adjust after you tell everyone housing prices would be cheaper.. If He said it at the same time but he didn't he said evaluate sometime after....It does not matter if its the last moment. He made a statement and should have stuck too it, that is going back on your word..

That would be like me offering to sell you a camera for a 100 dollars and them coming back later and saying I am going to have to reevaluate the price. What would you say about me?

Edited, Sep 16th 2014 3:00pm by Nashred

Edited, Sep 16th 2014 3:03pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#42 Sep 16 2014 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
You're severely oversimplifying the matter, but it's irrelevant at this point.

People are upset, and understandably so. However, getting as hot blooded as this reaction is makes me embarrassed and frustrated at the community at large. I'll likely be scarce on the forums until the matter cools.
#43 Sep 16 2014 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
Part of me wonders if the "personal housing will be cheaper than FC housing" was actually in reference to personal rooms, and people just heard what they wanted to hear.

Because personal rooms were definitely cheaper than houses.

Since they also said they are going to be doubling the size of the wards themselves, they could also add in more of an apartment style block as well, with the cheapest prices.

Edited, Sep 16th 2014 3:30pm by Catwho
#44 Sep 16 2014 at 2:00 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
I'm disappointed that it's not separate completely, but there's too much already on my plate to be worried about it. Housing will always be a hot commodity and that's something I'm just willing to accept. I'm already well invested in simply using the Private rooms in our FC house to expand on the living areas for my FC family.

The next project is to get 'Hyrist' to 50 so we can build a Kitchen.
#45 Sep 16 2014 at 2:21 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Also, those saying that Yoshida lied failed to pay attention to the several dozen disclaimers saying that they would be evaluating the pricing and adjusting right up to the last moment. Not that I'm happy with the prices either, but being ignorant of changes in statements does not mean you can blindly call someone a liar.

Yeah. The whole "personal housing will be cheaper than FC housing" thing probably wasn't a lie when he originally said it. Problem is that plans change, but instead of understanding and accepting that reality people are all "he lied to us!" instead. It's a no win situation for the devs.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#46 Sep 16 2014 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Required reading.

"Naoki_Yoshida wrote:
Hello, everyone. Producer and Director Yoshida here.

Thank you for all the large amount of feedback regarding the prices of land for personal housing which was implemented in Patch 2.38.

As the current personal housing prices are higher than what players expected, I would like to discuss the statement I made previously regarding the plan to make the personal housing prices cheaper than Free Company housing.

â– Regarding what I saidâ– 
The statement I said was from a post made last December.
At that time, we were correcting the economic disparity between legacy players and new players with regards to Free Company land prices in Patch 2.1. As we were hoping to implement World Transfers as quickly as possible, we set Free Company plot prices on the high side. Due to this, we received a lot of feedback mentioning that even though there were plans for personal housing, there would be no way that players would be able to pay that high of a cost. In my reply, I wrote: “I can say that prices will be completely separate from Free Company housing, and, naturally, far more affordable.”

What this meant was the following:
The prices will be completely separate from Free Company land prices (At the time of Patch 2.1)
We’ll be making the prices much cheaper than what they are currently (At the time of Patch 2.1)

However, reading this again, I realize that this statement is extremely unclear. Also, because I wrote this quickly to try to quell the uneasiness at the time, I ended up causing even more problems for everyone. I sincerely apologize for this.
â– How we decided on the prices for personal housingâ– 
After Patch 2.1 we’d been monitoring the land purchase conditions on all Worlds and largely reducing the prices in stages. Additionally, the original time frame for reaching the lowest land price was three months, which we shortened to one month. Due to this, the prices of land drop several tens of thousands of gil every six hours. After one month the price would be half of what it was originally.

Additionally, in order to stimulate the in-game economy after Patch 2.1, we increased the methods in which you can obtain gil and the average amount of gil all players possess increased severalfold. We are constantly checking the amount of gil everyone possesses, and based on this we made the decision that the starting prices of personal housing should be the land prices at the time that Patch 2.3 was implemented.

Focus will always be on the prices at release, but after one month these prices will be halved. The average amount of gil in possession is much greater than you all imagine, and we are concerned that if we were to lower the cost of land for personal housing any further it would exacerbate problems like RMT and the purchase of land by secondary characters.

As we have also received requests to make it so you can garden and raise chocobos from personal houses, we strived to develop personal housing with the same core features as Free Company houses to address this feedback.

