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Item Levels... and vertical progressionFollow

#27 Sep 12 2014 at 7:26 AM Rating: Good
Nashred wrote:
Karlina wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Just thinking about gear swaps conjures mental images of cosplay/fashion battles. I can't be the only person who can envision a person putting down their staff, disrobing and putting on a few different pieces of clothing, casting a spell and then stripping down to put on the original set of clothes Smiley: lol

I once partied with a galka PLD who would macro in a subligar for casting Flash.

One thing in FFXI is there were more stats that meant something in FFXI like evasion, agility, Charisma, cure potency, emity etc., .. This game has far fewer stats to actually place them. Different gear had different stats that enhanced different things you did. Gear in this game is pretty much one size fits all...

Edited, Sep 12th 2014 9:19am by Nashred

And things would get out of hand because of it. My bst alone was running around with 4 sets of gear, ONE job. Had the charm gear, then the tp build/acc gear, followed by WS and finally an evasion or def set in case you stole hate from your pet. That being said, there was a certain fun about collecting all this gear and having a use for absolutely every single piece. Wasn't until Abyssea came out that I really felt I could focus on more than one job (to make that job top notch), then it felt every job could easily get decked out.

I just remember seeing Lizzie Boots and Emp pin's on level 75 chars until they got O-Hat's or whatever other piece of sky gear. Always seemed off to me.

#28 Sep 12 2014 at 7:42 AM Rating: Good
1,732 posts
Montsegurnephcreep wrote:
Nashred wrote:
Karlina wrote:
FilthMcNasty wrote:
Just thinking about gear swaps conjures mental images of cosplay/fashion battles. I can't be the only person who can envision a person putting down their staff, disrobing and putting on a few different pieces of clothing, casting a spell and then stripping down to put on the original set of clothes Smiley: lol

I once partied with a galka PLD who would macro in a subligar for casting Flash.

One thing in FFXI is there were more stats that meant something in FFXI like evasion, agility, Charisma, cure potency, emity etc., .. This game has far fewer stats to actually place them. Different gear had different stats that enhanced different things you did. Gear in this game is pretty much one size fits all...

Edited, Sep 12th 2014 9:19am by Nashred

And things would get out of hand because of it. My bst alone was running around with 4 sets of gear, ONE job. Had the charm gear, then the tp build/acc gear, followed by WS and finally an evasion or def set in case you stole hate from your pet. That being said, there was a certain fun about collecting all this gear and having a use for absolutely every single piece. Wasn't until Abyssea came out that I really felt I could focus on more than one job (to make that job top notch), then it felt every job could easily get decked out.

I just remember seeing Lizzie Boots and Emp pin's on level 75 chars until they got O-Hat's or whatever other piece of sky gear. Always seemed off to me.

I know that's kind of what I am saying bolded above. Tes used to spend allot of time at the auction house looking over gear. She enjoyed the hunt of trying to find the gear at the right price. It is more filler material.. She spent hours writing macros.. She enjoyed that stuff. I didn't so much but she did. Filler material is what this game kind of lacks right now.. different stuff to do for different people..

I also was editing my post above while you replied.

I think this game would really benefit with some of the gear coming from crafting.. It would give a reason for people to craft, a reason for people too need money so they do things to get money.
Right now every piece of high level equipment is gotten the same way, running dungeons and is boring.

Edited, Sep 12th 2014 9:48am by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#29 Sep 12 2014 at 9:07 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Not everybody finds swapping in 4 gear sets fun, though.

I certainly didn't, especially not with XI's (at the time) atrocious inventory management system (or lackthereof).

When you've got 50-60 inventory slots, MAX, you don't really want to be carrying around 40 pieces of gear on you. You can't pick up anything at all whatsoever, and it takes forever to get ready to do anything, especially back then where mules were all but required to actually play the game (and cost extra) unless you gimped yourself and used less gear in purpose to avoid these issues.

And then, a lot of this gear, was gotten either by blowing huge amounts of gil on the AH... or waiting for mobs that spawn once an hour (at best; most had even worse spawn times) and dropped their item, maybe 10% of the time.

There's spending time in an MMORPG, and then there's spending 10 hours+ on a single piece of gear, while 99% of that time is spent doing absolutely nothing. I don't rightly know of anybody who actually enjoyed standing there and doing nothing waiting on a specific mob to pop because some of those windows were 15min+ and you couldn't look away from the screen for a split second because there were always 3-5 people camping the same mob.

So, to summarize:

1). Inventory system did not support having so much freaking gear on you
2). Getting said gear took ridiculous amounts of time for some of the most boring activities a game could possibly offer (standing there doing absolutely nothing for 15 minutes at a time)

And to add a #3, The mechanic of swapping gear itself is kinda silly when you think about it. Swapping armor in the middle of combat makes no sense lore-wise. It looked silly when people were blinking in and out every few seconds with different outfits every time they casted a different spell, or every time they were about to use a weaponskill, or what-not. Most of it was automated through 3rd-party programs to expand macros (since the official in-game system at the time didn't support it very well either), so there was no real "skill" element involved in swapping all of this gear.

