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#1 Sep 14 2014 at 11:05 PM Rating: Sub-Default
5,055 posts

I dont care what anyone says sure it may be "slow" but that looks far more strategic, structured and final fantasy/RPG like to be... I mean just look next to the party members name... all that buffing and debuffing gone on... what buffs do we get/use now other than Protect and Stoneskin... its like they stripped the game down to the bare basics so that ANYONE can play it without it requiring a shared of intelligence aside from "get out of the orange square/circle". Which is pretty much what SE said I mean when asked about elemental weaknesses they said they left that out to not make things too complex for people lol Umm how complex is "dont cast fire on the fire monster"? or "if its made of fire shoot it with water?" Thats not complex 6 year olds who play Pokemon have that much sense so if Se made the game to be ease to get into for idiots and its aimed at teens and older then all I can say is thank god for those 6 year old pokemon players, that gives me hope in our Future because clearly our Present is pathetic.

Also before you say elemental damage would be dumb on something like lets say Ifrit because BLMS dont know Water they only have Fire and Ice (which is weak) so then BLMs would be locked out of that content, to which I say I 100% agree however i never claimed limiting a blm to two elemental spells instead of ALL of them which giving white mage (i.e the HEALER) the other two elemental spells that a blm should have was an intelligent idea either.. I mean lets look up the definitions shall me...

white mag·ic
noun: white magic

magic used only for good purposes.

Hmmm i dont think Stoning something to death or cutting it to ribbons with the power of Wind would be considered a good purpose.... healing wounds and resurrecting the dead however? Now that sounds like white magic.

black mag·ic
noun: black magic

magic involving the supposed invocation of evil spirits for evil purposes.
synonyms: sorcery, witchcraft, wizardry, necromancy, the black arts, devilry;

Hmmmm burning things to death, drowning them in a torrent of water, freezing them in a block of ice, cutting them to ribbons with wind, stoning them to death..... yup all that sounds like stuff that would fit the definition of black magic... just saying
#2 Sep 14 2014 at 11:17 PM Rating: Decent
such depth
much intelliganz

Nitpicky dictionary strategy of Final Fantasy in all its gloriousness

"Learn tons of strategic elements that give no depth to the gameplay itself and that can be checked from a wiki for no apparent gain for someone who memorized all the details"

so challengeing

We do need more bloat to memorize in this game tbh. Best depth. The guy to memorize all the nitpicky rules is the best & most skilled playa.

Edited, Sep 15th 2014 5:18am by Hyanmen
#3 Sep 15 2014 at 7:23 AM Rating: Excellent
The complexity in XIV ARR is different. BLM, when played right, is as much about the right combinations and rotations as any of the melee jobs, despite only have three elements to play with.

Also, if the only buffs you're seeing on party members is Stoneskin and protect, they're doing it wrong. SCH has a whole suite of extra buffs for party members, too, and each class has its own bevy of status boosts.

#4 Sep 15 2014 at 9:43 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Catwho wrote:
The complexity in XIV ARR is different. BLM, when played right, is as much about the right combinations and rotations as any of the melee jobs, despite only have three elements to play with.

Also, if the only buffs you're seeing on party members is Stoneskin and protect, they're doing it wrong. SCH has a whole suite of extra buffs for party members, too, and each class has its own bevy of status boosts.

yeah SCH has galvanize, but that only lasts a few secs so its only used right before you know youre about to get hit by somethin big.... Pro and stoneskin are the only two buffs that are constant as they last 30 mins, and dont say things like shield/sword oath, internal release etc etc because those are job abilities that enhance only the user if I were talkin about those then, I may as well call Beserk from FFXI a buff too, Im referring to party buffs that are usually cast by mages.

Also Im well aware that BLM is a good DPS (infact in my opinion its the best dps) and its rotations is as important as any melees, my arguement is its library of spells isnt exactly befitting of its job title especially when compared to other black mages in ANY other final fantasy game you can think of.
#5 Sep 15 2014 at 10:26 AM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
Two notes.

First off, remind me never to let you scholar. There are a variance of defensive and offensive buffs provided by the pet that are party wide, depending on your confidence your party, the difference in performance between Selene and Eos is important for your party, especially the higher you go.

Second -

This skill/spell library thing is a dead argument. I mean... the argument is as old as 1.19 when they revamped the skill system.