When setting the prices, it’s not as though we didn’t even consider whether we should separate the prices for Free Company land and personal housing land; however, looking at the current economic conditions and also considering future expansion we decided to make the prices the same. I apologize and hope for your understanding.
â– The reason why Free Company houses and personal houses are in the same areasâ– 
The biggest reason is to ensure the effective utilization of land. FFXIV is entering a stable period and the amount of newly created Free Companies is gently declining, therefore the demand for new Free Company houses will also decline. Additionally, with expansions to the land sale feature, after the demand for land has been fulfilled there will gradually be land openings in the wards.

On the other hand, when it comes to personal housing, with the constant increase in the amount of gil everyone possesses, as time passes the demand for personal housing will increase and a large amount of open land will be necessary.

If we were to separate Free Company housing and personal housing into different areas, in the event that Free Company land opens up I believe we would then receive requests asking to make it possible to build personal houses on those plots. So in order to balance the two we made it possible to purchase land in the same housing areas and feel this will allow for land to be utilized efficiently.
â– In conclusionâ– 
In regards to the housing system, there are a lot of elements that are intertwined with each other. For example, the hefty amount of gil required to purchase, or whether you play within a Free Company or by yourself, and also due to the fact that the implementation cost and the allocation of demands becomes more complex, there are times when the decisions made by the development team are not always in perfect alignment with the thoughts of the players.

However, similar to what we did after Patch 2.1, we will be doing our best to answer everyone’s feedback and demands, but we would like to ask for some time. Thank you very much.

Talk about lost in translation x.x

My reaction:

Edited, Sep 16th 2014 4:30pm by Hyrist
#47 Sep 16 2014 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Hyrist wrote:
Required reading.

Talk about lost in translation x.x

My reaction:

Edited, Sep 16th 2014 4:30pm by Hyrist

Haha Exactly what excuse Tesee said he would use read my previous post.. Lost in translation. That's what he always does.
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#48 Sep 16 2014 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
All of this outcry over......player houses? *blink*

I don't really understand it myself; if you're in an FC you have a house already probably. You even get your own private quarters if you want furniture put a certain way.

I can understand wanting a house, but when technical limitations rear their ugly heads (especially when it comes to hardware that cost in the 5+ digits), you'd think some people would take a step back and say "it was a nice idea, but maybe it just isn't practical for them to give every player their own house" and leave it at that?

Oh, no, that'd take some rational thought, which is drowned out by the "GIMMEGIMMEGIMMEGIMMENAO!" mentalities that a lot of players seem to have.

Relax, guys. It isn't the end of Eorzea if every player on the server can't have his/her own large mansion at the snap of the fingers.

EDIT: My apologies for the snideness in this post (it wasn't intentional), but seriously. This is a LOT of b*tthurt from players over something so small that might eventually be fixed. Just calm down already, yeesh.

Edited, Sep 16th 2014 4:54pm by Lyrailis
#49 Sep 16 2014 at 3:05 PM Rating: Excellent
That's what he always does.


Yoshi-P has got to be one of the most honest, forthcoming MMO producers in the industry right now. He's always been as honest as he can reasonably be with the playerbase.

In this case, SE screwed up (in my opinion) by not delaying personal housing a couple more months until 2.4. But to infer he's dishonest because economic circumstances in the game have changed over the past 10 months is highly irrational. Obviously, the development team knew players would be upset by how economic circumstances adversely affected their original goals for personal housing, and they chose to wait until this patch to break the news, rather than break it prematurely and risk causing further economic/emotional upheaval.

Heck, while breaking the bad news, he also explained why they took the action they did AND explained how they plan to address the issue going forward.

Looking at the OFs, it's clear people need to realize that paying a subscription fee doesn't require Yoshi-P to give you the VIP treatment... and that seems to be what people are expecting. He's done an amazing job turning around this game, and ARR continues to head in a strong direction. He's kept us in the loop about most things, and usually follows through on his promises. When he can't deliver, he explains why, just as he did here.

Not like he needs any positive energy from us, but cut the man some slack.

Edited, Sep 16th 2014 2:11pm by Thayos
Thayos Redblade
#50 Sep 16 2014 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Not like he needs any positive energy from us, but cut the man some slack.

This, along with everything else in that post. People need to stop acting so entitled. Still a great game even if I don't own my own personal huge mansion that I'd do......what with, again? lol.

Ah well. People will be people.......
#51 Sep 16 2014 at 3:48 PM Rating: Good
342 posts
OMG Yoshi-P said something last December that ended up not being true 9 months later! LET'S GET HIM!
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