So, the gear swaps only added huge timesinks, and Inventory Management H*ll (a personal pet peeve in any game that has an item inventory), as well as yet more time spent doing boring cr*p (muling equipment for long periods of time to get ready to do something).

Don't know about anybody else in this thread, but when I play a game, I want to play a game to have fun, not spend 90% of my in-game time doing mundane tasks that make me fall asleep at the keyboard and/or feel forced to do stuff like read books/play handheld games/alt-tab the game and do something else. I have minor sleep apnea IRL; I couldn't afford to be sitting there doing absolutely nothing for 15min at a time. That's why I eventually wound up quitting XI until March of this year.

Thankfully they fixed a lot of this stuff in XI (or made it nowhere near as important), otherwise I wouldn't be playing it right now.

Also with the economy the way it is IRL, my time is far more valuable to me. I need to work more hours to keep enough money to live, which means I have less hours to spend on myself. Sitting there staring at the screen bored is just not the way to do that.

Thankfully, outside of DPS Duty Roulette, there's nothing in XIV that makes you wait long periods of time (at least nothing I've found thusfar) and that's a good thing. I can take 15-30min once a day; I can alt-tab and browse forums (since the official game supports Borderless Window without 3rd party addons) until I hear that "SHING!" sound in the background and I have 45sec to react to it (it takes 3-5 to alt tab and click the commence button).

EDIT: And even then, I can even do things like fish the daily GC fish, or do batch material crafting, etc while waiting on the DR.

Edited, Sep 12th 2014 11:13am by Lyrailis
#30 Sep 12 2014 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Not everybody finds swapping in 4 gear sets fun, though.

I certainly didn't, especially not with XI's (at the time) atrocious inventory management system (or lackthereof).

When you've got 50-60 inventory slots, MAX, you don't really want to be carrying around 40 pieces of gear on you. You can't pick up anything at all whatsoever, and it takes forever to get ready to do anything, especially back then where mules were all but required to actually play the game (and cost extra) unless you gimped yourself and used less gear in purpose to avoid these issues.

And then, a lot of this gear, was gotten either by blowing huge amounts of gil on the AH... or waiting for mobs that spawn once an hour (at best; most had even worse spawn times) and dropped their item, maybe 10% of the time.

There's spending time in an MMORPG, and then there's spending 10 hours+ on a single piece of gear, while 99% of that time is spent doing absolutely nothing. I don't rightly know of anybody who actually enjoyed standing there and doing nothing waiting on a specific mob to pop because some of those windows were 15min+ and you couldn't look away from the screen for a split second because there were always 3-5 people camping the same mob.

So, to summarize:

1). Inventory system did not support having so much freaking gear on you
2). Getting said gear took ridiculous amounts of time for some of the most boring activities a game could possibly offer (standing there doing absolutely nothing for 15 minutes at a time)

And to add a #3, The mechanic of swapping gear itself is kinda silly when you think about it. Swapping armor in the middle of combat makes no sense lore-wise. It looked silly when people were blinking in and out every few seconds with different outfits every time they casted a different spell, or every time they were about to use a weaponskill, or what-not. Most of it was automated through 3rd-party programs to expand macros (since the official in-game system at the time didn't support it very well either), so there was no real "skill" element involved in swapping all of this gear.

So, the gear swaps only added huge timesinks, and Inventory Management H*ll (a personal pet peeve in any game that has an item inventory), as well as yet more time spent doing boring cr*p (muling equipment for long periods of time to get ready to do something).

Don't know about anybody else in this thread, but when I play a game, I want to play a game to have fun, not spend 90% of my in-game time doing mundane tasks that make me fall asleep at the keyboard and/or feel forced to do stuff like read books/play handheld games/alt-tab the game and do something else. I have minor sleep apnea IRL; I couldn't afford to be sitting there doing absolutely nothing for 15min at a time. That's why I eventually wound up quitting XI until March of this year.

Thankfully they fixed a lot of this stuff in XI (or made it nowhere near as important), otherwise I wouldn't be playing it right now.

Also with the economy the way it is IRL, my time is far more valuable to me. I need to work more hours to keep enough money to live, which means I have less hours to spend on myself. Sitting there staring at the screen bored is just not the way to do that.

Thankfully, outside of DPS Duty Roulette, there's nothing in XIV that makes you wait long periods of time (at least nothing I've found thusfar) and that's a good thing. I can take 15-30min once a day; I can alt-tab and browse forums (since the official game supports Borderless Window without 3rd party addons) until I hear that "SHING!" sound in the background and I have 45sec to react to it (it takes 3-5 to alt tab and click the commence button).

EDIT: And even then, I can even do things like fish the daily GC fish, or do batch material crafting, etc while waiting on the DR.