The problem with other FFs, and especially FFXI, is that it came with effectively bloated spell lists of spells that essentially did the same thing. Given the fact that they are trying to design the game based around ease of use with a console controller, as well as simple design efficiency reasons, it was better to adopt the philosophy of having less skills that were useful for far longer in to the class's life cycle, rather than a bloated spell listing with only the top 10% of the list actually being used with any notable frequency.

The other change was the breakdown of the elemental system between Conjurer and Thaumaturge akin to Final Fantasy III. This was due to the lore of the FFXIV universe. Conjurers focused on the elements of creation (Earth, Water, Wind) where Thaumaturges focused on the elements of destruction. (Fire, Thunder, Ice.) In this matter, they had to rethink the function of each element beyond the typical trope of a weakness cycle, which they summarily discarded.

In the end, the system has more depth within the base mechanics, I would argue, than the archaic elemental wheel which becomes fire-and-forget.

Also, the notion that the size of the spell library is the measure of the worth of any of Final Fantasy's Mages is well, missing the point, in my view.
#6 Sep 15 2014 at 10:35 AM Rating: Excellent
FFXIV had so much diversity. Should I cast refresh, or should I cast haste?
Thayos Redblade
#7 Sep 15 2014 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
4,780 posts
Thayos wrote:
FFXIV had so much diversity. Should I cast refresh, or should I cast haste?

As a Pld, should I sub Warrior, or Sub Wh- Wait, where did my party go?
#8 Sep 15 2014 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
334 posts
Clearly you should cast haste first so you can cast refresh MOAR OFTEN!!111
#9 Sep 15 2014 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
So you are saying this is a dumbed down game..
But honestly the dodge mechanics do feel like that sometimes.. More memory than actual skill sometimes.
I miss haste...
I do miss some of the spells... I agree some were redundant in that game..
Honestly with he dodge mechanics as healer I could not pull off many more spells because you cant cast them while moving and you are constantly moving.

I dont think I could focus on 5 pages of macros like in FFXI in this game. Be way to hard to look at them all and watch what is going on, especially with a controller.

Edited, Sep 15th 2014 1:08pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#10 Sep 15 2014 at 11:07 AM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
You're realizing the reason why a lot of mages are starting to stack more Spell Speed. If it means squeezing out another cast before they have to dodge again, it can usually be better than a few more points on a cast.

I do like that the fights themselves are the complexity and that the mastery of your set skills comes from how quickly you can adapt to new circumstances, not so much having an inflated skillset.
#11 Sep 15 2014 at 11:17 AM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
I may as well call Beserk from FFXI a buff too, Im referring to party buffs that are usually cast by mages.

You might as well call Berserk a buff because it is a buff.

It's not that XIV doesn't have buffs. It's that it doesn't have classes that focus purely on just buffs. And that's mainly due to the way grouping is designed. Instead of getting abilities and spells that only buff or only debuff, XIV has abilities and spells that add buffs or debuffs as a secondary effect to go with dealing damage or healing HP. BLMs don't cast Slow. They cast an ice spell, that has the additional affect of Slow. That way, a class can fit into one of the 3 primary roles of tank, healer or DPS.

Thayos wrote:
FFXIV had so much diversity. Should I cast refresh, or should I cast haste?

I thought the answer to that question was, "Yes."
#12 Sep 15 2014 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
Spring + Scathe = Your BLM is now pretending to be a BRD!

We had a SCH last night who apparently never did any of the class quests and was relying on Eos and Physick for everything. In Aurum Vale. We kind of stumbled through until the second boss, when it was becoming clear that our SCH wasn't doing jack. She had Eos on autopilot (bad) and lacked Lustrate, Succor, Sacred Soil, Leeches - we were unsure if she had simply not done the class quests, or if she was running on someone's borrowed character and had them but didn't know how to use them. Holy hell, how she got to level 49....

After the 5th failed attempt at Boss 2 I pulled a princess tank - fortunately I was with two FC members, and they princess'd right out with me.

SCH is not a difficult job to play, but you still have to pay attention.
#13 Sep 15 2014 at 11:40 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Hyrist wrote:
You're realizing the reason why a lot of mages are starting to stack more Spell Speed. If it means squeezing out another cast before they have to dodge again, it can usually be better than a few more points on a cast.