Edited, Sep 12th 2014 11:13am by Lyrailis

Yea but you didn't have to do what you say in FFXI either, it was there if you wanted to do it and wanted to have the best gear. These were options..
In FFXI you didn't need the best gear either, most things could be beat with decent skills and decent gear.. Tes did end game long before she got her black belt..

Now other than St or BC you spend hours upon hours running the same dungeon over and over to get seals to buy equipment. There is not many other choices for end game gear in this game. ST and BC really are no different than running dungeons too. The hunt offer somewhat of a change to get gear through seals..

My point is in FFXI there was more ways to get gear.. You didn't have to camp a nm if you didn't want too there was crafted gear that was good. If you wanted to camp something for days you could and you were rewarded for doing so... You could do quests for gear, you could do trials for gear, you could camp nms for gear, you could buy gear, you could do bcnms for gear etc, you could do dynamis for gear.

This game is young yet and hopefully they come up with more ways to get gear...Hunts are a good start... I really dont like to be forced to run instances over and over to get better gear..

You like what you like, I like what I like and Tes likes what she likes.. Everyone likes different things. I think it is best to try appeal to as many as you can, You can never make everyone happy though.

Edited, Sep 12th 2014 1:13pm by Nashred
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#31 Sep 12 2014 at 10:14 AM Rating: Good
126 posts
Tbh, Im rather happy with the rate of progression in ffxiv compared to the older times in FFXI.

This is just my opinion, I can understand why others say the exact opposite, everybody has their own opinions and ppl are simply too unique to lump into a couple of categories.

It took me years to finally achieve some things in ffxi , years @@ as it has many many players, in fact I have more to do in there still.. to this very day then I probably ever will have in wow or ffxiv combined.

But that does not mean I get more satisfaction from finally achieving a goal in ffxi, in fact its no more then any other goal in ffxiv or wow.

Extended/excessive time to gain an item used to be a bit more exciting 7-8 years ago but not so much now.

It took me years and years in wow to finally get my ashes of alar mount (it was almost an obsession near the end not a fun goal anymore) and in all honesty when it finally dropped was quite anticlimactic. So so soooo much time passed that to finally achieve it, all my hype and excitement about getting one was literally all used up years ago, I was actually emotionless lol Same thing in ffxi when finally reaching a set goal from years ago.

As for ffxi I much prefer what ffxi is today then what it was years ago. I never believed in making any game a lifes' accomplishment, and should not require zillions of hours to get ahead, games have always been simple entertainment to me.

At any rate im totally ok with ffxiv style atm, as well as ffxi, wow, and rifts. I don't try to over analyze any game as it tends to do strange things to people and can somewhat limit peoples view of reality O.o
#32 Sep 12 2014 at 12:14 PM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Nashred wrote:
One thing in FFXI is there were more stats/skills that meant something in FFXI like evasion, agility, Charisma, cure potency, enmity, Spell Interruption Rate etc.,

I think it was just a matter of generic gear vs generic stats.

XI's job system restricted jobs to certain types of armor(cloth, leather, mail, plate, ect.) but the stat weighting for jobs who could equip it were different. This made certain gear useful to some of the jobs that could equip it and completely worthless to others. I think it would have made more sense to distribute stats to gear based on what your role was going to be. As an example one piece of plate might have heavier strength, accuracy and critical chance rolls where another might have heavier vitality, evasion and reduce damage taken. Obviously one is for DPS and the other for tanks.

In WoW you have gear that is specific to class so you only really get stats you need. TERA is kinda similar to XI in that classes are restricted to certain gear types, but the stats interact differently with the character depending on what class you play. You further specialize the gear to your strengths through enchanting and crystals(think materia).

You could kinda tell who cared in XI because they'd constantly 'blink' from changing gear. I don't really miss that though. As I was saying, it didn't really make sense to me that people would stop in the middle of a battle to put on a certain mask, let out a thunderous warcry and then take the mask off and put on a helmet before returning to battle.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#33 Sep 12 2014 at 12:49 PM Rating: Excellent
Then Spellcast and then Gearswap made so you'd flash one gear set prior to the action being started, then switch to a different set while the action was actually being completed so you could take advantage of BOTH sets of gear.

Pre-cast and mid-cast, I think are the terms. So your fast cast set goes in pre-cast, then you stat heavy set (e.g. INT set or MND set) went into mid-cast.

Super efficient in squeezing every single bit of DPS or curing out of the time you had. Incredibly inefficient for your inventory. Also totally not what the developers ever intended anyone to do, but just a byproduct of sloppy coding.

XIV ARR said right from the start "You cannot change gear in battle." This was a good decision in terms of simplifying abilities, but forces people to min-max based on only one stat instead of all the stats.

Now my inventory is just completely clogged up with vanity gear. Smiley: laugh

I worked four years on Gjallarhorn. FOUR YEARS. I agree, the day I unlocked it was kind of anti-climactic. I just wanted to be done.
#34 Sep 12 2014 at 12:49 PM Rating: Excellent
1,339 posts
Nashred wrote:
Yea but you didn't have to do what you say in FFXI either, it was there if you wanted to do it and wanted to have the best gear.

Yes, you did. And no, that's not for best gear for a situation that's for all gear for all situations.

Whether you were building Usukane, or looking for someone to craft Scorpion Harness (+1), or any other piece of gear you ended up having to deal with this unless you're the type of person to equip INT, MND, STR, and DEX gear randomly in a Duty Roulette in FFXIV. Gearswapping wasn't an option unless you literally liked to be carried and waste everyone else's time; it was required to be any good of any level.

The only difference was the degree of gear swapping. Take BLU for example: some were OK with a simple WS, TP, and spell set. Others would include a PDT and MDT set.

And yet others would get a Precast & midcast set, TP sets for songs or without, WS sets for 2-3 different ones, a physical spellset and magical spellset for BLU spells, an idle set, PDT, MDT, and potentially even an accuracy set for stuff like /DNC.

And that's one job.

Gearswapping was required if you cared even the slightest about not being a hindrance to your fellow party mates and it was just the degree you went to.


As far as the different stats in FFXI it doesn't really matter. It was more of complication and needlessly copies of stats that do virtually the same thing but are on different pieces of gear to make you hunt longer.

INT, Magic Attack Bonus, and Magic Damage all do the same thing -- make your spells hit harder. They affect different parts of the damage calculation at different points and in different ways but ultimate it's the exact same function in the end: do more damage. MND, VIT, Healing Skill, and Cure Potency all do the same thing: make you heal more. They're simply split up into different stats to make people hunt more gear and keep playing longer.

No, if anything (as much as I don't like the direction the game's gone) I'd rather FFXIV take new stats in the expansion (supposedly we get any) in the direction that WoD in WoW is going. %Chance on ability to fire off again for free at a lesser amount, %chance on ability to do a portion of the damage to nearby targets, %chance on being struck to put up an absorbtion shield, etc. I'd like actual set bonuses to make the sidegrade gearing in a tier a bit more interesting (i.e. do I go for the secondary stats I prefer or the set bonus).

Those are interesting stats and choices.

Bringing back Cure Potency? Magic Attack Bonus? Why bring duplicate stats that do the exact same thing that existing stats do simply to appease people that think having 24 MND and 10 Cure Magic Potency is any different than 34 MND?

Edited, Sep 12th 2014 2:57pm by Viertel
#35 Sep 12 2014 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
1,310 posts
Viertel wrote:
Nashred wrote:
Yea but you didn't have to do what you say in FFXI either, it was there if you wanted to do it and wanted to have the best gear.

Yes, you did. And no, that's not for best gear for a situation that's for all gear for all situations.

Whether you were building Usukane, or looking for someone to craft Scorpion Harness (+1), or any other piece of gear you ended up having to deal with this unless you're the type of person to equip INT, MND, STR, and DEX gear randomly in a Duty Roulette in FFXIV. Gearswapping wasn't an option unless you literally liked to be carried and waste everyone else's time; it was required to be any good of any level.

The only difference was the degree of gear swapping. Take BLU for example: some were OK with a simple WS, TP, and spell set. Others would include a PDT and MDT set.

And yet others would get a Precast & midcast set, TP sets for songs or without, WS sets for 2-3 different ones, a physical spellset and magical spellset for BLU spells, an idle set, PDT, MDT, and potentially even an accuracy set for stuff like /DNC.

And that's one job.

Gearswapping was required if you cared even the slightest about not being a hindrance to your fellow party mates and it was just the degree you went to.


As far as the different stats in FFXI it doesn't really matter. It was more of complication and needlessly copies of stats that do virtually the same thing but are on different pieces of gear to make you hunt longer.

INT, Magic Attack Bonus, and Magic Damage all do the same thing -- make your spells hit harder. They affect different parts of the damage calculation at different points and in different ways but ultimate it's the exact same function in the end: do more damage. MND, VIT, Healing Skill, and Cure Potency all do the same thing: make you heal more. They're simply split up into different stats to make people hunt more gear and keep playing longer.

No, if anything (as much as I don't like the direction the game's gone) I'd rather FFXIV take new stats in the expansion (supposedly we get any) in the direction that WoD in WoW is going. %Chance on ability to fire off again for free at a lesser amount, %chance on ability to do a portion of the damage to nearby targets, %chance on being struck to put up an absorbtion shield, etc. I'd like actual set bonuses to make the sidegrade gearing in a tier a bit more interesting (i.e. do I go for the secondary stats I prefer or the set bonus).

Those are interesting stats and choices.

Bringing back Cure Potency? Magic Attack Bonus? Why bring duplicate stats that do the exact same thing that existing stats do simply to appease people that think having 24 MND and 10 Cure Magic Potency is any different than 34 MND?