I do like that the fights themselves are the complexity and that the mastery of your set skills comes from how quickly you can adapt to new circumstances, not so much having an inflated skillset.

That is actually a good argument for spell speed...
I have been holding off on my Novus because DET is now over 600,000 for tier 4... I wanted to cap DET but cant afford it. Maybe spell speed isnt so bad after all...
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#14 Sep 15 2014 at 11:48 AM Rating: Excellent
4,780 posts
I admit it, I'm guilty of leaving Eos on Autopilot.

Trying to manage pet controls on a controller is highly frustrating, so it's difficult to Micro them. Instead, I tend to alter my spells around when the pet uses skills, instead of the other way around.

Though, partially due to arthritis starting to form into my finger joints. x.X Ain't so young anymore.
#15 Sep 15 2014 at 12:31 PM Rating: Excellent
141 posts
Catwho wrote:
We had a SCH last night who apparently never did any of the class quests and was relying on Eos and Physick for everything. In Aurum Vale. We kind of stumbled through until the second boss, when it was becoming clear that our SCH wasn't doing jack. She had Eos on autopilot (bad) and lacked Lustrate, Succor, Sacred Soil, Leeches - we were unsure if she had simply not done the class quests, or if she was running on someone's borrowed character and had them but didn't know how to use them. Holy hell, how she got to level 49....

After the 5th failed attempt at Boss 2 I pulled a princess tank - fortunately I was with two FC members, and they princess'd right out with me.

SCH is not a difficult job to play, but you still have to pay attention.

Lustrate is level 50, so she wouldn't have had it. Though I guess the real question is did she have Aetherflow up at any time? If she didn't, then it sounds a more like a borrowed character. Can't do Sacred Soil without Aetherflow!
#16 Sep 15 2014 at 12:43 PM Rating: Excellent
1,310 posts
Catwho wrote:
She had Eos on autopilot (bad)

I guess I'm a bad scholar too. I always leave the fairy on auto, although I'm on a controller with limited ability slots without constantly switching sets, so I'm not sure I can improve that situation even if I wanted to. But, while it's imprecise, auto does have the advantage of reacting to damage faster than I can on account that the fairy "lives on the server" so to speak. She can start curing damage before I even see it show up on my screen, at least with the first cure, or heaven forbid i hit a lag spike. I admit, it does sacrifice a proper sense of healing priorities (the fairy might heal a mostly healthy dragoon instead of the nearly dead tank), but that's what my casting is for.

Also, unless we're about to go into a fight with lots of AoE, I usually use Selene instead of Eos for the haste spam, anyway, so maybe that makes me even worse. Smiley: lol
#17 Sep 15 2014 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
A game that has 10 different spells has "more depth" than the game that has 3 different spells that do the job of 10 spells. By the way, out of the 10 spells 6 of them are inferior to the other 4 and thus a waste of mp unless you want to be an inefficient snowflake in which case everyone will reject you.

Meaningful, situational on-the-fly choices = depth. Meaningless check-the-wiki-and-choose-the-correct-spell-out-of-30-spells bloat =/= depth.

Brb singing Scop's Operetta over Victory March. What the hell is Scop's Operetta you ask? A meaningful choice.
#18 Sep 15 2014 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
1,339 posts
I only do one thing when I see videos of combat from 1.0 (no matter what iteration, be it 1.0, 1.8, or 1.23b):


That video just looks like a hot mess. There's nothing strategic about players having to work around archaic animation locking and an incredibly bad server infrastructure. There's a good reason that FFXIV 1.0~ bombed and all videos of fights like this illustrate is that while it might have been more graphically intensive... it sure wasn't an appealing combat system. I will agree that the expenditure of TP ala 1.23 with not everything tied on a GCD sounds great and I'm sure it played well. However every time someone links a video even of the 1.23 era with combat it just shows a mess of a system they scrapped for a reason: it was bl00dy horrific.

It's like listening to Mr. Mog, or Doctor Mog (or whatever his name was) that went on and on and on during the early days of FFXIV how it was so strategic, and to get the best do this and that, and positional attacks by yourself on Coblyns (since you know, that's all people grinded on in the beginning since they were available at *every* level range), and other ridiculous statements that boiled down to a severe delusion about how terrible the system was and trying to deny it.

I have lots of gripes about ARR that I want solved. But to revert to that lagged mess?


EDIT: Bloody? Really?