Edited, Sep 12th 2014 2:57pm by Viertel

I rated you up for making some valid points. But as much as I abhor the insane amount of mid-battle gear swapping in FFXI, I still think there should be some situational gear changes allowed in FFXIV. Rather than locking you into your gear set for the entire battle, I think they might consider allowing a gear swap cooldown (you can switch a set instantly, but you have to wait a minute to change again, for example) for when things get crazy and you need to adapt to the situation.

I'm thinking of those times where the healer is down or disconnected, but you still have a mage or even a paladin who, if they were allowed to swap to a healing set, could stabilize the situation instead of flailing uselessly with their normal low mind build. Or maybe a Warrior could switch from a DPS set to a main tank set if the Paladin MT drops.

I think allowing players a little more adaptability in battle to use the abilities they have but can't normally pump up could make tough scrapes a little more fun than just wiping and starting over.
#36 Sep 12 2014 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
I've played both FFXI and FFXIV and there are only two things I liked better about FFXI.

1. When I walked to a new area I felt like I could actually die if I wasn't careful. Gave regular travel a sense of adventure.
2. Fishing. Boat fishing in particular, and the actual challenge to catching big fish (fish tugs left and right).
#37 Sep 12 2014 at 2:32 PM Rating: Excellent
I've played both FFXI and FFXIV and there are only two things I liked better about FFXI.

I like both of your points, especially the point about areas being dangerous.

One thing I'm torn on with FFXIV is zone sizes. On one hand, I love that they're not giant expanses of wasted space, and I love that they're packed with so much uniqueness. On the other hand, I do miss those feelings I'd have in XI, of being off farming in my own corner of Vana'diel. Currently, Eorzea is too small to ever really be off on your own... there are almost always people running by (which, I know, is a very first-world MMO problem, lol). I'm thinking this will be at least partially solved though (if not substantially solved) when the first expansion launches.

The only thing I really liked about the horizontal gear progression of FFXI was how there were certain hallowed pieces of gear that you just couldn't wait to get... like the joyeuse or the Duelist's Chapeau. To get one of those pieces was a HUGE accomplishment, and stuff like that really nailed down job identity/pride. That feeling is lacking in FFXIV... but, as I said earlier, I also enjoy not having to grind the same event for two or three years just to get one of those imaginary gear pieces.... so there's a healthy give-and-take.

That said, FFXIV does have the zodiac weapon chain, and those weapons will become increasingly valuable as time goes on. I'd personally love the ability to be able to rename our upgraded relics as a way to be more connected to them. Shouldn't every epic weapon be given its own name?
Thayos Redblade
#38 Sep 12 2014 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
Linear progression is probably my least favorite thing about this game
#39 Sep 12 2014 at 8:52 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
2. Fishing. Boat fishing in particular, and the actual challenge to catching big fish (fish tugs left and right).

Meanwhile, I gave up fishing in XI because it made my RSI problems worse, even when I tried to use a gamepad. Tried it a few times, but my wrist always felt sore afterwards, so I decided to stop fishing.

Now, I heard that they changed it so you don't have to constantly mash the buttons, so maybe I'll try it again, but way back when when you had to mash the buttons (unless you used some kind of controller program with a turbo feature, but even then that could do more harm than good if you didn't switch directions fast enough), it just wasn't worth it.

The idea was decent at the time, but I rather like XIV's relaxing fishing style, even if 90% of the fish are worthless desynth/GC/vendor fodder.
#40 Sep 13 2014 at 1:21 AM Rating: Excellent
4,175 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
2. Fishing. Boat fishing in particular, and the actual challenge to catching big fish (fish tugs left and right).

Meanwhile, I gave up fishing in XI because it made my RSI problems worse, even when I tried to use a gamepad. Tried it a few times, but my wrist always felt sore afterwards, so I decided to stop fishing.

Now, I heard that they changed it so you don't have to constantly mash the buttons, so maybe I'll try it again, but way back when when you had to mash the buttons (unless you used some kind of controller program with a turbo feature, but even then that could do more harm than good if you didn't switch directions fast enough), it just wasn't worth it.

The idea was decent at the time, but I rather like XIV's relaxing fishing style, even if 90% of the fish are worthless desynth/GC/vendor fodder.

I've fished XI for ages and I don't ever recall having to mash.

The first system you just activated the /fish macro and waited for a message. Depending on the message you'd either press enter or X to reel it in(you'd catch the fish, break your line, break your rod or lose the catch due to lack of skill) or press escape to cancel.

The second system your rod would sway back and forth. You would either move the control stick or press arrow keys away from the direction the rod moved to fight the catch. When you reduced the fish stamina bar to 0 or close, you'd press enter or X to reel it in.

I took a few breaks from the game, but those are the only two systems I remember.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#41 Sep 13 2014 at 5:31 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts

The second system your rod would sway back and forth. You would either move the control stick or press arrow keys away from the direction the rod moved to fight the catch. When you reduced the fish stamina bar to 0 or close, you'd press enter or X to reel it in.

You could hold the button down, but if the rod changed direction and you missed but a split second, the fish regained more than half of its health in the blink of an eye. It was very unforgiving.

If you mashed the button, you had a slightly better margin of error (the fish wouldn't regain as much health) and since your finger was rapidly tapping the button, your finger was already in motion and could respond to the change faster.

But, tapping the button rapidly made RSI problems worse.
#42 Sep 13 2014 at 11:38 AM Rating: Excellent
I just pressed too hard, period. I too have wrist problems and fishing in XI after the change was just too painful for me to enjoy.

(Mine was a really dumb injury involving moving boxes and a shopping cart. Don't ever try to steer a shopping cart one handed down a hill.)
#43 Sep 13 2014 at 12:50 PM Rating: Good
4,175 posts
Lyrailis wrote:

The second system your rod would sway back and forth. You would either move the control stick or press arrow keys away from the direction the rod moved to fight the catch. When you reduced the fish stamina bar to 0 or close, you'd press enter or X to reel it in.

You could hold the button down, but if the rod changed direction and you missed but a split second, the fish regained more than half of its health in the blink of an eye. It was very unforgiving.

If you mashed the button, you had a slightly better margin of error (the fish wouldn't regain as much health) and since your finger was rapidly tapping the button, your finger was already in motion and could respond to the change faster.

But, tapping the button rapidly made RSI problems worse.

Are you talking about using the directional buttons to counter the rod movements? Depending on what you were fishing, you could just briefly hold the button for about a half second and release. Especially with ferry fishing, this was the preferred technique. Ryugu Titan fish did gain their stamina back quickly, but they also lost it quickly. The fish had a bit of a pattern where every few sways the rod would stay for about 2 seconds. You'd want to wait til you saw that and press the button for about half a second and release then wait for the next big pause.

The stamina decreased at a constant rate based on your skill. There was no real benefit to mashing as you stop draining stamina each time your finger comes off the button and you increased the stamina of the fish with incorrect presses. It only took about 6-7 times to catch the fish if you used the short hold technique.
Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#44 Sep 13 2014 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
972 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Crystal Tower, however, is Lv50 (which means no going there for XP) and there's no reason to go there unless you either want Loot (which is obsolete), or you are *required* to, to get to Syrcus Tower (and anything gated behind Syrcus Tower).

Crystal Tower cannot be compared to Sastasha or any of the other Pre-50 Dungeons because of the fact that you get XP out of doing the low-level dungeons, which is most of the reason why people do it in the first place.

If this is true, then they need to create reasons to re-visit dungeons besides XP.
Possible solutions but SE could come up with more:
Gear could have diminishing attributes unless re-visiting content
Rare crafting items could be implemented in all dungeons
Specific hunt monsters spawning in dungeons

Nashred wrote:
One thing in FFXI is there were more stats/skills that meant something in FFXI like evasion, agility, Charisma, cure potency, enmity, Spell Interruption Rate etc.,

Each weapon had different stats too like axe skill, club skill, etc.

Magic had different skills too like enfeebling, enhancing, divine, elemental etc.. Now its just mind or int.

Different gear had different stats that enhanced different things you did in FFXI. Gear in this game is pretty much one size fits all and mainly because there is far fewer stats to enhance.

IF you were a whm going to cast a enfeebling spell you put on a enfeebling set. You were going to cast holy you might have a divine set or piece of equipment to swap.

There aren't enough unique player stats/skills or enemy weakness/strengths to encourage different builds in XIV. The situational awareness is confined to dodging for the most part. There are no skills to mitigate specific damage in specific circumstances for the most part. It creates a sense of a one style fits all rotation with less engagement in reacting or alternating styles of rotations.

Yeah XI can keep the weapon skill ratings, that is not a bonus in my book.

The materia system could serve as a horizontal compliment to the vertical gear progression. But they need to create more unique stats/skills/traits/all above versions of materia.

Nashred wrote:
Filler material is what this game kind of lacks right now.. different stuff to do for different people..
I think this game would really benefit with some of the gear coming from crafting.. It would give a reason for people to craft, a reason for people too need money so they do things to get money.
Right now every piece of high level equipment is gotten the same way, running dungeons and is boring.

My point is in FFXI there was more ways to get gear.. You didn't have to camp a nm if you didn't want too there was crafted gear that was good. If you wanted to camp something for days you could and you were rewarded for doing so... You could do quests for gear, you could do trials for gear, you could camp nms for gear, you could buy gear, you could do bcnms for gear etc, you could do dynamis for gear.

This is what Gold Saucer, chocobo racing, chocobo raising, airship construction, boat construction are all setting the pace to do. Only I don't call it filler material. One man's treasure of focusing on endgame raids is another man's bane. To them the raids are filler content.

But yeah I agree that XI had more avenues in the gear treadmill. It also has more development time in it's life time.