Catwho wrote:
She had Eos on autopilot (bad) and lacked Lustrate, Succor, Sacred Soil, Leeches

Uh, no. Try again. Overmanaging the fairies is the sign of a *bad* healer. If you're aware enough and control them not getting hit by stuff good, but unless you specifically need to really cure this one target RIGHT THIS SECOND you ***** with Eos/Selene's script when micro-managing the healers. Also, Lustrate is 50 and not available in Aurum Vale (49 cap). Sacred Soil is a waste unless you're taking consistent AoE damage (DoT) or are anticipating a large hit to the entire group (primal Astral Flow abilities, etc.).

I'm not say s/he wasn't a terrible healer, but certainly wasn't a terrible healer for those reasons.

Edited, Sep 15th 2014 4:53pm by Viertel
#19 Sep 15 2014 at 4:34 PM Rating: Good
230 posts
Yeah the graphics or something about them is crazy nice.. i dont get how aquare always says ARR is better.. the lighting and depth or idk exactly what it is but its worlds difference from what we have now.

Edit: mainly talking about the cutscenes.. they seem to have more thought in them to me.

Edited, Sep 15th 2014 6:41pm by SaitoMishima
#20REDACTED, Posted: Sep 15 2014 at 5:46 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) A spell list only becomes bloated when encounters become bloated or similar. What do you mean by essentially the same thing? It either does the same thing literally or it doesn't? And no, no skill that I am aware of in XI did the exact same thing, same cost, same effect, etc. you could try and break it down into damage, heal, or what not but that applies to many things in ARR too. Final Fantasy has been a controller friendly/ease of use rpg since the dawn of the brand. And yes some of those games had a lot of skills. It's funny how Final Fantasy most popular time is in the past pre XII-XIII era.
#21 Sep 15 2014 at 5:52 PM Rating: Good
Even when you micro manage the fairies, they'll still cure without you telling them to. It's all the other ones that I prefer to control. Mostly, I keep them tethered to avoid wasting the good JAs at inappropriate times. Why spam a regen just before the tank pulls when you can wait until right afterward and avoid all the nasty hate issues?

I discovered you can just grab their actions from the menu like they were cross class and drop them in the regular macro bar. I slapped in Eos' regen where I had my WHM Medica II.

And okay, good point about lustrate, but no Succor? And she had on Cleric's Stance for a good chunk of one boss fight even when I asked her three times politely to take it off. (Cleric's Stance is great when things are going good and a touch of SCH DPS will make it even better... it's not good when your tank is dying every other pull.)

Edited, Sep 15th 2014 7:55pm by Catwho

Edited, Sep 15th 2014 7:56pm by Catwho
#22 Sep 15 2014 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
Thayos wrote:
FFXIV had so much diversity. Should I cast refresh, or should I cast haste?

nah the fun part came from keeping haste up on EVERYONE and Refresh up on all the mp users despite their extremely short duration time, plus trying to heal. in otherwords if you were doin your job right you shouldnt have went full second without a spell being cast... i.e you stayed extremely busy.... the only thing you stay busy doin in XIV is spamming cure or spamming an attack rotation..... i mean a TP burn PT in XI was that very same thing.. however non TP burn fights in XI (like gods when they were hard, kings, CoP fights, etc etc required you to do a lot more than what a tp party did however in XIV every fight Ive done or seen is just like a tp burn party... helers heal, DPS hit stuff as hard and as fast as possible while staying out of the orange lines and hope you kill it before it kilsl you...

wheres the fun strategies like..... having to kneel to avoid a party wiping attack or having to use a special time to bring an enemy down to the ground otherwise you cant hit it and it can hit you without worry of you being able to fight back etc etc, i.e stuff that made you THINK.. dodging an attack and killing adds doesnt require much thought I mean anyone whos played ANY action game has that concept understood
#23 Sep 15 2014 at 8:51 PM Rating: Excellent
1,339 posts
Catwho wrote:
Even when you micro manage the fairies, they'll still cure without you telling them to. It's all the other ones that I prefer to control. Mostly, I keep them tethered to avoid wasting the good JAs at inappropriate times. Why spam a regen just before the tank pulls when you can wait until right afterward and avoid all the nasty hate issues?

That? Yeah controlling Eos's abilities I agree with, just not micro-managing since they're hard coded to heal if someone's under 85% iirc. That I can easily agree on since her abilities have a time and place, and everything out the gate isn't it.