Viertel wrote:
As far as the different stats in FFXI it doesn't really matter. It was more of complication and needlessly copies of stats that do virtually the same thing but are on different pieces of gear to make you hunt longer.

INT, Magic Attack Bonus, and Magic Damage all do the same thing -- make your spells hit harder. They affect different parts of the damage calculation at different points and in different ways but ultimate it's the exact same function in the end: do more damage. MND, VIT, Healing Skill, and Cure Potency all do the same thing: make you heal more. They're simply split up into different stats to make people hunt more gear and keep playing longer.

No, if anything (as much as I don't like the direction the game's gone) I'd rather FFXIV take new stats in the expansion (supposedly we get any) in the direction that WoD in WoW is going. %Chance on ability to fire off again for free at a lesser amount, %chance on ability to do a portion of the damage to nearby targets, %chance on being struck to put up an absorbtion shield, etc. I'd like actual set bonuses to make the sidegrade gearing in a tier a bit more interesting (i.e. do I go for the secondary stats I prefer or the set bonus).

Sometimes the different stats/skills in FFXI did matter. If you wore a water resistant set to a fire damaging enemy, kind of worthless. If you cast barfire in a battle where water spells are prevalent it matter.If you casted fire against an enemy that resisted it or negated it, it mattered. If you hit an enemy weak to piercing with blunt it mattered. There was one enemy in sea I believe that changed weakness during the fight? Sure they could make shellra do all those task with one button and adapt to whatever the spell being casted is. But is that more engaging? If there were AoE damage mitigation skills for specific situations, do you think there would be as much frustration or wipes in ARR dungeon content?

I like interesting unique stats and gear sets with bonuses but not the random chance part. If I equip a gear, trait, skill, spell, weaponskill it needs to have concrete execution.

Lyrailis wrote:
You could hold the button down, but if the rod changed direction and you missed but a split second, the fish regained more than half of its health in the blink of an eye. It was very unforgiving.

If you mashed the button, you had a slightly better margin of error (the fish wouldn't regain as much health) and since your finger was rapidly tapping the button, your finger was already in motion and could respond to the change faster.

But, tapping the button rapidly made RSI problems worse.

I am not saying fishing didn't have some additional button presses in XI. But if you are going to make that point. FFXI had nowhere near the amount of button spamming that ARR has including all but inventory management. The pace of combat and dodging on this game is more akin to God Of War than an rpg. I think this is in part to a cool down based system which non ARR players are calling slow? Maybe it's just my experience but I also feel a hotbar/cooldown system requires me to watch the UI more and spam hotbars. This wait on cooldowns make the process feel slower to me even if I am pushing buttons more often.

Yes Xi had some cooldowns too. It had little spurts of spam, but the tp mp cost paced it for the most part. In ARR It feels like I am pushing some button at all times during enemy engagement with less on mind engagement because of the things I listed in other quotes.

Sometimes less is more but sometimes more is less and sometimes less is less and sometimes more is more.

The only alternatives I know of though is XI style and stamina systems. And the only stamina system I feel was done right is the souls series but that isn't an mmo.
#45 Sep 13 2014 at 3:35 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
I am not saying fishing didn't have some additional button presses in XI. But if you are going to make that point. FFXI had nowhere near the amount of button spamming that ARR has including all but inventory management.

Rapidly tapping a button != total button presses at a here-and-there pace. Lots of button presses do not hurt the wrists; rapidly tapping a button can.

The pace of combat and dodging on this game is more akin to God Of War than an rpg.

Some of the spammy AoE moves (esp if you aggro more than 1 mob) is a little excessive at times. Just earlier today doing the Sahagin Tribe quests... I accidentally got 3 pugils on me. I'm a WHM. You seriously cannot get a single spellcast out without having to dodge yet another screwdriver. One fish does it, then another does it 2 seconds later, then another 2 seconds later, you're constantly dodging. It gets annoying sometimes, and sometimes you aggro MORE mobs trying to get out of the AoE and they pack so stinking many mobs in an area (the Slyph Tribe quests are lousy for this too, esp trying to get that Proto Armor FATE required for one of the quests).

I think this is in part to a cool down based system which non ARR players are calling slow?

The Global Cooldown (at least for PLD) in XIV is twice as slow as the Global Cooldown on slow classes in WoW. Take a fast class like a Rogue or Feral Druid... and you can do 4 abilities in WoW before an XIV PLD can do 2. The people who are saying XIV's is "Slow" are probably WoW players.
#46 Sep 13 2014 at 10:32 PM Rating: Good
656 posts
The intention of my opening post was just to rant my frustration.
I apologize if it sounds negative.
I tried not to compare FFXIV with FFXI, but these are the only two MMORPGs I have played, I just wanted to see if they can make FFXIV better.. and take something good from FFXI to optimize it.

My focus is on coils, and I found it fun and challenging, the weekly lockout might upset some people.
But other than coils, I don't see anything really challenging at all (Or maybe the primal EX ... I haven't try savage yet).
To me, it kind of suck when they introduce echo buff and make the old Primals and Coils easier for people so they can progress.