Selene though? She works better if you just let her fire everything as she wants since she'll automatically rotate each haste buff and interrupt on her own.
#24 Sep 15 2014 at 8:58 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
white mag·ic
noun: white magic

magic used only for good purposes.

Hmmm i dont think Stoning something to death or cutting it to ribbons with the power of Wind would be considered a good purpose.... healing wounds and resurrecting the dead however? Now that sounds like white magic.

Did you actually level CNJ/WHM at all and/or do its class/job quests?

From this, it really doesn't sound like you did. They full well explain, in game, the connection between Conjury, Healing, CNJ's offensive spells, and even the White Mage Job.

Here's a shocker: It actually makes sense and fits together well.

EDIT: Heck, the CNJ questline from Lv10 to 30 completely explains "Why do healers need Stone and Aero?". That's the whole point of the class quest line. I suggest you try it.

Edited, Sep 15th 2014 11:01pm by Lyrailis
#25 Sep 15 2014 at 9:39 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
white mag·ic
noun: white magic

magic used only for good purposes.

Hmmm i dont think Stoning something to death or cutting it to ribbons with the power of Wind would be considered a good purpose.... healing wounds and resurrecting the dead however? Now that sounds like white magic.

Did you actually level CNJ/WHM at all and/or do its class/job quests?

From this, it really doesn't sound like you did. They full well explain, in game, the connection between Conjury, Healing, CNJ's offensive spells, and even the White Mage Job.

Here's a shocker: It actually makes sense and fits together well.

EDIT: Heck, the CNJ questline from Lv10 to 30 completely explains "Why do healers need Stone and Aero?". That's the whole point of the class quest line. I suggest you try it.

Edited, Sep 15th 2014 11:01pm by Lyrailis

actually yes I did I have every job at 30+ with PLD, WHM, MNK and BRD being the 50s.. and yes all that was indeed explained in the CNJ storyline, with the girl who didnt wanna harness the power of the elemental and only wanted to heal etc etc... in which I completely agree with her philosophy so yeah the story does EXPLAIN it that doesnt mean I agree with/like it..

Mass Effct 3s ending was explained too.... how many ppl liked the ending?
#26 Sep 15 2014 at 10:35 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
actually yes I did I have every job at 30+ with PLD, WHM, MNK and BRD being the 50s.. and yes all that was indeed explained in the CNJ storyline, with the girl who didnt wanna harness the power of the elemental and only wanted to heal etc etc... in which I completely agree with her philosophy so yeah the story does EXPLAIN it that doesnt mean I agree with/like it..

Except, by in-game lore, it doesn't work like that. Kudos to SE for keeping it that way. They stuck to their own lore instead of making lore-breaking exceptions like so many other people do. And you did it "to 30". Well, 30+ is when you get the WHM stone, and you really need to go to 50 to see "the whole story" of WHM. What a WHM is, what WHMs do, etc is all explained in the story.

And besides, Solo would be h*ll if all you could do is cure and holy.

I like my ability to solo, thankyouverymuch.

Mass Effct 3s ending was explained too.... how many ppl liked the ending?

I think you misunderstand why people didn't like ME3's ending. It wasn't that the ending itself was bad, but the fact that the entire premises of the game was broken by the ending.

Let me explain that.

Mass Effect as a whole is about making YOUR choices, doing the war YOUR way, and getting YOUR ending through your direct actions, from ME1 clear through ME3.

But when you get down to it, only two things actually matter: 1), your War Readiness (which is affected by your actions) and 2), the magical Green/Blue/Red choice (that you can make regardless of what you did through the 3 games).

Where is this "what we do affects the ending" that we were promised? Instead we got "Green Pill, Blue Pill, or Red Pill?" choice. I could be the biggest angel saint to have ever saved the galaxy, but I can choose the Red Pill if I so choose. My endings as a huge saint are the very same endings as the biggest a**hole renegade to have ever terrorized the galaxy would get. Doesn't matter if you were a saint or an a**hole, you got the same endings.

Then they said they were gonna fix it, and what'd they do? They gave us a DownerEnding as a middle finger to the players who complained, where everybody dies.


Don't EVEN compare CNJ/WHM to that crap.

Edited, Sep 16th 2014 12:40am by Lyrailis
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