It was a good move by adding desynthesis to make use of the old gears/dungeons, however the ilevel raise is a concern to me.
It gives you no accomplishment at all, like one of the posters said. After you worked hard to get all those Allagan pieces, now they release High Allagans, and people just spam and farm T1-T5 for them like junks...
I don't know, perhaps they could just eliminate ilevel and just add new gears? (don't know if that will work)

Valkayree wrote:
I've played both FFXI and FFXIV and there are only two things I liked better about FFXI.

1. When I walked to a new area I felt like I could actually die if I wasn't careful. Gave regular travel a sense of adventure..

Yeah, I totally agree with this. Gotta Sneak/Invisible all the time, and then there are magic agro and true sight mobs... and you die and delevel...
Now... we run into a beastmen stronghold and could probably kill the aggros by ourself without dying.

The good old days... Running to the avatars fight was challenging enough, and then the fight could be another hard-fought battle and someone might de-level.
Now... party finder/duty finder and echo buff :( :(
PF/DF saves a lot of time, but they could still make areas frightening enough that an aggro could get you killed and lose exp.
It was nice to explore dungeons in FFXI with sneak/invisible ... without a map :D, it's like running into a haunted house without a flash light
#47 Sep 13 2014 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
4,175 posts
Lyrailis wrote:
Rapidly tapping a button != total button presses at a here-and-there pace. Lots of button presses do not hurt the wrists; rapidly tapping a button can.

There was only one fish I came across that regained stamina as quickly as you're saying. Perhaps you were trying to fish a zone that was far higher than your level range, but I still don't think that 'the blink of an eye' is accurate. Again, tapping the button rapidly was going about it the wrong way. Only a few fish fought furiously enough that you wouldn't fight in a direction for less than a second or two. For those that did, the technique was to tap and hold for a short period every few seconds as I stated about Ryugu.

Rinsui wrote:
Only hips + boobs all day and hips + boobs all over my icecream

HaibaneRenmei wrote:
30 bucks is almost free

cocodojo wrote:
Its personal preference and all, but yes we need to educate WoW players that this is OUR game, these are Characters and not Toons. Time to beat that into them one at a time.
#48 Sep 14 2014 at 12:30 PM Rating: Good
425 posts
Thayos wrote:

In FFXIV, you shouldn't count on getting any gear that you're going to carry around forever (except for maybe relic weapons). However, you'll also never have to say, "yeah, I spent three years grinding dynamis trying to get that **** hat." Again, that's not necessarily bad either, but it is what it is.

I came close once.. well points wise, to being in line for the next RDM drop in Dynamis. Then the LS fell apart.

Five years man, and never got the hat. I wish it was three. All good though because I have full SCH AF2 set that is largely obsolete but still useful to me since it's all I got atm.

Edited, Sep 14th 2014 2:32pm by TwilightSkye
#49 Sep 15 2014 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
1,732 posts
I logged into FFXI this weekend for the first time in a while for the free log in...
I never though it looked too bad for a older game, but after playing FFXIV for a while now FFXI looks really bad. The colors and textures are bad. I had completely forgot how to do things in the game too.... But the music I like so much better still.. Brings back lots of memories.
FFXI: Nashred
Server: Phoenix

FFXIV : Sir Nashred
server: Ultros
#50 Sep 15 2014 at 8:50 PM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
Nashred wrote:
I logged into FFXI this weekend for the first time in a while for the free log in...
I never though it looked too bad for a older game, but after playing FFXIV for a while now FFXI looks really bad. The colors and textures are bad. I had completely forgot how to do things in the game too.... But the music I like so much better still.. Brings back lots of memories.

FFXI looks beautiful for its age. It puts some newer games to shame, still. FFXI's only flaw is the use of flat textures on walls (but then even games like WoW do that, but it is sometimes less noticeable). But to really get good graphics out of FFXI, you need to play it on PC and jack up the settings (which isn't hard to do; any computer can run that game easy with resources to spare). Going default settings and lower resolution, yes the game will look horrible.

Also, FFXI could use more detail in the old areas. You go to a place like Adoulin or even Urghan, and compare them to the original areas, you can really see the difference. Big expanses of nothing 'cept mobs hovering about, and the same textures that are used, and re-used and re-used throughout the zone.

But still, the old girl manages to look better than a lot of younger ones.

XIV, though, has beautiful art and graphics. Music ain't too shabby either in places, some of the themes I've grown to absolutely love. I loaded up WoW not all that long ago and did a few daily quests... first thing I noticed....... no battle music. at all. In fact the music was this ambience in the background I could barely notice no matter what I was doing. It felt......weird.
#51 Sep 17 2014 at 9:24 AM Rating: Excellent
147 posts
I logged into FFXI last night just to reminisce and ride an airship. Nothing changed...I still got to the dock just in time to see the airship fly away. Smiley: grin
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